Role Playing - The Witness

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The Witness – Role Playing

*Police Officer - *Good Evening, Sr/ Ma´am.

*Witness- *Good Evening!

*Police Officer- I know this whole situation is very hard for you, and maybe you´re scared, but I
need you to provide me all the details about the crime, right?

Witness: Ok.

Police Officer – First of all, What´s your full name?

Witness: I´m...

Police Officer: What is your adress?

Witness: My adress is.../ I live in.....

Police Officer : How old are you? / What´s your age?

Witnesse: I´m... years old

Police Officer : What´s your profession?

Witness: I´m.....

Police Officer: What´s your phone number?

Witness: My phone number is....

Police Officer: Ok. Now, I need the description of the suspect. Try to remember all the details.
Relax and Take your time!

Police Officer – So, about the suspect: What is his/her gender?

Witness – he/she is...

Police Officer: Do you remember her/his height. Is he tall or short?

Witness: He/ She is..

Police Officer: Is he fat or thin?

Police Officer: What is his/her skin color?

Police Officer: What is his/her eye color?

Police Officer: Is he strong or skinny?

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