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nictitating membrane: a whitish or translucent membrane that forms an inner eyelid in birds,
reptiles, and some mammals. It can be drawn across the eye to protect it from dust and keep it
moist. ; in the eyes
2. tympanic membrane: transmits sound waves to the middle and inner ear, allowing a frog to hear
both in the air and below water ; behind the eyes
3. dorsolateral dermal plica : to protect the body from hazards ; down the frog’s back
4. external nares : used for breathing ; on top of the frog’s snout
5. cloaca : tube that serves as the exit for reproductive fluids and waste products ; near the end of the
large intestine
6. sinus venosus ; a cavity that brings blood to the atrium ; in the heart leading to the atrium
7. Pyloric valve: regulates the exit of partially digested food from the stomach; between the pylorus of
the stomach and the duodenum of the small intestine.
8. Ventricle: pumps blood out of the heart to the lungs and other parts of the body ; located at the
bottom area of the heart, behind the posterior vena cava
9. Glottis: opening to the lungs ; located behind the tongue
10. Eustachian Tube: tube that connects to the middle ear to equalize air pressure ; located at the angles
of the jaw
11. Tongue: catch insect of their food ; attached in front of their mouth
12. Posterior Vena Cava: carries blood from the posterior part of the body towards the heart ; a tube
located at the bottom of the heart
13. Truncus Arteriosus: carries blood away from the ventricle into branches that leads to all parts of the
body ; an artery that is between the left and right auricle
14. Left pulmonary vein - blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the different
parts of the body; location: thorught the lungs
15. Right pulmonary vein - blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart; location:
throughout the lungs
16. Left anterior vena cava - large vein that carries blood from the heart towards the anterior part of the
body; location: below the left carotid/systemic/pulmocutaneous arch, left side
17. Right anterior vena cava - large vein that carries blood from the anterior part of the body toward
the heart; location: below the right carotid/systemic/pulmocutaneous arch, right side.
18. Liver - secretes bile nad processes digested food molecules carries in the blood from the ileum;
location: below the heart
19. Gallbladder - sac which stores bile; location: located under both under the heart and liver
20. Bile duct - tube which carries bile from the gallbladder and digestive juice from the pancreas into the
duodenum; location: runs on top of pancrease to small intestine
21. Pancrease - gland which secretes digestive enzymes into the duodenum; location: behind the liver to
the left of the stomach
22. Duodenum:  The anterior (front) part of the small intestine into which food passes from the stomach;
first portion of small intestine
23. Ileum: used for the final stage of digestion and helps them to absorb nutrients that weren't absorbed
by the small intestine; The back part of the small intestine
24. Large intestine: Posterior organ of the digestive system which stores undigested food
25. Spleen: Organ in the frog’s circulatory system that makes, stores, and destroys blood cells;
located within the mesentery between the stomach and large intestine.
26. Mesentery: Holds coils of the small intestine together
27. Urinary bladder:  The organ that collects and stores urine until released
28. Coelom: where it acts as a protective cushion for their internal organs

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