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14 Biogeochemical Cycles 599

distinct populations with a wide variety of metabolic heterotrophic bacteria will use the organic matter as carbon
functions, but which are coordinated within a small space. and energy source, by performing an aerobic respiration
The association of various bacterial metabolisms present based on the dioxygen released by cyanobacteria. Faculta-
in microbial mats induces the formation of chemical tive anaerobic heterotrophs are also able to develop in such
microgradients (Des Marais 2003). For example, in the pres- ecosystems. This is particularly the case of denitrifying
ence of light, oxygenic photosynthesis produces dioxygen at bacteria and other nitrate respiring bacteria that will benefit
the surface (up to 0.5–1 mm), thereby establishing a gradient from ammonium oxidizing activities by nitrifying bacteria
of dioxygen from the surface to the bottom of the mat. In or by those microorganisms that are able to oxidize ammo-
contrast, a gradient of sulfide appears due to the sulfate- nium under anaerobic conditions (cf. Sect. 14.3.5). Fermen-
reducing activity in the deeper zones of the mat (1–3 mm). tative bacteria, i.e. strict or facultative anaerobes, also have
This sulfide concentration decreases in the upper layers, an important role in microbial mats, by participating in the
primarily because of the activity of aerobic and anaerobic degradation of organic matter and by providing organic
sulfo-oxidizing bacteria. In addition, a pH gradient is substrates (organic acids, alcohols) or minerals (dihydrogen)
established from the surface to the bottom of the mat, created for other anaerobic microorganisms. Among them, the activ-
by the high photosynthetic activity of cyanobacteria coupled ity of sulfate-reducing microorganisms is often very impor-
with the low buffering capacity of microbial mats. The tant in these ecosystems. From their activity, the generated
absorption of solar radiations by photosynthetic organisms sulfide will be oxidized by anoxygenic phototrophic sulfur
and by sediments may also establish a light gradient in bacteria and chemolithotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. In
microbial mats. The formation of these gradients relies on these shallow ecosystems, high wavelengths (near-infrared)
the metabolic richness of the system and the proximity of penetrate the most deeply, and among anoxygenic photosyn-
different micro-environments created by the superposition thetic bacteria, those containing bacteriochlorophyll a and b
of gradients. The unstable equilibrium of this system can be are favored (phototrophic purple bacteria). Other
observed when changing the gradient of light that affects the microorganisms such as methanogenic archaea and iron-
activity of photosynthetic microorganisms. In fact, physico- reducing or iron-oxidizing bacteria are also present. Finally,
chemical gradients within microbial mats fluctuate strongly eukaryotic microorganisms, photosynthetic or not, are also
with the circadian cycle (Fig. 14.44), typically with the present in these ecosystems and have a role in the regulation
spatial rearrangements of the associated microbial of prokaryotic populations, primarily as predators. Thus, a
communities (van Gemerden 1993). Thus, during a circadian photosynthetic microbial mat groups, on a very narrow spa-
cycle, vertical shifts in anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria, tial scale (a few mm deep), all functions that sustain a proper
denitrifying bacteria, sulfate-reducing microorganisms, and functioning of biogeochemical cycles, particularly those of
chemolithotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, could be carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and iron.
observed within microbial mats.
The establishment of physical and chemical gradients at Deep Ocean Hydrothermal Vents
the micrometer scale in microbial mats allows the coexis- These ecosystems, located in hot mid-ocean ridges
tence of various metabolisms (Fig. 14.44). Cyanobacteria (contraction areas with faults), are life oases characterized
are the pioneer builders of microbial mats due to their ability by an abundant fauna thriving in inhospitable, cold, and dark
to produce exopolymeric matrices. Cyanobacteria are also deep seafloors. In these environments, seawater enters faults
considered the main producers of dioxygen on earth. Both of the Earth’s crust and, subjected to high temperatures and
filamentous and unicellular forms group complex pressures, becomes a hot, acidic, and reduced fluid that is
microorganisms, with huge diversity (cf. Sect. 6.6.2). enriched in metal elements, in sulfide and in dihydrogen,
These primary producers are typically oxygenic photosyn- before being injected back to the oceanic waters as hydro-
thetic organisms, producing organic matter and dioxygen thermal vents.
from solar energy used to fix CO2. In addition, many Hydrothermal vents (cf. Sect. 10.3.1) are resurgences
cyanobacteria have the ability to fix dinitrogen. These of fluid whose characteristics may vary depending on
characteristics explain why they can colonize surface environmental conditions. Some of these hydrothermal
habitats that are originally poor in organic matter and in vents, called black or white smokers, consist of hot
nutrients. This colonization enriched the surrounding (200–400  C) and anoxic fluid which is ejected into cold
medium in organic matter, in dioxygen, and in nitrogenous (4  C) and oxygenated deep oceanic waters. These hydro-
compounds, allowing the development of other thermal vents are enriched in H2S whose concentration
microorganisms. Among these microorganisms, aerobic varies depending on the content of metallic elements
600 J.-C. Bertrand et al.

(formation of iron metal sulfides, manganese, zinc, copper),

differentiating black from white smokers. These sources 14.5 Cycles of Metals and Metalloids
are also enriched in oxidized (CO, CO2) and reduced
(CH4) carbon, and in calcium which precipitates in the 14.5.1 Introduction
form of CaSO4 in contact with oceanic waters. This
CaSO4 is at the origin of the chimney wall formation of Many microorganisms are involved in the biogeochemical
smokers, which then are enriched in metal sulfides and in cycles of metals and metalloids, primarily by modifying their
iron and manganese oxides. oxidation level and/or their chemical forms. Among these
Ecosystems that develop in deep hydrothermal vent elements, some are essential to life (iron, manganese, cobalt)
receive no solar radiation and biomass production is due while others are toxic at low doses (mercury, cadmium, arse-
to chemosynthetic processes (Jannasch and Mottl 1985). nic). Their biological transformations are typically related
Autotrophic microorganisms that grow in these ecosystems either to energetic metabolisms (donor or electron acceptor)
used reduced sulfur compounds (sulfur-oxidizing or to resistance and detoxification mechanisms. They can also
chemolithoautotrophs) and other reduced mineral be due to incidental or indirect mechanisms (biomethylation,
compounds (such as NH3, H2, Fe2+, or Mn2+) as energy indirect reduction). Metals and metalloids are also subject to
sources. Methylotrophic microorganisms also colonize non-enzymatic redox reactions and it is often difficult to dis-
these environments. Many hyperthermophilic and thermo- tinguish between changes of biotic origin and those generated
philic microorganisms grow directly on the walls of smokers by strictly physico-chemical processes. The relative impor-
in the form of microbial mats, or in the water around the tance of these biotic versus abiotic transformations depends on
plume of the hydrothermal source. Chemosynthetic environmental conditions, such as the presence or absence of
microorganisms are at the origin of a food chain involving oxygen, and the prevailing pH (cf. Chap. 16.9).
planktonic or benthic animals, filter-feeding organisms and This chapter will focus on the biogeochemical cycles of
grazers, including worms, crustaceans, molluscs, and fishes. iron and manganese which are among the most abundant
The distribution of animal populations is established metals on the planet, and whose cycles are closely related.
according to the distance to the smoker, the different species The standard potential of the couple Mn(IV)/Mn(II) is at
being arranged in concentric rings around the source- +770 mV, and that of the couple Fe(III)/Fe(II) at +380 mV.
ejection depending on the prevailing extreme conditions The oxidized forms of iron Fe(III) and manganese Mn(IV)
(temperature, pH, concentrations of sulfide, and metal). are excellent respiratory electron acceptors. Thus, the degra-
In addition, in these ecosystems, symbioses between dation of many organic compounds is coupled to the dissim-
chemolithotrophic sulfur-oxidizing microorganisms and ilatory reduction of Fe(III) and Mn(IV), which play an
metazoans (worms, bivalves) have been described (cf. Sect. important role in the anaerobic degradation of organic mat-
10.3.1). For example, red giant tubeworms (Riftia ter (cf. Sect. 3.3.2). Microorganisms involved in the dissimi-
pachyptila), which lack digestive tube, feed through the latory reduction of these two metals are frequently the same.
symbiotic activity of sulfur-oxidizing microorganisms For example, Shewanella putrefaciens produces the energy
(endobionts) housed in a particular organ, the trophosome. necessary to its growth by coupling the oxidation of formate
The substrates required for the growth of microorganisms into CO2 to the reduction of iron or manganese:
(H2S, CO2, and O2) are provided by the circulatory system of
the worm, and part of the organic matter synthesized by Formate þ 2 FeðIIIÞ þ H2 O ! HCO3  þ 2 FeðIIÞ þ 2Hþ
bacteria is used by worms for their diet. Other symbioses
involving exobiontes, often located in the gills of aquatic Formate þ 2 MnðIVÞ þ H2 O ! HCO3  þ 2 MnðIIÞ þ 2Hþ
organisms in bacteriocytes, have also been described.
Such symbioses also exist in coastal marine sediments In the presence of these electron acceptors, lactate and
between bivalves (clams) and chemosynthetic sulfur- pyruvate are also oxidized but not completely mineralized
oxidizing bacteria. (acetate production). In part against the dissimilatory reduc-
Because of the total absence of solar light, deep hydro- tion, many bacterial species derive their energy from the
thermal ecosystems therefore seem to exclusively depend oxidation of iron and manganese. These organisms can be
on biomass production by chemosynthetic processes. either aerobic (Thiobacillus spp. for example) or denitrifying
However, it was discovered that these areas also contain anaerobic chemolithotrophs, or anoxygenic phototrophs
phototrophic green sulfur bacteria (Prosthecochloris sp.) (Rhodovulum robiginosum and Rhodovulum iodosum).
which use geothermal radiations (near-infrared radia- Because of their abundance, iron and manganese have
tions between 750 and 1,050 nm) as energy source. been the most extensively studied metals, but the spectrum
The question of their exact role still remains open (Beatty of metals used by microorganisms is much larger.
et al. 2005). Microorganisms are involved in the biogeochemical cycles
14 Biogeochemical Cycles 601

of many metals and metalloids, including reduction processes

and, more rarely, oxidation activities. Some microorganisms Box 14.14 (continued)
are capable of growth by using reduced forms of arsenic and techniques first used in oceanography in the 80s
selenium as electron donors. The case of arsenic to which (Bruland et al. 1979). They are based on non-metallic
certain microorganisms oxidize arsenite (As(III)) to arsenate sampling equipments and they follow strict protocols
(As(V)) is the best documented (Oremland and Stolz 2003) for storage and analysis of the samples. The low iron
and particularly interesting. Indeed, in the case of arsenic, the supply to the ocean compared with the physiological
reduced form, i.e. arsenite, is more toxic because its availabil- demand of the marine microorganisms results in a
ity is higher compared with the oxidized form. Some limitation of photosynthesis and growth of phyto-
microorganisms that oxidize As(III) use this ability as a plankton in very large ocean areas (e.g., Southern
resistance mechanism to detoxify As(III) to As (V), which is Ocean, Equatorial sub-Arctic Pacific). This has pro-
less toxic and less prone to enter the cell. Other organisms, found climatic implications because the process
chemolithotrophs, are capable of coupling the oxidation of As called biological pump of CO2, which includes pho-
(III) (electron donor) to the reduction of oxygen or nitrates tosynthesis and transport of organic carbon in the
involved as terminal electrons acceptors. deep layers of the ocean and ultimately to the
Among the many metals which can be reduced by micro- sediments, is the main oceanic mechanism which
organisms, uranium U(VI) can be reduced to uranium U(IV) removes CO2 from the atmosphere (Sarmiento and
or chromium Cr(VI) to chromium Cr(III), but arsenic (As), Gruber 2006).
selenium (Se), vanadium (V), molybdenum (Mo), copper A major breakthrough in the demonstration of iron
(Cu), gold (Au), mercury (Hg; Box 14.14), or silver (Ag) limitation of biological production in the ocean has
clearly resulted from the realization of a dozen of
artificial fertilization experiments on a small scale
(approximately 100 km2) between 1993 and 2009.
Box 14.14: Iron in Ocean During these experiments, the addition of iron (several
Stephane Blain tons) stimulates organic production in the surface layer
(Boyd et al. 2007). This results in an increase in the
The Iron Cycle in the Ocean
concentration of chlorophyll and a decrease of the
Concentrations of dissolved iron in the modern
partial pressure of CO2 in water. Fertilization alters
ocean are extremely low (often less than 1 nanomole.
the structure of the phytoplankton community in pro-
L1). This is partly due to the low solubility of this
moting growth diatoms. In some experiments, the
element in seawater, which is an oxygenated lightly
effect on the second trophic level (zooplankton) was
alkaline environment (pH ¼ 8). However, over geo-
also observed. These experiments did not, however,
logical time this has not always been the case. Notably,
clearly demonstrated that the carbon was then trans-
iron concentrations were much higher during the
ferred into the deep ocean. But, this was demonstrated
Archean (3.8–2.5 Ma) and Proterozoic (2.5–0.5 Ma),
in the study of a region naturally fertilized by iron: the
periods when oxygen was absent or found at very low
Kerguelen Plateau in the Southern Ocean (Blain et al
levels. The first living organisms appeared in the
2007). This region has high chlorophyll concen-
oceans during these periods have therefore widely
trations, while the surrounding waters are much poor
incorporated iron into their metabolisms. Indeed, iron
(Box Fig. 14.23). In this study, it was demonstrated
has two oxidation states, Fe (II) and Fe (III), which
that the increase in biological activity was caused by
makes it particularly useful for electron transport within
an enhanced iron supply, and that this led to an
the cells. Iron has become an essential element in many
increase in the deep export of carbon.
biochemical functions, such as respiration, photosyn-
Natural fertilization of surface waters of the
thesis, dinitrogen fixation, and nitrate reduction.
Southern Ocean therefore enhanced the biological
The discovery of low levels of iron in the ocean is
pump of CO2.
relatively recent. Indeed, measuring iron concentra-
In the present ocean, the main external source of
tions in the ocean requires so-called ultra-clean
iron is the deposition of dust from natural (deserts) or
anthropogenic (industry, transport) origins. Two
S. Blain (*)
Laboratoire d’Océanographie Microbienne, LOMIC UMR
types of depositions are distinguished: the wet depo-
CNRS-UPMC, Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls, 66650 sition (rain) and the dry deposition (Jickells et al.
Banyuls-sur-Mer, France 2005). The impact of these deposits on the biological

(continued) (continued)
602 J.-C. Bertrand et al.

Box 14.14 (continued) Box 14.14 (continued)

activity is still uncertain, since these events are spo-
radic and relatively difficult to study with conven-
tional oceanographic campaigns. However, there are
some clues suggesting that dustinputs in oligotrophic
regions of the ocean (e.g., Mediterranean, subtropical
gyres) could benefit diazotrophic organisms. Indeed,
the contribution of atmospheric iron would favor
N2 fixation metabolism that has a high iron require-
ment, and thus provide a competitive advantage
to these organisms in a medium poor in nitrogen
(Mills et al. 2005).

Major Unknowns of Iron Cycle, Speciation,

and Bioavailability
Iron is present in very many physical–chemical forms
Box Fig. 14.23 Satellite image showing high concentrations
of chlorophyll due to the natural iron fertilization of the surface in the ocean. It could be present as particles, colloids,
water located above the Kerguelen Plateau in the Southern or dissolved species. Dissolved iron is mainly in its
Ocean oxidized form (Fe III) complexed by organic
molecules. Microorganisms have therefore developed
appropriate strategies to acquire iron from of these
different forms (Box Fig. 14.24).


L Fe(lll)Sid


Fe(lll)L Fe(ll)+L

Sid e-

Fe(lll)L Fe(lll)+L Fe(lll)L Fe(lll)+L

Prokaryote Eukaryote

Box Fig. 14.24 Schematic drawing of a few examples of iron membrane proteins for the transport of the various forms of iron
acquisition mechanisms by marine microorganisms. Abbreviations: through the membrane. The circles represent reductases that reduce
Sid siderophore, Hem Hemin, L organic ligand. The cylinders are Fe(III) to Fe(II)

(continued) (continued)
14 Biogeochemical Cycles 603

states, ranging from 0 to +VI (ferrate), but only two of

Box 14.14 (continued) these states are involved in biological pathways: Fe2+(II)
All of these mechanisms are not yet known but which is the reduced ferrous form, and Fe3+(III) which is
some pathways have been described (Morel et al. the oxidized ferric form. Iron is an essential element in some
2008). When iron is limiting, a number of bacteria enzymes: cytochromes, catalases, peroxidases, nitrite
excrete molecules, siderophores (cf. Sect. 14.5.2) that reductases, and iron-sulfur metalloprotein complexes. It is
forms strong complex with iron. That allows them to therefore an essential element in respiratory and photosyn-
extract iron from other chemical species present in the thetic processes.
environment. The iron-siderophore complex is then The greater part of iron found in the environment is
taken up by bacteria (Butler 1998). Eukaryotes seem insoluble, the solubility of ferric ion being very low at
to have adopted a different strategy, which consists in physiological pH. The solubility of Fe(II) form is substan-
reducing Fe (III) at the surface of the cell to form iron tially greater, but in anoxic conditions. However, under
(II). This facilitates the dissociation of the organic these conditions, iron is usually precipitated as black iron
complexes and allows the transport iron into the cell. sulfide (FeS) or even as pyrite (FeS2), the last one forming a
Other mechanisms are likely to be discovered in the crystalline structure, highly insoluble and very difficult to
future, such as direct transport of other iron complex oxidize (Fig. 14.45, pathways 1 and 3).
like heme-type. Detailed analysis of the growing num- The oxidation of pyrite requires the sum of chemical and
ber of genomes available for marine microorganisms biological reactions involving two electron acceptors:
should allow rapid progress in this direction. dioxygen and ferric ions. In the presence of sulfide (S2)
and when anaerobic conditions prevail, ferric iron (Fe3+) is
The Iron Cycle and Climate Geoengineering chemically (i.e. by abiotic processes) reduced to sulfide
The major role of iron in controlling the biological (FeS) and ferrous iron (Fe2+) (Fig. 14.45, pathways 1 and
pump of CO2 have inspired geo engeneering proposals 2). During this reaction, a small portion of sulfide (S2) is
describing large scale iron fertilization of the ocean to oxidized to sulfur (S ) which participates in the formation of
mitigate the atmospheric CO2 increase. A very large pyrite by association with sulfide iron (Fig. 14.45, pathway
majority the scientific community does not support this 3). Sulfide iron can be chemically oxidized, in the presence
idea. Indeed, the efficiency of a such manipulation of of oxygen, to ferric iron by releasing sulfur and thiosulfate
the ocean is not firmly proven. The amount of carbon (S2O32) (Fig. 14.45, pathway 4).
that would be eventually stored would be very difficult
to assess. In addition, the side effects of such large scale Iron Assimilation by Microorganisms
manipulations of a global ecosystem are not known and The inventory of biological functions of iron shows that this
could be dangerous (Strong et al. 2009). element is essential to life. In the cell, the iron must be in the
Fe2+ state. Due to its low solubility, living organisms have
developed systems to capture and incorporate iron
(Fig. 14.45, pathway 5). Indeed, many microorganisms
can also be reduced. These reduction processes can be produce a wide variety of small organic molecules,
related to energetic metabolisms (dissimilatory reduction), siderophores, capable of fixing Fe3+ with a very high effi-
or can be the result of an indirect reduction (reduction by ciency, ensuring its transport within the cell where it is
reduced iron or sulfide). The reduction of these elements is reduced and incorporated into the organic material.
interesting in the case of treatment processes of Some aquatic bacteria, described as magnetotactic
contaminated sites, because the reduced forms are often microorganisms, such as Aquaspirillum magnetotacticum,
less toxic and/or less soluble (unlike iron and manganese). Magnetotacticum bavaricum, and Magnetospirillum
magnetotacticum, can transform iron extracellularly to crys-
tal of magnetite (Fe3O4) and construct “intracellular mag-
14.5.2 The Cycle of Iron netic compasses” called magnetosomes (Bazylinski and
Frankel 2004), which are included in cytoplasmic vesicles Iron in the Environment (Figure 14.46). Some magnetotactic bacteria do not synthe-
Iron is quantitatively the fourth constitutive element of the size magnetite but greigite (Fe3S4) (Farina et al. 1990). With
earth’s crust. It is abundant in the continents and rare in the this structure, these motile bacteria can move to areas rich in
oceans where iron resources are often a limiting factor for organic matter (water-sediment interface), by following the
primary production (Box 14.15). Earth’s magnetic field. High concentrations of magnetotactic
Iron is present in the environment as oxides, carbonates, bacteria were detected in anoxic marine sediments at
sulfides, and hydroxides. It exists in different oxidation 3,000 m depth (Petermann and Bleil 1993).
604 J.-C. Bertrand et al.

Box 14.15: Biogeochemical Mercury Cycle Box 14.15 (continued)

Rémy Guyoneaud Proteins involved in mercury reduction are encoded by
genes organizsed in the inducible mer operon, present
Mercury, whose chemical symbol Hg comes from the
in many Bacteria. In the absence of mercury (or at low
Latin name Hydrargyrum (liquid silver) has different
concentrations) MerR transcriptional regulatory pro-
chemical forms in the environment. Main species are
tein is linked to the mer promoter (PmerT) and
elemental mercury (Hg0, volatile), bivalent inorganic
represses the genes expression. In the presence of
mercury (Hg2+ or Hg(Il)), mostly combined with
inorganic mercury or methylmercury, the modification
organic matter, chloride, hydroxydes or sulfide (cinabar,
of the complex MerR-operator-promoter allows the
HgS), monomethylmercury (CH3Hg+) and
operon transcription and thus the synthesis of trans-
dimethylmercury (organic volatile species, (CH3)2Hg).
port proteins, catalytic enzymes, and regulation pro-
Mercury toxicity, is due to its capacity to combine with
tein (MerD) involved in the repression when mercury
thiol groups in proteins. In contrast to biogeochemical
concentration decreases. Mercury reduction is not
cycles of carbon, nitrogen, or sulfur, toxic mercury in
linked to an energetic metabolism (energy conserva-
not an essential element for life. Micro-organisms par-
tion). After its transport inside the cell, inorganic
ticipate in the mercury biogeochemical cycle but it is not
mercury (Hg(II)) is reduced to volatile elemental mer-
used through energetic metabolisms (electron donor or
cury (Hg(0)) by a mercury reductase (MerA). The mer
acceptor) nor assimilation/degradation mechanisms.
operon may comprise one particular gene (merB)
Biological transformations of mercury are linked to
encoding for an organomercurial lyase involved in
resistance mechanisms (transformation of the toxic
methylmercury detoxication. The presence of this
forms to the less toxic volatile elemental mercury) and
gene and its related enzyme allows a broad spectrum
to mercury methylation mechanisms that enhance mer-
resistance (inorganic mercury and methylmercury).
cury accumulation in food webs (Box Fig. 14.25).
The methylmercury is first demethylated to CH4 and
The reduction of inorganic mercury to volatile Hg0
inorganic mercury and the later is afterward reduced
is a prokaryotic resistance mechanism whose genetic
to elemental mercury through MerA reductase. This
determinism is well known (Barkay et al. 2003).

Hg2+ Hg0
CH4 CH3Hg+

Porin External membrane

Cys Cys

Cys Cys Cys

Cys Cys Cys

Internal membrane
Cys Cys Cys

MerB Cys MerA

Box Fig. 14.25 Resistance mechanisms to inorganic mercury and Mercury binds to proteins through cysteine residues, cytoplasmic
methylmercury through proteins encoded on Tn501 transposon transport occurs through small peptidic thiols (RSH) (Redrawn from
(merT, merP, merA) as well as organomercurial lyase (MerB). Barkay et al. 2003)

(continued) (continued)
14 Biogeochemical Cycles 605

Box 14.15 (continued) Box 14.15 (continued)

demethylation is called reductive demethylation. methylators (Compeau and Bartha 1985) even if meth-
An oxidative demethylation, producing CO2 and ylmercury production capacities may vary a lot in
inorganic mercury, called oxidative demethylation, between strains/populations (Ranchou-Peyruse et al.
has been demonstrated under anoxic conditions (sul- 2009). Some other microorganisms such as some
fate reducting or methanogenic conditions). iron reducers (Geobacter spp.) may also
In ecosystems numerous abiotic processes (photo- producemethylmercury (Fleming et al. 2006). Finally,
chemical or chemical) and biotic processes are the genetic determinisms of methylmercury production
involved in methylmercury or dimethylmercury has been elucidated (Parks et al. 2013) and these genes
production. The methylmercury accumulates much have been found to be distributed in many other
more easily in food webs, due to its lipophilic organisms such as methanogens.
characteristics. Its half life in biota is much longer Mercury biomethylation increases mercury
than the one of inorganic mercury and it accumulates bioaccumulation in organisms and mercury bioampli-
in the central nervous system. Thus, activities that fication through food webs to higher trophic levels
contribute to methylmercury production are of interest (carnivorous fishes, humans) where its concentration
for human health. Indeed, methylmercury production may be 107 times the concentration in the water. Since
(due to acethaldehyde production) and its accumula- mercury anthropic emissions have increased three to
tion in food webs was implicated in the Minameta four times since the industrial era (fossil energy burn-
disease in Japan (1950–1960). Methylmercury, may ing, mining activities, other industrial activities), the
also be produced through biological activities. Some global biogeochemical mercury cycle has been
are indirect mechanisms (non-enzymatic) due to bio- modified in terms of fluxes. In addition, in some
genic molecules such as iodomethane, methylated ecosystems such as the Amazonian region, goldmining
metals, and other metabolites. Mercury methylation activities has implications for mercury contamination
through enzymatic processes mainly occur under and methylmercury bioamplification in food webs.
anoxic conditions and it has been demonstrated that Methylmercury contamination and poisoning is of
sulfate-reducing bacteria are among the main mercury public health concern (Box Fig. 14.26).

oxydations O3
(CH3)2Hg Hg2+ Volatilisation

Food Web Hg2+
(2) (1)
(CH3)2Hg CH3Hg+ Hg2+p Hg0
(6) (4)

(2) (3) (1)

(CH3)2Hg CH3Hg+ Hg2+p Hg0
(6) (5) (4)
Sediment H2 S

(CH3Hg)2S HgS

Box Fig. 14.26 Biogeochemical mercury cycle showing transfor- demethylation, 4 elemental mercury oxidation (catalase), 5
mation and transfers between different ecosystem compartments. biological methylation in sediment or particulate material (anoxic
Transformations that may be due to direct biological processes conditions), 6 dimethylmercury production, 7 reactions with sulfide
are indicated with plain arrows. 1 inorganic mercury reduction producing cinabar (HgS), dimethylmercury sulfide. Hg2+p, particu-
through mercury reductase (MerA) or small metabolites originated late inorganic mercury bond to organic or inorganic particles
from primary production, 2 reductive demethylation, 3 oxydative

606 J.-C. Bertrand et al.

Acidic pH

6 S0

Neutral pH

7 5
Fe 2+ Fe3+ Siderophores

Phototrophic bacteria
3 9
FeS2 FeS Nitrate reducing bacteria Cell
10 incorporation
Pyrite Aromatic compounds MO
Fermentation Sugar
1 2 products: Amino
11 acetate, H2 ... acids
+S Long chain fatty acids
Oxidation Assimilation
Reduction Abiotic transformations

Fig. 14.45 Iron biogeochemical cycle showing the different biological pathways (Drawing: M.-J. Bodiou)

a function of pH. At neutral pH, ferrous iron is spontaneously

oxidized (by abiotic pathway) to ferric iron (Fig. 14.45, path-
way 6). However, at oxic–anoxic interfaces, it can also be
oxidized by bacteria such as Gallionella ferruginea,
Leptothrix ochracea, or Sphaerotilus natans (Fig. 14.45, path-
way 7). The biological oxidation of iron is the most important
at acidic pH (less than 3) where the Fe2+ form is stable
(Fig. 14.45, pathway 8). This oxidation is carried out by
autotrophic acidophilic micro-organisms such as Acidithio-
bacillus ferrooxidans or Leptospirillum ferrooxidans, which
fix CO2 via the Calvin cycle and use iron as electrons donor
and oxygen as terminal electrons acceptor. The respiratory
chain involved in this mechanism is described in Chap. 3
(Fig. 3.18d). These bacteria are commonly encountered in
polluted acidic environments and their metabolism is used
in the bioleaching process (cf. Sect. 16.9.2). They must
oxidize a large amount of iron to grow. Indeed, the energy
released during the oxidation of ferrous iron (Fe2+) to
Fig. 14.46 Magnetotactic bacteria (Vibrio sp.) The magnetosomes ferric iron (Fe3+) is low, because only one electron is
form chains inside the cell (1.5  0.4 μm) (Courtesy from Long-Fei transferred in this reaction:
2 Fe2þ þ 2H
 þ0 ½ O2 ! 2 Fe Iron Oxidation þ H2 O ΔG0 ¼ 65:8 kJ

The oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III) iron by chemical or
microbial processes depends on pH and oxygen concentra- The oxidation of iron in such environments causes signif-
tion. In oxic conditions, the oxidation pathways of iron will be icant deposits of iron oxides which may be visualized
14 Biogeochemical Cycles 607 Iron Reduction

Iron reduction is carried out via both chemical and biological
processes. The latter case refers to the so-called anaerobic
respiration where iron is the terminal electrons acceptor.
This type of respiration is common in anoxic sediments,
soils, marshes, bogs, and has also been highlighted in deep
aquifers or fossil waters, oil reservoirs, continental hot
springs, and marine hydrothermal vents.
Because the oxidized forms of iron (and manganese)
are highly insoluble, they behave differently compared with
other potential soluble electron acceptors (oxygen, nitrate,
sulfate, or carbon dioxide), which diffuse within the cell. To
reduce these compounds, organisms will develop two
strategies (Lovley et al. 2004): either establishing a direct
contact with the electron acceptor (e.g. Geobacter
metallireducens) or produce “shuttle carriers ” that transfer
electrons from the surface membrane to iron (and manganese)
oxides (Shewanella spp, Geothrix fermentans).
Fig. 14.47 Ferric iron accumulation in an acidic stream (Carnoules, The phylogenetic diversity of microorganisms capable
France) (Photograph Rémy Guyoneaud) of dissimilatory reduction of iron is high, with
representatives in both Bacteria and Archaea domains.
as rusty-colored deposits at the surface of sediments The most studied micro-organisms belong to the genera
(Fig. 14.47). Shewanella, Geobacter, and Geospirillum. Hyperther-
The oxidation processes of iron are at the origin of mophiles reduce iron, such as Thermotoga maritima and
specific geological formations, visible as brown oxidized Thermodesulfobacterium commune (in the domain Bacte-
iron strata in ancient sedimentary rocks (i.e. BIFs for ria), and Pyrobacterium islandicum and Ferroglobus
“Banded Iron Formation”). These accumulations of oxidized placidus (in the domain Archaea) (Lovley et al. 2004).
iron consist of hematite (Fe2O3) and magnetite (Fe3O4). The Other electron acceptors can be used by microorganisms
majority of these structures, dated between 2.5 and 1.8 which carried out the dissimilatory reduction of iron: oxy-
billion years, likely result from iron oxidation by oxygen gen, other metals (manganese as already mentioned,
produced by cyanobacteria and contain 20 times the amount uranium, cobalt, chromium, gold), extracellular quinones
of oxygen in the atmosphere of the present planet. Other (humic substances are the most abundant source of extra-
hypotheses suggest that the formation of these geological cellular quinones), some sulfur compounds (S0), nitrate,
layers is due to the anaerobic oxidation of iron either by fumarate (Lovley et al. 2004).
chemosynthesis or by anoxygenic photosynthesis. Concerning the electron donors, the most frequently used
The oxidation of Fe(II) does not happen only in oxic are organic acids (Fig. 14.45, pathway 11). If hydrogen is an
environments, it also occurs in anoxic conditions at neutral electron donor for several species of Geobacter and
pH. Indeed, in addition to aerobic acidophilic and neutro- Shewanella, acetate, which is the most important organic
philic chemolithotrophs, anaerobic oxidation of iron is also electron donor in many environments, is the most frequently
performed by bacteria which use nitrate as electrons accep- used. The total oxidation of this molecule by Geobacter
tor (Straub et al. 1996, 2004) (Fig. 14.45, pathway 10). The metallireducens is as follows:
description of this process in many natural ecosystems
suggests that it plays a significant role in the coupling of Acetate þ 8 Fe3þ þ 4 H2 O ! 2 HCO3  þ 8 Fe2þ
nitrogen and iron cycles in anoxic sediments. Moreover,  0 
some anoxygenic photosynthetic microorganisms oxidize þ 9Hþ ΔG0 ¼ 233 kJ
iron to fix CO2 by using solar energy (Ehrenreich and
Widdel 1994; Hegler et al. 2008) (Fig. 14.45, pathway 9). This bacterium is also able to develop on a wide spectrum
Phylogenetically diverse, they are represented by purple of compounds, by coupling their oxidation to iron reduction:
sulfur (Thiodictyon sp. strain F4), purple non-sulfur benzaldehyde, benzoate, benzyl alcohol, butanol, butyrate,
(Rhodovulum iodosum and R. robiginosum) and green sulfur ethanol, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, p-hydroxybenzoate,
(Chlorobium ferrooxidans) bacteria. p-hydrybenzyl alcool, p-cresol, isobutyrate, isovalerate,
608 J.-C. Bertrand et al.

phenol, propanol, propionate, pyruvate, toluene, valerate However, even if environmental conditions favor changes in
(Lovley 2006). Some examples (Lovley 1991): the oxidation state, these chemical conversions are slow. The
oxidation and reduction of manganese in many biotopes are
benzoate þ 30 FeðIIIÞ þ 19 H2 O mainly related to bacterial metabolism.
! 7 HCO3  þ 30 FeðIIÞ þ 36 Hþ In some marine and freshwater habitats, precipitation of
manganese forms the so-called polymetallic nodules which
toluene þ 36 FeðIIIÞ þ 21 H2 O also contain other elements. Chemical analysis of these
! 7 HCO3  þ 36 FeðIIÞ þ 43 Hþ nodules shows that they mainly consist of manganese
(20–30 %) and iron (6–15 %). Other metallic elements
phenol þ 28 FeðIIIÞ þ 17 H2 O such as nickel (1.34 %), copper (1.25 %), cobalt (0.25 %),
! 6 HCO3  þ 28 FeðIIÞ þ 34 Hþ titanium (0.60 %), and aluminum (2.90 %) are also present
in these nodules. They also contain sodium, magnesium,
silica, oxygen, and hydrogen. The problem of the genesis
p‐cresol þ 34 FeðIIIÞ þ 20 H2 O
! 7 HCO3  þ 34 FeðIIÞ þ 41 Hþ of these nodules is far from being resolved. Four origins are
1. “Hydrogenated”, slow precipitation of metallic elements
Metabolism of sugars has also been demonstrated. It
from seawater which leads to concretions with equivalent
produces enough energy to allow growth; oxidation may be
concentrations of Fe and Mn and relatively high Ni, Cu,
total (Küsel et al. 1999) or incomplete (Coates et al. 1998):
and Co contents;
C6 H12 O6 þ 2 H2 O þ 8 FeðIIIÞ 2. “Hydrothermal”, giving concretions which are generally
! 2 CH3 COOH þ 2 CO2 þ 8 FeðIIÞ þ 8 Hþ rich in iron and poor in Mn, Ni, Cu, and Co;
3. “Diagenetic,” known from the remobilization of manga-
C6 H12 O6 þ 24 FeðIIIÞ þ 24 OH nese in the sediments and its precipitation at the water-
! 6 CO2 þ 24 FeðIIÞ þ 18 H2 O sediment interface, giving nodules which are rich in Mn
and poor in Fe, Ni, Cu, and Co;
The metabolic capacities of microbial iron-reducers have 4. “Halmyrolitic,” where the source of metallic compounds
many environmental applications. The Geobacteraceae can is the attack of basaltic debris by seawater
play an important role in the rehabilitation of deep anoxic These theories, termed “mineral theories,” contrast with
environments contaminated with aromatic hydrocarbons the so-called “biologic theories” (Graham and Cooper 1959)
(benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, o-xylene, p-cresol, phe- where detritus from organisms are responsible for the
nol). Their action in the cleanup of groundwaters or enrichments in Cu and Ni.
sediments contaminated by hydrocarbons was observed
and provides opportunities for the development of remedia- Biological Functions
tion techniques against contaminated sites (Jahn et al. 2005) Manganese is an essential trace element in several biological
(cf. Sect. 16.8.3). systems. It is essential in the diet of micro-organisms, plants,
and animals. It is necessary in the oxygenic photosynthesis
where it is involved in the functioning of photosystem II. It is
14.5.3 The Cycle of Manganese also a cofactor of various enzymes such as pyruvate kinase
which is involved in glycolysis. For some bacteria, the Mn Manganese in the Environment (II) can be used as an energy source and the forms Mn(III)
The abundance of manganese in the earth’s crust was and Mn(IV) as terminal electron acceptors. The importance
estimated to be 0.1 %. Manganese can exist in different of microorganisms that are capable to oxidize and reduce
oxidation states ranging from 0 to +VII (permanganate). In the manganese is demonstrated by their ubiquity in terres-
the nature, only the states +II, +III, and +IV are commonly trial, freshwater, and marine environments. After oxygen,
found. The oxidation state of manganese is influenced by manganese oxides are among the most effective oxidizing
chemical and physical characteristics of their environment. agents encountered in the environment.
In reduced sediments and at low pH, the form Mn(II), equiv-
alent to the soluble manganese ion Mn2+, is the most abun- Oxidation by Microorganisms
dant. The appearance of the insoluble (in water) oxidized In the nature, Mn oxidation takes place in two ways: either
form, Mn(IV) that corresponds to the manganese dioxide by spontaneous reaction which is enhanced in alkaline
(MnO2), is favored at high pH and in oxidized environments. conditions or by enzymatic reactions (Fig. 14.48). The
14 Biogeochemical Cycles 609

Fig. 14.48 Manganese O2

biological transformations H2O2
through reduction and oxidation MnO2 Mn(IV)
processes. Some implicated Manganese dioxide Dissimilative reduction
microorganisms are listed
of Mn(IV)
of Mn(II)
Leptothrix Geobacter

Manganous ions

oxidation of manganese involves the transfer of two Based on physiological criteria, it is possible to classify
electrons (Mn(II) ! Mn(IV)), and comprises an intermedi- microorganisms that oxidize manganese into three major
ate step involving a single electron Mn(III). As in the case of groups (Ehrlich 2002).
iron(II), Mn(II) is soluble but its oxidation product Mn(IV) is Some (group I) oxidize soluble species of Mn(II) using
very insoluble. The resulting oxides can sometimes form oxygen as terminal acceptor of electrons; this oxidation can be
concretions around sediment grains, pebbles, dead, or coupled or not to the synthesis of ATP. The overall reaction is:
biological structures (mollusc shell, fragment of coral, or
other debris) or dark layers in sedimentary rocks. Mn2þ þ 0:5 O2 þ H2 O ! MnO2 þ 2Hþ
However, unlike iron(II), Mn(II) is stable in oxic
conditions at neutral pH. Chemical oxidation indeed becomes Organisms belonging to group II oxidize Mn(II) providing
significant only when pH is equal or higher than 8. Because that it is bound to a solid extracellular substrate Mn(IV)
Mn is less prone to chemical oxidation, Mn(II) will be present oxide, ferromanganese, montmorillonite, kaolinite). These
at a concentration greater than that of iron in aerobic zones organisms also use oxygen as terminal electrons acceptor.
(marine and fresh waters) as well as in anoxic soils. For example, the reaction catalyzed by these bacteria when
Microorganisms capable of oxidizing manganese have manganese is bound to a hydrated oxidized form such as
been isolated in many biotopes (marine and fresh waters, MnO2.H2O (H2MnO3) can be summarized as follows:
soils, sediments, manganese nodules, hydrothermal vents).
They are particularly prevalent in oxic–anoxic interface Mn2þ þ H2 MnO3 ! MnMnO3 þ 2 Hþ
areas and in hydrothermal systems which are a major source
of dissolved Mn(II) in the oceans. Mn(II) is reoxidized by MnMnO3 þ 0:5 O2 þ 2 H2 O ! 2 H2 MnO3
many bacteria, present in several phylogenetic lineages
(Firmicutes, Proteobacteria) (Tebo et al. 2005). Most stud- Microorganisms of group III oxidize dissolved Mn(II)
ied species are: with H2O2 using a catalase as enzyme. The reaction can be
Pseudomonas putida strain GB-1 and MnB1; summarized as follows:
Leptothrix discophora strain SS-1 (characterized by a double
Mn2þ þ H2 O2 ! MnO2 þ 2 Hþ
precipitation of iron and manganese oxides in the sheet
which surrounds the cells, yielding dark brown or black
colors); Reduction by Microorganisms
Gallionella spp.; As in the case of oxidation, the reduction of manganese can
Bacillus sp. strain SG-1; it is important to note that some be performed enzymatically or not. The reduction of Mn(III)
marine Bacillus produce spores that oxidize Mn(II) and and Mn(IV) forms, which is particularly important in anoxic
thereby are recovered with a precipitate of manganese environments, generally leads to the solubilization of
dioxide. manganese.
Some Fungi can also oxidize manganese (Thompson The most common biological pathway is the bacterial
et al. 2005). The main related enzymatic mechanisms reduction (Fig. 14.48) which corresponds to a respiration
involve a copper oxidase. Its existence is demonstrated by where the oxidized manganese, which serves as a terminal
the inhibition of its oxidizing activity by azide (inhibitor of electron acceptor, is reduced to Mn(II). This is a dissimila-
copper-protein), and by a stimulation in the presence of tory reduction as well as that of iron, nitrate, or sulfur. Some
copper (Francis et al. 2001). Fungi can also reduce manganese.
610 J.-C. Bertrand et al.

SO42- substrates

Reduction Oxidized
H2S substrates

2 Fe2+ 1 MnO2 2 H2S H2S + SO32-

3 substrates
Iron-reductase Mn - reductase Thiosulfate
2 Fe3+ ?
Mn2++ S0 S2O32-

Fig. 14.49 Manganese reduction through indirect (reactions 1 and 2) thiosulfate reduction or dissimilative sulfate and sulfur reduction.
or direct (reaction 3) biological pathways. Indirect reduction of manga- Direct manganese reduction is due to microorganisms harvesting
nese oxide (MnO2) is due to Fe2+ originated from iron reduction a manganese reductase (Redrawn from Nealson and Myers 1992)
(reaction 1) or to sulfide (reaction 2). Sulfide may be produced through (Drawing: M.-J. Bodiou)

Some bacteria can reduce manganese aerobically or (Fig. 14.49). This reduction is indirectly facilitated by the
anaerobically. Others perform reduction only in anoxic activity of certain iron(II) and sulfide (S2) producing
conditions where electron donors vary depending of species. microorganisms. For example, in Shewanella putrefaciens,
These species include Geobacter metallireducens which can Fe(III) and thiosulfate are used as electron acceptors to
use butyrate, propionate, lactate, succinate, acetate, and indirectly reduce Mn(III) from the action of a Fe-reductase
other compounds which are fully oxidized to CO2. and a thiosulfate reductase which, respectively, transform Fe
Shewanella putrefaciens uses pyruvate and lactate as elec- (III) to Fe(II) and thiosulfate (S2O32) to hydrogen sulfide
tron donors but oxidizes them up to only acetate; formate (H2S) and sulfite (SO32) (Nealson and Myers 1992). By
and H2 are also electron donors. During their development producing sulfides, sulfate-reducing bacteria also contribute
on solid nutrient medium, colored in black by the addition of to this indirect reduction (Fig. 14.49). Another example of
manganese oxide (MnO2), bacteria that reduce manganese indirect chemical reduction is that achieved by organic acids
can be identified by the formation of a clear halo around the produced by fermentative bacteria or by certain
colonies, which is due to the dissolution of MnO2. cyanobacteria. Escherichia coli produces formic acid from
In the environment, after oxygen and nitrate depletion, glucose which reduces MnO2:
the oxidation of organic matter coupled to the reduction of
Mn(IV) oxides to return back to the reduced and soluble MnO2 þ HCOO þ 3Hþ ! Mn2þ þ CO2 þ 2 H2 O
form Mn(II) is carried out according to the following pri-
mary reaction:

246 MnO2 þ MO þ 364 CO2 þ 104 H2 O ! 470 HCO3 

þ 8 N2 þ 236 Mn2þ þHPO4 2 14.6 Conclusion
ðMO ¼ Organic Matter of theoretical composition
C106 H263 O110 N16 PÞ Each element has a specific biogeochemical cycle, but
cycles of all elements are tightly coupled and interdepen-
Manganese oxides can also undergo spontaneously abi- dent. The growth of living beings is only possible when all
otic reduction in the presence of Fe(II) and sulfides required biogenic elements are simultaneously available in
14 Biogeochemical Cycles 611

well-defined concentrations. The synthesis of cellular carbon source. These bacteria are thus directly involved
materials associates carbon, as cell carbon and/or energy in the biogeochemical cycles of sulfur, nitrogen and
source, to the incorporation of a wide variety of mineral carbon;
elements (oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, 2. several bacteria within the genus Shewanella can live
iron, etc.). Some of them also act as electron acceptors or under chemolithotrophic conditions using hydrogen, or
donors during redox reactions that are at the root of the under chemo-organotrophic conditions with simple
various biogeochemical cycles. Organic matter mineraliza- organic compounds. Under both conditions, they grow
tion returns mineral elements back to the natural environ- either aerobically with oxygen as electron acceptor, or
ment under many chemical forms, enabling their recycling. anaerobically with various electron acceptors such as
In this chapter, the cycles of iron, manganese, nitrogen, iron, manganese, vanadium, arsenic, fumarate, the
and sulfur were described as if they operated independently. TMAO (trimethylamine oxide) and DMSO (dimethyl-
But all these cycles are intimately linked by oxido-reduction sulfoxide). These very bacteria are also involved in the
reactions, even if all the involved actors are not yet known. biogeochemical cycles of many pollutants (aromatic
For example, in some cases, there is an anaerobic oxidation compounds, metals) and contribute to contaminated eco-
of sulfur or ammonium in the presence of manganese (IV) or system bioremediation;
iron oxide as electrons acceptor. In some ecosystems, CH4 3. some photosynthetic bacteria are able to grow under
can be oxidized in the anoxic zone by one or several very different environmental conditions. For example,
syntrophic mechanisms that associate methanogenic archaea the sulfur-oxidizing Thiocapsa roseopersicina uses
with other bacterial functional groups such as sulfate- light as energy source under anaerobic conditions and
reducing bacteria or denitrifying bacteria. oxide sulfur compounds (sulfides, thiosulfate). In the
dark and in the presence of dioxygen, this bacterium
is able to achieve aerobic respiration using the same
14.6.1 The Critical Role of Microorganisms sulfur compounds or simple organic compounds
(pyruvate, lactate, acetate, etc.) as energy sources. In
All living beings participate into the functioning of biogeo- addition, this species can use CO2 (autotrophy) or the
chemical cycles as known these days. However, higher same simple organic compounds (heterotrophy) as carbon
organisms are not essential to these cycle functioning. Pro- sources.
karyotic microorganisms express all the functions that The prokaryote plasticity is confirmed by findings related
are necessary to biogeochemical cycles, enabling them to to the strain “Candidatus Desulforudis audaxviator.” This
ensure all biotransformations of chemical elements. They bacterium alone makes 99.9 % of the microbial community
have acquired and achieve these functions over geological observed in a fault of the earth’crust located at 2.8 km depth
times. For 3 billion years, life was strictly prokaryotic and the (Chivan et al. 2008). The metagenomic investigation
functioning of biogeochemical cycles was totally ensured by established that this organism has all the metabolic
prokaryotic microorganisms (cf. Chap. 4). From their biogeo- capacities necessary for an autonomous life and was per-
chemical functions, prokaryotes have created environmental fectly adapted to its environment. Thus, this anaerobic, ther-
conditions in terrestrial habitats in which eukaryotic life forms mophilic, sporulated, and mobile bacterium uses sulfate as
could appear, grow, and diversify. the main electron acceptor, contains dehydrogenases, and
makes all its cell syntheses with organic or mineral carbon
as carbon source and ammoniacal nitrogen or dinitrogen as
14.6.2 Microorganism Plasticity nitrogen source. The absence of a complete protection sys-
tem with respect to dioxygen suggests an ancient isolation
An important property of prokaryotes is their metabolic from the Earth surface.
plasticity that enables them to use different sources of car- All functions performed by microorganisms (functional
bon, energy, and electron acceptors, thereby contributing diversity) are variously distributed among the different
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1. autotrophic and chemolithotrophic Thiobacillus very diverse microorganisms present in almost all phyla
denitrificans uses sulfide as electron donor and nitrate as (denitrifying, organic carbon users), others are conducted
electron acceptor to produce its energy, and CO2 as by more specialized groups (CO2 users, nitrogen fixers)
612 J.-C. Bertrand et al.

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