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Government of Maharashtra


Maharashtra State Excise

Government of Maharashtra (India)




Service Name :- Print Close

(Permit Room License )Licence for sale at a hotel of

imported foreign liquors(potable) and Indian made
foreign liquors(potable) on which is Excise Duty has
been paid at special rates

Service Description
1) Photograph and Signature of Applicant(s)

2) Identity Proof of Applicant(s) (Any One)

Aadhar Card


Voter ID

PAN Card

Driving Licence

3) Address Proof of Applicant(s) (Any One)

Aadhar Card


Voter ID

Driving Licence

4) TYPE OF ENTITY (Any One):-

If Proprietary/ownership
If partnership/ LLP rm

If Company (Ltd. or Public)

If Co-operative or Public Company

If partnership/ LLP rm

Registerd Partnership Deed or L.L.P. documents (Mandatory)

If Company (Ltd. or Public) (All Mandatory)

Certi cate of Registration of Company from Company Registrar

Form 32 of all Directors

Resolution of Board of Directors

Memorandum of Articles, Association of Articles

If Co-operative or Public Company

Certi cate of Registration of Company from Co-operative Dept/Company Registrar (Mandatory)

Resolution of Board of Directors about the appointment of Executive Directors & for the permission of this

trade (Mandatory)
In case of Co-operative Society- Copy of Bye Laws/Certi cate of Registration& Resolution

5) Solvency Certi cate /Bank Guarantee - 50% of Licence Fees.

Premises Details
Documents related to the place or property (Any One A or B)

Documents of Ownership

On Lease agreement

A) Document of Ownership (Any One)

7/12 of the property

Property card from local self Government bodies wherever relevant.

Photo Pass in case of Slum area

B) If on Lease agreement (Any one from documents a, b, c)

a) 7/12 of property

b) property card from local self Government bodies wherever relevant

c) Photo Pass in case of Slum area

d) NOC of the owner for running Liquor business in his/her property (Mandatory)

e) Registered copy of Lease agreement/rent agreement (Mandatory)

C) Completion or Occupancy Certi cate of competent authority.

D) Plan of the proposed premises showing following details.

Detailed plan of proposed licence premises

Location /site plan

Boundaries (North South. East, West) of proposed licence premises

Schedule Of Area

Licence type & Trade Name under which the applicant wishes to operate his business.

Detailed address of proposed licence premises

North Direction


Other Details
a) Eating House Licence (wherever is applicable)

b) Food & Drugs administration form “C” certi cate

c) Shop & Establishment Act, form “D” licence (Wherever is applicable / Certi cate of Village O cer

mentioning that Shop & Establishment Act is not applicable for the village.

This is the o cial website of Maharashtra State Excise Government of Maharashtra, India.
All Rights Reserved.

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