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Bikalpa Bastola

DevOps Engineer

Professional Summary:
 6+ years of experience as Linux and DevOps engineer, SCM, Environment Management and
Build/Release Engineering for automating, building, releasing and configuring changes from one
environment to another environment.
 Expertise in creating DevOps strategy in a mix environment of Linux (RHEL, CENTOS) servers and
Windows along with Amazon Web Services.
 Built and Maintained Docker container clusters managed by Kubernetes, Linux, Bash, GIT,
Docker, on AWS.
 Experience in AWS services such as EC2, ELB, Auto-Scaling, S3, IAM, VPC, RDS, DynamoDB,
Cloud Trail, Cloud Watch, Lambda, Elasticache, Glacier, SNS, SQS, CloudFormation,
CloudFront, Beanstalk, EMR, AWS Workspaces.
 Experience in creating Docker Images using Docker files and deploying the artifacts into that image,
which can later be stored in Docker hub.
 Experience in migrating On-Premise servers to AWS and Private Clouds, using Cloud Formation
Templates, AMI's and other AWS resources.
 Experience in using build tools like GRADLE, MAVEN and ANT for the building of deployable
artifacts such as war & ear from source code.
 Experience in working on source control management tools like GIT (GitHub), Subversion (SVN)
and creating GIT repositories with specified branching strategies.
 Expertise in setting up Kubernetes (k8s) clusters for running micro services and deploying them into
Production environment.
 Experience working with Web servers & application servers such as Apache2, Nginx, Apache
 Used Containerization tools like Docker and Kubernetes for automated deployments, scaling and
management of containerized applications across clusters of hosts.
 Hands on experience on automating various infrastructure activities like Continuous Deployment,
Application Server setup, Stack monitoring using Ansible playbooks and worked on Integrating
Ansible with RunDeck and Jenkins.
 Automated the Google cloud platform Infrastructure using GCP Cloud Deployment Manager.
 Integration of Automated Build with Deployment Pipeline. Installed Chef Server and clients to pick up
the Build from Jenkins repository and deploy in target environments (Integration, QA, and
 Expertise in Terraform for building, changing, versioning infrastructure and collaborate the
automation of AWS Infrastructure via Terraform and Jenkins.
 Installing, configuring and managing the databases like MySQL, NoSQL, DB2, PostgreSQL,
MongoDB, DynamoDB.
 Experienced using different log monitoring tools like Prometheus, Splunk, Nagios, ELK (Elastic
search, Log Stash, and Kibana) to see logs information. Monitor & get the health & security
notifications from nodes.
 Created monitors, alarms & notifications for EC2 hosts using CloudWatch.
 Implemented Kubernetes to deploy scale, load balance, scale and manage Docker containers with
multiple names spaced versions.
 Experienced in installing and maintaining different application and web servers like Web Sphere,
Web logic, Apache Tomcat, Ngnix, WebLogic and JBoss.
 Experience in installation and management of network related services like TCP/IP, FTP, SSH, DNS,
 Good command on working with Tracking Tools Bugzilla, JIRA and ServiceNow.
 Having work experience in support of multi platforms like UNIX, Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOS, Fedora,
iOS and Windows XP/Vista/7/8 of production, test and development servers.

SCM Tools SVN, GIT, GIT Hub, Bit Bucket

Build Tools Gradle, Maven, Ant
CI Tools Jenkins, AWS code build
Configuration Management Tools Ansible, Chef, Puppet
Containerization & Orchestration Docker, Kubernetes, Aws ECS, Docker Swarm
Monitoring Tools Splunk, Nagios, Cloud watch, Stack driver,
Cloud Platforms GCP, AWS, Azure
Languages Python, Perl, Shell Scripting, Java, Power Shell
Web Servers Apache, Nginx, Apache Tomcat.
Database System MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, NoSQL, SQL, DynamoDB
Web Technologies HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Artifactory Management Nexus, JFrog
Infrastructure as code AWS CloudFormation, Terraform
Operating Systems Windows, Linux (REDHAT, Ubuntu, CentOS), Mac
Bug Tracking JIRA, Bugzilla
GCP Cloud Services Google kubernetes Engine (GKE), cloud functions, cloud build, Pub Sub,
Big query, Data flow, Stack driver.
AWS Cloud Services EC2, IAM, ASG, VPC, ELB, Elastic Search, Lambda, Route 53, EMR,
Kinesis, Athena, S3, SQS, Cloud Formation, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail.

Professional Summary:

T-Mobile USA - Atlanta, GA Feb 20 to till date

DevOps & Cloud Engineer

 Automated the cloud deployments using chef, python (boto& fabric) and AWS Cloud Formation
 Installed Workstation, Bootstrapped Nodes, Wrote Recipes, and Cookbooks and uploaded them to
Chef-server, Managed On-site OS/Applications/Services/ Packages using Chef as well as AWS for
EC2/S3&ELB with Chef Cookbooks.
 Create Chef Automation tools and builds, and do an overall process improvement to any manual
 Written Chef Cookbooks for various DB configurations to modularize and optimize end product
 Involved in the installation and configuration of Nginx as a web server. 
 Experience with Build Management tools Ant and Maven for writing build.xmls and pom.xmls. 
 Developed the user interfaces with JSP, html, CSS, and JQuery and resolved page rendering
performance issues. 
 Experience working with Cloud-based services and virtualization technologies such as Rackspace
Web Services and OpenStack. 
 Extensively worked on java multithreads in writing the core logic. 
 Guidelines for development & implementation into cloud compute VMs (e.g. OpenStack). 
 Implementing web application using spring (IOC, AOP & spring templates) frameworks. 
 Integration of Automated Build with Deployment Pipeline. Currently installed Chef Server and
clients to pick up the Build from Jenkins repository and deploy in target environments (Integration,
QA, and Production). 
 Utilized WAR and JAR files for deployment of enterprise apps. 
 Experienced in build and deployment of Java applications on to different environments such as QA,
UAT and Production. 
 Branching, Tagging, Release Activities on Version Control Tools: SVN, GitHub. Extensive usage
of Tortoise SVN in windows environment for version control activities. 
 Used Bitbucket and Git to store and maintain source code. 
 Worked with cloud providers and API's for Amazon (AWS) EC2, S3, VPC with CloudSigma (EU)
and GFS storage. 
 Implemented Chef Recipes for Deployment on build on internal Data Centre Servers. Also re-
used and modified same Chef Recipes to create a Deployment directly into Amazon EC2
 Evaluated testing of Chef Recipes - Concept of Test Driven Development for Infrastructure as a
Code. Implemented Chef Cookbooks for OS component configuration to keep AWS server's
template minimal. 
 Written Chef Cookbooks for various DB configurations to modularize and optimize end product
 Creating callbacks using Node JS. 
 Virtualized the servers using the Docker for the test environments and dev-environments needs,
also configuration automation using Docker containers. 
 Build artifacts are deployed into Tomcat instances and were integrated using the Perl and Shell
 Implementing a Continuous Delivery framework using Jenkins, Puppet, Maven & Nexus in Linux
 Manage deployment automation using Puppet, MCollective, Hiera, and Custom Puppet modules,
 Involved in periodic archiving and storage of the source code for disaster recovery. Prepared JUnit
test cases and executed server configurations. 
 Supported and developed tools for integration, automated testing and release management. 
 Used Anthill pro as Continuous Integration (CI) server. 
Environment: Docker, Chef, AWS, S3, Auto scaling, EBS, RDS, Cloud sigma, SVN, ANT, Jenkins,
LAMP, Anthill Pro, Maven, Apache Tomcat, Shell, Perl, Nexus, AWS, Ec2, Junit, Python.

GM FINANCIAL – Dallas, Texas Sep 2017 – Jan 20

DevOps / Build & Release Engineer

 Release Engineer for a team that involved different development teams and multiple simultaneous
software releases.
 Managed SVN repositories for branching, merging and tagging.
 Developed Shell/Perl Scripts for Automation purpose.
 Implemented multi-tier application provisioning in Open Stackcloud, integrating it with
 Responsible for designing and deploying best SCM processes and procedures.
 Worked closely with Software Developers and DevOps to debug software and system problems.
 Created scripts in Python which integrated with Amazon API to control instance operations.
 Designing and implementing fully automated server build management, monitoring and deployment
by Using Technologies like Chef.
 Used Puppet to automate Configuration management.
 Used Puppet to manage Web Applications, Config Files, Data base, Commands, Users Mount
Points, packages.
 Used AnthillPro/uBuild for Continuous Integration, build Pipelines and build Management.
 Used uDeploy to integrate with multiple build systems and to provide an application model handling
multiple projects or "components".
 Maintained and coordinated environment configuration, controls, code integrity, and code conflict
 Coordinate/assist developers with establishing and applying appropriate branching, labeling/naming
conventions using GIT source control.
 Analyze and resolve conflicts related to merging of source code for GIT.
 Used Jenkins for Continuous Integration and deployment into Tomcat application server.
 Supported and developed tools for Integration, Automated Testing and Release Management.
 Involved in Research of the project application architecture to support/resolve Build, Compile and
Test issues/problems.
Environment: .NET, Windows, Ant, Maven, Nagios, Subversion, Chef, Puppet, PowerShell, ORM,
Open Stack, Shell/Perl, Python, SCM, GIT, CVS, TFS, Jenkins, MS Build, Tomcat, Bamboo, Jira,

Bank of America - Plano TX Sep 14 – Aug 17

DevOps Engineer

 Working and supporting on continuous integration on Jenkins, maven, Git for Amazon EC2
deployment instances on cloud computing and store the build artifacts in S3 bucket deployment.
 Supporting for Git version control system merging, hooks, branching the files and creation of
 Supporting trouble shooting for Build and Release deployments in Dev, QA and Pre-Prod
 Good in resolving C/C++ errors while making a Build.
 Use automated scripts based on Shell and Python for Automation.
 Working on Amazon EC2 cloud computing Ubuntu Linux, tomcat application deployment using
chef supporting on chef recipes with cloudops / TechOps team of configuration management.
 Supporting Maven multi module builds and store artifacts in remote repository in Artifactory.
 Jenkins administration to user access credentials, deployment email notification configuration for
new users and using matrix plugins to manage Jenkins.
 Supporting configuration of Jenkins Build pipeline jobs, plugins installation with team for
configuration of maven multi module jobs, free style jobs.
 Application deployment and data migration on AWS.
 Experience deploying and operating AWS, specifically VPC, EC2, S3, EBS, IAM, ELB, Cloud
Formation and Cloud Watch using the AWS console and AWS CLI.
 Experience in developing Cloud Formation Scripts for AWS Orchestration.
 Troubleshooting and performance tuning issues with applications like Oracle 10g, MySQL 5.x and
Java Applications on operating systems which included RHEL.
 Involved and working in Agile Methodology (Rally), Change management, Release
management, SCM, and used tools service now.
Environment: Ubuntu, Weblogic, SVN, Maven, ANT, IIS, LINUX, XML, Power Shell, Shell Scripts,
Python, Jenkins, Apache Tomcat, AWS, GIT, Puppet.

Decision Trust, Kathmandu, Nepal Aug 2013 – Aug 2014

Linux Admin

 Expertise as a Red Hat Linux system administrator involved in maintaining responsibility for the
daily operations and maintenance of IT systems in an enterprise environment.
 Responsible for Installation, Maintenance, Administration and Troubleshooting of Red Hat
Enterprise Linux Servers.
 Worked as part of a team to keep Linux OS systems maintained and optimized through daily
patching, upgrading, and tuning when system maintenance was required.
 Experience in creating and managing user accounts, security, disk space and process monitoring in
Red Hat Linux.
 Extensive experience with VCenter and VSphere configuration and deployment.
 Upgraded the VMware tools, VM's hardware on all the VM's as a part Upgrade process.
 Developed customer required applications using shell scripts for easy monitoring of Linux servers.
 Worked on installation, configuration and administration of Apache Tomcat Server.
 Extensively worked on troubleshooting various problems while working with VM during initialization,
replacement, mirroring, encapsulating and removing disk devices.
 Experience in Troubleshooting server issues related to systems and applications such as Apache,
 Created and maintained large file systems with DMX storage devices using VM.
 Involved in administering the Network issues and Resolving Operating Systems related issues
(Linux) and making sure that the users get the proper environment for testing.
 Analyzing Linux systems, check processes and log files, retrieve and review information contained
within logs for troubleshooting.
Environment: Red hat Linux 5/6, CentOS, Apache, Nginx, Python, Shell, and VMware Workstation.

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