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The Devil's Sea, also known as the Japanese Bermuda Triangle or the Dragon Triangle, is
a place created by the union of three vertices that form a triangular pattern on the
map.This pattern is achieved after drawing some imaginary lines between Japan, the
Ogasawara Islands and Guam, forming a triangle.

There, as well as in the Bermuda Triangle, with which it is aligned on the globe, there are
also disappearances of ships, people and airplanes. This mysterious place is in very deep
waters, which used to have islets where ancient sailors rested and which today are under
the ocean.What makes the Devil's Sea so amazing is that there are manuscripts that
speak of disappearances in this very place, where sailors said that dragons lived in the

The truth is that we still do not know what happens, but scientists dare to say that
disappearances are due to the fact that this place has intense magnetic alterations that
make planes and ships become disoriented when they enter the triangle, which would
cause accidents of ships and traces, and would end up in graves of almost 12,000 meters
deep in the area.

However, what really happens is an unsolved mystery.

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