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Gabisay, Ayrcel Maye O.

Block – 3D

Lesson Review

1. C, Community immersion (CI) is a related learning experience program requiring student nurses
to live and work within a selected remote community.
2. D, From both a public health perspective and an educational perspective, immersion of student
nurses in the community raises awareness of future nurses of the health needs of the
community and of the psychosocial dimensions of any health problem

Multiple Choice

1. A, C. There are 4: Title, Authors, Submission date and Pagination. In the choices, A and C are the
possible answers.
2. B. Introduction talks about:
a) What is the study all about?
b) How it is related to Nursing?
c) Rationale of Community Health Nursing
d) Rationale of Community Organizing

3. C. Content: Briefly state names of mentors and other people with significant contribution to the
research study.
4. C. Community profile have the following: Geographic identifiers, Population profile, Socio-
demographic profile, Socio economic indicators, Environmental Indicators, Health Profile,
Communication Resource, Morbidity and Mortality data and Analysis of data. These are
important matters that can support the study.
5. A, B, D. Vicinity map is not included in the choices for it is not part of geographic identifiers.
6. A. It was clearly stated in the formula.
7. A. Reference is where you get help from the other authors to make the study possible.
8. B, C, D. These choices are clearly stated under the health profile. Health seeiking
behaviours/awareness is lacking.
9. D. Those numbers are still needed for the computation of the dependency rate of the
10. B. In the formula it is divided by the total lot area in sq. meter

The muddiest point

In a ¼ sheet of paper, you will respond to this one question: “In today’s session, what was least clear
to you?” Everything is clear for me but in formulas, it is sometimes confusing.

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