FCP Tasks Arrays

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Fundamentals of Computer Programming


Constants const int N, const int W, const int K have values known in compilation time.

1. Write a piece of code that sorts an array 1 2 4 7

(whose size is const int N). 3 5 8 11
6 9 12 15
2. Write a piece of code that merges two sorted
10 13 16 18
arrays (with sizes const int M and const int
14 17 19 20
N) of double precision floating point numbers
into one array (whose size is M + N). You may 6. Write a piece of code that fills a two-
not use any sorting algorithm. Example: dimensional array with const int W rows and
const int K columns with consecutive num-
2 6 9 10 12 15
bers in a spiral.
1 3 7 8 20
Example for W == 5 and K == 4:
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 20 14 15 16 5
13 20 17 6
3. Write a piece of code that fills an inversion ar-
12 19 18 7
ray for array arr. An inversion array has the
11 10 9 8
same length as array arr. An ith cell of an in-
version array holds a number of elements with 7. Write a piece of code that sorts separately each
indices 0, 1, . . . , i in array arr less then the ith row of a two-dimensional array with const int
item of array arr. W rows and const int K columns.
Example: array arr Example for W == 5 and K == 4:
5 8 19 4 2 5 1 5 3 12 6 11 initial array:
inversion array for arr
1 2 3 4
0 1 2 0 0 2 0 3 2 8 7 9
14 15 16 5
4. Write a piece of code that fills a two- 13 20 17 6
dimensional array with const int W rows 12 19 18 7
and const int K columns with consecutive 11 10 9 8
numbers downwards in the zeroth column,
upwards in the first column etc. sorted array:
Example for W == 5 and K == 4: 1 2 3 4
1 10 11 20 5 14 15 16
2 9 12 19 6 13 17 20
3 8 13 18 7 12 18 19
4 7 14 17 8 9 10 11
5 6 15 16 8. Write a piece of code that finds the LU de-
5. Write a piece of code that fills a two- composition of a square array with const int
dimensional array with const int W rows and N rows.
const int K columns with consecutive num- 9. Write a piece of code that solves a system
bers in diagonals. of const int N linear equations with Gaussian
Example for W == 5 and K == 4: elimination algorithm.

10. Solve above tasks for std :: vectors instead of

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