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Language for life.


Language for life.

Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Princeton, NJ


Can we 1-5 Heelings and • Scheduling a meeting May I? I Can 17

appointments Makinq and changing Simple future tense
meet -

Leaving and appolnlments with wilt

tomorrow? takinq messages Asking lor someone on
the phone
• Making plans
Leavinq a messaqe

I love 6-11 • food flavors • Discussing restaurants • too » adjective

Mexican • Ways of cooking • Descrlbinq foods and • not * adjective *

and preparing cooking methods enough
food! food • Talking about preferences • much I many / a lot

• Food likes / • some / any


• Take-out meals
and menus

What do 12-17 Types of Talkinq about • responsible tor

companies responsibilities need to / have to /
you do •

Responsibilities Talkinq about your must

there? al work company and your job

Family Talking about obligations


May I 18-23 Shopping in • Asking for information • Comparative and

stores superlative forms: -er,
help you? Getting help in a store
Names ol
Talking about stores
departments In and clothing
• more, most; less, least
large stores
Asking for assistance
Finding the right
size and color

I'd like to 24-29 Hotels Reserving a room • Shall I _.?

make a Hotel services Checking into / out of • can and could

a hotel Object pronouns;
Making polite requests me/you/him/her/it/us/

Review 30-35

Q One-way 36-41

Travel schedules

Buying tickets •
Asking about schedules

Getting travel information


otton ...?/

How many times

or rnund-
• Getting to and • Understanding travel How tang does rr take ...?

trip? from the airport announcements

• Travel • Ashing tor help

How's 1
42-47 • The rooms ol a • Talking about your home • like * infinitive /like*
house gerund
Talking about someone's
your new • Furniture apartment • en/o/ gerund

home? • Activities at home • Talking about a tavorite • love * infinitive / love *

1 room gerund

How's 48-53 • Job applications • Discussing your • used to

LL n background / anymore
I-.U Resumes • still
the job Talking about job
• Career / lile goals • prefer + verb
• Discussing interviews

[0 Do you 54-59 Hobbies and Talking about hobbies • Future with going to
interests • Adverbs
Talking about leisure
have any activities • Comparative /

hobbies? superlative forms of


[Q Do you 60-65 Types ot exercise • Talking about exercise • Tag questions

• Exercise routines Discussing exercise

like to routines

exercise? • Describing exercise


F0 Review 66-71 1

Homework 72-91 Verb conjugations 106-107

Answer key 92-97 CD-ROM instructions 108-109

Audio script 98-105 About Berlitz English 110-111

Chapter 1

Can we meet tomorrow?

Meetings and appointments

Leaving and taking messages

Scheduling a meeting

Making and changing

Asking for someone on

the phone

Making plans
Leaving a message

May I? / Can I?

Simple future tense with will

e early bird catches

the worm."

Naomi: Hi, Luis. Can we meet to discuss the Borg project?

Luis: Sure. When would you like to

get together? FOLLOW-UP
Naomi: How about tomorrow morning?
T(true> orMfalse)?
Luis: Sorry. Tomorrow morning's not
1. Naomi and Luis are in a meeting. T
good for me.
Naomi: Are you busy tomorrow afternoon? 2. Naomi would like to discuss a TV F
project with Luis.
Luis: I'm free from 2:00 to 3:30. Does
that work for you? 3. The two colleagues are free V F
Naomi: Sure does! tomorrow afternoon.

4. They're going to meet at 3:30. T F*'


and g appo
Asking (or a meeting Suggesting alternatives

- Are you tre e Tuesday morning? - How about Wednesday afternoon?

- No. I'm sorry. I'm busy then. - That's line.

Are you available...? I'm not free. How is...? That'll be fine.

Can we meet...? I'm not available. Can we meet...? That sounds good.
Can you meet me...? I can't meet you. Would... work? That works for me.

Changing an appointment

Ineed to change our meeting on Wednesday. Sure. Thursday is fine. What time would
Can you meet me on Thursday? you like to meet?

I have to cancel. Sure. That's no problem.

I'd like to reschedule. No, I can't on Thursday.

Level 2 • Chapter 1
Focusing on languai
Asking for someone on the phone

Formal Less formal Informal

- May
speaK to Mr. Bradley, ~ Can - Ill n«. it j ii _
i l speaK to Michelle, Hi, Brenda, it s Bill. Is
pieaser please r Mme there?
- Mr. Bradley Is not available. - She s not here right now. - Oh, hi, Bill. No, he s out.
Would you like to leave Can take a message?
1 Do you want to leave a
a message? - Yes, can you tell her that message?
- Yes. Could you please tell him John O'Brien called? - Can you just tell him
that Irene Lu called? - Sure. Does she have 1 called?
- Certainty. Your number. your number? -Sure. Does he have
Ms. Lu? - Let me give it to you. It's your number?
- Yes, it's 212-593-7871. 708-453-1776. - think so. Here it is, just

in case: 901-386-1917.

Simple future tense with will

1 give him a call tomorrow.

You be in your office, right?

He will let us know on Monday.

She Ml be here at 12:30.
We have an answer on Friday.

They be in town this weekend. TIP!

won't = will not
I won't be in the office next week.
Will you be ready by five o'clock? - Yes, I will. / No, I won't.
When will you be in town? - On the 25th.

Pronunciation Plus

Example: Susan will be busy tomorrow. — +* She'll be busy tomorrow.

1. 1 will be busy all day Thursday.

2. Mr. Burns will be here in the morning.
3. We will see you. next week.
4. The Drakes will give us a call on Friday.
5. You will be here tomorrow.

2 Level 2 • Chapter 1
Making plans

Are you free tonight?

- Would you like to go to a movie tonight?

- Oh, Ben, I'm sorry. I can't tonight.

- How about tomorrow night?

- Tomorrow sounds great!

Irina's Schedule

1. 1 need to reschedule our meeting Monday.

2. I'd like to confirm my appointment with Dr. Grant.

3. I'd like to change my flight.

4. Can you come to Donna's party Sunday night?

Level 2 • Chapter 1 3
Mr. Sato: Hello. May speak I to Elena, please? TIP!
Receptionist: I'm sorry. She's not here right now.
tor someone
Mr. Sato: Could I leave her a message? leave a message with someone
Receptionist: Sure. May have your name?
on a machine
Mr. Sato: Junichi Sato.
take a message (or someone
Receptionist: Junichi Sato. And the message?

10 DAIt AM
O Of

N 31

O s>g>jfo

50 -OJ n MitO, 1—1 WA3M Q UROTW

Where do you write your appointments?
Do you write down your appointments? Where do you write them
all on a desk calendar, —
on your computer, on a Palm Pilot, in an appointment book, or in some other place?

4 Level 2 • Chapter 1
Chapter Check
Now you can ...

CJ Schedule a meeting Make an appointment

Sure. When
would you
like to get

Change an appointment Ask for someone on the phone

H Leave a message Make plans

Berlitz ci

Use the website and CD-ROM for more activities and practice!

Level 2 • Chapter 1
Chapter 2 ,

love Mexican food!

Food flavors
Ways of cooking and
preparing food

Food likes / dislikes

Take-out meals and menus

Discussing restaurants

Describing foods and

cooking methods

Talking about preferences

too + adjective

not + adjective + enough

much / many / a lot

some / any

the brotl

Josh: Let's go out (or dinner tonight.

Paula: OK. Where do you want to go?

Josh: How about the new sushi restaurant? 1. What would Josh like to do?
Paula: Oh. I had lunch there yesterday with Susan.
2. Where would he like to go?
Josh: Then how about the Mexican place in Oak Street?
Paula: Sounds great! I love Mexican food!
3. Why doesn't Paula want to
go there?

4. What kind of restaurant are

they going to?
Describing foods and cooking methods

How does that taste?

spicy sour sweet salty

- How do you like

How do the
How are the chips?
these pickles? How's the candy?
peppers tasle?
- They're sour, but It's sweet. They're salty.
They're spicy!
I like them!

How is that prepared?

boil fry bake roast

How is the chicken How is the

cooked? meat prepared?
It's fried! It's roasted.

How would you like that done?


rare medium well (done)

- I'd like the sirloin steak, please. - I'll have a hamburger, please.
- How would you like your steak? - How would you like that?
- Medium. - Well done, please.

Level 2 > Chapter 2 7

Focusing on language

Q too small / not big enough

too * adjective not * adjective + enough

This sandwich is too small. = This sandwich is not big enough.

- Is the cake too sweet tor you? - Is your tea hot enough?
- Not at all. It's delicious! - Yes, it's very hot. Thanks. Use a little (or polite

- Does the shirt fit you? - Can you hear the music? The soup is a little too
- No, it's too big for me. - No, it's not loud enough. spicy tor me.

much / many / a lot

food. seats.

There's a lot of coffee. There are a lot of tables.

There isn't much time. There aren't many people.

a lot of money. a lot ol desserts.

How much is there? How many are there?

- How much homework do you have? - How many projects are you working on?
- A lot! / Not much. - A lot. / Too many!

How much? or How many?

water eggs soup children

glasses of water meetings fruit butter

men apples wine jackets

some / any

There is some
on the table. o
glasses r.

There are some


There isn't any
on the table.
There aren't any

I'd like some cream, please. - Do you have any French cheese?
I'm sorry. We don't have any (cream). - No, we don't.

8 Level 2 Chapter 2
Talking about preferences

Q Are you hungry?

a bite to eat = a meal

EEf * What's their favorite kind of food?

What kind of food would you like?

Josh: Where would you like to eat, Paula? THE WORLD:
new Thai restaurant downtown. Brazilian
Paula: Let's try the
Josh: I don't eat a lot of Thai food. It's too spicy for me.
Paula: OK. how about Chinese? I love Chinese food.
Josh: So do I, but I eat it all the time. Japanese
Paula: Well, Josh, what would you like to have? Mexican
Josh: You know. Paula, I'm not really very hungry.

Level 2 • Chapter 2 9
~Firr~ Cntpy

House Spe Server: Wok on Fire. May I help you?
Customer: I'd tike to order a take-out dinner, please.
HI CrispyWalmji Shrimp
Server: Yes.What would you like to order?
Crapy lumbo SJi/'iwpj a>Cm
Customer: I'd like some wonton soup.
Let's see.
H2 JYingYang Chicken
Combinations of Onut/ v ( hit!
Server: One wonton soup.
Surrl ami Sour Ckktrn Customer: And the beef with broccoli, please.
H3 J Orange Crispy Beef Server: OK.
H4 Aromatic Shrimp Customer: I'd like a couple of side dishes, too —

Crispy Shrimp Sarrl ami one order of eqq and the catamari.
rolls ^ \

HS J Black Pepper Beef or Ch Server: Egg rolls and calamari. OK. Anything else?
While Mail CkicHen w/Relt Pe Customer: No. that's all.
Onions m Spicy JW*1 Pfjfxrt
Server: OK. Your order will be ready In thirty minutes.
H6 Peking Duck
Customer. Thank you. Bye.
Bcneiev Duck nxfflf. Cmfiy SiJ
Pan/ahr mid Hoi Hit Sauce

H7 -'•Fire" Crispy Smoked Beef or Shrimp $11.95

—KT Califor
Crispy Beef in Ouir Sircul Smilnf Tangerine Sauce

H8 Three Ingreditents $10.95

Vegetables R2 Grillec

VI Sautcod Mixed Vegetables $6.95 R3 Spicy 1

H9 Crispy Soft Shvjll Crab ea. $9.95
V2 Braised Garlic String Beans $6.95 R4 "Rre"

Chicken V3 j Ba"by Bok Choy with Mushrooms $7 50

V4 ' Spicy Garlic Eggplants $7 50 RS
CI 'Garlic Chickein $7.95
C2 •KungPaoChk(kcn $7 95 VS 'MaPoTbfu
C3 Oshew Chtclkvn $7 95


Take-out food is very popular In the U.S. TIP!
Is it popular in your country? \_ take-out

What kind of food can you take out? JS^ takeaway

How often do you order take-out food?

Level 2 • Chapter 2
Chapter Check
Now you can ...

Discuss restaurants Where do you

want to go for

Describe foods

How does the candy taste? How are the chips?

Ask about cooking methods

How would you like your steak?

It's roasted.

El Talk about preferences

How's the

Berlitz cd-rom

Use the website and CD-ROM for more activities and practice!

Level 2 Chapter 2 11
Chapter 3

What do you do there?

Types of companies

Responsibilities at work

Family obligations

Talking about responsibilities

Talking about your company

and your job
Talking about obligations

responsible for

need to / have to / must

'Many hands make

light work."


Mr. Bell: So you work at XAct Wireless?
Ms. Hong: Yes, that's right.

Mr. Bell: How do you like it?

Ms. Hong: It's very interesting! I'm working on three different projects
at the moment.
Mr. Bell: And what do you do?
Ms. Hong: I'm a project manager. FOLLOW-UP
Mr. Bell: Oh. I
see, budgets, schedules — 1. Where does Ms. Hong work?
Ms. Hong: — and weekly reports to the vice president 2. What does she do there?
of operations!
3. Does Ms. Hong like her job?

4. What is she responsible for?

Talking about your company
What does your company do?

- What kind of company do you work for? - What does your company do?
- I work for a pharmac eutical company. - We make drugs and medicines.

financial services give financial advice

manufacturing manufacture car parts
telecommunications sell telephone service

software development develop software

What do you do there?

What department do you work in? What do you do there?

I work in (the) sales (department). I supervise the international sales team.

marketing manage
accounting oversee
product development I develop...
legal I'm responsible for...

information technology (IT)

customer service I help...

human resources (HR)

Level 2 * Chapter 3 13
Q What are you responsible for?

I'm responsible for software development -..developing software.

the accounting department ...managing the accounting department

overseas sales ...selling our product overseas

supervising the sales
At your company, who is responsible for...? supporting the computer systems
the company website
the company's mall

hiring new employees

In your department, who is responsible for...? developing the budget
assisting the staff

El Expressing obligation: need to / have to / must

- Do you have to finish the report today?

- Yes. need to finish it by 5:00.

- Everyone in our department must read it, too.

Do you have to go to New York this week?

Could you e-mail me the Crestar file? I need to see it right away.

We must get together more often!

H What does Dennis have to do today?


- coll U/iona 39 0Z6 705 399

- cancel dentist appointment
_=_qet presetted/on ready for
'erson Group
~ schedule next department
~_£tnisb HaJIman contract (Must
&c ovt. Friday1 .',)

- pick op Mary's birthday cake

14 Level 2 • Chapter 3
1. Whose company Is in the business of ...?

software development financial services

selling clothing airplane parts

2. Who works in ...?

accounting human resources .

3. Who's responsible for .„?

writing "code" .
supervising twenty employees

H What are their responsibilities?

travel agent pilot reporter

police officer salesperson actor

architect lawyer teacher

taxi driver doctor student

business executive dentist parent

How's the new job?

Eric: So, Jenny, how's the new job?

Jenny: So far so good.
so far so good = everything's OK
Eric: What do you do?
up to now
Jenny: I'm responsible for our marketing
in Europe.
Eric: Sounds like an exciting job.

Jenny: It is!

Level 2 • Chapter 3
Welcome toJohHet
* *»
x * B
fuel Sidd ftatitt- Horn* Print MM
httpl//VW.)ptl1«t .co*


Seated Result 1 at S? for 'payroll accountant* Neil lolog
Payroll Accountant - Detroit, Ml - to S45K
AccuCourw Is the *1 provider of corporate r-rwsce and payroll services. AccuCounl seeks bright,
dynamic accountant to menage Interna) and external payroll functions.
You will report 10 the ptrector of Payroll Service*. You will be raspons-b* ftx client payroll functions,
n-house payroll functions and all tax -related reporting.
The successful candidate must have at least 5 years payroll experience. 2 years client service
experience and excellent computer and cwvnunicalon skills

Position Type; Full Time. Permanent

Contact Information: tstc^tcoOacoxaxx^ com
Rof Code: DET307:?

What kind of company is this?

What does this company do?

Which department of the company is looking for a new employee?
What are the responsibilities of this job?


How do you balance work and home


Do you have a lot of responsibilities at

work? at home?
What are some of your responsibilities?
How do you balance them?
Inyour country, are family responsibilities
shared between men and women?

16 Level 2 • Chapter 3
Now you can ...

Talk about your company Talk about responsibilities

Describe your job in your company O Talk about obligations


call Ulma- 39 0Z6 705 399

- cojsczl dejit/si appoint/went
^_geA. presentation readi^£or_
Anderson Group
schedule nod .departwwt

£uHshJiaJlMM contract 6nusf_

qo out FridaijP.)

^.pick up. Mary's birthday cake

What do you have to do today?

Berlitz limTcd-rom

Use the website and CD-ROM for more activities and practice!

Level 2 - Chapter 3 17
Chapter 4
May I help you??

Shopping in stores

Names of departments in

large stores

Finding the right size

and color

Asking (or information

Getting help in a store

Talking about stores and


Asking for assistance

Comparative and superlative

forms: -er, -est

more, most; less, least

'Clothes make the ma


Salesperson: May I help you?

Shopper: We were just looking.

Salesperson: We're having a sale on electronics today. TVs

and stereo equipment are all 20% off.

Shopper If we get a new TV, we'll have to buy a cabinet

for It.

Salesperson: No problem! We're having a

sale on furniture, too!

Shopper Really? What floor is that on?

Salesperson: Right upstairs — third floor. f. What is on sale at the store today?

2. Where is the furniture department?

Getting help in a store

Lacy's Department Store

- May help you?


- Yes, where can

try this on?
- There's a littinq room
right over there.
- Thank you.


- Can I help you find

Room something?
- Yes. where Is the
furniture department?
- On the third floor.
- Thank you.


Excuse me, where can I

find plates and glasses?

In the housewares

Is that on this floor?
Yes, it is.

Level 2 - Chapter 4 19
Making comparisons (1) - long, longer, longest

long longer longest

easy easier easiest
big bigger than the biggest
good better best
bad worse worst

Dan Bob Lou

I need to try on a smaller size. This one is too big.
Our men's department is the largest in the city. Dan is taller than Bob.
The blue dress Is prettier than the red one. The yellow Bob is shorter than Dan.
one is the prettiest. Lou is the shortest of all!

Making comparisons (2) - more, most; less, least

important important
difficult difficult
more expensive
than the most expensive
less beautiful least beautiful
boring boring
comfortable comfortable

- This dress is prettier than that one.

- But It's a lot more expenslvel
A newspaper is less expensive than a magazine.
Is English more difficult to learn than Japanese?
What is the most beautiful city in the world?

Example: nice nicer nicest

hot cold young

new spicy hard
big small sweet
cloudy windy sunny

Level 2 Chapter 4
Talking about stores and clothinc
H ^ J* Where do you shop?
1 The two women are talking about clothes. T F

2. Janet buys most ot her clothes at

department stores. T F

3. The clothes in the smaller stores are

always more expensive. T F

4. Janet likes to try the clothes on. T F

less than the
regular price
1 -

Asking for assistance

Can I try it on? Could you order them for me?

- May help you? - How does that pair feel?


- Do you have this dress in a size ten? - They're more comfortable, but I like the
- We do have It in a ten. but not In that color.
other pair better.
- I'm sorry. don't have the other pair
What do you think of the blue? I

in a twelve.
- Oh. It's nice! Can I try it on?
- Could you order them for me?
- Sure. The dressing room is right over there.
- Sure. It will take a week for them
to come in. Is that OK?
- Yes, that's fine.

Level 2 • Chapter 4 21
Do you shop on-line?
What do you buy on-line?

Welcome to ESN

Home Punt Mail

httpi / /vw.aan com/vnoklynpoc inla.funl


E-Shopping Network (ESN) the smart way to shop

ks | Movies |
Music I Clolhlng [Computing Sport* |Home SGaidcn

Welcome to the ESN Bargain Center!

Look tm ptcai SALES in ihac depanmenu: This month's
Men's snort-sleeved shirts

Sale — Shop now at Sale $9.98

Ida' my. cum

• Digital camera

S50 savings on computor equipment at $Mfj Sale $150


• Ladies' Italian leather

Get 20% oil furniture and other homo products >«0 Sale $60
at The Housewares Company lacy'

Where do you shop for clothes, furniture, and housewares?
What are your favorite stores?

Does your favorite store have a website? Do you use it?

Does your city have department stores and malls?

Do you prefer to shop in big stores or small stores? Why?

22 Level 2 • Chapter 4
Chapter Check
Now you can...

n Ask for information

[3 Get help in a store

- Do you have...?
- Yes, that's on the second floor.

Ask for assistance Talk about stores and clothing

May I Where do
help you? you shop?

Berlitz cd-rom

Use the website and CD-ROM for more activities and practice!

Level 2 • Chapter 4 23
Chapter 5

'd like to make a reservation.

Front desk: Stanton Hotel. Reservations. May I help you?
Customer: Yes, I'd like to make a reservation.

Front desk: For which nights?

Customer: January 7th through the 10th.

Front desk: And for how many people?

Customer: Just myself.
Front desk: Yes, we have rooms (or
those nights. Would you 1. Who is the man calling?
like a single room or a ~?
2. Why is he calling?

3. When would he like to stay at the hotel?

4. For how many people is he reserving the room?

Checking into / out of a hotel t

The front desk


- May I help you? - Hello. I'd like to check out. please.

- Hello. have a reservation under
- Your room number?
the name Chang. - 322. c^WTIP!
9^ suitcases = bags = luggage
registration desk = front desk
Would you like a single or a double?

king-size bed



I J — desk

Single Room Double Room

- Would you prefer a king-size bed or

Do you have any double rooms available?
two queens?
No. we don't, but we have a single. - Two queens, please.

Level 2 Chapter 5 25
Focusing on language

Requests with Shall I ...?

Shall I call a bellman? - No, thank you.

= Would you
JL Shall I?
Shall I take your suitcases to the lobby? - Yes, please. Hke me |Q7
Shall I call you tomorrow? - Yes. please. / No. thank you.
make a reservation for you?
get a taxi for you?

Requests with can and could

Could you bring me the check, please? Can you open the door for me, please?
Could have your name, please?
I Can you call me later?

- Can I talk to you for a minute? Sure, what's up?

- Could I speak to you for a moment? Yes, of course.
- Can you come here for a sec? I'm sorry. I'm busy.
- Could you come to my office, please? Yes. certainly.

Object pronouns

Subject pronouns: I you he she it we they

Object pronouns: me you him her it us them


Here are my bags. Could you take them down to the lobby, please?
Mary's late for her meeting. >- Shall I call her?
We need to be at the airport at 9:15. >- Can you take us?


I'm thirsty. — *- Could you bring me a soda, please?

We'd like a room. *- Could you give us a double room, please?
They need a copy of the report. +• Could you e-mail it to them, please?

26 Level 2 • Chapter 5
Registering at a hotel

I'd like to check in.

Mr. Powers: I'd like to check in, please. I have a


Front desk clerk: Certainly, sir. Could I have your

name, please?
Mr. Powers: Powers. Douglas Powers.
Front desk clerk: Yes, here it is. A non-smoking
room with two queen-size beds for
two nights. Is that correct?

Mr. Powers: Yes, that's right.

Front desk clerk: Here's your key, Mr. Powers. Room
432- It's on the fourth floor. Shall I

call a porter for your bags?

Mr. Powers: No, thank you.

porter = bellman = bellhop
El Hotel services

1. maid 2. bellman 3. concierge 4. room service staff

Conversation A
1. The man has pieces of luggage. a. two b. three

2. He wants the bellman to take them to a. the lobby b. the front door

Conversation B
3. The woman is ordering a. breakfast b. lunch
4. She's in room . a. 512 b. 521

Conversation C
5. The man wants the maid to come a. in b. back later

Conversation D
6. The woman is going to restaurant. a. an Italian b. a French

Level 2 * Chapter 5 27

Desk Clerk Fairmont Hotel. Good evening.

Customer: Hello. Could ask you about

Desk Clerk Of course. What would you like to know?

Customer: Do you have any rooms?
Desk Clerk Yes, we do. Most of our rooms are non-smoklnq.
Customer: Are the rooms very large?
Desk Clerk All our rooms are with
queen-size beds.
Customer: Oh, that's great What is the of your rooms?
Desk Clerk; The rate Is $175 a night.
Customer: And do you have a in the hotel?
Desk Clerk: Yes, we have both a restaurant and a coffee shop.
Customer: Thank you very much for the information.
Desk Clerk: You're very welcome. Bye!

How do you make hotel reservations?

-> • taw fldtiW Home Prim

Hold Directory
Service* & Amcniiict Welcome to tfe I

Dining & Enirtninmcnt

Mminp flc

Roomi with i View

Warwick 0-fotef I
Rjia KIVIuge*
l"miiicni Guau On-LinB Registration Center:


Cancellation Feedback FAQs

I -SOU- WARWICK (927-W5) OeuBcft Ffangara £imW fttrtuguea B*»

How do you get information about hotels?

Do you make reservations on-line?

Level 2 • Chapter 5
Now you can ...

Reserve a room O Check into a hote

Make polite requests 3 Check out of a hotel

What's your room
number, please?

Berlitz nclish "cd-rom


Use the website and CD-ROM tor more activities and practice
Level 2 • Chapter 5 29
Chapter 6

Now You Can...!

O Make polite requests

O Check into/out of a hotel

O Reserve a room

O Ask for assistance

O Talk about stores and clothing

O Get help in a store

O Ask for information

o Talk about obligations

O Talk about your company and your job

o Talk about responsibilities

o Talk about preferences

o Describe foods and cooking methods

o Discuss restaurants

o Leave a message

o Make plans

O someone
Ask for on the phone

O Make and change appointments

O Schedule a meeting


Do You Have any Rooms Available?

You work (or the Palm Tree Travel Agency.
You would like to book two rooms at the Italian Lodge.

You want the rooms for three nights: July 11-13.

Call the Italian Lodge.


A Hotel Reservation
You work for the Palm Tree Travel Agency.

You would like to book two rooms at the Italian Lodge.

You want the rooms for three nights: July 11-13.

You want a double room with a bathroom tor Mr. and Mrs. Johnson
and a single room with a bathroom for Mr. Johnstone.
Call the Italian Lodge.

Level 2 • Chapter 6 31

Do You Have any Rooms Available?

You work lor the Italian Hut, an Italian restaurant and pizzeria.

You sometimes qet phone calls from people who want hotel rooms.
You don't have any rooms. You only serve pizza.

If someone wants a room, they can call the Italian Lodge.

The phone number at the Italian Lodge is 312-937-2442.

Would the caller like to order a pizza?


A Hotel Reservation
You work (or the Italian Lodge.

Rooms are available at your hotel on July 11-13. Only your double rooms
have bathrooms.

You have a very small single room with a shower at the back ot the hotel.

Your double rooms cost $145 a night.

Your single rooms cost $85 a night.

Ask the caller to spell names and tell him you will send a
confirmation by fax.

32 Level 2 • Chapter 6
Out of Stock
You are a salesperson at Best Electronics, a computer store. You sell

computers, printers, monitors, and other computer equipment.

A customer is coming into the store. This customer otten shops at

your store.
The list below shows the printers and monitors you have in the
store today.


Description Model » Price Oty in Stock

HP Color (4/16 ppm") 4550 $2,100 16

QMS Color (5/20 ppm) 220C 1.025 23
HP(19ppm) 3350 1,200 3
IBM (25 ppm) 1125 900 11

•ppm pages pe* minuie (color/biw)

Description Model # Price Qty In Stock

Compaq- 19748 cm M940 $500 15

Compaq - 22756 cm P1210 975 Out of Stock
Hitachi -21753 cm CMB27 750 7
Sony -21 753 cm CPD520 800 20


Scheduling an Appointment
You are the new Area Manager for the U.K. at Duplo, a French
company with headquarters in Paris.
You are going England (or the first time in your new job. You would
like to visit David Cooper, your client at Emblem PLC, on September
21 in the afternoon.

You can't meet with Cooper in the morning because you are
visiting another client then. You also have appointments in the
morning on September 20 and 22.
Call Emblem PLC to make an appointment with Mr. Cooper.

Level 2 • Chapter 6 33

Out ofStock
You need a new printer and a monitor tor your office at home.
You'd like to buy a color printer, but you don't want to spend more
than $2000.

You go to Best Electronics. You are a frequent customer at the store.


Scheduling an Appointment
You work at Emblem PLC in London. You are the assistant to David
Cooper, the vice president of sales at Emblem. Mr. Cooper is in a
meeting now.
You have Mr. Cooper's schedule. It shows:

VOMlUt t* [ rutsum 1
1 «?ii«.f ;i 1

IO fO AM -

lofo .
*-.• -


^ r "rft

Answer the phone.

D A: Describe a busy week. Talk about your appointments and meetings.
B: Ask a classmate about his schedule this week. Ask about his meetings
and appointments. Tell the class about your classmate's schedule.
A: Describe one your favorite meals or a good meal you had this week.
How did it taste? Was it spicy? What kinds of food do you like?
B: Ask a classmate about the kinds food she likes. Does she like sour
food? (sweet food? spicy food?) Tell the class about the kinds of food
your classmate likes.

A: Talk about your company. What kind of company is it? What does your
company do or make? What department do you work in?
B: Ask a classmate about his company. What kind of company is It?
What does the company do or make? What department does he work in?
Tell the class about your classmate's company.

Q A: Talk about the time you went to a clothing store. What did you buy?
What was the store like? Did the salesperson help you? How?
B: Ask a classmate about a visit to a store. What store did she qo to?
What was she looking for? What did she buy? Tell the class about your
classmate's visit to the store.
A: Talk about the last hotel you stayed in. Where was it? What was the room
like? Did the hotel have a pool, a restaurant, or a bar? How long did you
stay? Was it a nice hotel?

B: Ask a classmate about his last stay in a hotel. Where was the hotel?
Did he have a reservation? What was the room like? How was the
service at the hotel? Tell the class about your classmate's stay in
the hotel.

Berlitx ushcd-rom

Use the website and CD-ROM for more activities and practice!

Level 2 • Chapter 6 35
Chapter 7

One-way or round-trip?

Travel schedules

Buying tickets

Getting to and from

the airport

Travel announcements

Asking about schedules

Getting travel information

Understanding travel

Harlem — Hudson
Asking (or help
How often ...?/

How many times ...?

How long does it take ...?


Customer: Excuse me. How often do trains go to Washington?
Clerk: Every half hour. The next one leaves at 3:05.
Customer: And how long does it take to get there?

Clerk: About two and a half hours. Would you like a ticket?

Customer: Yes, I would. .

Clerk: or round-trip?
Customer: One-way, please.
1 Trains go to Washington once every
Clerk: That'll be $76.00.
a. hour b. thirty minutes
Customer: And where do I catch the train?
The trip takes two hours.
Clerk: On track 11.
a. less than b. more than

3. It costs S76.00 .

a. to go there b. to go there and come back

Getting travel information
Schedules and fares


Oneway Round Tnp
Depart Arrivo Track
Now York No. .
Coach (peaKJ SdO $75

7:03 AM 10:33 AM 09 Coach (off-peak) 35 65

8:03 AM 11:33 AM 11 55 105

Senior (off-peak only! 25 45
9:03 AM 12:33 PM 07

- When does the train (or Boston leave? How much is a round-trip ticket to Newark?
- At 7:03 from track 9. S75.00. \

Round-trip = Return
Arrivals and departures


Chicago M202 2:47 P B12 on time Cincinnati 2:51 P on time

Cincinnati M219 2:05 P BO? at gate Cleveland 3:12 P delayed ZD mm
DesHoines H242 2:15 P AQ9 delayed 35 min Davenport 2:25 P canctlltd

elm 1
1 H231 3:05 P AD3 on time Dayton 2:13 P boarding

2:39 P - cancelled Detroit n time

- Is the flight to Cleveland on time?

- No, it's running about twenty minutes late.

Getting to and from the airport

- Can I help you?

- I Just missed the shuttle. When is the next one?
- It comes every ten minutes.
- Oh, good! Thank youl

Level 2 • Chapter 7 37
Focusing on language


Morris Park
to Pickwick via CO s o
o 5
Hudson Street W) i2
and Wakefield T3
f 1 5
Avenue a SI co
l! a ra
11 °S— co£
« S0> co .2
— -,

1 T3 ra
fc Hi

II i i
re u 9
5:00 5:07 5:11 5:14 5:19 5:27 S 2>) 5:38 5:41 5:45 5:51 5:57
5:37 5;41 5:44 5:49 5:57 5:59 6:08 6:11 6:15 6:21 637
6:00 6:07 6:11 6:14 6:19 627 6:29 6:38 6:41 6:45 6:51 8:57
6:30 6:37 6:41 6:44 6:49 6:57 6:59 7:08 7:11 7:15 7:21 737
7*0 7*7 7:11 7:14 7:19 7:37 7.-M 7:3fi 7:41 7:45 7:51 7:57

How often ...? / How many times ...?

- How often does the bus go to the airport?

- It goes every half hour.
- How many times a day do you have flights to Paris?
- Twice a day at 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

- How often do you travel to Madrid?

- Once or twice a year.

How often does the train for Philadelphia leave? - Every half hour.

How often do you go to Europe? - Once a year.

How many times a year does the Board of Directors meet? - Twice a year.

How many times a week do you speak to your boss? - I speak to her every day!

How long does it take?

- How long does take to get to New Orleans?


- It takes about an hour and a half by car. The bus takes more than two hours!
- How long will it take to walk to the post office from here?
- Not long —
only about five minutes.
- It's a long walk. You should take a bus or a cab.

How long does it take to get downtown from here? - Twenty minutes by car.

How long will it take you to get to the office? - About an hour.

How long did it take you to finish law school? - Three years.

38 Level 2 • Chapter 7
Where do you hear these announcements?

bus station train station airport subway station

Whore is each of the vehicles going?

L The bus is qoinq to . 3. The airplane is going to

2. The train is going to . 4. The subway is going to .

Asking for help

Is this the train to Boston?
- Excuse me! I'm trying to get the 7:17 flight to Chicago.

- That flight is boarding at Gate 5. If you hurry, you might catch it.

- Thank you!

- Excuse me. Does this bus go downtown?

- No. You need to go to Clark Street and take the 22.
- Thanks a lot!

- Isn't this the train to Boston?

- No. This train is going to Portland, Maine.
- Oh, where do catch the train to Boston?

- I'm sorry. don't know. You'll have to ask at the ticket window.

Practice saying the times below.

f. 6:05 (six-oh-five) 2. 3:04 3. 7:03

6:15 (six-fifteen) 3:14 7:13

6:50 (six-fifty) 3:40 7:30

Level 2 Chapter 7 39
BJ Travel announcements

1. The plane is now leaving from Gate 6 16 60

2. The train will arrive at . 6:05 6:15 6:50
3. There's a bus every minutes. 50 15 55
4. Passengers for flight 85 should check in

at Gate Number 4 14 40
5. The train tor Baltimore is now arriving. 6:03 6:13 6:30
6. The one-way fare is $8.08 $8.18 $8.80


1. The bus doesn't stop at the Carlton Inn. T

2. It stops at all the large downtown hotels. T

3. The bus runs every half-hour on Sundays. T

4. It takes 25 minutes to get to the airport. T

5. The one-way fare is $12.00. T F

40 Level 2 • Chapter 7
Q Get travel information

Q Ask for help

Berllts ENOL1M4 CD-ROM

Use the website and CD-ROM for more activities and practice!

Level 2 • Chapter 7 41
How's your new home?

Qtalking about your home

Shawn: Do you live in a house or an apartment,
Regina: An apartment In fact, my husband and I

Just moved into a new place. 1. moved into a new apartment.

Shawn: Really? How do you like it? a. Shawn b. Regina

Reqina: We like a lot, but it's bigger than our old

it 2. Regina's old apartment was
place. We need to get a new sofa and a rug than the new one.
for the living room and a small table and a. smaller b. nicer

some chairs for the dining area.

3. She and her husband furniture
Shawn: Oh, that's a lot!
for their new home,
Regina: That's all right. I enjoy shoppinq for a. don't have enough b. have too much
V 4. Regina to shop for furniture.
a. likes b. doesn't like
Talking about someone's apartment

Reqina's new apartment

Lamp Sofa

Mirror I \ Night Table

Bookcase Dresser Bed

B What's your house like?

1. How many bedrooms does your house / apartment have?

2. What can you see from your window? Do you have a nice view?

3. Where do you usually listen to music? watch TV? study?

A. What part ot town / neighborhood do you live in?

Level 2 • Chapter 8 43
Focusing on language l

/ like to read. / 1 like reading.

I like to drive my new car. I like driving my new car.

Nobu likes to listen to music. He likes llsteninq to music.

The Loftons don't like to clean the house. They don't like cleaning the house.

- Do you like reading the newspaper? - Yes, 1 do!

- Do you like listening to the news? - Not really. I prefer to watch it on TV.

- What do you like to do at home? - I like to spend time with my family.

/ like watching TV. / 1 enjoy watching TV.

Mr. Blake playing tennis with his wife,

Nina doesn't shopping for clothes,

Do you going to parties?

- Do you enjoy going to the movies? - 1 sure do!

- Do you enjoy going to restaurants? - Yes, 1 do.

- What do you enjoy doing on the weekend? - I enjoy going out with my friends.

H / love to dance!

I like to dance very very much! love to dance!

- Do you like to travel? - Do you like living in the city?

- Yes, I love to travel. - Yes, love living in the city!

Brian loves to cook in his kitchen!

Masako loves playing with her children!

Olivia loves to watch TV!

44 Level 2 • Chapter 8
Talking about a favorite room

Q fr* What's their favorite room?

What's your favorite room?

What does it look like?

What do you like to do there?

What is their house like?

The Fergusons live in a small house.

Upstairs, they have two bedrooms and a
bathroom. Downstairs, they have a living
room, a dining room, and a small
kitchen. They have a garage for their car
and a little garden in front of the house.


first / ground floor = ground floor

second floor = first floor

third floor = second floor

fourth floor = third floor

IE Describe the rooms in your house.

What is your living room like?

Do you have an office or a study? What do you do there?

What is your kitchen like?

Level 2 • Chapter 8
In the United States, rooms often have one main use. For example, people cook meals
in the kitchen, relax in the living room, and sleep inthe bedroom. People also do
many other thinqs in these rooms. Some people watch TV or listen to the radio in the
kitchen, work on a computer in the living room, or study in the bedroom.

In your country, do rooms have one main purpose or many different purposes?
What activities go on in the different rooms of your home?

EE What's your dream home?

Imagine you could live in the home of your dreams. American Dream
What kind of place would you choose?
Think about these questions:

Where would it be?

How larqe would it be?
What kind of furniture would it have?
Would it have a swimming pool? ttciutitul 1 lomet on One 10 Two Wooded Acm
Would it have a garden?
Would it have a garage? Auan Umodi
Sjjrting Ml
What else would it have?
Vuii m on-line at www

46 Level 2 • Chapter 6
Chapter Check
Now you can..

Talk about your home

What is your house/apartment like?

Talk about a favorite room

What do you like to do in your living room?

Berlitz uoush'

Use the website and CD-ROM for more activities and practi

Level 2 • Chapter 8 47
Chapter 9

How's the job search going


Recruiter: What kind of job are you looking for?
Mr. Bradley: Well, I'm not sure. As you can see from
my resume, I used to work in sales.

Recruiter: You sold computers? FOLLOW-UP

Mr. Bradley: Yes, that's right. Computers and
1. Mr. Bradley used to sell
network hardware to large companies
computer software.
in the area. Before that, sold office

equipment to corporate clients. 2. At another job he sold

office equipment.
Recruiter: We have several possibilities for
someone with your background. The recruiter has only
Here, have a look at these listings. one job possibility for

if Mr. Bradley.
Talking about hes
Bill, Mary Ann, and Don are unemployed.

Bill was laid off. Mary Ann quit her job. Don was fired from his job.

They're looking for new jobs.

Bill is preparing his Mary Ann is reading the Don is searching Internet
resume and calling his Help Wanted ads in the job sites.
business contacts. newspaper.

Bill is calling a headhunter Mary Ann is filling out a job Don is interviewing for a
at an executive search firm. application for a position as position at an Internet
a marketing assistant. company.

Now they're working again.

Billdecides to become a Mary Ann didn't get the Don accepted a job offer
consultant. He likes the idea marketing job. She's working from the Internet company.
of being self-employed. for a temporary job agency. He's thrilled!
She likes temping.

Level 2 • Chapter 9 49
Focusing on language

Didn't you use to work at IBM?

Iused to work in sales.

Did you use to live in Las Vegas? - Yes, I did.
Ididn't use to drink coffee, but do now. I

Harry used to work in marketing. Now he works in operations.

Didn't you use to live downtown? - Yes. we moved to the suburbs last year.
Don't you smoke? - I used to. but I quit!

Q still / anymore

Do you still work at Transcom? - No, I don't work there anymore.

Oh, where do you work now? - I'm still looking for a new job.

Do you still play tennis every Saturday? - Yes, do. I

Does your wife play, too? - No, not anymore. She plays golf now.

I ate a big breakfast an hour ago, but I'm still hungry.

Do you still work for MediaLink? - No, not anymore.
Ted used to eat at restaurants a lot, but he doesn't anymore.

D prefer to work I prefer working

I prefer to work in an office. = I prefer working in an office.

Alma prefers to eat at home. = She prefers eating at home.

What do you prefer to drink with breakfast, coffee or tea?

Do you prefer living in the city or in the suburbs?

Ifyou have a lot of work, do you prefer to work late during the week
or to work weekends?

Do you prefer driving to work or taking public transportation?

50 Levot 2 • Chapter 9
Discussing interviews
Still looking
Elaine: How's the job search going, Russell?
Russell: Very slowly.

Elaine: Oh, yeah? Why is that?

Russell: There just aren't a lot of jobs right now.

Elaine: Are you having any interviews?

Russell: A few. Last week had one with

Branford and Young.

Elaine: How did it go?

Russell: Not bad. but I think there are at least
ten other candidates for the job!

Elaine: Well, you know what they say: "If at

first you don't succeed ..."

Russell: "Try, try again." Thanks, Elaine.

Q Not looking anymore!

1 Don is still looking for a job.
Don isn't looking for a job anymore.

2 He found a job at WebWatch. TIP!

He is interviewing for a job at WebWatch. department head = department manager

3 Don loves his new job.

Don is still looking for the perfect job.


In the United States, resumes are very important during a job search. Employers look
at an applicant's resume to see if that person has the right skills and experience for
the job. Many times a personal or professional contact is more helpful than even the
best resume.

1. Do you have a resume?

2. What information do you put in a resume?
3. How important is a resume in your country? Do you need a resume to get a job?

4. Which is more important, your resume* or your contacts?

Level 2 • Chapter 9 51
— . )

CQ Understanding a job application

® Ol
NAME (las!)


(middle initial)

ADDRESS (street)

(city> (state) (zip

TELEPHONE (home) (wort)


EDUCATION (What o your highest education degree?)

JOB SKILLS (Do you have any specialized skills? Examples: technical training or area of specialization)

EXPERIENCE (List your last throe )oos)

Company/organization Position From To

GOALS (What is the -ideal- job for you?)

hlj cKENCES (Us! three people Wlx> would recommend you. These do rot have to bo your Last throe employers

[S Discussion
work you do
1. What are your professional goals? personal goals?
2. How important is education in your field?
3. What do you think is more Important — education or job experience?
4. Are references important in your country? Who would you use as a reference?

52 Level Z • Chapter 9
Now you can ...

Discuss your background

What did you

do in your las


Talk about job searches

What are you
doing to find
a job?

Discuss interviews Are you having

any interviews?

Berlitx ish cd-rom

Use the website and CD-ROM for more activities and practice!

Level 2 • Chapter 9 53
Chapter 1

Do you have any hobbies?


Paula: What do you do in your free time, Jake? Oo you have
any hobbies?
Jake: Yes, I make furniture.

Paula: Oh, really? What kind of furniture?

Jake: Tables, bookcases, things like that. This weekend I'm

going to make a coffee table. How about you?
Do you have any hobbies?
Paula: Yeah, I collect antiques.

Jake: Hmm. That's an expensive FOLLOW-UP

hobby, isn't it?
1. What is Jake's hobby?
Paula: It can be, but I enjoy it!
2. What is he going to make this weekend?
3. What is Paula's hobby?
4. Is that an expensive hobby?
People often play games in small groups
indoors. There are many popular card games,
such as poker and bridge. There are also
board games, such as chess, checkers and
backgammon. Many children like to play video
games and computer games.

Do you like to play chess?


People often play sports outdoors. There are

team sports, such as soccer, basketball and
baseball. And there are individual sports,
such as golf, swimming and tennis.

What sports do you play?


Many people collect things, such as stamps,

coins, paintings, and antiques. If an item is

rare. It can be very valuable.

What do you collect?

Creative hobbies

Many people create or make things. When a

person plays a musical instrument, such as
the violin or the piano, she is creating music.
Other examples of creative hobbies are
cooking, sewing, gardening, making furniture,
painting, drawing, and photography.

Do you play an instrument?

Level 2 - Chapter 10 55
Talking about the future with going to

We're playing chess right now. Later, we're going to play cards.

Janet is wearing a suit. She's going to wear a sweater and jeans after work.
We're going to a restaurant now. After dinner, we're going to see a movie.

What are you going to do tomorrow? We're going to play golf.

Are you going to be home for dinner? No. I'm going to be late tonight.

Where are we going to meet tomorrow? Let's meet in my office.


Maria has a beautiful voice. She sings beautifully.

Bobby is a serious chess player. ». He takes chess very seriously.
John is a regular tennis player. He plays tennis regularly.
Dennis is good at golf. - He plays very well!

Is your project complete?

- Not yet, but it will be completely finished tomorrow.
That's quick work. Mako!
- Thanks. I tried to work quickly!

Did Bob have his usual drink?

- He usually drinks wine, but last night he had beer.

Was the audience quiet during the concert?

- Yes, everybody listened very quietly.

Comparative / superlative forms of adverbs

I walk slowly. Katrin walks more slowly, but Ellen walks the most slowly.
John plays the guitar well. Annie plays better. Jimmy plays the best.

Irregular adverbs: Comparative Superlative

hard harder hardest
badly worse worst

Rodrigo drives more carefully than anyone I know.

Princess Cristina dresses more elegantly than Princess Carla.
I play tennis worse than everyone in my family!

56 Level 2 • Chapter 10
n We're going to learn something new!

Julie: So what are you doing this weekend, Phil?

Phil: My wife and I are going to start a cooking class.

Julie: B-ut you both cook so well already!

Phil: That's nice of you to say, Julie. We're ready to
learn something new.
Julie: You take your cooking very seriouslyl
Phil: Actually, we take our eating more seriously

than our cooking!

E fi$ What are their hobbies?


fri 1
' m Answer the questions about their hobbies.

1. Ricardo plays sports, but he doesn't watch them. T F

2. He plays basketball in the winter. T F
3. His wife likes sports more than he does. T F

4. Dorothy has more than one hobby. T F

5. Her friends play bridge better than she. T F

6. She wants to take a photography class. T F

7. Ken repairs old cars. T F

8. He buys cars in good condition. T F

9. The cars are beautiful after Ken works on them. T F

Level 2 • Chapter 10
What are your hobbies?

HObU.IOi triidii Centra

tJnirir Traini
Board Garnet
All Bran Ji

Buy flf Sell

On- Line Chc» Clulu
- n©bb^ Tim
The World's SHe (or Hobbies
Checker* fir Rackgammim
Bridge & Card Game*
Coini - Buy. Sell. Trade Links to other groat sites:
Sumpi Buy. Sell. Trade

More Gillniioni
I 'holography I
chess stamps coins photography trains

How much your time do you spend on your hobby / hobbies?

Do you do your hobby alone?
Do you have any creative hobbies?
Would you like to start a new hobby? What would you like to do?

EE Who does it?

What do you call a person who collects stamps? A stamp collector!


collecting stamps stamp colic '
gardening gardener
collecting coins photography
collecting antiqu> playing golf

collecting dolls jogging

playing soccer soccer player
playing chess
playing baseball playing the violin violinl5t

playing tennis playing the piano

playing bridge playing the guitar

58 Level 2 • Chapter 10
Now you can ...

Q Talk about hobbies

Do you have
any hobbies?

Talk about leisure activities

Do you like to play board games? What sports do you play?

Do you collect anything? Do you have any creative hobbies?

Berlitz msh cd-rom Li

Use the website and CD-ROM for more activities and practice!

Level 2 • Chapter 10 59

Chapter 1

Do you like to exercise?

Types of exercise
Exercise routines

Talking about exercise

Discussing exercise routines

Describing exercise habits

Tag questions

'No pain, no galnl'


Judy: You exercise a lot, don't you. Tom?
Tom: Yeah, I work out at least three times a week.

Judy: What kind of exercise do you do?

Tom: I lift weights and swim at the gym. And sometimes I

go jogging after work.

Judy: don't exercise at all, but I'd

like to start. What kind of

exercise should I do? 1 . Tom exercises a week.
Tom: Well, what do you like? a. less than three times b. three times or more
Judy: I like walking. That's 2. He at the gym.
exercise, isn't it? a. swims b. goes joqging
Tom: It sure is! And it's a good way
3. Judy wants to exercising.
to start!
a. begin b. stop

4. She asks if walking is

* a. good for her b. a type of exercise

I Discussing exercise routines
Why do people exercise?

Arnold is in shape. Marty is out of shape-

Exercise is good for us! it keeps us fit. Regular exercise also

helps us lose weight if we are overweight.
fit = in shape
What kind of exercise do you do? work out = do exercise

Abe is jogging. They're doing aerobics. Bob is swimming.

How often do you exercise? - Why do you jog?

I work out three time s a week .

— want
I to lose weight.

Bill and Judy are dancing. Tim and Tom are bicycling.

What do you do for exercise? — Do you exercise with someone or by yourself?

I like to go dancing. — exercise with my brother.


Level 2 Chapter 11 61
Focusing on language

Tag questions (1) - It's going to rain, isn't it?

They're taking an aerobics class, aren't they? - Yes, they are.

You'd like to come with us, wouldn't you? - No, thanks. Not tonight.

Mary plays the piano, doesn't she? - Yes, she plays it very well.

Brad and Amy still do aerobics, don't they? - No, they don't. Not anymore.

Barbara is in New York today, isn't she? - Yes, she Is.

You speak Italian, don't you? - Just a little.

The packages arrived on time, didn't they? - Yes, they're on your desk.

You'll come with us, won't you? - Of course. I will!

You're not going to forget, are you?

- You're going jogging, aren't you?

- Yes, am. I

- What about the yard work?

- I can do it later, can't I?

- You're not going to forget, are you?

- Of course not!

H Tag questions (2): It isn't raining, is it?

You don't exercise every day, do you? - No, I don't.

They aren't coming to the office tomorrow, are they? - Yes, they are.

Melanie can't go swimming with us, can she? - No, she can't.

it didn't snow yesterday, did it? - No, 1 don't think so.

Mr. Blake won't be here on time, will he? - Yes, he will!

Isabel can't hear us. can she? - No. 1 don't think so.

You don't speak Japanese, do you? - No, I'm sorry. I don't.

The packages didn't arrive on time, did they? - No, they didn't.

You won't miss the meeting, will you? - Of course not!

62 Level 2 ' Chapter II

What are their exercise routines?

Does each of the three people below exercise regularly?


yes no yes no yes no

Now listen again and circle the correct answers.

1. Barry swims twice a week. T F
2. His favorite exercise is walking. T F
3. Tonya doesn't do aerobic exercise. T F
4. She lifts weights at the gym. T F

5. Timothy played football in high school. T F

6. He goes to a gym after work. T F

Calling a health club

- Health World.May help you?


Put Your Best Foot Forward!

- Yes, I'd likesome information aboutthe club.
RIVERSIDE - Sure. We have three weight rooms. Do you lift weights?
HEALTH & FITNESS - No. not really.
- Well, we have two swimming pools. Do you like to swim?
3 Weight Rooms!
- I don't know how to swim.
2 Olympic- Size Pools!
- Hmmm ... Well ...
State-of-the-Art Equipment!
- Do you have aerobics classes?
Juice Bar on Site - Yes, we do —
every morning and evening.
Personalized training - How much does it cost to be a member?
Aerobics S Yoga — All Levels - $1500 per year.
- I can pay monthly, though, can't I?
Stop by to speak to a - Yes, you can. The monthly fee is $130.
Fitness Professional today! - OK. Thank you. Bye.

Level 2 • Chapter 11 63
EE Health and fitness survey
J_ plenty - enough


1 . Is exercise important to you?

2. How often do you exercise?
3. What type of exercise do you do?
4. Do you do more than one type of exercise?

5. Do you walk every day? How far do you walk?

6. Do you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables?
7. Do you smoke?
8. Do you sleep eight hours a day?
9. Do you find time to relax?

10. Do you see your doctor regularly?

"Extreme" sports

Some peopledoing things that


other people think are dangerous.

Here are some examples:

mountain climbing hang-gliding

Why do people these sports?

Would you like to do any of these
sports? Why or why not?

skydiving bungee jumping

64 Level 2 - Chapter 11
Now you can...

Talk about exercise

Do you like to exercise? What kind of exercise do you do?

Q Discuss exercise routines and habits

Use the website and CD-ROM for more activities and practice!

Level 2 • Chapter 11 65

Now You Can...!

O Describe exercise habits

O Discuss exercise routines

O Talk about exercise

O Talk about leisure activities

O Talk about hobbies

O Discuss interviews

O Talk about job searches

O Discuss your background

O Talk about a favorite room

O Talk about someone's apartment

O Talk home
about your

O Ask for help

O Understand travel announcements

O Get travel information

O Ask about schedules

Lost on the Subway
You are on a subway train in New York. You are going to Columbia
University, but you are lost.
Someone is sitting next to you. Ask him / her for help.


Staying Fit and Having Fun
You are the manager of Healthy Life, Inc., a health club and weight
management center. Your company offers the programs and activities
in the list below.

HEALmy Life Inc.

Choose from three great programs:

Bulk It Tone It Shape It

Daily exercise for icriou* llitcc 10 fiiui time* a neck I fun- timet a week for

nurk-ouu. Include*: for staying fir. Include*: weight Itiu ur weight

• Weighl-lifting • logging or walking management- Combined
• Niairrcii'icr • Swimming jnd urnw program.
• Splints Includes:
• Swimming •Walking
• High -energy acmbrts All acrobin clouc* n*e • Swimming
dance routine*.
DUmry enniultaiWH
Oirury eeniuIiMifiH
i, ><!r.

A client is coming into your office.

Level 2 Chapter 12 67

Lost on the Subway

You are on a subway train in New York. You take subways and buses
every day and know the subway system very well.

You are on the Broadway line. You are going to visit a friend near
Columbia University.

Study the map ot the subway system below.

Columbia University
Broadway and II6lh St.
Subways t and 9

Columbus Circle/59th SI.

Subways A, B, C. D, 1. and 9.

Vou are here.


Stayinq Fit and Having Fun

Option 1

You are a client at Healthy Life, Inc. You love sports and are looking
for an advanced exercise program.

Option 2
You are a client at Healthy Life, Inc. You don't like to exercise, but
you want to lose weight. Your doctor asked you to start a regular
exercise program.

68 Level 2 • Chapter 12

The Decorators
You are the owner of Acme Decor. Your company paints and decorates
houses and apartments.

Two weeks ago you painted Mr. and Mrs. Jansen's living room, and you
put wallpaper up in both ot their bathrooms.

Last week you sent the Jansens a bill lor the work. You can't find your
copy of the bill, but you have these notes from the job.


LoW ^z_,372_

Answer the phone.

Level 2 - Chapter 12 69

The Decorators
Your name is Jansen, Two weeks ago, Acme Decor painted your living
room and put wallpaper up in your two bathrooms.

You received the following bill:


d*te 9/28
to- Mr. and Mrs. Jansen


Wallpaper for bathrooms $1,238 00

Glue 240 28
Living room paint/whit-i 267 50
Living room paint/ blue £39 DO

Brushes B3 78
Labor 2372 00

TOTAL S4.729; 00


The total of the bill is not correct. II should be $4,441, not $4,729.
Call Acme Decor. Tell them that there is an error on the bill.

Level 2 • Chapter 12
Your Turn
Q A; An employee from an airline company is asking you about your last
flightand the airline'sservice. You had a very bad trip. Tell her what
happened. How long was the flight? Did the flight leave on time? Did
the flight arrive on time? Was the service good?

B: Ask a classmate about his last trip on a train or an airplane. How did
he get to the station / airport? How long was the train ride / flight?
Did the train / flight leave on time? Tell the class about your
classmate's trip.

H A: Talk about your home. Describe three or four rooms in your home.
B: Ask a classmate about her home. How many bedrooms does it have?
Does it have a big kitchen, living room, bedrooms? What does she
like to do at home? Tell the class about your classmate's home.

A: Talk about your last job search. What kind of job were you lookinq
for? Did you have several interviews? How did you find the job? Was
your resume important in the job search?
B: Ask a classmate about her last job search. What kind of job was she
looking for? How did she find the job? Tell the class about your
classmate's job search.

A: Talk about your hobbies and interests.

B: Ask a classmate about his hobbies and interests. Tell the class
about them.

Q A: Talk about your exercise routine. What do you do for exercise? How
often do you do it? Do you like to exercise?
B: Ask a classmate about her exercise routine. What does she do tor
exercise? How often does she do it? Tell the class about your
classmate's exercise routine.

Berlitz cd-rom

Use the website and CD-ROM for more activities and practice!

Level 2 • Chapter 12 71

Complete the conversations. Use the words in the box.

about meet busy get how reschedule

sounds works can't available next qood

1, George: Can we this afternoon?

Mike: No, I'm all day today,
George: Are you tomorrow morning?
Mike: Yes, I am. What time would you like to together?

George: about nine-thirty?

Mike: That tor me.

2. Liz: Hi. Vern. I need to our Friday meeting.

Vern: All right. Is there a day week that's for you?

Liz: How Tuesday?
Vern: No, I'm sorry. I meet you on Tuesday.
Liz: Is Wednesday OK? Say, at ten?

Vern: That great. See you on Wednesday!

tracks 58 - 60: Listen to the conversations. Are they saying will or 'II? Complete the
conversations by writing will or 'II in the blanks below.

- you be home tomorrow?
- I be home in the morning, but I be out all afternoon.

-I _ call you in the morning, then.

- OK. Thanks.

2. - What time are you coming on Saturday?

- you be ready at 8:00?

- That's early for me, but I try.

- Great. I see you Saturday then.

3. - you be able to meet with me on Thursday morning, Ms. Hollings?

- Hmm. I have to check. What time are you thinking?
10 o'clock work for you?
- Yes, that be fine.

- Wonderful. I see you on Thursday,

Write the questions. Use the words given.

1. - {you/can/see/I/tomorrow)

- No, I'm sorry. I'm busy then.

72 Level 2 • Homework
; ?

2. - (we/toqether/can/what/get/time) .

- How about 3:30?

3. - ia/l/ask/may/youf question) —
- Of course. What is it?

Q Use the words in parentheses to make the questions more formal and polite.

1. Can speak I to Mary, please? (may)

2. Do you want to leave a message? (would you like)

3. When do you want to get together? (would you like)

4. Can we meet later today? (could)

Match the questions in column A with the answers In column B to make short conversations.
t Would you like to go out to a. No, but I'm free this afternoon.
dinner tonight?

2. 1need to reschedule our Wednesday b. No, Ron canceled It.

meeting. Are you free Thursday?

3. Are you available this morning? c Yes. Thursday's fine for me.

4. When can we get together? d. I'm sorry. I can't tonight.

5. Aren't we having a meeting e. How about this morning at

later today? 10:30?

' ; tracks 61 - 63: Listen to the conversations and write down the messages.

Message Message
To: To:

From: From

Level 2 • HomtwoiK 73
Complete the conversation using the words from the box.

rare that how have fried

Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Customer: Almost. is the fish prepared?
Waiter: it's

Customer: I think I'll _ the steak then.

Waiter: How would you tike ?
Customer: ., please.

Match the foods with the examples.

t sour foods a. sugar, cake, candy

2. fried foods b. nuts, potato chips, pickles

3. baked foods c. some Mexican, Thai, Indian dishes

4. sweet foods d. bread, cake, pie

5. spicy foods e. lemons, grapefruit, vinegar

6. salty foods f. French fries, doughnuts, onion rings

i.ooft at the foods in Exercise 2. Which foods do you like? Circle them. Which foods don't
you like? Underline them.

Complete the sentences with too or enough and the adjective in parentheses.
Example: I'm not going swimming today. The water is ! (cold)

1. These pants are They're really tight on me! <sma//)

2. Billy isn't to go to school yet. {old)

3. I'm not going to buy that car. It's {expensive)

4. This coffee isn't .. I like it stronger than this, (strong)

5. These drinks aren't They need more ice. {cold)

H Complete the sentences with much, many or a lot of.

1, 1 don't have very . money in the bank.

2. Do you eat meat?

3. This food doesn't have taste.

4. 1 don't put ver v sugar in my coffee.

74 Level 2 • Homework
5. people like Chinese food.

6. There aren't very spices in traditional American food.

Complete the conversations with some or any.

1. Don: We need to buy food.

Linda: You're right. We don't have eggs, and we need


Don: I'll pick up groceries this afternoon.

2. Betty: What would you like for breakfast?

George: I'd like toast, please. And do you have fruit?

Betty: Yes, we do. We have grapes and peaches.

(v^ track 64: Angela and Bruce are talking about dinner tonight. Listen to the
conversation and answer the guestlons.

1. Is at work. a. Angela b. Bruce

2. Angela asks Bruce to after work. a. eat at a restaurant b. pick up some


3. Angela spicy food. a. likes b. doesn't like

4. Bruce had for lunch. a. Mexican food b. Thai food

5. Angela wants Bruce to get some a. rice b. noodles

It'syour birthday, and one of your friends Is going to cook for you. Write a short note to your
friend and tell him / her what you would like to have. (Try to use these words: appetizer,
main dish, dessert.)

Complete the conversations using the words from the box.

thirsty hungry take-out

little drink bite

- Me, too. Let's go get a to eat.

- Would you like something to ?

- Yes, thank you. I'm really .1

- I think I'll bring home some food from Rinaldt's.

- Could you go somewhere else. Frank? Their food is always a cold.

Level 2 • HomcworK 75
Which words go together? Circle a, b, or c.

Example: human a. software b. manufacturing (^resources

1. customer a. service b. company c. product

2. financial a. schedule b. advice c. parts

3. product a. development b. services c. telecommunications

4. hire a. a product b. a budget c. an employee
5. information a. service b. technology c. company
6. legal a. department b. development c. technology

Rewrite the sentences using responsible for.

Example: I supervise twenty people.

I'm responsible -for superjisin^ -kogn-ty people-

f. Ms. Russo hires new employees.

2. 1 report the company's finances to the government.

3. Mr. Takamura supervises the sales team,

4. I develop the company's training programs.

5. We manage company operations.

El Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. I'm in the sales department. I write sales reports. a. have to b. have

2. Mr. Lewis isthe director of HR. He to a. must b. needs

review all personnel changes.

3. As software writers, we have new ideas every day. a. need b. must

4. Bob's the marketing director. He to manage the a. has b. must


5. Ms. Rigby Is in sales. She make sales presentations. a. needs b. has to

76 Lovnl 2 • Homework
Answer the following questions. Make sentences with need to, have to, and must.

1, What do you need to do tomorrow or later this week?

2. What does everybody need to do to learn English?

3. What do you have to do to get a good Job?

4. Who do you have to call this week?

5. What must a good manager do?

6. What must a businessperson do to be successful?

(< i tracks 6567: Listen ro Matthew. Sharon, and Richard talk about their Jobs al

Jupiter Microsystems. Then answer the questions.

1. Matthew works in the department at Jupiter.

and the company

2. He's responsible (or the system.

3. Sharon works in at Jupiter.

4. She pays Jupiter's and manages the company's _

5. Richard is the manager at Jupiter.

6. He manages the advertising that creates Jupiter's ads.

What are your responsibilities at your job? Complete the sentences.

1. 1 need to . .

2. 1 have to —
3. I'm responsible for

level 2 Hnmeworh 77
Where can you find these things in a department store? Match the items
with the department


1. towels, pillows, blankets a. Furniture

2. chairs, sofas, beds b. Ladies' Accessories

3. ladies' belts, gloves, handbags c. Casualwear

4. pots. pans, glasses d. Men's Clothing

5. watches, bracelets, rings e. Housewares

6. men's pants, suits, ties f. Linens

7. men's belts, gloves, hats g. Jewelry

8. tops, shorts, jeans h. Men's Accessories

H Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in parentheses.

Example: I need larjfx shoes. These are too small, {large)

1. The movie was great. It was a lot than the one we saw last week, (tunny)

2. For me, the way to get to work is by car. {fast)

3. Take this apple. It looks much than that one. (good)

4. I'm 47 and my brothers are 43 and 38. I'm the in my family, (old)

5. It's 21° C now. This morning it was 13° C. It was much then. <co/d>

H Complete the sentences with more, most, less, or feast

1. Let's buy this sofa. It's comfortable than that one.

2. In general, a magazine is expensive than a book.

3. 1 don't usually eat lunch. It's the important meal of the day for me.

4. 1 like to shop in small stores. They're unusual than department stores.

5. Anne bought the beautiful dress in the store.

6. Do you think it's interesting to read or to watch TV?

7. 1 bought the expensive car they had. But I'm spending a lot on

8. I think it's important to be rich than to be happy.

78 Level 2 * Homework
Find the words
m in the box that have the same meaning as the underlined words
in the conversation. Write the words in the blanks.

very pretty can put

does it cost bigger cheaper

Salesclerk: May I help you?

Customer: Do you have this sweater in a larger size?

Salesclerk: Yes. but not in that color. What do you think ol the green?

Customer: It's beautiful!

Salesclerk: Would you like to try it on?

Customer: Yes, I would. How much is it?

Salesclerk: Only $60. It's on sale this week.

Look at the prices of these items in the United States.

movie ticket $9.00

gasoline (U.S. gallon = 3.S liters) $1.80
cup of coffee at restaurant $150
haircut $15.00

How much do these things cost in your country? Are they cheaper or more expensive?
Write sentences below:

Example: * w&vU -tiocA-t tn rrtf coun-trU ms-ts * / 1 .00 .

T-r's Mdrfi. MpMSbto -than m -fW \L.S.


2. (cup of coffee)

3. (haircut)

. track 68: Listen to f7» conversation and answer ! questions.

1. The customer is ordering a. a hat b. a watch

2. The watch costs a. $95 b. $99

3. The customer's name Is Meyer. a. Carl b. Karl

4. is in Canada. a. Phone Shopper's b. Mr. Meyer


5. Mr. Mayer is paying with a a. credit card b. check

Luvel 2 • Homework 79
D Complete the sentences with the bpst word.

1. Would you like a single room or a room? {double / king-size)

2. 1 only have one {luggage / suitcase)

3. I'd like to a reservation, please, {have / make)

4. I'll meet you in th "

(lobby / reservation desk)

5. Could you ask tht to take these bags to my room? (concierge / bellman)

6. You can check — _ now. sir. But your room won't be ready until 3:00. (in / out)

7. Does the room have a ? (front desk / balcony)

8. I'd like a room with a bed. please, (queen-size / smoking)

Q You are traveling with a colleague. Read the situations below and make questions with
Shall I ... ? using the words in parentheses.

1. You're standmrj next to ™ open window. Your colleague looks cold, (close)

2. You're sitting in a restaurant. Your colleague doesn't speak the local language, (order)

3. You and your colleague need to pay for dinner and get back to the hotel, (ask)

4. You and your colleague need a taxi to get to the airport, (call)

5. You're leaving your rooms. Your colleague's bag looks very heavy, (help)

E3 Unscramble the words to make requests with can or could.

1. have/please/l/could/vour/name?

2. coffee/have/can/more/I/some?

3. these/you/my/cou Id/take/bags/to/room?

SO Level 2 Homework
track 69: Listen to the sentences. Circle the word you hear: him, her, or them.

1. him her them 4. him her them

2. him her them 5. him. her them

3. IV m her them 6. him her them

Complete the sentences with object pronouns.

1. - Here are my baqs.

- Shall t take to the lobby, sir?

2. - Can I have your name, please?

- Here, I'll write for you.

3. - What would you like to order?

- Please bring a steak.

4. - Did you call Jack?

- Yes, I called yesterday.

Complete the conversation using the words in the box.

luggage check In bellman single double

Customer: I'd like to ., please.

Desk clerk: May have your name, please?


Customer: It's Blake. Catherine Blake.

Desk clerk: Yes, here it is. For one person. A room with a

Customer: That's right. Could I have some help with my ., please?

Desk clerk: Certainly. I'll cai: for you.

ON track 70: Yuji is talking with a friend about a recent

conversation and circle the correct answers.
trip. Listen to the

1. Yuji and went to San Diego. a. his wife b. his colleague

2. Yuji's hotel room had a bed. a. queen-size b. king-size

3. The hotel had restaurants. a. three b. two

4. Yuji's wife to shop. a. likes b. doesn't like

5. There were shops swimming pool a. and a b. but no

at the hotel.

6. Yuji and his wife ate breakfast a. in the hotel b. in their room
every day. restaurant

Level 2 • Homework 81
Complete the sentences with the best word.

1. How do trains qo to New York? (long / often)

2. The bus to Chicago is leaving from 5. (Gate / Track)

3. How much is a -trip ticket to Atlanta? (single / round)

4. The train to Baltimore is .

twenty minutes, (delayed / canceled)

5. Was your Might time? ion /at)

6 on Flight 309 will board at Gate 23. (Passengers /Suitcases)

7. You can catch a cab at the taxi over there, (gate / stand)

8. Train fares are usually higher during hours, (peak / off-peak)

Make questions with How often...? or How many times...? Then answer the questions.

Example: take a bus (how often)

a. Hflo trf-tin do you, ioxe. ex. bus r b. J -toxe a bus -ikrgg -tongs a tot

1. have vacation (how often)

a b

2. go to a restaurant (how many times a month)

a. 1 , , . . b

3. lisfen to music (how often)

a. b.

4. practice your English (how many times a week)

a b
5. work late (how often)

a. b.

Think about places in or near your city. Make questions with How long does it take...?

Example: - HftJ \m does vi -taK6 -to 4&i dmnAum -frtjn your offiu?
- It takes about 15 minutes by bus.

- Not long; maybe 20 minutes by car.

2. -
- It takes about 20 minutes to walk there.

3. -
- About 10 minutes by taxi

82 Level 2 • Homework
Complete the conversation with the words in the box.

please ticket leaving

next Gate way
be trip catch

Customer: When is the bus to Chicago?

Clerk: It's in fifteen minutes. Would you like a

Customer: Yes, .

Clerk: One-. or round-

Customer: Round-trip, please.

Clerk: That'll S65.

Customer: And where do It?

Clerk: Right over there at 3.

Read the schedule and answer the questions.


• Quick, comfortable, convenient Regents
Latham Arrive
• Serving downtown hotels Hotel Hotel Airport
Frequent service —
6 a.m. to 12 midnight
6:10 a.m. 6:15 6:50
FARES 6:30 6:35 7:10
Round-Trip One-Way 6:50 6:55 7:30
Adult: $20 S12
Child (age 3-16): $12 $6 7:10 7:15 7:50
Children under 3 ride free.

1. At which hotels does the airport shuttle stop?

2. How much is the one-way fare for an adult? For a child?

3. When does the 6:10 bus arrive at the airport?

4. How long Is the trip from the Latham Hotel to the airport?

jy tracks 71 - 75: Listen to the travel announcements- Then answer the questions.

1. The 10:15 train is on Track 6. a. boarding b. arriving

2. The plane is leaving from Gate a. 253 b. 36

3. The bus from Washington is arriving, a. 9:15 b. 9:50

4. The last stop of this train is . a. Boston b. Providence

5. This subway train is on the Line. a. Red b. Blue

Level 2 • Homework 83
omew iiM
Circle the Hems that you often find in the rooms indicated.

1. living room sofa bed rug sink

2. kitchen bookshelf sink oven shower

3. study lamp curtains dishwasher closet

4. bedroom stove dresser mirror refrigerator

5. bathroom table mirror microwave bathtub

Answer fhe following questions about your house or apartment in complete sentences,

i. Do you live in an apartment or a house?

2. How many bedrooms does your home have?

3. What pieces o( furniture do you have in your living room?

4. How many rooms in your house have TVs?

5. Where do you usually watch TV?

E] Rewrite these sentences using the word enjoy.

Example: I like to play tennis. I fAJr^j pfoymg -fftlfltf.

1. We like to stay home on weekends.

2. Tim doesn't like to travel. ;

3. Do you like to read?

4. Mrs. Lang likes to shop for clothes.

5. My friends like to go to movies.

Make sentences or questions with the words below. Use the -ing form tor some of your
sentences, but not all.

Example: l/love/talk/about sports

I tot, -b -fate about spaHs. or- 1 lw?. -talking abtu-t. Spflrte.

t you/like/watch TV?

84 Level 2 Homework
2. Bob/love/drive/his new car

3. my family/love/t ravel overseas

4. what/you/like/do/on weekends?

H Describe your favorite room from your childhood home. Answer the questions below.

t What was your favorite room?

2. What furniture did it have in it?

3. What did you like most about the room?

4. What did you enjoy doing in the room?

5. What else do you remember about the room?

IrU tracks 76 - 77: Listen to Ana and Bob talk about their homes. Then answer
the questions.

L Ana lives a city. a. in b. near

2. Her apartment is on the floor. a. 6th b. 5th

3. There is a in her living room. a, big chair b. sofa

4. Ana likes to relax and n the living room. watch TV b. sleep

1. Bob lives In i. a house b. an apartment

2. There are _ people in his family. a. three b. four

3. The children sleep in a. the same b. different

bedroom bedrooms

4. The house has a. a big kitchen b. a back yard

Level 2 • Homework 85
Which words go together? (Circle a, b. or c.)

1. interview tor a. a position b. a resume c. an application

2. accept a. a search b. an ofter c. a site

3. quit a. an ad b. a contact c a job

4. search a. an application b. a job c. the Internet

5. business a. company b. job c contact

6. computer a. hardware b. listing c resume
7. Internet a. assistant b. site c resume
8. job a. company b. computer c. application

Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box.

find out interview unemployed far

position thrilled ad offered

Susan: Are you still , David?

David: No, I'm not. I Just got a with a telecom company.

Susan: Oh. really? How did you about it?

David: I saw an in the newspaper.

Susan: How many times did they you?

David: I had three interviews before they me the job.

Susan: How do you like it so

David: It's great. I'm with it!

Complete the conversations with a form of use / used to.

1. - Do you like watching videos?

- I watch a lot of videos, but now I prefer to read.

2. - Didn't you live in this neighborhood?

-Yes. live on this street, but I moved away last year.

3. - What kind of sports you ptay when you

were in school?

enjoy playing soccer.

Didn't you . work for NBC?

Yes. I did. I be in marketing there.

36 Level 2 * Homework
Complete the sentences with stUI or anymore.

1. 1 ate a big breakfast an hour ago, but I'm — hungry.

2. Can you say that again? can't understand what you're saying.

3. Ted used to eat at restaurants a lot, but he doesn't — _.

4. A: Are you taking piano lessons?

B: No. not

5. A: Do you live on Harvard Street?

B: Yes, I'm in the same apartment.

Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. Make any necessary changes.

work drive do
stay eat watch

Example: James doesn't like to take the bus to work. He prefers <favVlg or; i9 <faltf .

1. 1 don't want to go out tonight. I'd prefer a video.

2. What kind of work do you prefer ?

3. 1 don't want to move tr 3 new house. I prefer In this one.

4. Do you prefer out or eating at home?

5. 1 certainly prefc to being unemployed.

3 ^ track 78: Kim Hunter is calling an employment agency. Listen to the conversation.
Then answer the questions.

1. Frank the Workforce a. works for b. is calling

Employment Agency.

2. Kim Hunter needs to an a. send in b. fill out

employment application.

3. Then someone from the agency can discuss a. next job b. application
her with her.

4. There are usually job a. many b. too many

possibilities for accountants.

5. Ms. Hunter would like to go to the a. this b. tomorrow

agency afternoon.

Level 2 • Homework 87
I* omew
Complete the conversations with the words in the box.

collect hobbies play cards

leisure sports cook furniture
rare collection cakes interesting

1 .
- Do you have any 3. - How do you spend your
- Yes, I do. I like to play
And you? - I like to make
- I like - That's an hobby!

- Really? Which ones? 4. - Do you have a hobby?

- I volleyball and tennis. - I like to I really enjoy
2. - Do you anything?
- What kinds of things do you bake?
- Yes, I do. I have a coin
- Pies, - the usual things.
- Do you have any coins?

- Just one or two.

Match the hobbies with the things people can create when they practice that hobby.

1. art a. a table f. flowers

2. gardening b. a dress g. a drawing

3. making furniture c. a painting h. a jacket

4. playing the piano d. vegetables i. music

5. sewing e. a song J. a bookshelf

Make sentences with going to and the words given.

Example: l/stay home/tomorrow Xm ffPKlg S~tey fawf. i*MQrrOto.

1. Isabel/look for/a new job/next week

2. you/learn/to play the piano?

3. we/play/cards/tonight

4. Donald/not/come/to the meeting/tomorrow?

33 Level 2 • Homework

Rewrite the sentences. Change the underlined words to adverbs in the new sentences.

Tom is a hard worker. Tow iOOrttS hard.

1. Dave is a good card playe

2. My usual lunch is a sandwich.

3. You need to be a careful listener.

4. We are very serious about our work.

Write sentences using the comparative and superlative forms of adverbs.

Example: Tom is a fast driver. Bill is a faster driver. Jerry is the fastest driver.

Comparative: drives -faS-ter -tiwi Tflw .

Or • Jgrry drives -faster Swi
dill ajid Tom.

Superlative: Jfirry driy/eS Ike. -fastest.

I, Anne is a good cook. Steven is a better cook. Barbara is the best cook.

Comparative: — .

Superlative: —— _ ——
2. 1 am a careful worker. John is a more careful worker. Carla is the most careful worker.

Comparative: —
Superlative: .

Q (' V tracks 79 - 86: In the conversations, people are talking about one of the hobbies
below. Listen and write the number of the conversation after the correct hobby.

photography basketball

playing the violin collecting coins

Now listen again and answer the questions below.

The man's team lost by points. a. two b. three

The man found an old, coin. a. Greek b. green

The woman ready for the concert. i. is b. isn't

The man likes the picture of Brad and . a. the woman b. himself

LovtM 2 ' Homework 89

Complete the sentences with the best word.

1. 1 like to lift (weight / weights)

2. How otten do you out? (work / exercise)

3. Sometimes Paul does at the gym. (aerobics / swimming)

4. Do you ever qo .? (jogging / tennis)

5. Walking is a good way to fit. (lose /keep)

6. Ken started a new exercise program. He wants to get shape, (in / good)

7. Do you have a regular exercise ? (start / routine)

8. Fran swims least twice a week, (at / the)

Complete the conversation with the words in the box.

favorite exercise out once kind

doing times often jogging Play

-You lot, don't you?

- Yes. I work almost every day.

- What — of exercise do you do?

- Well, I qo _ most mornings. And I basketball twice a week.

- I don't exercise very much, but I want to do more.

- What kind of exercise do you enjoy ?

- Well, my exercise is swimming.

- How do you swim?

- Not often enough! Only about a week. I'd like to go two or three
a week.

1 1
toack 87: Listen to the tag Questions. Circle the one you hc<ir.

1. do you? don't you? 5. are you? aren't you?

2. Is It? isn't It? 6. can you? can't you?

3. is he? isn't he? 7. did you? didn't you?

A. will you? won't you? 8. would he? wouldn't he?

Q Match the statements on the left with the tags on the right.

t You're Mr. Kim, a. doesn't it?

2. Janet does aerobics. b. does he?

3. Jerry doesn't work out every day, c. won't he?

4. Swimming is good for you, d. aren't you?

5. You don't speak Chinese, e. did you?

6. Yoga makes you more flexible, f. doesn't she?

7. We won't be late. g. didn't they?

8. You didn't know my father. h. will we?

9. Tom will go swimming with us, i. do you?

10. Your friends went by bus, — j. isn't it?

Add tags to the statements to make tag guestions.

1. Your mother is in the hospital, ?

2. You play the viotin, ?

3. They didn't eat dinner yet, ?

4. We need to go now, ?

5. You don't smoke, ?

6. Hanggliding isn't really dangerous,

7. You aren't tired, ?

8. It rains a lot in London. ,

Make short conversations by matching the sentences in column A with the responses
in column 8.

1. Wow! You're in great shape! _ a. Three or four times a week.

2. Why do you exercise so much? _ b. I don't. I'm too busy to

slow down!

3. How often do you work out? _ c. Thanks. I try to stay fit.

4. Are you getting enough sleep these days? _ d. I'm trying to lose weight.

5. When do you find time to relax? . e. Not really —

only about 6 or 7
hours a night.

L*vol 2 • Homework 91


Exercise 1

1. meet; busy; available; get; How; works 2. reschedule; next; good; about; can't; sounds

Exercise 2
1. Will; 'II; 'II; 'II 2. Will; 'II; 'II 3. Will; 'II; Will; 'II; "II

Exercise 3
1.Can see you tomorrow?
I 2. What time can we get together? 3. May I ask you
a question?

Exercise 4
1. May speak to Mary, please? 2. Would you like to leave a message? 3. When would you

like to get together? 4. Could we meet later today?

Exercise 5
1. d 2. c 3. a 4. e 5. b

Exercise 6
1. 2. 3.
Message Messaqe Message

to Ba To Barbara to /Mr. Upez

From Please call Yfl/tfl r,„m J<&ff called- From Martin

a-i 4$S-7t$Z. caned- Heuxlt tall

back -this a-f-teraoon.

Exercise 1

How; Iried; have; that; Rare

Exercise 2
1. e 2. f 3. d 4. a 5. c 6. b

Exercise 3
(Answers will vary.)

92 Level Z • Answer Key

Exercise 4
1, too small 2. old enough 3. too expensive 4. strong enough 5. cold enough

Exercise 5
1. much 2. a lot of or: much 3. much or; a lot of 4. much 5. A lot of or: Many
6. many

Exercise 6
1. some; any; some; some 2. some; any; some

Exercise 7
1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b

Exercise 8
(Answers will vary.)

Exercise 9
1. hungry; bite 2. drink; thirsty 3. take-out; little

Exercise 1

1. a 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. a

Exercise 2
1,Ms. Russo is responsible for hiring new employees. 2. I'm responsible for reporting
the company's finances to the government. 3. Mr. Takamura is responsible for
supervising the sales team. 4. I'm responsible for developing the company's
training programs. 5. We're responsible for managing company operations.

Exercise 3
I. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b

Exercise 4
(Answers will vary.)

Exercise 5
1. IT 2. network; e-mail 3. accounting 4. bills; accounts 5. marketing 6. agency

Exercise 6
(Answers will vary.)

Exercise 1

1. f 2. a 3. b 4. e 5. g 6. d 7. h 6. c

Exercise 2
1. funnier 2. fastest 3. better 4. oldest 5. colder

Level 2 Answer K«y 93

Exercise 3
1. more 2. less 3. least 4. more 5- most 6. more 7. least 8. less or; more

Exercise 4
Can; biqqer; very pretty; put; does it cost; cheaper

Exercise 5
(Answers will vary.)

Exercise 6
1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a

Exercise 1

1. double 2. suitcase 3. make 4. lobby 5. bellman 6. in 7. balcony 6. queen-size

Exercise 2
I. Shall l close the window? 2. Shall order for you? I 3. Shall I ask for the check?
4. Shall I call a taxi? 5. Shall help you with that?

Exercise 3
1.Could please have your name?
I 2. Can have some more coffee?
I 3. Could you take
these baqs to my room?

Exercise 4
1. him 2. her 3. them 4. her 5. him 6. them

Exercise 5
f, them 2. it 3. me 4. him

Exercise 6
check in; sinqle; double; luqgaqe; bellman

Exercise 7
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. b

Exercise 1

1. often 2. Gate 3. round 4. delayed 5. on 6. Passenqers 7- stand 8. peak

Exercise 2
1. a. How often do you have vacation? b. (Answers will vary.) 2. a. How many times
month do you qo to a restaurant? b. (Answers will vary.) 3. a. How
often do you
listen to music? b. (Answers will vary.) 4. a. How many times a week do you practice
your Enqlish? b. (Answers will vary.) 5. a. How often do you work late? b. (Answers
will vary.)

94 Level 7 Answer Key

Exercise 3
(Answers will vary.)

Exercise 4
next; leaving; ticket; please; way; trip; be; catch; Gate

Exercise 5
1. stops at the Latham and Regents Hotels. 2. The one-way adult fare is $12, The one-

way child's fare is $6. 3. It arrives at the airport at 6:50. 4. It's forty minutes from the
Latham Hotel to the airport.

Exercise 6
1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a

Exercise 1

1. sofa; rug 2. sink; oven 3. lamp; curtains; closet 4. dresser; mirror 5. table; mirror;

Exercise 2
(Answers will vary.)

Exercise 3
1. enjoy staying home on weekends. 2. Tim doesn't enjoy traveling. 3. Do you enjoy
reading? 4. Mrs. Lang enjoys shopping for clothes. 5, My friends enjoy going to movies.

Exercise 4
1.Do you like to watch TV? or: Do you like watching TV? 2. Bob loves driving his new car.
on Bob loves to drive his new car. 3. My family loves to travel overseas, on My family loves
traveling overseas. 4. What do you like to do on weekends? or: What do you like doing
on weekends?

Exercise 5
(Answers will vary.)

Exercise 6
Ana 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a Bob 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. b

Exercise 1

1. a 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. c 6. a 7. b 8. c

Exercise 2
unemployed; position; find out; ad; interview; offered; far; thrilled

Exercise 3
I. used to 2. use to; used to 3. did ... use to; used to 4. use to; used to
Exercise 4
1. still 2. still 3. anymore 4. still; anymore 5. still; still

Exercise 5
1. to watch 2. to do or; doing 3. to stay 4. eating 5. working

Exercise 6
1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a

Exercise 1

1.hobbies; cards; sports; play 2. collect; collection; rare 3. leisure; furniture; interesting
4. cook; cakes

Exercise 2
1. c,g 2.d,f 3.a,i 4. e, i 5. b, h

Exercise 3
1.Isabel Is going to look (or a new job next week. 2. Are you going to learn to play the
piano? 3. We're going to play cards tonight. 4. Isn't Donald going to come to the meeting

Exercise 4
1. Dave plays cards well. 2. 1 usually have a sandwich for lunch. 3. You need to listen care-
fully. 4. We take our work very seriously.

Exercise S
1.Comparative: Steven cooks better than Anne, or; Barbara cooks better than Anne and Steven.
Superlative: Barbara cooks the best. 2. Comparative: John works more carefully than I. or:
Carla works more carefully than John and I. Superlative: Carta works the most carefully.

Exercise 6
A. photography A; playing the violin 3; basketball 1; collecting coins 2
B. Lb 2- a 3. b 4. b


Exercise 1

1. weights 2. work 3. aerobics 4. jogging 5. keep 6. in 7. routine 8. at

Exercise 2
exercise; out; kind; jogging; play; doing; favorite; often; once; times

Exercise 3
1. don't you? 2. isn't it? 3. is he? 4. won't you? 5. aren't you? 6. can you? 7. did you?
8. wouldn't he?

96 Level 2 * Answer Kev

Exercise 4
1. d 2. f 3. b 4.j 5. i 6. a 7. h 8. e 9. c 10. g

Exercise 5
1. isn'tshe? 2. don't you? 3. did they? 4. don't we? 5. do you? 6. is it?
7. are you? 8. doesn't it?

Exercise 6
1. c 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. b

Level 2 • Aniwtr Key 97

Audio Script

- What's my favorite kind of food? quess I'm a meat- I

Hi. Luis. Can we meet to discuss the
and-potatoes kind of guy. like to eat steak and I
Borq project?
hamburgers. also eat a lot of pasta, French fries,

- Sure. When would you like to get together?

and potatoes. don't eat very much fish

- How about tomorrow morning? or chicken.

- Sorry. Tomorrow morning's not good for me.
- Are you busy tomorrow afternoon?
- I'm free from two to three-thirty. Does that work
My favorite kind of food? I eat a lot of fruit and
lor you?
vegetables, Ilove salads. I don't eat very much
- Sure does! chicken or meat, but once or twice
I eat fish
a week.
- Hello. May speak I to Elena, please? ACTIVITY 12 TRACK 8 |

- I'm sorry. She's not here right now. - Wok On Fire. May help you? 1

- Could I leave her a message? - I'd like to order a take-out dinner, please.
- Sure. May I have your name? - Yes. What would you like to order?
- Junichi Sato. - Let's see. I'd like some wonton soup ...

- Junichi Sato. And the message? - One wonton soup.

- And the beef with broccoli, please.
- Please -OK.
tell I can't meet her on Friday. I need
to reschedule.
- I'd like a couple of side dishes, too — one order
- OK. Does she have your number? of egg rolls and the calamari.
- Egg rolls and calamari. OK. Anything else?
- Yes. she does. She can call me at work.
- No. that's all.
- All right. I'll give her the message. Mr. Sato.
- OK. Your order will be ready in thirty minutes.
- Thank you. Bye.
- Thank you. Bye.


- Let's go out for dinner tonight. ACTIVITY 1 | TRACK 9

- So you work at XAct Wireless?
- OK. Where do you want to go?
- Yes, that's right
- How about the new sushi restaurant?
- How do you like It?
- Oh. had lunch there yesterday with Susan.

- It's very Interesting! I'm working on three

- Then how about the Mexican place in Oak Street?
different projects at the moment.
- Sounds great! I love Mexican food!
- And what do you do?
TRACK 5 - I'm a project manager.
Derek - Oh, I see. budgets, schedules

What I really like are snacks. You know, peanuts, - ... and weekly reports to the vice president ol
potato chips, candy. I guess I like things that are operations!
salty or sweet. No salads for me - I'd much rather
have junk food! Even when eat a regular meal. I I
usually add salt. Most foods just aren't salty enough Albert
for me.
My company makes airplane parts. supervise I

twenty people in our Chicago factory. It's a hard Job

98 Level 2 - Audio Script

Audio Script 3

and there's a lot of stress. I'd like to find some CHAPTER 5

other kind of work.
TRACK 11 - Stanton Hotel. Reservations. May t help you?
Cynthia - Yes. I'd like to make a reservation.
I'm the director of human resources at a larqe - For which nights?
tlnancial services company. It's my job to help all - January 7th through the 10th.
our employees do their jobs. It's not easy, but I
- And for how many people?
enjoy it. 1 like working with people.
- Just myself.
TRACK 12 - Yes, we have rooms for those nights. Would you
Rlcardo like a single room or a ...?
I work for a software development company. It's a ACTIVITY 8 TRACK 17

cool job! We create multi-media games. write code I

- that's what we call writing software. It's a lot Conversation A

- Come in.
of fun.
- How many bags, sir?
TRACK 13 - These two suitcases and that bag over there.
Karen - Shall take them to the lobby, sir?

work accounting department of a large

in the
- No, to the front door, please. A taxi is picking
clothing store. have to pay the bills and make sure

me up.
we get paid. Most people think my )ob Is boring, but
it's not boring to me. like working with numbers. I TRACK 18
Conversation B
CHAPTER 4 - I'd like to order some lunch. Can you bring it to

ACTIVITY 1 | TRACK 14 my room?

- May help you? - Yes, of course. What would you like to order?

- We were just looking. - Let's see. Could you bring me a salad, a turkey
sandwich, and a Coke?
- We're having a sale on electronics today. TVs and
- Certainly. Your room number, ma'am?
stereo equipment are all 20% off.
- If we get a new TV. we'll have to buy a cabinet -512.
for it.
- No problem! We're having a sale on furniture, too!
Conversation C
- Really? What floor Is that on? - Housekeeping.
- Right upstairs - third floor. - Uh. can you come back later? I'm leaving in
about 20 minutes.
- Yes, sir.
- You always wear such nice clothes, Janet. Where do
you shop? TRACK 20
- Well, different places. buy some clothes at I Conversation D
department stores, but my nicest clothes come - Hello. I'd like to get some information about
from some of the smaller stores downtown. restaurants.
- Aren't their clothes more expensive? - There are several excellent restaurants near the
- Not always — not when they're on sale. And I think hotel. What kind of food do you like?
the quality is better. - I like Italian and French food.
- Do you ever buy clothes on-line? - There's a wonderful Italian restaurant just two
- Not very often. know that you can I find some good blocks from here. Shall call them to make a I

prices on-line, but I like to look at clothes and try reservation for you?
them on before buy them. I
- Thank you. That would be great.

Level 2 • Audio Script 99

Audio Script
[Note: tracks 21-24 are a repeat of tracks 17-20.1 TRACK 29
Announcement C
The 8:30 bus for Cleveland is now boarding at Gate
- Fairmont Hotel. Good evening.
Number 16. This Is an express bus with stops in
- Hello. Could ash you about your rooms?
Utica and Syracuse only. Gate 16 tor the 8:30 bus
- 01 course. What would you like to know? to Cleveland.
- Do you have any non-smoking rooms?
- Yes, we do. Most of our rooms are non-smoking.
Announcement D
- Are the rooms very large?
Your attention, please. The delayed 4:15 train from
- All our rooms are doubles with two queen-size Washington with service to Philadelphia and New
beds. York is now arriving on Track Number 4. We
- Oh, that's great. What is the price ol your rooms? apologize for the delay. Once again, the delayed
- The rate is $175 a night. 4:15 train to Philadelphia and New York now
boarding on Track 4.
- And do you have a restaurant in the hotel?
[Note: tracks 31-34 are a repeat of tracks 27-30.1
- Yes. we have both a restaurant and a coffee shop.
- Thank you very much for the information. ACTIVITY 12 | TRACK 35
- You're very welcome. Bye! - Airport Transit.

- Hello. Does your shuttle service stop at the

CHAPTER 7 Carlton Inn?
- Yes, it does. It stops at all the major hotels
- Excuse me. How often do trains go to
- How often does the shuttle run on Sundays?
- Once every hour.
- Every hall hour. The next one leaves at 3:05.
- How long does it take to qet to the hotel (rom the
- And how long does it take to get there?
- About two and a hall hours. Would you like
- About forty-five minutes.
a ticket?
- And how much does it cost?
- Yes. would. I

- The fare is $12.00 each way.

- One-way or round-trip?
- Thank you.
- One-way. please.
- That'll be $76.00. CHAPTER CHECK ACTIVITY D TRACK 36 |

- And where do catch the train? I

Attention passengers on United Airlines flight

- On track It, 958 to Heathrow Airport in London. This flight will

now board from Gate 28B. Please note the gate
ACTIVITY 7 TRACK 27 | change. United (light 958 to London Heathrow will
Announcement A board at Gate 28B. This flight will begin boarding in
This is the A line to Middleburg with approximately ten minutes.
stops at
Walnut Grove, Neville Park, and the Civic Center.
Transfer at the Civic Center for the B Line. The
doors are closing.
TRACK 28 - Do you live in a house or an apartment. Regina?
Announcement B - An apartment. In fact, my husband and just I

This is Transcom Flight Number

the last call for moved into a new place.
1238 to Kansas City and Chicago. AM passengers - Really? How do you like it?
for Transcom Flight Number 1238 please board at - We like a lot. but it's bigger than our old place.
Gate Number 32. We need to get a new sofa and a rug for the living
room, and a small table and some chairs for the
dining area.

100 Level 2 • Audio Script

Audio Script
- Oh, that's a lot! - How many interviews did you have?
- That's all right. I enjoy shopping for furniture! - Two. There was a first interview with the director
of HR and a second interview with my new boss
ACTIVITY 7 | TRACK 38 and a small team of department heads.
Andrea - So. how do you like the job?
My favorite room is my bedroom. I like it because -1 love it! It's the perfect job for me!
very comfortable and quiet there.
It's I love - We should get together sometime. How about next
reading in bed before go to sleep. I
TRACK 39 - Sounds good. I'll call you Sunday night.

Miguel - Great! I'll talk to you then. Bye.

The room I the most is the kitchen. It's pretty

like - Bye.
small, but has everything need. love to cook,
it I I

and I like to invite people to my house for dinner. C HAPTER IP

Christie - What do you do in your free lime. Jake? Do you
have any hobbles?
Iguess my favorite room in the house is the living
room. My TV is there, and so is my stereo - Yes, make furniture.

equipment. I enjoy listening to music after a long - Oh, really? What kind of furniture?
day at work. - Tables, bookcases, things like that. This weekend
I'm going to make a coffee table. How about you?
Do you have any hobbies?
- Yeah. collect antiques.

My favorite room? Hmm. I'm not sure I really have

one. Well, maybe my study. That's the only place
- Hmm. That's an expensive hobby, isn't it?

where can just be by myself. Sometimes

I I like to - It can be. but I enjoy it!

do that.
CHAPTER 9 Ricardo
Do I have any hobbies? Well, I don't think of this
ACTIVITY 1 | TRACK 42 as a hobby, but I like sports. If I'm not at work, then
- What kind of job are you looking lor? I'm probably playing a sport, watching a sport or
- Well, I'm not sure. As you can see from my reading about sports. In the spring and fall, I play
resume, used to work in sales. I soccer. In the winter, I play basketball. And in the

- You sold computers? summer, play baseball. My wife thinks I'm crazy.

What can say? It's a lot of fun!

- Yes, that's riqht. Computers and network
hardware lo larqe companies in the area. Before TRACK 46
that. sold office equipment to corporate clients.
- We have several possibilities for someone with
Ihave a couple of hobbies. like to play cards - I

your background. Here, have a look at these

mostly bridge. I'm pretty good at it, too. I'm better
than most of my friends. My other hobby is
photography. I'm not very good, but like taking

pictures ot nature - trees, flowers, birds — that

- Brenda Holmes.
sort of thing. I'm going to take a photography class
- Hi. Brenda. It's Don. this summer to learn more about it.

- Don! How are you? Are you still looking for a job?
- Not anymore! I just started a new job at an
Internet company called WebWatch. Ken
- How did you find out about it? What I like to do most is work on old cars. don't I

collect them. only have one car at a time. But

On the Internet - where else?

Level 2 • Audio Script 101

Audio Script
like to find an old car in bad shape and then fix it
up. You Know, replace the parts that aren't working,
paint it, polish it. When I finish, the car looks
beautiful. I really enjov doing that.

[Note: tracks 48-50 are a repeat of tracks 45-47.1

- You exercise a lot. don't you. Tom?
- Yeah, work out at least three times a week.

- What kind of exercise do you do?

- lift weights and swim at the gym. And

sometimes go jogging after work. I

- Idon't exercise at a", but I'd like to start, what

kind of exercise should do? I

- Well, what do you like?

- I like walking. That's exercise, isn't it?
- It sure is! And it's a good way to start!

Hi, I'm Barry. I like to exercise, but I'm not a fitness
freak or anything like that. My favorite kind of
exercise is swimming. usually swim on Tuesdays I

and Thursdays. miss a day. go on the weekend.

If I I

Ialso like to walk. But don't do that as often — I

maybe once or twice a month.

My name's Tonya. I like exercise - in fact. I love it! I

go to an aerobics class three times a week. never I

miss it. And the days don't do aerobics, come to I I

the gym to lift weights. The only day I don't

exercise is Sunday. take it easy on Sundays. I

Hi. there. I'm Timothy. don't really exercise very I

much these days. used to play football at school.


Now just watch it on TV. don't really have time to


go to a gym. work all day. and I'm too tired to do


any exercise after work. After a long day at the

office, just want to go home and relax,

[Note: tracks 55-57 are a repeat of

TRACKS 52-54.]

102 Level 2 Audio Script

Audio Script
Conversation 3
EXERCISE 2 | TRACK 58 - Could I speak to Mr. Lopez, please?
Listen to the conversations and fill in the blanks.
- I'm sorry. He's in a meeting riqht now. Can I lake
Conversation 1
a message?
- Will you be home tomorrow? - Yes, could you tell him that Ed Martin called?
- I'll be home in the morning, but I'll be out all
- Certainly. Mr. Martin. Would you like to leave your
- call you in the morning,
I'll then.
- No. I'll call back this alternoon.
- OK. Thanks.
- All right. I'll give Mr. Lopez your message,
Conversation 2 HOMEWORK: CHAPTER 2
- What time are you coming on Saturday?
- Will you be ready at eight?
Angela and Bruce are talking about dinner toniaht.
- That's early for me. but I'll try.
and answer the
Listen to the conversation
- Great. I'll see you Saturday then. questions.

TRACK 60 - Bruce, we don't have any tood for dinner tonight.

Conversation 3 Can you get some take-out on your way home
from work?
- Willyou be able to meet with me on Thursday
morning. Ms. Hollings?
- Sure. What do you want me to get?
- Hmm. - I'd like something spicy, like Mexican food,
I'll have to check. What time are you
thinking? - I had Mexican food for lunch. Would Thai be OK?
- Will ten o'clock work tor you? - Sure, that sounds great! Make sure you get
- Yes, that'll be fine. some rice noodles.

- Wonderful. I'll see you on Thursday. - I will And I'll get some Thai iced tea. It's so good!

Listen to the conversations

and write down

the messages. exercise 5 | track 65
Conversation 1 Usfen (o Maffhetv, Sharon and Richard talk about
- Hi, is Tina there? their jobs at Jupiter Microsystems. Then answer

- No. I'm sorry. She just left tor the Questions.

- Can leave her a message? Matthew

Iwork In the IT Department at Jupiter. I'm

- Sure. Go ahead. responsible lor the network and the company
- Please ask her to call Yoko at 435-7232. e-mail system. It's a big (obi

- Could you repeat the number, please?

- Sure. 435-7232. Sharon
- OK. I'll give her the message. Iwork in accounting. I'm responsible for paying
Jupiter's bills and managing the company's
accounts. Jupiter's a great company to work fori
Conversation 2
- May speak to Barbara, please?
- She's not here right now. Would you like to leave Richard
a message? I'm the of the marketing department
responsible for developing our
at Jupiter. I'm
- Please tell her that Jell called.
marketing strategy. also manage the advertising

- Does she have your number? agency that creates our ads. It's hard work, but a
- Yes, she does. lot of fun)

- OK. Jed. I'll tell her you called.

Level 2 • Audio Script 103

Audio Script
HOMEWORK: great restaurants, and some nice shops. My wife
loves to shop. And, of course, they had room
EXERCISE 6 | TRACK 68 service. We had breakfast in our room every
Listen to the conversation and answer the morning.
questions. - Did you ever leave the hole!?
- Phone Shopper's Network. May help you? - Once or twice. But we
didn't have to. They had
- I'd like to place an order, please. everything right at the hotel.
- OK. Your first item number?
- The Reiko watch tor $95. How many? EXERCISE 6 | TRACK 71
- Just one. please. Listen to the travel announcements. Then answer
- We have the watch in stock. Your next item? the questions.
- That's it. Just the watch. Announcement 1

- Very good. Your name, please, sir? The 10:15 train to St. Louis is boarding on Track
- Karl Meyer, That's Karl with a "K" and Meyer Number Attention all passengers for St. Louis,

with a "Y". the 10:15 train is now boarding on Track Six.

- Thank you. Mr. Meyer. And your address? TRACK 72

- It's 808 West Hastings Street In Vancouver, Announcement 2
Canada. This is the last call for World Airways Flight 253
- And how would you like to pay for that? to Mexico City. All passengers for flight 253, last
- With a VISA. call at Gate 36.
- That number when you're ready.
- 5541-8964-4573-7007.
Announcement 3
The 9:50 bus trom New York and Washington
HOMEWORK: CHAPTERS. with service to Norfolk and Raleigh is now
EXERCISE 4 I TRACK 69 arriving. Please meet arriving passengers at

- Gate Number 13.

Listen to the sentences. Circle the word you hear
him, her or them.
1. Could you tell him I'm in the lobby? Announcement 4
2. Shall I ask her to make the beds? Train 158 with service to Boston is now boarding
3. Please take them to the registration desk. on Track Four. This train stops in New Haven. New
4. We'll take her to the airport
London and Providence, Rhode Island. All aboard
on track four.
5. I'll help him with his luggage.
6. I'm seeing them tonight. TRACK 75
Announcement 5
This Red Line train is going to Richmond and Walnut
Yuji is talking to a friend about a recent trip. Listen
Grove. Change at Richmond for the Blue Line.
to the conversation and circle the correct answers.
- How was your trip to San Diego, Yuji?
- It was great. We were right on the beach, and we
really liked the hotel. EXERCISE 6 TRACK 76 I

- What did you like about it? Listen fo Ana and Bob talh about their homes.
Then answer the questions.
- We had a beautiful room with a king-size bed and
1 an apartment in the city. It's on the 5th
live in
a spectacular view of the ocean.
floor ofan old building. like my apartment a lot.
- That sounds really nice.
After a hard day's work. love coming home and

- It was. The hotel had a swimming pool, three relaxing in the living room. like to sit on the sofa

Level 2 • Audio Script

Audio Script
and watch TV or listen to music. My bedroom is - Yes. I did. An old Greek piece. It's made of silver,
small, but that's OK. don't spend much time there
I and it's really beautiful.
- except to sleep, of course! - I'd like to see it.

My wite and I and our two sons house- It's
live in a Conversation 3
lairly large, it has three bedrooms, so each ol the - Are you ready for the concert?
boys has his own bedroom. The house has a large - Not yet. But I'm practicing a lot. Every day the
yard in tront and back. enjoy living in the house,

piece sounds just a little bit better.

and my family likes it a lot. too.
HOMEWORK; CHAPTER 9 Conversation 4
EXERCISE 6 | TRACK 78 - I got your pictures. They look great!
Kim Hunter isan employment agency. Listen
calling - Thanks. What did you think of the one of you
to the conversation. Then answer the questions. and Brad?
- Workforce Employment Agency. This is Frank. - I like it a lot!

- my name is Kim Hunter. I'm looking for

Yes, hello, [Note: tracks 83-86 are a repeat of
a job. Can you help me? tracks 79-82.]
- Yes, we can. You need to come to our office and
fill out an application. HOMEWORK: CHAPTER 11
- And then what happens? EXERCISE 3 TRACK 87 |

- Then one our staff will look at your application

of Listen to the tag questions. Circle the one you hear.
and talk with you about it. you?
1. You enjoy working out, don't
- How long does it usually take to help someone
2. Today's Tuesday, isn't it?
find a job?
3. Oave isn't leaving now, is he?
- Well, that depends on what you can do and what
4. You'll be at the meeting, won't you?
jobs are available.
- I'm an accountant 5. You're going swimming, aren't you?

- Oh, we generally have several listings for 6. You can't make it tomorrow, can you?
accounting positions. Can you come in today? 7. You didn't do any yard work, did you?
- Yes, in the afternoon. 8. Sam would like to see us, wouldn't he?
- Great. I look forward to meeting you.

Listen to the following conversations about hobbies.
Write the number ol the conversation next to the
name ol the correct hobby.
Conversation 1

- So how did things go yesterday? Who won?

- They did. It was a great game, though. We lost by
only three points. The final score was 62 to 59.

Conversation 2
- Did you find anything new to add to your

Level 2 Audio Script

Verb Conjugations

Infinitive Present Past Future

be 1 am I was 1 will be
you are you were you will be
he/she/it is he/she/it was he/she/it will be
we are we were we will be
you are you were you will be
they are they were they will be

Infinitive Present Past Future

have 1 have 1 had 1 will have

you have you had you will have
he/she/il has he/she/it had he/she/it will have
we have we had we will have
you have you had you will have
they have they had they will have

Infinitive Present Past
ask 1 ask 1 asked
you ask you asked
he/she/ it asks he/she/it asked
we ask we asked
you ask you asked
they ask asked

| past progress
you are asking you were asking
he/she is asking he/she was asking
we are asking we were asking
you are asking you were asking
they are asking they were asking

106 Level 2 • Verb Conjugal ions

Past Past
Past Participle Past Participle i

ICQ V V left left

begin began begun
IO>c lost lost
ring brought brought
make made made
DUV bought bought
— — „ meet met met
can could
D3V paid paid
caicn caught caught
read read read
come came come
cost cost cost
run ran run

CM saw seen
drink drank
sell sold sold
drive drove driven
tit sat sat
eat ale eaten
spoke spoken
feel felt felt

<*wim swam swum

find found found
tell tofd told
fly flew flown
try tried tried
get got gotten
take took taken
give gave given
wear wore worn
go went gone
write wrote written
hurt hurt hurt

lay (off) laid (off) laid (off)

Level 2 • Verb Conjugations 107

How One Man's Experiment
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In 1878 Maximilian Berlitz started his own
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students speak and understand the language right
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Introducing the New

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