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Natural Obligations (ARTICLE 1423)

-not legally enforceable; in case of voluntary fulfilment, the debtor cannot recover
what has been delivered: based on equity and natural law; conscience; right and
wrong; cannot seek help from the court of justice.

Civil Obligations/Obligations is a juridical necessity (legally enforceable)
❖ To give (Real obligation)
❖ To do (Positive Personal obligation)
❖ Not to do (Negative Personal obligation)
*Latin “obligatio” means tying or binding

Subject -active = obligor, creditor, plaintiff; has the right (COA) Benefit
-passive = obligee, debtor, defendant; has the obligation (OPD) Burden
Prestation - Object (RO, PPO, NPO); subject matter
Efficient cause - legal or juridical tie/vinculum
ARTICLE 1157 - Sources of obligations
1. LAW - mandated by law itself
ARTICLE 1158 - obligations arising from law should not be PRESUMED.
2. CONTRACTS - agreement by two parties (1305)
ARTICLE 1159 - obligations arising from contracts have force by law between
contracting parties and should be complied with in Good Faith.
3. QUASI-CONTRACT - no meeting of minds
ARTICLE 1160 - obligations arising from Quasi-Contract shall be subject to the
provisions of Chapter 1, Title XVII of this book.
● Negotiorum Gestio - WITHOUT Knowledge/Consent
● Solutio Indebiti - Made by MISTAKE
4. DELICT - crimes or acts or omission punished by the law
ARTICLE 1161 - civil liability arising from criminal offense shall be governed by the
penal laws.
-scope of civil liability: restitution, reparation and indemnification
*if convicted - criminal liability = improsentment
- civil liability = damages
*if acquitted - criminal liability = *
- civil liability = guilt > without reasonable doubt = ✔
= guilt > with reasonable doubt = X
5. QUASI-DELICT - being at fault or negligence but no contractual relation exists
ARTICLE 1162 - obligations arising from quasi-delict shall be governed by the
provisions of Chapter 2, Title XVII of this book, by special laws.

“Obligations must be complied within Good Faith, otherwise, it will result in a breach
of agreement/contract”

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