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Sample Activities that can be done in every section of the

5E’s Instructional Design


1. Students will answer a Pre test to check their prior knowledge.

2. Exercises that are very essential for the topic. (for example if your topic is all
about Operations on Functions, you can give them exercises about the
operations on algebraic operations)
3. Recall the past lesson through performance, games, and/or other activities
suitable for the learners.
4. Watch engaging video presentations that are connected to the past/present
5. Observe a picture or set of pictures.
6. Provide students thought provoking questions to ponder. (For example: “Which
is heavier 1 kl metal or 1 kl cotton”?
7. Introduction of the topic.
8. Unlocking of difficulties. ( For example, providing set of vocabulary to be
9. Presenting a KWL Chart ( What I know?, What I want to know, and what I will
10. Answer a caselet.
11. Students share their experiences about a certain thing/event of their lives.
Other Suggestions
12. In the case of social sciences, recall a very controversial issue and conduct
pep talk about it.
13. In mathematics and english , recall a rule that is very relevant in the solution of
a problem.
14. Share a very significant event in the municipality or city where one lives in.
15. Let learners know each other first in order for them to feel comfortable with one
16. Teacher shares a story preparatory to the lesson.
17. Introduce an expert to discuss the background of a topic.
18. In public administration or political science ask students the difference between
the present law and the bill that is about to be introduced in Congress.
19. In science. relate findings of researches relevant to the topic.
20. Share a reflection of the life story of a hero or an important political figure
relevant to the topic at hand.


1. Provide students a set of questions based on the video they watched or

pictures observed.
2. Provide them articles, web links, and other resources to read and explore.
3. Introduce another activity that will lead them to the part to be explained.
4. Examine a particular case that is related to their courses and write their
observations or reflection in a sheet.
5. Provide them an equation to solve where students will employ trial and error
methods to find the solution for instance in the mathematics subject.
6. Let them read rules, properties, or laws of the topic if applicable.
7. Give them an activity that requires them to research either online or offline.
8. Let them answer questions that will lead to the discussion of the lesson.
Additional Suggestions
9. Provide learners online links for them to explore the queries about a topic.
10. Provide them list of library sources to which they can refer to.
11. Provide them activities which will answer their queries.
12. Provide them activities which that are inductive in approach (from particular to
13. Provide them activities that will enhance their relationships with classmates
online like teleconferencing and zoom meetings
14. Assign reading activities in english like essays or editorials and learners will
pinpoint violations of the rules in writing such.
15. Assign individual topics in problem solving, case analyses and research and
research endeavors.


1. Students can share their insights from their readings followed by the
explanation of the teacher..
2. Students can present their observation of their activity.
3. Students can do reporting of the findings from their activities of the explore
4. Students can solve and explain their solutions obtained from a trial and error
method and will be checked by the instructor.
5. Teachers can directly give lectures to the students through video recording and
let the students share their learning.
6. The students can watch external videos provided by the teacher that explains
the lessons and let them react to the video presented.
7. The teacher can provide the summary of the lesson afterwhich learners will
8. The teacher can demonstrate the lesson if it requires a performance based
output and let the students give their reactions/insights.

Other Suggested inputs:

9.Provide students with indepth analysis on the substance of a
problem or a rule.
10 Ask thought provoking questions on the subject matter at hand.
11. Share a contemporary issue and let students explain their side on
12. Encourage the learners to raise clarificatory questions to clear the
matter at hand.
13. Instruct students to explain their answers to the guide questions
given in the engagement part .
14. Encourage students to answer the queries of their classmates and
queries of their instructor/s.
15. Give activities that will clarify doubts in the minds of the learners.


1. The students will answer real life problems that apply their knowledge about
the lesson.
2. If the topic requires mastery through drill and practice, give them exercises to
master the lesson.
3. Let them watch a video or observe a picture that shows the application of the
topic in real life.
4. Provide them case study or word problems that require their critical thinking.
5. Let them perform any activities that apply the lesson. ( For example, delivering
speech, construct a poem, and others)
6. The teacher can provide a set of questions to clarify misunderstandings from
the explain part.
7. The teacher can give additional information that is not covered from the lesson
or provide learning resources for them to read about the application of the topic
in real life.
8. Give assignments for them to accomplish

Suggested activities to consider:

9. Present a case problem and instruct students to identify the issue and suggest
ways to solve problems discovered.
10.Let students summarize a novel or a presentation and share their analysis on
the matter at hand.
11.Let students evaluate the projects done by a group and let them share their
impression on the said project.
12. Instruct students to read very relevant editorials on a newspaper and let
students submit a critique on such.
13. Present samples of research outputs and let students analyze the findings of
14. Assign students research topics and publish the results in the google cr or
canvass for other students to analyze or critique.
15. Let students enumerate social problems , identify the causes and effects and
the possible solutions of these.
That they present such in a matrix form to be submitted via canvass or google cr.


1. A quiz that covers the lesson.

2. An essay but make sure to provide a rubric.
3. A reflection of the lesson.
4. A book report, a model, an output.
5. A performance like a demonstration or execution of the lesson.
6. A problem set
7. A mini research

Added suggestions:
8. A unit exam or a chapter test following the licensure exam format.
9. An output to be submitted as guidelines were made at the engage part.
10. A video of their performance based on the guidelines prescribed by the
instructor like in office procedures or in physical education or in media arts.
11. In humanities or art appreciation, an evaluation of an art work like painting,
architecture or sculpture based on a rubric set.
12. A summary of story or synthesis of a procedure with attached analysis.


Examples of 5E’s Instruction

Area of Specialization: Mathematics

Topic: Conic Sections ( Circle, Hyperbola, Parabola, and Ellipse)

5 E’s Activity Description

Engage Picture Analysis The students will study the pictures by writing
their observation of four illustrations of conic

Explore Q and A The students will answer the set of questions

related to the activity.
● What are the distinct features of the
different illustrations?
● What do you think are the similarities of
the four illustrations.

Explain Let’s watch This! The students will watch a video showing how
conic sections formed and let the students
share their insights about the video they

Lecture Then, the teacher can explain the lesson

comprehensively through a video recording.

Elaborate Research about The teacher will show some pictures that
Application of Conic illustrate conic sections.
Sections in real life.

Evaluate Model of Conic Sections Through a video recording, the students will
demonstrate the formation of conic sections in
a cone.

Area of Specialization: English

Topic: Definition and Process of Communication

5 E’s Activity Description

Engage Recall of Conversation Let them recall their last conversation with
someone and answer the following:
1. What happened in the conversation?
2. Who were you with?
3. What did you talk about?

Explore Show me a Picture The students will study the picture and write
their observations on a sheet.

Expected answers:
● It involves people
● It involves symbols, gestures, and
● There is a sender and a listener.

Explain Lecture First, the students will define communication

based on the activity in the explore part. Then,
the teacher will give lectures about the process
of communication.

Elaborate Let’s go virtual Using google meet, a pair will demonstrate how
the process of communication works. Then the
other students ( audience) will describe the

Evaluate Converse with a family Students will record a conversation with any of
member. their family members. After the recording, share
their insights about their communication with
their subject.

Area of Specialization: Science

Topic: Respiratory and Circulatory Systems

5 E’s Activity Description

Engage Decode the Mystery Words The students will decode a word using the
numbers as clues.

Explore Let us Navigate. The students will browse the internet or search
from their books the definitions of words
decoded in the previous activity and let them
write their answers on the module/discussion

Explain Watch my System The students will watch videos about

Respiratory and Circulatory systems. After
watching, the students will answer the following
question prepared by the teacher.

Elaborate Go beyond Human Let them watch some videos that show the
respiratory and circulatory system of other
Evaluate Quiz BEE. Quiz about the lesson

Area of Specialization: Social Science

Topic: 5 themes of Geography of Countries in Southeast Asia.

5 E’s Activity Description

Engage Recall of 5 themes Let the students recall their lesson about the 5
themes of Geography.
Explore Brainstorming The teacher will give a particular country for
every pair of students. They will identify the 5
themes of geography of the assigned country.

Explain Let’s Report Students will report their findings from the
previous activity.

Elaborate Let’s add more The teacher will provide additional resources or
summary of the lesson.

Evaluate Compare and Contrast Students will submit an output. Their activity will
identify the similarities and differences of the
reported Southeast Asian Nations.

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