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Angel Marie A.

Villaverde 09/02/2020

Conducting Interview

My Clinical Instructor said this many times to us that learning is not only acquired in the
four corners of the classroom but can also be gained outside or in the community where there
are a lot of actual experiences that can be observed. Especially in this Community Health
subject according to them there will be a lot of exposure will happen but then this pandemic
happens. I couldn’t go outside and was afraid of getting the virus. As a student nurse, it didn’t
stop me from learning things even though we couldn’t go outside of the house. I still learned a
lot of things from this subject and especially from my clinical instructor.
To be honest I didn't like talking to people when I got to Naga. But when I entered
Ateneo it became a whole different world to me. They are honing students to be a great
communicator at some point. Talking to the communities and getting involved with it. In my
Senior High School experience here in AdNU I get to talk to different communities and be
exposed to them so this topic is not new to me. I conducted a couple of interviews that time but
now having this subject in College is different. It is different from what I have learned and it is
different in Nursing. I learned that the interviews conducted in a community as a Nurse is to
focus more on the health of the client and it is really a large scope even the socio economic of
the client will be asked. Other than the interview from the social worker it is pretty different they
just gonna ask the same questions like the socioeconomic but they are not focusing on health
so much. It is different from guidance counseling.
Aside from that, I learned that we should sympathize with our client in the community. If
she/he is having a hard time being sensitive will not hurt them. Empathizing is different from it.
But both of them can connect to the client. Doing some interviews in the community is a great
builder of friendship which I love. Just starting this sem in this subject makes me excited and I
hope to learn more about the community especially in the health field.

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