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CELT-S Module 8 – Portfolio task template

Module 8 – Assessing language learning

Portfolio task – Plan, teach and evaluate a writing activity.
Task focus – Encouraging learner-centred evaluation; using a checklist to self-assess or peer-asses a
writing activity.
Date 15.09
Name of teacher Tatiana Alekseyetseva
Name of trainer Anna Besarab

Part 1 – Before you teach the lesson

Provide details of the writing activity and your class.
Description of writing
To summarize the knowledge in topic “Are you going to eat that”
Reason for choosing this It was the final prompt to revise all the knowledge about this theme.
writing activity Ss should learn how to describe their thoughts with the help of words that
describe cause and effect.
Description of the
There is a list with components that allow my students don`t skip any
elements of essay.
Class Number of learners 6 Level B1 Age 12
Learners will practise writing. Learners will practise assessing their
Aim for learners

Lesson Procedure – Write the procedures you will follow for each stage of the lesson.
Aim: Why
you are
Stage/Task Procedure: What you and the learners will do
doing the
Lead-in task To get I write on the Wb th word “Global warning” and ask some students about
learners their responds.
interested in Then I introduce on the Wb a graphic organizer and propose to discuss that
the topic and global warming its an effect of human`s activities.
motivated to
do the task

2) After that Ss will see on the board 2 cause boxes with words:
driving petrol vehicles
cutting down forests.

T. Three of the activities

Is global warming a problem? Yes
Do you know the facts about global warming? Yes
- When you give the effects and causes to the problem it`s called a
cause and effect essay.

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Portfolio task template

3) Ss will observe the words from the box in a book (These words will
appear on the Wb)
as a result of
because of
for this reason/these reasons
that`s why
4) T proposes Ssto describe causes of global warming and causes to
effects with the phrases from the book in sentences.

1) Pair work. Look at photo and predict what is this essay going about.
2) Ss skim the essay from the book and underline the words that writer
used to signal cause and effect essay.
To help
3) Pair work one number of Ss read all underlined words, another
Review language partners identify 3 causes of harm.
complete the
4) T reminds Ss the elements of the Cause and Effect Writing genre.
writing task
5) When the Ss know the topic of their essay – why do people throw
the food. T. says that the next step is pre-writing. Ss work with page
from W. book where they formulate their thoughts about causes
and effects of food wastes .
1) When the Ss know the topic of their essay – why do people throw the
T. says that the next step is pre-writing. Ss work with page from W. book
where they formulate their thoughts about causes and effects of food
To help wastes .
learners 2) Then they plan their writing. They try to write introductory paragraph
Writing activity
develop and topic sentence.
writing skills T. monitors Ss work and listen to each S.
3) Next they need to write at least 2 body paragraph where they talk about
the causes of food wastes.
4) Finally the write concluding paragraph that will restate the topic sentence
in different words.
Self-/peer- To help To help my Ss write successfully essay the check themselves with the help
assessment learners to of self-paper assessment checklist, making ticks there.
assess their
own or their

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Portfolio task template

writing using
a self-/peer-
To provide T. listens to all the Ss essays monitors and divides then in pairs Ss..
feedback to Ss have some minutes to mark his partner work using numbers from 5 to 1.
learners on T. and Ss discuss whose Essay writing is the best, what mistakes did the Ss
their writing make.

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Portfolio task template

Interaction patterns – Tick () to show how learners will work at each stage.
Stage Whole class Pairs Groups Individual
Lead-in  
Review language 
Writing task 
Self-/peer-assessment  
Post-assessment 

Part 2 – After you have taught the lesson

Complete the self-evaluation and the checklist of evidence to submit.
When did you teach the lesson? 15th September
What were the benefits and challenges of
Checklist helped my Ss to systematize all the elements of
using a self-/peer-assessment checklist
with your class?
What were the challenges of using a
self-/peer-assessment checklist with your -
How can you improve on the way you use
I`d like to add next time much more additional exercises
self-/peer-assessment checklists in future
that facilitate the work of my students.
Evidence submitted ()  checklists (at least 2) 
completed by learners
Completed portfolio task
Writing activity  

Part 3 – Evaluation criteria (Trainers complete this for the work submitted.)
The teacher has /R/X Trainer comment
selected a writing activity relevant to their context
and the needs of a chosen class
provided a realistic reason for selecting the
activity for this class
designed an appropriate self-/peer-assessment
checklist for learners to use
prepared an appropriate lead-in for the activity
and planned appropriate procedures for this lead-
planned appropriate procedures for reviewing
language before the writing activity
planned appropriate procedures for the writing
planned appropriate procedures for using the
self-/peer-assessment checklist
planned appropriate procedures for providing
learners with feedback on their writing
planned appropriate interaction patterns for the
different lesson stages
confirmed that the writing activity and the
self-/peer-assessment checklist were used with the
chosen class

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Portfolio task template

The teacher has /R/X Trainer comment

considered, after using it, the benefits and
challenges of using a self-/peer-assessment
checklist with the chosen class
identified action points for using a self-/peer-
assessment checklist in the future
submitted for evaluation: the writing activity, the
self-/peer-assessment checklist, self-/peer-
assessment checklists (at least 2) completed by
learners and the portfolio task template with all
parts completed
completed the portfolio task on first submission
resubmitted the portfolio task

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