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Fiery for DC 252 not

speaking to copier and Xerox is lost
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View Full Version : Bustled Fiery for DC252 not speaking to copier and Xerox is lost

JasonB 08-17-2012, 10:12 AM

We have a bustled Fiery on a DC 252 that loads system software just fine, LC D comes to zeros every time, but one
day decided not to speak to the copier anymore. The original Video Board EFI bar code label is 04/07 PN:45055230 A
SN:T10128613 PC BA,PLUG-IN,VIDEO,GREBE,ROHS, and Xerox assumed that this board was bad and need replacing
after reloading the Fiery system software and we were still getting the same result. They then put a loaner bustled
unit of the same type on our DC and it worked perfectly. We put the problem unit back on the DC 252 and we got the
same "no printing" situation. Xerox then replaced this Video Board with 10/06 PN:45052757 C SN:T10095459
PC BA,VIDEO C ARD, WESTON,XEROX/FX,ROHS and the tech said in their system this was the replacement board even
though the two looked completely different (IE: the old one was short while this new replacement was the length of
the case. We are still getting the same result -- it takes system software just fine, boots to 00 on the LC D every time,
but does not see the copier. Remember, the loaner works perfectly, so I don't think its the copier. The authorized
Xerox dealer we are working with is completely stuck, so can someone help us trouble shoot what could be the issue

adam1991 08-18-2012, 12:46 PM

When you've eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, is the truth.

I don't at all eliminate the 252 itself here. Your service team has done half of the troubleshooting by trying another
Fiery; now they should take your Fiery and plug it into a 252 of their own that they know works.

Longsock 08-18-2012, 05:55 PM

the fullsize videoboard is for 240/250 bustle fiery and not for 252 bustle fiery

and here's the partnumber 116N00252

did the dealer put the security chip from the old board to the new one ?

JasonB 08-20-2012, 04:53 PM

@ adam1991:

Failed to mention that they tried this controller on another DC 252 and it did the exact same thing - the one our loaner
bustled unit came off of (note that the loaner is working on our machine). So that possibility has been trouble shot.

@ Longsock

I made the same exact observation and said something to the Xerox tech and he told me that this board is
interchangeable and that they have in fact taken both Bustled 240-250 controllers and 242-252-260 Bustled
controllers and loaded the other's system software on them successfully and retrofit them to the other DC series
copiers -- IE: put a Bustled 240-250 controller successfully on a DC 242-252-260 and successfully put a Bustled 242-
252-260 controller on a DC 240-250 when they've been in a jam without the specked matching controller. He swears
the hardware is interchangeable due to this fact. I've confirmed this by searching the web on the subject of switching
the Fiery units, but not about switching hardware, so it irks me that it doesn't seem a specked replacement to the
Bustled 242-252-260 and at the same time we are having this issue. C an anyone else confirm this either way?

NOTE: this is an Authorized Xerox Tech, NOT some 3rd party. Also, the original bustled unit is doing the exact same
thing with the original video board as the replacement.

The security chip comment is interesting though; however, the diagram he left me of the "How to Install" shows a very
similar long board with 2 chips side by side as the original board, where the right side U38 chip is the security chip.
Our original Grebe 242-252-260 Bustled board is shorter and has a U20 chip on the left and then a U30 "space" where
a bay should be if there was a second chip on the right. Since the Install diagram showed the right side bay as the
security chip bay, I thought he installed the card correctly without it since the instructions state to leave that bay blank
if there is no security chip in that bay; but we are talking about a completely different board than what is pictured in
these install instructions - Grebe looks nothing like the Weston board. Is the Left side U20 chip the security chip on the
GREBE board? If so, he did not install that chip - it's still on the Grebe board. C an anyone help with this?

Matt43 08-21-2012, 11:10 AM

1. It has been esatblished that the issue is in the Fiery. Another Bustled unit works fine.
2. the Replaced video board did not resolve the issue. I would also try using the video board out of the
Loaner...posibble bad new part:(
3. if the problem is not resolved by using the video board from a known good controller i would change the
Motherboard in the Fiery.

JasonB 08-21-2012, 03:12 PM

He installed the GREBE video board from the known good bustled Fiery in this problem unit and the unit worked. So
there is no question that it is something with the video board. So what is going on with this full length WESTON board
that is supposed to be interchangeable? Is the chip from U20 on the GREBE board the security chip that is needed in
bay U38 on the WESTON board? Please, can someone from EFI chime in on this problem? We really need this unit up
and running as soon as humanly possible.

thistlegorm 08-21-2012, 04:20 PM


Having looked at the Instal & Service guide for the bustled EX252 about replacing the copier interface ( Grebe ) board
the Security C hip U20 is for 116N252 - the correct board for your Fiery. U38 is the chip for a DC 250 Interface pwb -
as far as I am aware the pwb's are not interchangeable ?, different chipsets, hardware, motherboards, IOT firmware
& software.

Bustled 252:


Bustled 250 Non -Rohs


Bustled 250 Rohs


Also attached the Instructions about preparing the New pwb prior to fitting...


Anders Juul Jensen 08-22-2012, 04:48 AM

This may be abit silly question ... but after software is loaded ... how long do you let the controller "stay" at 00 before
you try other stuff ?

I've seen on several occasions that the DFE need to sit idle (00) for quite a long time before the IOT and DFE restores
communication ... ? sometimes up to 30 mins.

Another point is that loading systemsoftware from a laptop can cause alot of faults. It is acually adviseble to load it
from an USB-Pen ... as a minimum make sure you load software som a WinXP client where NIC Autonegotiation is
disabled ...

just my 2 cents...

JasonB 08-22-2012, 08:26 AM

It boots to "00", other GREBE boards work in it, the WESTON board is brand new (though we've not seen it actually
work), i see from multiple resources that you can install a DC 240-250 Bustled Fiery successfully on a DC 242-252-260,
and we simply get no negotiation between the DC 252 and the WESTON when installed... the big missing factor... just
like thistlegorm's documentation states a video board will act if the security chip feature is not matching up properly.
So... C an a security chip be used from another PENGUIN board from another Bustled DC 250 Fiery controller? The
Xerox rep has a spare Bustled DC 250 Fiery that has magenta banding issues but boots and speaks to the copier.
Since the PENGUIN video board is going bad, can that security chip be removed and put on the WESTON board in the
Bustled DC 252 Fiery controller of ours? From what I see, the WESTON board was a direct replacement for the
PENGUIN board, so would this chip swap work but using our bustled controller and motherboard? Or does the security
chip marry to the original motherboard and hence will not work in our unit? C an anyone verify this possibility?

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