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Q) Statement: "You are hereby appointed as a programmer with a probation period of one year and
your performance will be reviewed at the end of the period for confirmation." - A line in an
appointment letter.


The performance of an individual generally is not known at the time of appointment offer.

Generally an individual tries to prove his worth in the probation period.

A. Only assumption I is implicit

B. Only assumption II is implicit

C. Either I or II is implicit

D. Neither I nor II is implicit

E. Both I and II are implicit

Q) Statement: Detergents should be used to clean clothes.


I. Detergents form more lather.

II. Detergents help to dislodge grease and dirt.

A. Only assumption I is implicit

B. Only assumption II is implicit

C. Either I or II is implicit

D. Neither I nor II is implicit

E. Both I and II are implicit

Q) Statement: Many historians have done more harm than good by distorting truth.

I. People believe what is reported by the historians.

II. Historians are seldom expected to depict the truth.

A. Only assumption I is implicit

B. Only assumption II is implicit

C. Either I or II is implicit

D. Neither I nor II is implicit

E. Both I and II are implicit

Q) “In the present period of economic hardships, education and small family norm may lead the
nation to progress and prosperity.


A. Education and small family norms are directly related to nation’s progress.

B. Big families find it difficult to bear the cost of education.

1) Only A is implicit

2) Only B is implicit

3) Both A & B are implicit

4) Neither A nor B is implicit

Q) One in every 5 driving licenses in Delhi is a fake.

a. It may be easy to procure fake driving license in Delhi.

b. License holders bend rules in order to be able to drive in Delhi.

c. All people holding fake licenses were arrested at some point of time or other.

Which of the following is implied:

1) Only a

2) None of them

3) Both a & b

4) All statements

5) Only c
Q) It is believed by many economists that to realize a 7% GDP growth rate in India, which is very
much attainable, the gross fixed capital formation in the country must increase to 30% of GDP from
the present level of 28%.

I. The target of 7% GDP growth is not feasible.

II. GDP growth rate is directly related to capital formation rate.

III. The GDP growth rate is the only indicator of country’s economic developments.

1) Both I & II

2) Both II & III

3) Both III & I

4) None of A, B or C

Q) Most Australians prefer watching Cricket rather than any other sport.

a. Sports other than cricket do not have any viewers in Australia.

b. In Australia, cricket may have the highest rates for advertising as compared to any other
sports action on TV.

c. Australia will lose the next world cup.

Which statements can be implied?

1) Only a & c

2) Only c

3) Only a & b

4) Only b

5) None of them

Q) Statement: Without reforming the entire administrative system, we cannot eradicate corruption
and prejudice from the society.


I. The existence of corruption and prejudice is good.

II. There is enough flexibility to change the administrative system.

A. Only assumption I is implicit

B. Only assumption II is implicit

C. Either I or II is implicit

D. Neither I nor II is implicit

E. Both I and II are implicit

Q) Statement: Samantha is the best tennis player in India.

1) Apart from Samantha there are others in India who play tennis.

2) Samantha is not good enough to be best tennis player in the world.

3) Samantha will probably beat any other tennis player from India.

Q) Statement: The Manager of Indian Football team has decided to drop senior players from the

1) The Manager of Indian Football team is very young.

2) The Manager of Indian Football team doesn’t think that the senior players can contribute as
much as the juniors.

3) The senior players of the team are likely to protest against the Manager.

Q) “It was AC Milan’s success in Europe in the sixties that introduced the ‘libero’ as the Italian
default and, a quarter of the century later, it was AC Milan’s success in Europe that killed it off”

Which of the following is NOT implied.

1)AC Milan was successful in the Europe in the 60’s with the help of ‘libero’

2)AC Milan was successful in the Europe in the 80’s with the help of ‘libero’

3)The ‘libero’ was an Italian default for almost a quarter of the century.

4)AC Milan was not successful in Europe for almost quarter of the century.

5)The Italians seldom used a ‘libero’ since late 80’s.

Q) Alfredo, Diego and Lionel are discussing Argentinean Football.

Alfredo: Argentina was a football powerhouse

Diego: Argentina is a football powerhouse

Lionel: Argentina will be a football powerhouse.

Which of the following cannot be inferred.

1) Lionel is optimistic about the future.

2) Alfredo, Diego and Lionel may disagree on certain things

3)Diego views the present positively.

4) Alfredo completely disagrees with Diego.

5) Alfredo has positive feelings about past.

Q) Most of the Asian countries have trade- deficit with China. Bangladesh’s trade deficit with China
this year has increased by 35%. Despite large increases in export to China, Indonesia’s trade deficit
with China continues to increase. So does that of South Korea, home of Samsung Electronics, one of
the largest manufacturers of electronic gadgets.

Which of the following if true would be most inconsistent.

1) China is the largest manufacturers of parts of electronic gadgets and Samsung electronics
imports parts of their gadgets from China.

2) Exports to Bangladesh are insignificant in proportion of China’s total exports.

3) Exports to Indonesia from China has decreased

4) Indonesia’s chief export are natural resources.

5) China has trade deficit with Iran.

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