Consti Ii Reviewer Rules in Publication of Laws in The Philippines

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CONSTI II REVIEWER this character when a public right is sought to be

enforced. If the petitioner/relator is not a proper party to

RULES IN PUBLICATION OF LAWS IN these proceedings no other person could be, as it is not
the duty of the law officer of the Government to appear
THE PHILIPPINES and represent the people in cases of this character. In
the case at bar, private citizen’s legal personality in the
Tanada v. Tuvera [ GR L-63915, 24 April 1985]
Severino v. Governor General apply squarely to the
En Banc, Escolin (p): 1 concur, 2 concur with reservation,
present petition. The Solicitor General, the government
1 took no part, 1 on leave
officer generally empowered to represent the people,
Facts: Invoking the people’s right to be informed on has entered his appearance for respondents in the case.
matters of public concern (Section 6, Article IV of the
3. Publication in the Official Gazette necessary to
1973 Philippine Constitution) as well as the principle that
give public adequate notice
laws to be valid and enforceable must be published in
Publication in the Official Gazette is necessary in those
the Official Gazette or otherwise effectively
cases where the legislation itself does not provide for its
promulgated, petitioners seek a writ of mandamus to
effectivity date — for then the date of publication is
compel respondent public officials to publish, and or
material for determining its date of effectivity, which is
cause the publication in the Official Gazette of various
the fifteenth day following its publication — but not
presidential decrees, letters of instructions, general
when the law itself provides for the date when it goes
orders, proclamations, executive orders, letter of
into effect. This is correct insofar as it equates the
implementation and administrative orders.
effectivity of laws with the fact of publication. Article 2
The Supreme Court ordered the respondents to publish however, considered in the light of other statutes
in the Official Gazette all unpublished presidential applicable to the issue (see Section 1, CA 638), does not
issuances which are of general application, and that preclude the requirement of publication in the Official
unless so published, they shall have no binding force and Gazette, even if the law itself provides for the date of its
effect. effectivity. The clear object of the such provision is to
give the general public adequate notice of the various
1. People proper party in petition for mandamus if laws which are to regulate their actions and conduct as
question is of public right and object is to enforce a citizens. Without such notice and publication, there
public duty would be no basis for the application of the maxim
While the general rule is that a writ of mandamus would “ignorantia legis non excusat.” It would be the height of
be granted to a private individual only in those cases injustice to punish or otherwise burden a citizen for the
where he has some private or particular interest to be transgression of a law of which he had no notice
subserved, or some particular right to be protected, whatsoever, not even a constructive one. Further,
independent of that which he holds with the public at publication is necessary to apprise the public of the
large (Severino v. Governor General), and it is for the contents of regulations and make the said penalties
public officers exclusively to apply for the writ when binding on the persons affected thereby (Pesigan v.
public rights are to be subserved (Mithchell vs. Angeles)
Boardmen), nevertheless, when the question is one of
public right and the object of the mandamus is to 4. Publication vital as no publicity accompanies
procure the enforcement of a public duty, the people are law-making process of President
regarded as the real party in interest and the relator at The publication of laws has taken so vital significance
whose instigation the proceedings are instituted need when the people have bestowed upon the President a
not show that he has any legal or special interest in the power heretofore enjoyed solely by the legislature.
result, it being sufficient to show that he is a citizen and While the people are kept abreast by the mass media of
as such interested in the execution of the laws. the debates and deliberations in the Batasan Pambansa
— and for the diligent ones, ready access to the
2. Private citizen’s legal personality recognized legislative records — no such publicity accompanies the
The petitioner/relator is a proper party to proceedings of
law-making process of the President. Thus, without 8. Consequence of nullity cannot be ignored;
publication, the people have no means of knowing what Orthodox v. Modern view on unconstitutionality
presidential decrees have actually been promulgated, It is the theory that the Act of Congress, having been
much less a definite way of informing themselves of the found to be unconstitutional, was not a law; that it was
specific contents and texts of such decrees. inoperative, conferring no rights and imposing no duties,
and hence affording no basis for the challenged decree
5. The word “shall” imposes an imperative duty (Norton v. Shelby County; Chicago, I. & L. Ry. Co. v.
The very first clause of Section 1 of CA 638 provides that Hackett). Such broad statements as to the effect of a
there shall be published in the Official Gazette… The determination of unconstitutionality must be taken with
word “shall” used therein imposes upon an imperative qualifications. The actual existence of a statute, prior to
duty. That duty must be enforced if the Constitutional such a determination, is an operative fact and may have
right of the people to be informed on matters of public consequences which cannot justly be ignored. The past
concern is to be given substance and reality. The law cannot always be erased by a new judicial declaration.
itself makes a list of what should be published in the The effect of the subsequent ruling as to invalidity may
official Gazette. In the case at bar, such listing leaves the have to be considered in various aspects — with respect
officials with no discretion whatsoever as to what must to particular conduct, private and official. Questions of
be included or excluded from such publication. rights claimed to have become vested, of status, of prior
6. Publication of presidential issuance of public determinations deemed to have finality and acted upon
nature or general applicability mandated; publication a accordingly, of public policy in the light of the nature
requirement of due process both of the statute and of its previous application,
The publication of all presidential issuances “of a public demand examination. These questions are among the
nature” or “of general applicability” is mandated by law. most difficult of those which have engaged the attention
Presidential decrees that provide for fines, forfeitures or of courts and it is manifest from numerous decisions that
penalties for their violation or otherwise impose a an all-inclusive statement of a principle of absolute
burden on the people, such as tax and revenue retroactive invalidity cannot be justified (Chicot County
measures, fall within this category. Other presidential Drainage District vs. Baxter Bank).
issuances which apply only to particular persons or class
of persons such as administrative and executive orders
need not be published on the assumption that they have
been circularized to all concerned.  The publication of
presidential issuances “of a public nature” or “of general REMEDY; HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF
applicability” is a requirement of due process. It is a rule
of law that before a person may be bound by law, he
must first be officially and specifically informed of its IN THE PHILIPPINES
contents (See Peralta v. Comelec).
Aglipay v. Ruiz [GR 45459, 13 March 1937]
7. Unpublished presidential issuance of general First Division, Laurel (p): 5 concur.
application have no force and effect; Effect of ruling and
the concept of operative fact Facts: In May 1936, the Director of Posts announced in
Presidential issuances of general application, which have the dailies of Manila that he would order the issuance of
not been published, shall have no force and effect. The postage stamps commemorating the celebration in the
implementation/enforcement of presidential decrees City of Manila of the 33rd International Eucharistic
prior to their publication in the Official Gazette is an Congress, organized by the Roman Catholic Church. The
operative fact, which may have consequences which petitioner, Mons. Gregorio Aglipay, Supreme Head of the
cannot be justly ignored. The past cannot always be Philippine Independent Church, in the fulfillment of what
erased by a new judicial declaration that an all-inclusive he considers to be a civic duty, requested Vicente Sotto,
statement of a principle of absolute retroactive invalidity Esq., member of the Philippine Bar, to denounce the
cannot be justified. matter to the President of the Philippines. In spite of the
protest of the petitioner’s attorney, the Director of Posts 3. Historical perspective of separation of Church
publicly announced having sent to the United States the and State in the Philippines
designs of the postage for printing. The said stamps were History has taught us that the union of church and state
actually issued and sold though the greater part thereof is prejudicial to both, for occasions might arise when the
remained unsold. The further sale of the stamps was state will use the church, and the church the state, as a
sought to be prevented by the petitioner. weapon in the furtherance of their respective ends and
aims. The Malolos Constitution recognized this principle
The Supreme Court denied the petition for a writ of of separation of church and state in the early stages of
prohibition, without pronouncement as to costs. our constitutional development; it was inserted in the
Treaty of Paris between the United States and Spain of
10 December 1898, reiterated in President McKinley’s
1. Writ of prohibition as a legal remedy Instructions to the Philippine Commission, reaffirmed in
While, generally, prohibition as an extraordinary legal the Philippine Bill of 1902 and in the Autonomy Act of 29
writ will not issue to restrain or control the performance August 1916, and finally embodied in the Constitution of
of other than judicial or quasi-judicial functions (50 C. J., the Philippines as the supreme expression of the Filipino
658), its issuance and enforcement are regulated by People.
statute and in this jurisdiction may issue to “inferior
tribunals, corporations, boards, or persons, whether 4. Religious freedom is not inhibition of profound
exercising functions judicial or ministerial, which are reverence for religion and not a denial of its influence in
without or in excess of the jurisdiction of such tribunal, human affairs
corporation, board, or person” (Secs. 516 and 226, Code Religious freedom as a constitutional mandate is not
of Civil Procedure.) The writ of prohibition is not inhibition of profound reverence for religion and is not a
confined exclusively to courts or tribunals to keep them denial of its influence in human affairs. Religion as a
within the limits of their own jurisdiction and to prevent profession of faith to an active power that binds and
them from encroaching upon the jurisdiction of other elevates man to his Creator is recognized. And, in so far
tribunals but will issue, in appropriate cases, to an officer as it instills into the minds the purest principles of
or person whose acts are without or in excess of his morality, its influence is deeply felt and highly
authority. Not infrequently, the writ is granted, where it appreciated. When the Filipino people, in the preamble
is necessary for the orderly administration of justice, or of their Constitution, implored “the aid of Divine
to prevent the use of the strong arm of the law in an Providence, in order to establish a government that shall
oppressive or vindictive manner, or a multiplicity of embody their ideals, conserve and develop the
actions. patrimony of the nation, promote the general welfare,
and secure to themselves and their posterity the
2. Prohibition on the use of public money or blessings of independence under a regime of justice,
property for benefit of a religion or its minister a direct liberty and democracy,” they thereby manifested their
corollary of separation of church and state intense religious nature and placed unfaltering reliance
Section 13, Article VI, of the Constitution provides that upon Him who guides the destinies of men and nations.
“no public money or property shall ever be appropriated, The elevating influence of religion in human society is
applied, or used, directly or indirectly, for the use, recognized here as elsewhere.
benefit, or support of any sect, church, denomination,
sectarian institution, or system of religion, or for the use, 5. Examples of general concessions accorded to
benefit, or support of any priest, preacher, minister, or religious sects and denominations
other religious teacher or dignitary as such, except when Certain general concessions are indiscriminately
such priest, preacher, minister, or dignitary is assigned to accorded to religious sects and denominations. Our
the armed forces or to any penal institution, orphanage, Constitution and laws exempt from taxation properties
or leprosarium.” The prohibition is a direct corollary of devoted exclusively to religious purposes (sec. 14,
the principle of separation of church and state. subsec. 3, Art. VI, Constitution of the Philippines and sec.
1, subsec. Ordinance appended thereto; Assessment
Law, sec. 344, par [c], Adm. Code) sectarian aid is not Roman Catholic Church, was not the aim and purpose of
prohibited when a priest, preacher, minister or other the Government. The Government should not be
religious teacher or dignitary as such is assigned to the embarrassed in its activities simply because of incidental
armed forces or to any penal institution, orphanage or results, more or less religious in character, if the purpose
leprosarium (sec. 13, subsec. 3 Art. VI, Constitution of had in view is one which could legitimately be
the Philippines). Optional religious instruction in the undertaken by appropriate legislation. The main purpose
public schools is by constitutional mandate allowed (sec. should not be frustrated by its subordination to mere
5, Art. XIII, Constitution of the Philippines, in relation to incidental results not contemplated.
sec. 928, Ad. Code). Thursday and Friday of Holy Week,
Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and Sundays are made
legal holidays (sec. 29, Adm. Code) because of the
secular idea that their observance is conducive to
beneficial moral results. The law allows divorce but JUDICIARY MEMBERS; EQUALITY OF
punishes polygamy and bigamy; and certain crimes
against religious worship are considered crimes against
the fundamental laws of the state (see arts. 132 and 133, Nitafan v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue [GR L-
Revised Penal Code). 78780, 23 July 1987];

6. Act 4052 does not contemplate any religious Resolution

purpose En Banc, Melencio-Herrera (p): 12 concur, 1 on leave
Act No. 4052 contemplates no religious purpose in view.
What it gives the Director of Posts is the discretionary Facts: The Chief Justice has previously issued a directive
power to determine when the issuance of special to the Fiscal Management and Budget Office to continue
postage stamps would be “advantageous to the the deduction of withholding taxes from salaries of the
Government.” Of course, the phrase “advantageous to Justices of the Supreme Court and other members of the
the Government” does not authorize the violation of the judiciary. This was affirmed by the Supreme Court en
Constitution; i.e. to appropriate, use or apply of public banc on 4 December 1987.
money or property for the use, benefit or support of a
Petitioners are the duly appointed and qualified Judges
particular sect or church. In the case at bar, the issuance
presiding over Branches 52, 19 and 53, respectively, of
of the postage stamps was not inspired by any sectarian
the RTC, National Capital Judicial Region, all with stations
feeling to favor a particular church or religious
in Manila. They seek to prohibit and/or perpetually
denominations. The stamps were not issued and sold for
enjoin the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and the
the benefit of the Roman Catholic Church, nor were
Financial Officer of the Supreme Court, from making any
money derived from the sale of the stamps given to that
deduction of withholding taxes from their salaries.  With
church. The purpose of the issuing of the stamps was to
the filing of the petition, the Court deemed it best to
take advantage of an event considered of international
settle the issue through judicial pronouncement, even if
importance to give publicity to the Philippines and its
it had dealt with the matter administratively.
people and attract more tourists to the country. Thus,
instead of showing a Catholic chalice, the stamp The Supreme Court dismissed the petition for
contained a map of the Philippines, the location of the prohibition.
City of Manila, and an inscription that reads “Seat XXXIII
International Eucharistic Congress, Feb. 3-7, 1937.” 1. Intent to delete express grant of exemption of
income taxes to members of Judiciary
7. Purpose must not be frustrated by incidental The salaries of members of the Judiciary are subject to
results the general income tax applied to all taxpayers. This
While the issuance and sale of the stamps may be said to intent was somehow and inadvertently not clearly set
be inseparably linked with an event of a religious forth in the final text of the Constitution as approved and
character, the resulting propaganda received by the ratified in February, 1987 (infra, pp. 7-8). Although the
intent may have been obscured by the failure to include Constitution. It may also be safely assumed that the
in the General Provisions a proscription against people in ratifying the Constitution were guided mainly
exemption of any public officer or employee, including by the explanation offered by the framers. In the case at
constitutional officers, from payment of income tax, the bar, Section 10, Article VIII is plain that the Constitution
Court since then has authorized the continuation of the authorizes Congress to pass a law fixing another rate of
deduction of the withholding tax from the salaries of the compensation of Justices and Judges but such rate must
members of the Supreme Court, as well as from the be higher than that which they are receiving at the time
salaries of all other members of the Judiciary. The Court of enactment, or if lower, it would be applicable only to
hereby makes of record that it had then discarded the those appointed after its approval. It would be a strained
ruling in Perfecto vs. Meer and Endencia vs. David. construction to read into the provision an exemption
The 1973 Constitution has provided that “no salary or from taxation in the light of the discussion in the
any form of emolument of any public officer or Constitutional Commission.
employee, including constitutional officers, shall be
exempt from payment of income tax (Section 6, Article
XV)” which was not present in the 1987 Constitution. The
deliberations of the 1986 Constitutional Commission SALARIES OF JUDGES; TAXABILITY;
relevant to Section 10, Article VIII (The salary of the Chief INDEPENDENCE OF THE JUDICIARY
Justice and of the Associate Justices of the Supreme
Court, and of judges of lower courts shall be fixed by law. Perfecto v. Meer [GR L-2348, 27 February 1950]
During their continuance in office, their salary shall not First Division, Bengzon (p): 8 concur.
be decreased), negate the contention that the intent of
Facts: Article VIII, section 9 of the Constitution provides
the framers is to revert to the original concept of “non-
that the members of the Supreme Court and all judges of
diminution” of salaries of judicial officers.
inferior courts “shall receive such compensation as may
2. Equality of branches of government effected by be fixed by law, which shall not be diminished during
modifications in provision their continuance in office”. It also provides that “until
The term “diminished” be changed to “decreased” and Congress shall provide otherwise, the Chief Justice of the
that the words “nor subjected to income tax” be deleted Supreme Court shall receive an annual compensation of
so as to give substance to equality among the three P16,000, and each Associate Justice, P15,000″. When in
branches in the government. A period (.) after 1945 Justice Perfecto assumed office, Congress had not
“decreased” was made on the understanding that the “provided otherwise”, by fixing a different salary for
salary of justices is subject to tax. With the period, the associate justices. He received salary at the rate provided
doctrine in Perfecto vs. Meer and Endencia vs. David is by the Constitution, i. e., P15,000 a year. In April 1947
understood not to apply anymore. Justices and judges the Collector of Internal Revenue required Justice
are not only the citizens whose income have been Gregorio Perfecto to pay income tax upon his salary as
reduced in accepting service in government and yet member of this Court during the year 1946.
subjected to income tax. Such is true also of Cabinet
After paying the amount (P802), Perfecto instituted the
members and all other employees.
action in the Manila CFI contending that the assessment
3. Constitutional construction adopts the intent of was illegal, his salary not being taxable for the reason
the framers and people adopting the law that imposition of taxes thereon would reduce it in
The ascertainment of the intent is but in keeping with violation of the Constitution. The Manila judge upheld
the fundamental principle of constitutional construction his contention, and required the refund of the amount
that the intent of the framers of the organic law and of collected. The defendant appealed.
the people adopting it should be given effect.  The
The Supreme Court affirmed the judgment.
primary task in constitutional construction is to ascertain
and thereafter assure the realization of the purpose of 1. Supreme Court cannot escape duty to resolve
the framers and of the people in the adoption of the case even if appellee has passed away
The death of Justice Perfecto should have freed the discontinued and the amounts theretofore received
Court from the embarrassment of passing upon the claim were all refunded. For half a century thereafter judges’
of a colleague. Still, as the outcome indirectly affects all salaries were not taxed as income.
the members of the Court, consideration of the matter is (3rd period, 1919-1938) The Federal Income Tax Act of
not without its vexing feature. Adjudication may not be 24 February 1919 expressly provided that taxable income
declined, because (a) the Court is not not legally shall include “the compensation of the judges of the
disqualified; (b) jurisdiction may not be renounced, as it Supreme Court and inferior courts of the United States”.
is the defendant who appeals to the Court, and there is Under such Act, Walter Evans, United States judge since
no other tribunal to which the controversy may be 1899, paid income tax on his salary; and maintaining that
referred; (c) supreme courts in the United States have the impost reduced his compensation, he sued to
decided similar disputes relating to themselves; (d) the recover the money he had delivered under protest. He
question touches all the members of the judiciary from was upheld in 1920 by the Supreme Court in an epoch-
top to bottom; and (e) the issue involves the right of making decision explaining the purpose, history and
other constitutional officers whose compensation is meaning of the Constitutional provision forbidding
equally protected by the Constitution, for instance, the impairment of judicial salaries and the effect of an
President, the Auditor-General and the members of the income tax upon the salary of a judge. On 1 September
Commission on Elections. 1919, Samuel J. Graham assumed office as judge of the
United States court of claims. His salary was taxed by
2. Salaries of judicial officers cannot be diminished virtue of the same income tax of 24 February 1919. He
The Constitution of the United States, like ours, forbids filed action for reimbursement, submitting the same
the diminution of the compensation of Judges of the theory in Evans v. Gore. The US SC in 1925 reaffirmed
Supreme Court and of inferior courts. Various states, that decision, and declaring that the law had made no
except Wisconsin and Missouri, provide the rule where distinction as to judges appointed before and after its
the Constitution of a state provides that the salaries of passage. (4th period, 1939) Foiled in their previous
its judicial officers shall not be diminished during their attempts, the Revenue men persisted, and succeeded in
continuance in office, it has been held that the state inserting in the United States Revenue Act of June 1932
legislature cannot impose a tax upon the compensation the modified proviso that “gross income” on which taxes
paid to the judges of its court. were payable included the compensation “of judges of
3. Tax measures on compensations of judges in courts of the United States taking office after 6 June
the United States 1932. Joseph W. Woodrough qualified as United States
(1st period) No attempt was made to tax the circuit judge on 1 May 1933. His salary as judge was
compensation of Federal judges up to 1862. taxed, and before the US SC the issue of decrease of
(2nd period, 1862-1918) In July 1862, a statute was remuneration again came up. The court, however, ruled
passed subjecting the salaries of “civil officers of the against him, declaring in 1939 that Congress had the
United States” to an income tax of 3%. Revenue officers, power to adopt the law; holding that to subject the 
construed it as including the compensation of all judges, members of the judiciary to a general tax is merely to
which CJ Taney , speaking for the judiciary protested to recognize that judges also are citizens, and that their
the Secretary of the Treasury. The US SC declared the act particular function in government does not generate an
void, based on the lack of the legislative authority to immunity from sharing with their fellow citizens the
reduce the compensation of members of the Judiciary material burden of the government whose Constitution
and the effect of such legislation to separation of and laws they are charged with administering. (O’Malley
powers. The protest was unheeded, although it vs. Woodrough)
apparently bore the approval of the whole SC, that 4. Separation of powers
ordered it printed among its records. But in 1869 The Constitution was framed on the fundamental theory
Attorney-General Hoar upon the request of the Secretary that a larger measure of liberty and justice would be
of the Treasury rendered an opinion agreeing with the assured by vesting the three powers — the legislative,
CJ. The collection of the tax was consequently the executive, and the judicial — in separate
departments, each relatively independent of the others human nature, a power over a man’s subsistence
and it was recognized that without this independence — amounts to a power over his will. The independence of
if it was not made both real and enduring — the the judges as of far greater importance than any revenue
separation would fail of its purpose. All agreed that that could come from taxing their salaries.
restraints and checks must be imposed to secure the
6. The exemption of the judicial salary from
requisite measure of independence; for otherwise the
legislative department, inherently the strongest, might reduction by taxation not a gratuity or privilege
The undiminishable character of judicial salaries is not a
encroach on or even come to dominate the others, and
the judicial, naturally the weakest, might be dwarf or mere privilege of judges, personal and therefore
waivable, but a basic limitation upon legislative or
swayed by the other two, especially by the legislative.
executive action imposed in the public interest (Evans vs.
5. Independence of the judiciary; prohibition Gore). The exemption is essentially and primarily
against diminution compensation based upon valuable consideration. The
The courts are the balance wheel of the whole covenant on the part of the government is a guaranty
constitutional system; which is so balanced and whose fulfillment is as much as part of the consideration
controlled. Other constitutional systems lack complete agreed as is the money salary. The undertaking has its
poise and certainty of operation because they lack the own particular value to the citizens in securing the
support and interpretation of authoritative, undisputable independence of the judiciary in crises; and in the
courts of law. It is clear beyond all need of exposition establishment of the compensation upon a permanent
that for the definite maintenance of constitutional foundation whereby judicial preferment may be
understandings it is indispensable, alike for the prudently accepted by those who are qualified by talent,
preservation of the liberty of the individual and for the knowledge, integrity and capacity, but are not possessed
preservation of the integrity of the powers of the of such a private fortune as to make an assured salary an
government, that there should be some nonpolitical object of personal concern. Thus, the primary purpose of
forum in which those understandings can be impartially the prohibition against diminution was not to benefit the
debated and determined. That forum our courts supply. judges, but, like the clause in respect of tenure, to attract
There the individual may assert his rights; there the good and competent men to the bench, and to promote
government must accept definition of its authority. that independence of action and judgment which is
There the individual may challenge the legality of essential to the maintenance of the guaranties,
governmental action and have it adjudged by the test of limitations, and pervading principles of the Constitution,
fundamental principles, and that test the government and to the administration of justice without respect to
must abide; there the government can check the too persons, and with equal concern for the poor and the
aggressive self-assertion of the individual and establish rich.
its power upon lines which all can comprehend and
7. Appreciation of the O’Malley case; 16th
heed. The constitutional powers of the courts constitute
the ultimate safeguard alike of individual privilege and of amendment has no counterpart provision in the
Philippine Constitution; citation thus loses much of its
governmental prerogative. It is in this sense that our
judiciary is the balance wheel of our entire system; it is force
To grasp the full import of the O’Malley precedent, it
meant to maintain that nice adjustment between
individual rights and governmental powers which should be borne in mind that it does not entirely
overturn Miles vs. Graham (”To the extent that what the
constitutes political liberty.
The Constitution provides that judges shall hold their Court now says is inconsistent with what was said in
Miles vs. Graham, the latter can not survive”) and that it
offices during good behavior, and shall at stated times
receive for their services a compensation which shall not does not expressly touch nor amend the doctrine in
Evans vs. Gore, although it indicates that the
be diminished during their continuance in office. Thus,
next to permanency in office, nothing can contribute Congressional Act in dispute avoided in part the
consequences of that case.  The shift of position from
more to the independence of the judges than a fixed
provision for their support. In the general course of Evans to O’Malley is predicated on the proposition that
he 16th Amendment empowered Congress “to collect other than their judicial salaries; they pay the
taxes on incomes from whatever source derived” corresponding duties, taxes, or the assessment levied.
admitting of no exception; thus the disfavor of the Evans
10. Presidential gesture to waive exemption not
ruling in the United States; as it virtually struck out the
words “from whatever source derived” from the binding for the Court to likewise follow
Without the voluntary act of the President, his salary
Amendment. It is claimed that the words of the
amendment are sufficiently strong to overrule pro tanto would not be taxable, because of constitutional
protection against diminution. To argue from this
the provisions of Article III, Section 1 which prohibits the
reduction in the salaries of a federal judge. The executive gesture that the judiciary could, and should act
in like manner is to assume that, in the matter of
undisclosed factor, the 16th Amendment, has no
counterpart in the Philippine legal system as the compensation and power and need of security, the
judiciary is on a par with the Executive. Such assumption
Philippine Constitution does not repeat it. Wherefore, as
the underlying influence and the unuttered reason has certainly ignores the prevailing state of affairs.
no validity in this jurisdiction, the broad generality loses
much of its force.

8. The administrative and judicial stand consistent

the US scenario prior to O’Malley
The administrative and judicial stands in the Philippines CONSTITUTIONAL CONSTRUCTION;
is consistent with the second period of the status of PRESIDENT'S POWER TO APPOINT
judicial taxation in the United States, the views of CJ
Taney and of Attorney-General Hoar and the constant Sarmiento v. Mison [
practice from 1869 to 1938, i.e., when the Income Tax GR L-79974, 17 December 1987]
Law merely taxes “income” in general, it does not En Banc, Padilla (p): 8 concur
include salaries of judges protected from diminution. The
Facts: Petitioners, who are taxpayers, lawyers,
prohibition of diminution was the prevailing belief in the
US when it was deemed transplanted in the country, and members of the IBP and professors of Constitutional
which the 1935 Constitutional Convention approved. Law, seek to enjoin Salvador Mison from performing
Evans vs. Gore and Miles vs. Graham were then the functions of the Office of Commissioner of the
outstanding doctrines; and the inference is not illogical Bureau of Customs and Guillermo Carague, as
that in restraining the impairment of judicial Secretary of the Department of Budget, from
compensation the Fathers of the Constitution intended effecting disbursements in payment of Mison’s
to preclude taxation of the same. Unless and until our salaries and emoluments, on the ground that
Legislature approves an amendment to the Income Tax Mison’s appointment as Commissioner of the
Law expressly taxing “the salaries of judges thereafter
Bureau of Customs is unconstitutional by reason of
appointed”, the O’Malley case is not relevant.
its not having been confirmed by the Commission
9. Taxability of judge’s salaries resolved on on Appointments. The respondents, on the other
question of policy but must be enunciated by hand, maintain the constitutionality of Mison’s
congressional enactment The O’Malley decision resolved appointment without the confirmation of the
the issue of taxability of judges’ salaries into a question Commission on Appointments.
of policy. But that policy must be enunciated by The Supreme Court held that the President has the
Congressional enactment, as was done in the O’Malley authority to appoint Mison as Commissioner of the
case, not by Executive Fiat or interpretation. It must be
Bureau of Customs without submitting his
noted that the tax exemption does not proclaim a
nomination to the Commission on Appointments for
general tax immunity for men on the bench as they pay
confirmation, and thus, the latter is entitled the full
taxes. Upon buying gasoline, or cars or other
commodities, owning real property, and on incomes authority and functions of the office and receive all
the salaries and emoluments pertaining thereto.
Thus, the Supreme Court dismissed the petition and nomination is confirmed by the Commission on
the petition in intervention, without costs. Appointments, the President appoints. The second
and third groups of officers can be made by the
1. Standing to file suit / Prohibition as proper
President without the consent (confirmation) of the
remedy: Procedural questions set aside due to
Commission on Appointments, as can be
demands of public interest
determined through the recorded proceedings of
Because of the demands of public interest, including
Constitutional Commission.
the need for stability in the public service, the Court
resolved to give due course to the petition and 4. Express enumeration excludes others not
decide, setting aside the finer procedural questions enumerated
of whether prohibition is the proper remedy to test It is an accepted rule in constitutional and statutory
Mison’s right to the office of Commissioner of the construction that an express enumeration of
Bureau of Customs and of whether the petitioners subjects excludes others not enumerated. In the
have a standing to bring this suit. case at bar, it would follow that only those
appointments to positions expressly stated in the
2. Constitutional Construction
first group require the consent (confirmation) of the
The fundamental principle of constitutional
Commission on Appointments.
construction is to give effect to the intent of the
framers of the organic law and of the people 5. Constitutional provision presumed to have
adopting it. The intention to which force is to be been framed and adopted in light of prior laws
given is that which is embodied and expressed in A constitutional provision must be presumed to
the constitutional provisions themselves. (Gold have been framed and adopted in the light and
Creek Mining v. Rodriguez) The Court will thus understanding of prior and existing laws and with
construe the applicable constitutional provisions, reference to them. Courts are bound to presume
not in accordance with how the executive or the that the people adopting a constitution are familiar
legislative department may want them construed, with the previous and existing laws upon the
but in accordance with what they say and provide. subjects to which its provisions relate, and upon
which they express their judgment and opinion in its
3. President’s power to appoint
adoption. In the 1935 Constitution, almost all
Section 16, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution
presidential appointments required the consent
empowers the President to appoint 4 groups of
(confirmation) of the Commission on Appointments.
officers: (1) the heads of the executive departments,
Under the 1935 Constitution,  the commission was
ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls,
frequently transformed into a venue of “horse-
officers of the armed forces from the rank of colonel
trading” and similar malpractices. On the other
or naval captain, and other officers whose
hand, the 1973 Constitution, consistent with the
appointments are vested in him in this Constitution; 
authoritarian pattern in which it was molded and
(2)  all other officers of the Government whose
remolded by successive amendments, placed the
appointments are not otherwise provided for by
absolute power of appointment in the President
law;  (3)  those whom the President may be
with hardly any check on the part of the legislature.
authorized by law to appoint; and (4) officers lower
Given the above two in extremes, one, in the 1935
in rank  4 whose appointments the Congress may by
Constitution and the other, in the 1973 Constitution,
law vest in the President alone. The first group is
it is not difficult for the Court to state that the
clearly appointed with the consent of the
framers of the 1987 Constitution and the people
Commission on Appointments. Appointments of
adopting it, struck a “middle ground” by requiring
such officers are initiated by nomination and, if the
the consent (confirmation) of the Commission on
Appointments for the first group of appointments at bar, the first sentence of Sec. 16, Art. VII clearly
and leaving to the President, without such stated that appointments by the President to the
confirmation, the appointment of other officers, i.e., positions therein enumerated require the consent
those in the second and third groups as well as of the Commission on Appointments.
those in the fourth group, i.e., officers of lower rank.
8. The use of word “alone” after “President” in
The proceedings in the 1986 Constitutional
third sentence is a lapse in draftsmanship, a literal
Commission support this conclusion.
import deemed redundant
6. Construction of “also” in second sentence; After a careful study of the deliberations of the 1986
consideration of different language of proximate Constitutional Commission, the Court found the use
sentences to determine meaning of the word “alone” after the word “President” in
The word “also” could mean “in addition; as well; said third sentence of Sec. 16, Article VII is, more
besides, too” besides “in like manner” which than anything else, a slip or lapsus in draftmanship. 
meanings could stress that the word “also” in said In the 1987 Constitution, the clear and expressed
second sentence means that the President, in intent of its framers was to exclude presidential
addition to nominating and, with the consent of the appointments from confirmation by the Commission
Commission on Appointments, appointing the on Appointments, except appointments to offices
officers enumerated in the first sentence, can expressly mentioned in the first sentence.
appoint (without such consent  or confirmation) the Consequently, there was no reason to use in the
officers mentioned in the second sentence, contrary third sentence the word “alone” after the word
to the interpretation that the President shall “President” in providing that Congress may by law
appoint the officers mentioned in said second vest the appointment of lower-ranked officers in the
sentence in the same manner as he appoints President alone, or in the courts, or in the heads of
officers mentioned in the first sentence. Rather than departments, because the power to appoint officers
limit the area of consideration to the possible whom the President may be authorized by law to
meanings of the word “also” as used in the context appoint is already vested in him, without need of
of said second sentence, the Court has chosen to confirmation by the Commission on Appointments,
derive significance from the fact that the first in the second sentence. The word “alone” in the
sentence speaks of nomination by the President and third sentence, as a literal import from the last part
appointment by the President with the consent of of par. 3, section 10, Article VII of the 1935
the Commission on Appointments, whereas, the Constitution, appears to be redundant in the light of
second sentence speaks only of appointment by the the second sentence. This redundancy cannot
President. And, this use of different language in 2 prevail over the clear and positive intent of the
sentences proximate to each other underscores a framers of the 1987 Constitution that presidential
difference in message conveyed and perceptions appointments, except those mentioned in the first
established. Thus, words are not pebbles in alien sentence, are not subject to confirmation by the
juxtaposition. Commission on Appointments.

7. Power to appoint fundamentally executive 9. President authorized Commissioner of

in character; Limitations construed strictly Bureau of Customs; Commissioner not included
The power to appoint is fundamentally executive or with the first group of appointment
presidential in character. Limitations on or The position of Commissioner of the Bureau of
qualifications of such power should be strictly Customs (a bureau head) is not one of those within
construed. Such limitations or qualifications must be the first group of appointments where the consent
clearly stated in order to be recognized. In the case of the Commission on Appointments is required.
The 1987 Constitution deliberately excluded the their baselines as one cohesive entity prevents the
position of “heads of bureaus” from appointments treatment of their islands as separate islands under
that need the consent (confirmation) of the UNCLOS III. Separate islands generate their own
Commission on Appointments. Moreover, the maritime zones, placing the waters between the islands
separated by more than 24 nautical miles beyond the
President is expressly authorized by law to appoint
state's territorial sovereignty subjecting these waters to
the Commissioner of the Bureau of Customs (RA
the rights of other states under UNCLOS III.
1937, Tarifff and Customs Code of the Philippines,
Section 601, as amended by PD34 on 27 October The fact of sovereignty, however, does not preclude the
1972). operation of the municipal and international law norms
subjecting the territorial sea or archipelagic waters to
10. Laws approved during the effectivity of necessary, if not marginal, burdens in the interest of
previous constitution must be read in harmony maintaining unimpeded, expeditious international
with the new one navigation, consistent with the international law
RA 1937 and PD  34 were approved during the principle of freedom of navigation. Thus, domestically,
effectivity of the 1935 Constitution, under which the the political branches of the Philippine government, in
President may nominate and, with the consent of the competent discharge of their constitutional powers,
may pass legislation designating routes within the
the Commission on Appointments, appoint the
archipelagic waters to regulate innocent and sea lanes
heads of bureaus, like the Commissioner of the
passage (Magallona, et. al. vs. Ermita, et. al., GR No.
Bureau of Customs. After the effectivity of the 1987
187167, august 16, 2011).
Constitution, however, RA 1937 and PD 34 have to
be read in harmony with Sec. 16, Art. VII, with the
result that, while the appointment of the
Commissioner of the Bureau of Customs is one that PUBLICATION - INDISPENSABLE IN THE
devolves on the President, as an appointment he is
authorized by law to make, such appointment,
however, no longer needs the confirmation of the Effect and Application of Laws- Publication
Commission on Appointments.
Laws must be published. Otherwise they are not
effective. Laws take effect only after the mandatory
requirement of publication in a newspaper of general
ARCHIPELAGIC DOCTRINE circulation or the Official Gazette. According to the
Supreme Court:
The fact that for Archipelagic States, their archipelagic
waters are subject to both the right of innocent passage Publication is indispensable in every case, but the
and sea lanes passage does not place them in lesser legislature may in its discretion provide that the usual
footing vis-a-vis continental coastal states which are fifteen-day period shall be shortened or extended. The
subject, in their territorial sea, to the right of innocent clause "unless otherwise provided" refers to the date of
passage and the right to transit passage through effectivity and not to the requirement of publication
international straits. The imposition of these passage itself, which cannot in any event be omitted.
rights through archipelagic waters under UNCLOS III Publication must be in full or it is no publication at all
was a concession by archipelagic states, in exchange for since the purpose of publication itself is to make the
their right to claim all the waters landward of their public aware of the contents of the laws.1
baselines, regardless of their depth, or distance from
Supreme Court decisions also form part of the law of
coast, as archipelagic waters subject to national
the land. Does this mean they must also be published?
sovereignty. More importantly, the recognition of
The answer is in the negative. Supreme Court decisions
archipelagic state's archipelago and waters enclosed by
need not be published as enshrined in the following to the Department of Justice through its Secretary to
case law: issue watchlist orders (WLO) and hold departure orders
However, there is no law requiring the Publication of
Supreme Court Decisions in the the Official Gazette
before they can be binding and as a condition to their
What will happen to the WLOs and HDOs that were
becoming effective. It is the bounden duty of the
counsel as lawyer in active law practice to keep abreast issued incongruent with CIRCULAR NO. 39-97 issued by
of decisions of the Supreme Court.2
Tanada vs. Tuvera, G.R. No. L-63915, December 29,
They may be lifted via a motion filed in the proper
De Roy vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-80718, January court or tribunal for being unconstitutional.
29, 1988.


 Hold departure orders (HDO) are legal. Heckler’s veto is a form of curtailment of one's freedom
However, NOT according to DEPARTMENT of expression. It occurs when the government restricts
CIRCULAR NO. 41 issued JUNE 07, 2010 by the the right to speak or to express ones opinion or
Department of Justice. The Secretary of Justice reaction. It is commonly resorted to to avoid expression
cannot anymore issue hold departure orders. For of negativity. Wikipedia defines heckler's veto as:
a Hold Departure Order to be legal , the following
under CIRCULAR NO. 39-97 issued by In the free speech context, a heckler's veto is either of
the SUPREME COURT must concur: two situations in which a person who disagrees with a
speaker's message is able to unilaterally trigger events
1. ISSUED ONLY IN CRIMINAL CASES that result in the speaker being silenced.

2. CRIMINAL CASES UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE In the strict legal sense, a heckler's veto occurs when the
REGIONAL TRIAL COURTS speaker's right is curtailed or restricted by the
government in order to prevent a reacting
party's behavior. The common example is the
Circular no. 39-97 revoked Circular No. 38-94 dated 6 termination of a speech or demonstration in the interest
June 1994 and Circular No. 62-96 dated 9 September of maintaining the public peace based on the anticipated
1996. negative reaction of someone opposed to that speech or
demonstration. The term was coined by University of
 Watchlist Orders are Illegal Chicago professor of law Harry Kalven.

The Department of Justice's power to issue watchlist In common parlance, the term is used to describe
orders (WLO) as well as hold departure orders (HDO) situations where hecklers or demonstrators silence a
were revoked by the Supreme Court. The highest law of speaker without intervention of the law.
the land declared Department of Justice Department
(DOJ) Circular No. 41, dated May 25, 2010, as
unconstitutional for being violative of the right to travel
which is guaranteed by the 1987 Constitution. DOJ
Department Circular No. 41 was the one that gave power
>    exercise of quasi judicial power
COMMISSIONS o    retirement of Commissioner before promulgation
>    Ambil v. Comelec
>    Dumayas v. Comelec
o    other functions as may be provided by law (Sec. 8)

4. General Prohibitions (Sec. 2)

1. Scope (Sec. 1) •    not hold any other office or employment during
•    Civil Service Commission tenure
•    Commission on Elections •    not engage in the practice of any profession
•    Commission on Audit  •    not engage in the active management or control of
any business which may be affected by the functions of
2. General Characteristics his office
•    Independent •    not financially interested, directly or indirectly, in any
o    salary fixed by law and not decreased during tenure Government contract, franchise or privilege
(Sec. 3)
•    Fiscal autonomy
o    appropriations automatically and regularly released B. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
(Sec. 5)

1. Composition (Sec. 1)
3.    General Powers
•    Chairman and 2 Commissioners
•    appoint officials and employees in accordance with
•    natural born citizens
law (Sec. 4)
•    at least 35
•    promulgate rules concerning pleadings and practice
•    proven capacity for public administration
(Sec. 6)
•    not candidate in immediately preceding election
o    not diminish, increase or modify substantive rights
>    Aruelo v. CA (conflict with Rules of Court)
•    decide cases (Sec. 7) 2. Appointment (Sec. 1)
o    by a majority vote of all its Members •    Term of 7 years without reappointment
>    Cua v. Comelec (2-1/3-2-1) o    common starting point of Feb. 2, 1987
o    as a body and not as individuals >    Galindez v. COA
>    Orocio v. COA •    consent of Commission on Appointments needed
>    Mison v. COA •    appointment to any vacancy shall be for unexpired
o    within 60 days from date of submission (upon filing of term
last pleading, brief or memorandum required by the •    no Member appointed in a temporary or acting
Rules) capacity
o    appealable to the Supreme Court on certiorari within
30 days from receipt has been changed to appeal to 3. Scope
Court of Appeals within 15 days •    civil service embraces all branches, subdivisions,
>    RA 7902 instrumentalities and agencies of the Government
>    Mateo v. CA including government owned or controlled corporations
o    certiorari to the Supreme Court only after with original charters [Sec. 2(1)]
reconsideration (i.e., decisions of Commission En Banc) o    PNOC-EDC v. NLRC
>    Reyes v. RTC o    Philippine Fisheries v. NLRC (security guards/janitors)
>    ABS-CBN v. Comelec
>    grave abuse of discretion 4. Functions of CSC (Sec. 3)
>    Reyes v. COA •    establish a career service
•    adopt measures to promote moral, efficiency, specifically authorized by law
integrity, responsiveness, progressiveness and courtesy o    pensions or gratuities not considered additional
in the civil service compensation (Sec. 8)
•    strengthen the merit and rewards system o    per diem or allowance given as reimbursement for
•    integrate all human resources development programs expenses is allowed
•    institutionalize a management climate conducive to >    Peralta v. Mathay
public accountability o    Santos v. CA (double retirement)
•    submit an annual report on its personnel programs •    no elective or appointive official shall accept any
present, emolument, office or title of any kind from any
5. Civil Service Appointments foreign government (Sec. 8)
•    according to merit and fitness to be determined, as
far as practicable, by competitive examination [Sec. 2(2)] 7. Basic Rights of Civil Servants (Sec. 2)
o    career/non-career/competitive/non-competitive •    cannot be removed or suspended except for cause
>    Astraquillo v. Manglapus provided by law
>    Achacoso v. Macaraig (POEA) o    substantive and procedural due process 
o    except positions which are policy determining, >    De los Santos v. Mallare
primarily confidential or highly technical o    abolition of office including reorganization is allowed
>    merit and fitness requirement if made (1) in good faith, (2) not for personal or political
>    security of tenure reasons and (3) not in violation of the law
>    Hernandez v. Villegas (not removal but expiration of >    Roque v. Ericta
term) o    reprimand, unlike warning or admonition, is
>    Gloria v. CA (temporary transfer) administrative penalty
>    primary confidential means close intimacy which >    Tobias v. Veloso    
insures freedom of intercourse  •    right to self organization
>    Borres vs. CA •    temporary employees to be given such protection as
>    Santiago v. CSC (“next in rank") provided by law
o     temporary employees may be removed without
6. Prohibitions cause
•    engage, directly or indirectly, in any electioneering or >    Mendiola v. Tancinco
partisan political campaign [Sec. 2(4)]
o    prohibition does not apply to department secretaries 
>    Santos v. Yatco
o    does not prevent expression of views or mentioning
names of candidates supported 1. Composition (Sec. 1)
•    no candidate who has lost in any election shall, within •    Chairman and six Commissioners
one year after such election, be appointed to any office •    natural born citizens
in the Government or any GOCC or any of their •    at least 35
subsidiaries (Sec. 6) •    not candidate in immediately preceding election
•    no elective official eligible for appointment or •    a majority of the Commission, including the Chairman
designation in any capacity to any public office during shall be members of the Philippine Bar who have been
tenure (Sec. 7) engaged in the practice of law for at least 10 years
•    no appointive official shall hold any other office or o    Cayetano v. Monsod
employment in Government
o    except if allowed by law or primary functions of 2. Appointment (Sec. 1)
position (Sec. 7) •    7 year term without reappointment 
o    Art. VII, Sec. 13 •    consent of Commission on Appointments needed
•    no elective or appointive official shall receive •    appointment to any vacancy only for unexpired term
additional, double or indirect compensation unless
•    no Member appointed in a temporary or acting >    People v. Basilia
capacity •    register political organizations
o    Brillantes v. Yorac o    must present platform or program of government
o    not religious denominations and sects
3. Powers (Sec. 2) o    anti-violence and pro-Constitution
•    enforce and administer all election laws o    not supported by foreign governments (including
o    includes power to annul elections because of financial contributions)
terrorism  •    file, on its own or upon complaint, petitions for
>    Biliwang v. Comelec inclusion or exclusion of voters
o    call for a special election •    investigate and prosecute cases of violations of
>    Sanchez v. Comelec election laws including election frauds
•    Decide election cases •    RTC has authority to try and decide criminal cases
o    original jurisdiction over contests relating to the involving elections
elections, returns and qualifications of regional, o    People v. Delgado
provincial and city officials •    Exclusive power to conduct preliminary investigation
o    appellate jurisdiction over contests involving for purposes of a) filing information and b) help judge in
municipal officials decided by trial courts of general determining whether warrant of arrest should be issued
jurisdiction o    Kilosbayan v. Comelec
>    5 day period for taking an appeal •    Prosecution of election offenses is exclusively under
>    1993 Comelec Rules Comelec
>    concurrent certiorari, mandamus, quo warranto and o    People v. Judge Inting
habeas corpus powers with the SC  •    recommend to Congress
>    Carlos v. Angeles o    measures to minimize election spending
o    appellate jurisdiction over contests involving o    measures to prevent and penalize all forms of
barangay officials decided by trial courts of limited election fraud
jurisdiction •    recommend to the President
>    only questions of fact; questions of law to SC  o    removal of any deputized person
>    Flores v. Comelec o    imposition of any disciplinary action
o    appellate decisions shall be final, executory and not •    submit comprehensive report
appealable •    promulgate rules of procedure (Sec. 3)
>    pre-proclamation – administrative process •    supervise or regulate franchises or concessions
>    contest – judicial process granted by the Government (e.g., media, transportation
•    decide all questions affecting elections (but not to be and public utilities) (Sec. 4)
voted for) o    equal opportunity in time and space
o    except the right to vote o    reasonable rates
o    only popular elections o    meet CHOPFE objectives
>    Alunan v. Mirasol (SK) >    Sanidad v. Comelec
>    Taule v. Santos (Barangay federation) >    Philippine Press Institute v. Comelec (print)
o    contempt power only pursuant to quasi-judicial >    Telebap v. Comelec (broadcast)
function  •    recommend pardon for election offenses (Sec. 5)
>    Masangcay v. Comelec o    check on Presidential Power
•    deputize law enforcement agencies and Government
instrumentalities to ensure CHOPFE  4. Administrative Matters
o    covers criminal and administrative cases •    may sit en banc or in two divisions
o    merely recommends disciplinary action to the •    pre-proclamation cases shall be decided in division
President  provided that MRs shall be decided en banc
>    Tan v. Comelec
o    act of deputy is act of Comelec  5. Party Matters
•    free and open party system (Sec. 6) o    law appropriating funds for a purpose
•    party list registration (Sec. 7) o    contract entered into by proper officer pursuant to
•    no representation in voter boards (Sec. 8) law
o    may appoint poll watchers o    whether goods or services covered by contract have
6. Other matters been delivered
•    Election period o    payment has been authorized by proper officials
o    90 days before election day and 30 days thereafter >    Guevara v. Gimenez
(Sec. 9) •    define scope of audit and promulgate accounting and
•    Bona fide candidates free from harassment (Sec. 10) audit rules
•    Election expenses provided in regular or special o    no law passed exempting any Governmental entity
appropriations and released automatically upon from COA jurisdiction (Sec. 3)
certification by the Commission Chairman (Sec. 11) o    submit annual report to President and Congress (Sec.
•    Second placer rule  4)
o    Loreto v. Brion
4. Cases
•    COA has authority to interpret “failure of public
o    Danville v. COA
1. Composition (Sec. 1) •    COA has authority to promulgate rules to prevent
•    Chairman and 2 Commissioners “irregular, unnecessary, excessive or extravagant
•    natural born citizens expenses”
•    at least 35 o    Dingdong v. Guingona
•    not candidates in immediately preceding election o    Polloso v. Gangan
•    CPA or lawyer with 10 year auditing or practice of law
•    not all Members belong to the same profession
2. Appointment (Sec. 1) Doctrine of Operative Fact- Acts done pursuant to a law
•    7 year term without re appointment which was subsequently declared unconstitutional
•    consent of Commission on Appointments needed remain valid, but not when the acts are done after the
•    appointment to any vacancy only for unexpired term declaration of unconstitutionality.
•    no member appointed in a temporary or acting
capacity As a general rule, an unconstitutional act is not a law; it
confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no
3. Powers protection; it creates no office; it is inoperative as if it has
•    examine, audit and settle accounts pertaining to the not been passed at all. The general rule is supported by
revenue, receipts of or uses of funds pertaining to the Article 7 of the Civil Code.1
Government of GOCCs with original charters (pre-audit)
Exception to the general rule, the doctrine of operative
o    Constitutional bodies and offices granted fiscal
o    autonomous state colleges and universities The Doctrine of Operative Fact serves as an exception to
o    other GOCCs and their subsidiaries the aforementioned general rule. In Planters Products,
o    non-Governmental entities receiving subsidies from Inc. vs. Fertiphil Corporation 2, the Cout held: The
the Government (post-audit) (Sec. 2) doctrine of operative fact, as an exception to the general
•    settle accounts means power to settle liquidated rule only applies as a matter of equity and fair play. It
accounts which may be adjusted simply by an nullifies the effects of an unconstitutional law by
arithmetical process recognizing that the existence of a statute prior to a
determination of unconstitutionality is an operative fact from taking all the lawful steps needed to assure the
and may have consequences that which cannot always fulfilment of their ambition; The assailed resolution also
be ignored. The past cannot always be erased by a new infringes on the academic freedom of schools; PRC
judicial declaration. The doctrine is applicable when a cannot interfere with the conduct of review that review
declaration of unconstitutionality will impose an undue schools and centers believe would be best enable their
burden on those who have relied on the invalid law. enrollees to meet the standards required before
Thus, it was applied to a criminal case when a becoming a full-fledged public accountant. Unless the
declaration of unconstitutionality would put the accused means and methods of instruction are clearly found to
in double jeopardy or would put in limbo the acts done be inefficient, impractical or riddled with corruption,
by a municipality in reliance upon the law creating it. 3 review schools and centers may not be stopped from
helping out their students.

University of San Carlos v. CA

– granting of honors - Schools of learning are given
INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER ample discretion to formulate rules and guidelines in the
granting of honors for purposes of graduation. This is
LEARNING part of academic freedom. Within the parameters of
these rules, it is within the competence of universities
 Academic Freedom of Institutions of Higher
and colleges to determine who are entitled to the grant
of honors among the graduating students. Its discretion
Capitol Medical Center v. CA on this academic matter may not be disturbed much less
controlled by the courts unless there is grave abuse of
– closing down of a medical school; striking students and discretion in its exercise.
faculty –Once a student is accepted for enrollment in a
given course, the school may not expel him or refuse re- Reyes v. CA
enroll him until he completes his course except when he
– admission to the UP College of Medicine; 70, 90 cut-
is academically deficient or has violated the rules of
off, NMAT; UC wanted to admit them, UPCM did not
discipline; There is no contract that the school shall
want to - Any entrance requirement that may be
remain open for the entire duration of his course; The
imposed by the College Faculty must bear the UC’s
contract between the college and a student who is
approval; The right and power to fix admission
enrolled and pays the fees for a semester is for the entire
requirements is clearly vested by law in the University
semester only and not the entire course; The law does
Council; The UC has the final say in the admission
not require a school to see a student through the
requirements provided that it conforms with the law,
completion of his course. If the school closes or is closed
rules and regulations of the university.
by proper authority at the end of a semester, the student
has no cause of action for breach of contract against the
Tan v. CA

o refusal of admission to Grace Christian

Lupangco v. CA High School - Private schools are subject
to reasonable regulation and supervision
– forbidding examinees from attending review classes;
of the State, but they may also have the
CPA Board Exam - The assailed resolution is not only
right to establish reasonable rules
unreasonable and arbitrary but it infringes on the
and regulations for the admission,
examinee’s right to liberty guaranteed by the
discipline and promotion of students.
Constitution. PRC has no authority to dictate on the

reviewees as to how they should prepare themselves for
*Dissenting opinion of Justice Cruz: the academic
the licensure examinations. They cannot be restrained
freedom of the school to choose its students of facts as regards claimed human rights violations
should NOT be stretched beyond its involving civil and political rights; cannot be likened to a
constitutional limits. judicial function; CHR has merely the power to
investigate; it cannot try and resolve on the merits
Miriam College v. CA (adjudicate)
– Libog article; student press freedom; school’s academic
freedom - Academic freedom includes the right of the
school or college to decide for itself, its aims and EPZA v. CHR
objectives, and how best to attain them free from
outside coercion or interference save possibly when the – CHR is a creation of the Constitution although it is not
on the same level as the Constitutional Commissions. In
overriding public welfare calls for some restrain; SC has
upheld the right of the students to free speech in school essence, its power is only investigative.
premises; However, this right is not absolute. It must
always be applied in light of the special characteristics of
the school environment; The power of the school to Simon Jr. v. CHR
investigate, like the power to suspend or expel, is an
– human rights; civil rights; political rights – Human
inherent part of academic freedom of institutions of
rights – generic term; civil rights – those rights that
higher learning guaranteed by the Constitution.
belong to every citizen or inhabitant of the state or
  Prev country [by virtue of his citizenship in the country] and
are not connected with the organization or
 Next  administration of government (marriage, equal
protection, freedom of contract etc.); Political rights –
 Tan v. CA - Rescission of the contract of
insurance right to participate, directly or indirectly in the
establishment or administration of government
 TAN V. CA , CHINABANK, 172 SCRA 660 (suffrage, run for public office); CHR – focus on SEVERE
cases of human rights violations (right of political
 PAULMITAN V. CA- Co-ownership of Property detainees, treatment of prisoners, fair and public trials
 BALLATAN v. CA etc.); CHR can cite or hold any person in direct or indirect
contempt but not order them to desist
 TAN V. CA 172 SCRA 660- Co- Ownership


Association of Small Landowners in the Philippines v.
RIGHTS Secretary of Agrarian Reform

Commission on Human Rights – constitutionality of some of the measures mentioned in

the CARL – Payment of just compensation is not always
required to be made fully in money; Other modes of
Cariño v. CHR payment which are available to the landowner at his
option are not unreasonable because payment made in
– striking of teachers - CHR has adjudicative power (it shares of stocks, LBP bonds, other properties or assets,
may investigate i.e. receive evidence and make findings
tax credits and other things of value are equivalent to
the amount of just compensation. SUFFRAGE
Romualdez v. RTC
Maddumba v. GSIS – domicile; residence – In election cases, the
– LBP bonds as payment – LBP bonds shall be accepted Court treats domicile and residence as
as payment of pre-existing obligations to government synonymous terms thus: the term residence as
financial institutions at their face value and not at used in election law is synonymous with
discounted value domicile which imports not only an
intention to reside in a fixed place but also
personal presence in the place. Domicile
Luz Farms v. Secretary of Agrarian Reform
denotes a fixed, permanent residence. In order
– Section II of the CARL which includes “private to acquire a new domicile by choice, there must
agricultural lands, devoted to commercial livestock, concur:
poultry and swine raising” in the definition of
“commercial farms is invalid”; Livestock or poultry raising
is not similar to crop or tree farming; agricultural land a. residence or bodily presence in the new
RIGHT TO STRIKE b. intention to remain there
c. intention to abandon the old domicile
otherwise stated, there must be animus
– right to strike – At present, in the absence of any manendi and animus non-revertendi.
legislation in government employees the right to strike,
recognizing their right to do so, or regulating the exercise
of such right, they are prohibited form striking by Dual Citizenship
express prohibition of MC No. 6 and as implied in EO 180

Valles v. COMELEC
Republic v. CA
– Australian citizenship; governor of Davao Oriental -
– national parks committee; right to strike; civil service – Philippine law on citizenship adheres to the principle of
The committee is a government agency and jus sanguinis. Thereunder, a child follows the nationality
its employees are covered by civil service rules and or citizenship of the parents regardless of the place of
regulations; While the committee’s employees are his/her birth, as opposed to the doctrine of jus soli which
allowed under the 1987 Constitution to organize and join determines nationality or citizenship on the basis of the
unions of their choice, there is yet a law permitting them place of birth; The signing into law of the 1935
the right to strike. Constitution has established the principle of jus sanguinis
as basis for acquisition of Philippine citizenship; The
mere fact of a person is a holder of an Australian
passport and has an ACR are not acts constituting an
De Vera v. NLRC
effective renunciation of citizenship and don’t militate
– illegal dismissal – Loss of confidence as a ground for against her claim of Philippine citizenship; For candidates
dismissal must rest on some basis with dual citizenship, it is enough that they elect
Philippine citizenship upon the filing of their
certificate of candidacy to terminate their status as
persons with dual citizenship; A declaration to support –appointment of Ong to the SC; naturalborn – the
and defend the Constitution is effective renunciation of alleged subsequent recognition of a person’s natural-
foreign citizenship. born status by the Bureau of Immigration and the DOJ
cannot amend the final decision of the trial court stating
such individual and his mother were NATURALIZED along
Mercado v. Manzano with his father; No substantial change or correction in an
entry in a civil register can be made without a
– candidates for vice-mayor of Makati -Dual citizenship is judicial order; change of citizenship status is a substantial
different from dual allegiance. The former arises when, change
as a result of the concurrent application of the different
laws of two or more states, a person is simultaneously
considered a national by the said states. Dual allegiance Nicolas-Lewis v. COMELEC
refers to the situation in which a person simultaneously
owes, by some positive act, loyalty to two or more – citizenship retention; absentee voting – There is no
states. While dual citizenship is involuntary, dual provision in the law requiring “duals” to actually
allegiance is a result of an individual’s volition; establish residence and physically stay in the Philippines
first before they can exercise their right to vote; RA 9225
Under our Constitution, it is possible for the following makes the implicit recognition that “duals” are most
classes of citizens of the Philippines to possess dual likely non-residents; derivative citizenship (Derivative
citizenship: citizenship - unmarried child below 18 years of those
who re-acquire Philippine citizenship upon effectivity of
a. Those born of Filipino fathers and/or mothers in the Act shall be deemed citizens of the Philippines).
foreign countries which follow the principle of jus soli
b. Those born in the Philippines of Filipino mothers and
alien fathers if by the laws of their fathers’ country such Petition for Leave to Resume the Practice of Law of
children are citizens of that country Benjamin Dacanay
c. Those who marry aliens if by the laws of the latter’s
country the former are considered citizens, unless by – A Filipino lawyer who becomes a citizen of another
country is deemed never to have lost his Philippine
their act or omission they are deemed to have
renounced their Philippine citizenship citizenship if he reacquires it in accordance with RA 9225
but although he is also deemed to never have
terminated his membership in the Philippine Bar, no
automatic right to resume the practice of law accrues;
Calilung v. Datumanong must comply with IBP requirements and take the
lawyer’s oath again.

constitutionality of the Dual Citizenship Law (RA 9225) –

What RA 9225 does is dual citizenship to natural-born Loss of Citizenship
Filipino citizens who has lost Philippine citizenship by
reason of their naturalization as citizens of a foreign
country; On its face, it does not recognize dual
Yu v. Defensor Santiago
allegiance; By swearing to the supreme authority of the
Republic, the person implicitly renounces his foreign – Portuguese passport – Yu’s act of applying for a
citizenship Portuguese passport despite his naturalization as a
Philippine citizen and his act of declaring his nationality
as Portuguese in commercial documents, constitute an
Kilosbayan Foundation v. Ermita EXPRESS renunciation of his Philippine citizenship
acquired through naturalization; Philippine citizenship is
not a commodity or ware to be displayed when required
and suppressed when convenient
Yu v. Defensor Santiago

– Portuguese passport – Yu’s act of applying for a

Frivaldo v. COMELEC Portuguese passport despite his naturalization as a
Philippine citizen and his act of declaring his nationality
– governor-elect of Sorsogon; American citizenship; as Portuguese in commercial documents, constitute an
repatriation – Loss of naturalized Philippine citizenship EXPRESS renunciation of his Philippine citizenship
did not and could not have the effect of automatic acquired through naturalization; Philippine citizenship is
restoration of one’s Philippine citizenship; mere filing of not a commodity or ware to be displayed when required
certificate of candidacy wherein Frivaldo claimed that he and suppressed when convenient
is a natural born citizen is
not a sufficient act of repatriation; repatriation requires
an express and unequivocal act;
Frivaldo v. COMELEC

– governor-elect of Sorsogon; American citizenship;

Labo v. COMELEC repatriation – Loss of naturalized Philippine citizenship
did not and could not have the effect of automatic
– mayor of Baguio City; Australian citizenship; “bigamous restoration of one’s Philippine citizenship; mere filing of
marriage” – Res judicata does not apply to questions of certificate of candidacy wherein Frivaldo claimed that he
citizenship; is a natural born citizen is
Modes by which Philippine citizenship may be lost: not a sufficient act of repatriation; repatriation requires
an express and unequivocal act;
a. naturalization in a foreign country
b. express renunciation of citizenship
c. subscribing to an oath of allegiance to support the Labo v. COMELEC
Constitution or laws of a foreign country; annulment of
Labo’s Australian citizenship as a result of finding that his – mayor of Baguio City; Australian citizenship; “bigamous
marriage to an Australian national was bigamous did not marriage” – Res judicata does not apply to questions of
automatically restore his Philippine citizenship; citizenship;
Philippine citizenship may be acquired by direct act of
Congress; by naturalization or by repatriation. Modes by which Philippine citizenship may be lost:

a. naturalization in a foreign country

b. express renunciation of citizenship
Aznar v. COMELEC c. subscribing to an oath of allegiance to support the
Constitution or laws of a foreign country; annulment of
– disqualification of Osmeña; American citizenship – Labo’s Australian citizenship as a result of finding that his
Aznar failed to present direct proof that Osmeña marriage to an Australian national was bigamous did not
had lost his Filipino citizenship by any of the modes automatically restore his Philippine citizenship;
provided by law; The fact the Osmeña was both a Filipino Philippine citizenship may be acquired by direct act of
and an American does not mean that he is not still a Congress; by naturalization or by repatriation.

Aznar v. COMELEC

– disqualification of Osmeña; American citizenship –

Loss of Citizenship Aznar failed to present direct proof that Osmeña
had lost his Filipino citizenship by any of the modes No criminal liability would attach to such possession of
provided by law; The fact the Osmeña was both a Filipino said firearm in spite of the absence of a license and
and an American does not mean that he is not still a permit. Jabinal must be absolved; Jabinal may not be
Filipino; punished for an act which at the time it was
done was held not to be punishable; (case of SC
CITIZENSHIP - Citizens by election abandoning previous decisions; stare decisis)

----- Bill of Attainder -----

Co v. HRET People v. Ferrer
- representative; 2nd District of Samar; election of – constitutionality of the [then] Anti-Subversion Act – A
citizenship – The exercise of the right to suffrage and the bill of attainder is a legislative act which inflicts
participation in election exercises constitute a positive punishment without a trial; Anti-Subversion act not a bill
act of election of Philippine citizenship; Any election of of attainder; It does not specify the CPP or its members;
Philippine citizenship on the part of Jose Ong would not CPP is used for definition purposes only because in the
only have been superfluous but would also have resulted law, it also says “any other organization having the same
in absurdity considering that it was the law itself that had purpose and their successors”; mere membership to the
already elected Philippine citizenship for him. CPP not punished; even if the Act specifies individuals,
this feature is not enough to consider it a bill of attainder

In re: Ching

– permission to take the lawyer’s oath; Ching elected People v. Sandiganbayan

Filipino citizenship beyond the required “upon – violation under Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act
reaching the age of majority” – If the citizenship of a – The new 15-year prescriptive period (formerly 10) in
person was subject to challenge under the old charter, it the Act cannot be given retroactive effect because it will
remains subject to challenge under the new charter even be prejudicial to the accused.
if the judicial challenge had not been commenced before
the effectivity of the new Constitution; CA 625 and the Article 2, SECTION 21- Philippines Constitution
1935 Constitution did not prescribe a time within which
the election of Philippine citizenship should be made;
“reasonable time”; “upon reaching the age of majority” –
it was clearly beyond by any reasonable yardstick, the
able period to exercise the privilege. DOUBLE JEOPARDY

EX POST FACTO LAWS; BILLS OF ATTAINDER ----- Attachment of jeopardy -----

Article 3, SECTION 22

People v. Ylagan
----- Ex post facto laws ----- – physical injuries –

A defendant is in legal jeopardy when he was put to trial

in the following conditions:
People v. Jabinal
a. in a court of competent jurisdiction
– possession of unlicensed firearms; secret agent; - b. upon a valid complaint or information
c. after he has been arraigned No re-opening of a case may be ordered of a criminal
d. after he has pleaded to the information case after accused has
started serving his sentence; a judgment in a criminal
case becomes final after the lapse of the period for
“without the consent of the accused” – perfecting an appeal or when the sentence has been
does not mean “over the objection of the accused” or partially or totally satisfied or served or the defendant ha
“against the will of the accused” ; mere silence or failure waived in writing his appeal; withdrawal of plea of guilty
to object does not constitute waiver of defense of double jeopardy
timely invoked.

People v. Balisacan

– homicide – People v. Obsania

Existence of a plea is an essential requisite in order that – rape –
the accused may be in jeopardy. In this case, he first
entered a plea of guilty and subsequently, he was ed to In order that the protection against double jeopardy may
testify on the mitigating circumstances and he said he inure in favor of an accused, the following
acted in self defense: this had the effect of vacating his requisites must have obtained in the original
plea of guilty; prosecution/ double jeopardy attaches when:
court should have required a new plea. a. a valid complaint or information
b. a competent court
c. defendant had pleaded to the charge
Cudia v. CA d. defendant was acquitted or convicted or the case
against him was dismissed or otherwise terminated
– requisites in order to successfully invoke the defense of without his consent dismissal with express consent of
double jeopardy/ substantiate an claim of the defendant constitutes waiver
jeopardy –

a. a first jeopardy must have attached prior to the Rivera v. People

second – transportation of marijuana –
b. first jeopardy must have been validly terminated
c. second jeopardy must be for the same offense or the VERBAL ORDER OF DISMISSAL which was not reduced
second offense includes or is necessarily included in the into writing may be set aside by the judge and enter a
offense charged in the first information, or is an attempt new one duly signed by him, reinstating the case
to commit of frustration thereof. Jeopardy does not
attach where a defendant pleads guilty to a defective
indictment that is voluntarily dismissed by the Cuison v. CA
– double homicide –

The promulgation of only one part of the decision i.e.

----- Termination of jeopardy ----- liability for civil indemnity, is NOT A BAR, to the
subsequent promulgation of the other part, the
1. Bustamante v. Maceren imposition of the criminal accountability – doctrine on
double jeopardy same as in Cudia and Obsania cases.
– reopening of a case –

People v. Velasco
– homicide and frustrated homicide – Requisites to
successfully invoke double jeopardy (refer to Obsania); The change of the offense charged from homicide to
Where an acquittal is concerned, the rules do not murder is merely a formal amendment and not a
distinguish whether it occurs at the level of the trial substantial amendment or a substitution;
court or an appeal on a judgment of conviction. This
firmly establishes the finality-of-acquittal rule; An
acquittal is final and unappealable ON THE GROUND OF ----- Same offense; ordinance and states -----
DOUBLE JEOPARDY whether it happens at the trial court
of before the Court of Appeals; doctrine that double
jeopardy may not be invoked after trial may apply only
People v. Relova –
when the Court finds that the criminal trial was a sham
because the prosecution theft of electricity; punishable by an ordinance and the
representing the sovereign people in the criminal case RPC – A person who was charged for violating a
was denied due process. city ordinance which was dismissed for prescription of
the offense may not be charged again under the RPC;
claim of double jeopardy is available even if prior offense
Salcedo v. Mendoza charged under an ordinance is different from subsequent
offense charged in a statue where both offenses spring
– homicide through reckless imprudence – from the same act; where an offense is punished by
different sections of a statute, the inquiry, for the
General rule: dismissal of criminal case upon motion or
with express consent of accused will not be purpose of double jeopardy,
is on identity of offenses charged. In contrast, where an
a bar to the subsequent prosecution of the accused for
the same offense. EXCEPTION TO THE RULE: when offense is penalized by an ordinance and a statute, the
inquiry is on the identity of acts; Identity of offenses
dismissal is grounded upon the right of the accused to a
speedy trial. This amounts to a judgment of acquittal on (examining elements of the two offenses); identity of
acts (examining the locus or such acts in time and place);
the merits which bars the subsequent prosecution of
accused for the same offense For double jeopardy
to be available, not all technical elements of the first
offense need be present in the definition of the second
offense; Damages, civil liability – will continue to be
Oriente v. People heard
– homicide; lead pipe –

It is well settled that when an accused appeals from the People v. City Court of Manila
sentence of the trial court, he waives the constitutional
safeguard against double jeopardy; Courts have the – the defense of double jeopardy cannot prosper when
inherent power to amend their decisions to make them there is no identity of the offenses charged. Evidence
conformable to law and justice; change in penalty by the required to prove one offense is not the same evidence
RTC did not involve required to prove the other; An appeal by the
the consideration of new evidence but a mere prosecution from the order of dismissal by the trial court
“correction” SHALL NOT constitute double
jeopardy if:
a. the dismissal is made upon motion or with express
People v. Cajigal consent of the defendant;
b. dismissal is NOT an acquittal or based upon
– homicide to murder – consideration of the evidence or of the merits of the
c. question to be passed upon the appellate court is
purely legal (if dismissal is incorrect, case will be
remanded to the court of origin)
Right Against Cruel and Inhuman
ARTICLE 3, SECTION 19 Philippine Constitution
----- Rule on supervening facts –

----- Cruel, degrading or inhuman punishment; excessive

Melo v. People
fines -----
– physical injuries; injured party dies; homicide – The
rule of identity does not apply when the
second offense was not in existence at the time of the People v. Estoista
first prosecution, for the simple reason that in such case,
there is no possibility for the accused, during the first - illegal possession of firearms – Republic Act. No. 4 is
prosecution, to be convicted for an offense that was then constitutional. It does not go against the constitutional
inexistent. Thus, where the accused was charged with prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment having due
physical injuries and after conviction, the injured person regard to the prevalent conditions which the law
dies, the charged for homicide against the same accused proposes to curb.
does not put him twice in jeopardy.

People v. Echegaray
People v. Buling
– death penalty; constitutional – Courts are not the fora
– [less] serious physical injuries; X-ray; two physicians; for a protracted debate on the morality or propriety of
two complaints - the death sentence where the law itself provides
therefor specific and well defined criminal acts; Congress
The prosecution of the accused for less serious physical has the power to re-impose the death penalty for
injuries is a bar for his prosecution with serious physical compelling reasons involving heinous
injuries. If the X-ray examination disclosed the existence crimes; This entails: 1) define and describe what heinous
of a fracture when the second examination was made, crimes mean; 2) specify and penalize by death only
this must have been present during the first crimes that qualify as heinous; 3) Congress be move by
examination; There was therefore no supervening fact compelling reasons involving heinous crimes.
which would justify application of the rule of double

----- Effect of abolition on application of penal laws -----

Article 3, SECTION 20- Philippine Constitution
1. People v. Muñoz

– 1987 Constitution does not expressly declare the

Lozano v. Martinez
abolition of the death penalty. It merely says that the
– constitutionality of BP 22 (Bouncing Checks Law) – BP death penalty shall not be imposed and if already
22 is constitutional. The gravamen of BP 22 involves the imposed, shall be reduced to reclusion perpetua;
issuance of a worthless check, not the non-payment of
----- Death Penalty -----
1. People v. Bon People v. Malimit

– repeal of RA 7659 by RA 9346 – There can be no – robbery with homicide – The right against self-
harmony between RA 9346 and the RPC unless the latte incrimination is simply a prohibition against legal process
statute is construed as having downgraded those to extract from the accused’s own lips, against his ill,
penalties ATTACHED to death by reason of the graduated admission of his guilt. It does NOT apply when the
scale under Art. 71 of the RPC; RA 9346 unequivocally evidence sought is NOT an incriminating statement but
bars the application of the death penalty an object evidence; Miranda rights –
covers only inadmissibility of extrajudicial confession or
admission made during custodial investigation; other
evidence (like IDs, wallet, keys, etc) is not affected even
if obtained or taken in the course of custodial
Article 3, Section 17, Case Doctrines
US v. Tan Teng

– substance taken from the body of the defendant – The

Bermudez v. Castillo prohibition against compelling a man in a criminal cause
to be a witness against himself is a prohibition against
– handwriting; refused to provide; perjury – She was physical or moral compulsion to extort communications
completely entitled to the privilege invoked by her from him and not an exclusion of his body as evidence
because she was compelled to write and were it proven when it may be material.
by means of what she might right later that the
documents were written by her, it would be impossible
for her to evade persecution for perjury
Standard Chartered Bank v. Senate Committee on
Banks et. al.

Cabal v. Kapunan Jr. – The right of the accused against self-incrimination is

extended in administrative investigations that partake of
– graft; corrupt practices, unexplained wealth – the nature of or are analogous to criminal proceedings –
Proceedings for the forfeiture of property are deemed the privilege has consistently been held to extend to all
criminal and penal and hence, the exemption of the proceeding sanctioned by law and to all cases in which
defendants in criminal cases from the obligation to be a punishment is sought to be visited upon a witness,
witness against themselves are applicable thereto; whether a party or not.

Almonte v. Vasquez

– subpoena duces tecum; government agency – At

common law, a governmental privilege is recognized
with respect to state secrets bearing on military, SPEEDY DISPOSITION OF CASES
diplomatic and similar matters. In this case, there is no
Article 3, Section 16, Case Doctrines
claim that military or diplomatic secrets will be disclosed
by the production of records pertaining to the
personnel of EIIB (economic something).
Tatad v. Sandiganbayan
– due process; speedy disposition of cases – Long delay ----- Presumption of innocence -----
in termination of the preliminary investigation
by the Tanodbayan in the instant case found to e
violative of the constitutional right of the accused to due US v. Luling
process; Undue delay in the conduct of preliminary
investigation can not be corrected – customs; wharf watchman
– Presumption of innocence; The state has the right to
declare what acts are criminal, within certain well-
defined limitation and also a right to specify what acts or
Gonzales v. Sandiganbayan
acts shall constitute a crime, as well as what proof shall
– when is a delay justified; balancing test - The right to a constitute as PRIMA FACIE evidence of guilt, and then to
speedy disposition of a case, like the right to a speedy put upon the defendant the burden of showing that such
trial, is deemed violated only when the proceeding is act or acts are innocent and were not committed with
attended by vexatious, capricious and oppressive delays; any criminal intent.
unjustified postponements; balancing test: conduct of
prosecution and defense.
People v. Mingoa

– malversation of public funds – There is no

Criminal Due Process constitutional objection to the passage of a law providing
that the presumption of innocence may be overcome by
Article 3, SECTION 14, Philippines Constitution (CRIMINAL
a contrary presumption founded upon the experience of
human conduct, and enacting what evidence shall be
sufficient to overcome such presumption of innocence.

----- Military Tribunals -----

----- Right to Counsel -----

Olaguer v. Military Commission

–subversion – The trial contemplated in the Constitution People v. Holgado

is trial by judicial process and military tribunals are not
– slight illegal detention – When an accused unaided by
courts; A military court is ousted with jurisdiction where
counsel qualifiedly admits his guilt to an ambiguous or
it did not accord accused a chance to adduce evidence.
vague information, it is not prudent for the trial court to
Once a deprivation of a constitutional right is shown to
render a serious judgment finding the accused guilty of a
exist, the tribunal that rendered the judgment in
capital offense without absolutely any evidence to
question is deemed ousted of jurisdiction.
determine and clarify the true facts of the case;

Duties of court when defendant appears without any

----- Due process ----- attorney:

1) inform him that he has a right to have an attorney

before arraignment;
Scoty’s Department Store v. Micaller
2) after, court must ask him if he desires to have an
– discharge of employee – Court of Industrial Relations, attorney;
no criminal jurisdiction;
3) if he desires but unable to employ an attorney, court
must assign an attorney de oficio;
4) if he desires to procure one on his own, court must accused cannot be convicted of an offense, unless it is
hive him reasonable time to do so; In criminal clearly charged in the complaint or information.
cases, there can be no fair hearing unless the accussed
be given an opportunity to be heard by counsel.
----- Right to speedy trial ------

People v. Sim Ben

– indecent and immoral cinematographic films – The Conde v. Rivera and Unson
recommendation of the fiscal that only a fine be imposed – municipal midwife of Laguna – Philippine organic and
upon Sim Ben does not mean that he is not guilty of the statutory law expressly guarantee that in all
crime he is being charged; A promise to recommend a criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right
specific penalty such as fine does not render the to have a speedy trial; Where a prosecuting officer,
sentence void of the Court ignores the recommendation without good cause, secures postponements of the trial
and metes out a penalty which is provided by law. of a defendant against his protest beyond a reasonable
time, accused is entitled relief through mandamus or
habeas corpus.
Delgado v. CA

– estafa thru falsification of public/official documents – A

part who was not represented by a member of the bar is ----- Right to impartial trial ------
entitled to a new trial, otherwise, there would be a
denial of due process.
Mateo Jr. v. Villaluz

----- Right to be informed ------

– cold neutrality of an impartial judge – Due process
cannot be satisfied in the absence of that degree of
People v. Regala objectivity on the part of a judge sufficient to assure
litigants of his being fair and just; What a trial requires is
– murder with assault upon an agent of a person in an impartial and disinterested tribunal.
authority – defective information; Accused cannot be
convicted of the complex crime of homicide with assault
absent any allegations in the information of the essential ----- Right to public trial ------
elements of an assault that appellant knew that the
assault victim was an agent of a person in authority; The
fact that the crime of assault was proved by evidence of
Garcia v. Domingo
the prosecution without any objection on the part of the
accused does not cure the defect because to do so would – trial conducted in an air conditioned room – Public trial
be convicting an accused of a crime not properly alleged – when anyone interested in observing the
in the information. manner a judge conducts proceedings;

People v. Ortega ----- Compulsory process/ confrontation -----

– person cannot be convicted of homicide through
drowning in an information that charged murder by
means of stabbing – The hornbook doctrine is that an Fajardo v. Garcia
– request to serve written interrogatories to a doctor – – malicious mischief – Accused may be compelled to be
The constitutional guarantee to an accused to present at the trial for the purposes of identification
compulsory process to secure the production of evidence unless he unqualifiedly admits in open court after his
in his behalf was not violated by the trial judge who arraignment that he is the person
refused to grant the request of the accused for leave to named; The provision in the constitution allowing trial in
serve written interrogatories to his doctor who treated absentia means that he waives his right to meet the
their injuries who already left abroad. That the said witnesses face to face; an express waiver of appearance
medical testimony on the injuries they sustained was has the same effect; HOWEVER, such waiver of right
vital to their defense can still be adduced thru other does NOT release the accused from his obligation under
witnesses and hospital records. the bond to appear in court whenever so required; the
accused may waive the right but not the obligation to
appear in court.
People v. Ortiz-Miyake

– hearsay rule – the right of confrontation is not absolute

as it is recognized that it is sometimes impossible to
recall or produce a witness who has already testified in a
previous proceeding, in which event, his previous Article 3, SECTION 13 Philippines Constitution
testimony is made admissible as a distinct piece of
evidence by way of exception to
the hearsay rule; Exception contemplated by law covers
----- Right to bail or recognizance -----
only the utilization of testimonies of absent witness
made is previous proceedings BUT DOES NOT cover People v. Nitcha
previous decisions or judgments (if used –
proof only that he was previously convicted of a crime – murder; claim that arrest was illegal for want of
BUT not guilty in a subsequent case. preliminary investigation – Act of posting a bail bond,
apart from the fact that he entered a plea of not guilty, is
tantamount to foregoing the right to question the
assumed irregularity; Bail is a matter of right when the
People v. Seneris
offense charged is punishable by any penalty lower than
– parricide; prosecution witness died – While the right of reclusion perpetua (absolute); Bail is a matter of
confrontation and cross-examination are fundamental discretion when the offense charged is punishable by
rights, they can be waived expressly or impliedly by reclusion perpetua; If accused ins convicted by the crime
conduct amounting to a renunciation of the right; If the (reclusion perpetua), bail is neither a matter of right nor
party was given the opportunity to confront or cross- a matter of discretion. Bail must not be granted.
examine a witness but failed to take advantage of it, he
forfeits the right and the testimonies given in direct
examination will be received or ed on record; Where the Cardines v. Rosete
prosecution witness was partially cross-examined but
prior to the next hearing, he dies, his testimony cannot – illegal recruitment – life imprisonment (special laws),
be stricken off the record. reclusion perpetua (RPC), same standing with regard to
bail – under the new rule, life imprisonment (not granted
as a matter of right when evidence of guilt is strong.

---- Trial in absentia; right to be present -----

People v. Sandiganbayan (Special Division)

Carredo v. People
– Jinggoy Estrada; not a flight risk 2) voluntary relinquishment;
– Even if the capital offense charged is bailable owing to
the weaknesses of the evidence of guilt, the right to bail
Right to bail may be waived.
can justifiably still be denied if the probability of escape
is great; A grant of bail does not ----- Excessive bail -----
prevent the trier of facts from making a final assessment
of the evidence after full trial on the merits. A grant of de la Camara v. Enage
bail is predicated only on its preliminary appreciation of
– excessive bail – Where the right to bail exists, is should
the evidence adduced in the bail hearing to determine
not be rendered nugatory by requiring a sum
whether the deprivation of the right to bail is warranted.
that is so excessive;

Guidelines in fixing the bail:

Government of Hong Kong v. Olalia
1) ability of the accused to give bail;
– extradition; right to bail –If bail can be granted in
2) nature of the offense;
deportation cases,, the Court sees no justification why it
should not also be ed in extradition cases – clearly the 3) penalty for the offense charged;
right of a prospective extraditee to apply for bail must be
viewed in light of the various treaty obligations of the 4) character and reputation of the accused;
Philippines concerning respect for the promotion and
5) health of the accused;
protection of human rights.
6) character and strength of evidence;

7) probability of the accused appearing in trial;

Rodriguez v. Presiding Judge, RTC Manila Br. 17
8) forfeiture of other bonds;
– when can the right to bail in extradition be available -
Bail may be granted to a possible extraditee only upon a 9) whether the accused was a fugitive from justice when
clear and convincing showing: 1) that he will not be a arrested;
flight risk or a danger to the community and; 2) that
there exist special, humanitarian and compelling 10) if the accused is under bond for appearance at trial in
circumstances. other cases.

----- Waiver of right -----

People v. Donato
----- Rights under Section 12: origins and rationale -----
– rebellion is a bailable offense; bail as a matter of right –
Right to bail shall not be impaired even when the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is suspended;
Prosecution does not have the right to present evidence 1. Magtoto v. Manguera
for the denial of bail in the instances where bail is a
– murder; admissibility of confession – A confession
matter of right, such is required only bail is discretionary;
obtained from a person under investigation for the
Waiver of the right commission of an offense, who has not been informed of
his right to silence and right to counsel is INADMISSIBLE
1) the right exists; as evidence; Miranda and Escobedo
----- When the rights become available ----- a. right to remain silent
b. right to counsel
c. right to be informed
2. People v. Taylaran d. right to have evidence obtained in violation of those
above rejected
– “accidental killing”
– Right to silence and to counsel NOT applicable where
no written confession was to be presented in evidence as RIGHTS: AFTER THE CASE IS FILED IN COURT
a result of a formal custodial investigation

a. right to refuse to be a witness

3. Galman v. Pamaran b. not to have any prejudice whatsoever result to him
because of such refusal
– assassination of Ninoy; Agrava Commission – The fact c. right to testify in his own behalf , subject to cross
that the framers of the Constitution did not use the word examination by the prosecution
“custodial investigation” shows that it did not entirely d. while testifying: to refuse to answer an specific
adopt the Miranda Doctrine; The accused are also question which tends to incriminate him for some crime
entitled to be admonished of their constitutional right to other that which he is being prosecuted
remain silent, to counsel and be informed that any or all
statements given by them may be used against them;
This also applies in other cases, not just those criminal in ----- Police line-ups; paraffin test; signature -----

5. Gamboa v. Cruz
4. People v. Ayson
– vagrancy – The right to counsel attaches at the start of
– irregularity in the sale of plane tickets – Right against the investigation (when investigating officers elicit
self incrimination is accorded to every person information/ admission/ confession. Police line-up not
who gives evidence, whether voluntarily or under part of the inquest.
compulsion of subpoena in any proceeding. The right is
NOT to be compelled to be a witness against himself and 6. People v. Dimaano
NOT a prohibition of inquiry; The right can only be
claimed when the specific question, incriminatory in – robbery with homicide – A police line-up is not part of
the custodial inquest so at this stage, they have no right
character, is actually put to the witness; It does not give
the right to refuse a subpoena. This right must be to counsel yet. They are not being held to answer for
criminal offense for which they are being charged or
claimed, it is not automatically operational | Miranda
rights | Custodial investigation – questioning initiated by convicted.
law enforcement officers after a person has been taken
away into custody or otherwise deprived of his freedom
of action in any ----- Right to counsel -----
way; A defendant on a trial or preliminary investigation is
NOT under custodial investigation; “Accused”
7. Estacio v. Sandiganbayan

- estafa thru falsification – When the waiver of the right

to remain silent and assistance by counsel was not made
(or with public prosecutor for preliminary investigation; in the presence of counsel, the defect was cured when
taken into custody) the lawyer arrived at the closing stage of the
interrogation, read the statement and talked to the
accused before the latter signed it.

8. People v. De Jesus
– robbery with homicide – Right to counsel attaches
upon the start of the investigation; Custodial Article 3, SECTION 10 Philippines Constitution
investigation is the stage where the police investigation
is no longer a general inquiry into an unsolved crime but Abella v. NLRC
has began to focus on the particular suspect who had
– illegal dismissal – To come under the constitutional
been taken into custody; questions initiated when a
prohibition, the law must effect change in the rights of
person is taken into custody and deprived of his freedom
the parties with reference to each other and not with
of action
reference to non-parties. The contract in this case cannot
9. People v. Lucero have the effect of annulling subsequent legislation for
the protection of the workers.
– extrajudicial confession; lawyer was away when
accused gave his uncounselled confession - doctrine
same as above
Ortigas and Co. v. CA

– MMDA ordinance; reclassification of a portion of

----- Right to be informed ----- Ortigas Ave. – A later law which enlarges, abridges or in
any manner changes the intent of the parties to the
contract necessarily impairs the contract itself and
cannot be given retroactive effect without violating the
10. People v. Pinlac
constitutional prohibition against the non-impairment of
– robbery – The constitutional right of the accused to be contracts; Police power legislation is applicable not only
informed of his rights to remain silent and to counsel to future contracts but equally to those already in
contemplates the transmission of meaningful existence. Non-impairment of contracts must yield to the
information and not just a mere ceremonial and superior and
perfunctory recitation of an abstract constitutional legitimate exercise by the State of police power to
principle. Police officer is duty bound not just to recite promote health, morals, etc.
the rights; he must explain it as well; Waiver MUST BE
National Development Company v. Philippine Veteran’s
MADE in the presence of counsel

– mortgage liability; AGRIX – While it is true that police

----- Waiver ----- power is superior to the impairment clause, the principle
will only apply only where the contract is so related to
the public welfare that it will be considered congenitally
11. People v. Rous susceptible to change by the legislature in the interest of
the greater number.
– robbery with homicide
– A confession is admissible until the accused Republic v. Caguioa
successfully proves that it was given as a result of – tax exemptions; granted but was later withdrawn by a
violence, intimidation, threat or promise of reward of latter law – There is no vested right in tax exemption,
leniency; Presumption that a confession was made more so when the latest expression of legislative intent
deliberately and knowingly. render its continuance doubtful; Congress in the
legitimate exercise of its lawmaking powers, can enact a agencies in custody of public records on the manner in
law withdrawing a tax which the right to information may be exercised by the
exemption just as efficaciously as it may grant the same. public.

3. In determining whether or not a particular information

is of public concern, there is no rigid test which can be
applied. It a term that eludes exact definition.
Valmonte v. Belmonte
1. – loans from GSIS; Imelda Marcos as guarantor - The
DOCUMENTS OF PUBLIC right to information goes hand-in-hand with the
CONCERN constitutional policies of full public disclosure and
honesty in the public service. It is meant to enhance the
Article 3, SECTION 7- Philippines Constitution
widening role of the citizenry in the governmental

The right of the people to information on matters of as well as in checking abuse in the
public concern shall be recognized. Access to official
records, and to documents and papers pertaining to
official acts, transactions, or decisions, as well as to 2. Right to information is not absolute, it is limited to
government research data used as basis for policy matters of public concern and interest, and is further
development, shall be afforded the citizen, subject to subject to limitations as may be imposed by law.
such limitations as may be provided by law.
3. Public nature of the loanable funds of the GSIS and the
Legaspi v. CSC public office held by the alleged borrowers make the
information sought clearly a manner of public interest
– eligibility of sanitary people -
and concern.
1. The right to information enshrined in the Bill of Rights
4. The right to privacy belongs to the individual in his
is self executing. They supply the rules by means of
private capacity and cannot be invoked by juridical
which the right to information may be enjoyed by
entities like the GSIS.
guaranteeing the right and mandating the duty to afford
access to sources of information. Hence, the
fundamental right therein recognized may be asserted by
the people upon the ratification of the constitution Gonzales v. Narvasa
without need for any ancillary act of the legislature.
- Preparatory Commission on Constitutional Reform - The
What may be provided by the legislature are reasonable
information to which the public is entitled to are those
conditions and limitations upon the access to be afforded
concerning “matters of public concern”, a term which
which must, of
“embrace[s] a broad spectrum of subjects which the
necessity be consistent with the declared state policy of public may want to know, either because these directly
full disclosure of all transactions involving public interest. affect their lives, or simply

because such matters naturally arouse the interest of an

ordinary citizen. It is for the courts to determine in a case
2. Government agencies are without discretion in by case basis whether the matter at issue is of interest or
refusing disclosure of, or access to, information of public importance, as it relates to or affects the public.
concern. This is not to lose sight of the reasonable
regulations which may be imposed by said
Non-establishment Clause Case
– names of partylist representatives are a matter of
public concer

SECTION 5, Philippines Constitution- No law shall be

Akbayan v. Aquino – JPEPA
made respecting an establishment of religion, or
– diplomatic communication; negotiation is privileged prohibiting the free exercise thereof. The free exercise
information and enjoyment of religious profession and worship,
without discrimination or preference shall forever be
ed. No religious test shall be required for the exercise of
civil or political rights.

Liberty Of Abode and Travel A. Non-establishment of religion

SECTION 6, Philippines Constitution- The liberty of

abode and of changing the same within the limits Aglipay v. Ruiz - commemorative postage stamp – Act.
prescribed by law shall not be impaired upon lawful No. 4052 contemplates no religious purpose. What it
order of the court. Neither shall the right to travel be gives is the discretionary power to determine when the
impaired except in the interest of national security, issuance if special postage stamps would be
public safety or public health, as may be provided by advantageous to the government. The only purpose of
law. the commemorative postage stamps was to advertise
the Philippines and attract more tourists

Garces v. Estenzo – statue of San Vicente Ferrer – A

Manotoc Jr. v. CA -
resolution of the barangay council for soliciting
A court may prohibit an accused from leaving the contributions to buy a statue of the barangay’s patron
Philippines even if he was admitted to bail – necessary saint and the use of such fund for said purpose does not
consequence of a bail bond violate the Constitution’s provision prohibiting use of
public funds for religious purpose; statue was purchased
Marcos v. Manglapus – by barangay funds so it belongs to the barangay and not
to the parish
Marcos wants to return to country - The right to return
to one’s country is not among the rights specifically Victoriano v. Elizalde Rope Worker’s Union – joining a
guaranteed under the Bill of Rights, though it may well union is prohibited by the Iglesia ni Cristo – closed shop
be considered as agreement – freedom of religion takes precedent over
a generally accepted principle of international law, which the right against impairment of contracts
is part of the law of the land. However, it is distinct and
separate from the right to travel and enjoys a different
protection under the International Covenant of Civil and Islamic Dawah v. Executive Secretary – Hala food
Political Rights. products – Islamic Dawah v. Office of Muslim Affairs
(OMA) – Classifying a food product as halal is a religious
function because the standards used are drawn from the
Qur’an and Islamic beliefs. State cannot classify food as
B. Free Exercise of Religion

American Bible Society v. City of Manila – selling bibles;

tax - The constitutional guaranty of the free exercise and
enjoyment of religious profession and worship carries
with it the right to disseminate religious information. Any
restraint of such right could only be justified like other EXPRESSION, OF THE PRESS,
restraints of freedom of expression on the grounds that
there is clear and present danger of any substantive evil
which the State has the right to prevent. TO ASSEMBLE
ase Doctrines Section 4- Constitution. No law shall be
Ebralinag v. Superintendent – saluting the flag; pledge –
passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression,
abandoned the ruling in Gerona. The 2-fold aspect of
or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to
religious freedom, (1) the absolute freedom to believe as
assemble and petition the government for redress of
long as such is limited within the realm of thought, (2)
the freedom to act on one’s belief, which may be
regulated. It underscored the rule that the only
justification for relief is the existence of clear and
present danger, both grave and imminent, which is of A. Prior Restraint
serious evil to public interest. In the case at bar, the
Court held that the Jehovah’s Witnesses’
Eastern Broadcasting v. Dans – The test of limitations on
nonparticipation in the flag ceremony in no way poses a
freedom of expression continues to be the CLEAR AND
clear and present danger to society. Thus, restraint on
PRESENT DANGER RULE – that words are used in such a
the part of the government would be unjustified.
circumstance and are of such a nature as to create a
Moreover, the petitioner’s right to quality education, as
clear and present danger that they will bring about the
granted by the Constitution was likewise violated by
substantial evils that a lawmaker has a right to prevent.
effecting the  expulsion.
Government has a right to be protected against
broadcasts which incite listeners to overthrow it
Iglesia ni Cristo v. Court of Appeals – X rating of a TV
show - Mere criticisms of some of the deeply held
Chavez v. Gonzales – Hello Garci Case – Tests for
dogmas and tenets of other religions do not impose a
restraint – dangerous tendency doctrine, clear and
clear and present danger, which the State should protect
present danger rule and balancing of interest test;
its citizens from. X-rating not justified. The right to
aspects of freedom of the press – freedom from prior
religious profession and worship has a two-fold aspect,
restraint and freedom from subsequent punishment
viz., freedom to believe and freedom to act on one's
beliefs . The first is absolute as long as the belief is B. Subsequent Punishment
confined within the realm of thought. The second is People v. Perez – seditious remarks – Criticisms against
subject to regulation where the belief is translated into the branches of government within the range of liberty
external acts that affect the public welfare… It is error to and speech unless the intention and the effect be
think that the mere invocation of religious freedom will seditious
stalemate the State and render it impotent in protecting
the general welfare. The inherent police power can be
exercised to prevent religious practices inimical to Gonzales v. COMELEC – prolonged political campaigns –
society. However, prior restraint on speech, including freedom of expression not absolute; The speech and free
religious speech, cannot be justified by hypothetical press may be identified with the liberty to discuss
fears but only by the showing. publicly and truthfully any matter of public interest
without censorship or punishment. There is to be then which case it shall be dealt with as a case of contempt.
no previous restraint to the communication of views or Contempt proceedings dismissed. Such comments may
subsequent punishment unless there be a clear and constitute a libel against the judge, but it cannot be
present danger of substantive evil that Congress has the treated as in contempt of the court's authority. (2) In
right to prevent. case of a post-litigation newspaper publication, fair
criticism of the court, its
proceedings and its members, are allowed. However,
C. Freedom of Expression and the electoral process there may be a contempt of court, even though the case
has been terminated, if the publication is attended by
either of these two circumstances:
Sanidad v. COMELEC – prohibition regarding certain
forms of propaganda a valid exercise of police power of
the state to prevent perversion and prostitution of a. Where it tends to bring the court into disrespect or, in
electoral process other words, to scandalize the court; or
Adiong v. COMELEC – using stickers to campaign – ed b. Where there is a clear and present danger that the
administration of justice would be impeded. And this
brings us to the familiar invocation of freedom of
ABS-CBN v. COMELEC – exit polls – allowed expression usually resorted to as a defense in
contempt proceedings.

SWS v. COMELEC – releasing surveys results before the

election – allowed IN RE: RESOLUTION A.M. 98-7-02 SC - resolution
prohibiting demonstrations within a radius of 200 meters
from the boundary of any hall of Justice. - The Court, it
D. Freedom of Expression and the Courts would seem, has the power to
promulgate “rules concerning conduct of
demonstrations in the vicinity of the courts to assure the
IN RE: EMIL JURADO – journalist and lawyer at the same people of an impartial and orderly administration of
time - Right to private reputation. Judges are commonly justice. It was anchored on Art. VIII Sec. 5 (5)
and rightly regarded as voluntarily subjecting themselves
to norms of conduct which embody more stringent RE: RADIO/TV COVERAGE OF ESTRADA TRIAL - Can the
standards of honesty, integrity, and competence than trial of Estrada in the Sandiganbayan or any other court
are commonly required from private persons. Although be broadcasted in TV or radio? NO. An accused has a
honest utterances, even if inaccurate, may further the right to a public trial, but it is
fruitful exercise of the right of free speech, it does not not synonymous with a publicized trial. Freedom of the
follow that the lie, knowingly and deliberately published press and the accused’s protection from a possible
about a public prejudicial publicized trial must be taken into
official, should enjoy a like immunity. The knowingly false consideration. And unless there are safety nets to
statement and the false statement made with reckless prevent this event, broadcast media cannot be allowed
disregard of the truth, do not enjoy constitutional to publicize the trial.


PEOPLE V. GODOY - cited for contempt based on the
latter’s article in the newspaper - (1) There’s a need to
make a distinction between adverse criticism of the BORJAL V. COURT OF APPEALS - Borjal published in his
court's decision after the case is ended and editorial column in the Philippine Star about certain
"scandalizing the court itself." The latter is not criticism; anomalous activities of an “organizer of a conference” -
it is personal and scurrilous abuse of a judge as such, in (1) Fair commentaries on matters of public interest are
privileged and constitute a valid defense in an action for F. ASSEMBLY AND PETITION
libel or slander. The
doctrine of fair comment means that while in general PRIMICIAS V. FUGOSO - public meeting at Plaza Miranda
- (1) A statute requiring persons using the public streets
every discreditable imputation publicly made is deemed
false, because every man is presumed innocent until his for a parade or procession to procure a special license
therefor from the local authorities is not an
guilt is judicially proved, and every false imputation is
deemed malicious, nevertheless, when the discreditable unconstitutional abridgement of the rights of assembly
or a freedom of speech and press, where, as the statute
imputation is directed against a public person in his
public capacity, it is not necessarily actionable. In order is construed by the state courts, the licensing authorities
are strictly limited, in them issuance of licenses, to a
that such
discreditable imputation to a public official may be consideration, the time, place, and manner of the parade
and procession, with a view to conserving the public
actionable, it must either be a false allegation of fact or a
comment based on a false supposition. If the comment is convenience and of affording an opportunity to provide
proper policing and are not invested with arbitrary
an expression of opinion, based on established facts,
then it is immaterial that the opinion happens to be discretion to issue or refuse license. (2) In the exercise of
police power, the council may, in its discretion, regulate
mistaken, as long as it might
reasonably be inferred from the facts. the exercise of such rights in a reasonable manner, but
cannot suppress them, directly or indirectly, by
attempting to commit the power of doing so to the
OCAMPO V. SUN STAR PUBLISHING - graft charges filed mayor or any other officer. The discretion with which the
against the judge. - (1) Generally, every defamatory council is vested is
information is presumed to be malicious, even if it be a legal discretion, to be exercised within the limits of the
true, if no good intention and justifiable motive for law, and not discretion to transcend it or to confer upon
making it is shown, except in the following instances: any city officer and arbitrary authority, making him in its
exercise a petty tyrant.

a. A private communication made by any person to

another in the performance of any legal, moral or social NAVARRO V. VILLEGAS - Sunken Gardens as alternative
duty; to Plaza Miranda - The Mayor cannot be compelled to
b. A fair and true report, made in good faith, without any issue the permit. A permit should recognize the right of
comments or remarks, of any judicial, legislative, or the applicants to hold their assembly at a public place of
other official proceeding which are not of confidential their choice, another place may be designated by the
nature, or of any statement, report, or speech delivered licensing
in said proceedings, or of any other act performed by authority if it be shown that a clear and present danger
public officers in the exercise of their functions.—the of a substantive evil if no change was made.
subject articles are under this exemption.

JBL REYES V. MAYOR BAGATSING - a peaceful march and

Pita v. CA – Pinoy Playboy - Miller test (3 Tests) rally from Luneta park to the gates of the US Embassy. -
(a) whether the average person, applying contemporary (1) The applicants for a permit to hold an assembly
standards’ would find the work, taken as a whole appeals should inform the licensing authority of  the date, the
to the prurient interest. (b) whether the work depicts or public place where and the time when it will take place.
describes, in a patently offensive (2) If it were a private place, only the consent of the
way, sexual conduct specifically defined by the applicable owner or the one entitled to its legal possession is
state law. (c) whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks required. (3) Application for permit should be filed well
serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. ahead in time to enable the public official concerned to
appraise whether there may be valid objections to the
grant but at another place. It is an indispensable
condition to such refusal or modification that the clear
and present danger test be the standard for the decision
reached. If he is of the view that there is such imminent
and grave danger of a substantive evil, the applicants AND CORRESPONDENCE
must be heard on the matter. (4) Decision of the
licensing authority must be transmitted to the applicants SECTION 3 Privacy Of Communication and
at the earliest opportunity. Correspondence- Philippines Constitution CASE
- (1) The right of the students to free speech in school
premises is not absolute. The right to free speech must
(1)The privacy of communication and correspondence
always be applied in light of the special characteristics of
shall be inviolable except upon lawful order of the
the school environment. Thus, while the court upheld
court, or when public safety or order requires
the right of the students to free expression in these
otherwise, as prescribed by law.
cases, disciplinary action by the school for "conduct by
the student, in class or out of it, which for any reason -
whether it stems from time, place, or type of behavior -
which materially disrupts classwork or involves (2) Any evidence obtained in violation of this and the
substantial disorder or invasion of the rights of others preceding section shall be inadmissible for anypurpose
were not ruled out. (2) The school cannot suspend or in any proceeding.
expel a student solely on the basis of the articles he or
A. Exclusionary Rule (Second paragraph of Section 3)
she has written, except when such articles materially
disrupt class work or involve substantial disorder or People v. Marti – package bound for Switzerland – The
invasion of the rights of others. Bill of Rights is not meant to be invoked against act of
private individuals. It is directed against the government
JACINTO V. COURT OF APPEALS – teachers and mass
and its agencies tasked with the enforcement of the law.
actions - mass actions then staged. That given the return-
The constitutional against unreasonable searches and
to-work orders issued by the then DECS Secretary, they
seizures cannot be extended to acts committed by a
still refused to return to work, they were then suspended
private individual.
and later on dismissed from service. - Where public
school teachers absent themselves without proper
authority, from their schools during regular school days,
in order to participate in mass protest, their absence B. Waiver of Rights
ineluctably results in the non-holding of classes and in
the deprivation of students of education, for which they
Veroy v. Layague – search of rebels in a house –
are responsible, and they may be penalized not for their
Permission was granted by Veroy to enter the house but
exercise of their right to peaceably assemble and to
only to ascertain the presence of rebel soldiers. Where
petition the government for a redress of grievances but
permission to enter a residence was given,
for conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the service.
it is illegal to search the rooms therein and seize firearms
without as search warrant.

Freedom of Speech, Expression, of the Press, Right of Okabe v. Gutierrez – estafa case – An application for or
the People Peaceably to Assemble admission to bail shall not bar the accused from
challenging the validity of his arrest or the legality of the
warrant issued therefore.. An application for bail SHALL
NOT BE considered as a waiver of rights. A valid waiver,
requisites. 1) rights must exist; 2) there must be clear
and convincing proof that there was an actual intention
to relinquish the right
the place to be searched and the persons or things to
be seized.
C. Anti-Wire Tapping Act

Navarro v. CA – police complaint gone bad – where the by: C D R

exchange between two persons is not private, the tape
A. When is a search a “reasonable search”?
recording is not prohibited

Valmonte v. De Villa – checkpoints – Section 2 is a

Salcedo-Ordonez v. CA – annulment with damages –
husband is cheating on me case – Unauthorized tape personal right invocable only by those whose rights have
been infringed or threatened to be infringed;
recordings of telephone conversations not admissible
reasonableness is determined by a fixed formula but
D. Privacy of Bank Accounts from the circumstances of the case; not all searches and
seizures are not allowed; between the inherent right of
the state to protect its existence and promote public
Marquez v. Desierto – secrecy of bank deposits – welfare and an individual; right
exceptions: 1) depositor consents in writing; 2) subject of against warrantless search which was reasonably
an impeachment case; 3) by court order in cases of conductedm the former should prevail
bribery and dereliction by public officials, 4) deposit is
subject of litigation; 5) unexplained wealth

B. Requisites of a Valid Warrant

E. Privacy of Communication
Alvarez v. CFI of Tayabas – definition of a search warrant
– an order in writing, issued in the name of the People of
Roxas v. Zuzuaregui – contempt of the Supreme Court – the Philippine Islands, signed by a judge or justice of
the letter ceased to be private when Roxas furnished the peace and directed to a peace officer commanding him
letter to the all the justices and not just to the one whom to search for personal property and bring it before court,
it is addressed OATH - any form of
attestation that a party signifies that he is bound by
 conscience to perform an act faithfully or truthfully

People v. CA – the general rule is that search warrants

must be served during the daytime (protect the public
WARRANT OF ARREST; SEARCH from the abrasiveness of official intrusions). Exception: a
WARRANTS search at any reasonable hour
of day or night may be made when the application
SECTION 2 - The right of the people to be secure in their asserts that the property in on the person or place
persons, houses, papers and effects against ordered to be searched. Absence of abuse of discretion,
unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature a search conducted at night where so allowed is not
and for any purpose shall be inviolable, and no search improper
warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue except upon
probable cause to be determined personally by a judge
People v. Veloso – parliamentary club - JOHN DOE
under oath or affirmation of the complainant and the
WARRANTS – Valid IF the best description possible is
witnesses he may produce, and particularly describing
given in the arrest warrant – it must be sufficient to
indicate clearly on whom it is to be served by stating his
occupation, personal appearance or peculiarities, place disregard the fiscal’s report and
of residence or other circumstances which he may be require the submission of supporting affidavits of
identified witnesses to aid him in arriving at a conclusion of the
existence of probable cause

Microsoft v. Maxicorp – software – probable cause –

such reasons, supported by facts and circumstances as Lim Sr. v. Felix – certification by the fiscal of the
will warrant a cautious man in the belief that his action existence of probable cause does not bind the judge.
and the means taken in prosecuting it are Preliminary inquiry – determines probable cause for the
legally just and proper; OATH must refer to the truth of issuance of a search warrant (prosecutor);
the facts WITHIN THE PERSONAL KNOLEDGE OF THE preliminary examination (judge) - investigation for the
PETITIONER OR HIS WITNESSES; probable cause deals determination of a probable cause for the issuance of a
with probability and not absolute certainty warrant of arrest; preliminary investigation   proper –
ascertains whether the offender
should be held for trial or be released.
Burgos Sr. v. Chief of Staff, AFP – Metropolitan Mail and
We Forum – typographical error in specifying the address
to be searched not sufficient to invalidate search warrant Yao Sr. v. People – GASUL and SHELLANE v. MASAGANA -
where the address intended appears on the face of the examination of complainant and witnesses – must be
warrant; probable cause – such facts or circumstances probing and exhaustive not merely routinary, general,
which would lead a peripheral, perfunctory or pro forma; law
reasonably prudent man to believe that an offense has does not require that the thihgs to be seized should be
been committed and the objects sought in connection described in very precise and minute details.
with the offense are in the place sought to be searched

C. Warrantless Searches and Seizures

People v. CA – Abigail’s Variety Store – VOID warrant –
the claim that the place actually searched – although not
the one specified in the warrant – is exactly what they Nolasco v. Pano – articles seized by void warrants should
had in view when they applied for the warrant is be retuned to its owners Papa v. Mago – Customs Search
unacceptable. What is material in determining the – search warrant not necessary except if the place to be
validity of the warrant is the place stated in the warrant, searched is a dwelling or house – Tariff and Customs
not the one they had in their thoughts; particularization Code
of description may properly be done only by the judge
and only in the warrant itself
People v. CFI of Rizal – search of moving vehicle – Carroll
doctrine – search of moving vehicles or automobiles – no
Corro v. Lising – Philippine Times – conclusions of law of search warrant needed
military officers will not satisfy probable cause
requirement for issuance of search warrants
People. V. Lo Ho Wing - exception to the issuance of
search warrant: 1) search incidental to a lawful arrest; 2)
Soliven v. Makasiar – The judge is not required to search of moving vehicle; 3) seizure of evidence in plain
personally examine the complainant and his witnesses. view
He shall: 1) personally evaluate the report and the
supporting documents submitted by the
fiscal regarding the existence of probable cause and on People v. Evaristo – evidence in plain view – Harris v.
the basis thereof, issue a warrant of arrest OR 2) if on the Coolidge, Coolidge v. New Hampshire – no search
basis thereof, he does not find probable cause, he may warrant needed; Malacat v. CA – valid waiver – must be
made in writing and in the presence of
counsel; search incidental to a lawful arrest v. stop and
frisk – Terry Case – probable cause is not required to People v. Aminudin - M/V Wilcon; marijuana – not
conduct stop and frisk but mere suspicion or a hunch will caught in flagrante delicto; search was unreasonable;
not validate it. A genuine reason must exist. evidence inadmissible

People v. De Gracia – Eurocar Sales Office – crime was in Harvey v. Defensor-Santiago – pedophiles – the rights
fact being committed – search incidental to lawful arrest granted in Section 2 are available to all persons including
valid aliens, whether accused of a crime or not People v.
Mengote – suspicious man outside – a person may not
be stopped and frisked in broad daylight on a bust street
People v. Johnson – inspection at airports – Persons may on a mere unexplained suspicion
lose the protection of the search and seizure clause by
exposure of their persons or property to the public in a
manner reflecting lack of subjective Posadas v. Ombudsan – Sigma Rho v. Scintilla Juris –
expectation of privacy Arrest made without a valid warrant: Rule 113, Section 5
of the Rules of Court – when in the presence of a police
officer or a private individual: 1) the person arrested has
David v. Macapagal-Arroyo – PP 1017 case – doctrines committed, is actually committing, or attempting to
same as the ones above (related topics: freedom of commit an offense; 2) when an offense has actually been
expression; freedom to peaceably assemble) committed, and he has personal knowledge of the facts
indicating that the
People v. Nuevas – illegal possession of marijuana - in person to be arrested commited it; 3) when the person
cases of searches incidental to a lawful arrest, the arrest arrested is a prisoner who has escaped from a penal
must precede the search; warrantless search, when establishment or place where his is serving final or
valid: 1) incidental to lawful arrest; 2) evidence in plain temporary judgment (pending), escaped while being
view [a) valid prior intrusion, police are legally present in transferred
the pursuit of their
official duties, b) evidence was inadvertently discovered, Ladlad v. Velasco – imprisoned by PP 1017;
c) evidence immediately apparent, d) plain view justified rebellion/sedition – doctrine same as above and People
mere seizure with =out further search]; 3) search of v. De Gracia
moving vehicle; 4) consented warrantless search; 5)
customs search; 6) stop and frisk; 7) exigent and
emergency circumstances
D. Searches and seizures “of whatever nature for any
Case Doctrines-
E. Warrantless Arrests
Constitutional Law 2
Umil v. Ramos – subversion a continuing offense - arrest
without a warrant is justified if the person arrested in
caught in flagrante delicto
No person shall be deprived of
life, liberty, or property without
due process of law, nor shall
any person be denied the equal
protection of the laws. Alejano v. Cabuay – Oakwood Mutiny Case – writ
of habeas corpus is available where a person
continues to be unlawfully denied one or more of his
A. Life, Liberty or Property constitutional freedoms, where there is a denial of
due process, where the restraints are not merely
American Inter-Fashion v. Office of the
involuntary but also unnecessary, and where a
President – export quota allocation –
deprivation og freedom originally valid has later
Glorious Sun’s export quota allocation was a initially
become arbitrary. (related topic: privacy of
a privilege evolved into some form of property which
communication and correspondence)
should not be removed arbitrarily and without due
process and hurriedly confer it to another.
B. Procedural Due Process
Chavez v. Romulo – citizen’s right to bear arms -
Banco Espanol-Filipino v. Palanca – mortgage
The right to bear arms cannot be classified as a
foreclosure – due process implies that: 1) there must
fundamental right under the 1987 Constitution – the
be a court or tribunal clothed with the power to hear
right is a mere statutory privilege, not a 
or determine the matter before it; 2) that jurisdiction
constitutional right. It is erroneous to assume that
has been lawfully acquired; 3) defendant shall have
the US Constitution grants upon the people the
to opputunity to be heard; 4) judgment shall be
right to bear arms. The Second Amendment pertains
rendered upon lawful hearing. | NOTICE must be
to the citizen’s “collective right” to take arms in
defense of the state, not to the citizen’s “individual
right” to own and possess arms.
Bautista v. CA – land dispute – When a party was
afforded the opportunity to participate in the
Exec. Secretary V. CA – Migrant Worker’s and
proceedings but failed to do so, he cannot complain
Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995 – A profession, trade
of deprivation of due process
or calling is a property right within the meaning of
our constitutional guarantees; one cannot be
deprived of the right to work or the right to make a Rural Bank of Buhi v. CA – bank receivership;

living because these rights are property rights, the insolvency – there is no requirement whether

arbitrary and unwarranted deprivation of which express or implied that a hearing must first be

normally constitutes an actionable wrong. conducted before a banking institution may be

Nevertheless, no right is absolute and the proper placed in receivership

regulation of a profesion is a valid exercise of police Pollution Adjudication Board v. CA – untreated
power. wastewater discharged to sewer – Ex parte
proceedings - permitted by law in situations like

Duncan v. Glaxo – not ed to have a relationship these because stopping the discharged of the

with an employee of a competitor company – Glaxo wastewater cannot be

has a right to guard its trade secrets. (related topic: made to wait until protracted litigation; standards set

equal protection)
by the board enough – not required to prove constitutionality principle that a governmental
immediate danger to life, health et. al purpose to control or prevent activities
constitutionally subject to state regulations may nor
be achieved by means
Fabella v. CA – public school teachers striking –
that sweep unnecessarily broadly and thereby
invade protected freedoms
requisites: 1) actual or constructive notice of the
institution of the proceedings which may affect one’s
legal rights; 2) real opportunity to be heard POLICE POWER, EMINENT
personally or with counsel; 3) to present witnesses
evidence is one’s favor and to defend his rights; 4) BILL OF RIGHTS CASE DOCTRINES
tribunal vested with competent jurisdiction –
reasonable guarantee of honesty and impartiality; 5)
finding is supported by substantial evidence –
City of Manila v. Laguio - closing down houses of sin or
contained and made known to the parties
of ill-repute – Local government units exercise police
Guzman v. CA – kicked out from school – DUE power through their respective legislative bodies. Their
PROCESS IN STUDENT DISCPLINE power however is subordinate to the
certain constitutional limitations. (related topics:
PROCEEDINGS – requisites: 1) student must be
procedural and substantive due process, equal
informed in writing the nature and cause of the
protection of the laws, deprivation of property)
accusation against him; 2) right to answer the
charges against them, with the assistance of
Moday v. CA – expropriation of one hectare of land –
counsel if desired; 3) they shall
eminent domain – government’s right to appropriate, in
be informed of the evidence against them; 4) right to
the nature of compulsory sale to the state, private
adduce evidence in their own behalf; 5) evidence property for public use. Inheresnt
must be duly considered by the investigating possessed by the national legislature, it may be validly
committee or officials hearing the case delegated to local governments.

Lao Gi v. CA – DUE PROCESS IN DEPORTATION Roxas and Co. Inc. v. CA – application of the
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law – the
PROCEEDINGS – same requisites as those
implementation of the CARL is an exercise of the State’s
required in criminal proceedings (Rules of Court)
police power and the power of eminent domain – to the
Secretary of Justice v. Lantion – extradition case of extent that the CARL prescribes retention limits to the
Jimenez - DUE PROCESS IN QUASIJUDICIAL landowners, there is an exercise of police power for the
PROCEEDINGS – requisites: 1) taking and regulation of private property but where, to carry out
evaluation of evidence; 2) such regulation, the owners are deprived of their own
lands they own in excess of the maximum area ed, there
determining facts based upon the evidence
is taking
presented; 3) rendering an order based upon the
under the power of eminent domain (related topic: due
facts proved Chavez v. COMELEC – billboard of process – this must be observed in the exercise of the
Chavez as endorser – A statute or regulation is police power and eminent domain)
considered void for overbreadth when it offends the
10. Informing power
LTO v. Butuan – registration of tricycles – LGU’s under
the Local Government Code now have the power to 11. Other powers
regulate the operation of tricycles for hire and grant
franchises thereof but they are still subject
to the guidelines prescribed by the DOTC. To regulate DOROMA VS. SANDIGANBAYAN, GR NO. 85468,
means to fix, establish or control, to adjust by rule, SEPTEMBER 07, 1989
method or established mode. Taxation – the power of
the government to raise revenue in order to
support its existence and carry out legislative objectives  Quintin S. Doromal, a former Commissioner of
the Presidential Commission on Good Government
(PCGG), for violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt
St. Luke’s Employee’s Association v. NLRC – radiologic
Practices Act (RA 3019), Sec. 3(h), in connection with his
technology – while the right of the workers to security of
shareholdings and position as president and director of
tenure is guaranteed by the constitution, its exercise
the Doromal International Trading Corporation (DITC)
may be reasonably regulated pursuant to the police
which submitted bids to supply P61 million worth of
power of the state to safeguard health, morals, peace,
electronic, electrical, automotive, mechanical and
education et. al. The regulation is a reasonable method
airconditioning equipment to the Department of
of the protecting the public from the incompetence and
Education, Culture and Sports (or DECS) and the National
ignorance among those
Manpower and Youth Council (or NMYC).
who would practice such technology.
 An information was then filed by the
United BF Homeownes’ v. City Mayor of Paranaque –
“Tanodbayan” against Doromal for the said violation and
reclassification from residential to commercial areas –
a preliminary investigation was conducted.
the city council has the power to enact ordinances for
the general welfare of the municipality  The petitioner then filed a petition for certiorari
or its inhabitants. Contractual restrictions on the use of and prohibition questioning the jurisdiction of the
property could not prevail over the reasonable exercise “Tanodbayan” to file the information without the
of police power approval of the Ombudsman.

 The Supreme Court held that the incumbent

Tanodbayan (called Special Prosecutor under the 1987
The Powers Of The President Of The Philippines
Constitution and who is supposed to retain powers and
1. Executive power duties NOT GIVEN to the Ombudsman) is clearly without
authority to conduct preliminary investigations and to
2. Power of appointment direct the filing of criminal cases with the
Sandiganbayan, except upon orders of the Ombudsman.
3. Power if removal
Subsequently annulling the information filed by the
4. Power of control “Tanodbayan”.

5. Military powers  A new information, duly approved by the

Ombudsman, was filed in the Sandiganbayan, alleging
6. Pardoning power that the Doromal, a public officer, being then a
Commissioner of the Presidential Commission on Good
7. Borrowing power
Government, did then and there wilfully and unlawfully,
8. Diplomatic power participate in a business through the Doromal
International Trading Corporation, a family corporation
9. Budgetary power of which he is the President, and which company
participated in the biddings conducted by the
Department of Education, Culture and Sports and the accused to the loss of life, liberty, or property without
National Manpower & Youth Council, which act or due process of law" provided by the Constitution.
participation is prohibited by law and the constitution.
 Since the first information was annulled, the
 The petitioner filed a motion to quash the preliminary investigation conducted at that time shall
information on the ground that it was invalid since there also be considered as void. Due to that fact, a new
had been no preliminary investigation for the new preliminary investigation must be conducted.
information that was filed against him.
 (3) The absence of preliminary investigation does
 The motion was denied by Sandiganbayan not affect the court's jurisdiction over the case. Nor do
claiming that another preliminary investigation is they impair the validity of the information or otherwise
unnecessary because both old and new informations render it defective; but, if there were no preliminary
involve the same subject matter. investigations and the defendants, before entering their
plea, invite the attention of the court to their absence,
ISSUES: the court, instead of dismissing the information should
Whether or not the act of Doromal would constitute a conduct such investigation, order the fiscal to conduct it
violation of the Constitution. or remand the case to the inferior court so that the
preliminary investigation may be conducted.
Whether or not preliminary investigation is necessary
even if both informations involve the same subject  WHEREFORE, the petition for certiorari and
matter. prohibition is granted. The Sandiganbayan shall
immediately remand Criminal Case No. 12893 to the
Whether or not the information shall be effected as Office of the Ombudsman for preliminary investigation
invalid due to the absence of preliminary investigation. and shall hold in abeyance the proceedings before it
pending the result of such investigation.

Yes, as to the first and second issuses. No, as to the third

issue. Petition was granted by the Supreme Court. CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION VS. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY-
 (1) The presence of a signed document bearing
the signature of Doromal as part of the application to bid Petitioners: Ignacio P. Lacsina, Luis R. Mauricio, Antonio
shows that he can rightfully be charged with having R. Quintos and Juan T. David for petitioners in 83896 and
participated in a business which act is absolutely Juan T. David for petitioners in 83815. Both petitions
prohibited by Section 13 of Article VII of the were consolidated and are being resolved jointly as both
Constitution" because "the DITC remained a family seek a declaration of the unconstitutionality of Executive
corporation in which Doromal has at least an indirect Order No. 284 issued by President Corazon C. Aquino on
interest." July 25, 1987.
 Section 13, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution Executive Order No. 284, according to the petitioners
provides that "the President, Vice-President, the allows members of the Cabinet, their undersecretaries
members of the Cabinet and their deputies or assistants and assistant secretaries to hold other than government
shall not... during (their) tenure, ...directly or indirectly... offices or positions in addition to their primary positions.
participate in any business. The pertinent provisions of EO 284 is as follows:
 (2) The right of the accused to a preliminary Section 1: A cabinet member, undersecretary or assistant
investigation is "a substantial one." Its denial over his secretary or other appointive officials of the Executive
opposition is a "prejudicial error, in that it subjects the Department may in addition to his primary position, hold
not more than two positions in the government and
government corporations and receive the corresponding refer only to those particular instances cited in the
compensation therefor. constitution itself: Sec. 3 Art VII and Sec. 8 Art. VIII.

Section 2: If they hold more positions more than what is

required in section 1, they must relinquish the excess
position in favor of the subordinate official who is next in G.R. NOS. 146710-15, MARCH 2, 2001, ESTRADA VS.
rank, but in no case shall any official hold more than two
positions other than his primary position. JOSEPH E. ESTRADA, petitioner  VS. ANIANO DESIERTO,
in his capacity as Ombudsman, RAMON
Section 3: AT least 1/3 of the members of the boards of
such corporation should either be a secretary, or GONZALES, respondents
undersecretary, or assistant secretary.

The petitioners are challenging EO 284’s constitutionality G.R. No. 146738, March 2, 2001
because it adds exceptions to Section 13 of Article VII
other than those provided in the constitution. According JOSEPH E. ESTRADA, petitioner  VS. GLORIA
to the petitioners, the only exceptions against holding MACAPAGAL-ARROYO, respondent
any other office or employment in government are those
provided in the Constitution namely: 1. The Vice
President may be appointed as a Member of the Cabinet The case basically revolves around the series of events
under Section 3 par.2 of Article VII. 2. The secretary of that happened prior and subsequent to the event we
justice is an ex-officio member of the Judicial and Bar know as EDSA II. During the 1998 elections, Joseph E.
Council by virtue of Sec. 8 of article VIII. Estrada and Gloria Macapagal Arroyo were elected as
president and vice-president respectively. The downfall
of the Estrada administration began when For. Gov. Luis
Whether or not Executive Order No. 284 is Chavit Singson went to the media and released his
constitutional. exposé that petitioner was part of the Jueteng scandal as
having received large sums of money. After this expose,
Decision: a lot of different groups and many personalities had
No. It is unconstitutional. Petition granted. Executive asked for the resignation of the petitioner. Some of
which are the Catholic Bishops Conference of the
Order No. 284 was declared null and void.
Philippines (CBCP), Sen. Nene Pimentel, Archbishop of
Ratio: Manila, Jaime Cardinal Sin, For. Pres. Fidel Ramos, and
For. Pres. Corazon Aquino who asked petitioner to make
In the light of the construction given to Section 13 of the “supreme self-sacrifice”. Respondent also resigned as
Article VII, Executive Order No. 284 is unconstitutional. Secretary of the Department of Social Welfare and
By restricting the number of positions that Cabinet Services and also asked petitioner for his resignation. 4
members, undersecretaries or assistant secretaries may senior economic advisers of the petitioner resigned and
hold in addition their primary position to not more that then Speaker Manny Villar, together with 47
two positions in the government and government representatives, defected from Lapian ng Masang
corporations, EO 284 actually allows them to hold Pilipino.
multiple offices or employment in direct contravention
of the express mandate of Sec. 13 of Article VII of the By November, an impeachment case was to be held as
1987 Constitution prohibiting them from doing so, unless Speaker Manny Villar had transmitted the Articles of
otherwise provided in the 1987 Constitution itself. Impeachment to the senate. On November 20, the 21
senators took oath as judges to the impeachment trial
The phrase “unless otherwise provided in this with SC CJ Hilario Davide, Jr., presiding. The
constitution” must be given a literal interpretation to impeachment trial was one for the ages. It was a battle
royal of well known lawyers. But then came the fateful
day, when by the vote of 11-10, the judges came to a MABUHAY!
decision to not open the second envelop allegedly
containing evidence showing that the petitioner had a (Sgd.) JOSEPH EJERCITO ESTRADA”
secret bank account under the name “Jose Velarde” It also appears that on the same day, January 20, 2001,
containing P3.3 billion. The not opening of the he signed the following letter:
2nd envelop resulted to the people going to the streets
and the public prosecutors withdrawing from the trial. “Sir:
On January 19, AFP Chief of Staff Angelo Reyes marched
By virtue of the provisions of Section 11, Article VII of the
to EDSA shrine and declared “on behalf of your Armed
Constitution, I am hereby transmitting this declaration
Forces, the 130,000 strong members of the Armed
that I am unable to exercise the powers and duties of my
Forces, we wish to announce that we are withdrawing
office.  By operation of law and the Constitution, the
our support to this government.” PNP Chief, Director
Vice-President shall be the Acting President.
General Panfilo Lacson together with some Cabinet
members made the same announcement. (Sgd.) JOSEPH EJERCITO ESTRADA”
June 20 was the day of surrender. At around 12:20 AM, On January 22, this Court issued the following Resolution
negotiations started for the peaceful transition of power. in Administrative Matter No. 01-1-05-SC. The said
But at around 12 noon, respondent took oath as the resolution confirmed the authority given by the 12 SC
14th president of the Philippines. At 2:30 PM, petitioner justices to the CJ during the oath taking that happened
and his family left Malacanang. He issued the following on January 20. Soon, other countries accepted the
Press Statement: respondent as the new president of the Philippines. The
House then passed Resolution No. 175 “expressing the
“20 January 2001
full support of the House of Representatives to the
STATEMENT FROM administration of Her Excellency Gloria Macapagal-
Arroyo, President of the Philippines.” It also approved
PRESIDENT JOSEPH EJERCITO ESTRADA Resolution No. 176 “expressing the support of the House
of Representatives to the assumption into office by Vice
At twelve o’clock noon today, Vice President Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo took her oath as President of the President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as President of the
Republic of the Philippines, extending its congratulations
Republic of the Philippines.  While along with many other
legal minds of our country, I have strong and serious and expressing its support for her administration as a
partner in the attainment of the nation’s goals under the
doubts about the legality and constitutionality of her
proclamation as President, I do not wish to be a factor Constitution.”
that will prevent the restoration of unity and order in our On February 6, respondent recommended Teofisto
civil society. Guingona to be the vice president. On February 7, the
Senate adopted Resolution 82 which confirmed the
It is for this reason that I now leave Malacañang Palace,
the seat of the presidency of this country, for the sake of nomination of Senator Guingona. On the same day, the
Senate passed Resolution No. 83 declaring that the
peace and in order to begin the healing process of our
nation.  I leave the Palace of our people with gratitude impeachment court is functus officio and has been
terminated. Several cases were filed against the
for the opportunities given to me for service to our
people.  I will not shirk from any future challenges that petitioner which are as follows: (1) OMB Case No. 0-00-
1629, filed by Ramon A. Gonzales on October 23, 2000
may come ahead in the same service of our country.
for bribery and graft and corruption; (2) OMB Case No. 0-
I call on all my supporters and followers to join me in the 00-1754 filed by the Volunteers Against Crime and
promotion of a constructive national spirit of Corruption on November 17, 2000 for plunder,
reconciliation and solidarity. forfeiture, graft and corruption, bribery, perjury, serious
misconduct, violation of the Code of Conduct for
May the Almighty bless our country and beloved people. government Employees, etc; (3) OMB Case No. 0-00-
1755 filed by the Graft Free Philippines Foundation, Inc. respondents’ comments “on or before 8:00 a.m. of
on November 24, 2000 for plunder, forfeiture, graft and February 15.”
corruption, bribery, perjury, serious misconduct; (4)
In a resolution dated February 20, acting on the urgent
OMB Case No. 0-00-1756 filed by Romeo Capulong, et
al., on November 28, 2000 for malversation of public motion for copies of resolution and press statement for
“Gag Order” on respondent Ombudsman filed by counsel
funds, illegal use of public funds and property, plunder,
etc., (5) OMB Case No. 0-00-1757 filed by Leonard de for petitioner in G.R. No. 146738, the Court resolved:
Vera, et al., on November 28, 2000 for bribery, plunder, “(1) to inform the parties that the Court did not issue a
indirect bribery, violation of PD 1602, PD 1829, PD 46, resolution on January 20, 2001 declaring the office of the
and RA 7080; and (6) OMB Case No. 0-00-1758 filed by President vacant and that neither did the Chief Justice
Ernesto B. Francisco, Jr. on December 4, 2000 for issue a press statement justifying the alleged resolution;
plunder, graft and corruption.
(2) to order the parties and especially their counsel who
A special panel of investigators was forthwith created by are officers of the Court under pain of being cited for
the respondent Ombudsman to investigate the charges contempt to refrain from making any comment or
against the petitioner.  It is chaired by Overall Deputy discussing in public the merits of the cases at bar while
Ombudsman Margarito P. Gervasio with the following as they are still pending decision by the Court, and
members, viz:  Director Andrew Amuyutan, Prosecutor
Pelayo Apostol, Atty. Jose de Jesus and Atty. Emmanuel (3) to issue a 30-day status quo order effective
Laureso.  On January 22, the panel issued an Order immediately enjoining the respondent Ombudsman from
directing the petitioner to file his counter-affidavit and resolving or deciding the criminal cases pending
the affidavits of his witnesses as well as other supporting investigation in his office against petitioner Joseph E.
documents in answer to the aforementioned complaints Estrada and subject of the cases at bar, it appearing from
against him. news reports that the respondent Ombudsman may
immediately resolve the cases against petitioner Joseph
Thus, the stage for the cases at bar was set.  On February E. Estrada seven (7) days after the hearing held on
5, petitioner filed with this Court GR No. 146710-15, a February 15, 2001, which action will make the cases at
petition for prohibition with a prayer for a writ of bar moot and academic.”
preliminary injunction.  It sought to enjoin the
respondent Ombudsman from “conducting any further ISSUES:
proceedings in Case Nos. OMB 0-00-1629, 1754, 1755,
I Whether the petitions present a justiciable controversy.
1756, 1757 and 1758 or in any other criminal complaint
that may be filed in his office, until after the term of II Assuming that the petitions present a justiciable
petitioner as President is over and only if legally controversy, whether petitioner Estrada is a President on
warranted.” Thru another counsel, petitioner, on leave while respondent Arroyo is an Acting President.
February 6, filed GR No. 146738 for Quo Warranto.  He
prayed for judgment “confirming petitioner to be the III Whether conviction in the impeachment proceedings
lawful and incumbent President of the Republic of the is a condition precedent for the criminal prosecution of
Philippines temporarily unable to discharge the duties of petitioner Estrada.  In the negative and on the
his office, and declaring respondent to have taken her assumption that petitioner is still President, whether he
oath as and to be holding the Office of the President, is immune from criminal prosecution.
only in an acting capacity pursuant to the provisions of
IV Whether the prosecution of petitioner Estrada should
the Constitution.” Acting on GR Nos. 146710-15, the
be enjoined on the ground of prejudicial publicity.
Court, on the same day, February 6, required the
respondents “to comment thereon within a non- DECISION:
extendible period expiring on 12 February 2001.” On
February 13, the Court ordered the consolidation of GR I No. The case is legal not political.
Nos. 146710-15 and GR No. 146738 and the filing of the
II No. He is not a president on leave.
III No. The impeachment proceedings was already It is a well settled rule that the legitimacy of a
aborted. As a non-sitting president, he is not entitled to government sired by a successful revolution by people
immunity from criminal prosecution power is beyond judicial scrutiny for that government
automatically orbits out of the constitutional loop. But
IV There is not enough evidence to warrant this Court to this would not apply as the Court finds substantial
enjoin the preliminary investigation of the petitioner by difference between the 2 EDSA Revolutions. It would
the respondent Ombudsman. show that there are differences between the 2
RATIO/REASON: governments set up by EDSA I and II. This was further
explained by the Court by comparing the 2 EDSA
1. I. Whether or not the case involves a political Revolutions.
Respondents contend that the cases at bar pose a
political question. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo became a Extra-constitutional. Hence, Intra-Constitutional.
President through the People power revolution. Her “Xxx IN DEFIANCE OF THE Hence, the oath of the
legitimacy as president was also accepted by other 1973 CONSTITUTION, AS respondent as President
nations. Thus, they conclude that the following shall AMENDED”—cannot be includes the protection
serve as political thicket which the Court cannot enter. subject of judicial review and upholding of the
1987 Constitution.—
The Court rules otherwise. A political question has been resignation of the
defined by our Court as “those questions which, under President makes it
the Constitution, are to be decided by the people in their subject to judicial review
sovereign capacity, or in regard to which full
discretionary authority has been delegated to the exercise of the people power exercise of people power
legislative or executive branch of the government.  It is of revolutionwhich overthrew of freedom of speech and
concerned with issues dependent upon the wisdom, the whole government freedom of assembly to
not legality of a particular measure.” petition the government
for redress of
Respondents allege that the legality of the Arroyo grievances which only
administration should be treated similarly with the affected the office of the
Aquino administration. Respondents propose that the President
situation of the Arroyo and Aquino administrations are
similar. However, the Court finds otherwise. The Court Political question Legal Question
has made substantial distinctions which are the In this issue, the Court holds that the issue is legal and
following: not political.
Aquino Arroyo

Government was a result of Government was a result of 1. II. Whether or not petitioner resigned as
a successful revolution a peaceful revolution President
In the Freedom Arroyo took the oath of the Resignation is a factual question and its elements are
constitution, it was stated 1987 Constitution. She is beyond quibble:  there must be an intent to resign and
that the Aquino discharging the authority of the intent must be coupled by acts of relinquishment.
government was instilled the president under the There is no required form of resignation. It can be
directly by the people in 1987 constitution. expressed, implied, oral or written. It is true that
defiance of the 1973 respondent never wrote a letter of resignation before he
Constitution as amended. left Malacanang on June 20, 2001. In this issue, the Court
would use the totality test or the totality of prior,
contemporaneous and posterior facts and circumstantial When everything was already signed by the side of the
evidence bearing a material relevance on the issue. petitioner and ready to be faxed by Angara, the
negotiator for the respondent, Angelo Reyes, called to
Using this test, the Court rules that the petitioner had Angara saying that the SC would allow respondent to
resigned. The Court knows the amount of stress that the have her oath taking. Before petitioner left Malacanang,
petitioner had suffered. With just a blink of an eye, he he made a last statement.
lost the support of the legislative when then Manny
Villar and other Representatives had defected. AFP Chief The statement reads: ‘At twelve o’clock noon today, Vice
of Staff General Angelo Reyes had already gone to EDSA.  President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo took her oath as
PNP Chief Director General Panfilo Lacson and other President of the Republic of the Philippines.  While along
cabinet secretaries had withdrawn as well. By looking with many other legal minds of our country, I have
into the Angara diaries, it was pointed out that the strong and serious doubts about the legality and
petitioner had suggested a snap election at May on constitutionality of her proclamation as president, I do
which he would not be a candidate. Proposing a snap not wish to be a factor that will prevent the restoration
election in which he is not a candidate means that he of unity and order in our civil society.
had intent to resign. When the proposal for a dignified
It is for this reason that I now leave Malacañang Palace,
exit or resignation was proposed, petitioner did not
disagree but listened closely. This is proof that petitioner the seat of the presidency of this country, for the sake of
peace and in order to begin the healing process of our
had reconciled himself to the reality that he had to
resign.  His mind was already concerned with the five- nation.  I leave the Palace of our people with gratitude
for the opportunities given to me for service to our
day grace period he could stay in the palace.  It was a
matter of time. people.  I will not shrik from any future challenges that
may come ahead in the same service of our country.
The negotiations that had happened were about a
peaceful transfer of power. It was already implied that I call on all my supporters and followers to join me in the
promotion of a constructive national spirit of
petitioner would resign. The negotiations concentrated
on the following: (1) the transition period of five days reconciliation and solidarity.
after the petitioner’s resignation; (2) the guarantee of May the Almighty bless our country and our beloved
the safety of the petitioner and his family, and (3) the people.
agreement to open the second envelope to vindicate the
name of the petitioner. Also taken from the Angara MABUHAY!’”
diaries, The President says. “Pagod na pagod na ako. 
By making such statement, petitioner impliedly affirms
Ayoko na masyado nang masakit.  Pagod na ako sa red
the following: (1) he acknowledged the oath-taking of
tape, bureaucracy, intriga.  (I am very tired.  I don’t want
the respondent as President of the Republic albeit with
any more of this – it’s too painful.  I’m tired of the red
the reservation about its legality; (2) he emphasized he
tape, the bureaucracy, the intrigue.) I just want to clear
was leaving the Palace, the seat of the presidency, for
my name, then I will go.” The quoted statement of the
the sake of peace and in order to begin the healing
petitioner was a clear evidence that he has resigned.
process of our nation.  He did not say he was leaving the
The second round of negotiations were about the Palace due to any kind of inability and that he was going
consolidating of the clauses which were proposed by to re-assume the presidency as soon as the disability
both sides. The second round of negotiation cements the disappears; (3) he expressed his gratitude to the people
reading that the petitioner has resigned.  It will be noted for the opportunity to serve them.  Without doubt, he
that during this second round of negotiation, the was referring to the past opportunity given him to serve
resignation of the petitioner was again treated as a given the people as President; (4) he assured that he will not
fact.  The only unsettled points at that time were the shirk from any future challenge that may come ahead in
measures to be undertaken by the parties during and the same service of our country.  Petitioner’s reference is
after the transition period. to a future challenge after occupying the office of the
president which he has given up; and (5) he called on his
supporters to join him in the promotion of a constructive The separation or cessation of a public official from office
national spirit of reconciliation and solidarity.  Certainly, shall not be a bar to his prosecution under this Act for an
the national spirit of reconciliation and solidarity could offense committed during his incumbency.”
not be attained if he did not give up the presidency.
The original senate bill was rejected because of the
Petitioner however argues that he only took a temporary 2nd paragraph of section 15. Nonetheless, another similar
leave of absence. This is evidenced by a letter which bill was passed. Section 15 then became section 13.
reads as follows: There is another reason why petitioner’s contention
should be rejected. In the cases at bar, the records show
“Sir that when petitioner resigned on January 20, 2001, the
By virtue of the provisions of Section II, Article VII of the cases filed against him before the Ombudsman were
Constitution, I am hereby transmitting this declaration OMB Case Nos. 0-00-1629, 0-00-1755, 0-00-1756, 0-00-
that I am unable to exercise the powers and duties of my 1757 and 0-00-1758. While these cases have been filed,
office.  By operation of law and the Constitution, the Vice the respondent Ombudsman refrained from conducting
President shall be the Acting President. the preliminary investigation of the petitioner for the
reason that as the sitting President then, petitioner was
(Sgd.) Joseph Ejercito Estrada” immune from suit.  Technically, the said cases cannot be
considered as pending for the Ombudsman lacked
The Court was surprised that the petitioner did not use
jurisdiction to act on them.  Section 12 of RA No. 3019
this letter during the week long crisis. It would be very
cannot therefore be invoked by the petitioner for it
easy for him to say before he left Malacanang that he
contemplates of cases whose investigation or
was temporarily unable to govern, thus, he is leaving
prosecution do not suffer from any insuperable legal
Malacanang. Under any circumstance, however, the
obstacle like the immunity from suit of a sitting
mysterious letter cannot negate the resignation of the
petitioner.  If it was prepared before the press release of
the petitioner clearly showing his resignation from the Petitioner contends that the impeachment proceeding is
presidency, then the resignation must prevail as a later an administrative investigation that, under section 12 of
act.  If, however, it was prepared after the press release, RA 3019, bars him from resigning.  The Court holds
still, it commands scant legal significance. otherwise. The impeachment proceeding may be
arguable. However, even if the impeachment proceeding
Petitioner also argues that he could not resign. His legal
is administrative, it cannot be considered pending
basis is RA 3019 which states:
because the process had already broke down. There was
“Sec. 12.  No public officer shall be allowed to resign or also a withdrawal by the prosecutors to partake in the
retire pending an investigation, criminal or impeachment case. In fact, the proceeding was
administrative, or pending a prosecution against him, for postponed indefinitely. In fact, there was no
any offense under this Act or under the provisions of the impeachment case pending when he resigned.
Revised Penal Code on bribery.”
1. III. Whether or not the petitioner is only
During the amendments, another section was inserted temporarily unable to act as President
which states that:
This issue arose from the January 20 letter which was
During the period of amendments, the following addressed to then Speaker Fuentebella and then Senate
provision was inserted as section 15: President Pimentel. Petitioner’s contention is that he is a
president on leave and that the respondent is an acting
“Sec. 15. Termination of office — No public official shall president. This contention is the centerpiece of
be allowed to resign or retire pending an investigation, petitioner’s stance that he is a President on leave and
criminal or administrative, or pending a prosecution respondent Arroyo is only an Acting President.
against him, for any offense under the Act or under the
provisions of the Revised Penal Code on bribery.
An examination of section 11, Article VII is in order.  It as President of the Philippines. The Court says that they
provides: cannot, for such is an example of a political question, in
which the matter has solely been left to the legislative,
“SEC. 11.  Whenever the President transmit to the
President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of 1. IV. Whether or not the petitioner enjoys
Representatives his written declaration that he is unable immunity from suit. If yes, what is the extent of the
to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until immunity
he transmits to them a written declaration to the
Petitioner Estrada makes two submissions: first, the
contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by
the Vice-President as Acting President. cases filed against him before the respondent
Ombudsman should be prohibited because he has not
Whenever a majority of all the Members of the Cabinet been convicted in the impeachment proceedings against
transmit to the President of the Senate and to the him; and second, he enjoys immunity from all kinds of
Speaker of the House of Representatives their written suit, whether criminal or civil. The “immunity” the
declaration that the President is unable to discharge the petitioner points to is the principle of non-liability.
powers and duties of his office, the Vice-President shall
immediately assume the powers and duties of the office The principle of non-liability simply states that a chief
executive may not be personally mulcted in civil
as Acting President.
damages for the consequences of an act executed in the
Thereafter, when the President transmits to the performance of his official duties. He is liable when he
President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House acts in a case so plainly outside of his power and
of Representatives his written declaration that no authority that he cannot be said to have exercise
inability exists, he shall reassume the powers and duties discretion in determining whether or not he had the
of his office.  Meanwhile, should a majority of all the right to act.  What is held here is that he will be
Members of the Cabinet transmit within five days to the protected from personal liability for damages not only
President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House when he acts within his authority, but also when he is
of Representatives their written declaration that the without authority, provided he actually used discretion
President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of and judgment, that is, the judicial faculty, in determining
his office, the Congress shall decide the issue.  For that whether he had authority to act or not.  In other words,
purpose, the Congress shall convene, if it is not in he is entitled to protection in determining the question
session, within forty-eight hours, in accordance with its of his authority.  If he decide wrongly, he is still protected
rules and without need of call. provided the question of his authority was one over
which two men, reasonably qualified for that position,
If the Congress, within ten days after receipt of the last might honestly differ; but he is not protected if the lack
written declaration, or, if not in session within twelve of authority to act is so plain that two such men could
days after it is required to assemble, determines by a not honestly differ over its determination.
two-thirds vote of both Houses, voting separately, that
the President is unable to discharge the powers and The Court rejects the petitioner’s argument that before
duties of his office, the Vice-President shall act as he could be prosecuted, he should be first convicted of
President; otherwise, the President shall continue impeachment proceedings. The impeachment
exercising the powers and duties of his office." proceeding was already aborted because of the walking
out of the prosecutors. This was then formalized by a
After studying in-depth the series of events that Senate resolution (Resolution #83) which declared the
happened after petitioner left Malacanang, it is very proceeding functus officio. According to the debates in
clear that the inability of the petitioner as president is the Constitutional Convention, when an impeachment
not temporary. The question is whether this Court has proceeding have become moot due to the resignation of
jurisdiction to review the claim of temporary inability of the President, proper civil and criminal cases may be
petitioner Estrada and thereafter revise the decision of filed against him.
both Houses of Congress recognizing respondent Arroyo
We now come to the scope of immunity that can be of respondent Ombudsman flows to his
claimed by petitioner as a non-sitting President.  subordinates. Investigating prosecutors should not be
The cases filed against petitioner Estrada are criminal in treated like unthinking slot machines. Moreover, if the
character.  They involve plunder, bribery and graft and respondent Ombudsman resolves to file the cases
corruption.  By no stretch of the imagination can these against the petitioner and the latter believes that the
crimes, especially plunder which carries the death finding of probable cause against him is the result of
penalty, be covered by the allege mantle of immunity of bias, he still has the remedy of assailing it before the
a non-sitting president.  Petitioner cannot cite any proper court.
decision of this Court licensing the President to commit
criminal acts and wrapping him with post-tenure
immunity from liability.   It will be anomalous to hold
that immunity is an inoculation from liability for unlawful
acts and omissions. As for civil immunity, it means
immunity from civil damages only covers “official acts”.

1. V. Whether of not the prosecution of petitioner

Estrada should be enjoined to prejudicial publicity

Petitioner contends that the respondent Ombudsman

should be stopped from conducting an investigation of
the cases filed against him for he has already developed
a bias against the petitioner. He submits that it is a
G.R. NO. 157013, JULY 10, 2003, MACALINTAL VS
violation of due process. There are two (2) principal legal
and philosophical schools of thought on how to deal with
the rain of unrestrained publicity during the investigation FACTS:
and trial of high profile cases. The British approach the
problem with the presumption that publicity will Petitioner Macalintal files a petition for certiorari and
prejudice a jury.  Thus, English courts readily stay and prohibition, seeking a declaration that certain provisions
stop criminal trials when the right of an accused to fair of R.A. No. 9189 (The Overseas Absentee Voting Act of
trial suffers a threat. The American approach is different.  2003) are unconstitutional. The Court upholds
US courts assume a skeptical approach about the petitioner’s right to file the instant petition, stating in
potential effect of pervasive publicity on the right of an essence that the petitioner has seriously and
accused to a fair trial. During cases like such, the test of convincingly presented an issue of transcendental
actual prejudice shall be applied. The test shows that significance to the Filipino people, considering that
there must be allegation and proof that the judges have public funds are to be used and appropriated for the
been unduly influenced, not simply that they might be, implementation of said law.
by the barrage of publicity. The Court rules that there is
notenough evidence to warrant this Court to enjoin the
preliminary investigation of the petitioner by the Petitioner raises three principal questions for contention:
respondent Ombudsman.  Petitioner needs to offer more
than hostile headlines to discharge his burden of proof. (1) That Section 5(d) of R.A. No. 9189 allowing the
registration of voters who are immigrants or permanent
According to the records, it was the petitioner who residents in other countries, by their mere act of
assailed the biasness of the Ombudsman. The petitioner executing an affidavit expressing their intention to return
alleges that there were news reports which said that the to the Philippines, violates the residency requirement in
Ombudsman had already prejudged the cases against Art. V, Sec. 1 of the Constitution;
him. The Court rules that the evidence presented is
insufficient. The Court also cannot adopt the theory of (2) That Section 18.5 of the same law empowering the
derivative prejudice of petitioner, i.e., that the prejudice COMELEC to proclaim the winning candidates for
national offices and party list representatives, including Sec. 5. Disqualifications.—The following shall be
the President and the Vice-President, violates the disqualified from voting under this Act:
constitutional mandate under Art. VII, Sec. 4 of the
xxx            xxx            xxx
Constitution that the winning candidates for President
and Vice-President shall be proclaimed as winners only d) An immigrant or a permanent resident who is
by Congress; and recognized as such in the host country, unless he/she
(3) That Section 25 of the same law, allowing Congress executes, upon registration, an affidavit prepared for the
purpose by the Commission declaring that he/she shall
(through the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee
created in the same section) to exercise the power to resume actual physical permanent residence in the
Philippines not later than three (3) years from approval
review, revise, amend, and approve the Implementing
Rules and Regulations (IRR) that the COMELEC shall of his/her registration under this Act. Such affidavit shall
also state that he/she has not applied for citizenship in
promulgate, violates the independence of the COMELEC
under Art. IX-A, Sec. 1 of the Constitution. another country. Failure to return shall be cause for the
removal of the name of the immigrant or permanent
ISSUES: resident from the National Registry of Absentee Voters
and his/her permanent disqualification to vote in
1)     Whether or not Section 5(d) of R.A. No. 9189 is absentia.
violative of Art. V, Sec. 1 of the Constitution.
Petitioner posits that Section 5(d) is unconstitutional in
2)     Whether or not Section 18.5 of R.A. No. 9189 is that it violates the requirement that the voter must be a
violative of Art. VII, Sec. 4 of the Constitution. resident in the Philippines for at least one year and in the
3)     Whether or not Section 25 of R.A. No. 9189 is place where he proposes to vote for at least six months
violative of Art. IX-A, Sec. 1 of the Constitution. immediately preceding the election, as provided under
Section 1, Article V of the Constitution which reads: “Sec.
HELD: 1. Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens of the
Philippines not otherwise disqualified by law, who are at
1)     NO. Section 5(d) of R.A. No. 9189 is not violative of
least eighteen years of age, and who shall have resided
Art. V, Sec. 1 of the Constitution.
in the Philippines for at least one year and in the place
2)     YES. Section 18.5 of R.A. No. 9189, with respect only wherein they propose to vote for at least six months
to the votes of the President and Vice-President, and not immediately preceding the election.”
to the votes of the Senators and party-list
For the resolution of this instant issue, the Court has
representatives, is violative of Art. VII, Sec. 4 of the
relied on, among others, the discussions of the members
of the Constitutional Commission on the topics of
3)     YES. Section 25 of R.A. No. 9189, with respect only absentee voting and absentee voter qualification, in
to the second sentence in its second paragraph allowing connection with Sec. 2, Art. V of the Constitution, which
Congress to exercise the power to review, revise, amend, reads: “Sec. 2. The Congress shall provide a system for
and approve the IRR that the COMELEC shall promulgate, securing the secrecy and sanctity of the ballot as well as
is violative of Art. IX-A, Sec. 1 of the Constitution. a system for absentee voting by qualified Filipinos
abroad.” It was clearly shown from the said discussions
REASONS: that the Constitutional Commission intended to
enfranchise as much as possible all Filipino citizens
1)  Section 5(d) of R.A. No. 9189, entitled “An Act
abroad who have not abandoned their domicile of origin,
Providing for a System of Overseas Absentee Voting by
which is in the Philippines. The Commission even
Qualified Citizens of the Philippines Abroad,
intended to extend to young Filipinos who reach voting
Appropriating Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes,”
age abroad whose parents’ domicile of origin is in the
Philippines, and consider them qualified as voters for the
first time.
It is in pursuance of that intention that the Commission following provisions of Section 4 of Article VII of the
provided for Section 2 immediately after the residency Constitution:
requirement of Section 1. By the doctrine of necessary
Sec. 4.
implication in statutory construction, which may be
applied in construing constitutional provisions, the xxx            xxx            xxx
strategic location of Section 2 indicates that the
Constitutional Commission provided for an exception to The returns of every election for President and Vice-
the actual residency requirement of Section 1 with President, duly certified by the board of canvassers of
respect to qualified Filipinos abroad. The same each province or city, shall be transmitted to the
Commission has in effect declared that qualified Filipinos Congress, directed to the President of the Senate. Upon
who are not in the Philippines may be allowed to vote receipt of the certificates of canvass, the President of the
even though they do not satisfy the residency Senate shall, not later than thirty days after the day of
requirement in Section 1, Article V of the Constitution. the election, open all the certificates in the presence of
the Senate and the House of Representatives in joint
That Section 2 of Article V of the Constitution is an public session, and the Congress, upon determination of
exception to the residency requirement found in Section the authenticity and due execution thereof in the manner
1 of the same Article was in fact the subject of debate provided by law, canvass the votes.
when Senate Bill No. 2104, which later became R.A. No.
9189, was deliberated upon on the Senate floor, further The person having the highest number of votes shall be
weakening petitioner’s claim on the unconstitutionality proclaimed elected, but in case two or more shall have
of Section 5(d) of R.A. No. 9189. an equal and highest number of votes, one of them shall
forthwith be chosen by the vote of a majority of all the
2)Section 4 of R.A. No. 9189 provides that the overseas Members of both Houses of the Congress, voting
absentee voter may vote for president, vice-president, separately.
senators, and party-list representatives.
The Congress shall promulgate its rules for the
Section 18.5 of the same Act provides: canvassing of the certificates.
Sec. 18. On-Site Counting and Canvassing.— xxx            xxx            xxx
xxx            xxx            xxx Indeed, the phrase, proclamation of winning candidates,
18.5 The canvass of votes shall not cause the delay of the in Section 18.5 of R.A. No. 9189 is far too sweeping that
it necessarily includes the proclamation of the winning
proclamation of a winning candidate if the outcome of
the election will not be affected by the results thereof. candidates for the presidency and the vice-presidency,
granting merit to petitioner’s contention that said
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Commission is
empowered to order the proclamation of winning Section appears to be repugnant to Section 4, Article VII
of the Constitution only insofar as said Section totally
candidates despite the fact that the scheduled election
has not taken place in a particular country or countries, if disregarded the authority given to Congress by the
Constitution to proclaim the winning candidates for the
the holding of elections therein has been rendered
impossible by events, factors and circumstances peculiar positions of President and Vice-President.
to such country or countries, in which events, factors and Congress could not have allowed the COMELEC to usurp
circumstances are beyond the control or influence of the a power that constitutionally belongs to it or, as aptly
Commission. stated by petitioner, to encroach “on the power of
Petitioner claims that the provision of Section 18.5 of Congress to canvass the votes for President and Vice-
President and the power to proclaim the winners for the
R.A. No. 9189 empowering the COMELEC to order the
proclamation of winning candidates for President and said positions.”
Vice-President is unconstitutional and violative of the 3) Section 25 of R.A. No. 9189 created the Joint
Congressional Oversight Committee (JCOC), as follows:
Sec. 25. Joint Congressional Oversight Committee.—a devising means and methods that will insure the
Joint Congressional Oversight Committee is hereby accomplishment of the great objective for which it was
created, composed of the Chairman of the Senate created — free, orderly and honest elections. We may
Committee on Constitutional Amendments, Revision of not agree fully with its choice of means, but unless these
Codes and Laws, and seven (7) other Senators designated are clearly illegal or constitute gross abuse of discretion,
by the Senate President, and the Chairman of the House this court should not interfere. Politics is a practical
Committee on Suffrage and Electoral Reforms, and seven matter, and political questions must be dealt with
(7) other Members of the House of Representatives realistically – not from the standpoint of pure theory.
designated by the Speaker of the House of The Commission on Elections, because of its fact-finding
Representatives: Provided, that of the seven (7) members facilities, its contacts with political strategists, and its
to be designated by each House of Congress, four (4) knowledge derived from actual experience in dealing
should come from the majority and the remaining three with political controversies, is in a peculiarly
(3) from the minority. advantageous position to decide complex political
The Joint Congressional Oversight Committee shall have
the power to monitor and evaluate the implementation The Court has no general powers of supervision over
of this Act. It shall review, revise, amend and approve the COMELEC which is an independent body “except those
Implementing Rules and Regulations promulgated by the specifically granted by the Constitution,” that is, to
Commission. review its decisions, orders and rulings. In the same vein,
it is not correct to hold that because of its recognized
All the parties, petitioner and respondents alike, are extensive legislative power to enact election laws,
unanimous in claiming that Section 25 of R.A. No. 9189 is Congress may intrude into the independence of the
unconstitutional. Thus, there is no actual issue forged on COMELEC by exercising supervisory powers over its rule-
this question raised by petitioner. However, the Court making authority. In line with this, this Court holds that
finds it expedient to expound on the role of Congress Section 25 of R.A.  9189 is unconstitutional and must
through the JCOC vis-à-vis the independence of the therefore be stricken off from the said law.
COMELEC as a constitutional body, as aptly provided for
under Art. IX-A, Sec. 1, which reads “Section 1. The SECTION 8.
Constitutional Commissions, which shall be independent,
In case of death, permanent disability, removal from
are the Civil Service Commission, the Commission on
Elections, and the Commission on Audit.” office, or resignation of the President, the Vice-President
shall become the President to serve the unexpired term.
The ambit of legislative power under Article VI of the In case of death, permanent disability, removal from
Constitution is circumscribed by other constitutional office, or resignation of both the President and Vice-
provisions, one of which is the aforementioned provision President, the President of the Senate or, in case of his
on the independence of constitutional commissions. The inability, the Speaker of the House of Representatives,
Court has held that “whatever may be the nature of the shall then act as President until the President or Vice-
functions of the Commission on Elections, the fact is that President shall have been elected and qualified.
the framers of the Constitution wanted it to be
independent from the other departments of the
Government.” G.R. NO. 163193, JUNE 15, 2004 SIXTO S. BRILLANTES,
The Commission on Elections is a constitutional body. It JR VS. COMELEC
is intended to play a distinct and important part in our FACTS :
scheme of government. In the discharge of its functions,
it should not be hampered with restrictions that would On December 22, 1997, Congress enacted Republic Act
be fully warranted in the case of a less responsible No. 8436 authorizing the COMELEC to use an automated
organization. The Commission may err, so may this court election system (AES) for the process of voting, counting
also. It should be allowed considerable latitude in of votes and canvassing/consolidating the results of the
national and local elections. It also required the of accredited political parties and candidates in areas
COMELEC to acquire automated counting machines affected by the use or adoption of technological and
(ACMs), computer equipment, devices and materials and electronic devices not less than thirty days prior to the
adopt new electoral forms and printing materials. effectivity of the use of such devices.
The COMELEC initially intended to implement the said
automation during the May 11, 1998 presidential
elections, particularly in counting the votes collected Whether or not Resolution No. 6712 dated April 28, 2004
from the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao issued by the COMELEC in authorizing the use of election
(ARMM). However, the failure of the machines to funds in consolidating the election results for the May
correctly read a number of automated ballots 10, 2004 elections should be declared VOID, as it is
discontinued its implementation. unconstitutional.

Contributions for the establishment of the AES persisted HELD:

that even President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo issued
Executive Order No. 172 on January 24, 2003, allocating
YES. For violating section 4 of Article VII. The said
the sum of P2,500,000,000 to exclusively fund the AES in
Resolution No. 6712 preempts the sole authority of the
time for the May 10, 2004 elections. On February 10,
Congress to canvass the votes of the election returns for
2003, upon the request of the COMELEC, President
the President and the Vice-President. 
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo issued Executive Order No. 175
authorizing the release of a further supplemental P500
million budget for the AES project of the COMELEC. REASONS:

The Supreme Court resolved the COMELEC to maintain Art. VII, Sec. 4 of the 1987: Resolution Preempts the sole
the old and manual voting and counting system for the and exclusive authority vested in the Congress to canvass
May 10, 2004 elections after contract negations with the votes for the election of President and Vice-
companies Mega Pacific Consortium (the supplier of the President. It is a grave error on the part of the
computerized voting/counting machines) were respondent to have ignored the misapprehensions
discontinued. Despite this impediment, the COMELEC addressed by Senate President Franklin M. Drilon to
nevertheless continued the electronic transmission of COMELEC Chairman Benjamin Abalos during the 2004
advanced unofficial results of the 2004 elections for saying that such act would be in violation of the
national, provincial and municipal positions, also dubbed Constitution (section 4 of Article VII):
as an "unofficial quick count." "any quick count to be conducted by the Commission on
said positions would in effect constitute a canvass of the
ARGUMENTS: votes of the President and Vice-President, which not only
would be pre-emptive of the authority of Congress, but
would also be lacking of any constitutional authority."
Petitioner contends that the respondent COMELEC
committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to The existence of an accredited Citizen’s arm: Under
excess of Jurisdiction in the issuance of Resolution No. Section 27 of Rep. Act No. 7166, as amended by Rep. Act
6712. Respondent COMELEC contends that its No. 8173, and reiterated in Section 18 of Rep. Act No.
advancement in tabulation procedures is allowed within 8436, the accredited citizen’s arm - in this case,
the statutory confines of section 52 (i) of the Omnibus NAMFREL - is exclusively authorized to use a copy of the
Election Code that: election returns in the conduct of an "unofficial"
Prescribe(s) the use or adoption of the latest counting of the votes, whether for the national or the
technological and electronic devices, taking into account local elections. No other entity, including the respondent
the situation prevailing in the area and the funds COMELEC itself, is authorized to use a copy of the
available for the purpose. Provided, That the election returns for purposes of conducting an
Commission shall notify the authorized representatives "unofficial" count.
In addition, the second or third copy of the election against the petitioners through filing of a complaint-
returns, while required to be delivered to the COMELEC affidavit
under the said laws, are not intended for undertaking an
"unofficial" count. The said copies are archived and
unsealed only when needed by to verify election results Finding no grave abuse of discretion amounting to excess
in connection with resolving election disputes that may or lack of jurisdiction on the part of the public
be established. respondents, the Court Resolved to DISMISS the
Inapplicability of Section 52(i) of the Omnibus Election
Code:  The Court contends that Section 52(i) of the The Order to maintain the status quo  contained in the
Omnibus Election Code, which is cited by the COMELEC Resolution of the Court en banc is LIFTED.
as the statutory basis for the assailed resolution, does
not cover the use of the latest technological and election RATIO:
devices for "unofficial" tabulations of votes. Moreover,
Background of the first issue
the COMELEC failed to notify the authorized
representatives of accredited political parties and all  MARCH 30, 1988: Secretary of Justice denied
candidates in areas affected by the use or adoption of petitioner’s motion for reconsideration
technological and electronic devices not less than thirty
days prior to the effectivity of the use of such devices,  APRIL 7, 1988: A second motion
after failing to submit any document proving that it had for reconsideration filed by petitioner Beltran was denied
notified all political parties of the intended adoption of by the Secretary of Justice
Resolution No. 6712
 MAY 2, 1988: On appeal, the President, through
Executive Secretary, affirmed the resolution of the
Secretary of Justice
SOLIVEN, petitioner  VS. JUDGE MAKASIAR, respondent
 MAY 16, 1988: Motion for reconsideration was
167 SCRA 393 denied by the Executive Secretary
FACTS: Petitioner Beltran alleges that he has been denied due
process of law.
This case is a PETITION for certiorari and prohibition to
review the decision of the Regional Trial Court of Manila -This is negated by the fact that instead of submitting his
counter-affidavits, he filed a  “Motion to Declare
Proceedings Closed”, in effect, waiving his right to refute
1. Whether or not the petitioners were denied due the complaint by filing counter-affidavits.
process when information for libel were filed against
Due process of law does not require that the
them although the finding of the existence of a prima
respondent in a criminal case actually file his counter-
facie case was still under review by the Secretary of
affidavits before the preliminary investigation is
Justice and, subsequently by the President
deemed completed. All that is required is that the
2. Whether or not the constitutional rights respondent be given the opportunity to submit
of Beltran (petitioner) were violated when respondent counter-affidavits if he is so minded.
RTC judge issued a warrant for his arrest without
Second issue
personally examining the complainant and the witnesses,
if any, to determine probable clause This calls for an interpretation of the constitutional
provision on the issuance of warrants of arrest:
3. Whether or not the President of the Philippines,
under the Constitution, may initiate criminal proceedings Art. III, Sec.2. The right of the people to be secure in their
persons, houses, papers and effects against
unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature person (And there is nothing in our laws that would
and for any purpose shall be inviolable, and no search prevent the President from waiving the privilege).
warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue except upon
Additional Issue:
probable cause to be determined personally by the judge
after examination under oath or affirmation of the Beltran contends that he could not be held liable for libel
complainant and the witnesses he may produce, and because of the privileged character of the publication. He
particularly describing the place to be searched and the also says that to allow the libel case to proceed would
persons or things to be seized. produce a “chilling effect” on press freedom.
Petitioner Beltran is convinced that the Constitution -Court reiterates that it is not a trier of facts And Court
requires the judge to personally examine the finds no basis at this stage to rule on the “chilling effect”
complainant and his witness in his determination of point.
probable cause for the issuance of warrants of arrests.
-However, what the Constitution underscores is the
exclusive and personal responsibility of the issuing judge Concurs with the majority opinion insofar as it revolves
to satisfy himself of the existence of probable cause. In around the three principal issues. With regard to
doing so, the judge is not required to personally examine whether or not the libel case would produce a “chilling
the complainant and his witness. effect” on press freedom, Gutierrez believes that this
particular issue is the most important and should be
resolved now rather than later.
Following the established doctrine of procedure, the Quotable quotes: “Men in public life may suffer under a
judge shall: (1) Personally evaluate the report and hostile and unjust accusation; the wound can be
supporting documents submitted by the fiscal regarding assuaged with the balm of a clear conscience.”  –United
the existence of probable cause (and on the basis, States v. Bustos
thereof, issue a warrant of arrest); or (2) If on the basis
thereof he finds no probable cause, he may disregard “No longer is there a Minister of the Crown or a person in
the fiscal’s report and require the submission of authority of such exalted position that the citizen must
supporting affidavits of witnesses to aid him in arriving speak of him only with bated breath.” –People v.
at a conclusion as to the evidence of probable cause. Perfecto

Third issue

Petitioner Beltran contends that proceedings ensue by PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION ASSOCIATION VS.
virtue of the President’s filing of her complaint-affidavit, ENRIQUEZ- 235 SCRA 506
she may subsequently have to be a witness for the
prosecution, bringing her under the trial court’s
jurisdiction. àThis would in an indirect way defeat RA 7663 (former House bill No. 10900, the General
her privilege of immunity from suit, as by testifying on Appropriations Bill of 1994) entitled “An Act
the witness stand, she would be exposing herself to Appropriating Funds for the Operation of the
possible contempt of court or perjury. Government of the Philippines from January 1 to
December 1, 1994, and for other Purposes” was
-This privilege of immunity from suit, pertains to the
approved by the President and vetoed some of the
President by virtue of the office and may be invoked only
by the holder of the office; not by any other person in
the President’s behalf. Petitioners assail the special provision allowing a
member of Congress to realign his allocation for
-The choice of whether to exercise the privilege or to
operational expenses to any other expense category
waive is solely the President’s prerogative. It is a decision
claiming that it violates Sec. 25, Art 7 of the Constitution.
that cannot be assumed and imposed by any other
Issues of constitutionality were raised before the appropriation. It is not an inappropriate provision; it is
Supreme Court. not alien to the subj. of road maintenance & cannot be
veoted w/o vetoing the entire appropriation. VETO VOID.
PhilConsA prayed for a writ of prohibition to declare
unconstitutional and void a.) Art 16 on the Countrywide Special Provision on Purchase of Military Equip. – AFP
Development Fund and b.) The veto of the President of modernization, prior approval of Congress required
the Special provision of Art XLVIII of the GAA of 1994. before release of modernization funds. It is the so-called
legislative veto. Any prov. blocking an admin. action in
16 members of the Senate sought the issuance of writs implementing a law or requiring legislative approval
of certiorari, prohibition and mandamus against the must be subj. of a separate law. VETO VALID.
Exec. Secretary, the Sec of Dept of Budget and
Management and the National Treasurer and questions: Special Provision on Use of Savings for AFP Pensions –
1.) Constitutionality of the conditions imposed by the allows Chief of Staff to augment pension funds through
President in the items of the GAA of 1994 and 2.) the the use of savings. According to the Consttution, only the
constitutionality of the veto of the special provision in Pres. may exercise such power pursuant to a specific law.
the appropriation for debt services. Properly vetoed. VETO VALID.

Senators Tanada and Romulo sought the issuance of the Special Provision on Conditions for de-activation of
writs of prohibition and mandamus against the same CAFGU’s – use of special fund for the compensation of
respondents. Petitioners contest the constitutionality of: the said CAFGU’s. Vetoed, Pres. requires his prior
1.) veto on four special provisions added to items in the approval. It is also an amendment to existing law (PD No.
GAA of 1994 for the AFP and DPWH; and 2.) the 1597 & RA No. 6758). A provision in an appropriation act
conditions imposed by the President in the cannot be used to repeal/amend existing laws. VETO
implementation of certain appropriations for the VALID.
CAFGU’s, DPWH, and Nat’l Highway Authority.

Whether or not the veto of the president on four special 121234, AUGUST 23, 1995
provisions is constitutional and valid?
On June 19, 1994, the National Bureau of Investigation
Special Provision on Debt Ceiling – Congress provided for (NBI) filed with the Department of Justice a letter-
a debt-ceiling. Vetoed by the Pres. w/o vetoing the entire complaint charging petitioners Hubert Webb, Michael
appropriation for debt service. The said provisions are Gatchalian, Antonio J. Lejano and six (6) other persons
germane to & have direct relation w/ debt service. They with the crime of Rape and Homicide of Carmela N.
are appropriate provisions & cannot be vetoed w/o Vizconde, her mother Estrellita Nicolas-Vizconde, and
vetoing the entire item/appropriation. VETO VOID. her sister Anne Marie Jennifer in their home at Number
80 W. Vinzons, St., BF Homes Paranaque, Metro Manila
Special Provision on Revolving Funds for SCU’s – said on June 30, 1991.
provision allows for the use of income & creation of
revolving fund for SCU’s. Provision for Western Visayas Forthwith, the Department of Justice formed a panel of
State Univ. & Leyte State Colleges vetoed by Pres. Other prosecutors headed by Assistant Chief State Prosecutor
SCU’s enjoying the privilege do so by existing law. Pres. Jovencio R. Zuno to conduct the preliminary
merely acted in pursuance to existing law. VETO VALID. investigation.

Special Provision on Road Maintenance – Congress ARGUMENTS:

specified 30% ratio fo works for maintenance of roads be
contracted according to guidelines set forth by DPWH. Petitioners fault the DOJ Panel for its finding of probable
cause. They assail the credibility of Jessica Alfaro as
Vetoed by the Pres. w/o vetoing the entire
inherently weak and uncorroborated due to the only to rest on evidence showing that more likely than
inconsistencies between her April 28, 1995 and May 22, not, a crime has been committed and was committed by
1995 sworn statements. They criticize the procedure the suspects. Probable cause need not be based on clear
followed by the DOJ Panel when it did not examine and convincing evidence of guilt, neither on evidence
witnesses to clarify the alleged inconsistencies. establishing guilt beyond reasonable doubt and
definitely, not on evidence establishing absolute
Petitioners charge that respondent Judge Raul de Leon certainty of guilt.
and, later, respondent Judge Amelita Tolentino issued
warrants of arrest against them without conducting the 2. The Court ruled that respondent judges did not
required preliminary examination. gravely abuse their discretion. In arrest cases, there must
be a probable cause that a crime has been committed
Petitioners complain about the denial of their and that the person to be arrested committed it. Section
constitutional right to due process and violation of their 6 of Rule 112 simply provides that “upon filing of an
right to an impartial investigation. They also assail the information, the Regional Trial Court may issue a warrant
prejudicial publicity that attended their preliminary for the accused. Clearly the, our laws repudiate the
investigation. submission of petitioners that respondent judges should
ISSUES: have conducted “searching examination of witnesses”
before issuing warrants of arrest against them.
1. Whether or not the DOJ Panel likewise gravely
abused its discretion in holding that there is probable 3. The DOJ Panel precisely allowed the parties to
cause to charge them with the crime of rape and adduce more evidence in their behalf and for the panel
homicide to study the evidence submitted more fully.

2. Whether or not respondent Judges de Leon and 4. Petitioner’s argument lacks appeal for it lies on
Tolentino gravely abused their discretion when they the faulty assumption that the decision whom to
failed to conduct a preliminary examination before prosecute is a judicial function, the sole prerogative of
issuing warrants of arrest against them the courts and beyond executive and legislative
interference. In truth, the prosecution of crimes
3. Whether or not the DOJ Panel denied them their appertains to the executive department of government
constitutional right to due process during their whose principal power and responsibility is to see that
preliminary investigation our laws are faithfully executed. A necessary component
of this power is the right to prosecute their violators
4. Whether or not the DOJ Panel unlawfully
(See R.A. No. 6981 and section 9 of Rule 119 for legal
intruded into judicial prerogative when it failed to charge
Jessica Alfaro in the information as an accused.
With regard to the inconsistencies of the sworn
statements of Jessica Alfaro, the Court believes that
1. NO. these have been sufficiently explained and there is no
showing that the inconsistencies were deliberately made
2. NO. to distort the truth.

3. NO. There is no merit in this contention because With regard to the petitioners’ complaint about the
petitioners were given all the opportunities to be heard. prejudicial publicity that attended their preliminary
investigation, the Court finds nothing in the records that
4. NO.
will prove that the tone and content of the publicity that
REASONS: attended the investigation of petitioners fatally infected
the fairness and impartiality of the DOJ Panel. Petitioners
1. The Court ruled that the DOJ Panel did not cannot just rely on the subliminal effects of publicity on
gravely abuse its discretion when it found probable
cause against the petitioners. A probable cause needs
the sense of fairness of the DOJ Panel, for these are his return in the country. He also questioned the claim of
basically unbeknown and beyond knowing. the President that the decision was made in the interest
of national security, public safety and health. Petitioner
also claimed that the President acted outside her

MARCOS VS. MANGLAPUS- G.R. NO. 88211, SEPTEMBER According to the Marcoses, such act deprives them of
15, 1989 their right to life, liberty, property without due process
and equal protection of the laws. They also said that it
Facts: deprives them of their right to travel which according to
Section 6, Article 3 of the constitution, may only be
Former President Ferdinand E. Marcos was deposed
impaired by a court order.
from the presidency via the non-violent “people power”
revolution and was forced into exile. Marcos, in his Issue:
deathbed, has signified his wish to return to the
Philippines to die. But President Corazon Aquino, 1. Whether or not, in the exercise of the powers
considering the dire consequences to the nation of his granted by the Constitution, the President may prohibit
return at a time when the stability of government is the Marcoses from returning to the Philippines.
threatened from various directions and the economy is 2. Whether or not the President acted arbitrarily or
just beginning to rise and move forward, has stood firmly with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
on the decision to bar the return of Marcos and his excess of jurisdiction when she determined that the
family. return of the Marcoses to the Philippines poses a serious
Aquino barred Marcos from returning due to possible threat to national interest and welfare and decided to
threats & following supervening events: bar their return.

1. failed Manila Hotel coup in 1986 led by Marcos Decision:

leaders No to both issues. Petition dismissed.
2. channel 7 taken over by rebels & loyalists Ratio:
3. plan of Marcoses to return w/ mercenaries Separation of power dictates that each department has
aboard a chartered plane of a Lebanese arms dealer. This exclusive powers. According to Section 1, Article VII of
is to prove that they can stir trouble from afar the 1987 Philippine Constitution, “the executive power
4. Honasan’s failed coup shall be vested in the President of the Philippines.”
However, it does not define what is meant by “executive
5. Communist insurgency movements power” although in the same article it touches on
exercise of certain powers by the President, i.e., the
6. secessionist movements in Mindanao
power of control over all executive departments,
7. devastated economy because of bureaus and offices, the power to execute the laws, the
appointing power to grant reprieves, commutations and
1. accumulated foreign debt pardons… (art VII secfs. 14-23). Although the constitution
outlines tasks of the president, this list is not defined &
2. plunder of nation by Marcos & cronies
exclusive. She has residual & discretionary powers not
Marcos filed for a petition of mandamus and prohibition stated in the Constitution which include the power to
to order the respondents to issue them their travel protect the general welfare of the people. She is obliged
documents and prevent the implementation of President to protect the people, promote their welfare & advance
Aquino’s decision to bar Marcos from returning in the national interest. (Art. II, Sec. 4-5 of the Constitution).
Philippines. Petitioner questions Aquino’s power to bar Residual powers, according to Theodore Roosevelt,
dictate that the President can do anything which is not
forbidden in the Constitution (Corwin, supra at 153),  to die in the country. Compassion must give way to the
inevitable to vest discretionary powers on the President other state interests.
(Hyman, American President) and that the president has
Cruz, Dissenting
to maintain peace during times of emergency but also on
the day-to-day operation of the State. 1. As a citizen of this country, it is Marcos’ right to
return, live & die in his own country. It is a right
The rights Marcoses are invoking are not absolute.
They’re flexible depending on the circumstances. The guaranteed by the Consti to all individuals, whether
patriot, homesick, prodigal, tyrant, etc.
request of the Marcoses to be allowed to return to the
Philippines cannot be considered in the light solely of the 2. Military representatives failed to show that
constitutional provisions guaranteeing liberty of abode Marcos’ return would pose a threat to national security.
and the right to travel, subject to certain exceptions, or Fears were mere conjectures.
of case law which clearly never contemplated situations
even remotely similar to the present one. It must be 3. Residual powers – but the executive’s powers
treated as a matter that is appropriately addressed to were outlined to limit her powers & not expand.
those residual unstated powers of the President which
Paras, Dissenting
are implicit in and correlative to the paramount duty
residing in that office to safeguard and protect general 1. AFP has failed to prove danger which would
welfare. In that context, such request or demand should allow State to impair Marcos’ right to return to the
submit to the exercise of a broader discretion on the part Philippines. .
of the President to determine whether it must be
granted or denied. 2. Family can be put under house arrest & in the
event that one dies, he/she should be buried w/in 10
For issue number 2, the question for the court to days.
determine is whether or not there exist factual basis for
the President to conclude that it was in the national 3. Untenable that without a legislation, right to
interest to bar the return of the Marcoses in the travel is absolute & state is powerless to restrict it. It’s
Philippines. It is proven that there are factual bases in w/in police power of the state to restrict this right if
her decision. The supervening events that happened national security, public safety/health demands that such
before her decision are factual. The President must take be restricted. It can’t be absolute & unlimited all the
preemptive measures for the self-preservation of the time. It can’t be arbitrary & irrational.
country & protection of the people. She has to uphold
4. No proof that Marcos’ return would endanger
the Constitution.
national security or public safety. Fears are speculative &
Fernan, Concurring military admits that it’s under control. Filipinos would
know how to handle Marcos’ return.
1. The president’s power is not fixed. Limits would
depend on the imperatives of events and not on abstract Padilla, Dissenting
theories of law. We are undergoing a critical time and
Sarmiento, Dissenting
the current problem can only be answerable by the
President. 1. President’s determination that Marcos’ return
would threaten national security should be agreed upon
2. Threat is real. Return of the Marcoses would
by the court. Such threat must be clear & present.
pose a clear & present danger. Thus, it’s the executive’s
responsibility & obligation to prevent a grave & serious G.R. No. 88211, October 27, 1989
threat to its safety from arising.
Marcos, petitioner
3. We can’t sacrifice public peace, order, safety &
our political & economic gains to give in to Marcos’ wish VS.
Manglapus, respondent (Part 2) government, to which the return of the Marcoses has
been viewed to provide a catalytic effect, have not been
Facts: shown to have ceased. Imelda Marcos also called
In its decision dated September 15, 1989, the Court by a President Aquino “illegal” claiming that it is Ferdinand
vote of eight to seven, dismissed the petition, after Marcos who is the legal president.
finding that the President did not act arbitrarily or with 3. President has unstated residual powers implied
grave abuse of discretion in determining that the return from grant of executive power. Enumerations are merely
of former President Marcos and his family pose a threat for specifying principal articles implied in the definition;
to national interest and welfare and in prohibiting their leaving the rest to flow from general grant that power,
return to the Philippines. On September 28, 1989, interpreted in conformity with other parts of the
Marcos died in Honolulu, Hawaii. Constitution (Hamilton). Executive unlike Congress can
President Corazon Aquino issued a statement saying that exercise power from sources not enumerates so long as
in the interest of the safety of those who will take the not forbidden by constitutional text (Myers vs. US). This
death of Marcos in widely and passionately conflicting does not amount to dictatorship. Amendment No. 6
ways, and for the tranquility and order of the state and expressly granted Marcos power of legislation whereas
society, she did not allow the remains of Marcos to be 1987 Constitution granted Aquino with implied powers.
brought back in the Philippines. 4. It is within Aquino’s power to protect & promote
A motion for Reconsideration was filed by the petitioners interest & welfare of the people. She bound to comply
raising the following arguments: w/ that duty and there is no proof that she acted
1. Barring their return would deny them their
inherent right as citizens to return to their country of
birth and all other rights guaranteed by the Constitution
to all Filipinos.

2. The President has no power to bar a Filipino

from his own country; if she has, she had exercised it

3. There is no basis for barring the return of the

family of former President Marcos.


Whether or not the motion for reconsideration that the

Marcoses be allowed to return in the Philippines be


No. The Marcoses were not allowed to return. Motion

for Reconsideration denied because of lack of merit.


1. Petitioners failed to show any compelling reason

to warrant reconsideration.

2. Factual scenario during the time Court rendered

its decision has not changed. The threats to the

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