The Journey of Becoming A Writer

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The Journey Of Becoming A Writer

Eventually, article after article I was taken on a journey to discover what’s past the clouds.
Hold up, first off….

Am I even a writer? Like most new writers, I question my writing status. I sit down every
once in a while and write a new draft. My goal is to publish two articles a week. I blog half-
time and I like to post all my steamy articles there.

Growing up, unlike other boys I would stay at home and watch the popular cooking shows
with my mom. I loved watching them cook, describe every detail of the dish and what they
were doing next. Sometimes I would start imagining myself on the TV and teaching all my
fans and fellow aunties how to make peanut butter and jelly bread since that was the only
thing a 6-year-old could make. Ever since then I had fallen in love with... as some may call,
being an influencer.

I started blogging a few years ago after great hesitation to the idea. I was rather scared of
having other people read my stuff… But, I overcame my fears and I started my very first blog
and I have been building it ever since… I blog about everything the six-year-old me would
talk about. Writing on holiday-inspired recipes or DIY home decor and product reviews too.

Sometimes I wonder if anyone even remembers the scary morning of March 2015. Yep, the
end of the boy band, 1 Direction. Okay, I’m sorry if you expected something else. But the
split of the band didn’t stop my love for the band. It was a start to something wonderful. Like
most fan girls I took my on-going 1 Direction music album to Wattpad. In case you didn’t
know what Wattpad is, it’s an online community of users that express their writing with
poems, articles and stories. In other words, it was a place for crazy teenagers to write fan
fictions. And I started writing my first ever fan fiction and Boy oh Boy; I’d cringe if I read
that again.

The only people that read my fiction were my 3 best friends.

And who knew writing crazy fan fictions after school would take a whole new path! The idea
of writing a fan fiction gave birth to a better material. With all the fancy fonts and page
layout I started writing my first book. Never imagined it to turn into a hardcover or as some
snobs may describe *insert fancy accent* ooh, there are many types- we have hardcover,
paperback, e-book and audiobook.

I realised that writing a book is nothing like how they describe it in tv shows and movies, no
one sits down on their desks with coffee and quiet environment. It requires shower thoughts,
mom constantly entering the room bringing hot gossip and sneaking your notepad to the

Writing a book and publishing it are two very different tasks but ditch the escalator take the
stairs instead (A chapter in my book- shameless self-promo-Buy now). Having other
publishers like your book is not an easy task, I remember reaching out to many and not
getting any response. In my head I kept repeating J.K Rowling got rejected by 9 publishers
she didn’t give up! And email after email, rejections after rejections, I found the perfect
publishing house.

Over the course of 4 months, I was able to edit and design my book and get it listed on most
e-commerce sites.

Writing this article reminded me of how privileged I am to be exposed to this amazing

technology. Had there not been Wattpad to express my super weird fantasies for Harry styles.
If I didn’t have my blog today I wouldn’t be exposed to this amazing community of readers
that love to read my blogs.

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