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Musicians Diaries

Heidi Kole

Heidi, originally from Washington, DC, is a singer/songwriter, actress, dancer, voice-over talent,
stunt person for film/TV and author. She lives her life creating art from day to day observations
and experiences. 

Heidi began her career in musical theater, landing her first professional acting job at the age of 15.
In wich she performed with some of the best actors and actresses in the business. From that early
start, Heidi continued to sing, act and dance in productions at local theaters and Universities.

After college, her move to NYC gave Heidi a chance to broaden her horizons, employing more of
her abilities in both musical theater, voice-over work for TV and radio, as well as for National TV,
as a singer/dancer for Liberty Weekend. 

As she continued to pursue all her creative outlets to date, Heidi’s urge to express her own
thoughts and ideas grew stronger, and she turned to songwriting, She reached the finals in a DC
playwriting contest.

Heidi’s most recently published book, The Subway Diaries, documents her personal and artistic
transformation, as well as deep sociological observations made as public performer in the New
York City Subway.

Kurt Cobain

Kurt Cobain was born on February 20 1967, in Aberdeen, Washington. Kurt and his family lived i
Aberdeen, where he had a happy childhood until his parents divorced. He became withdrawn and
anti-social. He was constantly placed with one relative to the next, living with friends, and at times
even homeless

In 1986 Kurt formed the band Nirvana. In 1989 they recorded their debut album and it became
very popular in Britain. Their next album became a 90s masterpiece and made Kurt's Nirvana one
of the most successful bands in the world. Kurt became trampled upon with success and found the
new lifestyle hard to bear.

In February 1992 Kurt married Courtney Love. Nirvana released their next album Incesticide later
that year. The album appealed to many fans due to the liner notes, which expressed Kurt's open-

In September 1993 Nirvana released their next album, 'In Utero', which topped the charts.

On March 4, 1994, Kurt was taken to hospital in a coma. It was officially stated as an accident but
many believe it to have been an unsuccessful suicide attempt.
On April 8th Kurt's body was found in his Seattle home. In his arms was a shotgun, which had
been fired into his head. Near him laid a suicide note written in red ink. It was addressed to his
wife and his daughter. Two days after Kurt's body was discovered people gathered in Seattle, they
began setting fires, chanting profanities, and fighting with police officers. They also listened to a
tape of Courtney reading sections of the suicide note left by Kurt. The last few words were "I love
you, I love you".

Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan was born Robert Allen Zimmerman in Duluth, Minnesota in 1941, He had two wifes and
has six kids.

By the time he was ten, Bob began to get piano lessons and he was beginning to listen to the
country, blues, and the rock 'n' roll played on radio. In his teens, Bob's father bought him an
electric guitar and he started a series of rock 'n' roll cover bands with his friends. Once in college,
he became so excited by folk music that he traded his electric guitar for an acoustic one.

He is one of the most influential singer, poetic songwriter, painter, writer, and nobel prize
honoured of the 20th century whose career began in the early 1960s with songs that chronicled
social and political issues.

Genres he played: Folk, blues, rock, country and gospel.

Instruments he played: guitar, keyboard and the harmonica.

Since 1994, Dylan has published seven books of drawings and paintings, and his work has been
exhibited in major art galleries. As a musician, Dylan has sold more than 100 million records,
making him one of the best-selling artists of all time .He has won over 43 awards and been
nomitated to 27, the most important ones were the Nobel prize, the Grammy's and the Golden

Bob dylan published Chronicles Volume 1, in 2004. In this book he tells the story of his life, how he
becames a musician, the reason he began to write songs.

In Chronicles we learn how much Bob hated being famous, and being called ¨The voice of a

He dedicated his whole life to music, and up to this day he still gives concerts around the world.

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