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3. Price certain in money or its equivalent (Art.

1458, CC)

• Art. 1467
o Contract for delivery at a certain price of an article
o Contract for a piece of work
• Art. 1468
o Consideration of the contract consists partly in money, and partly in another thing
o Barter
• Art. 1469
o When price may be considered certain
o When the courts may fix the price
o When third person or persons who acted in bad faith are prevented from fixing the price
or terms by fault of the seller or the buyer
• Art. 1470
o Gross inadequacy of price does not affect a contract of sale
o Exception
• Art. 1471
o Effects of a Simulated Sale
• Art. 1472
o When the Price of securities, grains, liquids, and other things shall also be considered
• Art. 1473
o Fixing of the price can never be left to the discretion of one of the contracting parties
o Effect when price fix by one party is accepted by the other party
• Art. 1474
o When the price is Indeterminable, the contract is inefficacious
o Payment of reasonable price
• Art. 1475
o Perfection of sale, when there is meeting of the minds upon the thing, which is the
object of the contract and upon price
• Art. 1478
o Stipulation requiring full payment of the price before transfer of the ownership
• Art. 1479
o Reciprocal demand regarding a promise to buy and sell a determinate thing for a price
o Binding unilateral promise if supported by a consideration distinct from the price
• Art. 1480
o Rules regarding sale of fungible things, made independently and for a single price, or
without consideration of their weight, number, or measure
• Art. 1482
o Earnest Money
• Art. 1484
o Remedies of the vendor when the property is payable by installments
• Art. 1485
o Remedies of the lessee in leases of personal property with option to buy in relation to
Art. 1484
• Art. 1486
o Effects of Installments or rents paid, which shall not be returned in relation to Art. 1484-

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