Dialogos EXTRA

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** Dial - M11

(a) You have a conversation with the director of a summer camp in Toledo where you will work for the
Diego: ¿Por qué has decidido venir a Toledo a trabajar?
Tú: Explain that you first came to Toledo when you were 12 years old and that you have always
wanted to go back.

Diego: ¿Tienes alguna experiencia trabajando con niños?

Tú: Say that you worked in summer camp in the west of Ireland last year. You loved the experience
and this is why you would like to work in a summer camp again this year.

Diego: ¿Hubo algún momento difícil en el campamento?

Tú: Tell him that one of the children fell off and hurt his arm. Say that you were very worried at first
but the child recovered very quickly.

Diego: ¿Qué planes tienes para después del campamento?

Tú: Tell him that when the camp finishes you will travel to the north of Spain. Your friend´s parents
have an apartment there and they have invited you to spend two weeks with them.

Diego: Bueno, pues nos vemos en la sesión de orientación que tendrá lugar la semana que viene.
Tú: Say that you are really looking forward to meeting everyone. Mention that you have already
spoken to two girls who will be working with you and they seem very nice.

Dial - M13

You have a job in Spain working in a hotel on the coast. You ask your colleague, Diego, about a good place to
go on holiday at the end of your stay.
Diego: ¿Durante cuánto tiempo vas a ir de vacaciones?

Tú: Say that you are not sure but you have at least two weeks before you have to return to
Ireland. Say that it depends on how much money you have.

Diego: ¿Quieres quedarte aquí en la costa?

Tú: Say that your return flight will be from Málaga airport so you don´t want to travel too far but
you would enjoy seeing other Spanish cities.

Diego: ¿Por qué no vas a Granada? No está lejos de aquí.

Tú: Say that´s a great idea. You have never been to Granada but you have heard fantastic stories
about the Alhambra. Say you hope that the weather will not be too hot in August.

Diego: También puedes visitar Las Alpujarras en las montañas. Y no te preocupes, si hace tanto calor podrás ir
a la playa en la costa de Granada.
Tú: Say that you are very excited about your trip. Tell Diego that you learned about the Alpujarra
towns when you were in school. Ask Diego if you should travel by bus or by train.

Diego: Pues si fuera yo viajaría en tren. Es más cómodo y rápido.

Tú: Thank Diego for his help and invite him along on the trip. Say that you could search the internet
for more information after you finish work at 8.30pm but you are too busy to do that right now.

Dial – M18
You are attending a language course in Salamanca. You have an exam tomorrow but you are feeling unwell and
you go to see the doctor.
Médico: Buenos días. ¿Qué le pasa?

Tú: Explain that you are unwell. You have been attending a Spanish course and tomorrow you
start exams. Say you are worried because you will be unable to repit them as you will return
to Ireland next week.

Médico: ¿Qué síntomas tiene?

Tú: Say you are unable to sleep well at night because you have a cough. Say your throat is very sore
and you are not able to eat. You have taken some painkillers but you do not feel better. Say you
have a fever.

Médico: A ver, abra la boca. Si, parece que hay infección. Tome esta medicina y es mejor que hoy se meta en la
Tú: Thank the doctor and ask if you can take something else for the cough. You do not want to annoy
your classmates tomorrow during the exam.

Médico: Tome este jarabe todos los días y no hable mucho. Debería hacer el examen usted solo en una clase.
Tú: You agree with the doctor. You will send an email to the teacher. Ask the doctor if he
could write a note explaining the situation.

Médico: Si, no hay problema. Espero que todo vaya bien.

Tú: Say you hope so too. You have studied very hard for the exams and you do not want it to be
wasted. You are looking for a job in Ireland and you need to pass the Spanish course to help you
get a better job.
Dial – M19

You are in Spain studying for a year. You want to look for a job and talk to your Spanish friend Ana to ask for

Ana: ¿Por qué necesitas buscar un empleo?

Tú: Tell her that you want to get some extra money because you have none. You want a job for a
few hours a week only.

Ana: Si, es difícil ahorrar. ¿Qué quieres comprar con el dinero?

Tú: Tell her that as you are in Spain for a year, you want to travel. You also want to go out at the
weekends but you can´t afford to at the moment.

Ana: Y, ¿no puedes pedir dinero a tus padres?

Tú: Say that your parents already paid the rent for the apartment for the year so you don´t want to
ask them for more money. You had a job in Ireland so you are used to having your own money
and being independent.

Ana: Mi amigo Paco me ha dicho que necesitan gente en la cafetería da la universidad.

Tú: Say that you will apply for a job there. You worked in a café in Ireland before. You could work
some afternoons and weekends.

Ana: Perfecto.

Tú: Say that part-time work would be good for your spanish. Say you will go to the café and get an

Dial – Mock – car accident

You witness a car accident during your stay in Spain with your Spanish friend Inmaculada. You must give your
witness statement to a police officer.

Policía: Buenas tardes. ¿Su nombre y dirección, por favor?

Tú: Tell the police officer your name and that you are staying with a friend in the old part of town.
Say that you are in Spain attending a language course.
Policía: ¿Y qué estaba haciendo en el momento del accidente?

Tú: Say that you hope you can help him but you did not see much. You were waiting for the bus when
you saw a car hit a cyclist. The car stopped, but when the driver saw that the cyclist was not hurt,
he continued driving.

Policía: ¿Y en qué dirección viajó?

Tú: Tell him that you are not sure because you had to help the cyclist. You think that the car turned
right at the lights.

Policía: ¿Puede describir el coche y al conductor?

Tú: Tell him that it was a small blue Seat but you do not remember the registration number (la
matrícula). Say that you think that the driver is about 20 years old and has brown hair. Say that
you hope that they can identify him soon.

Policía: Debería venir a la comisaría con su pasaporte. ¿Cuánto tiempo lleva en Madrid?

Tú: Tell him that you have been here for two months and that you will stay for one more month. You
have to go to a job interview now but you would be able to bring your passport to the police
station tomorrow instead.

D.A. - 1
You are staying with a Spanish family for a month in Valencia. It´s your last few days and you want to go
shopping for presents to bring home to your family. You ask your Spanish mother for advice.

Sra. Gómez: ¿Cuantos regalos necesitas comprar?

Tú: Say that you want to buy four presents but the problem is that you don´t have much
money left after four weeks here. You would really like to bring something special for
your mother.

Sra. Gómez: ¿Quieres ir al centro comercial esta tarde?

Tú: Tell her that´s a good idea. Say that when you were there last week you saw a gift shop.
Tell her you think it´s possible that you might find something appropiate for your mother
there that won´t be very expensive. Say you know that she likes candles and jewlery.

Sra. Gómez: Pienso también que mañana por la mañana hay mercadillo en la plaza que está al lado de la
Tú: Oh, that´s good! Tell her that your friend María bought some fabulous t-shirts there and
that they weren't very expensive. Say you hope to find something similar for your brother
and sister.

Sra. Gómez: ¿Qué vas a comprar para tu padre? ¿Qué le gusta a él?
Tú: Explain that your father is very interested in travel books. He always says that when he
retires he is going to travel around the world with your mother. Say that he already has
lots of books but you don´t think he has one on Valencia and its environs.

Sra. Gómez: Hay una librería en el centro comercial y siempre tiene un buen surtido de libros de viaje.
Podemos ir allí después de visitar la tienda re regalos.
Tú: Brilliant! Explain that you are very grateful for her help. If it weren´t for her you wouldn
´t know where to begin.

D.A. - 2
You are working in Spain for a year teaching English. You ask a Spanish friend for advice about finding an

José: ¿Por cuánto tiempo quieres alquilar el apartamento?

Tú: Explain that you are going to be here for at least a year so you will need an apartment for at least
twelve months, more or less. Ask if it is possible to rent an apartment for just one year.

José: Me parece que si, pero depende del lugar. Antes que nada, ¿Cuánto quieres gastar?
Tú: Tell him you can only afford three hundred euro a month so it would be better if you shared the
apartment with one or two others. Ask if he knows anybody who is looking for a flatmate.

José: Nos estoy seguro. Tendré que preguntar a mis amigos. ¿Sabes que a veces en la universidad hay
anuncios para compartir piso?
Tú: Explain that you haven´t been to the university yet but you will go tomorrow after school. Ask if
he thinks it is possible to find an apartment close to the school.

José: Si, pero la mayoría son muy caros. Te aconsejo que compres el periódico local y busques en los
Tú: Ok. Explain that you have to find an apartment as soon as possible because your parents are
coming to visit you next month and you don´t want them to see you still living in a hostel.

José: Bueno, si encuentras alguno que te interese puedo acompañarte a verlo el sábado, ¿vale?
Tú: Thank him for his help. Tell him you will call him or send him a text on Friday to arrange a time
for Saturday.

D.A. - 3
You are in Barajas airport waiting for your flight home after spending the summer in Spain. Your flight has
been delayed and you go to the information desk to find out what the problem is.

Recepcionista: Buenas tardes. ¿En qué puedo ayudarle?

Tú: Explain that your flight to Spain has been delayed and you would like to know why. Say
you have already asked for information at the check-in desk but nobody can tell you

Recepcionista: Es un problema técnico y no sabemos todavía cuánto tardarán en repararlo.

Tú: Explain that you have to catch an internal flight to Cork at half past seven and you don´t
want to miss it. Ask if it is possible to transfer to another flight to Dublin.

Recepcionista: Lo siento pero no es posible. En el otro vuelo está todo reservado.

Tú: Explain that if you miss that flight you will have to wait until tomorrow morning for the
next one. Ask if the airline is going to pay for it.
Recepcionista: Por supuesto. La línea aérea pagará todos los gastos. Solo necesita enviarnos la cuenta y le
enviaremos un cheque.
Tú: Say thank you. Explain that now you have to call your parents because they will be
worried and you don´t think they are going to be very happy with this situation.

Recepcionista: Para compensarles por las molestias mientras están esperando les ofreceremos a usted y a otros
pasajeros vales de comida para el restaurante de la planta de arriba.
Tú: Say that´s good, that it´s important that the customers are treated well and with respect.
However, it would be better if the plane didn´t have any technical problems.

D.A. - 4
You have heard about the Sanfermines festival in Pamplona and you want to find out more about it. You talk to
a friend who is from Pamplona.

Ernesto: Así que, te interesan los sanfermines.

Tú: Say yes. Explain that you have often wondered what happens during this festival. Ask if it is
true that the bulls run through the streets and that lots of people run in front anf alongside
them trying to touch them. Say that it seems very dangerous to you.

Ernesto: Si. Es muy peligroso pero lo hace mucha gente de alrededor del mundo. Los toros corren solo durante
unos tres minutos a las ocho de la mañana. Durante el resto del día la gente se divierte mucho cantando
y bailando.

Tú: Tell him you see here in this magazine that there are a lot of people who are against bull running
(el encierro). Say that you thought there was a difference between the bull running and the bull
fight (la corrida). Say that you think it is incredible that so many people don´t like the bull

Ernesto: Bueno, la opinión pública está muy dividida. Muchos de los que asisten al encierro nunca asistirían a la
corrida que tiene lugar por la tarde.

Tú: Say that you see here in a photo that eveybody is dressed in red adn white and that they are all
wearing a red neckerchief (pañuelo) too. Ask if it is obligatory for people to wear this traditional

Ernesto: La mayoría lo lleva pero no es obligatorio.

Tú: Ask when the festival starts and how long it goes on for. Say that you have heard that you have
heard that there are many people who never go to bed or who sleep in the parks during the
festival. Explain that you saw a short documentary in television last year when you were in
Barcelona but that you found it difficult to understand.

Ernesto: Laos sanfermines empiezan el día 6 de julio y continúan durante 9 días. Durante esos días Pamplona
está llena de gente noche y día.

Tú: Say that the sanfermines seems very interesting and that if it were possible you would love to go
wirh your friends. Explain that you doubt that they will go to the bull fight but you know that
they would love to see the bull running, at least once.

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