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26th March 2020 (Chaitra, Shukla, Dwatiya)

Review of 25th March 2020

1. Did you read some book? Yes/No
2. Did you look for any of the online course websites? Yes/No
3. Did you listen to a TED talk? Yes/No
4. Did you ponder over the Morning Mantra? Yes/No
5. Did you participate in the online Housie? Yes/No

If you have answered at least three ‘YES’, you are a learner. If all the responses are ‘NO’, you are a
learned person. Eric Hoffer’s quote for learners and the learned is very appropriate today.

“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find
themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer
- Eric Hoffer

Activity 03/250320/Online Housie

Yesterday we asked you to choose 5 numbers from 1 to 20 as a part of online housie.
Housie and Factory?
The two do not resonate with each other. But there are 5 numbers which are very
important at the factories. These are the winning numbers of our housie today.
The numbers are 3,4,5,6,7 (each signifying a concept – 3 M (three MUDA’s); 4 M (four
change management M’s – men, machine, materials, methods); 5 S (Seiri, Seiton,
Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke); 6 Sigma, 7 Wastes.

We thank the following participants who sent their entries for the housie:
Arpita Bhamre, Arvind Desai, Bikash Mandal, Chirag Patel, Chirag Jethwa, Chirag Thakkar, Dharmesh Patel,
Diviya Israni, Girdhar Kabra, Hiren Padsala, Hasit Joshi, Kaumil Patel, Kushboo Raval, Mayur Patil, Mritunjay
Kumar, Mihir Shah, Nimesh Parmar, Payal Chaturvedi, RB Jain, Rajendra Jain, Rupesh, Sandeep Wankhede,
Sonal Harsiddhe, Taral Maheshwary, Vaidehi Mehta, Vikram Raval, Yash Parmar, Yogesh Chandak.


Winner of the Day (25th Mar’20)
There were four activities given yesterday. We are pleased to announce three winners, who
have read these carefully and have responded on these. They are Mr. Yash Parmar, Ms.
Diviya Israni and Mr. Bikash Mandal.

Activity 05
Here is a powerful, engaging and fascinating game – 24GAME, created by Robert Sun, an inventor,
creator and entrepreneur. You have to make 24 using the four numbers on the card. You can add,
subtract, multiply and divide. All the four numbers are to be used, but once only. The two cards for
today are as follows:

Card I Card II

Send your solutions on email to

(Source: 24 Game Cards)

Activity 06
Select 5 Alphabets from A to Z. (This time there is no trap!). Alphabets matching closest with
the ones kept in our envelop, gets a prize.

Useful Websites
There are a number of websites that offer online course, free or paid. The quality of inputs in
these is world class. One must visit these websites and look for useful courses.

▪ Coursera ▪ MIT Open Courseware

▪ Udemy ▪ BBC Podcasts
▪ Stanford online ▪ TED-Ed
▪ Harvard extension ▪ UV Berkeley Class Central

Activity 07
What did you do today, that made you feel proud?
Spouses Corner
We welcome spouses of our team members to get involved in this ‘spouses corner’.
Here is a beautiful write up on taking time. Request you to add two lines of your own and send
your responses us.
Take time to love; because it is the secret of eternal youth.
Take time to laugh; because it is the music of soul.
Take time to read; because it is source of knowledge.
Take time to hear; because it is the power of intelligence.
Take time to think; because it the freshness of childhood.
Take time to dream; because it is breath of happiness.
Take time to live; because time passes quickly and never returns.

Children’s Corner
Here are two KEN-KEN Puzzles of 4x4 grid. The grids are divided into heavily outlined group
of cells – often called ‘cages’ with a target number, with a specific mathematical sign. You
have to fill numbers (1,2,3,4) in each of the cells in such a way that the numbers are not
repeated in any row and column. And the target number in the cage is obtained with
mathematical operator indicated, with the numbers that you fill in each cell.

Send photo of your solutions on WhatApp.

An initiative of RR Global

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