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KRA 12 No 34-62 OFC 302


Monday 3th, September 2020

Volkswagen Colombia
Colombia Country

Good day;
attending to the emergency, Due to the impact of climate change and the destruction of the
environment, we have decided to transmit this report, to analyze the sustainability of our
planet earth.
Among the causes, it is worth describing the higher sales of Sport Utility Vehicles, more
pollutants due to its weight and dimensions.
you are the most polluting car brand, followed by Renault-Nissan, Toyota, General Motors
and Hyundai-Kia.
That's why the carbon from your car manufacturing increases global gas emissions
destroying much of the ozone layer.
the life of our planet depends on us, use another method of mobilization that does not affect
our nature. Together, we will protect nature, animals, and people.
I make a demand so that it does not contribute to the contamination of the earth, If you start
using electric cars more, you will help solving the problem with cars' fumes.
We can produce,take care of the environment and create wellness in our communities at
the same time.
Thank you for your help, I look forward to hearing from you.
Please, feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Ricky Fernando Neira
Ocupation: Manager
Phone: 031-345 68 5i

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