Key Week 13

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KEY -WEEK 13 – INGLES 1 – YEAR 2020


1) Match the facts and details to the paragraphs:

Qin Shih Huang-di Great Wall, tomb 1970’s

Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 2

three thousand years, Places such as western founding of China, centralizing

221 B.C. kingdom, northeast, government
southeast, and east,
Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2
Paragraph 1

2) Contextual reference. What do these words refer to?

Its (line 1): China´s

himself(line 6): Quin Shi Huang-di

His(line 9): Qin Shih Huang-di´s

one of the greatest archaeological finds of all time: (lines 14): the tomb

3) Fill in the web with information about Qin Shih Huang-di´s life:

First emperor of China Qin Shih Huang-di Founder of China


Built the Great Wall of China

His dynasty lasted fifteen years

His tomb is one of the greatest archeological finds of all times. Declared himself ruler in 221 B.C

4) Find words in the text with the following meanings:

realms (line 2): kingdoms

chances (line 3): opportunities

person who governs a country (line 6): ruler

first (line 6): original

with great popularity (line 12): famous

1) Are the following sentences in the ACTIVE or PASSIVE?. Put an A or a P in each case:

1- P
2- A
3- P
4- A
5- P
6- P
7- A
9- A
12- P

2) Choose the correct option

a- The house was bought by my father

b- Food is cooked every day by my father

c- The problems were solved by the teacher

d- Spain is visited by millions of tourists

e- Romans bridges were built with stone

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