Torque Calculation

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Roll dimension:

D= 305 mm
l= 1.7 m
V = 0.124205 m^3
ρ= 7700 kg/m^3
m= 956.38 kg
i= 1

Moment of inertia and acceleration torque

J = 11.16187 kgm^2
a= 1.5 m/s^2
α= 9.84 rad/s^2
Tacc = 109.79 Nm

Maximimum motor speed

n_max = 1150 rpm

Maximum linear speed

v_max = 18.36523 m/s

Acceleration time
t_acc = 12.24348 s

Motor nominal torque

Tn = 33.2 Nm

Torque ratio
Tacc/Tn = 3.306895
spceific mass
gear ration

nd acceleration torque
moment of inertia = J = m*R²/2
maximum acceleration according to data sheet
α = a/r
acceleration torque [Nm] =Moment of Inertia [kgm²] X Acceleration [rad/s²]

maximum speed according to data sheet

v_max = n_max*D*Pi/60*i

t_acc = v_max/a

4 kw; 1150 rpm

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