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Ethics and Sustainability



Part 1

When I was doing my initial research for my project during my internship, it came to my

notice that some individuals in our departments were tempering with accounting information. I

knew that this practice was unacceptable and could affect my overall findings of the project. As

an intern, I did not know what to do. However, after thinking about the consequences of the

practice over and over again, I decided to let my manager know about the practice and find a

way of handling the issue. My manager requested me to fully document my findings and give

him feedback. As an intern, this not now easy for me but I forwarded the information to her for

further investigations. My manager forwarded the issue to top organizational officials where the

matter was handled. Despite being just an intern, I knew that I had accountability and

responsibility for my findings and work.

Part 2

I had three options of handling the matter. The first option was to talk to the individuals

who were destroying the accounting information. The second option was to keep quiet because I

was just an intern and did not have any mandate of commenting on the practices of the company.

And the third option was to report the matter to the managers of the organization so that the

matter can be handled at a higher level. I did not choose the first action because as an intern, I

had to put my safety into consideration. I did not have any mandate and would not in any

capacity talk to the individuals about the unacceptable practices. Therefore talking to them could

have affected my relationship with them and put my safety at risk. The second action was also

not appropriate because as an intern, I was accountable for my work and findings and if anybody

destroyed my finding, I would gain a negative reputation and my managers would make negative

comments about me in their recommendations. I decided to take the third option because the

managers have the responsibility of talking to their employees regarding any unwanted practices

within the organization. I knew that by talking to the managers, proper investigations would be

done so that proper measures are taken to ensure that the practices are immediately stopped.

When choosing this action, I considered my safety and position in the company as well as my

relationship with my colleagues.

Part 3

The first approach that helped in ethical decision making is the utilitarian approach. This

model helped me to understand that I should know the consequences or outcomes of an action

before taking the action. This model also helped me to choose a model that had the least harm

and more good for me and my colleagues (Alvani & KarimiJahromi, 2016; Tännsjö, 2013). The

second approach that I used is the justice approach (Khalid, Eldakak & Loke, 2017; Velasquez et

al., 1990). This approach helped me to understand that I had to make a decision that is just and

which provides equal benefits and harms to both parties.



Alvani, S. M., & KarimiJahromi, S. (2016). Ethical Decision Making in Issues

Management. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 21(07), 34-39.

Khalid, K., Eldakak, S. E., & Loke, S. P. (2017). A structural approach to ethical reasoning: The

integration of moral philosophy. Academy of Strategic Management Journal.

Tännsjö, T. (2013). Understanding Ethics. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press. (Ch 2:

Utilitarianism) Retrieved from


Velasquez, M., Andre, C. , Shanks, T. & Meyer, M. (1990). Justice and Fairness. Ethics, 3(2).

Retrieved from


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