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_ _ _ .._ ...._.......

.. ..............
"""'isions or0ie.Labor c...oo cmployttS' <• by P.O.No. 626)
' cmplO)'«' •'ho cai1'Vlil or the bef'a thereuoder, (lll'SUllll. 10 !tic p:ilky or !ht

Scale II,) Pl:!n'llXirnlll'll aid and protCC'tioll bb«.

YC!f111lbril the )Ms1tould be libtta!Jy«iMWCdtrld iflfil'f--otoflhc

wortill&JNIR. wdl Ubml.iry slloold l'lOt: be \ISCd 10 ' low 10 lilpeni;i,ilw
C11$1C1. Comoq-.lly, ri.W: to wbidl isl.I pel1(lnS Dnibtly tituated 8f'e ciqually
c:qlO!'ICd ond ftOl
IncSi some spccaJ degree IOthe porticulw cmp)o)mcnl Aro "'clwlod.
a "-*""""tk Lrior Coft.
Under the Ubor Code. ir is lhe 11obobra"ltbcblwdca ofproor»$11btilb
hu:retied tkk .t ,,,.odH),OIYl J The cbiinanit must be gjvm apportmily "'
ll.lbmil eYi.1mct in\he lipt orthe ctlmpllSUOnale polxy IO'o\'ltds llibor wllkb !be
1911CoMtiutioo WYi£ws and mbencti..• The lm:il\dmlriill'I or CXl"f'l:si"Ye
111plicatic)n of the Worlunl!tl's
<AlmpMSllOO. l.lw in r;wor (Jr IJle.emcila)'ee or worker l'lO lcwio:r Pf\Mlb il1bc praent
'* Code', uw butdce or shO'wU. proor or
CM1Sa&:ioc i.-"if'l:cd bd.o0 thl'
tt..,'-'>tti. This ls to bccat.tte fie or<0mpemabillty and the rule 1 or 1 or
ClllMCd by Gv: m(lft or lhc cmploy11'.'lCnl we«: 1bolishcd by die LAbor Code.
etnployee. •Wkd by !hecmplO)•n', should pu...c lhM 1hf risk. of conncting the:
dMa.9c b incMICd ""the wortiit&c«ICLJioos. The Act chat!he
ortbcd-..,.."""poe:itivdy idttcill«I cbc:smo1dispcmcwith theNdcllorproor.•
0$/S v. .' Is imlNClliYC Oft the b!.1rtJrn or die daimlnl.emp\1yee.
10 SftSCl'lt.fll'OO"r 10 b worlt! connection. There it t10 di5pu• 11w dlew'nltic
hell\dise• is not intllld&ld as 11111 at. I diteaM uode:f ltlC
Clldct, • by P.O. No. 626: hmce. tht
employc:c mull subltwlal e,.iJmce(I) tllM die risk of connctinc Ibo diseue
.,.,.,. IMrH9fd by tbt dlill'llf!t's worlo111 wnditiolw;111-.1 (2) IN
cawllln:taliln brtwfflllhtaill'l'ltne Md .,.,'1rl:il\i(j)R(litiom.
The pttrtloner !ft !his ca'IC corm:dy poinled t d'Ull 1he repwkrt flllod llO
dkchl:qe hb bllldcn of l'\"Or. 'rhe certltlcftllons or ff Oey!Mmrnt of Hc11th bcur "°
rrlc -.not 10 !he clalm1 et the ""llOf'lllm fbr • NJmbtor o( ftil)Olll, fim, IN oer11l'kadoni
ckwty ttm the purpo1e Md period for wMd1 lhoy m&)' be ldCd. I.«.··b' die ptS'pO'IC or
d1lms fur blllMI pQ),. and torr the )'tllB ..1995" and •1996'' mly. lflw iiadk11lll'I, ch:a lhe
«lfll.lhionl '"llY nat nccn.wily o:bc bcflln: Cl" 11W 199$ or 1996. and. .woon4
die ciertltlcaOONi llhowcJ !Mlhotad· oo '''Mii"bloaock»I "
bU Jc. nol IO •Y l\uUlcr they do noc l11dlc11cW I 1'bti;xi bet>it'el.". n the CllpOitft
ri..-le llnl! di!e""' The """"'1<11 flDl<I IO .....ihll biJ wen condiOOns bid

1:irtdbp01if'I fQlrf lbtt cllMiOd rt!lt\uMric 6tYO' ....tild1.b\ mm. Seid 10 rbl!umadc heart
di)(llil\ the wbjo:t lilmul1, to llOXk chtmlcdl llld biolotk1l ham'dt dooil nut by
bdf llOl"IUiNll ch• c01.M or telpOlldenl'• ti'lmem.MoncMr.1apondetll r...led 10
t"Ykltnot dul ht eonn.'.Wd rhownatie which co hi:lw led 11) rheurn11ric h¢IWt

Thit 11OM iNmol ...,.""°', pun:uant IO pildrnu MCI judK:ill mrtralrc, • trlnal'1
znl In bc'f ori\J((lll'lplialM mull yldd to !he pm:qit In tdmlnltttMl..e (lw Chll In the.
" &.11• OI l..UOaftAll-IJID 80CLU......_.T1IOW

ab!imoc ol gm\'e rdi$0'd.ioo. wwts '"IOOlhe to irllcrtinwilhn1should recpti. the

tirdin,p of qill iigcncics il'Irlclds where: dle:y are demil'd and held 10be apcns due
10 their spttbl 1tt;lmitalkno....tcdp and lnlinirlg..
Al bdd in anod1cr Ql9C. Xlrlt, - \I.GSIS' iit the rm< Illa! $he c:l&imanls ha
failed IO dlscbvge: lhe burden of proo( plllori .!hem b)' fie Labar c:o.!e, lhe clill fur
&udl benriil::s $bouW be cbicd. AYtlll'ds of CMIW:lt be llllldt 10 mt on
..R••mkrtkl>li H'1Ct""fl°'.,,.,,Afl.
u.der" tM old WOl'lc:mcn't CoqM111Alioo Aa_ .,.heft dwR ila ing that the
ailment 'lt'U CCfl!rKli!d Si the C:OWM of his IO)'melll. lhe presumpdon of tompmN!bi
i) IrisesttXI die bu'dcn. ofproof Isiltifted 11> d-.e ert!f!I 10 pro¥C by tubstHDi
.vldence dlat die rnnm did nl)Iarise lfom.mcmf!lo)tnmi or ac least, agrsVOh!d by
ii.1Thill nite 10 1oQgcr undfto Code, u.:nmdiod by P.O.No. 626.
Tht: 1e:11 ot btliry is probebiliry and noc eenaldy.' Tht dep or
proot rcquftd D.:> cstllblisa. 'lt'Ol'l beotwee" the diAtlfU. aill!lmt and
'M'Mtklg a'lnd!liiw Is 1Ml'dy tub:lbl•ial ide111.:.' Problbilily Is 111c tuucltlib)eE i11
lcil"IcYidc:ncc of work· conoectiOl!I.' And sub!lal'lfbl evidcme mM1;t "adl l'C'b'm
cvd::occ ras a lemind mi,&NllCCC'pl 111tclcqullc10
a coac:lldion,'•
It il!bus the l'IOm'I thM rutel of cvi:k:ncc ft aot 9"1f:icabk fri

c:or•llMlioo c1aitn1. This it 8'«WI c:lln)i'lg Naoo lnla'pfttinc llM: puvili;ioot oldie
Ubot Code1SAll ii:J ntlng Nlet and rfJl'bdioN. the primordial and pll'flmOlllnt
oomidcrntioo iitbc e...,kl)'m:'wclM.'
Thedq;ree otproofrcquit\!dclqlcnds on .,,betber fie dlsffiehti--.1infie Tabl.o{
Dui/lmU conr.a1ned kl ..tiwwx "Al .. ot Ibo A RW<tt1 "" '«11'
Co.wpm:wm. I( ll!ll«l, Ihm iioo ot CflUSlllotl reci.ulR\I.rr ooc liswd, ltlo
1xn11: 1hc Nt1M or proving by sabttan11a1 c:vi6axe. °"'
WOtt:-a:inn«Uon.. wv.t
di!CC Clll$1t\'btioostlip bctWt('I\ l\d lilmf'lll IA.1his W<lfk1na ccndiiOl'll.I The etidrnoe or
a lhlcd Ottt.f1M•1nal diJlo'ltf4, whcltlcr (]If flOl .nodad icha non l._cd ni_lntml, It '1r rcqulrinc rompamilon.'
Jwispudmoe l)fOVic.les V1111. w. cOllf!CMlbll11y of •
ll('Cl«eupMiornll di)Cl'lllt, proof and CIOl d!Na JlfOCl(" of
tCIUSitl mmlCLion bclwttl\ the wort tllld
lhe alirnc. ilttiqUftd. To Wre pwfof'1Ctllitll qr fklors Which kdliO the tlihmt
111wld oot consblent ,..ith die llb.!ral kliotl of chc 90Cial justioc s-wi1ce inW.U
of woitm.'for IS loorc a Ihm is fi:w infmfrtJ Ji WQIX-c(J(l'*1ion IO the ailmcnt
Wffmd. AIM$1d be<IMncdC(lt
As tultd ill &....... "·a:<:.J "Vol • daim1nt must dmlt SIXb proo( as woold
«mtibAc a e /JwiJ fOr rotidudi• ridtft' !hithe COlk'lirioc5 ofct11ploymml of
lhe dai11w11 eall9ld !tic •trnnt «dint tueh worlrinc cxwlil'inr$ halt 91J!111Vlll
1he ri'lk oe
('OOIJ'llctfll CMI •ilment Al lo "'NI kind Ind quanrurn of tvkle.U- would C«lSdnxt
an lldcqts:it.! fl)r a ttlRlnable men(l'IOl nettS.Wily a IMdkal tcltnt:isl) to ttoch one
or Of'lcr OOt'lCMioa. Clfl obviousb' be dela'mincd only°" a lmis. The endeoce ..iIStld Mbtwiha!. anee mm:l)o llJl'lllUll; for the <II.Cy to prow wodt
c&U$allcln «'Aot-tt,Waw.ion. imposed by cllil low iiireal .,,.no1 merely l1flPl"lll...
Toill'lctty require diroctc11U51ltdllioo llw and chc 1(}(
die -tiiim C"Yen medical cllpCl'tl canoot tuppM c:ansidc:riilg lhc \ll\W1ainty of
die: Nllt.n ur flt- cllicaK\ would rq111e chc principle: of libcnliey in chc IMltCr or
evidence. Ai:prtMly, whoa llw 1lw mmly RqUiref iiIIIUIOMble w<ltk:-
CCt'lrl«'doa and not. dlrt!Cl Cfll.l;Slllt*ion.·rhts kind or Mttrpn>wlon gi..-u morift&
nIUbs1arioc •tlw libmilfSld
compdiomla tplN or Ille P•cmbodkd inArti;k 4 ol!he MW l*lrCode .,..fQch ttMes
._ ''Ill dOIJlu- in tt-.e implcu1ftlt'llloll of tbt provisiom of dli• Codt,. i11eNdilc hs
wnplennlirlg ndiH Md replaoons, tNU be l'r"Cd iR li\\'lt of'Wx!r."'
In aiM 1rr4mwy ll!Mu or lnjl.I')' il Wi-.-" 1111 we #'i5C'n Si th¢
ot ernpao,mrnt, C\'tt)' nllllnl l!
W IJl)l'tt the illlwu c:w ln).try Is deemed
cmplo)trcnMeh11cd. In Gml . 1t .kxlqwiir.•die S.cC .rlJcd::

'fOt Ille mt; io lll'flly ln .st11ipnu;ckln CICICll,

h SllPfl;mCc.n bdi.:l •Nov. £· c'-flc
(laim#1t mlllll add!IOLI matnblc plOOt !ht '#Ofk"ofh nllflc
c... ol •«'illll,
dccalliod·• •*" mip•
e. rillt of cun1raccin& lbe di..- wit lnctttilld Ille
lwJwlkimill!ll or• n '°
'Under llw Laf!i« 0.. Iii Ille
allllkid drl-dlll bclwfta: 11
Ille CNl'ie olMlll ..6kblQllf lbled *'-00:1111-..-by
Ille F.CC: ar UCIMr I'"---iti,- -.bjti:1
to llfOOrM Ille rlottN11rd111ee -" ">'
'The fNur>' IN a11tot:cdtnl Of Vqjllo
RIMt dclllh w• lll"IC II•..•oo;uptllicNI ill-Iba&,
r..,.dd !
11:11111c wtlktii I ..-bio mind m!p KOrpl II
-h> ,_,,.. oinclillirirl. ......fld Ille 11111.r.- ol
W llrwlblnd't onplu)'111m1 or wod.ln& '10!MllOIW

b: M. ol wwnlt. clwi(wllci ,,.ial llihft Cll" cl!l'fllllo
'lllil,ditf'llllklM Mlod IOdo
'Mtiolwdi.Inota1b:e 1111)' pioot"' •l"IMMlit!lf
<OOll« ---.\tt'Odotac •-a.ttot
1111dcMh. r\m WU !Ml inl!h-. .fM of Ille
.. .............,...,.._,............
.f .l l.-...-.........._........_,_..,,i_ ......_..
. . .
. . .. .
,.......,.......pcr;s::i:lm-.. . .....
. . . . .

clwoM( ,_. ....._ ._
rapardlnl ..........
..._. ..,.il.c.. .........
1ncmllOJ " ..,_,.._ .....
-.:111,,.ool• ....... ,............,
"*' ... mndition. "._,.,.,,_.lhc"*Gf
--- ..............
• lllWL 1 ¢YCJ ... lili:a! IO !ID IQ Then h 11(1 •IMJwlnc lhtl Ole

- - - .............. .......
1 t1r lhedi.e--Wuucht \lftc:IY
Ot b)'e. •"'°""°·•
...1 1 --. 1•
WIN"Mll ....

., .
................... .ir
Qalow()or.- .... c11.........,,.
_,_.,_..... ....... ...-a:t:llo.rl ...........1
tJ.418.410rU .... s.
19').ii.porilW ..........

' ., ,....
- - - .fa.'.
,.rt ila c .- d « ........ lllr 6'9n *'-.96it

11ca..-.,..._.....,WOllL iadlecwol..,_.• 11clo.i

"'n.c'-S....,... --.....llCIPe ...,.._.,...._.
. ........,dll .......tllw-.uit ....._.. ...............
M 11Cllli6iM • .........t allhl *"-dM l,.,.ll:llool .........,.
• 1')' ti tll<ta. If flitII IOI 1irOltd. h! MOWlll.-:) •flOll(lfldMl

__ __
lnlhe _ , on h,_. !ht
di.a.••ma by tin ......,.. Jn& CiJ!difOM. flu _,.' "

____ ... . .....,....... -....

dvc !hil'ljt. v/OlWlft;W!I

-"' ---"

_ . . ..
*"' .• Ila ..
"'canca- ......."' ....,.. ..
__ .lllUIO t
o t


,. ,. .. ... llflllw........•".".".",".,",.'.....,,..,..,..IO""ll "..'*..',...,.,,,._., tit.#.•...-..-,.',

- - • I

........,._c.\t.\'•,. • tl'....._._,,,,..,..,,......,_
_.... .,.""".,
._ .... . 'die._. .......,.........._. ..........-...• c....--Acaw,,_. ---..·
. . ...... c cc .• . .. .... .
...,... dilftllt
... . . ••lnc.-dby
- '" " """* *wOl'tclr!I
" "-°'CIOlllll'aed
lhcdl:llNll11 "It
....... ....
MIf • dtl1N11l W11M1t PNYt fw 11m_,. W()l'l «w1DKlioa kc•• .. of' lhe
d!Jl:wie wt tdU \Wlkl'IWMll,-. 11U11t be prnumed 11ut1this wotkJn1t0t\i11lontlhl;mteci
tk ti*: of ,fltt.1hMfll·ni.oct. approtdl ii .ifdtm ...PfOOf ollht ttq'*'fd •uric
con.-'°'Cht fl._l•NM OOftlPl'llllble b«amt !bllliw W'I Illother WCW-.
ON. cl11ln th.I lhs rill of cormcti"I die- •L"'9d1
·diiMiMe. Iii lnc1"IM6d by tM
m-pOlltlvdy.,_, ........

. .. . , _
' 0 1 11 1 9

:•a,-.".. "•... -........__ _

. .. .
W M '-t tt ••...,_

-.r- - fl o tll tll •• .._,...._.
111r ,..- o1
•,..•,w .c . b ,> " ..£CC
tn '5i:k iii tal4

'(lftt-COfl'ICruOn be p<i-,ed
-tww ..Sllpruw CIMtcld C .....
by c.lrw<t t\'icbcc-.JThis iiibulli*<:ldw.........W ......
. ...or
at anp·N• 'llSlli:ln proo•ll•lftd the $IX-llll 1Ninftce aspect otflc Jnitftt law
....,,.... .. .
whidl requlru U. cllialul .., p"OW•poMtive • M tM Wiii t,i
._iiby tbe wortmacondil-.•

c. o . . . . . __...
C.......,_,- tladlit •6e iknmtllW..("'-a.r) ........ala

D-crolilcO.,.-elNllr._ort._. ._.,..,....,....,,_.

- . . . .
. ......... ....
( cax) 1'ft Wd l'IOC b iiDift of..dllilmMS to MIU _. proo(
111Hft 111·ould COflltibM I l'UIOl'llN. ti.if fbr tidier dis !hi Cllnht!Ol'fi. 4)/
..,.. .. .. orcoocc ndnt a.
.. _ e il m
mlplo)1'l'lt1:1 ot tlllf claitnaru c•o•d N aillntnl or tllilt uh 111-or\imc co11ditionl hid

- ..........cas..... -....t.te .........,...

I 1'""'1fflf r.£.CC'.•
2 Jr ,. F1X"t'
).j\o.....y £CC.'
J.AM41• ax:•

b;pcrt(lpmion is .a. Ml111111ial ...

........,. ...... ..,..............."'.........

ny ml'll' in !lit lbrm ot an. apm 1111l11loe. For wif1111it. 111 USIS "· " lhc
cxpM opWoa of Or.Antnio A, F*"" k... a Dlplonua le 1*'1al tedick .._
l#Uld die
o.:. ..\ SaidlheC.-t' '"All tJflfl1a,iili..- n.
_,_...._ ......_....,cam••_,.,.._.._.•.,.._,
.-ic>'• ...W "-a mtafanm -.,_ nn ...........,_,

..".".°."...." '.l..!.,O......". '-. .- X<- .f.'.-t.). ' - M d i le: -

X.n)'nan. hw lo n ii "°' ... .W 10 IJf """' did•• ror clNlbl lQ' C Ql' l1j 't m l lli

.i c: 1
. _ C W....


indispcMl:i · "
tTAllD A & r»,
. . ..
,_ O toCIAI. t.M-...ftOJ

Artkk IS7I1S11.Rnb\ - Dt'tidom.. tinlfrt or

moludoa o1
be mhcd oe
Coa•tmo. nH)'
"11)' tlK Su:pnme
Co11.n oa quimlon of lit• •!Ml pajU011 of ..aarinnt (llU1)'
•• tc11 (IU)day• rn:i..aotiic:ir tber«ll.

'fbc mode Q( pjil;iltl fC\ieW of' the docbians, OrdelS Ill' h!:M)lutiont Of die
(CC prcPibcd under Article 187(lllJ orlhc laborCodetlO JolCtr applies. Rule43
orfle: IWI Rukis of Ovil ProccGR entitled ..A """" iM CQW'f <f Tax
JwJickJ rs to h Cowt bf ApJwalJ" sp«i.fkaay llla'ltion!I b ECC u((le offlt
udldalagMCits whclse tw11dr,.j tinllordersIX'""*"ion8 n kllO
flc Coun o( A1.1 ThllSo Ill\ llppetd m)il ' be blk.ia IO the c.,.,,,. ot Appeah
wilh.ln the
prriod!Ind 11'1 the ftllt'lllft' pt(Widtd 11'1 Mid Ruit 43, mtt !tit 11ppc1.I in.YO&\<tl q6f
tact. of la•',ormlud questions, of faa and ll1w/
Under lhe lbJl'.f <f Pl"OMlln fr rlw A Qf &ip/w.T· '°"
f\kd wtltlnd"""[l!l"'>' -"'""°'... ...ooc._ ......
(J uly I.), 199$ Iii iltnuncbeed !hat appeals I)tllt Court or A(!pdls sh:lulcl be
f/ Cowf.' ftfmina 10 St<vion 4./W 4J or tho /9')7 i(IJ4 fl}' Cftil 'll1l
cmb&Xlie.tlit '8111C puiod ot 11Ullef, bl the lhould be W:e:n.
•iltriln Mttn CU) mys trom notice o{dieaWffd,)idsll'ICflr,. final onbor
motlniollr.«hrn 1hcdi•ofits last public1Uon. if publitation is rcqW«I by lllw b- ib
c&cciviey, or o( die dcniol ot
pc'lkiOC'IO''s fnr:Jlkln &lr new vi•I or tttonWmeion •ly fi1ocl in ao.:ordlllcc wati
lhe itc llw ofdw or •"'
""""'Only one (I) mobon for tOCXll'didn-.1 thall be
allow«L Upon pmptr mOllon lll'id thePl!Ymtnlof dlil 1\10 ll!IOUllot !hedocMI fu8bi:lbte:
upimoo or the ttglemn'lmty period.•Coun or Is 11111)' 1fMt an. addi:lonalperiod or
fl.flttn (I S) dll)1 wilhM whiell 10 filo cht poridori for re'liew.Ho l'urthor
ethall be pudft.eelll fut aw moutc1r1pe!liftirwot1 and la n1>casit10 exceed
61titoft (I!) dil)'I
It mllllt be 11111ed, h!,wevotr, that cct11nry 16 lhe !Wn<(COllrl'• p&t1Mon u
di under S....d'.tn JI, Rwl•J oflhl 1llM R11ln of Pjx dw Adjd\AIJoit <(
&ntp"'wu·CCl•• U'-'>' IJ, 'l• it • prorvicW 1Ntt 11(1 mntiM lhr
m:(Wltidd:lon ot Ole decldoft. rt.'Ol lon or order ot the bCC (ConvnisMnn) i'lalt
be atlOWtd Slioo no moci:in. tilt tttkilt Iii albwc4. the period or
IJ!\ttn (I S) dio's vi.fehtt IO • lhie llppClal .., Court or be
Artlde IM 1112 1 '""""'1 qf - (•) All)'
lkirblo..unkr or rnolllllotl 1Jof tk OMlu•IMhlit i;IMIU btro111t
••I 11.nd CHClllory If no •PPNI •Ukttl tllmfrom ,ntlUft ,,
(10) ,.. frum Mike- 1lwreof. All 1ra• by
the Oillt•ll!!I•I• c•.,
•ppnkd t'roin lkc:libtt o(llK S)"11t•111111 k cffticottd wkh.I• flftttt1
cliQ'• ,..... rcttlpt of llOlk".«.
(b) I• •I etlw1- aMt. dttll:lona. otilm Hd mohdotH
of ni. c..••N'- ''"''11ry
hli\'t 11ne na:al •_.
tnRllUd 11e1d 0M1c.ct h1 m. ..... N•MI' 11 dittWG• or
alMll be

th• Coun F1nt l•tibloftl. Hd the Co.n111111llotl -.lwr.11 t1te
power ti) a..... i.o ..erily

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