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Even Day Prayers for Myself and My Loved Ones

COPYRIGHT JANUARY 14, 1995 All rights reserved.

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Copyright 01/12/96; 11/10/05; 5/13/09; 11/29/10
By R. Tyler SanDiego, CA 92162-0763

O LORD, You have prepared Your throne in the heavens,

and Your kingdom rules over all. Bless the LORD, O
angels of His, who excel in strength, who do His
command, listening to the voice of His word. Bless the
LORD, all His hosts, ministers of His who do His pleasure.
Bless the LORD, all His works in all places of His rule;
bless the LORD, O my soul.>49.

We will greatly celebrate You, Jehovah, with our mouths.

Yea, We will praise You among the multitudes. For You
stand at the right hand of the needy, to save them from
those that judge their souls.>50.

I pray that You, the glorious God and Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ, would fill all that i bring before You now with
the Spirit of wisdom, revelation and understanding in the
knowledge of You and Jesus' will; to the end that we live
in a manner worthy of the Lord Jesus, fully pleasing to
Him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in
the knowledge of You. I pray that the eyes of our hearts
may be enlightened, so that we will know what is the
hope of Jesus' calling, what are the riches of the glory of
His inheritance in the saints, and His incomparably great
power for us who believe. . I pray that You, Father, may
grant us, according to the riches of Jesus' glory, to be
strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner
man, so that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith.
And I pray that we will be rooted and established in His
Love, so that we may approve what is excellent, and so
be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, being filled
with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus
Christ, to Your glory and praise. I pray that we may have
strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the
breadth and length and height and depth of Christ's Love,
and to know the Love of Christ that surpasses knowledge,
that we may be filled with all Your fullness.and stand firm
in all Your will, mature and fully assured. [From Eph 3:16-

‘Father, please hear my prayers for myself and for all I

bring before You, my loved ones, their loved ones, the
loved ones of all these people, all whose names I bring
before You and all their loved ones; the armed governing
rulers and civil authorities over us who are avenging and
punishing doers of wrong and evil, who are appointed,
from, established by and worked by Jehovah-Jesus (Rom
13:1-8); even those who are evil and do evil, that You
work and will in them to enable the disciples of the Lord
Jesus Christ to lead peaceful, quiet and tranquil lives in all
godliness and dignity (1 Tim 2:1-4), making disciples of
peoples, baptizing and teaching them to observe all
things that You have told us to do. Please hear this my
prayer for all these and all their loved ones.. I thank You
for them all and pray Your saving grace for all of them.
May Your Name be held holy, and may your Kingdom
come on earth and in our lives as it is in Heaven. Thank
You for our daily bread and please give us each day the
bread that we shall need; and forgive us our sins,
shepherding, working and willing in us to forgive every
one who wrongs or wronged us; and take us not into
trials, but deliver us from evil, our own evil, the Evil One,
evil ones and evil doers. I thank You for being with us all
the days of our lives.

Deliver us to and by Your compassionate Love,

enlightening Light, liberating Truth, everlasting Life and
Holy Way; that utterance may be given to us, that we
may open our mouths boldly to make known the mystery
of the gospel, for which we are ambassadors where we
are; that in it we may speak boldly, as we ought to speak.
Mat 6 & Luke 11

Please be merciful to me a sinner and forgive me by

Jesus' saving work, grace and mercy. I am a person with
sinful lips and I dwell among a people of unclean lips. I
acknowledge that I have fallen short of Your glory, honor
and righteousness in thought, word, deed; in my work,
rest and play; and in body, soul and spirit. I trust only in
Jesus and His finished work to save me now from the
power and penalty of my many sins, and eventually from
the very presence of my sins, which are many.

I pray that Your love will keep on growing in us in

knowledge and every kind of discernment, so that we
can determine what really matters to You and can be
pure and blameless in the day of Christ, [From Phil

Please work and will in me that with every prayer and

request, I may pray at all times in the Spirit, and stay
alert in this, with all perseverance and intercession for my
loved ones, their loved ones, and all the saints. I pray
that Your message may be given through us when we
open our mouths to make known with boldness the
mystery of Your gospel.[From Eph 6:18-19]

I pray that you enlighten, constrain, convict and draw to

You those who spitefully use and persecute me and Your
children, Matthew 5:43-45 Luke 6:27-29
Holy Lord of the harvest please send out laborers into
Your harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38; Luke 10:1-3
Holy Father I pray that the flight/fleeing of mine and my
loved ones may not be in bad weather or on the Sabbath.
Matthew 24:19-21; Mark 13:17-19
Holy Father Ipray that my loved ones and myself may be
counted worthy to escape Your judgments that will come
to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man, holy and
accepted by faith in Jesus.” Luke 21:35-37
Holy Father I pray that You deliver us in Your holiness
from every temptation and trial. My spirit indeed is
willing, but my flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:40-42; Mark


My Relatives:

My Friends and Acquaintances:

The Needy I am aware of:

Those in authority over us:

Almighty God, deliver those who speak out for and stand
up for Your Way and their loved ones from harm, evil and
injury at the hands of those who hate them; delivering
them out of the bog and mire of public criticism and
disfavor, delivering them from sinking into the world's
ungodly mess, and from those who hate them. Don’t let
the storms of life overflow them, delivering them from
emotionally drowning in their trials, and from untimely
deaths. Answer them, O Lord Jehovah, for Your loving-
kindness is good, and turn Your face toward them
according to Your tender mercies. Don’t hide Your face
from then and their loved ones, for they are in trouble
and need your answer quickly. Draw near to their souls
and their loved ones’ souls and redeem them. Ransom
them from their enemies and their enemies' evil.

I pray that You may open a door for Your message, so

that by Your working and willing in us, we may proclaim
the mystery of Christ, that whenever we open our
mouths, Your Words may be given to us so that we will
fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, being
bold enough in Jesus to speak out clearly as we should. . .
Ephes 1:16-19; 3:16-20; 4;12; 6:19,20; Phil 1:9-11; Colos
1:9,10; 4:3,12

Holy Father please work and will in me, the rest of Your
children and those in authority over others to do the
10] remove every burdensome and oppressing
11] share bread with the hungry,^
12] give something to drink to the thirsty,^
13] provide housing for the poor and homeless,^
14] clothe the inadequately clothed when they are
15] help take care of the sick and imprisoned,^
16] see to it that bereft women and children are taken
care of,^
17] not ignore or neglect one's own familial flesh and
18] reprove, rebuke and expose as evil scornful and
accusatory finger-pointing and malicious speaking, ^
19] offer that with which sustains life to the encountered
hungry,^ and
effectively meet the needs of the encountered afflicted^
20] vindicate the afflicted ones and save the lives of the
poor, holding their lives to be precious in Jehovah-Jesus'
21] Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them
in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe everything Jesus
commanded you.`
CONVINCE, REBUKE AND EXPOSE the evil and unfruitful
works of darkness and evil, patiently, gently, humbly and
respectfully telling those who do such works the fault of
their sin. [Eph 5:6-11 with 2 Tim 2:22-26; Gal 6:1]~
~Eph 5:7-11: 2Tim 2:24-26; Gal 6:1; `Mat 29:19,20;
Acts 20:25-35; ^ Isaiah 58; Mat 25:31-46; James 1:27;
Jer 22:16; Deut 24:17; 10:18; Prov 24:11; Psa 10:14;
72:2-14; 82:3,4; 146:9; 68:5; 1 Tim 5:1-8; 1 John 3:14-17;
Acts 25:35.

May the Lord Jesus Christ REPROVE, CONFUTE,

render ineffective the evil deeds, purposes, enterprises
and plans
[1] of the anti-Jesus and anti-Bible NEA, CTA, ACLU, Job
Corps, union and ACORN people; George Soros &
Colorado's Gill and their supporters, enablers and sources
of income; their TIDES and APOLLO organizations;
[2] of the share holders and administrators who are anti-
Jesus and anti-Bible in CNN, BBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, HBO,
MTV, BTV, BET, New York Times, L. A. Times;
[3] of the anti-Bible and anti-Creation/Creator news
reporters and outlets who practice deception and who
favor and support abortion and sexual immorality;
[4] of the producers of anti-Christ and anti-Bible
movies/dvds/shows like Lionsgate; t
[5] of anti-Jesus and anti-Bible entertainers; and
[6] of the evil ones in our lives who are in high and
influential positions who are trying to impose their evil
ways and will on others, especially on your children.

May the Lord Jesus Christ rebuke, strike with confusion,

chaos, discord, frustration, and ineffectiveness; foiling,
nullifying, voiding, thwarting, frustrating, and rendering
ineffective the evil actions, purposes and plans (Psa 33:9-
11) [1] of the evil doers and the evil spirit powers,
principalities, rulers of darkness, spirit hosts of darkness
and wickedness and anti-Christs who work and will in and
through them; - delivering from all the evil, harm,
wickedness and sin of these evil doers - not only us but
also all Your other children, all their loved ones; those
revealing and exposing the evil of the evil doers; the
armed governing rulers and civil authorities over us who
are avenging and punishing the doers of wrong and evil,
who are from, appointed, established and worked by
Jehovah-Jesus (Rom 13:1-8); who enable the disciples of
the Lord Jesus Christ to lead peaceful, quiet and tranquil
lives in all godliness and dignity (1 Tim 2:1-4) speaking
the Word of God with freedom and boldness. May the
CONVINCE, REBUKE AND EXPOSE the evil the evil doers
are doing, opening and enlightening their eyes and
minds, causing them to know that their sufferings in Hell
will be far greater than any they could inflict on Your
children, unless they repent, turning from their sins and
turning to Jesus alone for forgiveness and salvation.

*Please may Jesus intervene by nullifying, voiding,

destroying, frustrating, foiling, thwarting, and rendering
ineffective Psa 33:9-11 the evil purposes, plans, devices,
properties, schemes, endeavors and
goals, way, ways, equipment, transport equipment,
supplies, businesses, agencies, companies, investments
and holdings of the evil ones who are trying to impose
their evil way on others, especially on Your children; - so
that we may lead tranquil and quiet lives in all godliness
and dignity, speaking Your Word freely and boldly. I
understand that this is good, and it pleases You, God our
Savior, who has no pleasure in the death of the wicked
and who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the
knowledge of the truth.

* turning upside down for Your good and glory the evil
doers' evil devices and ways; rendering them harmless
and ineffective in the lives of Your suffering children;
delivering Your children from their evil, harm,
wickedness, fear, grief, sorrow, anxiety, depression,
confusion and discord; and

*doing everything in Your power to enlighten, convict,

constrain, save, Spirit seal and Spirit fill the human evil
doers I have brought before You;

*delivering Your children and their loved ones to Your

Truth, Light, Life, Way and Kingdom, being made holy and
acceptable in Jesus Christ, even in and after such horrible
abuse in this evil world.

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