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Case Studies

Patients Participate
Bridging the gap between information access and
understanding in health research


Patients Participate – Case Study Report Patients Participate – Case Study Report

This report presents case studies inspired by a workshop organised as part of the JISC-
funded Patients Participate project, in June 2011. The project brought The British Library,
UKOLN and the Association of Medical Research Charities together in partnership, for a
Acknowledgements 2 feasibility study which aimed to explore the potential of developing a useful body of lay
BACKGROUND 3 information for patients and those interested in biomedical and health research.
The Patients Participate workshop brought together The types of organisations helping to make this
people from different communities – patients, type of information more accessible for patients
CASE STUDY 3: ASTHMA UK 6 carers, researchers, charities, and technologists – to include charities, universities, patient organisations,
explore motivations and challenges to biomedical the NHS and scientific publishers. Many medical
information access, comprehension, and use. In research charities involve patients in making
CASE STUDY 5: EUROSTEMCELL 8 order to explore some of the issues raised in the funding decisions and therefore require scientists
CASE STUDY 6: Cancer Research UK WIKIPEDIA PROJECT 10 workshop in more detail, we sought to answer to include a lay description of their research
the question: Who is currently producing easy- in their funding applications. This shift towards
KEY FINDINGS 11 to-understand information relating to biomedical patient and public involvement has developed in
DEFINING TERMS 12 research for the public, and how do they do it? recent years. A broad range of approaches and
To this end, we interviewed people within key varying relationships with patients and the public
information-providing organisations to provide the now exist. Many organisations also translate and
case study narratives contained in this report. communicate research outputs to the public, by
producing plain English summaries of biomedical
Patients and the general public are interested in research findings. This requires significant time and
understanding biomedical research for a number effort and not all organisations are able to dedicate
of reasons. Some members of the public have resources to such a service.
a general interest in science and would like to
understand where public funding and their own These case studies are not intended to be a
donations are being invested. Patients tend to comprehensive analysis of all approaches

Acknowledgements have more personal reasons such as to: build up

knowledge of their own conditions; understand how
undertaken to communicate biomedical research
but they are illustrative of the methods some
new findings are relevant to them; feel empowered organisations employ and highlight the challenges
to make informed decisions on treatments and in doing it well. We hope they will serve as examples
The project team would like to thank all those who, following the workshop,
whether to participate in clinical trials. With the ever of useful methodologies and approaches for others
agreed to give further of their time and experiences for follow-up interviews.
expanding amount of online information available who are starting out and those trying to increase
We would like to thank Liz Woolf, Debbie Rodbard, Kristina Elvidge, Malayka
to patients, a number of questions arise such as how the volume or improve the quality of their lay
Rahman, Hélène Faure, Melissa Norton, Henry Scowcroft and Emma Kemp.
best to meet their biomedical information needs; communications or seeking to include patients in
This project has been funded through the JISC eContent programme 2011 on
what types of information do they find most useful?; their activities in meaningful ways.
developing community content:
what formats are easiest to access?; and how do they identify reliable and trustworthy sources?

More information on the project is available at:

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Patients Participate – Case Study Report Patients Participate – Case Study Report

Case Study 1 Case Study 2

CancerHelp UK Muscular Dystrophy Campaign

A dedicated team of specialist nurse writers Involving patients and researchers in producing lay information

Cancer Research UK uses a range of channels to communicate and engage with The Muscular Dystrophy Campaign (MDC) developed its current research
patients and the public, including blogs, Facebook, Twitter and their own website. communication service several years ago. The central aim of the service is to make
Through these platforms they have built strong connections with patients and the public research advances in neuromuscular conditions more accessible for patients and the
and regularly recruit people from this network to review a range of activities and services. public. A very small team translates scientific articles into easy-to-understand language.
CancerHelp UK is their flagship patient information website, providing easy-to-understand They provide patients with different layers of useful information, including weekly news
information about cancer and cancer care. As part of this service, the CancerHelp UK stories on the charity’s website and a quarterly research magazine. Priority coverage is
team provides plain English summaries of clinical trials that recruit UK participants. Having given to the outputs from research groups funded by MDC and stories covered in the
clear, easy-to-understand information about a trial is crucial for patients considering popular press relating to neuromuscular conditions.
enrolling in it.

CancerHelp UK recognises that information describing trials, trial answer the patients’ questions, In developing their research links to individual papers and While this approach has helped
clinical researchers often find phases and outcomes is also is pitched at the appropriate communication strategy, MDC further information are provided. increase the number of trials
it challenging to write in lay available on the site. level and avoids jargon of any recognised the challenge of In order to allow patients access MDC is able to cover, the bottle
terms. As a result, CancerHelp kind. The CancerHelp UK team knowing what information would to the research articles that neck in the process now occurs
UK employs a dedicated team When developing the works hard to make sure that the matter most to patients and underpin their news stories, MDC at the point of editing summaries
of specialist nurse writers, with CancerHelp UK website, information relating to a trial is their families and providing that have become the first UK charity authored by the volunteer
defined skills and training in extensive evaluation and review kept up-to-date. Feedback from information at a level they would member of Patient Inform. This researchers.
writing for lay audiences. The was undertaken to test whether patients on the service has been find useful. MDC appreciated allows them to place links on
team has years of clinical the information it provided very positive. the importance of patient their web page, which provide Setting up their communication
knowledge and experience, was easy-to-understand and input in helping to define their access to the full journal article. research group (Talk Research)
which is considered critical in answered patients’ questions. Central to the CancerHelp communication approach and has proved beneficial to the
translating technical information The team have since developed UK approach is empathy for therefore established a research MDC also produces lay charity in a number of ways:
relating to the trials in a way their own guidelines, editorial patients: communications focus group, summaries of clinical trials, but
that patients will find useful. policies and style guides, ‘Talk Research’. The group meets struggles with the volume of new
Having dealt with patients’ founded on patient feedback. annually to provide feedback on studies. They therefore decided “The
 Talk Research group
questions in a clinical setting the CancerHelp UK still finds, that “We
 always try to think of language, content and structure to involve the researchers they has been central in
team understands the types of the skill of plain English writing the patients - what they for the MDC website and fund in this process and asked
changing the way we
practical issues that concern is universally undervalued and will want to know and publications and suggest topics PhD students and postdoctoral
the difficulty in getting it right is researchers to write lay communicate research
patients. what their main concerns of interest. The patients who
underestimated. participate in ‘Talk Research’ find summaries. The response was information at the
CancerHelp UK produces a plain might be. It is key to positive; fifteen early-stage Muscular Dystrophy
the process very rewarding and
English summary for each trial, From a pragmatic point of remember less is more – researchers saw this as a useful
often become involved in other Campaign ,we now do
including information from the view, the sheer volume of opportunity to gain experience
information posted on the
to take a step back and activities, including lay review of
it with our patients. It has
trial protocol and the patient grant applications. in research communication.
CancerHelp UK website means think what it is you want to also become an important
information sheet. The patient In order to support these
information sheet is intended that it is impossible to test all
of it with patients. To ensure
say in the simplest terms. ” MDC recognised, through researchers, MDC provided them entry route for patients to
to provide all the necessary consulting with patients, with instructions, a template
quality, the CancerHelp UK become further involved
information relevant to patients that there is a wide range of and examples of well written
and the public so they can team has a rigorous internal understanding and information summaries, along with a glossary in the committees that
make an informed decision editorial process to check that requirements amongst patients of common technical, scientific make decisions on our
the information provided will
about participating in a trial.
However, the sheets are highly
and the general public. In order
to address these different needs,
and medical terms to avoid.
The team found the researchers
research funding. ”
variable in quality, length and information on their website is involvement valuable and hope
For further information contact:
content. This is one of the main carefully structured. Short, simple to expand this programme.
reasons that CancerHelp UK felt CancerHelp UK: overview paragraphs lead on
it was necessary and valuable to Email: to more detailed information, For further information contact:
provide plain English summaries Website: covering background contextual
Kristina Elvidge
relating to cancer trials on information, research findings,
their website. In addition to lay CancerHelp UK policies and guidelines are all available online: what this means for patients Email:
summaries, general supporting themselves and those with Website:
cancerhelp-uk/cancerhelp-uk-policies/ related conditions and finally, Patient Inform:

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Patients Participate – Case Study Report Patients Participate – Case Study Report

Case Study 3 Case Study 4

Asthma UK PLoS Medicine

Established patient and public involvement Editor-authored lay summaries with every article

Asthma UK has a well-established programme of working closely with people affected PLoS Medicine is a peer-reviewed, international, open-access, web-based journal
by asthma to ensure that the research they fund is responsive to their needs. Asthma UK publishing original research and analysis relevant to human health. The journal is
started to involve people affected by asthma in the research process in 2003. As a result, produced by the Public Library of Science (PLoS), which was founded by scientists in
patient representatives helped to develop their research strategy in 2006 and continue order to provide unrestricted access to scientific research outputs. PLoS journals have,
to be involved in a variety of ways. Research and Policy volunteers review proposals for as one of their core principles, the aim of; ‘developing tools and materials to engage the
new research and will help to decide the charity’s new funding priorities. A Reader’s interest and imagination of the public and helping non-scientists to understand and enjoy
Community also comments on health information produced by the charity. scientific discoveries and the scientific process’

When lay involvement on Asthma UK also sought advice The charity is currently updating To this end, some PLoS journals of these summaries is therefore in all their journals. Such tools
funding review panels was first from a range of organisations its research strategy and is provide lay summaries alongside something they could consider in allow users to engage with the
introduced, the charity surveyed who work in this area, including keen to build evaluation and research articles. PLoS Medicine the future. information in new ways - adding
researchers to understand their INVOLVE, the NIHR and other measurement of the benefits of includes a lay summary ratings, notes, links, and threaded
PLoS Medicine is a highly selective
attitude to involving patients charities. The guidance patient and public involvement embedded within every research discussions to articles. It also
journal, publishing a small number
and the public in funding review document they produced in their activities. article they publish, written by provides readers with a set of
of high quality research articles
and also to understand the includes an explanation of the journal’s staff and freelance guidelines on good practice
within the journal’s scope,
barriers researchers faced in peer review, a description of Asthma UK recognises the editors. These are pitched at a for this kind of on-line activity.
allowing their editors to feasibly
writing lay summaries. Taking on the role of a lay reviewer and a particularly valuable input level that the general public, Despite the availability of these
write a summary for every article.
board the issues and concerns set of questions that should be that people affected by a with no medical or biomedical tools, readers do not utilise them
Writing them takes time and skill
raised through this evaluation considered while reviewing a condition are bringing to the background, can understand. routinely. It would be interesting
and so scaling up these efforts is
exercise, they posted information lay summary. Volunteers review overall knowledge base of the The aim of these summaries is to understand the reasons that
not possible for journals publishing
condition: to make all published articles researchers and the public
on their website to explain why lay summaries in groups, thereby larger numbers of papers (for
accessible to anyone who do not engage in a two-way
the charity had decided to benefiting from peer support. example, PLoS ONE publishes
wants to try to understand them. communication process offered
involve lay people, alongside Clarification on research terms about 1000 articles a month).
practical guidelines and tips can also be provided by the “A lot of people think that Equally, summaries can be useful
to scientists wanting to assess
Other PLoS journals therefore
by these technologies.
for writing lay summaries. Asthma UK team, though the doctors and scientists are take a different approach, It is clear that the best way to
quickly whether an article is
Communicating the value of idea is for Asthma UK to get the experts but actually asking researchers to author achieve the mass production of
one they would like to read in
the process to researchers has involved as little as possible. people with asthma are summaries aimed at a broader lay summaries has not yet been
more detail.
taken some time, but feedback scientifically literate audience. worked out, and is a challenge
Asthma UK is also cognisant often experts themselves Even professional editors, who These summaries tend to be a
from researchers has been facing publishers too:
positive. In fact, scientists on of the level of trust the public – they’re the ones who write for a variety of audiences, little more technical in language
the research review panels say places in the information it know what it’s like to live admit that it can be challenging and so are less accessible for the
they find the lay summaries very provides. This is particularly salient
now that such a large volume of
with their condition. To me,
to write lay summaries well. A set
of internal style guides helps to
general public. While this model
does allow a higher volume of
“I would love to see
useful, especially when reviewing lay summaries with all
information of variable quality both types of knowledge ensure consistency in structure summaries to be written, their
proposals outside their own area research articles and
of expertise. is available on the internet. are important and have and language. These guides usefulness to a lay audience may
consist of broad headings that be reduced. scientists interacting more
When involving people
Asthma UK therefore provide
patients who may wish to take
equal value. ” provide a framework for the
PLoS is an innovative publisher,
with the lay public. I think
affected by asthma, the charity part in research studies with information that needs to be the scale of the task is one
pushing traditional boundaries
considered the particular types an information pack including included and a list of ‘Do’s and
and pioneering new approaches of the biggest issues facing
of support; guidelines and details of what is expected from Don’ts’. Researchers get the
to communicating science. It
information lay people would participants and a glossary opportunity to check summaries
and add links to other websites
has experimented with rapid
us in this area.”
need to feel empowered to take of terms. publication platforms in ‘PLoS
an active role in reviewing lay and resources, but for the most
Currents’ and novel online tools
part they do not change the
summaries. They worked with the
content substantively. PLoS
Alzheimer’s and Multiple Sclerosis For further information contact: For further information contact:
Medicine has not yet actively
Societies to develop and deliver Malayka Rahman Melissa Norton
promoted or marketed their
training on understanding the
Email: journal to non-professionals or Email:
basics of research for volunteers.
Website: highlighted the lay summaries Website:
The training also included a
to a wider readership. Making
session on science and the Guidelines for comments:
Research strategy: patients and the public aware
media. In developing their own
guidance notes for patients,

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Patients Participate – Case Study Report Patients Participate – Case Study Report

Case Study 5 Case Study 6

EuroStemCell Cancer Research UK Wikipedia Project

A public website emerging from scientific collaboration Embracing existing crowd-sourced health information resources

Stem cell research and regenerative medicine are complex, cutting-edge areas of A central aim of Cancer Research UK is to provide the public with reliable high-quality
science generating a great deal of public interest. The website aims information about cancer. Like many other charities, Cancer Research UK has embraced
to help European citizens make sense of stem cells, by providing a central multilingual new technologies such as online forums, Facebook, Twitter and blogs as routes to
resource of reliable, independent information and educational resources on stem cells communicate and engage with patients and the public.
and their impact on society. The project emerged from a scientific research project on
stem cells with a small, but very successful outreach component. Although charities play an users and the practicalities of attempt to improve a site’s Google
important role in providing specific creating and editing pages. rankings. So far, Cancer Research
information, the information UK’s efforts appear to have
This represents an exciting
The current four year project by a social scientist with to actively involve patients landscape is becoming been accepted by the wider
new departure for charity
focuses entirely on engaging a background in public in its work. The evaluation, in dominated by a small number of Wikipedia community; the next
communications and has
the public with stem cell engagement with stem cell combination with on-going key players. Increasingly, Wikipedia step will be trying to develop a
received a high level of media
science, using the website as a research. All resources and consultation with patient groups, the online encyclopedia, features way to measure how effective
interest, including a leader and
hub. The project continues to activities are piloted and will now help guide plans for at the top of results when doing a this work has been. As a charity
a full-page article in The Times.
have the support of scientists; evaluated with audiences on patient resources. Plans include Google search. Wikipedia works that must be prudent with its
Some of the coverage in the press
it brings together more than an on-going basis. A formal new patient-oriented material on a model of crowd-sourcing its resources, Cancer Research UK
was slightly misleading however;
90 European stem cell and evaluation of the website for the website, such as disease- content – anyone can sign up to has to consider the impact of
intimating that Cancer Research
regenerative medicine research through an online survey and a specific factsheets and clinical create and edit pages. This model its engagement with Wikipedia,
UK was about to quality-assure
labs from 12 contributing partner series of telephone interviews trials information. The project works on the assumption that most the level of resource that should
cancer-related information on
organisations. has been completed. Scientists also hopes to develop a tool users can be trusted and that the be devoted to this initiative
Wikipedia. This misunderstanding
interviewed said they consider for face-to-face engagement community will work to filter out and how to integrate it with
A team of six people developed highlights potential issues for
the information to be accurate, between scientists and patients, incorrect or conflicting information. existing activities.
the website, to provide charities who want to engage
clear and reliable and educators with a particular focus on stem Many organisations might be wary with Wikipedia in being clear that In the same way that Cancer
information and educational using the teaching materials cell research in neurological about taking on the vast task of they are not responsible for all Research UK was inspired by
tools, including short films, have indicated that they find diseases. editing the information contained of the related information and hearing about the NIH initiative,
interviews, frequently asked them useful. The evaluation
The EuroStemCell team is aware on Wikipedia, since finding the cannot guarantee its reliability. so, their work has begun to
questions, news pieces, fact demonstrated a clear need for
of the importance of continually resources, while also maintaining inspire others:
sheets and teaching materials. multilingual materials. From the Having learned how to create
They come from a range of evaluating their service and their own communication
outset, the project planned to Wikipedia pages, a small group
and information channels, is
backgrounds including scientific
research, education, business,
translate the website and the approach:
a challenge. In addition, the
of Cancer Research UK staff
from the various communication
 Wellcome Trust, Medical
educational materials into 10 information on Wikipedia is Research Council and
social science and professional languages, and the availability sections volunteered to
science communication. This of accurate information and “Never
 become dynamic and although large
volumes of information can be
contribute in their spare time.
others are currently looking
core team works closely with complacent - it is easy to This means that the editorial into hosting their own ‘Wiki
educational materials in local created quickly, issues arise since
researchers, ethicists and languages is likely to be one of lose your own sensitivity to process benefits from different Academies’. It feels like
clinicians from the 12 project no one person has ownership,
the central positive outcomes of jargon when you work in a perspectives and expertise of the there is a ground swell of
partners and beyond. The and no-one can ‘sign off’ a
this project. individuals involved.
particular area for a while, final version. interest in engaging with
input of scientists provides the
even as a lay person. The Cancer Research UK Wikipedia and I would like
team with expert knowledge Another important outcome Until recently, Cancer Research
group has been careful not
about the latest scientific has been feedback obtained Keep going back to the UK had only peripheral interaction to see organisations such as
to contravene any Wikipedia
developments and the key issues from patients on how to better with Wikipedia but a project in the charities and funders coming
audience and to your etiquette. For example, the
in the field. Written materials cater for their needs. The project US inspired them to explore this
for the website are developed had plans to develop new, goals.
” possibility. The National Institutes
Wikipedia community frowns together to share resources
with the researchers, who draft dedicated materials for patients of Health worked with Wikipedia
upon organisations linking out to
their own websites too frequently,
and work together ”
content which is then edited but had focussed in its first to teach scientists how to edit
as this can sometimes be an
and adapted for lay audiences year on educational materials pages relating to their science.
before being reviewed by a for other groups and had yet Cancer Research UK contacted
second researcher. The editorial the UK branch of Wikipedia to For further information contact:
process ensures that all content arrange a similar training session, Henry Scowcroft
on the website has an expert For further information contact: thus initiating the first UK ‘Wiki Email:
stamp of approval. Emma Kemp Academy’. Participants learnt
Email: about social etiquette amongst
The project includes a dedicated CRUK created page:
editors, how to engage with other
evaluation component, led Website:

8 9
Patients Participate – Case Study Report Patients Participate – Case Study Report

Key findings A lay summary with every

The Patients Participate! workshop participants produced a set of recommendations on
UKPMC article
how best to enhance the communication of biomedical research. These were further
explored through the case studies, demonstrating that where patients and the public
have been involved in the research process, a number of positive outcomes have been Getting there
observed. Patients find the experience rewarding and charities benefit from their unique
and valuable perspectives and experiences.

If patient involvement is to increase, biomedical
research needs to be made more accessible,
alongside more extensive production of easy- • Patients • Research • Charities
to-understand, plain English information relating • Consumers scientist • Funders
to research. Patient – is used in this report to describe any
individual who has an interest in a disease- Who? • Public • Publishers
This was expressed as the desire to have: condition from a personal perspective; they may
also be carers, parents, advocates, survivors
‘A lay summary with every etc. This is to differentiate them from the general
public who may have an awareness of a given
UKPMC article’ ‘We want access’ ‘We want support’ ‘We do this already’
condition, but not personal experience of it and
In order to achieve this goal there is a clear its impact. Definition from the AMRC, Natural
need for further action, including the need to; Ground report.
1. Share learning across organisations on
the best approaches to producing lay
Patient and public involvement – ‘An active Can we involve? Can we learn? Can we encourage?
information relating to conditions, treatments
partnership between the public and researchers
and the latest scientific research findings,
in the research process, rather than the use of
including mechanisms to;
people as the ‘subjects’ of research. Active
• Share guidelines, structures and involvement may take the form of consultation,
standards for producing lay summaries collaboration or user control. Many people
• Develop methods to evaluate lay define public involvement in research as doing
research ‘with’ or ‘by’ the public, rather than Guidelines, Guidelines, Share learning &
• Involve patients, the public and
‘to’, ‘about’ or ‘for’ the public.’ Definition from How? training, tools training & skills resources, funding
the national advisory group, INVOLVE.
researchers in the process
• Improve visibility of existing lay
summaries, and link to research articles

2. Explore the best online mechanisms to

deliver lay information relating to biomedical
research to patients and the public. These
could include use of existing platforms,
websites and social media or purpose
built technologies and tools. If quality of
communications are to be maintained, on- Charity
going feedback will be essential. It would Where? Patient
website New
be interesting to look at the reasons why
existing on-line feedback mechanisms are
not being used.

3. Investigate the resource implications and

sustainability. Biomedical research funders’
and publishers’ support in producing lay
summaries of biomedical research will be key

Likely outcome?
to achieving the goal.

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