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Astarte didn't expect that she'd end up surrendering herself to the bogeymen of her

childhood. Still, having reached this point, she couldn't falter.

A new wave of determination welled up within her chest, and as the contract's
drafting ended, she stared deep into Konrad's eyes.

"What do I have to do?"

"Place a drop of blood on the contract."

Nodding, Astarte cut open her thumb, then pressed it on the demonic contract.

The letters glittered and dived in her forehead to lodge themselves in her soul.

Her eyes shone with purple light, and although the bloodline level hadn't changed,
Astarte's cultivation talent and comprehension rose to brand-new heights.

Moreover, she obtained Konrad's Origin Sight and a unique physique. A physique
high-ranking demons could bestow, but never possess:

The Infernal Armament Physique.

The first step to becoming a fiend!

Humankind was the most malleable race within the three realms. In ancient times,
fiends were born from mighty demons experimenting on human beings, granting
them aspects of demonism, twisting and overloading their bloodlines with infernal
energies and unwittingly triggering the creation of the Infernal Armament Physique.

The height of a fiends' bloodline level entirely depended on its demon creator. The
higher the creator's bloodline level, the more powerful the fiend's would be. Thus,
although they could never rival their creators' bloodline level, the mightiest fiends,
those created by the Demon Primogens, often surpassed the average high-ranking
demon in terms of bloodline level.

Meanwhile, the Infernal Armament Physique not only provided them with dreadful
strength, speed, and resilience, but it also drew from the demon master's essence to
grant them a demonic weapon similar to their creator's lineage weapon.

In Astarte's case, it would, of course, be a war hammer, and while she still had no
cultivation level, the formidable strength coursing through her veins convinced her
that she could lift mountains!

Still, without the bloodline transformation and aspect granting, she, at best, qualified
for a quasi-fiend.

"Thank you, master, for your blessings!"

Overflowing with emotions, she exclaimed and fell on her knees. In her mind, Konrad
had already turned into an idol, a supernatural patron who in less than one hour
completely transformed her life.

"Don't thank me so soon. For now, I withhold the other half of your boons. When I
deem you worthy, you shall receive them. Meanwhile…”

A set of mnemonics flew from his mind to hers, embedding themselves in her soul.

Those were the mnemonics of a unique cultivation method he'd exchanged for her.

"This is the Battlelust Scripture. For now, I give you the Semi-Holy Rank version and
will give you the higher ones as you progress. With this method, your growth pace
depends on how much you fight. When you condense your Battle Will, your strength
will sharply rise."

Astarte no longer had words to express her thanks, so she just kowtowed, and
renewed her pledge of eternal allegiance.

With a mental message, Konrad contacted one of the Semi-Saint delegates who soon
appeared within the room.

"Greetings, master!"

"You take her out on a night hunt. Her targets are low-level Arch-Rank experts.
Preferably in groups of three or four. Help her locate the targets and prevent foreign
interference. Besides that, do not help her in the slightest. If she can't defeat her foes,
she can die."

"As you command, master!"

Astarte, who was starting to think of Konrad as a good person, was immediately
disillusioned. The master did not lie; in his eyes, innocence really had no worth. As
long as someone's death served his purposes, their blood would flow, guilty or not.

As the reality settled within her mind, she inwardly pledged to become a blade of
unequaled value within Konrad's heart.

Then, alongside the Semi-Saint, she left for the hunt.

"Right now, her new physique only grants her ten-thousand kilograms of arm
strength. Roughly equivalent to a third step Arch Knight. Moreover, she has no battle

Making her hunt down groups of low-level Arch-Rank experts, are you not sending
her to her death?"

Yvonne asked in incomprehension. While she could see that Konrad's actions
stemmed from high expectations, she failed to grasp why he put such lethal pressure
on a girl he'd just lifted from hell to heaven.

"If she can't even pass this test, she might as well not live."

"Odd. Why do you treat her so differently from all others?"

Hearing this, Konrad closed his eyes and lied onto the bed.

"Because she somehow reminds me of someone."

His mind then drifted to a scene that lied buried within his soul.

In a dark, rainy night, the Earth version of Konrad wobbled on one knee with blood
flowing from his abdomen.

"To think that I perish not for the things I did, but for the things I can do… a pity.
There really is no justice in this world."

He sighed while seven men wearing Kevlar vests and black helmets surrounded him
with firearms.

"Don't make this more difficult than it needs to be. Who knows, you might even
survive for a few weeks. After all, they first need a thorough examination of your

Said the team leader while keeping his rifle aimed at Konrad.

Were I mighty, why would I need to endure this? Unwilling… I'm really… unwilling.

Alas, wallowing in unwillingness is the privilege of the feeble.

Oh, by the way, I'm pretty sure I screwed your wives…”

As the flashback ended, Konrad's eyes opened to Yvonne lying by his side, eyeing him
with her hessonite hues. For a silent hour, they stared into one another's eyes, not
saying a word.

The quiet exchange would have carried on, were it not for the knocking sound that
disturbed the moment.

Knock Knock Knock

Their eyes shifted toward the door, behind which they could feel a maidservant's

"Lord protector, please forgive the disturbance, but the eldest princess wishes to see

"Oh? Is that so?"

Konrad's lips curled into a fiendish smile, and he turned toward Yvonne who grinned
with impish glee.

"Well, it seems like I will soon have a new sister. Do go easy on her."

"Tonight or tomorrow?"
"Since we're only here for a few days, the sooner, the better. Let's go with tonight."


They bumped fists, and he kissed the right corner of her lips.

"Tell the eldest princess to wait for me within the courtyard. I'm on my way."

He told the maidservant who patiently stood at the door, before rising from the bed
and heading out.

With several leisurely steps, Konrad appeared within the courtyard, and there, Lena,
the eldest princess awaited.

This time, she wasn't dressed in her royal golden dress. Instead, she wore a blue,
laced, backless maxi dress that perfectly highlighted her curves and showcased her

"Good effort."

Konrad inwardly commented and stopped before her with his arms crossed beneath
his back.

"Greetings, princess. I'd say blue suits you, but I'm sure you must have heard such
perfunctory compliments at least a thousand times, so I will just let my entranced
gaze express my thoughts."

Konrad jested, pulling a mild laugh from Lena's lips.

"The compliment's value depends on the person. As long as they come from you,
protector, even perfunctory ones are a delight to the ears."
While the sight of Konrad's purple hues captivated Lena's eyes, his lips curled into a

"In that case, allow me to say that you look ravishing."

With a bright smile, Lena curtsied.

"Thank you, protector."

"Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, may I know why you wish to meet me
in the dark of night?"

Konrad asked, his jesting tone replaced by a serious, inquisitive one.

"I wanted to apologize, and if possible, dispel our misunderstandings."

Lena politely replied, with her fingers crossed and her breasts squeezed between her
arms. Thus, enhancing her cleavage's view. Still, Konrad's eyes didn't shift from hers.

"Oh? Please elaborate."

"During the banquet, I didn't mean to antagonize you. I hope you can understand
that both my father's life and my country's reputation were at stake. Therefore, I
could only adopt that stance."

She began in an apologetic tone, and Konrad nodded.

"Moreover, though narrow-minded, my father is, after all, a seasoned cultivator with
more than one thousand years of experience and centuries of reign. Even if he
wished to poison you, there is no way he could have used something as strong and
instantaneous as what caused my second brother's death.

Therefore, in one way or another, someone anticipated his move and tempered with
your plate, hoping to blow the matter into what it currently is. That much is a fact."

Lena added while seeking answers within Konrad's gaze. But she was disappointed
to see that no ripple flashed on his face.

According to her mother, Augusta, and her own observations, Konrad was the most
likely culprit. How he accomplished it, however, was what they failed to understand.

Again, Konrad nodded. His smiling face undisturbed.

"I naturally understand these truths. But as a Holy Flame Dignitary, I have my
country's face to preserve. Using such opportunities to wrest more benefits is how
politics is conducted. As our future crown princess and empress, I hope you can
learn from this event, and avoid falling into such traps in the future."

With a gracious bow, Konrad turned heels, startling Lena who'd not expected such a
prompt departure. Men usually battled for the opportunity to admire her from afar.
Why was it that this one looked so unimpressed by her charms?

Before Konrad could take another step, she held onto his sleeve.

"Please wait. As part of my apology, I wish to show you the royal palace's

"Oh? Sure thing. After you, then."

Konrad replied while freeing himself from her grasp.

Taking the lead, Lena led him through the royal palace. Though they seemed to be at
a walking pace, their speed had already surpassed fifty kilometers per second. With
a few steps, they arrive at one location which Lena would jovially introduce before
moving toward another one.

This carried on until they dived into the inner court and stopped before the five
meter's tall statue of a riveting woman holding a vase from which water poured into
the fountain below.

Seeing that woman, Konrad was startled while Lena's eyes shone with adoration.

"Does the lord protector recognize this woman?"

"How could I not? Throughout the Holy Continent, who doesn't know the face of the
Celestial Church's Founder?"

"And do you know her background?"

Konrad shook his head, his ignorance brightening Lena's smile who stepped closer
toward him before carrying on.

"Though our ancestor's position in the Celestial Church was quite low, we, after all,
originate from there. Therefore, I know a bit about the Celestial Founder's

Her name was Isylia. From her mother, she descends from the Warden while her
father is an existence that in his time shook the Celestial Realm: The Great Primal
Ancestor, founder of righteous dual cultivation."

Konrad's eyes shone with surprise.

"Her story is a tragic one. Though born with incomparable beauty, talent, and status,
she failed to fulfill the most elementary of a woman's heart's desires: To bring her
love story to a good end.

She fell for the most overbearing of the Infernal Realm's Seven Stars: The Infernal
Founder, Marduk. A pity that their forbidden union not only bore fruits but caused
her father's demise."

Again, Konrad's eyes widened.

"The Great Primal Ancestor is… dead?"

Lena nodded.

"If Marduk received the Overlord's protection, the same couldn't be said for lady
Isylia. In such matters, women always carry the most blame. Leading gods of the
Celestial Realm and members of the Warden's house were adamant on putting her to

The Great Primal Ancestor single-handedly battled all those mighty gods, and killed
many of them, making God-Blood drench the Celestial Realm's sky.
And thus, forcing the Warden to make an appearance. While the Great Primal
Ancestor was an existence on the Cardinal Lords and Infernal Kings' level, before the
Warden, he could raise no storm.

Still, since he was born from Heaven's Origin, the Warden couldn't kill him without
repercussions. Meanwhile, the Overlord's shelter of the Infernal Founder elicited
outrage from many mighty infernal figures. And for some reason, Marduk went mad
and attempted to kill the Southern King, Talroth's eldest son and head of the Seven
Infernal Stars: Malkam.

Thus, antagonizing Talroth who'd remained neutral till that point.

Therefore, in a grand summit gathering the Overlord, the Warden, the Infernal Kings,
and the Cardinal Lords, in exchange for the Great Primal Ancestor's life and the joint
captivity of the twins, a compromise was made. I believe you know the rest."

Konrad nodded.

"They were banished here to spread the faith and ended up killing one another for
the futile hope of keeping their children safe. But why are you telling me all this?"

"Because on this particular night, as I wonder what can push a woman to harm her
bright future for the sake of a lethal tryst, I feel especially close to the Celestial

Lena muttered and turned toward Konrad who could see the light of yearning
flashing within her eyes.

"And why is that?"

He asked, as if unable to see through her thoughts.

"Because my heart… no… I want you."

She declared, her mesmerizing blue eyes intently staring into his purple hues.

"You appeared like the fulfillment of my dreams. From the moment I saw you, I knew
that in this life, there could only be you."

While not losing eye-contact, she stepped forward, her face an inch away from

"I like your natural overbearingness that puts the men surrounding you to shame,
your eyes whose beauty transcend this world, your decisiveness, your unconcealed
heartlessness, your acknowledgment of your evil self, and all the things I have yet to
find out."

Konrad frowned, his eyes betraying a perturbed look.

"But you are…”

"I know, I know."

Leaning in, she let herself drop on Konrad's chest and wrapped her arms around his
back. Her warm, hefty chest pressing him.

"I'm your future crown princess, between you and I, there can never be anything.
However, I cannot contain my feelings, because I know I will never find another like

Her grip tightened around Konrad's back while unwillingness to let go shone within
her eyes.

At that time, her half-mermaid scent attempted to invade his senses.

In the classification of races, mermaids belonged to the bewitching clans. While their
bewitching abilities couldn't compare to succubi, they were still substantial.

Of course, with his bloodline level, such tricks held no sway on Konrad. Still, he
couldn't let that break the act.

As if resisting the urge to embrace Lena, his arms trembled while his heart beat

"Could you… let me sing for you? I wish to let my songs tell you how deep in my
heart you lodged yourself."

Lena whispered, following what she saw as his inner struggle.

And there it was.

“…as you wish."

Letting go of Konrad, she stepped back, sitting by the fountain to begin her chant. For
some reason, the mesmerizing tune that followed perfectly meshed with the echo of
trickling water by her side.

And concealed within that tune, Konrad could feel an enthralling force attempting to
overwhelm his senses and lead him into Lena's arms.

So he just followed the scheme, and as if driven by instinct, stepped toward her and
lowered his face onto hers. Even as his lips brushed hers, Lena's singing went
uninterrupted. Only when she saw the flaring desire within Konrad's eyes and felt
his palm on her cheek, did she stop.

Leaning in, she took his lips into hers for an ardent kiss.

A fatal mistake, because as their tongues intertwined, and his demonic saliva
dripped into her throat, she could feel her body heating up with an eruption of lust.

The script went wrong.

Alarmed, she attempted to free her lips from Konrad's. But at that time, the orchid
scent he restrained erupted with its full might, overriding her mermaid aura and
overwhelming her senses.

"You're right, I'm overbearing. Since you made me want you, then I must have you.
Whose betrothed you are… is absolutely inconsequential."

Konrad declared after breaking the kiss. Still, he held Lena's chin between his right
thumb and index.

"Who… what… are you?"

She stammered, her cheeks flushed red, and her eyes glazed with lust.

Konrad's lips formed a devilish smile as purple mist emerged from his pores to dive
into Lena's.

"Wrong question. But I'm still going to give you the right answer. When you feel the
need to scream my name, remember, it is Konrad."
Konrad replied with his eyes shining with purple, demonic light and Lena finally
realized she'd thrown herself into the wolf's den.

Worse, it was now evident that from the beginning, they were being schemed

However, she couldn't give those thoughts much attention because as Konrad's eyes
peered into hers, she could not resist the desire to pounce onto him and shred his
Forgetting all decorum, Lena grabbed Konrad's collar, shredding it in a brisk tearing
sound before forcing him out of his robe. The robe dropped onto the ground,
revealing a physique that transcended the combination of the most outstanding
traits between Adonis and Hercules.

Aware of his prey's plight, Konrad freed her of her dress, albeit with more

The anticipation created by his hand unstrapping her dress' strings moistening
Lena's nether regions. And thinking of how she was about to be defiled under the
Celestial Founder's gaze, she couldn't help but tremble from a mixture of shame and

Unhurriedly, Konrad lowered the blue dress from her shoulders to her feet, and even
as he reached her knees, his eyes had never left hers.

Lena's body was thus bared to the night. Her breasts wore no garments and bounced
free to Konrad's delight. Meanwhile, her crotch was still covered by laced underwear
that required prompt removal.

In the same tantalizing slow manner, he lowered her panties, setting them aside
before standing to admire the magnificent body that surrendered to overflowing

Konrad's rod rose to action, towering before Lena whose eyes widened at the sudden
meat expansion. And although she'd received formal training on how to "serve" her
future husband, theory and practice were different, after all.

But then, her eyes made a brief turn between Konrad's eyes and rod. All hesitation
thus vanished, and she gripped the base of his meat lance within her hand,
lubricating it with her spit.

She gave it a few slow pumps but then realized that just stroking was not enough to
satisfy the voracious hunger devouring her from within.

Therefore, she directly took it into her mouth, letting her new sense of debauchery
replace her sentience and guide her as she took it all the way to the hilt.


A loud, gulping sound echoed while Lena gagged on Konrad's shaft. Spreading her
legs, she brought her fingers on her clit, rubbing it as she went up and down
Konrad's shaft at an increasingly rapid pace.

"Let me take care of that."

Konrad opened his mouth, sticking out his demonic tongue which, at Lena's shock,
expended until it reached 1.8 meters in length. Before she could react, the elongated
tongue wrapped itself around her body, enlacing her breasts, waist, and hips.

It then pulled her hand aside to fall on her flower bud. Flicking itself over it before
climbing toward the clit and teasing it with masterful expertise.

Pleasure and lust then took over, and disregarding the strange sight, Lena fell on her
knees, focusing on her cock-sucking duty while Konrad's tongue toured her breasts,
nipples, hips and snatch.

The licentious sounds they produced soon eclipsed the fountain, with Lena
swallowing Konrad's rod as if her life depended on it. The rod throbbed within her
throat, announcing the arrival of Konrad's peak.

Alas, Lena's own body could no longer resist the demonic tongue.


Her eyes rolled back, and she climaxed on Konrad's extended tongue. But as she
recoiled from the orgasm's intensity, Konrad forced her back onto his rod with a pull
of his right hand and released his spunk down her throat.


He groaned, before letting go of the gagging princess. She collapsed against, the
fountain walls, legs wide open and eyes dazed.
With a fiendish smile, Konrad retracted his tongue and beckoned.

A vast surge of telekinetic power lifted Lena from the ground, aligning her with
Konrad's still erect shaft. Activating the Hundred Flowers Scripture, Konrad
established the mind-meld, and for once, used it to peruse his partner's thoughts.

"Oh, so it was mom's idea? Tss, tss, tss."

Golden and purple light erupted from his shaft, and before Lena could reply, the
telekinetic force impaled her on Konrad's rod, breaking her hymen in one go.

"Ooooh… ohhh… ohhh!"

A succession of animalistic groans flew from her lips as the dual lights spread within
her and turned her invaded cave into a maelstrom of violent pleasure.
Subconsciously, she wrapped her arms around Konrad's neck, and her legs around
his waist, folding around him like a butterfly before starting her frantic ride of his
meat rod.

"I say… we pay her a visit. My harem lacks a mermaid."

Konrad spread his spiritual sense across the Royal Palace, locating Augusta who
currently enjoyed a nocturnal bath within the royal bathhouse. With one hand
around Lena's waist, he stepped forward, turning into a beam of light to shoot
toward the bathhouse while Lena carried on with her self-fucking.

In less than a second, they reappeared within the royal bathhouse, the sudden flash
of light alarming Augusta who remained in her mermaid form.

"Who da…”

But before she could finish her words, Augusta was shocked by the sight of a
towering, naked mortal god having his massive rode ferociously mounted by a silver-
haired beauty she could effortlessly recognize as Lena, her daughter.

Pah Pah Pah

Undisturbed by the change in scenery, Lena kept smacking her bubble butt on
Konrad's shaft, her juice flying and tumbling onto the ground in a depraved mess.
"Konrad… Konrad… Konrad!"

She roared in unbearable bliss and again climaxed, this time on his shaft. Devoid of
strength, her body went limp and would have dropped onto the ground were it not
for the support provided by Konrad's arm.

Laying her onto the ground, he then let his eyes fall onto Augusta who was still
recovering from her shock and failed to assess the situation.

"Greetings, new mother-in-law… soon to be harem member… a complicated

relationship, I must say."

Konrad greeted with a fiendish smile.

"Lena would have never compromised her impending marriage with Adelar von
Jurgen by offering herself to you. What did you do to her?"

A frowning Augusta asked while rising from the water to float above the ground with
her mermaid tail brushing it.

"Following all her bold declarations, I'm forced to disagree.

Konrad shrugged while appreciating Augusta's mature body.

A brief assessment was enough for her to realize that Lena must have horribly failed
in her seduction attempt and had the tables turned on her instead. However, unlike
the sixth step Semi-Saint Lena, she was a peak-stage Profound Saint with pure
mermaid blood.

Therefore, she didn't believe she could succumb to Konrad's tricks. On the contrary,
given enough time, he would succumb to hers.

"Why don't we negotiate?"

She asked, her voice carrying hidden mermaid melody while her aura permeated the
air and assailed Konrad's senses. A true mermaid didn't need to sing, their voice
alone enough to bewitch their preys.

"Oh? What do you offer?"

Not losing her smile, and undisturbed by the sight of her unconscious daughter lying
with copious spunk dripping from her lips and flower bud, Augusta carried on the
silent seepage of Konrad's senses.

"Instead of returning to your country, and surrendering all your gains to the holy
emperor, why don't you make this your home? Though non-spirits can't rule
independent realms, you can still be a nominal vassal.

I can support you in combining five states into one and make it your domain. Thus,
you can become our country's first sovereign prince while still possessing more
power than the king.

If that's not enough, we can give you the court title of grand preceptor, in charge of
all official matters. King in all but name. What do you say?"

In the Holy Continent, the title of grand preceptor was a very dangerous one because
its wielder could, in theory, grasp more political power than his monarch. Usually, to
avoid trouble, it was conferred to the strongest house elder who nominally held it
while focusing on secluded cultivation.

In the Holy Flame Empire, the peak-stage Crossed Tribulation Saint, Adalwin von
Jurgen was the grand preceptor, both in the reign of Olrich, his father, and

"Denied. I have another proposition:


Bright purple flames erupted from Konrad's body, shattering the hidden melody and
mermaid aura within the air to barrel into Augusta.

"Oh… shit."

She cursed, realizing that from the beginning, her abilities had no sway over Konrad
who clearly was no human being. And as she attempted to challenge the purple
flames, another realization struck her.

They didn't bring physical harm. They targeted the mind's desires. Alas, even her
Profound Saint cultivation was not enough to resist their might. In a flash, her
suppressed lust erupted, and Konrad turned into the manifestation of all her

Unable to maintain flight, she dropped onto the ground and her mermaid slit
moistened by the second.


"Oh, for sure, I will fuck you good."

Konrad pledged before taking leisurely steps toward Augusta, intent on giving her
the pounding of a lifetime.

At that time, Lena awoke with her first words being:

"Wait… don't forget me."

Meanwhile, the third princess was about to join her mother in the bathhouse.
However, as she approached, a loud succession of smacking sounds backed by frantic
moans echoed from the door.

Alarmed, she stopped. For while she possessed no experience in the topic, even a pig
could tell what was going on.

The possibility of her mother having an affair within the royal bathhouse, forcing her

"Wait, it can't be. Mother is very cautious of gossips. Even if she wanted to carry out
an affair, she wouldn't start tonight… or here. It must be someone else! How dare
they sully our bathhouse?

The nerves!"

Full of righteous indignation, the third princess stepped toward the door and shoved
it open.

What she saw startled her. In her mermaid form, her mother laid face down on the
floor, eyes rolled back and her tongue lolling out while "the delegation protector"
smacked his hips against her ass, pounding her from above with his massive rod.
Meanwhile, Lena sat before her mother, legs spread, and forcing her to lick the spunk
that still trickled from her snatch.

"More… more… more!"

Augusta roared while pulling her face out of Lena's snatch.

"Mother, don't speak with your mouth full."

Lena admonished before pushing Augusta's face back into her snatch.

Alarmed by the decadent scene, the third princess yelped and closed the door, her
heart rate skyrocketing.

Of course, her intrusion didn't escape Konrad whose lips curled into an amused
smile. He then returned to the task of driving his cock into Augusta's mermaid

"Didn't see anything… I didn't see anything… I didn't…”

The third princess repeated to herself while leaving the royal bathhouse. However, as
she reached the exit, she was shocked to see her father standing before her,
depression still shining in his eyes.

"Aaah! Father, what are you doing here?"

The depressed water alliance king's eyes lowered onto his youngest daughter, too
grief-stricken to see the oddities within her gaze.

"I wanted to chat with your mother and was told she was having a nocturnal bath
here. I'm on my way to see her…”

Knowing that another disaster was about to strike her house, the third princess' eyes
widened in fright.

But as she floundered, the water alliance king walked past her, taking unsteady steps
toward the inner bathhouse.
(WARNING: As requested by a reader, I put here a netori warning. If you can't
stomach it, you know what to do.)

"Wait, stop!"

The third princess exclaimed and rushed to stop her father, arms outstretched to bar
his path.

"What do you mean by this?"

The water alliance king asked, perplexed by his youngest's unusual behavior. The
third princess wanted to say that she was saving him from the humiliation of a
lifetime, but since such words couldn't leave her lips, she refrained.

Instead, opting for a more diplomatic approach.

"Mother specially instructed me that she didn't want anyone to disrupt her.
Especially after today's debacle, she just wishes to relax without disturbances."

Hearing the words "today's debacle," Ernst floundered. On this day, he didn't just lose
his power as monarch and his country's autonomy, most importantly, he lost his face
as head of household.

Though he grieved the second prince's death, even his demise couldn't compare to
that loss of face. Alas, in the hierarchy of the things he cherished, even face only
ranked second.

The first would always be his life. Therefore, he had to cave in. And imagining the
profound disappointment his actions must have elicited in his wife, he sighed and
turned heels.

Now, Ernst also realized Konrad was the most likely culprit of the setup. However,
even if he knew, what could he do? Only when the elders came out of seclusion could
he have his revenge!

Determined to pull them out, he turned heels, and the third princess who saw his
departing form heaved a sigh of relief.

Alas, she'd forgotten the efficiency of a Saint's senses.

Because of a short break caused by the mating group's change in positions, when
Ernst arrived, he heard nothing alarming. But as he reached the door, the loud
smacking sound resumed, and though the bathhouse was still far from him, his Saint-
level hearing made it impossible to miss.

Clearly able to identify the sound of flesh meeting flesh, he stopped. Yet, he didn't
immediately turn back, first letting his ears feed him information. Quickly, he
identified another sound, that of messy fluid flying and tumbling onto the ground.

Then it came, the sound he absolutely didn't wish to register:


Two distinct female voices lost in reckless moans.

Ernst trembled and turned heels, his eyes bloodshot.

"Father… why are you not leaving?"

But as she saw the look in his eyes, the third princess realized that the shameful
matter was no longer concealable. They were exposed!

Paying her no heed, Ernst walked by, and with a succession of large, angry steps,
walked toward the bathhouse's door.

Seeing this, the third princess was alarmed.

"Wait, wait! You can't enter!"

As they approached the door, Ernst stopped, turning toward his daughter with his
incensed look unchanged.

"Speak true, who is in there?"

Seeing the murderous look in his eyes, the third princess floundered. But since
things had reached this point, she could only try on overt maneuver.

"Father, please have mercy! Eldest sister and her prime attendant are having an illicit
relationship with the royal guard commander. To preserve her face and yours, please
don't enter!"

The third princess proclaimed and fell on her knees. Knowing that concealing was
impossible, she could only choose a setting her father would willingly avoid. The
royal guard commander was his most loyal official and last trustworthy retainer in
these chaotic times.

There was no difference between exposing him and asking him to join the

And indeed, the water alliance king frowned. Not only did he not want to potentially
antagonize his most loyal retainer, but he also profoundly wished that the third
princess spoke true.

Alas, as the moaning sound rose, it became evident that she deceived him. Because
effortlessly, he recognized his wife's voice. Except that the volume she currently
produced surpassed anything he imagined her capable of.

Blood left him and he paled with his face losing all color. Still, he turned toward the
door handle, his body shivering and extended his hand toward it.

"It can't be… can't be…”

He inwardly repeated to console himself and strengthen his resolve, and while his
heart thumped with a mixture of anxiety and dread, he couldn't stop himself.

With a brisk move, he pulled the handle and opened the door.

His eyes thus fell onto his life's most horrible nightmare.

*Pah* *Pah* *Pah*

"Ahhh… ahhh… ahhh!

Yes… my lord protector… yes!"

Augusta groaned, bent on two human legs with her hands against the wall while
Konrad hammered her cushy rear from behind. Meanwhile, Lena's cunt was getting
played by his masterful fingers as she voraciously kissed his lips and moaned in his

Since they faced the wall, the mating group could see neither Ernst nor the third
princess. Not that their presence mattered. The bathhouse overflowed with an odd
mixture between the stench of animalistic sex and an orchid fragrance.

Seeing a scene arguably more barbaric than the previous one, the third princess
didn't know what to say.

And Ernst… well… let's just say that his heart was in a terrible place.

His bloodshot eyes almost popping out of their sockets, he took several trembling
steps into the room. As he walked, his weight seemed to visibly diminish while the
erratic drumming of his heart echoed in the ears of the gathered individuals.

He didn't care about his daughter getting boned. Daughters would get boned
anyways. Her unfaithfulness was her future husband's problem, not his. At worst, it
was an uncomfortable sight.

However, the woman whose palms clenched the wall while her large breasts and
larger butt bounced under violent cock hammering…

The woman whose eyes rolled back as she groaned in a crazed display of lust and

That woman was his wife!

As Ernst approached, Augusta, who remained oblivious to his appearance arched her
back, the thought of Konrad's balls marking her ass as his property sending her over
the edge.

"Ohhh… ohhh… OHHH!"

She climaxed, and at the same time clenched tighter around Konrad's rod, milking
him of a massive eruption of spunk like a perfect cum-drainer.

The sight stopped Ernst's advance, forcing him to recoil and flounder in an awkward
stance, not knowing whether to step forward or run.

"Welcome, water alliance king, to our improvised party. I must say I didn't peg you
for the watcher type."

Konrad said, his words alarming Lena whose cunt still danced on his fingers.

Sent over the edge, she also orgasmed and fell on Konrad's shoulder.

Augusta who'd regained some senses turned to see her husband and king's corpse-
like appearance. But with Konrad's still warm and erect rod teasing her from inside
and demanding attention, she felt his presence a hindrance.

"Forget about him… we still have much… exploration to do…”

"Right… I can still go for… a few rounds!"

Both mother and daughter agreed, to the water alliance king's dismay.

"Augusta… how could you… with him? Why? WHY?! After all he did… he's our mortal
enemy! Anyone but him!"

Ernst finally found the strength to roar, causing a laugh to escape Konrad's lips.

"We're… doing this for the kingdom. Having surrendered the army, the wealth and
the authority, only by surrendering the women can we maintain the peace. For the
sake of the common people, we must sacrifice ourselves… yes."

The more she spoke, the more Augusta felt her words made perfect sense. And Lena
agreed with the reasoning. This was to save the state! A perfectly righteous deed!

Konrad burst into laughter while Ernst collapsed, his chest pricked by ten thousand

"My… heart… my heart… my… hea-"


The largest blood gush in the Ancient Crystal World's history flew from Ernst's lips
to splatter the ground.

Kill… kill… I must kill you!"

With tears drenching his face, Ernst wailed and summoned his holy energy sword.

"Oh really? Are you sure about that?"

Konrad asked with a smirk while keeping his right arm around Augusta's waist, and
his left around Lena's.

Undisturbed, he activated his Awakened Supreme Overlord and Divine Primal

Physiques, causing vast suppression force to erupt and pin Ernst on the ground.

"Just a Profound Saint, not worth mentioning. Before me, such a level is no different
than meat on the chopping block. I can hack you at will."

Konrad stated while his Divine Physiques crushed Ernst's bones from within.

Seeing how Konrad effortlessly suppressed him while groping his wife and
daughter's ass cheeks, Ernst despaired.

"If you want to fight, at least, you need a Fate Wrestling Saint cultivation base.
Therefore, besides your secluded elders, I'm afraid no von Gradl can pose me a

You only have two choices, force them out of hiding, or thank me for cementing the
relationship between our two countries. Meanwhile…”

Lifting Augusta from the ground, Konrad impaled her on his rod while having her
face Ernst.


“…I will occupy your royal bedchamber. You won't mind… right?"

Rage and unwillingness welled up within Ernst's heart, but as his bones shattered
beneath the pressure, he knew he could not oppose that despot. Still, having been
shamed to this level, was it possible for him to give his permission?!

Konrad again asked, but this time, his tone and face showed no pleasantry. Only
dreadful killing intent remained.

Ernst didn't doubt that if he didn't give his approval, he would die on the spot.
Terrified, he prostrated himself on the ground.

"Right… I won't mind… I won't mind. I absolutely won't mind!"

In any case, life was still his most valuable possession.

"Do you feel any resentment?"

"I… don't dare. My wife and daughter are devoting themselves for the safety of the
state and the common people. Such righteousness is hard to come by.

I'm ashamed, ashamed, ashamed."

Konrad nodded.

"Good. Now, we must carry on with the perfection of our states' relationship."

Walking by Ernst, Konrad stopped by the third princess' side.

Having been exposed to the orchid scent for so long, her priorities had long since
changed, and she pinched his left arm to draw attention.

"Mhm? Want to join us too?"

Unable to say the words, she nodded, with her cheeks flushed in embarrassment as
she clenched her moistened thighs.

"No… not you too!"

Seeing the purest of his daughter offering herself to the fiendish oppressor, Ernst
could no longer restrain himself.

"Sorry… father I… can't resist him."

With a wave of his hand, Konrad trapped the third princess in a wave of telekinetic
power, bringing her alongside him to the royal bedchamber to finish the night.

"It's fine… it's fine… the elders will kill him… then I can kill them… yes… yes!"

Determined, Ernst dragged his shriveled form to the secluded elders' hidden
quarters to alert them of the situation, unwittingly fulfilling Konrad's needs.

"Hahahaha! Kill them all, kill them all, kill them a…”

As he approached their cultivation abodes, his erratic laughter came to an abrupt

end. His pupils dilated, and he collapsed on the floor, frothing at the mouth.
With their holy sense covering the vicinity of their cultivation abodes, the six von
Gradl secluded elders were immediately alerted by both Ernst's arrival and his
current state.

Startled, they rushed out, descending before him in beams of light.

"What the hell happened here? Why is his majesty frothing at our doorsteps?"

"If you ask me, who do I ask?

"Maybe his mermaid queen finally put a green hat on his head?"

"Less nonsense. For now, take him in for healing."

The most senior of the six cut, and lifted Ernst with a wave of Holy Force to bring
him back in their quarters.

Meanwhile, the third princess enjoyed the comfort of a heart-warming welcome into
the pleasure worlds. As she lied naked on her father's bed, Konrad lips, tongue and
fingers caressed her flower bud while Lena sucked her left nipple, and Augusta
tended to the right.

With the pleasure wave overwhelming her, shyness and reluctance were quickly set
aside for total indulgence in the trio's touch.

"Ahhh… ahhh… ahhh…”

Throaty moans flew from her previously innocent lips while the corruption of
demonic decadence settled within her mind.
Letting go of the third princess' breast, Augusta climbed on top of her face, forcing
her to gulp the delicious semen that oozed out of her snatch.

*Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp*

Lust and greed clouded the third princess' rationality as she partook in the meal
offered by her mother, enthusiastically devouring her cum-filled cunt.

The dual assault of Konrad's tongue and fingers then sent her over the edge. Her
thighs clenched around his head, and electrified, she squirted on his face, drenching
it with the juicy result of her first orgasm.

"Not bad."

Konrad praised before shifting positions. Rolling on his back, he lied by the third
princess' side, his erect lance demanding attention. By the time the mother-daughter
trio's greedy eyes fell on his rod, the second one grew and joined the fray.

Golden and purple light filled the room while reason ran out of the window to allow
primitive instincts to guide the previously stately ladies.

As if led by a tacit understanding, they each took their spots. The third princess
aligned her unexplored flower bud with the tip of Konrad's first shaft, her expectant
eyes staring into his.

With her back against her sister's, Lena aligned herself with the second one while
Augusta received the privilege of tending to the balls, suckling them like a babe
would his milk.

In tandem, the sisters dropped on Konrad's rod, albeit with more difficulty for the
third princess who had to force it through her hymen.

But as the golden light filled her, she quickly matched Lena's enthusiasm. With her
hands stroking Konrad's chest, alongside her sister, the third princess began her
ride, the two slamming their round, firm and cushy rears on the demonic phalluses.

*Pah* *Pah* *Pah*

The pounding then began.

"The life of terrorizing men and taking their women is really… entertaining."

Konrad whispered while holding on the third princess' waist to guide her hip moves.

"Ohh… yess… lord protector… ohhh!"

She groaned while riding herself into another orgasm.

"You can call me Konrad."

But too lost in her frantic ride, the third princess couldn't hear his words, she only
knew how to ride him harder, faster, harder and even faster, and sink her nails into
his chest while her tongue lolled out and, alongside her sister, she arched her back in

Both princesses curved till their faces stood beside one another. In that profound
show of elasticity, they kissed and rode Konrad till he exploded within them.

The positions changed, and the hammering resumed. But as he plowed those
gripping, wonderful fields, Konrad regretted that no one could immortalize this
scene, so he exchanged a recording mirror from the system to make sure the event
would not be lost to history.

Following three hours of guttural moaning and lovemaking, the trio collapsed on the
royal bed.

Leaving a bored Konrad to tour the other royal consorts' bedchambers, and bring
them into the fold, one hammering session at a time.

As morning dawned, he returned to the royal bedchamber, dressed in a simple black


One after another, the trio's members awoke. But this time, without lust clouding
their reason, they were forced into the reality of the night's deeds. Needless to say,
they couldn't face one another.

Even the more seasoned Augusta was no exception.

"Feeling shy now? Cute…

Alas, this is not the moment to be wallowing in bashfulness."

Hearing those words, both Lena and Augusta's eyes shone with enlightenment. With
the deeds and words of the previous night, unless they surrendered to Konrad's
camp, death surely awaited them.

Augusta didn't fear Ernst. But as a house, the von Gradl were still more powerful
than the Meissner she came from. To say nothing of the misdeed of adultery. Once
this was exposed, even her father wouldn't spare her.

As for Lena, she endured a similar plight. Even if she found shelter in the Holy Flame
Empire, once Adelar von Jurgen realized that his wife's cunt had already adopted
another man's shape, her demise was inevitable.

Only one road remained.

Mother and daughter rose from the bed and fell on their knees.

"From now on, we belong to you, please take care of us!"

"Wood that can be carved."

Konrad nodded, let them digest the night's gains.

Although his cultivation was still in the Transcendent Rank, with his Awakened
Divine Primal Physique, a dual cultivation session with him yielded better results
than with Tribulation Stage experts.

Breakthroughs were inevitable.

"Master, the various state rulers arrived and are, alongside the court officials, waiting
within the throne room."

"Oh? That was fast. Good. After checking something, I will soon be on my way."

Konrad turned into a beam of light and reappeared within his chambers where a
grievously wounded Astarte lied on the bed.

Cobra-Yvonne coiled at her side while the Semi-Saint delegate member that brought
her back, stood on his knees.
Bypassing him, Konrad stopped beside Astarte.


"We hunted down five groups. Eight first step Arch Knights, five of the second step
and two of the third step, a total of fifteen low-level Arch Rank experts were all killed
by the lady!"

The delegation member exclaimed, and Konrad nodded in approval. Though the man
had pulled her out of the life-threatening condition she previously was in, Astarte's
current state was still no laughing matter.

Still, she'd regained consciousness, and seeing Konrad stand above her, her lips
curled into a smile.

"Mission… accomplished. Thank you master for the Origin Sight. Without it, I
wouldn't have been able to do it."

"How terrified were you?"

"At first… very. But after the first clash, it became much easier to… control."

"How did their deaths feel?"

“…bad… and good… at the same time."

Konrad nodded, then placed his hand on Astarte's forehead.

"Good girl."

Demonic healing energy erupted from his hand to spread throughout her body and
close her wounds in their entirety.

He then extended his hand toward Cobra-Yvonne who again coiled around him
before he turned into a beam of light to land at the throne room's entrance.

With his hands crossed beneath his back, Konrad stepped inside, his appearance
took the officials and fourteen state rulers aback.

After all, it was Ernst they expected.

Undisturbed, Konrad walked past them, crossing the stairs to stop before the
majestic golden throne Ernst usually occupied.

With a smile, he sat on top of it.

A deed that sent the gathering into an uproar.

But before protest began…

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

…The clattering of dozens of footsteps came from the throne room's entrance,
bringing alongside it dozens of elite royal guards led by the commander in person.

The royal guard surrounded officials and rulers with their weapons, forcing them to
realize the monarch had been overthrown.

And when with a wave of his hand Konrad summoned the royal seal, their
assumptions were proven true. Therefore, they kept their mouths shut, awaiting
Konrad's next move.

Although the state rulers could handle the royal guard, the commander was another

As for the man who could subdue him?

That was even harder to gauge.

"Greetings, dear officials and various state rulers. I have gathered you all for an
important announcement. Effective immediately, the Water Kingdom Alliance ceases
to exist, the fifteen states merge into one and become the Profound Sea Dynasty."
It was one of those moments.

Following Konrad's earthshaking announcement, the scene turned into a peaceful

breeze where silence reigned, and hearts grew cold.

For an instant, the various state rulers stared at the teenage looking man occupying
Ernst's throne, and from their looks, no one could tell what wave swept their hearts.

At last, they processed the words, and as they realized Konrad patiently awaited
their replies, they knew he jested not.

"Loads of horseshit!"

The most senior of the state rulers, a late-stage Profound Saint Paragon Spirit roared
and stepped forward.


"Sir, I don't know where you hail from, and I don't care. What your aura signature
does tell us is that you're human. And it doesn't take a genius to see you overthrew
Ernst von Gradl.

Congratulations, but since non-spirits can't be independent rulers, I'm assuming

you'll adopt the title of grand preceptor to be king in all but name."

With his lips curled into an amused smile, Konrad nodded.

"However, if you think you can force all fifteen states into submission, think again. If
such a thing could be accomplished before, we wouldn't be here, to begin with. I
hope you're not so naïve as to think keeping us under house arrest is enough to rob
the states.

At worst, our elders will have our successors inherit the throne in our name and
elect a new alliance king from their ranks!"

The state ruler exclaimed, and Konrad chortled. At the same time, he summoned the
army tokens.

"Oh, I hope they do. At that time, I can use the excuse of usurpation to clean the

Hearing those words and seeing how the army tokens were already in his hand, the
state rulers trembled. Indeed, since he could seize Ernst's royal seal, how could he
not also rob the army tokens.

"Moreover, you misunderstand. You'll submit willingly. When you leave this room,
have no doubt that it is of your own accord that you will coordinate with the states'
unification. Meanwhile…”

Two beams of light flew into the room, landing before the stairs leading to Konrad's

The light dispersed, revealing Krann and the tenth elder who immediately fell on
their knees.

"Greetings, master!"


The two obeyed, and following another polite bow, turned toward the state rulers. If
Krann wasn't someone they recognized, the slouching winged serpent emblem on
his robe clearly hailed from the Holy Flame Empire's imperial family. As for the tenth
elder, he was even easier to identify!

"Could this be… Holy Flame's plot? No… something is wrong here.

In what world does the tenth von Jurgen elder call a human being -master?-

Also, where the hell are the von Gradl elders. Damn secluded geezers! Never there
when you need them, but always sucking state resources!"

But as guesses flew within the rulers' minds, Krann pulled out a royal scroll to read
its content.
"1) The fourteen state rulers shall submit seals and treasury keys!

2) The state rulers abandon their royal titles to become grand dukes.

3) Thirty-five percent of domain revenue shall be paid to the capital as taxes on a

yearly basis.

4) The construction of Talent Assessing Centers throughout all cities.

5) The assessment of all children's talent upon birth, regardless of background.

Cultivators beneath the age of thirty will also have their talents assessed.

6) The delivery of outstanding talents to the capital to receive key training.


And the list went on…

As they approached the hundredth command, the state rulers' faces had long since
been distorted by rage. Even if they possessed better self-control ability, no one
could listen to such words and retain their calm.

Thirty-five percent of domain revenue in taxes!

Demotion from king to grand duke!

What was this?

Shame, that's what it was!

"You can't possibly be expecting us to accept this kind of drivel, right? Selecting
talents regardless of background, are you trying to break the status quo?!

Thirty-five percent of domain revenues in taxes, are you trying to cripple our

Demotion from king to duke, are you insulting our ancestry?! Even if we were to
submit to you, as Saints, we should at the very least become sovereign princes! How
could we possibly become dukes?!"



The state rulers all proclaimed in indignation, causing Krann and the tenth elder to

"Just with your strength? The Holy Flame Empire only has three Sovereign Princes.
But each one of them is stronger than all of you combined!

With such an abysmal gap, you dare wield the same title? With what face? Are you
not afraid of having the world laugh at your conceit?"

The tenth elder spat, cutting the raging monarchs who felt their cheeks heating up in

"Tenth elder, you can't be too harsh on them. Those wastes have yet to realize that
this… is not a negotiation!"

Krann said while his lips formed a fiendish smile. Vast holy force erupted from his
body. And although the energy signature showed a peak-stage Rising Saint
cultivation base, the intensity pursued the average secular world Fate-Wrestling

Instantaneously, the fourteen rulers and silent officials were startled. In tandem,
they recoiled in fright. But at their backs, the royal guard's spears awaited, and with
one wrong move, they'd end up skewering themselves.

Cold sweat quickly filled their foreheads.

"If master wants to break the status quo, what can you do?!"

If master wants to recruit talents from the billions of masses that lay unused, what
can do?!

If master wants you to surrender your crowns and wealth, what can you do?

Submit! You can only submit!"

Krann roared, and the shocking might of his holy force drove the fourteen state
rulers onto their knees.

"To say nothing of this, even if he wants you to take the tonsure and parade naked on
the street, you still must obey! Utter rubbish, who the hell do you think you are?"

Krann spun, turning toward Konrad to drop on one knee.

"Master, please give the order, and I will immediately have those buffoons

Konrad shook his head and summoned fourteen Phantasm Orchids.

"First, give them a chance. Those who willingly submit, you can spare. As for the
others… do as you see fit."

The implications of Konrad's words made Krann, the tenth elder, the royal guard
commander, and his captains smile fiendishly. And seeing those demonic, smiling
faces, the state rulers wondered if they'd fallen into an infernal court.

With a surge of telekinetic power, Krann gathered the fourteen orchids and sent
them to the former state rulers.

"You heard the lord. Whoever swallows his orchid willingly, I won't abuse."

Although the situation looked gloom, most of the state rulers believed Konrad
couldn't take their lives. At worst, it would be some physical abuse. As members of
the spirit race with a revered status, they simply couldn't accept surrendering all
they held in such a wretched manner.

Therefore, they refused to submit! At least eleven did. The remaining three
immediately gulped down the orchids.

"Good. You three can step aside."


As the three moved to the royal guards' side, Krann waved his right hand, causing a
spiked energy hammer to appear within.
Carrying it, he walked toward the resisting rulers whose eyes widened at the
appearance of the terrible weapon.

"Wait, wait… we can discuss this like civilized people!"

"Right… men of culture have no need to resort to such means!"

"No… no… no… I "

"Too late."

Krann cut and raised the hammer around which flames now coiled. In a diagonal,
downward move, he smashed it on the eldest state ruler's shoulder, causing the
spikes to dig through his flesh, and the demonic flames to wreak horrendous havoc
within his body.


"Used to a life of opulence, don't know the word -difficulty- but want to show
backbones before master. If this is not horseshit, what is?"


The infernal hammer descended in crushing blows, laying the state rulers' body to
waste, his blood and bones flying all over the place in a festival of blood and gore
while his mournful howls filled the throne room.

Meanwhile, the tenth elder brought Konrad a jug of tea which he poured in deference
while the punishment carried on.

As Krann finished with the first state ruler, he shifted onto the second one, and then
the third, and the fourth… all the way to the eleventh.

By the time he turned toward him, the eleventh had already soiled his pants. Still,
Krann didn't spare him.

"No… no… NOOOOOOOO!"

As for the officials who'd remained silent and attempted to have their presence
ignored, they all trembled in fright.
The punishment went uninterrupted and the eleven resisting rulers now laid in a
pool formed by their own blood, flesh, and bones.

Still, their hearts beat.

Krann then waved his hands, causing a massive wave of demonic healing powers to
mend the ghastly wounds and restore enough strength for the eleven to return on
their knees.

The only difference being that now, they couldn't stop shivering.

"Now, I ask again. Swallowing, yes, or no?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Krann needn't speak twice, the eleven all rushed toward their assigned flowers and
gulped them down in one go. They then signed the royal order and abdicated both
their seals and treasury keys.

Krann really couldn't comprehend the fools. Since they knew they were going to
submit anyways, why didn't they do so in the first place? Because of them, he wasted
precious time, which the tenth elder used to gain points with Konrad by serving him

With a dejected sigh, he returned by Konrad's side.

"You've done well, very well. I'm pleased."

Konrad told Krann upon his return, causing his dejected face to turn into a beaming

"Thank you, master!"

He then cast a condescending look toward the tenth elder. A look that seemed to be

-See, see? While you gain small merit by pouring tea, I handle big tasks!

At the end of the day, I'm still the boss!-

The state rulers turned grand dukes then started the journey back home, returning
at full-speed to announce the result of the summit and the unification of the states.

As for the resistance… well, it would meet with unfortunate accidents. From the
shadows, of course.

The Water Kingdom Alliance had officially ended, making way for the Profound Sea
Dynasty's emergence.

"Master, what is the next step?"

The tenth elder asked while pouring another cup of tea.

"Now, we clean both the elders and the water temple in one night."

Konrad leisurely replied between two sips of tea.

While his country underwent drastic changes, Ernst von Gradl awoke within the
great elder's quarters.

Beside him, the six secluded elders stood with their inquisitive eyes locked onto him.
Seeing them, Ernst immediately dropped on his knees.

"Elders, the house has fallen, the country is overtaken, our rule overthrown and our
future in jeopardy! I beseech you to return to activity, cleanse the house and save us
from destruction!"

He exclaimed and kowtowed.

Instantaneously, the six elders' eyes widened in a glaring stupor.

"What did you just say? The house, fallen? Our rule, overthrown? What the hell
happened in our absence?!"

The great elder roared while seizing Ernst by the collar.

"This… this is how it went…”

Ernst then retold the events, starting with the great war and following with the
arrival of the Holy Flame Empire's delegates. With the situation having reached this
point, he didn't dare conceal his involvement in the matter, faithfully retelling all that

Of course, he didn't mention Augusta's fall in details, only stating that upon
witnessing his might, she chose to surrender her body to the delegation protector.

The six were startled.

"See? I called it. Ernst, Ernst, back in the days, didn't I tell you that she was more
woman than you could handle and would ultimately make your head green? Now,
look at this situation. Your head is not just green, but glossy!"

The third elder lamented with a profound sigh, causing Ernst to suppress a blood

"This is not the time for your nonsense, the situation is serious!"

The second elder cut in a roar of fury before pointing his index at the still kneeling

"Ernst von Gradl, back in those days I told your father that you were not suited to be
a monarch. Not because you're petty. Not because you're narrow-minded, but
because YOU… ARE… A… COWARD!"


The second elder's right palm struck Ernst's cheek in a resounding slap. He spiraled
and smashed into the adjacent wall with blood trickling from his lips. Still, he didn't
dare argue.

"As the king, as the patriarch, as the leader and culprit. You only had one thing to do,
take responsibility! Commit suicide in apology, leaving blame-shifting words such as
-I failed to manage my country and provoked this misunderstanding, but I hope our
two countries' relationship will not collapse because of this.-

Then, kill yourself!

And we could have effortlessly taken care of the rest.

But you don't have the gals. You dare commit such a blunder and fall into the
enemy's trap, but you don't dare shoulder the consequences! Worse, you brought
your house to ruin!"

Under the verbal abuse, Ernst trembled, and his cheeks reddened from shame.

"I… I… I…”


But clearly, the second elder wasn't satisfied and sent him reeling with another

"Before house prosperity, before house glory, what is one individual's life worth?! If
your father saw you today, how much shame and sorrow would he feel? And how
could he possibly call you son?!"


The second elder gave Ernst the face-slapping of a lifetime. And though usually, the
great elder would prevent such things from occurring to preserve the monarch's
dignity, today, he didn't stop it.

Ernst's face soon became worse than a pig's badly bruised and swollen with blood
drenching his lips. Overwhelmed by pain and shame, he passed out.

"Useless piece of garbage!"

With a sweep of his sleeve, the second elder turned toward their eldest who sat with
his eyes shut.

"Eldest brother, the situation is not irremediable. However, we must make a choice.

To entirely go against the Holy Flame Empire, yes or no?!"

As he spoke, the second elder's eyes blazed with determination.

"For those past fifty thousand years, there are only two reasons why we managed to
maintain our independence.

A) The Grand Treaty

B) Internal wars cannot breakout without cause.

Right now, we are not involved in any war, but once we butcher that protector, we're
giving them cause for assault. But fortunately, the Grand Treaty protects us from
their Semi-Saint and above experts. Meanwhile, it is Great Void land they're currently

Therefore, there is hope to turn the table.

We simply need to act swiftly. First, we openly form marriage alliances with Great
Void and the Earth Kingdom Alliance.

Second, gathering our three forces for a massive attack, we force Prosperous Wind to
capitulate and sign an armistice. Since Holy Flame is eying Great Void territory, their
elite troops will be at their border, and not able to aid Prosperous Wind. After the
armistice is signed, Holy Flame either withdraws troops or faces our three combined

Good if it is the former. If it is the latter, we must push them to break the Grand
Treaty then send a delegation to the Celestial Church's headquarters to alert them of
the breach.

At that time, I really want to see how Olrich von Jurgen dares act arrogantly! Only in
this way can we regroup our losses without suffering heavy setbacks."

As the second elder's words ended, the great elder nodded.

"But the premise is that we can kill him. For this, we must make ample preparations.
Send words to the Meissner conclave leader in the Water Temple to inform him of
the situation and his daughter's betrayal.

Tell him we're willing to forget this slight and have another Meissner daughter be the
next king's queen. Our two houses have controlled the Water Kingdom Alliance's
political scene for millennia, he will know how to choose.

As long as their four Fate-Wrestling Saints join the six of us, we will have a better
grasp of this fight. Also, just in case, get ready to activate the defense formations."

The last part caused the remaining elders' faces to contort in frowns.

"Will that really be necessary?"

"Since that protector dares bare his fangs in such a preposterous manner, he must
have confidence in his ability to suppress us. I refuse to believe that he's just relying
on the von Jurgen behind him.

Therefore, we must be cautious. In any case, tonight, we remove that malignant

tumor and clean the house! House von Gradl's fifty thousand years of inheritance
will not collapse because of one human peon!"
The great elder declared and immediately sent mental messages to his most trusted

"Yes, eldest brother!"

At that time, Konrad had returned to his quarters, with the tenth elder at his left and
Krann at his right.

"Mhm… why do I feel that this is a perfect day to slaughter?"

As the saying went, servants often were at their master's image. Hearing Konrad's
sinister words, Krann, and the tenth elder felt their chests filled with the need to
shed blood.

"Those old geezers will naturally take action before our departure, preferably within
the palace to maximize their chances. Calculating timing, tonight is their most likely

The two of you will lie in ambush by the Water Temple. If their Fate Wrestling Saints
depart to join the von Gradl, you use the opportunity to sneak into the temple and
launch a surprise assault.

Capture if you can, kill if you can't. Applicable to all genders. In case they refuse to
aid the von Gradl, patiently wait for me to clean the royal palace. We will then take
care of them."

"Yes, master!"

They replied in tandem. Afterward, Krann cloaked both the tenth elder and his
presence. The two then vanished from the scene, shooting toward the Water Temple.

Cobra-Yvonne uncoiled herself from Konrad's torso and slid onto the bed where the
resting Astarte recuperated. In a twister of dark sand, she regained her human form.

"According to my knowledge, the von Gradl great elder is a peak-stage Fate Wrestling
Saint. He also wields a six-star Holy Artifact which can be considered as their house's
supreme weapon.

Once the two join hands, the average Fate Destroying Saint must withdraw. The
secluded elders also control the defensive formation.

With it as support and their combined forces, I'm afraid even the average peak-stage
Fate Destroying Saint would be forced to withdraw.
How about letting me break the formation?"

She asked while lying on her side. However, Konrad shook his head in disapproval.

"How confident are you?"

"If I don't resort to my lineage weapon or true demon form? Twenty percent. Once I
do, though, at least ninety. The remaining ten is just -unforeseen occurrences.- In any
case, this is an opportunity to test the depths of my abilities before the Tower of

Following Konrad's words, Yvonne nodded, vanished, and reappeared behind him to
wrap her arms around his waist while placing her chin on top of his right shoulder.

"Do you remember the most basic condition to be my man?"

"To be unparalleled."

Konrad softly replied while rubbing his hairs against hers.

Hearing this, her lips curled into a smile.

"Good that you remember. The word -defeat- can never be associated with my
Konrad. I only want to hear -invincible- and -tyrannical victory.-"

Yvonne declared and bit Konrad's earlobe in a brisk, unexpected move. As she
nibbled onto it, he stroked her right cheek with his eyes shut.

"I will cut off their heads with the sword you gave me, and bring them back for

Meanwhile, chaos ran amok within the royal palace's inner court. Having again
awoken, Ernst left the elders' quarters to return to his harem, hoping to find solace
in his other consorts' bosoms.

In any case, Augusta wasn't the only woman he had. Among the dozens of royal
consorts and concubines that lied in the inner court, some had not even been
sampled yet.
Surely, he could use them to regain some semblance of male dignity. Especially the
crown prince's mother. It had been many years since he enjoyed her embrace.

Initially, she was his princess consort and should have become his queen. However,
smitten by Augusta, he demoted her to noble royal consort and made Augusta queen

Across those centuries, he'd never regretted that move. But now, it felt like the worst
mistake of his life. After all, she was a true loyalist! Thinking of how she silently
shouldered the humiliation, and never blamed him, Ernst rediscovered shame and

"I will apologize for all those years of misdeed, and we will start over! Then when the
elders eliminate that hound, I will butcher Augusta, and make her queen instead!"

Thinking of the years of love that awaited, Ernst's pace quickened. In a flash, he
arrived before the noble royal consort's palace and dived in.

Naturally, no one barred his path. But as he reached her quarters' entrance, a
startling scene awaited. The crown prince was sitting on the ground, shivering, while
his eyes stared at something within his mother's room.

The sight of his eldest son's trembling in a never before seen fright took Ernst aback.
Matter of fact, the crown prince was so shocked that he didn't realize his presence.

Alarmed, and wondering if something happened to his new favorite, Ernst rushed
into the room, dropping onto another nightmarish sight.

The crown prince's mother lied on her bed, naked with a large quantity of semen still
cascading from her cunt, ass, and lips. Undisturbed, she soundly slept on the cum-
drenched bed, arms outstretched with bliss written all over her face.

"No… no… no…”

Ernst's eyes almost cracked, but resisting the shock, he shot toward his other
consorts' quarters. Wherever he went, a similar scene awaited. And after the twelfth
try, he stopped, forced to realize that Konrad didn't just spend the night with

He toured the entirety of his harem, leaving no hole unfilled.

"How can a man be this immoral? This evil? Where is my justice? Sluts… Sluts!"

Ernst wailed, and his madness returned.

"I must summon the officials, hold court, demote all those sluts to commoners and
have them executed!"

Resolved, Ernst sent the order to gather the officials for a court session.


"Your majesty, the officials refuse to hold a session without the delegation
protector's permission."

The royal eunuch explained following the task's failure.

Ernst blinked in disbelief.

"Even within my royal palace?"

"Especially within your royal palace! That is where he lives!"

The eunuch then bowed and excused himself, leaving a staggering Ernst to collapse
on the floor.

At that time, a riveting, blue-haired woman whose beauty stood at the summit of the
Water Kingdom appeared.

Upon seeing her, the images of the previous night reappeared within Ernst's mind,
and his stupor vanished, replaced by bottomless shame and hatred.

"How dare you appear before me… slut… slut… slut! I will kill you!"

Summoning his holy energy sword, Ernst shot toward Augusta, intent on taking her

Originally she was just passing by. Never did she expect that she would come across
Ernst and receive his assault. However, as the sword approached her, Augusta
sneered, and her hand jerked forward in a casual palm strike.

Before the sword could graze her clothes, Augusta's palm collided with Ernst's chest,
sending him flying backward with blood spurting from his lips.

Defeated, he tumbled onto the ground, his eyes wide with shock and fear.

"How… how could this be? You… broke through the True Origin Saint Rank?"

From the holy force contained within that palm strike, Ernst could clearly feel
Augusta's breakthrough. The situation made no sense. According to her current pace,
such a breakthrough should have taken at least two centuries!

What the hell happened? The only variable was…

"No way… it can't be…”

Struck by the realization, Ernst floundered. However, the mockery within Augusta's
face seemed to confirm his fears.

"It is precisely as you think. The lord protector is not only the God of the carnal arts,
but his spunk is full of high-grade nutrients. With such resources, breaking through
was simple.

Don't try such nonsense again. Otherwise, I won't be this forgiving.

In any case, it's not like you would have the courage."


With a kick, Augusta sent Ernst flying against a nearby wall and carried on with her

His body lodged into the wall, unable to extricate itself. Devoid of strength and at the
limit of what he could endure, Ernst raised his bloodshot eyes toward the blue sky
and wailed.

"Heavens… why did you make Ernst this cowardly? Why does Ernst fear death so?
With neither honor, prestige nor dignity, what is left to live for that Ernst still clings
on his miserable existence?
Even Ernst… can't understand. But Ernst really… really… doesn't want to die…

Sanity. It must be because of sanity!

And if in sanity Ernst cannot rise, surely in madness he shall thrive!"

Time flew by in a flash. With Yvonne acting as his protector, Konrad used his Divine
Primal Physique to refine the energy gained from the previous night, enhancing it to
suit his cultivation needs. Although he lost in quantity, he gained in quality.

Condensing the meridians and completing his transformation, he broke through to

the eighth step of the Transcendent Knight Rank. Afterward, he exchanged several
sixth circle spells from the system.

As night stretched across the palace's sky, dozens of light beams flew from a single
point to surround Konrad's mansion.

The light beams dispersed, revealing twenty-two figures of various ages that hovered
in the air. They didn't conceal their cultivation which went from the mid-stage of the
True Origin Saint Rank to the peak of the Fate Wrestling Saint Rank. And the vast
concentration of holy force caused the entire royal palace to shiver.

At the same time, boundless killing intent erupted from their form to assail Konrad's

"To the Holy Flame thief! I won't speak rubbish with you. Today, you only have two
roads. Either you surrender your ill-gained wealth and scram, or we mince you into
ten thousand pieces!

You have three breaths to make your choice, past that time…”

The great elder began. But before he could finish his words…

"Shut the fuck up."

…A voice thundered from the mansion and in a purple light beam, a blue-robed,
eighteen years old looking man appeared before the Saint-gathering.
With his hands resting on either side of his waist, he leisurely stepped through the
air, stopping several meters away from the holy congregation.

"A group of old geezers eager to meet their maker doesn't need to spout drivel."

Stretching out his right hand, Konrad summoned the holy broadsword he'd received
from Yvonne and rested it against his shoulder.

"When Yama asks you how you perished, tell him Konrad escorted you to hell and
I'm sure you will receive preferential treatment."

"Great elder, no need to waste time with that overconfident wastrel. To arms!"

The one who spoke was an old man dressed in gold and blue cassock. He was the
Water Temple's conclave leader, a late-stage Fate Wrestling Saint, and Augusta's
father: House Meissner's patriarch.

Following his words, the great elder nodded and with a wave of his hand, summoned
a blue ocean ruler while the rest of the twenty-two Saints formed a circle around

Activating his Origin Sight, Konrad swept the gathered Saints. One peak-stage Fate
Wrestling Saint, two of the late-stage, three of the mid-stage and four of the early-

Adding on top of that the six-star Holy Artifact and twelve True Origin Saints, Konrad
was forced to admit that this lineup was nothing to scoff at. However, when
compared to Olrich's von Jurgen dynasty or the Holy Flame Church, it was nothing.

When compared to the Celestial Church and Infernal Cult, it didn't even qualify as

If such a lineup could bar his path, how could he ever suppress the world?

The water temple's Holy Priests stood at the back to cast spells while the von Gradl
exarchs took the vanguard. Led by the great elder, twelve light beams shot toward
Konrad while at the back, the Water Temple exarchs' spellcasting began.

"Holy Flame thief, surrender your life!"

Nine pairs of white wings sprang from the great elder's back while three lotus
bloomed above his head. At the same time, the power of fate swirled around him in
the form of grey fate locks eager to wrest the destiny of the unprepared!

Dozens of fate locks flew from the incoming elders to form a suppression force-field
around Konrad,

Feeling the power of fate dive into his body and assail his soul, Konrad sneered.

"Primal Force!"

The Divine Primal Physique's might erupted, bringing alongside it a vast wave of
golden light that snapped the fate locks and freed Konrad of their suppression.


The Supreme Overlord Physique followed, causing an unending stream of vibrations

to spread throughout the air, covering a three-hundred meter radius within which all
became Konrad's to do with as he saw fit.

The twenty-two Saints were startled. The great elder, in particular, could barely
contain his fright!

"This is… that accursed physique… what is your relationship with Yvonne Voight?"

As a thousands of years old expert, he'd, of course, witnessed the splendor of

Yvonne's era. Following the Tower of Rebirth's event, the fifteen years old she
willingly joined the army as a foot soldier and caused barbarian blood to litter the

Many barbarian experts attempted to murder her from the shadow but ended up
smothered by the crushing might of her Supreme Overlord Physique.

Why was that dreadful force appearing on that man?

"She's my wife!"

Konrad replied and spun on one-hundred-eighty degrees. His broadsword drew a

dazzling arc, sending a purple light and lightning circle to barrel into the
immobilized twelve who struggled to free themselves from his suppression force.

Before the purple arc could slam into them, they broke free and with the great
elder's blue ocean ruler as lead weapon, met Konrad's incoming blow.


Although they'd managed to dispel the blow, the violent impact sent the twelve
reeling. Only the great and second elder stood still, unmovable like mountains.

"Loads of horseshit!"

The great elder roared and raised the ocean blue ruler. The night sky suddenly
turned ocean blue, and from it, a deluge brewed!

At the same time, the conclave exarchs at his back finished their spell casting.

"Sixth Circle Spell: Flood!"

The ten priests roared in unison, causing dozens of ocean blue circles to illuminate
the night sky.

The royal palace had long since risen from sleep, the commotion too hard to ignore.
Although the elders used force-field to prevent the noise from leaving the palace,
they didn't stop it from reaching the royal palace's denizens.

After all, they wanted them to know what would happen to those that disrespected
house von Gradl and its rule!

Gargantuan sea waves bloated the night sky, alarming all who lied on the ground. It
didn't take a genius to see that if Konrad couldn't shoulder that blow, at best, the
royal palace would receive massive casualties.

At worst, they would all perish!

But seeing the mighty wave that stretched across several miles, Konrad's smile
remained undisturbed. A crazed glint flashed in his purple eyes while light, lightning
and rose petals hovered around his form.

"Sixth circle spell: Searing Sky!"

Red clouds spread throughout the night, smothering the blue and causing a deluge of
firestorm to descend from the heavens and collide with the flood.

Steam bloated the sky as the two forces met in an earthshaking collision. Alas, the
combined forces of the ten Holy Priests ended up overwhelming Konrad's Searing

Though weakened, the flood carried on, its shocking might begging for his life.

Konrad spread his hands, causing six one hundred-meters tall peach blossom trees
to spout from the ground and form a defensive force-field around him.


The flood met with the force field in a dreadful eruption of force, but failed to


The shadow of hundred-meters tall Anzu and Stolas beasts appeared at Konrad's
back as he maniacally laughed and turned into dozens of afterimages that bathed in
a purple vortex of light and lightning.

The dozens of afterimages turned into violet beams, piercing through the von Gradl
elders' defenses to storm the Water Temple exarchs at their back.

The pressure of the two holy and two divine physiques broke all coordination
between the priests whose forte didn't lie in close-quarter combat, to begin with.

"It is not that I want to kill you. You just don't cherish your lives."

The dozens of Konrad slashed!

The broadswords sang in the night sky!

And the heads of six True Origin Saints soared, detached from their bodies in clean

Their blood, drenching their headless bodies below!

And from twenty-two, the congregation was reduced to sixteen!

But Konrad didn't stop! Before his enemies could react, his afterimages turned into
dozens of light and lightning meteors that flew back into the six True Origin von
Gradl Saints!

The Fate-Wrestling Saint elders didn't have time to raise defenses, and by the time
Konrad returned to his original spot, those True Origin Saints all had gruesome,
human-sized holes within their chests.

From those holes, light and lighting still brew!

Twelve True Origin Saint corpses thus dropped from the night sky, leaving the ten
Fate Wrestling Saints as the only contenders.

The ten Tribulation Stage experts were startled.

Not due to Konrad's shocking display, but because from his moves, they could finally
gauge his true cultivation.

And what they saw terrified them to the point they no longer trusted their senses,
fearing they'd all fallen into an illusion!

All ten exchanged confused looks, and seeing the same truth in one another eyes',
they floundered, dread overwhelming their hearts.

And while they gathered all possible reasoning to make sense of what they felt,
Konrad released a rainbow-colored light, proving all their fears correct!

Because while they couldn't identify its exact rank, they could clearly feel that the
rainbow light was nothing more than Transcendence!

"What Saint elder? He's just… a Transcendent Rank junior. A Transcendent Rank
junior capable of slaying True Origin Saints and meeting Fate Wrestling Saints as an

Where could such a monster possibly hail from? Even Yvonne Voight in her prime
wasn't this horrifying!

Could he be… a Higher Realm junior? But how?"

As the possibility dawned to their minds, both the great elder and conclave leader
felt cracks within their fighting spirit.

"Iron… we've kicked iron… shit!"

But as Konrad turned, and they saw the blood of their comrades drenching his face
and robe, apprehension made way for battle intent!

Their determination returned!

"Since we've offended, we must offend to the end. We must fight until only one side
remains standing!

And regardless of the consequences, defend our dignity! One boy cannot end our

The ten inwardly roared and gathered for a new assault.

"Activate the formation!"

Ten blue-light rays erupted from various corners of the Royal Palace and connected
to the ten experts' hearts.

The lights then went from one to another until the ten Fate-Wrestling Saints were all
linked by the formation and saw their battle power soar!

At the same time, they summoned their Pure Selves, and with the great elder leading
the charge, surrounded Konrad from all sides.

Brandishing his ruler, the great elder condensed a magnified force of the ten Fate-
Wrestling Saints combined, summoning a sea deluge that pierced the sky to crash
onto Konrad.

Konrad didn't dread it. With his flesh and bones being as resilient as they were, at
worst, he would suffer some internal damage. This blow could never take his life.
Only those below would suffer.

However, if he maintained his current battle power, there was also no hope for
victory. At best, he could only withdraw.

Therefore, it was time to go all-out and summon dread in the hearts of those
overreaching ants!

Konrad's skin turned scarlet. Two large pairs of jet-black horns sprang from his
forehead, one goat-shaped, the other ram-shaped while scarlet flesh wings also grew
from his back.

Horrible demonic energy exploded from his form, covering the entire royal palace
and sending it into an uproar.

"Demon… he's a… demon!

A true… demon!"

The ten Fate-Wrestling Saints were alarmed! And if even they had reached such a
fright-state, one could only imagine how badly the royal palace's denizens shivered!
Demonkind, the lords of nightmares, avatars of sin, mayhem, and destruction, had
finally appeared before them!

Terrified! They were all terrified! But with the palace having already fallen to his
forces' hands, Konrad was undisturbed.

The royal guard was deployed to suppress dissidence.

"Awaken, Man-Breaker!"

While still holding the broadsword in his right hand, Konrad summoned Man-
Breaker in his left for a final assault!

The jet-black, spiked, infernal war hammer appeared as the fulfillment of all the
Fate-Wrestling Saints' fears.

"The hammer and not the whip. Talroth's blood and not Asmodeus'.

Ends… my von Gradl dynasty… ends."

The great elder's eyes went bloodshot with sorrow, rage, and unwillingness blazing
within his heart.

But regardless of how unwilling he was, he knew this night was doomed to turn into
a tragedy.
Meanwhile, Augusta's father was receiving startling news.

"Conclave leader, help! Following your departure, we've been assaulted by two men
who're currently butchering us like cattle!"

And instantly, he realized that from the beginning, they were playing in the enemy's

But he wasn't given time to lament, because Konrad raised his war hammer toward
the sky and summoned six purple circles.

"Sixth Circle Spell: Light Meteor!"

Purple clouds replaced all that previously stood in the sky, and from it, a maelstrom
of purple light emerged, releasing a gigantic purple meteor that descended upon the


With the demonic force empowering soul and physique, they couldn't resist, the
formation collapsing under the unstoppable assault.

"Overlord's Might!"

Sword in one hand, hammer in the other, Konrad vanished and appeared before one
of the Fate-Wrestling Saints.

With his hammer, he tore through his waist and with his sword, he beheaded him!

"What lies ahead victory is uncertain. However, we know that defeat means

Therefore, you can't falter! We must fight with all our might!"

The great elder roared and slammed his ocean blue ruler at Konrad in a tremendous
eruption of holy force!

The remaining eight followed suits, fighting tooth and nails against the demonic
Alas, to no avail!

With the formation broken and the backlash that ensued, their combined forces
were no match for Konrad's all-out assault.

One after the other, they fell in a gruesome feast of blood and gore!

"Resist, resist, just in case, we've already contacted Great Void! Fate Destroying Saint
reinforcements will soon be on their way!"

The great elder and conclave leader roared to the remaining three Saints.

What they didn't know was that beyond the royal palace, the corpses of their
reinforcements lied broken at the gate, butchered by Yvonne.

No reinforcements would ever find their way to the scene.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

*Slash* *Slash* *Slash*

In a macabre dance, Man-Breaker tore through the chests of the three subordinates
while the broadsword removed their heads from their bodies! They were not even
given enough time to scream.

Konrad then appeared before Augusta's father, and without hesitation, his spiked
hammer and sword hacked him into pieces. Thus, only the great elder remained.

"Since destruction is the only road. Do not blame me for being heartless!"

A berserk current of holy force erupted from the great elder's body as he prepared
his self-detonation.


The massive explosion came in less than a second, hitting Konrad point-blank, and
sending him spiraling into the ground.

In a startling dust blast, he cratered.

But before the explosion could lay waste on the royal palace, Yvonne appeared to
restrain it. Turning the large holy force explosion into nothingness.

She then landed by Konrad's side.

"What a pointless show of dust. My poor clothes."

Konrad commented while standing up from the ground, showing a naked, but
unharmed form.

Reassuming his human form, he turned toward Yvonne who eyed him from head to

"One must admit that even flaccid, your girth is… impressive."

She commented while summoning a black cloak which she placed over his
"Oh? If you're that interested, you can touch, you know?"

Following Yvonne's words, Konrad replied with a playful smile, causing her to roll
her eyes.

"Considering how often I get to touch you, I have no need to show such eagerness.


"A pity, such a wasted opportunity. Clearly, I have given you too much favor."

Konrad lamented and stretched out his arms. Dark mist flew from his fingertips to
wrap around the lingering souls of his twenty victims. The souls' vacant eyes showed
no desire to struggle, and effortlessly, the dark mist pulled them toward Konrad who
opened his mouth to swallow them within.

Before the Divine Spirit Rank, dead souls couldn't show consciousness, lingering at
their place of death for varying time intervals before heading into the reincarnation

While Konrad used the Infernal Soul Devouring Art to refine the souls, pitch-black
fog swirled around him, and his sclera went from white to black. But as his spiritual
cultivation and soul power rose, Yvonne frowned.

Clearly, she could feel Konrad's spiritual cultivation already was half-a-step into the
Semi-Holy Priest Rank. A full breakthrough was imminent.

"Too soon…”

Within his mind, Konrad battered the barriers of the Semi-Holy Priest Rank. Better
than anyone, he could feel himself ready to break through that rank. However, as he
approached success, darkness clouded his mind, and he entered a pitch-black world
where nothingness reigned.
"Hm? What is the meaning of this?"

Konrad frowned while his eyes swept the empty perimeter. At that time, a voice
echoed within his mind.

"Who are you?"

"What is your path?"

"What Dao do you pursue?"

As the mild voice echoed within his mind, Konrad had no answer to offer. Silence

"Without understanding the self, how can there be purity? Without purity, how can
there be sainthood?"

"Go back. When you grasp your Dao and complete your Sublimation, you may

The darkness then covered Konrad, erasing his presence from the scene. His eyes
opened to the sight of Yvonne standing by his side.

"Your Dao Sublimation is incomplete. Therefore, while you fulfill all soul power
requirements, you cannot break through the Semi-Holy Rank."

Konrad nodded. Dao Sublimations served as an identification of the true self. An

identification of the core desires that drove the individual on the cultivation road.
There were thousands of roads with some being weaker than others.

Fortunately, cultivators could reject their primary road to enlighten themselves in a

better one.

However, once the cultivator strayed from his chosen road, backlashes would ensue.
At best, their cultivation would not be able to go a step further. At worst, they would
fall back to the Transcendent Rank.

Following his demonic cultivation method, Olrich achieved Dao Sublimation in

Elmar in Shielding, Adelar in Power, Yvonne in Invincibility and so on.

Those were all high-level paths. And it was hard to say if one trumped another. The
strength of a sublimation chiefly depended on how challenging it was to maintain or

The more challenging, the more powerful.

As for Konrad, he indeed experienced some difficulty in figuring out the most
suitable path.

On the one hand, Invincibility seemed to be the most straightforward choice, but on
the other hand, he felt that path lacking in one ingredient.

"Never mind, it can wait for a little bit."

Undisturbed, Konrad set aside those thoughts and turned heels. At the same time, he
sent the royal guards several orders to restore the peace and summoned the
delegates to bring Phantasm Orchids to whoever still needed them.

Meanwhile, Ernst sat on his throne with vacant eyes staring at the entrance.
Suddenly, the crown prince rushed in alongside the third and fourth prince. In
tandem, the trio dropped onto their knees, fright written all over their faces.

"Disaster, horrendous disaster! The elders… lost… and alongside the Water Temple's
leaders, all perished!"

The crown prince sobbed and kowtowed in dramatic lamentation. The other two
princes were no different. But strangely, no ripple flashed on Ernst's face, and he
merely nodded in approval.

Standing up, he walked down the stairs with his arms crossed beneath his back. His
still vacant eyes staring at the entrance.

"Father, say something! Our house's fifty-thousand years of inheritance has

thoroughly collapsed, without any way to redress the situation! Over, it's over!

Why aren't you say…”

But before the crown prince could finish his words, Ernst's head abruptly shifted
toward him.

"Father? Who's your father?"

Stretching out his arm, Ernst summoned his holy energy sword, brandishing it at his
eldest son whose eyes widened in disbelief.

"Ernst asks, who's your father?"


The sword dropped on the crown prince's neck, lopping it off in one eruption of
blood. The other two princes were startled, but Ernst didn't stop.

"Ernst asked you a question! Son of a whore, who is your father?!"

*Slash* *Slash* *Slash*

Ernst's sword cut through the crown prince's body like a knife through butter,
hacking him till all his limbs lied in a blood pool, detached from his body. Seeing
their eldest brother reduced to ten clean pieces bathing in blood, terror filled the
other two princes. And as their brain finally processed the situation and gave them
the order to run for their lives, Ernst turned toward them.

"Why is he not answering?!"

He roared, and staggering, the two princes dropped on their rear, eyes still wide with

"Asleep… he… fell asleep… that's why he's not answering."

The fourth prince stammered, drawing an approving nod from Ernst.

"Ok. What about you, who's your father?"

Ernst seriously asked while walking toward the fourth prince. Hearing this, the third
prince no longer hesitated and turned into a light beam to shoot toward the exit.

"Why is he running? Ernst hasn't asked him yet! Guilty, guilty! Son of a whore!"
Ernst turned into another light beam, stopped the third prince mid-flight by
grabbing his right leg and aimed his sword at his waist.

"Help! Help! Heeeelp!

Father, I'm your son, we're your children! What is wrong with you? Please spare me!"

The third prince begged but to no avail.

"Nonsense! Ernst clearly sees the truth! Ernst has no children! Since you don't wish
to speak true, Ernst can only kill you!"


Ernst's sword descended on the third prince's waist, cutting him in half.

With a one-hundred-eighty degree turn, Ernst vanished and reappeared before the
fourth prince who shivered on his rear, not daring to stand up.

"Do you want to make Ernst repeat himself?"

"No… no… I'm the royal guard commander's son. You and I have absolutely no
relationship. I just followed them to give the news!

They're really hateful! Incomparably hateful! How dare they try to cheat the

The trembling fourth prince replied while lowering his eyes onto the ground, not
able to face the crazed glint in Ernst's eyes.

"Oh? The royal guard commander is Ernst's lifelong friend. As his son, in the future,
you must become a pillar of the state."

"Yes… yes…”

"A pity that the state is lost, and the house facing destruction. But it's fine, Ernst
placed Holy-Rank explosives all around the palace! Now that the elders are gone, we
can detonate them and bring all those invaders to destruction!

Sacrifice ourselves to cleanse the state and become legends!"

Ernst exclaimed with his arms outstretched and his wide, crazed eyes facing the
throne room's ceiling. His words almost caused the edgy fourth prince to lose his
countenance and soil himself.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

A clapping sound came from the entrance, forcing the two to turn toward its origin.

There, Konrad stepped in with Yvonne by his side.

"I must say it wasn't that terrible of an idea. A pity that the royal palace is now my
backyard and I already had the royal guard secure all your explosives."
Konrad's appearance startled Ernst who'd not expected him to show up.

At least, not so fast.

With his crazed silver eyes staring directly into Konrad's purple hues, and his index
aimed at his face, Ernst proclaimed:

"You?! How could it be you?! How could it not be?! Ernst supposes it was inevitable.

Ernst then lowered his index, and his eyes shifted toward Yvonne who stood by
Konrad's side.

"What beauty, what sex appeal, simply out of this world. With such a woman by your
side, why do you still need to plunder Ernst's garden? Greedy, you are greedy. But it's
fine. It's all fine.

Now, Ernst sees the truth."

Amused, Konrad chortled.

"Oh, and what truth is that?"

Ernst's eyes shifted back onto Konrad, and his lips flashed a smile.

"First, Ernst wants to know your true name."


"Good, Konrad. In just a few days, you've put our fifteen states on their knees, unified
our land, and established a new dynasty. The military, the court, the wealth, the
women, all are within your hands.
Good, very good. Truly worthy of being a demon spawn.

But Ernst isn't sad, because having embarked on the road of the conqueror without
absolute heartlessness, you're doomed to suffer. Ernst can see that within your
demonic eyes, besides bottomless ambition, care still remains, if only for the women
by your side.

Alas, on the path of conquest, on the road to become supreme, suffering losses is
inevitable. In your pursuit of absolute power and domination, there will be a time
when you'll set them aside, a time when you won't be there for the ones you
genuinely care for.

Fate will choose that moment to play a joke on you. And from experience, Ernst can
tell you, Fate is a cruel mistress that will prick your heart with ten-thousand

Ernst declared with wide, crazed eyes that didn't match his level tone.

Hearing his words, no ripple flashed on Yvonne's face. If she thought anything of
them, she didn't show it.

As for Konrad, his smile broadened.

"Nice swan song. However, I beg to differ, and if Fate wishes to mess with me, I will
fuck her into submission, like all the rest. As for you, you've outlived your

Konrad stretched out his hand, causing terrible demonic energies to barrel into Ernst
and fill his body.

Lifted by the demonic force, Ernst rose from the ground, his body bloating up, like a
balloon, at breakneck speed.

"Ernst is not sad… Ernst wails but isn't sad. In the netherworld, Ernst will wait for
karma to give you its retribution. There must be justice in the world. There must be…
otherwise, why does Ernst perishes so?


But as Ernst's crazed laughter echoed, Konrad's smile remained undisturbed.

"I forgot to mention, you're not going to the afterlife, your soul is about to turn into
another one of my meals, forever vanishing from the reincarnation cycle."

Hearing those words, Ernst's eyes shone with stupor.

"How could a man be this evil? Ernst doesn't deserve this! Ernst curses you!"

The swelling Ernst roared and thrashed in the air, attempting to resist Konrad's
demonic force, but to no avail.

"The only joke fate plays is birth. People don't get what they deserve, they get what
they get.

Therefore, Ernst von Gradl, at the dusk of your existence, allow me to enlighten you
in a few simple truths.

While it is true that actions bring chain-reactions, there is only one justice in this

The justice of the mightiest!

Man's will shape the world. He who controls all needs not care about karma and


Ernst's bloated body exploded, drenching the throne room's ground in flesh, blood,
and bones.

Dark mist erupted from Konrad's fingers to trap Ernst's soul and bring it to Konrad's
lips. Without hesitation, he swallowed it whole.

His eyes then dropped onto the fourth prince who floundered in a blood pool with
his father's flesh pieces covering him.

"Congratulations, fourth prince. As the eldest surviving son of house von Gradl's
main line, the throne is yours. Long live the emperor."

Hearing this, the shivering fourth prince awoke from his stupor, crawled toward
Konrad's feet and incessantly kowtowed.
"I don't want to be the emperor, I don't want to be the emperor. Demon sir, I beg you,
please let me live out the rest of my life in peace!"

While usually, princes would fight for the right to inherit the throne, the fourth
prince didn't dare have such an idea. If the thought of becoming the first emperor of
the new, unified country should generally appeal to many, with the current situation,
no sane man would want that throne.

Joke, the so-called Profound Sea Dynasty was Konrad's playground. All across its
territory belonged to him. Those eight billion citizens may not know his name, but it
would be his will that directed their daily lives. Whoever sat on the throne would
just be a shameful puppet without any say in official matters.

What outwardly looked like unparalleled glory was, in fact, nothing more than a
ticket to a lifetime of humiliation. The fourth prince dared not call himself bright, but
at the very least, he could see a fiery pit where it lied and would not throw himself
into such an abyss.

Alas, it wasn't his choice to make.

"If you won't cooperate, I'm afraid I must make the fifth prince the heir. Do you
understand what that means?"

The fourth prince banged his head against the floor and moved no further, his body
quivering in understanding. Without their father to officially demote him, for the
fifth prince to become the heir, he had to die.

Knowing that his life couldn't be preserved if he rejected the demonic oppressor, he
helplessly chose submission.

"From now on, I will obey your every words and arrangement. If you say A, I won't
dare say B, if you look right, I won't dare look left! I only hope that you can show
some mercy in your future treatment of my poor self!"

The fourth prince pledged while keeping his now bleeding forehead on the ground.

"Good. Don't worry, those who serve under Konrad's banner are always treated
fairly. Rewards for the meritorious and punishment for the failures."

With a wave of his hand, Konrad summoned a Phantasm Orchid which he threw at
the fourth prince.


Without hesitation, the fourth prince devoured the orchid. Satisfied, Konrad nodded.

"Tomorrow we shall have an important meeting. I hope your majesty won't be late.
Oh, and, for tonight's deaths, do you know what you should say?"

"The previous king, princes and elders were murdered by foreign assassins. They
shall be buried with honors."

Although there was nothing to bury, this script was good enough.

"Good man."

Then alongside Yvonne, Konrad turned heels, leaving the first and last von Gradl
emperor to collapse on the ground.
Peace finally returned to the night. But in that peace, dread still lingered. Unequal
dread, that is. If both male and female denizens of the royal palace were terror-
stricken by Konrad's demonic powers and awe-inspiring might, at least the consorts
and concubines had already "surrendered" in the night of debauchery.

Therefore, they knew what to expect and weren't as startled as the maids and
eunuchs. Still, even Augusta was forced to admit that she'd not expected such a
shocking display. Although following the revelation of his demonic nature, she didn't
expect Konrad to lose to the elders, the strength he showcased still surpassed her

When the von Gradl elders and Water Temple leaders perished, she was the first to
heave a sigh of relief. Better than anyone, she knew that should they triumph, her
father would never spare her. A cruel and unforgiving man, he would undoubtedly
use her life to "cleanse shame and restore family honor."

While she wouldn't dance on his grave, asking her to shed tears for a man who raised
his daughters as expendable chess pieces was, indeed, too much to ask.

And as soon as Konrad's servants finished the distribution of orchids, all

apprehension vanished from the royal palace. But as they crossed the road back to
their chambers, although she let nothing appear, Konrad could feel some
unsettlement within Yvonne's gait.

"What's wrong with you? Did my head consort get startled by a trivial worm's last

Arching her eyebrows, Yvonne stopped in her tracks and turned toward Konrad who
observed her with a gentle smile.

"I said it before. When I seize the throne of supremacy, you'll be by my side.
Regardless of what title I wield, you will be my counterpart. No one, nothing can stop
this future from occurring. Anyone who tries to stand in the way of that aspiration,
we shall obliterate. Therefore, you shouldn't pay any heed to the words of the

In the future, we will have many such curses. Must we take them all seriously?"

Hearing Konrad's reassuring attempt, Yvonne chortled.

"You misunderstand. Those are not my concerns. If I need to bother you with it, I
will, of course, tell you."

Satisfied, Konrad pulled Yvonne by the waist.

"Good. If my wife could get flustered by a ruined fool's words, I would truly be

With a soothing smile, Yvonne leaned against Konrad's chest.

"If we can't even show this bit of confidence in ourselves, how can our profane reign
stretch across eternity?"

She jested, and arms in arms, the two returned to their quarters for a night of

What Yvonne failed to say was that back in the Holy Flame Empire's imperial palace,
unsettling rumors circulated. Rumors whose consequences were hard to fathom.

Word was that after nine thousand years of cultivation, the top von Jurgen expert,
Adalwin von Jurgen finally found the road to Star Connection and was on the verge of
a breakthrough.

If he succeeded, the entire cultivation pattern of the Holy Flame Empire would
experience shocking changes. At the very least, the Voight and the Holy Flame
Church faced great dangers.

After all, if there was one thing both Olrich and Adalwin could agree on, it was that
those two forces were their von Jurgen dynasty's greatest obstacles.

At dawn, the pair awoke, and Yvonne assumed her cobra form to coil around Konrad.
Afraid to trigger their new lord's ire, the officials didn't even wait for the sun to
properly rise before gathering in the throne room. Dozens of high-ranking officials
methodically lined up, forming orderly rows and columns before the throne.

The fourth prince then stepped in, except that this time, his princely attire was
replaced by a white mourning robe and headband. Seeing those items, the officials
were "startled" and went into an "uproar."

"Why is his fourth highness donning mourning clothes?"

"Is it possible that something happened last night?"

"How could this be, and where is the king? Following the country's unification,
shouldn't he be here to assume the imperial crown?"

Although the officials had already been briefed on last night's events, they still
needed to put on a good show. The fourth prince dragged his slouching body toward
the bottom of the stairs leading to his father's golden throne, then turned toward the

"Officials, pillars of the state, it is with abysmal sorrow that I must announce the
death of our monarch, my beloved father, Ernst von Gradl."

The fourth prince announced with a deep sigh and lowered his head toward the
ground with his eyes shut.


Hearing the "shocking" news, the officials' mouths and eyes widened in a glaring
show of stupor.

"Last night, Great Void assassins broke into the royal palace to murder the king, the
elders, the crown prince, the second prince, and the third prince. Having received the
news, The Water Temple tried to come to our aid, but to no avail. Their leaders
perished in the fight.

Initially Great Void wanted to use the opportunity to destroy our entire main line
and ruin our country's foundation. But thanks to the commotion that ensued, they
alarmed a righteous elder who, unable to watch idle, raised his sword in defense of
the royal family, slew the invaders, and saved those last few of us."
With another sigh, the fourth prince turned toward the golden throne, dropped onto
his knees, and kowtowed.

"Father, your son was useless and failed to protect you! Please forgive my
incompetence, and may you rest in peace!"

Following the fourth prince's example. The officials paid their respects to the
deceased monarch.

"Your majesty, please forgive our incompetence, and may you rest in peace!"

All thrice kowtowed toward the golden throne, then returned to their feet.

"Now, everyone, allow me to introduce you to the hero to whom all von Gradl owe
their salvation. Surely, you know him well. Protector, please step in!"

In a purple haze, Konrad appeared at the entrance, dressed in a white robe and black
overcoat. With his "pet cobra" coiling around him, he took a step forward, vanished,
and reappeared before the fourth prince.

"Protector, without you, my house would have disappeared from this world. Please
accept my bow!"

The fourth prince proclaimed, with warm tears and a theatrical bow. But as he bent,
Konrad stopped him and lifted him back up.

"Your highness needs not show me such deference. I only did what righteousness
commanded. My only regret is that I couldn't come in time to save the monarch."

Konrad sobbed, then turned toward the gathered officials.

"Though we all grieve the king's loss, even for one day, a country cannot remain
without a ruler! As the eldest surviving son, it is the fourth prince's duty to assume
the throne.

And now that the state rulers have decided to remove the frontiers and unify the
country under the von Gradl rule, the fourth highness should officially abandon the
royal style to don the title of emperor!

Henceforth, becoming the Profound Sea Dynasty's first emperor! Any objections?"
"None whatsoever! Long live the emperor!"

The officials instantly replied and fell on their knees to greet their new monarchs.

"Since everyone requests me to shoulder this responsibility, I cannot decline."

With a helpless sigh, the fourth prince accepted the position, henceforth becoming
the Profound Sea Emperor.

"As emperor, my first act should be to reward your valor. Moreover, I understand that
I'm muddled and wasn't raised for governance. We live in chaotic times, the
neighboring states are at war and assassinations run amok.

Therefore, protector, I not only beseech you to accept the position of grand preceptor
and serve as my state's highest official but I also humbly request that you take on the
mantle of regent!

Please help me shoulder my heavy responsibilities and bring my state to prosperity!"

The Profound Sea Emperor pleaded with his hands clasped in a submissive bow.

"Alas, I'm a Holy Flame Dignitary!"

"Lord, the Holy Flame Empire is mighty and doesn't need you while our foundation
has been shaken and requires you to solidify it!

His majesty is right, for the sake of righteousness, for the sake of the common
people, we all humbly beseech you to accept this position and guide us to

"We beseech you!"

The dozens of high-ranking officials begged in theatrical kowtows.

At that time, as if gathered by mental messages, hundreds of mid-ranked officials

assembled beneath the stairs leading to the throne room and similarly kowtowed.

"The world is chaotic, the state is in jeopardy, the common people face sufferings!
For the sake of righteousness, we beseech you, lord, to accept this position and
become our country's guide and teacher!"
The pleading voices of hundreds of officials seemed to shake Konrad to the core of
his soul, and warm tears dropped from his eyes.

"What virtue! What morality! With such words, how can I still decline? For the sake
of the common people, for the sake of righteousness, I accept! And as grand
preceptor, as the country's guide and teacher, I swear to uphold this morality and
lead the Profound Sea Dynasty to the Holy Continent's summit!"

As Konrad's words echoed, tears and emotions filled the imperial palace.

"Thank you, grand preceptor! But chaos never ends, one conflict replaces another,
and the common people always face sufferings!

Therefore, for their sake, we also request that your regency lasts an eternity!"

The Profound Sea Emperor exclaimed, and his officials repeated after him.

Helpless, Konrad sighed and replied:

"Though it profoundly grieves me, I accept! As long as unrest plagues this land, my
regency shall continue!

And if eternity is what it takes for unrest to subside, then throughout eternity, I shall
be regent!"
While the hundreds of mid-level officials hadn't been subjected to the Phantasm
Orchids, following Konrad's mental orders, their families were all seized by the high-
ranking officials' forces.

Therefore, all those pedantic scholars who usually swore by "righteousness,""order,"

and "the common people" now facilitated the glaring takeover. And as soon as the
play ended, Konrad got to work.

The former state rulers were forced to dispatch their treasuries' reserves to the
capital, using Semi-Saints as couriers and space treasures as containers. Konrad
seized all he needed, and following a redistribution of resources, left them enough to
keep their domains running without disturbance.

The rest fueled the capital's activities. At the same time, he also had them dispatch
their Semi-Saint and Saint-level experts to feed the imperial guard.

Meanwhile, the construction of talent assessing centers throughout all cities was a
massive, unprecedented project estimated at two billion purple crystals.

Setting aside that sum was one of Konrad's first deeds. And with all powers
concentrated within the capital, the country went from decentralized to centralized
in a heartbeat.

With well-placed purple crystals and Phantasm Orchids, he also started bamboozling
the foreign countries' intelligence networks within the Profound Sea Dynasty.

Messengers were then dispatched across the country to inform all citizens of the
new state of things. At that time, foreign dignitaries and spies brought back both the
news of the country's abrupt, peaceful unification under the von Gradl rule and the
appearance of a mysterious grand preceptor.

As for the spies that snuck into the palace to obtain more in-depth information, they
would all return empty-handed.
Through the army tokens, Konrad had the generals gather a three-million-man
strong army set at the border between the Profound Sea Dynasty and the Great Void

He then sent a Semi-Saint messenger to the Holy Flame Empire to inform Olrich of
the country's readiness to assist and the princess' impending arrival for marriage.

Though startled, Olrich cared little about the Water Kingdom's transformation. He
only cared about how it affected his schemes. Since nothing changed, he carried on
with his plans.

"Great Void's nefariousness knows no limit. For the sake of petty benefit, they don't
even hesitate to forsake the principle of righteousness and help the Earth Kingdom
Alliance's evil!

Enough is enough! We've tolerated them for far too long. It is high time we teach
them a lesson, avenge the murdered Prosperous Wind imperial kinsmen, and return
the Holy Continent to purity!"

Using the righteous banner of assisting his in-laws and stopping unlawful assault,
Olrich dispatched his forces, sending legions of Holy Flame soldiers to descend upon
Great Void's eastern border and seize its cities.

Initially, the Profound Sea Dynasty's troops should have crashed on the western
border. But as soon as Holy Flame forces began their assault, the Profound Sea
Dynasty announced its neutrality, withdrew its forces, and cut all alliance talks with
the Holy Flame Empire.

At the same time, the delegation members sent back messages.

"The newly formed Profound Sea Dynasty has been treating us with profound
courtesy. Therefore, your majesty, we've decided to settle within the capital for some

We wish you the best of luck in this war and your future endeavors, long may you

Olrich almost spat blood, and seeing the seal he personally bestowed upon Konrad,
he inferred they'd all been taken hostages.
And indeed, the Profound Sea Emperor soon sent him another message.

"Your majesty's ninth son, tenth elder, and delegates are finding my country hard to
leave. The world is chaotic, perhaps when the war ends, they will find the desire to
return home.

In the meantime, I hope we can maintain peaceful relationships and avoid tragedies."

After reading the impudent words, Olrich tore the paper to shreds.

"How dare the immature whelp threaten me?! Once I'm done with Great Void, they
can be sure I won't spare them!"

Olrich roared. Alas, although his forces still trumped Great Void's, without the
Profound Sea Dynasty's support, the war was doomed to drag.

Especially since, while claiming neutrality, Profound Sea secretly supported Great
Void and the Earth Kingdom Alliance's military effort by supplying them with
rations, explosives and all kind of military equipment.

Everything besides effectively dispatching troops.

Thus, although the Holy Flame Empire had yet to meet defeat, the Holy Continent
was gradually settling in a stalemate.

If that wasn't enough, Olrich faced other problems.

Across those last few days, starting with the Profound Sea Dynasty, all countries saw
the emergence of a new group of prophets heralding catastrophic disasters for the
Holy Continent!

Those prophets claimed to serve the Profane Prince, the "One True God" who
enraged by the Holy Continent's heathens and unbelievers, would soon send
calamities to obliterate them.

Since wanna be prophets appeared from time to time, no one took them seriously.
However, all attempts to seize those troublemakers ended with them vanishing out
of the blue, causing fear and apprehension to start spreading throughout the
Still, that was only a small issue. The real problem was within his backyard.

Adelar awoke, rising with a strength that left Olrich with only two choices:

Destroy, or get destroyed!

Within his chambers, Adelar von Jurgen's eyes opened, the left now crimson red
while red fog swirled around him. Laurens, who stood by his side was scared witless
by the dreadful force erupting from his elder brother and immediately dropped onto
his knees.

"Congratulations, second brother, on achieving sainthood! Please forgive my reckless

move that hastened your plans!"

Laurens both congratulated and apologized. However, Adelar remained undisturbed.

"After two centuries of accumulations, father's pesky seal is finally broken. The pill's
effects are even better than I anticipated."

Adelar rejoiced while standing up. Stretching out his arms, he let his blood fog erupt
alongside the full might of his rising holy force, and his cultivation skyrocketed!

Early-stage Rising Saint, mid-stage, late-stage, early-stage Profound Saint…

His cultivation kept rising until it reached the peak of the True Origin Saint Rank, and
there, it stopped. Meanwhile, spiritual and demonic energies intertwined within his
holy force. And although their cultivation now stood at the same level, Laurens didn't
doubt that the intensity of his brother's aura surpassed that of their father's.

And that aura wasn't even stabilized… yet.

Laurens barely restrained the urge to soil himself.

"The situation called for a prompt reaction. You did what you had to. I don't blame

"T-thank you, second brother."

"Summon the seventh, the eight, and the eleventh elders. Unfortunately, because we
took this step a bit earlier than expected, I will have to use them to perfect my

"As you command!"

Laurens exclaimed, then excused himself, leaving Adelar alone within the room. With
a one-hundred-eighty-degree rotation, he turned toward a nearby mirror and
stepped toward it.

Facing the mirror, Adelar intently stared at his crimson left eye, and gently brushed
it. His emotionless face softened.

"Mother, if an afterlife there is, I hope that from it you can watch how your son uses
the accursed lineage of Ashara's blood fiends, our accursed lineage, to seize the
empire, and avenge your death."

While clenching his left hand, Adelar extended his right palm toward the mirror,
resting it on his reflection.

"Three days… I only need three days.

In success, I shall glorify you.

In failure, I shall join you… never to part again."


Unable to bear the pressure of Adelar's palm, the mirror shattered, and its pieces
dropped onto the ground.

Adelar closed his eyes, and the blood fog surrounding him instantly vanished.
While the Holy Flame Empire's imperial palace experienced turbulent currents, on
top of the Profound Sea Dynasty's tallest monument, amidst a starry night, a couple
jested under the moonlight.

"What virtue! What morality! With such words, how can I decline?!

Though it profoundly grieves me, I accept! As long as unrest plagues this land, my
regency shall continue!

And if eternity is what it takes for unrest to subside, then throughout eternity, I shall
be regent!"


"Shameless! Konrad, you're utterly shameless! Truly, Olrich's most reasonable

decision in his life was to make you his son. There probably isn't any other man able
to call you -son- without blushing in shame.

But now, the son has already surpassed the father, and he should call you teacher!"

Yvonne burst into laughter while mimicking Konrad's theatrical display of several
days ago. Since then, he had entirely focused on official matters, spending his
mornings, lunches, and evenings in court meetings to devise new economic
strategies and hasten the recruitment of new talents.

This was inarguably their first intimate moment since he took his new position.

"So what if I'm shameless? Shamelessness is the first step to greatness! The more
shameless, the better! It is because I'm this barefaced that I shall be supreme!"

Konrad candidly replied with a complacent smile and a dismissive wave of his hand.

"Oh? Good, very good. Even forcing those hundreds of officials whose families you
kept in captivity to follow you in your shameless act. I really want to ask, in your
previous life, did you major in acting? I'm really starting to feel like you're a
reincarnated actor."

"Naturally! Not just acting, music, poetry, painting, writing… all the arts were
subdued by me!"

"You really dare say anything, don't you? Please accept my bow."

With false seriousness, Yvonne clasped her hands and bowed toward Konrad.

"What, don't believe me? Good, tonight I must show you the depth of my skills, and
sincerely convince you!"

"Hum, hum!"

Konrad sat crossed legged and cleared his throat. Meanwhile, Yvonne lied on her side
to listen to his display.

"In the eye of a storm, I fly on crippled wings,

Rowing against the current, clawing at our lost love,

My heart roaring, my eyes vacant, and my soul crumbling.

Deprived of my half,

Deprived of my self,

Helpless, I beg you

Forgive and come home."

Konrad declaimed with an impassioned voice and expression that would have
tricked onlookers into thinking his words genuine.

Even Yvonne was forced to admit that she almost mistook him for a desperate lover
yearning for his partner's return.

"Not bad, I can see the semblance of a structure. But it doesn't rhyme."
She teased with an amused smile.

"Poetry doesn't need to rhyme. As long as it pulls your heartstrings, my aim is


"Mhm, it definitely pulls other -strings,- if you see what I mean."

Yvonne replied with a sultry smile and alluring eyes that suggested a more carnal

Crossing the roof's tiles, Konrad crawled toward her, lying on top with his arms
beside her shoulders and his purple eyes staring into her hessonite hues.

"Bold. That's why you'll always be my number one."

"Good that you know."

Yvonne declared, and with a yank on Konrad's collar, she brought his face onto hers
for an ardent kiss.

On the following morning, the disheveled pair awoke, arms in arms.

"This is the last court meeting I will personally attend. Afterward, I will take the most
outstanding members of my harem into three days of closed-door cultivation. With
the Time Warping Clock, that will be equivalent to one month, and with my current
physique and resources, enough to bring them all to the Transcendent Rank.

Afterward, we'll leave for the Tower of Rebirth."

Konrad explained.

"You mean closed-door dual cultivation."

"Ahh… details."

They then restored their clothes and left for the court meeting.

As per usual, the emperor and high-ranking officials had already taken their post,
patiently awaiting his arrival. Seeing Konrad stepping in, all turned away from the
emperor to form an orderly line that showcased military discipline.

"Greetings, grand preceptor!"

The dozens of officials bowed with clasped hands, then knelt to welcome Konrad.

As he reached the stairs leading to the imperial throne, the Profound Sea Emperor
stood up and bowed in greetings.

"Welcome, grand preceptor. We were waiting for your arrival. Please take your seat."

"Mhm, you may all rise."

Behind the emperor's throne lied a taller seat cloaked by golden chain curtains.
Konrad set the curtain aside and took his position.

With the emperor a step below him, he looked like a puppeteer pulling strings from
the shadows.

The officials stood up, and the court session began.

"How is the imperial examination reform going?"

Konrad first asked, causing cold sweat to form on the officials' faces.

"Grand preceptor, previously, only nobles were allowed to serve as officials. But now
that we're opening the door to all, from low to high nobility, we're facing resistance.

Although they don't dare challenge your will, they play tricks against the
commoners, using their private forces to bully them into backing off…”

Hearing this, no ripple flashed on Konrad's face.

"Very well, draft an imperial decree. The nobility's private army privilege is,
henceforth, revoked.

From now on, nobles are forbidden from keeping private forces. Doing so is
tantamount to rebellion. Offenders face family extermination. Moreover, all adult
male nobles who fail the imperial examination must join the various divisions of the

The high-ranking officials were startled. However, since this was Konrad's command,
they naturally obeyed, the imperial decree was drafted and brought to Konrad who
signed it with the imperial seal.

"Also, investigate all the troublemakers, publicize the charge and execute them for
obstruction to the law.

Konrad added while patting his "pet-cobra."

"As you command, preceptor!"

Although much of the obstruction could be traced to their relatives, with Konrad's
command, even if their parents were the guilty party, they would still execute them.

Without disturbance, the court meeting carried on, and from beginning to end, the
puppet emperor didn't open his mouth. Occupying his throne in silence, with a
slouched back.

The meeting came to an end, and the officials departed, leaving only Konrad and the
Profound Sea Emperor within the room.

Rising from his throne, he turned toward Konrad and gave him a polite bow.

"As you ordered, our men scoured the country, noble and commoner houses alike to
select top beauties.

Across our Profound Sea Dynasty's eight billion citizens, the top three-hundred
beauties have finally been assembled to serve you."

Initially, the order was to select new concubines for the emperor. But all within the
palace knew that those beauties were all meant for Konrad.

The emperor could look but not touch.

"You may bring them in."

Immediately, the Profound Sea Emperor dispatched mental messages and had the
three hundred beauties brought in. Led by imperial eunuchs, they stepped in,
forming orderly lines in the vast throne room. Awed by its splendor, some of
commoner origin couldn't help but let their eyes drift.

However, when their sight fell on the pair of men standing ahead, the throne room's
splendor was quickly set aside.

Of the two, the one dressed in an imperial robe and crown was completely ignored
for the sake of the marvel sitting on the towering throne.

"Is this a man… or is this a god? God… it must be… the incarnation of a deity."

The same thought spread within the mind of the three-hundred beauties while
butterflies fluttered within their stomachs and their knees weakened.

With a smile, Konrad vanished and reappeared before them.

"Welcome, lovely ones, to my harem."

With a wave of his hand, he transported them into the space mansion and introduced
them all to his demonic world of pleasure.

Their crazed moans echoed throughout the entire mansion.

Yvonne then took the reins, having more senior harem members settle the new girls
in their quarters while Konrad brought Astarte to meet the leading members of the

They would then leave for closed-door cultivation.

Alongside Astarte, Konrad stepped into the room where the harem members he
handpicked to follow him into the tower awaited with Yvonne's other Pure Self.

There, Jasmine, Iliana, Daphne, Faidra, Aliki, Freya, Zamira and Lena sat crossed
legged in silent cultivation. Having seen the countless beauties that filled Konrad's
halls, Astarte was unalarmed and now understood why her makeover was necessary.

Still, she was forced to admit that those who gathered within this room were a step
above the rest.

Yvonne, especially stood out, with an oppressive aura that enforced obedience and
commanded respect. As soon as the two stepped in, the ladies' eyes opened and fell
onto them.

"Ladies, Astarte, Astarte, ladies. She is the last member of our congregation."

Having already been briefed on their next destination by the avatars. None were
startled and knew precisely why they gathered.

"Greetings, mistresses!"

Astarte said with a polite bow.

But hearing that greeting, most of the ladies frowned. Usually, the women Konrad
bothered introducing were bound to hold significant status within the harem. None
would call them "mistresses."

And indeed…

"Wrong. I am your master, yes, but they're your sisters. You only need to bow to the
head consort and me. The rest, you treat like equals.

Though surprised, Astarte quickly adjusted.

"As you wish, master."

She replied with a vigorous nod. Konrad then motioned for her to sit, and she

More experienced, in matters of warfare, Zamira could see that although the girl
seemed mild and obedient, a strange battle-intent was slowly building within her.

Konrad then waved his hand, and in a purple haze, five of his harem avatars
appeared beside him.

Seeing the five identical versions of her master, Astarte was startled. But as she
recalled all his supernatural abilities, her surprise lessened.

"Let's repeat the script."

"I will keep the Serkar bodyguards for unexpected occurrences and carry on with
our grand preceptor work."

Said the first one.

"I will get the imperial duke insignias back from Krann and have him maim the tenth
elder to give the appearance of an arduous escape. Alongside the wounded tenth
elder, we will then return to the Holy Flame Empire to carry on with our quest.

We will have the Holy Flame spies we subdued coordinate with our version of the
story. Of course, I will also be using the Transformation Skill to fake a Grand Priest

The second one continued.

"I will use the Transformation Skill to disguise myself into a eunuch and infiltrate the
Earth Kingdom Alliance's royal palace to repeat the old scheme, silently taking over
the harem."

"I will do the same in Great Void."

"And I in Prosperous Wind."

"When we successfully take control of the harems, we poison the monarchs and
problematic heirs, then make queen and empresses dowagers to control the Earth
Alliance, Prosperous Wind and Great Void's political scenes from the shadows!

Deadline, one month!"

Konrad nodded.

"Good, all required resources will be set aside. As for the Holy Flame Empire, after
my return from the tower, I will personally deal with the final assault."

With that said, he stepped forward, then turned to sweep the gathered avatars.

"Failure is…”

“…not in our vocabulary."

Alongside his five avatars, Konrad declared. They then vanished in purple hazes,
preparing to tackle their tasks.

Witnessing this scene, even the likes of Jasmine and Iliana who were used to the
Avatars' strange connection couldn't help but feel perplexed.

"Now girls, it's time to cultivate. Those who need bloodline upgrades will have their
bloodlines upgraded.

Those who need better physiques will receive better physiques.

For the next month, we'll have to work extra deep and hard. Emphasis on the deep
and hard parts. Things may get messy, but you'll have to persevere!"

Konrad seriously said.






They all cursed one after the other. However, when it came to Daphne's turn…

"Well-said! No matter how wet and sloppy things get, we should persevere!"

Instantly, all curses stopped, and several pairs of eyes shifted toward her.


She innocently asked, as if she'd said nothing to justify those stares. But then, all
recalled that it was Daphne, and immediately stopped caring.

Meanwhile, within the Holy Flame Empire's imperial palace, the seventh, the eighth,
and the eleventh von Jurgen elders were having their blood essence siphoned by

Within his room, they hovered in the air with blood chains going straight from their
hearts to his.

All had fallen into a comatose state that prevented any scream from bypassing their

In silence, Adelar sat crossed-legged and refined their blood essence, using it to
polish the imperfections within his cultivation.

The intensity of his aura incessantly rose, and following three days of refining, the
three elders were sucked dry, turning into mummy-like corpses.

The blood chains left their chests, and they tumbled onto the ground before
vanishing in dust. Laurens, who bore witness to this scene, couldn't stop shivering.

"You say our ninth brother returned?"

"Y-yes. Using the token bestowed by father, the tenth elder desperately fought to
secure their escape and successfully brought him back."
Laurens replied to Adelar's question. Hearing this, he sneered.

"Rubbish. I'm afraid our tenth elder no longer serves the von Jurgen banner. But it's

Gathering the blood fog surrounding him, Adelar stood up.

Closing his eyes, he connected his soul to both his mind slaves and willing retainers.

"Dear servants, loyal retainers, the time has come for us to emerge from the

On this day, I, Adelar von Jurgen, make my bid for the imperial throne!

All those who answer to my will, gather, and alongside me, overthrow the fatuous
ruler named Olrich von Jurgen!"

The mental message spread through the minds of all Adelar's followers within the
imperial palace.

And instantaneously, hundreds of light beams flew from various corners of the
imperial palace to drop before Adelar's chambers.

Emotionlessly, he stepped out, and all dropped on their knees.

"Master, please lead us to free the country of Olrich von Jurgen's tyranny!"

The head of the imperial guard exclaimed, and all others repeated after him.

"To the emperor's palace!"

Adelar roared, and alongside all his Semi-Saints and Saint retainers, turned into a
beam of light to shoot toward Olrich's palace where he currently was holding court
with Konrad's avatar by his side.

"The Profound Sea Dynasty's silent involvement has been causing us many issues.
Should we…”

An official began but at that time…


A massive, grey lightning bolt descended from the sky and slammed the throne hall
from above!

The bolt struck the middle of the road separating the two rows of officials, triggering
an explosion that sent them all flying against nearby walls.


They wailed in agony.

Both Konrad and Olrich were startled.

"Bold! Who dares?"

Olrich snapped and turned into a grey beam of light to shoot toward the sky.


A voice thundered from the clouds. Immediately, the sky was corrupted by the
appearance of grey and blood clouds.

Alongside his troops, Adelar descended from the heavens, stopping before Olrich
with the hundreds of Semi-Saints and Saints slaves and turncoats by his side.

Among them, Olrich could name many elders and even his imperial guard

His face contorted into a frown.

"Adelar, Adelar, you finally can't hold back?

Are you trying to force your father into abdication?"

Olrich asked in a scornful yet level tone. His words seemed to cause no ripple on
Adelar who just eyed him with indifference.

"Abdication? No father, I don't want your abdication. I loathe you too much for that.
Today, I want two things.

A) Your throne.

B) Your Life!"

But as he spoke, Adelar's indifference was quickly cast aside to reveal soaring rage
and hatred.

"However, unlike you, I don't want to seize my throne with an underhanded scheme.
I must seize it in a flagrant, glaring, and flamboyant manner.

Olrich von Jurgen, dare you fight me?!

One against one, man against man!

If you have the gals, unsheathe your sword and allow me to vent centuries of

Adelar roared, and his vast holy force erupted alongside the words that resounded
throughout the Holy Flame City!

And in a flash, all knew that the second von Jurgen prince rebelled!
The rumbling of Adelar's voice alarmed the Holy Flame City's denizens, and all
forces' attention fell onto the imperial palace.

Saint-level experts locked their holy sense on the palace, eager to witness the events
unfold. But strangely, as Adelar's blood aura exploded alongside his holy force,
though they could feel its tyrannical intensity, none could spot the demonic energy
signature concealed within.

Within the Holy Flame Church, the dowager, Amalia Kvass and the head exarch,
Gerhard Herberger observed the scene from afar.

"Interesting. Never did I expect that the second prince concealed such formidable
strength. I'm afraid that without the Holy Flame Seal's assistance, Olrich is simply
not his match.

And even then, since he dares rebel, he must have some trump cards. We may very
well welcome a new holy emperor today. Amalia, your descendants are truly

Gerhard appraised with an inexpressive look that gave no insight into his emotions.
His eyes then turned toward Amalia who stood silent at his left, her gaze cold, and

"One is your son, the other is your grandson. Don't you wish to intervene? After all,
only one can live to see the morrow."

Gerhard asked. However, his voice seemed to provoke no reaction within Amalia's
chilling face.

"Filial piety is the first virtue.

Being unfilial, the first vice.

He who aims his sword at his progenitor's neck, should not exist in this world."

Amalia coldly replied, then with a sweep of her sleeve, she turned heels and
vanished in a grey haze to return to secluded cultivation.

From her words, Gerhard clearly understood that as far as she was concerned, the
victor mattered not.

Perhaps deep down, she even hoped they could both kill one another or at the very
least, that Olrich perished at his son's hand.

In the deepest recesses of the imperial palace, the top von Jurgen expert, Adalwin,
sat crossed-legged with his eyes shut close. Dazzling light swirled around his form
while faint star force brewed within his energy center.

But as Adelar's words echoed, Adalwin's ancient eyes opened, and his holy sense
swept the scene. Seeing the contenders, no ripple flashed on his face, and ignoring
the scene, he returned to the pursuit of Star Connection.

"Clearly, the previous emperor must be cursing his descendants from the
netherworld. Or could this be… the will of karma?"

Hubert wondered while observing the scene from afar.

"Adelar von Jurgen, please do the world a favor, and remove that shit stain father of
yours from the face of the Ancient Crystal World."

But while many were starting to bet on Adelar's imminent victory, others remained

With her cultivation chambers, Else sat crossed-legged with her holy sense locked on
the scene.
Before her, another woman sat, legs crossed within an armchair. Konrad could
effortlessly recognize her as Gulistan, his mother.

'Won't you intervene? After all, he's his grandson."

Else asked Gulistan who observed the distant scene with a smile.

"So what if he is? The daughter was crippled and expelled by her own father. Does
such a grandfather still care about his grandson? Whether he even knows of his
existence is a matter of debate."

Gulistan replied with an amused smile. However, Else disagreed.

"But he's different from his mother, with the talent he shows. Should the news reach
him, he's bound to care."

"True, but it has nothing to do with me. If our dear Infernal Cult leader wishes to
save his grandson, even from the Infernal Cult's headquarters, he can still save him.

Alas, the most defining traits of a perfect blood fiend are pride and callousness.

Those who cannot showcase such traits will always be seen as defects."

Facing Adelar's tyrannical aura, Olrich sighed and closed his eyes.

"Must it really come to this? For the sake of the throne, must the son rebel against
the father? Is it always the way it has to be?"

Olrich asked, and for some reason, feeling the profound sorrow in his words, Konrad
who observed the scene from the ground felt his words genuine.

But how could it be?

Stretching out his hand, Olrich summoned his holy energy sword. His eyes then
returned onto Adelar who sneered at his words.

"Did the fear of death make you muddled? How laughable, don't you recall what
you've taught me?"
Adelar stretched out his hand, causing vast blood fog to gather within his palm.

"Since you don't remember, allow me to remind you. Incomplete Armament!"

The blood fog morphed into a crimson longsword within which faint cracks could be

Still, wielding it, Adelar's aura rose to a new level. The sky turned red, and in a
crimson beam, he shot toward Olrich.

With his eyes full of pain and sorrow, Olrich turned into a grey light beam to meet his
son's offensive.


In a ringing sound, their swords collided. Alas, the might behind Adelar's blow was
too hard for Olrich to bear, and with one move, he flew backward.

"From the moment I could read and write, you've taken care of my education,
arguably giving it more priority than to Elmar, your crown prince. However, what
you imparted onto us was completely different.

And this what you taught me:

Rule number one: It's better for an emperor to be crooked than straight!"

Adelar roared, and not giving Olrich any time to breathe, he raised his sword, causing
blood clouds to merge into a twenty-meters tall blood wolf that barreled into Olrich's
dropping form!

"Rule number two: Your officials are either your pawns or your enemies!"

Before the blood wolf could smash into him, Olrich summoned six grey circles,
casting a sixth circle spell that filled the cloud with a grey thunderstorm.

One massive lightning bolt descended, splitting the blood wolf in a resounding boom.
Undisturbed, Adelar lowered his sword, and the mist formed by the wolf's
destruction turned into dozens of larger wolves that bit Olrich from all sides!

He groaned in pain while blood gushed from his mangled flesh.

"Rule number three: Love is a felony. If you must love, love the weak. Love the
helpless. Never love the mighty, or they shall be your doom!"

A massive conflagration erupted from Olrich's bloodied form, returning the wolves
to mist. But before he could steady himself, Adelar's sword drew a perfect arc, firing
a thirty-meters tall half-blood moon onto him.

"Rule number four: Friendship is a cardinal sin!

Number Five: Do not cherish your brothers, for one day you might find their swords
at your back!"

Adelar roared in succession while firing dozens upon dozens of half-moons.

At first, Olrich could barely shoulder it. But soon, he became overwhelmed, and his
body was torn by the myriad of sword slashes. Blood drenched his imperial robe.

And as it dripped, his sorrow deepened.

"Last, but not the least, number six: Greatness is defined by might and not
righteousness. No one dares criticize the mighty, but all will trample on the feeble!

Therefore, son, to become the greatest, you don't have to be good. You just have to be

Those are all your words! Let's not even mention the enmity of slaying my helpless
mother. Having raised me in such a manner, it would be strange if I didn't strive to
butcher you!

Your hypocrisy sickens me!

Sixth Circle Spell: Incarnadine Sea!"

Horizontally holding his sword, Adelar conjured six red circles from which a
gargantuan blood sea erupted to flood all that lied below.

Outmatched, Olrich knew that should he fail to turn the tide, this move would be the
With a wave of his hand, he summoned the Holy Flame Seal. Wielding it, his aura
rose to a new level, and a sea of white flames formed above his head to meet Adelar's
blood sea.


The two forces canceled out, causing a massive explosion to propel the two parties

Stabilizing himself mid-flight, Olrich again closed his eyes.

"Indeed. Those are all my words, and you really are… my good son."

And Konrad who witnessed this scene couldn't help but frown while a great sense of
foreboding welled up within his chest.

Within the imperial palace's cold quarter, recalling Konrad's words, Nils was
currently rushing toward her brothers who sat crossed-legged in confinement.

With the chaos overtaking the imperial palace, no one cared to bare her path.
Unblocked, she barged in, rapidly reached the area where the two remained and
slammed the door to gain attention.

"Elder brother, I know you've reached the ninth step of the Semi-Holy Rank! Since
father doesn't restrict your cultivation, nothing can stop you from escaping!

So, escape, fast! Break-out and lead Holger out of the imperial palace! Otherwise, we
are all doomed to destruction!"
Nils' reasoning was simple. Although it seemed like Adelar held the absolute
advantage, he was just building his own grave. There was no hope for victory. But to
defeat him, her father would have to activate the worm and start his refining plans.

Adelar would first perish. But what happened next? Once he started, would Olrich
stop? Could he stop?

Those were questions that none could answer. And the thought of her brother's
imminent demise led her to his gate. Alas, nothing she said could convince Elmar
from coming out of confinement.

And Nils knew very well that even if she revealed the soul worms, Elmar would
never believe her. To say nothing of him, if she'd not witnessed it with her own eyes,
Nils could never believe it.

Though the Holy Flame Seal had caused the intensity of Olrich's aura to skyrocket,
Adelar remained undisturbed.

The Holy Flame Seal turned into a bright white meteor and flew toward Adelar,
crazily expanding while approaching him.

"Foolish, I have obtained the inheritance of a sage. Do you think I lack high-grade
Holy Artifacts?"

Adelar scoffed and summoned a bronze spear which he hurled at the Holy Flame


The spear slammed into the seal and sent it spiraling into the ground in a deafening
"Over. It's over."

Those were the words the circled within most of the onlookers' minds. If even the
seal could not turn the tide, Olrich was finished.

"Two-hundred-ten years, six months, and twenty-three days ago, my bloodline

awoke. And on that day, you used false charges to execute my mother. She was just a
cripple, a helpless cripple whose meridians and energy center had been ruined
beyond repair!

Today I must ask, why?!"

Adelar screamed, but Olrich merely shook his head and again closed his eyes.

"Since you and I have already reached this step, additional words serve no purpose.
Make your move."


The bronze spear returned to Adelar's space bracelet, and he aimed his Incomplete
Fiend Armament at Olrich's neck.

"That being the case, farewell, father!"

With a vast array of blood fog propelling him, Adelar descended upon Olrich for a
final sword swing!

Seeing Olrich's closed eyes, and the rapid move that those beneath the True Origin
Saint Rank couldn't even appraise, the onlookers concluded that the battle had come
to an end.

But as Adelar's sword slash approached his father's neck, a shocking scene occurred!

For an imperceptible split of a second, his sword stopped.

Olrich sidestepped.

The swing went wide!

And with his eyes still shut close, Olrich drove his holy sword through Adelar's
abdomen, skewering him mid-air!


Blood gushed from Adelar's lips, stomach and back while his eyes went bloodshot in
a stupor that echoed with all the onlookers.

"What the hell just happened? He was obviously about to take Olrich's life. Why did
his sword suddenly vacillate?"

Both Hubert and Gerhard wondered in shock. Of the onlookers, they were some of
the few that clearly saw what occurred. Could Adelar have turned soft a step before
taking his father's life?


And yet… this was precisely what seemed to have occurred.

"H-h-how… c-can… this… b-"

Adelar stammered while his entire body shivered, not from Olrich's blow, but from a
horrendous pain that suddenly jolted from his body and paralyzed him for that split
of a second.

And while his blood incessantly flowed, within his mind, his soul world collapsed,
revealing an identical one at the base of which a gigantic worm crawled!

Instantly, Adelar realized the ploy.

Alas, it was far too late.

Gently patting the back of Adelar's head, Olrich brought him back into the crumbling
throne room.

"In this life, you're my greatest accomplishment.

My greatest pride and joy. Since you were born, you never disappointed me. And
from all the children I cherish, without a shred of doubt, you're my most beloved.

A pity that what I love, I must destroy.

A pity that what I cherish, by my hand must be extinguished.

My Dao is Heartlessness, Love, my tribulation.

Since you so desperately want to know the real reason for your mother's death,
allow me to grant you this last wish."

Olrich's eyes opened, and from the left, warm tears incessantly dropped.

"Revenge is the greatest drive. I used her to set you on the path of revenge. To force
you into surpassing the limitations of birth and seek chances that would allow you to
magnify your potential… all to devour you."

Olrich whispered in Adelar's ear, causing a new wave of enlightenment to flash

within his mind.

"But that's only the first reason. The second one is that I knew that among all those I
picked, only you could make me falter. I knew… we knew… that if you didn't rebel… I
couldn't kill you.

Thank you… my beloved child."

While he spoke, Olrich's voice trembled and his left eye shone with struggles.

However, the right one remained utterly unmoved.

"Haha… So… that's how it is… to think that I believed myself clever when from the
moment I appeared in this world, I played within your palm."

Although Adelar possessed profound soul powers, examining one's soul was a
daunting task. It was the same logic as performing self-surgery.

No matter how skilled, it was suicidal.

If Olrich attempted to infect him with a soul worm today, he could send him flying
while keeping his hands crossed beneath his back.

A pity that the moment Olrich first held him in his arms was the time he picked to
plant the worm.
But even though he knew himself vanquished, Adelar felt no sorrow.

Because while Olrich whispered into his ears, his eyes locked on Konrad who stood
several steps behind.

And Konrad, who shouldered his gaze, couldn't help but feel that the eyes told him:

"Hurry up, your time has come!"

But before he could think further, Olrich pulled out his sword from Adelar's bowels
and let him fall on his knees.

"Thank you… and farewell."

Dispelling his sword, Olrich placed his hand on Adelar's forehead and started the
refining process.

Though he could feel his cultivation, soul, and lifeforce leaving him, though the worm
made him helpless before his demise, Adelar smiled.

"Father, for the sake of supreme power, across centuries you have toyed with your
relatives and loved ones.

As a power-hungry monster, I can't blame you, but knowing that a son will
overthrow your rule and take your life, I die… without regrets!

Still, if you think the soul of Adelar is that easy to digest, think again!

Allow me to help you… into destruction!"

Adelar's body collapsed in red and grey light that flew toward Olrich's mind, but
seeing the demented look within his eyes, Konrad couldn't help but think he played
one last trick.

And indeed…

Within Olrich's soul, the maddened laughter of Adelar echoed, joining the infernal
souls to spur Olrich onward.

Kill! KILL!

The time has come, for Olrich von Jurgen's ascension.

Hesitate no longer! Verena, Else, Elmar, Nils, Amalia, all should perish and fuel
our growth!

Kill… KILL!"

The words boomed within Olrich's mind. With eyes wide open, he staggered and
grabbed his head within his hands, clenching tightly as veins beat on his temple!

"No… no… ahhhh… arrgh!"

Olrich groaned in agony!

At the same, his cultivation skyrocketed, going from the peak of the True Origin Saint
Rank to the peak-stage of the Fate Wrestling Saint Rank.

Moreover, the intensity of his aura rivaled that of Crossed Tribulation Saints!

"Father, why did you kill me? Since you killed me, why not kill them? No need to wait
further, the process is triggered, your ascension dawns!"

"No… you're a rebel… a traitor…

I… didn't want to kill you… why would I want to kill you… you forced my hand! Why did
you have to rebel?!


Traitor… unfilial… traitor… you killed your father… killed your brothers… you deserved
to die!

Where am I… who am I? AAAAAAARGH!"

The remnants of Adelar's soul not only fueled the infernal souls but also awoke the
lingering consciousness of the true Olrich who thrashed against their joint-
With a succession of guttural howls, he collapsed on the floor, leaving a baffled
Konrad as the sole conscious person within the room.

"What the hell is going on?"

Konrad, who wasn't privy to Olrich's soul, wondered. But before he could probe
deeper, Olrich regained consciousness. His eyes clear, and his lips curling into a

Meanwhile, following Adelar's demise, his mind slaves dropped on the ground,
unconscious, but their freedom restored. As for the true turncoats, they were
running for their lives!

Olrich turned into a light beam and in a flash, beheaded them all!

Their blood drenched the Holy Flame City's sky while their corpses dropped onto
the ground.

Ignoring the unconscious folks, Olrich returned to the crumbling throne room to
collect the artifacts within Adelar's space treasure, then tossed the bracelet toward

"If you find anything to your liking, feel free to take it."

And not waiting for Konrad's reaction, he vanished from the scene.
Following Olrich's departure, Konrad's eyes contorted into a frown. The current
Olrich was even harder to comprehend, and whatever Adelar last did to him clearly
drove him into another bout of madness.

Was it over, or was trouble just beginning?

"The main body has already left secluded cultivation and is on his way to the Tower
of Rebirth.

The Tower is at the border between the Barbarian Continent and the Holy Continent.
Even if he turned heels, if Olrich wants to kill someone, he can probably do it before
his return. Moreover…”

If it was before his fight with Adelar, Konrad had confidence that he could defeat
Olrich. While it would force him to reveal his origins, at least, that confidence

But now… although Olrich's cultivation had just risen to the peak-stage Fate
Wrestling Saint, the intensity of his aura didn't lose out to the head exarch's, the
peak-stage Crossed Tribulation Saint Gerhard.

Before his return from the tower, Konrad couldn't face him. With Yvonne still being
in the palace, the thought of letting a crazed Olrich run amok was hard to digest.

"How could Adelar use demonic energy without showing the signature?"

Konrad wondered. Although the Transformation Skill allowed him to conceal his true
blood and pass as human, not all infernal races possessed such an ability. At least,
blood fiends didn't.

And even then, once he released his demonic powers, he couldn't hide his true
nature. The same was true for everyone.
"Must be an artifact."

He concluded following a small assessment and lowered his eyes onto Adelar's space
bracelet. Browsing it, he ignored whatever wealth it possessed to seek the item he

And as his eyes laid on a topaz ring, he knew he hit the spot.



In a purple haze, Krann appeared before him.


Without delay, Konrad tossed the ring toward him.

"Stealthily bring this to Yvonne and tell her that should anything happen, she must
go all-out to leave the imperial palace!

We will take of the rest."

"As you command, master!"

Using the Invisibility Skill, Krann vanished and shot toward Yvonne's palace.

"The situation is disastrous. Olrich broke through and refined Adelar's foundation
while Adalwin borders a breakthrough into the Star Connecting Saint Rank.

At this juncture, we can only hope that old hatreds pin them against one another.

Hurry… I must hurry!"

Determination blazed within Konrad's eyes, and at that time, the main body had
finally reached the Tower of Rebirth.

Alongside Yvonne's Pure Self and the nine ladies, Konrad left the Profound Sea
Dynasty for the Tower of Rebirth.

Following the closed-door session, his cultivation had not only broken through the
ninth step of the Transcendent Knight Rank but also pursued the Semi-Holy Knight

Thus, reaching the limits in both the martial and spiritual paths.

With his half-step Semi-Saint cultivation, resources, physiques, soul and formidable
bloodline powers, he had full confidence to fight his way to the tower's summit!

On this trip, he only wanted one thing:


To completely empty the tower, and leave nothing for the waring forces!

Meanwhile, the girls had various levels of improvement.

Lena reached the ninth step of the Semi-Holy Rank.

Zamira also reached the peak of the Semi-Holy Rank.

The rest rose to the peak of the Transcendent Rank, all with new bloodlines and
stronger physiques.

Zamira's case was unique. After all, she'd been cultivating for more than two
centuries and had a clear understanding of herself and the road she pursued.
Therefore, her Sublimations were simple, and she could just use Konrad's juice to

As for Lena, she was a sixth-step Semi-Saint, to begin with.

In the distance, a gargantuan black and white tower piercing the vault of heaven
stood. To say nothing of its suffocating length, even in width, the tower occupied
dozens of square miles, painting a startling picture that would make the faint-
hearted collapse from awe.

"How did they possibly build such a thing?"

Jasmine asked as they approached the entrance, speaking the words that echoed in
the other's minds.

"The founders were at the peak of Divine Ascension, infinitely close to godhood.
Moreover, their backgrounds and foundations were earthshaking. For them, this
probably didn't require much effort."

Yvonne replied, then turned toward Konrad. In his eyes, hesitation clearly brewed.

"Don't worry. Thanks to the item Krann delivered, I can freely use my lineage
weapon. At the very least, I have full confidence that no one can stop me from

She reassured with her lips curled into a smile.

"You've just returned to the peak of the Profound Saint Rank. Although your battle
power is earthshaking and only loses out to me, the opponents are not pushovers

Moreover, strenuous fights will delay your recovery. How can I not worry?"

Konrad's eyes contorted into a frown.

"How about this? We rush back now so that our true bodies can join hands against
the enemies. Although it will be a desperate battle, the odds are not necessarily
against us.

As long as we go all-out, and make the first move, we can kill Adalwin before he
breaks through, then kill Olrich!

In any case, the tower is not going anywhere."

Konrad hurriedly said. And seeing the stark difference in treatment, the ladies had
various reactions.

Lena and Astarte, who'd yet to see Konrad show worries, were startled.

Zamira, who understood the nature of their relationship, didn't care.

Thinking that their master had yet to turn into a complete monster, Faidra and Aliki
were relieved.

Daphne found it endearing.

Freya was disgruntled.

Meanwhile, Jasmine and Iliana felt various degrees of jealousy. Although they'd seen
Konrad go all-out for them before, he always did it with a rational mind, and never
knowingly threw himself into situations he couldn't control.

But this was precisely what he now intended to do.

Although they were slowly getting used to the difference in status and grew to accept
Yvonne's lead, they couldn't help but feel bitterness and sorrow.

Jasmine, especially found it hard to digest.

The knowledge that though she was the first, she wouldn't be the last, filling her with
pain. But while she clenched her fist till her nails dug blood, Yvonne made a simple

Balling up her right fist, she extended it toward Konrad.

"Don't be daft and believe in me."

Upon hearing those words, Konrad pulled in a deep breath, and his determination
returned. Indeed, since she was his chosen wife, he should, at the very least, have
faith in her. In any case, his avatar was making preparations.

Like Yvonne, he balled up his fist.

"Defeat is…”

“…Not an option."

They said in tandem then bumped fists, releasing a vast energy wave that caused
tremors throughout the ground

Yvonne then vanished in a twister of dark sand, the Pure Self returning to the True
"One month for me, several years for you. I will be expecting your startling growth
and glorious return. At that time, let's sweep aside all foes and put the Holy
Continent on its knees!"

Yvonne's voice echoed in Konrad's mind.

For an instant, he closed his eyes, letting the words sink in, before turning to the
tower's entrance.

"Let's go."

Meanwhile, within Else's cultivation chamber, Gulistan perused the imperial palace
with her divine sense.

"Oh? Interesting. The holy empress' life standard seems to be reaching an end."

Gulistan said with an amused smile.

"After that, I guess it will be your turn. Little kitty, since you refused to serve me, I'm
afraid this time, you'll have to rely on yourself."

A mild chuckle escaped Gulistan's lips as she shifted her attention back onto Else.
But seeing that no ripple flashed on her face, she was a tad bit disappointed.

"That name is too intimate for us, don't you think?"

Else asked in a level tone.

"Oh? Konrad's privilege? At this juncture, those are really not the words you should
be speaking.

But I'm in an extraordinarily good mood, so I will give you some good fortune."

Gulistan waved her hand, causing three identical pills to appear and fly toward Else.

"Each pill can seal a soul worm. Although it won't be removed, Olrich also won't be
able to activate or control them.
As for the rest, that will depend on you. I'm eager to see… how well… or how poorly
you'll fare.


And in a twister of light, Gulistan vanished from Else's quarters.

In a gray light beam, Olrich reappeared in Verena's quarters, hovering in the air with
his aura unconstrained. Shivering in fright, the eunuchs and maids all dropped on
the ground, unable to utter a word. And as the clattering of their teeth echoed, in a
gray beam, Verena arrived.

Mid-air, she stopped before Olrich, her silver eyes staring directly into his.

"Your majesty, to what do I owe such an… overbearing visit?"

She asked, her tone showcasing a mild confusion.

"My beloved holy empress, where were you when my traitorous son rebelled?"

Olrich asked, his lips still flashing the same smile he'd given Konrad.

"Oh? Here, of course. Could the son you personally raised possibly threaten you?
Impossible. And I know your majesty wouldn't want me to get hurt in the crossfire
so, I could only wait for the good news."

Verena began. However, feeling the fate power rippling from Olrich's form, she gave a
congratulatory bow.

"Congratulations, your majesty, for breaking through the Fate Wrestling Saint Rank."

"You're not wondering why my cultivation has reached this level?"

"Why should I care?"

Verena replied to Olrich's inquiry, causing him to burst into laughter.

"Good, very good. You truly are my good wife. All these years, I've not loved you in
Alas, today, for the sake of the imperial family's growth and prosperity, I must ask
you to forsake yourself and sacrifice your life.

Verena, are you willing?"

Hearing this, Verena's lips curled into a smile.

"So… my time has come?"

She asked, undisturbed. Her words allowing Olrich to realize she was now aware of
the entirety of his ploy.

"Indeed. But don't worry, you are not vanishing from this world, you're joining me…
throughout eternity. Our union shall outlast heaven and earth, for you will… always
be within me!"

Olrich proclaimed and activated the Soul Worm. Instantly, Verena's false soul world
collapsed to reveal the awakened worm that now crawled within the real soul world.

As soon as it rose, Verena lost all control of her body, limply dropping onto the
ground like a lifeless puppet.

Seeing this, the eunuchs and maids were all alarmed.

"Your majesty!"

They roared, and many tried to rush to her aid. But with a wave of his hand, Olrich
turned them all into ashes, then landed before Verena who knelt with glazed eyes on
the ground.

"387 years of conjugal bonds. You were but a girl when we got married, and at that
time, deep within your eyes, genuine affection existed.

But although I knew that you've long since stopped loving me, that deep down, you
even scorned me, I have never mistreated you.

Do you think I don't know that three-hundred years ago, you started taking fertility
medicines to make sure you wouldn't bear me children?

Still, I never said anything, even removing all the spies and threats by your side to
grant you true freedom.

Wenzel's mother tried to poison you, so I killed her.

For those 387 years, Verena, I loved you the best I could, and dare say that no
empress has ever been more cherished than you."

Olrich muttered with his eyes shut. He then extended his hand toward Verena,
causing her body to fly toward him, and clasped her forehead within his palm.

"A pity that what I love, I must destroy.

A shame that your death is a necessity for my rise. So please, my beloved, die, and
join me in true union… for eternity."

Olrich's eyes opened, and within, dementia clearly blazed!

But at that time, a limpid river bloated the sky and descended upon him. Pushing
Verena aside, Olrich aimed his hands at the transparent river, causing dozens of
massive lightning bolts to hammer it from above.


The river collapsed, revealing a crimson dressed, unparalleled beauty who leisurely
hovered within the air while her ink-like hairs cascaded at her back.

If not Else, who could it be?

And within her right hand, she held a cracked silver mirror that rippled with the
power of time.

Else waved her hand, and Verena vanished to appear by her side. Without delay, she
shoved one of Gulistan's pills into her mouth.

The pill's effect immediately kicked in, trapping the soul worm in a golden cage.

Awareness returned to Verena's eyes, and she regained her balance, standing by
Else's side with a complicated look.

"I didn't expect that at this juncture, you'd show up."

"Don't misunderstand. I don't care about your life and death. However, someone is
bound to care. For that someone, I must show up."

Else emotionlessly replied, causing Verena's lips to curl into a smile. Their eyes then
returned onto Olrich who remained undisturbed.

"Why you choose to stand up for Verena, I don't know. But since you appear at this
juncture, you must know my aim.

Do you really think that relying on an incomplete Divine Artifact, you can stop me?
Let's not even mention the toll it will take on you. Even if it brought you no harm,
you'd still fail to contend with me."

Olrich declared, and though she wished to disagree, Else was forced to admit that his
words were facts.

Having inherited Adelar's foundation and net worth, Olrich no longer feared anyone
within the secular world.

This was a hopeless battle.

But at that time, though the sun still hanged high in the heavens, the sky darkened,
overtaken by a massive wave of darkness that spread throughout the Holy Flame

And alongside it, bringing a vast, terrible aura that many ancient cultivators could
recognize at a glance!

Feeling it, Olrich shivered, and his eyes widened in stupor.

"No… it can't be. Why would she… and the aura… the intensity… no!"

But alas, heaven disagreed with Olrich, and within the sky, a figure dropped.

Unmatched sex appeal, tyrannical martial air and killing intent swirled around the
hessonite-eyed beauty that landed before Verena and Else.

"They can't contend with you, but what about me?"

Although the eyes had changed color, the voice always echoed within Olrich's mind
with one name:

Yvonne Voight!

"How could this be? Your cultivation is… restored?"

Olrich frowned, but then, he realized the mistake.

"No. It is in the process of being restored. Right now, you're just at the peak of the
Profound Saint Rank. Even if your strength goes against heaven's will, you cannot
oppose me!"

Olrich roared while rising into the air to face the female trio. In the past, the peak-
stage True Origin Saint Yvonne was evenly matched with the peak Crossed
Tribulation Saint Adalwin.

Today's Olrich didn't lose out to the Adalwin of that time. Therefore, he was unafraid.

However, rage flared in his eyes! Who was it? Who played tricks against him and
managed to free Yvonne of her poison?

Who tampered with his possession?!

Why were three women without connections suddenly standing side by side? Who
was to blame?!

Answer, he needed an answer!

And as if reading through his mind, Verena replied:

"A man, of course. The most outstanding man under the heavens, with bedchamber
skills you can only dream of. I've lost counts of how many times he filled me with his
delightful spunk."

Following Verena's shameless words, Yvonne nodded.

"Well-said. Indeed, an outstanding man binds us. As for whether I can oppose you or
not, let's find out!

Awaken, and drown my enemies in inferno!

Hell's Reach!"

In a shocking storm of black flames and dark sand, a pitch-black spear around which
a serpent coiled appeared and fell into Yvonne's hand.

This was her lineage weapon, Hell's Reach!

Wielding it, the intensity of Yvonne's aura skyrocketed, and with her windblown
hairs dancing at her back, she looked like the incarnation of a war goddess!

And feeling this earthshaking might, Olrich trembled.

Still, it wasn't enough for him to back off! And following their words, how could he
ever retreat?

Cheated! Cuckolded! Robbed blind! He'd been robbed blind!

But as his rage, rancor and indignation reached a breaking point, a foreign male
voice boomed within his head.

"Olrich von Jurgen, I have taken all your children captive. If you don't back off, I will
kill them all! Forever barring you from the supremacy you seek!

Try me if you dare!"

Following Olrich's bout of madness, the first thing Konrad did was to have Krann
bring Adelar's Essence Concealing Ring to Yvonne.

The second one was to secure Nils and take all of Olrich's children into captivity. The
reason was simple. Attempting to take all of the women away, one after the other,
was a pipe dream. He could only rely on Yvonne to buy time while setting up a
foolproof plan.

Of his nine children, there were two Olrich couldn't afford to lose:

Nils and Elmar.

If they died, it had to be by his hand. As for the five that now remained, while Konrad
realized that their lives mattered not, he could use their deaths to showcase his

Krann currently held them all and used Flesh Transformation to have three helpless
eunuchs assume the shape of Nils, Elmar, and Holger. The real ones were pocketed. If
need be, they would first kill the real princes to cover for the false ones.

In any case, Holger was Konrad's servant. Killing him was redundant while Elmar
was a talent with sizable future achievements. With the right resources, he could at
least become a Sage. Subduing him was more valuable. As for Nils… was that even a

Meanwhile, he'd contacted Wolfgang and had him deliver one of their last, cutting
edge products to Hubert.

Even if Olrich were sufficiently crazed to forsake the life of his children, as long as
Hubert could refine the product in time, the von Jurgen would be forced to back off.
And indeed, Olrich floundered. Though rage still seethed within his veins, when his
holy sense swept the imperial palace, and he realized his seven remaining children
had all disappeared, his eyes went wide with fright!

"Nils, Elmar… damnable!

Moreover, although Klemens can't be killed, if his abilities are revealed, the captor
will never let him go!"

Klemens von Jurgen was the sickly eighth prince. Born with a congenital disease that
kept him bedridden, to the world, he was known as the von Jurgen tragedy.

After all, even the average cultivator's house would rarely if ever see a sickly infant.
To say nothing of the imperial family. In their hundred thousand years of history,
Klemens was the only such case.

And while his disease was no fabrication, it stemmed from a cause Olrich kept
hidden from the world. The eighth prince, Klemens, possessed a one in a billion Holy
Physique. That physique made him unable to cultivate and acted as a congenital lung

But at the same, it gave him an unparalleled ability!

Beneath the Divine Seed Rank, absolutely no one could injure him, and all blows
would return to the sender!

Although his physique was currently just at the Holy Rank, throughout the three
realms, it was one of the most dreadful, and classified among the three Forbidden

Those three physiques could not be inherited, and because of their horrifying side
effects, many viewed them as nature's curse. But Olrich saw it as a blessing in
disguise! As long as he could find a way to absorb the physique without the side
effects and upgrade its rank, in the future, who could rival him?!

For that reason, the eighth prince remained in close custody, protected by a carefully
selected group of loyal retainers. His mother was also killed to protect the secret.

Never did he expect that while he faced those traitorous sluts, someone would rob
"It has to be the same person. It must be that man! No mistake is allowed. Retreat, I
must retreat."

Olrich resolved. But at that time, Adelar's voice echoed!

"Why hesitate?

Why falter?

Because of a few insignificant sacrifices?"

At that time, Olrich could see Adelar standing before him. Naturally, Yvonne, Else,
and Verena couldn't. This was a product of his imagination!

"Without them, our rise…”

Olrich began, but before he could carry on, Adelar interrupted:


He jeered, then vanished to reappear at Olrich's right.

"Don't you see the truth yet? The truth you've been hiding from yourself? No? Alright,
allow me to enlighten you."

Adelar placed a reassuring hand on Olrich's shoulder, then carried on.

"They are worthless. Having refined me, having obtained my foundation, besides a fast
cultivation breakthrough, there isn't much you can gain from them.

Or is it that you think, the talent and foundation boost you'll receive from them can
equal even a fraction of what you gained from me?"

"Maybe Else can be significant, but for the rest… no… that's impossible."

Olrich replied with dazed eyes, his words causing confusion within the ladies before

"Good. They are merely side dishes and completely expendable. Because from the start,
your thinking was erroneous!"
Adelar exclaimed with crazed eyes that mirrored Olrich's. And out of nowhere, a
second Adelar appeared at Olrich's left.

"What is it that you treasure most? What is your most valuable and beloved
possession? Speak true!"

"My… empire!"

Olrich replied with vacant eyes and the same dazed tone. Hearing this, the two
Adelar's smiles broadened, and they clenched tightly on Olrich's shoulders… or so he

"Right! From the start, the thing you love most is, and always will be, your empire!

And as a wise ruler, you understand that the people ARE the empire! You know, better
than any anyone, that the fourteen billion of commoners and servants stretching across
your vast land are the motors of your country.

Through them, you're the Holy Continent's most exalted ruler, without them, there is no
empire whatsoever!

That is why you often give tax exemption and reduce their burdens while antagonizing
the nobility!

The nobles may see you as a ruthless tyrant hiding under a fair countenance, but to the
commoners, you are benevolence!"

"You're… correct"

"That is why, only by refining them all, can you reach perfection! Only by refining the
empire you so cherish and sacrificing its billions of citizens, can you truly reach the
apex of your cultivation method.

Compared to them, those people are insignificant and can be killed at will!"

Adelar's voice thundered in Olrich's mind, and a third appeared at his back, hovering
above his head.

"Kill them all! Then start constructing a Grand Refining Formation across the Holy
Flame Empire with the capital as its epicenter.
When it is complete, refine all the commoners, refine your empire! And become
supreme! In the future, like our ancestor, you can build a new one."

The three whispered in Olrich's ears, and his eyes shone with crazed enlightenment.

"Of course, why did I never think of this? You're right! We're right! The truth was
always before us, but we kept setting it aside.

Before our empire, before our citizens, what do any of them count as? Nothing!
This… is the real sacrifice!"

Olrich roared, causing a new wave of confusion to spread within the three ladies.


Olrich bellowed with his arms outstretched, and instantly, Konrad knew the bet lost.

Since they no longer served any purpose, Konrad had the useless von Jurgen princes
beheaded by Krann.

However, when the sickly eighth prince's turn arrived…


The blow rebounded against his neck, and Krann flew backward with a blood spurt.
Fortunately, since he'd not employed much strength, the damage was negligible.

"Master, this… that eighth prince possesses a Might Reversal Physique! At the very
least, of the Holy Rank!"

Meanwhile, Olrich summoned two spears, one bronze, one silver, around which
massive holy force and gray spiritual mist swirled. They were both nine stars Holy
Artifacts. Thus, ranking among the most powerful artifacts of the Holy Rank.

Wielding them, the intensity of his aura skyrocketed, and he faced Yvonne without

"Since you won't belong to us… you might as well not exist in this world!"
Even a fool could see that Olrich's insanity had reached its final stage. Now, no one,
not even Konrad, could fathom what erratic move he would resort to. But that
mattered not.

Hell's Reach in hand, throughout the secular world, Yvonne feared none!

Around her, the storm of black flames and dark sand intensified, while at her back,
Verena and Else stood ready to use their life force to activate the Divine Mirror… if
need be.


Olrich howled, and assumed his True Spirit Form, causing his aura to rise to a new
level, and the gray fog whirlwind around him to stretch across dozens of meters. His
aura alarmed all the Holy Flame City's forces, and many failed to comprehend where
that might hailed from!

However, the more astute were starting to see the light.

Adelar fell, and Olrich rose, the implications were clear.

In a grey light meteor, Olrich barreled into Yvonne who met his assault with an ear-
splitting sweep of her spear!


The two recoiled from the impact, but in a fraction of a second, stabilized themselves
in the air. Controlled by his holy sense, the silver spear in Olrich's hand turned into a
gray ray and flew toward Yvonne, seeking to create openings where none lied

Meanwhile, in a masterful display of soul power and spellcasting, Olrich summoned

eighteen magic circles within the air!
"Sixth Circle Spell: Thunderstorm!

Sixth Circle Spell: Searing Sky!

Sixth Circle Spell: Incarnadine Sea!"

The sky became a strange mixture of grey and red. A deluge of massive grey lightning
bolts and bright red flames then dropped from the clouds, to indiscriminately
hammer Yvonne, Else, and Verena!

Meanwhile, a blood sea appeared above Olrich's head, and still flew toward them!

The three spells' might seemed unstoppable.

But Yvonne was undaunted! The black firestorm and dark sand swirling around her
flew to meet the spells above while she aimed her spear at the blood sea!

"Overlord's Might!"

The air shivered, and while the force wasn't aimed at them, even Else and Verena
were forced to recoil.

In that instant, they had a misconception, Yvonne was no longer a mortal, but a
supreme overlord descended from the higher realm to step on the Ancient Crystal

Her entire body overflowed with a formless might and pressure that imbued even
the tiniest moves with inestimable force!

Without hesitation, she drove her spear in a frontal thrust. A simple, straightforward
move that split the blood sea into two halves which then collapsed in droplets of

But she was just getting started!


Primal Force!"

The two invisible forces slammed into Olrich, shackling his moves, and causing the
intensity of his aura to plummet at breakneck speed. At the same time, golden primal
light erupted and surrounded Yvonne's form.

Yvonne vanished, reappearing before Olrich!

Her lineage weapon, Hell's Reach, descended, aiming at his neck!

Battling the suppression force, he raised his spears to meet her slash!


The weapons met, and Olrich flew backward with his internal organs trembling.

Yvonne pursued, chasing him wherever he attempted to stabilize himself with a

flurry of ferocious spear thrusts.

In a flash, they exchanged dozens of moves before Olrich's arms wavered and she
sent a kick straight into his jaw.

With a sizable blood spurt, he spiraled into the air, dropping like a fly.

Both Verena and Else were startled!

Olrich even more!

Absurd! Her strength was utterly absurd!

"Olrich, for centuries you have threaded the Dao of Heartlessness. Good for you.

But what is Heartlessness… before Invincibility?!"

Yvonne rhetorically asked, then aimed her spear at the still dropping Olrich.

From its tip, a gargantuan hurricane of black flames and sand erupted, shooting
toward him.

In that instant, even Else believed Olrich would meet his maker.

Alas, she'd underestimated his current net worth! Olrich waved his hand,
summoning a bronze shield around which vast divine force swirled! The bronze
shield expended, reaching a hundred meters in radius, and barreled into the infernal
hurricane, ending its assault before carrying on toward Yvonne!

"A one-star Divine Artifact."

Yvonne frowned, and gathered all her strength for her life's mightiest strike! Veins
beat on her hands and temple while the black flames and sand shrunk to coil around
her spear.

Hell's Reach whistled in the air before meeting the Divine Shield in an earthshaking

Houses collapsed!

The commoners wailed!

And the Holy Flame City quaked!

But, at least, the blow was averted!

Both Yvonne and the shield flew backward. But while no cracks appeared on its
surface, blood trickled down Yvonne's lips.

Olrich rose back in the air, standing beside the shield with bloodshot eyes.

"For how long do you think you can withstand its might?"

"For how long do you think you can endure a Divine Artifact's toll?"

Yvonne leisurely snarked in reply to Olrich's snide.

Meanwhile, Else and Verena channeled both their Holy Force and lifeforce to deal
Olrich devastating blows during the next assault!

Although they couldn't fire many before collapsing, it would be more than enough to
turn the tide and bring Yvonne victory.

Meanwhile, within the depths of the imperial palace, Adalwin's ancient eyes opened,
and his holy sense locked on the scene playing above his house.

"If before a complete restoration, her strength is already this dreadful. Once she
completely recovers, who will save my house?

Strange, what kind of weapon does she wield for her might to rise to such a level? If I
didn't know better, I would say… a lineage weapon.

But how could it be?"

Adalwin wondered while standing up from his crossed-legged meditation.

"But now, I suppose it matters not."

He sighed.

"Father, eldest brother, I'm old, and only have a few centuries left to live. Soon, very
soon, I will join you.

Alas, our descendants are unfilial and threaten to bring our house to ruin.

But as long as I, Adalwin, stand, none can threaten the name von Jurgen!

And with these last centuries, I pledge to clean all our enemies, and leave an
unshakable foundation!"

Suddenly, Adalwin's calm, ancient eyes rippled with unprecedented vigor and

He stretched out his hand, aiming it at the distant sky, but his eyes went beyond!

"You who answered my call, accept my reaching hand, and become… my first star!"

All phenomenon within the Holy Flame City's sky vanished, and again, clarity
returned. But within that clear sky, a dazzling blue star now glittered. That star fired
a beam toward a secluded spot of the imperial palace, a beam fired at Adalwin!

He didn't evade, bathing in the starlight that transformed his body, and allowed him
to complete his lifelong aspiration!
Though he only had a few centuries left to live, though his existence approached its
end, he succeeded!

He broke through!

After one-hundred-thousand years, without the help of the Celestial Church, the
secular world's first Star Connecting Saint finally appeared, and it was him, Adalwin!

The myth that no secular world cultivator could ever reach the Star Taming Stage
was finally broken!

With a step, he vanished, and with starlight still shrouding him, he reappeared by
Olrich's side, releasing a pressure that caused the entire city to shiver!

"You… broke through."

Olrich stated, without a hint of joy, speaking the words that echoed in the minds of
the Holy Flame City's top experts.

Adalwin ignored him, shifting his attention onto Yvonne.

"Without a shred of doubt, you're this world's number one prodigy.

As a cultivator, I can't help but marvel at your talent.

But as a son, I must protect my father's inheritance.

As a brother, I must shelter my brother's descendants.

And as an imperial prince, I must defend the imperial family's prosperity and glory.

Anyone who threatens this, no matter how much I appreciate them, must perish."

While Adalwin's hands remained crossed at his back, the pressure created by the
blue star force swirling around him was enough to suppress all dissidence. The wind
had again shifted, and this time, there seemed to be no hope for survival.

But when all seemed lost, besides Adalwin's blue star, a pitch-black one appeared!

Its darkness challenging Adalwin's star, as if representing all he opposed!

That dark star fired a ray onto another spot of the Holy Flame City, and from that
spot, a shadow rose!

But this time, it wasn't that of a man, but a three-hundred meters long pitch-black
serpent with a wingspan of more than seven-hundred meters!

Around that winged serpent, dark star force swirled!

That monstrous beast whose body bloated the sky was none other than Hubert
Voight, Yvonne's father, in his true form!

And thanks to Wolfgang's express delivery, he'd also broken through!

The lack of Star Connection Pills was the primary reason why in one-hundred-
thousand years of history, no one in the secular world ever managed to reach the
Star Connecting Saint Rank.

While it wasn't impossible without, it required earthshaking talent and profound


In his youth, Adalwin was both the youngest and the most outstanding prince of his
generation. Having passed the Celestial Church's examination, he left the secular
world to study there for several centuries. Alas, several centuries after taking his
throne, his eldest brother perished while trying to cross a fate tribulation. Thus,
leaving the house defenseless.

Without another choice, Adalwin returned to protect the next generation, his
nephew, Olrich's grandfather. Hence, destroying his own future.

Since he planned to form an invincible battalion to sweep aside the mortal world's
forces, among the recipes he periodically sent Wolfgang, Konrad included the Star
Connection Pill. After gathering the resources, the Kracht took care of the refining.

With the first batch ready, Konrad intended to save the pills and build a reserve for
both his harem and servants.

Never did he expect that the situation would take such a turn. And since things
reached this point, he had Wolfgang bring one to Hubert who refined it without

In his massive winged serpent form, Hubert hovered above the gathering below.
Seeing the dark star force swirling around him, Verena heaved a sigh of relief while
Yvonne's lips curled into a smile.

As for Else, she showed no emotion. Meanwhile, both Olrich and Adalwin's faces
These were terrible news!

The situation had once again been reversed! And now, with Yvonne and her father
standing side by side, they were back at a disadvantage!

"Unfilial daughter, long time no see."

"Old man, I'd say I missed you, but that's a naked lie."

"Old your mother. I'm just reaching my middle ages and still have more than five
thousand years to live!"

"Actually, mother is…”


The two exchanged with Hubert's voice booming in the air. His slit, silver eyes then
fell upon the von Jurgen duo.

Opening his maw, Hubert condensed a large black orb of star force before firing a
dark star beam toward the duo!

Undisturbed, Adalwin raised his hand, firing a blue star beam which collided with
Hubert's ray!


The beams met in an earthshaking explosion of star force that distorted the air, and
caused an earthquake to overwhelm the Holy Flame City!

With just that one collision, houses collapsed in the hundreds, and helpless
commoners died in the thousands!

Hubert didn't care. However, Adalwin frowned.

If their fight carried on, regardless of the result, the Holy Flame City was doomed to

"Shit stain, dog emperor, you truly stop at no evil. Your father wasn't enough, you
also had to plot against your own son?
Do you think people are stupid enough to not realize you played tricks against
Adelar, all for the sake of wrestling his powers?

Once we start investigating the origin of your cultivation growth, do you dare say
your house doesn't face extermination?"

Hubert's voice thundered within the Holy Flame City, and at that time, two additional
beams of light flew from the Holy Flame Church's headquarters.

One was Gerhard, the head exarch. The other was Amalia, the dowager.

And although they stood by Adalwin's side, Olrich felt the pressure around him

"Sovereign Prince Hubert, your words startle me. How could you so glaringly accuse
the Holy Flame Emperor of forbidden practices? Do you have evidence to provide?"

Gerhard asked. And immediately, all understood his purpose. If Adalwin's

breakthrough bode no good for him, Hubert's was even worse. After all, both the
empire and the Holy Flame Church, in a sense, represented the Celestial Church's
secular interests.

Ultimately, they were two factions belonging to the same camp.

But the Voights were different.

If Olrich was found guilty of forbidden practices and the news reported to the
Celestial Church's headquarters… the von Jurgen faced family extermination. At that
time, the Voight would be free to run amok, and the Holy Flame Church's future
prospects looked bleak. They may not dare usurp the throne, but it wouldn't be
much different.

Therefore, although Gerhard inwardly agreed with Hubert, this was a situation he
had to prevent at all cost. Even if it meant joining hands to slaughter them all! As for
Amalia, her thoughts were harder to fathom.

Another light beam streaked across the sky, landing by Yvonne's side.

It was Krann under the disguise of a suave middle-aged man. His appearance and
stance immediately made Olrich wonder if he was the hidden cuckolder.
And his next words confirmed Olrich's suspicions!

"Sir, although Olrich is muddled, you can't follow in his footsteps. Clearly, you see the
truth for what it is, even if I don't speak the words.

Alas, I fear the truth is even worse than what you imagine. Olrich von Jurgen is not
just guilty of an instance of forbidden practice. His entire cultivation base is built on

With your current level, investigating it is simple, and the implications obvious."

Following Konrad's words, Krann said with a polite bow, causing Adalwin's face to
contort into a frown. Indeed, while he couldn't feel demonic forces from him, Olrich's
inexplicable growth pace had already triggered his suspicions. And today, those
suspicions were confirmed.

The son fell, and the father rose. The implications were evident. Now, Adalwin
genuinely wished to examine Olrich's cultivation base to figure out his method's

But doing so at this juncture was no different from admitting his doubts.

Hence, he refrained.

"Our forces are ready to spread the news across the Holy Continent and alert the
Celestial Church. Should things reach this point, better than anyone, you know, the
von Jurgens are doomed to destruction.

However, the holy empress, holy consort and noble imperial consort would be forced
to follow you to the grave… which is a result we wish to avoid."

Verena was Olrich's wife while, even if only in name, Else and Yvonne were his
highest-ranked consorts. Though their relatives had nothing to fear, they couldn't
escape the purge.

That much was fact. Seeing the words taking effect, Krann pursued.

"Unless forced into a dead-end, we don't wish to resort to such means.

Also, should we go all-out, while victory or defeat is hard to predict, the capital,
nearby towns, and villages, everything across at least three thousand miles, are
doomed to destruction.

Following such a shocking event, the commoners will start fleeing the country en

Therefore, we're willing to make a compromise. A peace treaty for one month. One
month during which all hostilities between our parties are forbidden.

We will also leave the Holy Flame City and not return… at least for that month's time.
As long as you respect the terms, we won't spread the intel. Afterward, hostilities can
freely resume.

Are you willing?"

Krann asked, and before Adalwin could say anything, Olrich roared:

"Rubbish! They are our consorts! Who gives you the right to take them away?! We
are the emperor!

If we want them to live, they live. If we want them to perish, they perish! How da-…”


Adalwin backhanded Olrich across the cheek, sending him spiraling in the air, all
without letting his gaze drift from Krann.


He replied, causing Gerhard to heave a sigh of relief. For him, the best result was to
have the von Jurgen and Voight come to a peace treaty. As long as they mutually
canceled out, he could fade into the background.

"Since things are settled, I shall take my leave. Oh and, congratulations, grand
preceptor, on your breakthrough."

Gerhard said toward Adalwin, using his official title, then vanished in a grey haze.

"Congratulations, granduncle, on your breakthrough."

Amalia politely congratulated him then also vanished. The relation between Kvass
and von Jurgen was complicated. Not only did they have the same ancestors, but they
also maintained a relationship of intermarriage.

Amalia's mother was Olrich's grandaunt. Thus, making Adalwin her granduncle. And
while he never glanced toward her, they'd exchanged several mental messages!

"If there is nothing else, we shall take our leave."

Hubert declared, and in a twister of dark star force, they all vanished from the von
Jurgens' sight.

Olrich seethed with shame and wrath. His burgeoning madness barring him from

But when Adalwin turned toward him, and his silver eyes nailed him, he could feel
that Adalwin only needed to wave his hand for him to perish!

This was the horrendous gap between the Crossed Tribulation Saint and the Star
Connecting Saint Ranks!

Although Adalwin's cultivation had just broken through one level, his entire
existence was sublimated!

"Your evil knows no limits, and your existence is… unpalatable. Using Gerhard's help,
you plotted against your father, thus causing his death."

Adalwin took a step toward Olrich, causing his bones to crackle under the pressure
of the star force.

"Then, you murdered your brothers with a borrowed knife to finally usurp the
throne. If my injury didn't take two centuries to heal, I would have long since cleaned
the house.

But seeing that you were a competent emperor that made the common people his
priority, rather than creating more instability, I allowed you to keep your life.


Adalwin took another step, and now, Olrich's internal organs shivered. Instinctively,
he gathered all his strength within his Divine Shield.

“…under my nose, you dared practice demonic arts and build your cultivation base
on the corpses of relatives!


Since you returned from the tower, you kept going astray, and your existence now
threatens my house's stability. My house's future! This, I cannot allow!

Therefore, Olrich, you must perish!"

Adalwin stretched out his index, causing a blue star beam to shoot toward Olrich,
aiming for his life!

Without delay, Olrich drove the Divine Shield against Adalwin's star beam.


The star beam failed to pierce the Divine Artifact. However, the impact sent Olrich
flying backward with a massive eruption of blood. Still, he didn't dare delay, and with
the Divine Shield serving as his guardian, burned his lifeforce to sprint out of the
Holy Flame City!

"Adalwin, none can cross us unscathed! We swear to return and avenge this slight!"

Knowing that with the Divine Shield protecting him, killing Olrich would require
precise calculations, Adalwin returned his attention onto the house that still needed
his help.

"Olrich von Jurgen abdicated his throne and left the Holy Flame City. We shall
handpick a new emperor to replace him. A wise and talented von Jurgen scion to be
carefully nurtured in the future!

Until the new emperor is ready to take the country's reins, I shall assume the

He proclaimed, and from various secluded spots of the imperial palace, grey beams
rose to stop before him.
"As you command, grand preceptor!"

The secluded von Jurgen elders bowed in both deference and approval. Meanwhile,
Adalwin was willing to put down his pride and request help from his few friends
within the Celestial Church, hoping to obtain an artifact that could help him suppress
Olrich's Divine Shield.

Once he obtained one, regardless of where he hid, he would hunt Olrich down and
take his life!

But in the meantime, there was one force that needed cleaning: The Holy Flame

And without Olrich's backing, Konrad's avatar was forced to take on a new identity
to carry on with his work.

"If the Celestial Church doesn't recall him, Adalwin is free to act as he sees fit.

First, he will restructure the house. Second, he will take over the Holy Flame Church
and unite both the imperial family and the clergy. Third, he will find a way to
suppress Olrich's artifacts and hunt him down to remove the threat his existence
creates. With his level of Holy Sense, as long as Olrich remains in the Holy Continent,
he cannot escape.

When those three steps are completed, like his ancestor, one-hundred-thousand
years ago, Adalwin will lead his spirit forces against the Voight for one decisive
battle. One month is… barely enough."

Konrad assessed before vanishing in the shadows.

While a wave of trials, changes, and restructuration swept the Holy Flame City,
Konrad's team arrived at the Tower of Rebirth's entrance.

What awaited them was a gathering of dozens of roaring Semi-Saint experts lining
up before the gate. Before them stood four men. Two in black cassocks, two in white.

Those four were Infernal and Celestial Priests. With a cultivation of the early Fate
Wrestling Saint Rank, they could easily stand at the summit of the secular world.
However, in the two great religious factions, their status was not worth mentioning.

Konrad's eyes swept the dozens of roaring Semi-Saints while his ears listened to
their complaints.

"The tower's gates open once a week and have always been available to all. Why is it
that today you're preventing us from seeking chances?!"

"This is unfair, could it be that from now on, you plan to monopolize all it contains?
You didn't do it before, why start now?"



The secular world Semi-Saints yelled in succession. Seeing this, Konrad shook his

"The Tower is the joint construction of the Infernal and Celestial Founders. It belongs
to us, to begin with. Allowing you free passage was merely a show of goodwill. If we
don't want you to trespass, how dare you protest?!"

One of the two Celestial Church priests snapped and stretched out his hand.
Immediately, dozens of fate locks appeared and dived into the complaining Semi-
Saints to wrest their very destiny.

Before they could understand what went on, the dozens of Semi-Saints collapsed on
the floor, their lives lost.

At that time, in a purple flash, a young woman appeared beside Konrad. Dressed in a
pink silk dress open at the abdomen and right waist to freely showcase her trimmed
abs, and spellbinding leg, she looked no older than eighteen.

With long black hairs tied with an orchid chip, a flawless figure, and the olive skin
typical of Barbarian Continent denizens, even pious monks would end up entranced
by her unconstrained, demonic charm.

She was Diyana.

With a smile, she turned toward Konrad, her black eyes staring directly into his.

"Greetings, master."

She politely said, causing Konrad to arch his eyebrows.

"Oh? When did you start taking me as your master?"

"I understand that there must be misunderstandings between us. Last time, I indeed
lacked propriety and offended you. For that, I apologize.

However, the fact of the matter is that I was reared for you to do with as you see fit. If
you're not my master, who is? I'm here to make amends and beg for your

Diyana replied with a bow that gave a free glimpse on her bountiful cleavage.
Konrad's lips curled into a smile. Inwardly though, he sneered.

"Well-said. How do you plan to do that?"

Thinking that there was room for maneuver, Diyana raised her head and turned back
toward the four priests.

"As you can see, the two factions' each dispatched two priests to prevent secular
world experts from entering. The reason is that the final Holy War approach, and this
time, they intend to wrest all the critical inheritances and resources lying in the

They're also using it as a preliminary battleground between their youth.

The most outstanding disciples between the age of eighty and one-hundred are
currently inside, leading their teams to cross the floors.

Although secular world experts usually lose their lives in the tower, from time to
time, a few startling talents emerge and harvest countless benefits. They wish to
prevent such occurrences."

Diyana explained, and Konrad nodded in approval.

"That being the case, they will also block your team. However, with my Serkar
identification token, they won't stand in our way. You can just follow me in,

As she spoke, Diyana shifted her gaze back onto Konrad. Although the strength he
displayed beforehand was outstanding, she didn't deem him able to contend with
those early-stage Fate Wrestling Saints. Surely, he would have to rely on her.

Alas, she'd still underestimated him.


Konrad nonchalantly replied and stretched out his hand. The holy broadsword
appeared within, and leisurely, he stepped toward the gatekeepers.

"Secular world ant, if you know what's good f-…”

But before the priest could finish his words, the whistle of a sword slash echoed
within his ear. Not only him, but the other two heard the same sword slash whistle.

And by the time they registered the sound, their heads were soaring in the air with a
large gush of blood.

"Why is my body… headless?"

They wondered. Their brains then registered their deaths, and alongside their
corpses, their heads dropped on the ground.

Diyana was startled.

"How could he be so strong? I'm sure last time he wasn't this dreadful. How long has
it been?"

But while she floundered, the ladies ignored her and followed Konrad toward the

In a slow, grating sound, the gate opened, revealing a blue vortex. Snapping out of
her torpor, Diyana rushed toward Konrad, and alongside the group, vanished in the

Driven by a superior force, they crossed the blue vortex. Meanwhile, a hoarse voice
echoed within all their minds. A voice that seemed to peer into their hearts, able to
grasp truth and falsehood.

"What is your faith? Who do you believe in?"

"The Infernal Gods."

Diyana immediately replied. The voice seemed to trigger an immediate answer

coming straight from the heart.

Almost simultaneously, the harem members reacted.


Afterward, it was Konrad's turn, and to all that knew him a tiny bit, his answer came
without surprise.


Again, Diyana was startled, and this time, she wasn't the only one. Even the hoarse
voice was struck speechless.

"Hum… interesting. Throughout one-million years, this is the ninth time that I see
someone whose faith is "himself." And the absolute first that I see individuals
worshiping a mortal from the bottom of their hearts.
Interesting… very… interesting.

Alas, the rules are the rules. You still fall into the "rebel category." Within the tower,
you shall face twice the suppression.

Good luck."

The voice halted, and under a massive eruption of light, the group vanished.
In a white haze, the team reappeared within the tower's first floor. If a floor it could
be called…

Wherever the eyes went, only darkness lied. Neither Konrad nor the ladies at his side
could see anything. Worse, they felt a crushing pressure drop on their shoulders!


Konrad's feet sank into the ground while some of the ladies directly dropped on their
knees, struggling to get back up.

Only Zamira, Lena and Diyana managed to avoid dropping on their knees. Following
a breath of time, the others returned to their feet, albeit struggling under the

"Twenty times the gravity. This is twenty times the gravity."

Konrad assessed while the pressure of his own weight seemed to drive him toward
the floor. If they didn't quickly adapt, how could they fight?!

"The same person can only enter the tower once in a lifetime. At the same time, the
traps and challenges one face often change. Therefore, using the predecessors'
experiences is almost useless."

Diyana explained while shivering on her feet. Unlike the others, she only faced ten
times the gravity. Courtesy of her faith.

"However, there is one thing that never changes:

The Enemies.

Each floor is defended by Armored Guards whose strength increase with higher
floors. The Armored Guards are led by a Floor Guardian tasked with preventing us
from reaching higher levels.

We don't have to defeat the Floor Guardian to carry on, but if we do, we'll have access
to the Floor's Principal Loot.

The Guardians are immortal, and always reconstruct for new entrants."

Konrad had already obtained all this intel from Yvonne. Therefore, his face showed
no ripple. According to Yvonne, on the first floor, they would face the Iron Guard.

At first, all believed they'd fallen into a cave where no light passed. However, when
Konrad attempted to light the place with a fireball, reality struck them hard.

They could feel the heat but couldn't see the flames! Clearly, they'd all turned blind!

"Activate your spiritual senses."

Konrad calmly ordered and instantly, all activated their spiritual senses. However,
Diyana aside, none could push it more than three meters ahead! As for Diyana, she
was stuck to six meters.

"Well… shit."

Konrad inwardly cursed and activated his Origin Sight. Finally, light returned to his
eyes, and he could see they now laid in a narrow passageway walled by dark-gray
stones. There only was one road, ahead!

"All of you activate your Origin Sights. You'll then regain your vision."

During their secluded cultivation, Konrad didn't just improve their bloodlines and
physiques. He also granted them abilities to enhance their battle power. Either
through the system or the contracts.

Instantaneously, all regained their senses, and Diyana was now the only one unable
to freely grasp the perimeter.

"Let's go."

Following Konrad's lead, all advanced; taking carefully measured steps to avoid
falling into a trap. This went on for one hour, after which the group stopped to
readjust to the gravity.

"There is only one road… but no exit in sight! It feels like we're not making any
progress whatsoever."

Iliana sighed, speaking the words that echoed in the mind of all others. Even with
their Origin Sight, they couldn't see the end of the road. However, the path at their
back clearly showed they'd been making progress.

How long could this road possibly be?

And with the gravity crushing them, how long would it take to see the exit? But as all
were lost in thoughts, a creaking sound echoed from the nearby walls.

All swept them with their gazes, and their eyes widened in fright.

Without delay, Konrad waved his hands, forming a force field around the team. The
others then supplemented the force field with their own energy.

At that time, dozens of earth pikes sprouted from the walls above, at the left and at
the right to impale them where they stood!


The earth pikes slammed against the force field, the collision sending tremors
throughout the ground. Fortunately, they failed to breakthrough.

With the force field protecting them, the group resumed its advance. But soon
realized that every time they stopped to readjust to the crushing gravity, the earth
pikes would assail them!

"Hateful! What kind of sick individual built this nonsense?!"

Jasmine cursed. They'd been going on for several hours with the exit still nowhere to
be seen. Under the weight of twenty times the gravity, asking them to carry nonstop
through several miles was no different from demanding their demise!

Still, since the relentless pike hammering prevented them from getting the rest they
needed, they could only carry onward.
But at that time, as if triggered by Jasmine's words, the walls trembled, and from
them, hundreds of identical shapes appeared! As a knowledgeable earthling, Konrad
felt those shapes oddly akin to the terracotta army.

The shapes emerged from the walls, turning into iron terracotta soldiers that
blocked the group front and back, sandwiching them without leaving any room for

Seeing the hundreds of iron soldiers that appeared following her curses and now
blocked them on all angles, Jasmine blinked in disbelief, her mouth forming an "O"

All eyes turned toward her, and within them, rage clearly burned!

"Why are you looking at me like that? This has clearly nothing to do with me!"

She protested against the silent, raging, and inquisitive eyes.

Like a flawlessly trained battalion, the iron guards aimed their swords and spears at
the group.

"Two-hundred-fifty at the front, two-hundred-fifty at the back. Now, now, this is

what I call a dead end."

Konrad sighed and summoned six red circles.

"Sixth Circle Sp-"

But as he began the spellcasting, and gathered a destructive power of the Saint-level,
the walls trembled, overtaken by violent tremors, and threatening to collapse from
all sides!

"You gotta be kidding me! If I use a sixth circle spell, you'll collapse on us?!"

Konrad realized in outrage and aborted the incantation.

At that time, the Iron Guard attacked! The vanguard charging with spear thrusts
while the sword wielders leaped into the air to tackle the group from above.

From the intensity of their aura, Konrad judged their strength at the peak of the
Transcendent Rank.

"To arms! You girls protect the rear, I will carve out an escape road!"

Konrad summoned his holy broadsword, Miraculous Transcendence erupted from

his meridians, and in a dazzling sword slash, ten Iron Guards were slashed in two!
Thus, the first battle began! Although the iron soldiers' individual strength merely
stood at the peak of the Transcendent Rank, they didn't have gravity to worry about.
Fluid moves and perfect coordination rapidly showcased the seriousness of their

Without the use of mighty spells, though Konrad could effortlessly cleave a path for
himself, for those at his back, that was another story.

Or so he thought…

As soon as his sword slash split the ten iron soldiers in two, their two halves again
joined one another, returning to a perfect state before resuming their charge toward
the group.

Konrad frowned.

"Since when do the guardians regenerate mid-fight?

Don't even mention Transcendent Rank experts. With such a trial, how do low and
mid-level Semi-Saints survive?

Is the tower deliberately making things difficult for us?"

Konrad wondered, but he wasn't given much time to pursue his thought. Though the
narrow passageway guaranteed that they could only battle a small enemy wave at a
time, with their foes' instant regeneration abilities, it also made fighting their way
out nigh impossible!


Horizontally bending her energy sword, Iliana stopped the offensive of three iron
guards, deflected their strength, then beheaded them. At her side, Jasmine skewered
them one after the other while at their back, Daphne summoned a bow, and fired
energy arrows at the incoming troops.

The others didn't fall behind.

Freya and Astarte who cultivated the Battle Scripture seemed to get stronger as the
fight dragged, the intensity of clashing steel empowering their moves.

Zamira and Lena who possessed the highest cultivation led the charge, while Faidra
and Aliki assisted Diyana in firing spells.

Meanwhile, Konrad handled the front, cleaving dozens of enemies with every single
sword slash. But to no avail!

Worse, they didn't dare step forward because they knew well-enough that doing so
would allow the reconstructing guards to divide and encircle them!

The Hundred Flower Scripture practitioners could turn into light particles and flee.
However, that decision came at the cost of the others. And in this current situation,
using a stronger arsenal such as lineage weapons served no purpose.

It wasn't about how many they could kill. They had to find a way to stop the
regeneration process. And following half-an-hour of melee, though the rear still
stood firm, Konrad didn't doubt they would soon start faltering.

He'd long since considered pulling them all into his space pouch but realized he

He could neither bring people in nor bring them out. Only items were allowed.

"Since the guards are invincible, to begin with, why forbid the use of sixth circle
spells? It's not like it would anything. On the contrary, I would exhaust me faster.

What can I do with a sixth circle spell that I can't do with arms?"

Konrad wondered while beheading the assailants. And suddenly, the realization
dawned onto him.

"Kill them all… at the same time… in a single move."

Understanding the scheme, Konrad closed his blind eyes, focusing solely on his
Origin Sight.

Words spoken by Yvonne during one of their numerous sparring sessions echoed
within his mind.

"All things in this world possess a force. The question is whether we can harness it or
not. Weapons are no different. Swords, spears, hammers, staves, all possess an
innate force which once channeled will let their might skyrocket.

But unleashing a weapon's innate force is one thing, combining it with yours is
another. Once you can achieve that, even an average weapon can rival Holy Artifacts."

Konrad lowered his broadsword, and from it, thin strands of white light slowly
emerged. The thin strands thickened, becoming dazzling white rays whose mere
presence hacked several of the assailing guards.

The Miraculous Transcendence swirling around him, then shrunk to coil around the
sword, the two forces merging to become one.

Again, Konrad's eyes opened, and though no aura swirled around him, the pressure
emanating from his presence rose to a new level.

With a three-hundred-sixty-degree rotation, he drew a perfect sword arc, releasing a

dazzling sword force ring that spread throughout the five-hundred iron guards
blocking them front and back!

The iron guards stopped dead in their tracks, their armored bodies quivering.


And simultaneously, they exploded in thousands of perfectly cut metallic pieces. This
time, they didn't regenerate.

With her limited vision preventing her from grasping the situation, Diyana was
startled. However, the others were undisturbed.

It was almost as if Konrad's achievements were all natural and needn't trigger
surprise. Indeed, this was faith.

Konrad ordered after making sure none of his girls were injured.

And the team resumed its advance.

This time, they carried on undisturbed and reached the end of the road.

The shining light clearly marked the exit, but before they could cross it, a figure
emerged from the light and landed before them. That figure looked almost identical
to the iron guards they'd previously faced.

However, it was twice the size, and an iron crown also rested on top of its head.
Konrad identified it as the First Floor Guardian. Rather than sword and spear, the
Guardian wielded a glaive, and the aura emanating from it rivaled that of peak-stage

The Guardian assumed its battle stance, aiming its glaive at the group. Guardians
didn't have to be defeated. As long as the team could bypass them, they could carry

However, without defeating the Guardian, they could only have access to the
scattered floor loot. The primary loot would remain out of reach.



Freya replied to Konrad's call.

"You have ten moves."

"I will do it in five."

Freya replied and stepped forward. Diyana felt that woman too conceited. Although
the Guardian was a metallic construct, it possessed spiritual intelligence and a
robust foundation.

Even if Freya's victory was guaranteed, claiming to triumph in five moves was simply
arrogant. To say nothing of the gap of an entire rank that ensured she could, at best,
obtain a pyrrhic victory!
The Guardian stomped its right foot and shot toward her, aiming its glaive at her

Freya bent backward to let the flow fly by her nose, then drove her sword toward the
Guardian's torso.

In the blink of an eye, the Guardian raised its knee, slamming the flat side of the
sword to deflect the blow while rotating on the left to land back on its feet.

And as Freya readjusted her stance, it flew toward her with a frontal thrust!

Vast Semi-Holy force erupted from the glaive, but as it approached her bountiful
chest, Absolute Transcendence exploded from Freya.

She sidestepped, split the glaive in two, lopped off the Guardian's legs, and tore off its

All in three perfect moves that took less than one-thousandth of a second!


What remained of the Guardian collapsed on the floor, and its iron carcass then
vanished in light particles.

Konrad nodded and beckoned.

Again, only Diyana was startled. The realization that she'd fallen in a team of
monsters led by a horrifying creature finally dawned onto her!

Now, she finally realized why Konrad paid her such little heed. It wasn't that he
looked down on her. With the team he already had, there was nothing to look up to.

She could only become "another one."

Freya stopped by Konrad's side, her fluttering eyelashes begging for attention. While
to others, she remained uncompromising and overbearing, before Konrad, she would
immediately turn into a loving pet craving attention.

"Dear husband, did I do well?"

"Well, very well. I must reward you."

With a roguish grin, he seized her by the waist, holding her firmly in one arm, while
his lips pulled her into an ardent kiss. Unable and unwilling to resist Konrad's coiling
tongue, Freya melted in his arms.

But the brazen demon prince didn't stop there, pushing his knee between Freya's
thighs, and rubbing her snatch beneath the fabric.


The combination triggered a mini orgasm that sent a small tremor throughout
Freya's supple body. She collapsed on Konrad's chest.

Faced with Freya's "express care," the others resolved to strive for merits on the
following floors!

And alarmed by this odd scene, Diyana's eyes went from Konrad to his harem girls,
wondering what drug he injected in them that they sought his touch at every turn.

"Alright, enough playing around."

Seriousness returned to the troops, and without further delay, they stepped into the
light, landing in a spacious room where three massive gates stood. Before anyone
could react, the middle gate fired a beam toward Freya's forehead, then opened.

Clearly, the primary loot lied there.

As for the other two, they had to be pushed open.

According to Yvonne, the inheritances within the Tower of Rebirth were all protected
by encoding. The inheritances weren't mere resources, they also contained the
memories and experiences of the experts.

Some basic things such as herbs and elixirs were available for the tower climbers to
pluck. However, without decrypting the fallen expert's message, obtaining their
inheritance was a pipe dream.

The first two floors possessed inheritances of the Star Taming Stage. Therefore,
while they were far from being Konrad's aim, he also didn't take them lightly. They'd
greatly facilitate his faction and army building.

"We split into three groups. Faidra, Iliana, Freya, Lena in one. Jasmine, Zamira, Aliki,
Astarte in another. Daphne and Diyana with me. If you complete your plundering
before the others, assist the other group. Plundering all inheritances is a must."

With his Origin Sight, Konrad could see that no team lied in the treasure rooms.

Since there no longer was any danger to face, splitting brought no harm. As for why
Konrad kept Diyana with him, that was naturally to not let her out of his sight.

The groups stepped in their respective treasure rooms. With Diyana and Daphne on
his heels, Konrad walked into the primary treasure room where the first floor's core
inheritance lied.

From the dark underground, the trio landed in a lush green prairie where exotic
flowers and herbs bloomed. Even without the system, guided by his Origin Sight,
Konrad could identify those plants.

"A one-thousand-years old crimson flame flower.

A one-thousand-years old ginseng.

A one-thousand-years old holy grass."

Those and many more lied in the thousands within the prairie. All were rare
ingredients helpful in the concoction of Holy Rank pills and medicines. Their
individual prices in the hundreds of millions of purple crystals, for the cheapest.

Daphne's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

Even Diyana was impressed. While such herbal gardens couldn't startle a Serkar, the
sheer quantity of herbs was astonishing. Better than anyone, she knew the difficulty
of maintaining such a garden. If this was only the first floor, one could only wonder
what lied ahead.

In the distance, eleven towering trees stood on one perfect line. With a wave of his
hand, Konrad plucked the herbs and flowers, using his vast telekinetic powers to
bring them all into his space bracelet.

Then, alongside the two, Konrad vanished, to reappear before the trees. Each
possessed ancient writings carved on their trunks, cryptic texts containing the
essence of the deceased's will.

"Daphne, it's time to work."

Konrad declared, then sat cross-legged to await Daphne's triumphant return.

Startled, she made a one-hundred-eighty degree turn toward him.

"Me?! How could it be? I can barely count my fingers. How could I possibly decrypt
all these?"

Daphne objected while waving her hands in disagreement, causing Diyana's lips to
curl into a smile.

"I can do it if you want."

But seeing the newcomer about to rob an opportunity for merit, a new wave of
resolve filled her heart.

"The nerves! When father and daughter are discussing important matters, who gives
you the right to butt in.
We have a clear, established hierarchy. Even if you're surnamed Rakres, you can't
break the rules, and rob your seniors' merits."

Daphne snapped, then turned toward the first tree to analyze the writing.

Struck speechless, Diyana blinked in disbelief while black lines formed on Konrad's

"Did she call me… Rakres? Rakres? Serkar in rev…”

Enlightenment brightened Diyana's mind, and her eyes shone with fury!

The gals!

Now she really wished to dig out that insolent woman's tongue. But with Konrad
sitting on the side, she didn't dare make a rash move. Disgruntled, she turned heels
and sat beside him.

"The celestial and infernal disciples should be crossing the third floor as we speak.
Usually, without great chances or preparation, most can never go beyond the third
floor. Although the leaders even came with Fate Destroying Saint war puppets, it
should still take a substantial amount of time. I believe we will find them there."

Diyana explained while observing Konrad's reaction. Alas, his face showed no

Initially, she also wanted to say that some of them would break through the Holy
Rank inside the tower. But realizing such strength couldn't deter Konrad, she

Instead, she tried to find a worthy topic to grab his attention.

At that time, dazzling light erupted from the first tree, and the writing vanished to
reveal the insides of the trunks where cultivation methods, artifacts, holy crystals,
and pills lied in abundance.

"Succeeded! I succeeded!"

Daphne screamed in delight with her arms raised in gleeful victory.

"So fast?"

Instantly, Diyana's eyes shifted back on her. Why was that air-headed girl able to
decipher a Star Taming Stage expert's will in such records' time?

What sorcery was this?!

Instead, Konrad was undisturbed. Although Daphne was unreliable and often
spouted nonsense, her cultivation talent and comprehension abilities were high, to
begin with. Back in house Kracht, unlike Iliana who diligently cultivated, Daphne
only did it under Wolfgang's constraints.

Spending most of her time finding new ways to abuse and emasculate the males.
Still, her cultivation didn't fall behind, remaining only a few steps away from Iliana's.

Now with Konrad's demonic gifts and the system's upgrades, her talent and
comprehension abilities had skyrocketed.

Konrad didn't doubt she would effortlessly decrypt all the wills and obtain the

Light rays flew from the tree trunks to dive into Daphne's forehead, engraving the
expert's memories and experiences within her mind.

Without delay, she cracked the wills, one after another and harvested all the
inheritances. Using a space bracelet gifted by Konrad, Daphne pocketed the pills,
cultivation methods, and artifacts, then brought her loot back to Konrad.

"Mission accomplished.

Beloved daddy, I exhausted myself days and nights to fulfill the tasks you entrusted
to me. Don't you think I deserve a reward?"

Daphne pouted, causing Diyana to rise in outrage.

"Horseshit! We've been here for less than fifteen minutes! Where do the days and
nights come from?!

You can't be so shame-"



Before she could react, Diyana was sent flying backward by Daphne's impromptu
palm strike. She then took her spot by Konrad's side and tugged on his sleeve while
still pouting for attention.

"What am I ever gonna do with you?"

Konrad sighed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders to pull her against his

"I have just obtained the complete inheritance of several Profound Alchemist and
Refining Masters. In the future, you can leave pill and artifact refining to me!"

She confidently declared while rubbing her head against Konrad's chest.

"First get one of the Sublime Rank, and then we can talk."

Gently, he planted a soft kiss on her temple.

Meanwhile, Diyana struggled to return on her feet.

The shock of that palm strike too hard to bear. In one move, she realized that despite
her cultivation being an entire rank above, if they truly had to come to blows,
Daphne's victory was almost guaranteed!

But how could it be? She had a supreme foundation, golden bloodline, and mighty
physique. How many Supreme Meridians did she condense?

What bloodline and physique could a secular world girl possibly possess to make up
for the cultivation gap?

But as she struggled to rise from the ground, the illusory form of a gargantuan
emerald serpent with two pairs of scaled wings appeared in the air, its demonic
pressure nailing her on the ground.

Dread welled up within her chest!

But in the blink of an eye, the illusory figure vanished, as if it was never there, to
begin with.

"Was that an… echidna?"

The now trembling Diyana wondered, but before she could find the answer, the other
girls arrived with the acquired loot which they presented to Konrad.

"Well-done. Now, to the next floor."

The team located the exit circle and vanished in a light festival to reappear on the
second floor.

Now, a seemingly endless desert awaited, bringing alongside it dry air and
suffocating heat waves.
Oppressive heat waves during the day, chilling air during the night, and gigantic
sandstorms in-between. This quickly became the group's quotidian, a routine no one
could save them from.

The first day, though the brutal heat and sudden temperature change were hard to
bear under twenty times the gravity, they could still manage it. After all, thanks to
the first floor, they'd gotten accustomed to the gravity's pressure.

On the second day, it got more challenging, and many could start feeling their legs

On the third, the difficulty reached an absurd level, and although Transcendent level
experts and above could live without food or water, all rediscovered the meaning of

With the end still nowhere in sight, the sweating Konrad frowned.

He could feel that more than one had reached their breaking point. Only the
unwillingness to disappoint him kept driving them onward. Worse, they'd yet to
meet this floor's guard which could attack at any time.

But while Konrad analyzed the situation, startled yelps came from his back.


Iliana and Jasmine yelled in tandem, quicksand forming beneath their feet and
trapping them within.

With their bodies marching on will alone, they didn't have the strength to resist.
Without delay, Konrad stretched out his hands, causing a massive wave of telekinetic
powers to erupt and pull the two out of the quicksand.

He reminded, and they nodded in approval, before resuming the road back to the

On the fourth day, the contours of a towering pyramid appeared in the distance, and
all believed the exit should lie inside. Galvanized by the thought, they tapped into
hidden strength reserves to accelerate the pace toward the pyramid.

But as they reached the entrance, the sandy soil shivered. Hundreds of quicksand
formed without warning, and from them, one-thousand steel guards emerged.

This time, however, Konrad faced no suppression and was free to use his entire

"Sixth Circle Spell: Searing Sky!"

Flame red clouds filled the sky, and from them, a deluge of fire descended onto the
steel guards, obliterating them all in a single move. Undisturbed, the group carried
onward, diving into the pyramid where the guardian awaited.

This time, its cultivation was of the early Rising Saint Rank.


With a single palm strike, Konrad blew it into metallic dust.

The group's eyes then fell on a vast array of coffins above which encryptions rested.

"First, regain your strengths, then decrypt the wills and harvest the inheritances."

Konrad ordered, and to save time, he participated in the contest.

Three hours afterward, all wills were decrypted, and in tandem, the coffins opened,
releasing beams of maroon light.

With his Origin Sight, Konrad could see the coffins' helpfulness in Dao Sublimation
and Pure Self Creation. Each chose one and buried themselves inside.

Once the coffins' lid closed, Konrad shut his eyes, and his mind drifted to another
one. A world where nothingness reigned. Emotions and desires slowly subsided,
freeing Konrad's mind of fetters, and allowing him to focus on understanding his self
and the road he pursued.

For an unknown quantity of time, Konrad's immobile body drifted in the darkness,
while his thoughts targeted a succession of questions.

"Who am I?

What do I want?

What road do I pursue?

Supremacy is the answer that first comes to mind. But how to build such a road?

Invincibility? Absolute Authority? Both? Yes, but why do I feel that there still is a
missing ingredient? Something I do not possess…”

And as Konrad's thoughts swirled, his body sunk deeper in the darkness, the fall
carrying on until it completely vanished from sight, devoured by nothingness. At that
time, a voice echoed within his mind.

"In the world of the three, who dares claim supremacy?

The road you seek is not traveled, forbidden within the three realms. To build it goes
against the natural order and the will of the three. Others sought it before, but aware
of the threats and difficulties they would face, chose to retreat.

If you are willing to challenge the natural order and cross this untraveled road, step
into my domain and I shall give you… a chance at enlightenment."

A mild voice echoed in Konrad's mind, and alongside it, a pure white star appeared
within the world of darkness to brighten Konrad's sight.

As if driven by instinct, he flew toward it, vanishing into the star to reappear in a
peaceful clearing.

There, a wrinkled old man with a Guan Yu like beard sat crossed-legged on top of a
human-sized lotus. Though dressed in a simple white robe without any form of
ornaments, his transcendental bearing prevented any from looking down on him.

Better, his mere sight produced reverence that seemed to burst straight from the
heart, and as Konrad stepped toward him, he could feel that around this man, all
paths stood in harmony. As if the very essence of the Dao lied in this place.

"Who… are you?"

Konrad couldn't help but blurt out, his lips unable to suppress the words.

"In the beginning, there was one. One produced two, two produced three, and three
produced all things.

In immemorial times, I possessed an identity. Today, however, I merely exist within

the Dao. Names no longer define me. But if you must have one, you can think of me
as the essence of the first cultivation step."

The old man replied in the same mild, soothing tone.

The first cultivation step was to become a Saint. The second, to become a Sage. The
third, to become a God. As for the fourth, no one knew the end.

"Welcome, aspiring Supreme Being. In the trillions of years since the start of the
three, many have craved this road. But few truly dared step onto it, and none
survived it.

You must know that while the benefits are unparalleled, the cons outweigh the pros.
True, should you build your Dao Foundation on this road, your strength will sharply
rise, and even within the higher realms, you'll rarely find a match at the same level.

But your Sublimation speed will drastically decrease. At the same time, the
tribulations you'll face in the future will be a hundred times harsher than your
peers'. You may not fear man, but you shall dread heavens' retribution."

The old man calmly said, but his warnings failed to deter Konrad's ambitions.

"Supremacy is my highest aspiration. If my will doesn't hold the three realms in

submission, all is inconsequential.

I must become supreme, or I might as well not exist."

Konrad straightforwardly replied.

"Since you're determined, allow me to guide you onto the road.

Invincible Might, Absolute Authority, Unshakable Heart. Those are the three
requirements to become a Supreme Being. For you, the first two are not difficult. But
with your current trend, the last will elude you for a lifetime."

The old man began with his eyes remaining shut throughout the exchange. His words
caused Konrad's face to contort into a frown.

"True, in your previous life, you were chased and led to the brink of destruction
before fortunately getting saved by a higher existence and reincarnated into the
Ancient Crystal World.

There, you stepped on the road of cultivation, and indeed, in the early days, you faced
near-death twice. Alas, from the moment you obtained a pure demonic blood, you
never suffered genuine defeat.

Stronger people, you have played. Equals, you routinely crush. And as your
cultivation deepens, so does the horrendous gap between you and your peers. In
fact, you do not have peers in the proper sense.

Because of that God's gift and your own lineage, at least within that Mortal World,
unless you desperately court death, your life will rarely be at stake. Therefore, you do
not fear.

Even if the enemy's strength surpasses yours by a large margin, you do not dread.
Today, you can call it confidence, but in the future, it can quickly turn into

The few threats you've faced pale before your overwhelming successes and
achievements. Even for an average cultivator, there are many hidden dangers.

But for you who pursue the Supreme Being road, that is intolerable. After all, how
can a feeble, complacent heart claim supremacy?

To perfect your Dao, you must perfect your heart. Turn it into an immovable
mountain that fears neither storms nor hurricanes and can shoulder… all

Never forget that the Dao exists within the heart. It is the foundation of the self. And
for those born outside The Wills, it is also the limit."

As the old man's preached, Konrad closed his eyes, letting the words sink in his soul.
They thundered within his mind, causing the world around him to spin, and his soul
to reach a higher state of enlightenment.

Konrad sat crossed-legged.

In his right hand appeared a peerless sword. In his left, a crown, and around him, a
bronze armor with minor cracks formed.

The peerless sword represented invincibility, the crown authority, and the fractured
armor a flawed Dao heart.

But as Konrad pondered how to mend the fissures and perfect himself, the old man's
voice echoed.

"On the seventh floor lies a tribulation valley. There, if your will is strong enough,
you can refine your Dao Heart and turn it into an unshakable mountain.

In the meantime, let the Overlord open the road to your First Sublimation!"

The Dao World collapsed, and Konrad reappeared in a wasteland of fire and

In the sky, the shadow of an indiscernible visage appeared. And while he could still
not see through its true form, Konrad effortlessly recognized that figure as… the

"Boy, we meet again."

Again, Konrad stood before the master of the Infernal Realm. Or was he?

Having listened to the old man's preaching, and recalling all the stories surrounding
them, he couldn't help but feel that neither the Warden nor the Overlord were free

Their powers might be unrivaled, but their bound to their respective realms also
surpassed that of all others. Messengers? Incarnations? The exact answer was hard
to pinpoint.

Still, it mattered not.

At least, in this instant, it didn't.

"I hope you're not counting on that unruly father of yours. He's still recovering from
Hell's punishment."

The Overlord's hoarse, authoritative voice thundered within Konrad's mind.

Undisturbed, his lips curled into a smile.

"My path no longer needs others to fight for. But I'm curious, what is my
transgression this time?"

"The Supreme Dao is forbidden, locked to all lives within the three Realms. Since you
exist under my jurisdiction, it is my duty to test you.

Cross my trial and thrive, fail, and perish!"

Konrad's smile broadened, and in his purple eyes, only serenity shone.

"Do your worst."

Instantaneously, horrible black flames descended from the wasteland's sky, earth,
and every corner to shoot toward Konrad! And while this scene reminisced of the
time he congealed his twelfth meridian, the flames' might had increased a

Stretching out his arms, Konrad let his Miraculous Transcendence erupt alongside
his four physiques. And feeling the Supreme Overlord pressure emanating from him,
beneath his shadowy cloaking, no ripple flashed on the Overlord's face.

Perhaps in another location, he would have felt some discomfort, but within the trial,
bias and personal feelings didn't exist. He merely enforced Hell's Will!

In a flash, the deluge of hellfire surrounded Konrad from all sides, its startling might
and voracious hunger calling for his life.


Primal Force!"

The Supreme Overlord Physique's suppression forced the hellfire to halt mid-air
while the Divine Primal Physique's golden primal force eroded its might and
dissolved its offensive.


Following a silent, fierce struggle, the hellfire freed itself from the two forces'
pressure, and resumed its assault onto Konrad!

Though drastically weakened, it still was a force to be reckoned with. The infernal
flames locked him from all sides, leaving no room for escape.

Fusing the powers of his physiques and his Miraculous Transcendence within his
palms, in succession, Konrad threw hundreds of palm strikes at the front, back, left,
right and above!

Each palm strike made the corrupted air shiver and sent tremors throughout the


The hellfire collapsed and retreated at breakneck speed. But as if reinvigorated by a

foreign force, it returned with greater might, turning into five gaping hellfire maws
that blocked Konrad from all sides.

Still, he didn't waver, and his eyes shifted back onto the Overlord above.

"Next time, be more creative…”

Konrad began with a relaxed, amused tone while clenching his right fist.

“…because this level, can never bar my path."

His eyes shone with purple light, and alongside his physiques' energies and vast
demonic force, his Miraculous Transcendence merged within his right fist.

Konrad aimed his fist at the ground below and punched out!


A massive explosion of gold, purple, and rainbow-colored light erupted to obliterate

the incoming hellfire maws!

As the light dispersed, Konrad no longer stood in the wasteland. Only the Overlord

"Fool, when even I do not dare claim supremacy, how could it be yours to seize?

In the future, you will understand that for those born within the three Realms,
supremacy is a sham. An alluring pitfall."

The Overlord scoffed, then vanished from the trial land.

Meanwhile, Konrad reappeared within the Ancient Crystal World, or rather, within
the coffin. The lid above him opened, and his body floated toward the surface,
bathing in golden light.

The ladies had long since finished their cultivation and stood in anxiety around his
coffin. Three months! It'd been three months since he locked himself within, and
during that time, even the connection they held was temporarily severed.
Were it not for their profound faith in him, they would have believed that he
perished in cultivation deviation.

But at last, he returned! And at his back, a pair of bright golden light wings sprouted
while the contours of an illusory ring appeared above his head.

The mark that he'd officially broken through to the Semi-Holy Rank! Sublimated in
both the martial and spiritual paths!

And Diyana who felt the embryonic Dao swirling around him, couldn't help but
shiver in fright. A force that commanded obedience and reverence. A force that
rippled with absolute might hid within that budding Dao, making her wonder what
shape it would take when it reached completion.

Leisurely, Konrad landed on the ground, and his eyes swept the women around him.

Zamira, Lena and Diyana had broken through to the Rising Saint Rank while the
others crossed four levels to now stand at the fourth step of the Semi-Holy Rank.

On the scene, his breakthrough seemed the smallest, but his strength increase was
by far the highest. And as he assessed the might of his embryonic Dao, Konrad firmly
believed that by the time he achieved sainthood, before him, even Crossed
Tribulation Saints would be forced to retreat.

"Indeed. First Step Old Man, I understand your warnings."

He inwardly sighed, then returned his attention onto the ladies.

"To the third floor. I'm eager to see the abilities of those so-called top-talents."

Konrad ordered, and after pocketing all that remained, the group stepped on the
teleportation circle leading to the third floor.

Again, the scenery changed, and this time, they appeared in a vast swamp world
whose air rippled with toxic energies. Breathing in that air, many directly vacillated.
Only after rotating their cultivation bases did they regain their foothold.

As for Konrad, with his Stolas Physique, this floor was nothing more than a treasure
trove. Every breath he took, empowered his physique, bringing it closer to the Divine
With a wave of his hand, he summoned nine green Stolas feathers which flew toward
his ladies. Wielding them, the toxins within the poisonous air no longer affected
Diyana, who witnessed this scene, almost spat blood. How could she not see that
Konrad deliberately ignored her?!

With a forced smile, she stepped closer toward him, imitating Freya's eyelash
fluttering to request attention.

"Master, you can't be this biased. After all, though I lack contributions, I have been
serving you loyally since my arrival."


With a shocked "I don't know what you mean" expression, Konrad turned toward
Diyana who focused her cultivation base on suppressing the poison. Right now, the
air was so toxic that the average Semi-Saint would collapse upon entering. Even with
her knowledge, Diyana couldn't understand why the challenges of this time were this

This was no longer a trial, but a clear invitation to destruction. If she didn't know
better, she would really assume the tower was exerting all its resources to ensure no
one could reach the top.

But how could it be?

Staring at that tempting face of hers, Konrad's lips curled into a smile.

"You said it yourself, you lack contributions. There is also no great affection that
binds us. Therefore, if you want my favor, you'll have to work on it."

"What do you want me to do?"

She asked, a wave of apprehension welling up within her chest as she registered
Konrad's demonic tone.
"Give me a detailed description of the two factions' teams. Names, quantity, status,
everything. Don't leave out anyone."

Konrad replied while stroking her cheek with his bent, right index.

The move only heightened Diyana's vigilance.

"Why now? Why so suddenly?"

Although brutal competition existed between the Infernal Cult's great houses, they
were, at the end of the day, one camp. The teams dispatched to the tower were the
cream of the crop between the age of eighty and one hundred.

Diyana may not care about the Celestial Church's disciples, but she certainly didn't
wish to see the Infernal Cult's chosen face mishap.

"Obviously because I plan to kill them all. Or rather, kill the men, and take the
women. You see, I can't afford to have anyone know of my little trip into the tower.
All eventualities must be taken care of.

We're doomed to come across them, and clash for resources. But if some survive, in
the future words will spread. I need to know precisely what I'm dealing with, and
make sure neither the Infernal Cult nor Celestial Church disciples live to tell the tales.

As for the ladies, we can be more tolerant."

The straightforwardness with which Konrad said those words, again made Diyana
reevaluate the depths of his evil heart.

Worse, house Serkar currently had a team within the tower. A team led by another
one of Konrad's cousins. Although he wasn't an inheritor, that was because, before
the tower, his cultivation had yet to breakthrough the Holy Rank.

Still, no one doubted that his strength was leagues above Eysan's and that as soon as
he stepped into the tower, he would breakthrough several levels. With Konrad having
refused the position, he was the most likely successor to Eysan's seat and enjoyed
the elders' favor. Even Gulistan held high expectations in him.

His death would cause substantial waves within house Serkar. Not only him, but all
team leaders also possessed earthshaking background within the two factions.
Those were absolutely not individuals that could be killed at will!

Once they stepped out of the tower, problems were bound to arise. If not for Konrad,
at least for her!

"Please reconsi-…”

But before she could finish her words, Konrad grabbed her by the crotch, stopping
her dead in her tracks.

Her eyes widened in stupor.

"Joking, I'm joking. The useless will die, the useful will change faith. In the near
future, they can become my eyes and ears within the two factions. Why would I give
up on such premium manpower?"

Konrad whispered in Diyana's ears.

"Though, I must say your reaction was a tad bit disappointing. As a servant, why is it
that your personal safety trumps your master's desires? Why is it that your existence
doesn't revolve around the satisfaction of my will?

I'm not a wise monarch. I'm a tyrant. To me, the lack of blind devotion in a servant
is… a liability."

Konrad's grip tightened on Diyana's crotch, and a wave of demonic energy flew by
his fingers to penetrate her body, blood, meridians, and soul!


She groaned in a mixture of pleasure and pain before the pressure relaxed.

"Even if you wished to advise, to lead me onto a better road, you should have first
given the information. Because such… was my demand."

Again, Konrad's hand clenched around Diyana's crotch, sending painfully blissful
jolts of electricity to course through her veins.

"Ahh… ahh… ahhh!"

It was incomprehensible as if within Konrad's touch, she was nothing more than a
toy, unable to resist. "Surrender" and "abandon," the only words swirling within her

The building pressure brought her to the edge, but before she could go over and
indulge in a delightful release, Konrad retracted his hand, then alongside his nine
harem members, left toward the deeper recesses of the floor.

Helpless, Diyana dropped on her knees, confused and unable to pick her next course
of action.

With their Origin Sight leading the way, it wouldn't be long before they located the
two factions whose leaders currently battled for the ownership of a black mar.

Although he still stood several miles away, the black mar's scent drew Konrad like a
bee toward its cherished honey. The tremendous poisonous force within, enough to
bring his Stolas Physique to the next level!

Thus, allowing him to save billions of exp.

Moreover, potent infernal forces also lingered within!

But at the moment, fifteen-hundred bronze guards led by the Guardian blocked the
road toward the black mar and the wondrous treasures it concealed.

Although the bronze guards were merely at the mid-stage of the Semi-Holy Rank,
and the Guardian at the mid-stage of the Rising Saint Rank, their sheer number and
coordination made them impossible to ignore.

With the Guardian serving as the epicenter, each guard was connected to another in
an intricate Profound Formation that magnified their battle power, causing the
Celestial and Infernal disciple to face countless hardships.

Alongside his ladies, Konrad stopped, observing the scene and contenders from afar.

The Celestial Church disciples were led by three men. The first, tall and handsome
with flowing golden hairs and eyes embellished by a powerful musculature. At first
glance, Konrad recognized him as a sun spirit.

The second one was the polar opposite, short and slender with elongated ears, dark-
blue hairs, and eyes of the same color. A moon spirit, without a shred of doubt.

As for the last one, though he clearly was male, he possessed a kind of feminine
beauty that effortlessly put most women to shame. With pearl-white hairs and
bewitching magenta eyes, his mere presence felt like a mirage coming straight from a

A dream spirit, obviously.

"The three ruling houses of the Celestial Church:

The Wirth sun spirits.

The Kornberg moon spirits.

The Bergen dream spirits.

While compared to the Paragon Spirits, they are very few, the vast majority of elders
and protectors come from those three houses. The current leader and successor of
the Celestial Church are surnamed Wirth."

Konrad explained toward his ladies before shifting his attention on the Infernal
Cult's three houses, who for once fought alongside their sworn enemies.
Beside the three Celestial Team Leaders stood three figures whose aura didn't lose
out to theirs. Of the three, one was a handsome young man with features thirty
percent similar to Eysan's while the another stood at more than two meters, with an
excessively muscular frame and beard that seemed out of place on his youthful

As for the last leader, she was a ravishing beauty with blood-red eyes that reminisced
Adelar's and a delicate, porcelain skin which, alongside her inexpressive face, gave
her the appearance of an emotionless doll.

The Serkar humans, the Orrag slaughter fiends, and the Torul blood fiends. Together,
the three ruling houses of the Infernal Cult. Of the three, the Serkar ranked slightly
above the Orrag while the Torul stood one step above.

Having done his homework before stepping into the Tower, Konrad had a solid
understanding of them.

"Their cultivation level is high, but compared to their wealth, it's not worth
mentioning. If we came to blows, depending on skills alone, none of them is our

Jasmine coolly assessed while sweeping the group with her Origin Sight.

"Courtesy of husband's care. How could they ever compare?"

Iliana calmly replied, her Origin Sight remaining locked on the two religious factions'

"Can't be too harsh on them. In normal times, having such a cultivation level at their
age would already be earthshaking. A pity that this is our era, their achievements,
our foils, and their existences our stepping stones."

Konrad declared while observing the scene with his Origin Sight. Unlike spiritual
sense, Origin Sight was nigh-untraceable, at the very least, Holy Rank experts
couldn't trace it.

Therefore, those disciples didn't have the means to retrace their surveillance. Not
that the ongoing clash gave them the time to, anyways.

"Erik, Marian, the black mar protected by those bronze guards overflows with vast
infernal energies. Although it is but a Divine Seed inheritance, we absolutely cannot
allow it to fall in the hands of the Infernal Cult.

Moreover, many useful inheritances hide within. I suggest we backstab them during
the next assault, then use our strongest talismans and war puppets to force a quick

Said the golden-haired man in a mental message aimed at his two peers.

"Hey, Volker, as a sun spirit, you can't be that dark-hearted. What would your elder
brother think if he heard those words?"

Marian, the magenta-eyed dream spirit teasingly replied.

"Nonsense, when the interests of faith are concerned, who got time for
righteousness? In any case, all things done in the interest of faith are irreproachable."

Erik, the short moon spirit cut.

"Talismans are consumables. We should save them for higher floors. War puppets
should do the trick."

They settled, and as if readying themselves for a desperate fight, let their holy force

Beside them, the Infernal Cult disciples also exchanged mental messages.

"Before our departure, the cult leader and lord Berken explicitly reminded us that all
inheritances of the Divine Rank must fall into our hands. It must have been the same
for them.
With their usual modus operandi, there is no way they won't use this fight to
backstab us.

Miraz, Vozir, let's feign ignorance and beat them at their own game."

The inexpressive blood-eyed woman ordered in a mental message.

"As you wish, lady Jaenera."

Miraz Serkar replied while Vozir remained silent. Still, Jaenera didn't doubt he would

"Infernal Armament!"

Jaenera extended her hand, summoning a long blood sword that magnified the
intensity of her aura at shocking speed.

At the same time, Vozir summoned an onyx scimitar. And as soon as it landed in his
hand, his appearance underwent startling changes. Two heads and four additional
arms burst from his neck and sides while his height increased to three meters,
making him go from a gruff-looking mini giant to a demonic incarnation of

Each arm wielded a scimitar. And in that instant, Vozir would reminisce the
knowledgeable of the asuras in Hell.

"Innate Skill: Golden Body!"

Massive golden light erupted from Miraz's body, but unlike with Eysan, the golden
light then integrated with his flesh and bones, making his olive skin turn into pure

With this golden body, beneath the True Origin Saint Rank, nothing could injure him.

Behind them, dozens of Infernal and Celestial Elite Disciples bared their weapons,
releasing their Semi-Holy and Holy Forces for the upcoming clash.

The fifteen-hundred man strong bronze army before them showed no fear. While the
individual bronze soldier was only of the mid Semi-Holy Rank and the Guardian at
the mid Rising Saint Rank, the formation uniting them made their strength overlap,
turning them into a unified battalion driven by one soul.

Their individual battle power already rivaled that of Rising Saints, and once they
released their combined forces in a single move, even True Origin Saints would face

Facing this force, the leading disciples of the religious forces all came to the same

"Something is wrong with the Tower."

Alas, even if they knew themselves right, they couldn't retreat. Unless they'd
exhausted the limits of their abilities, they couldn't retreat! Their successes were
their factions' successes.

The same went for their failures!

And for the religious factions' core members, failure was worse than death!

Leading the charge, the Infernal team leaders turned into three light beams to shoot
toward the bronze army.

But before they could collide with them, the three celestial team leaders switched

"True Spirit Form!"

Volker's hairs became bright gold flames while dazzling sunrays burst from his eyes.

Moonlight erupted from Erik's eyes and swirled around his form while a miniature
moon appeared and floated above his head.

Mesmerizing clouds formed beneath Marian's feet and a chanting citadel appeared at
his back, its songs bewitching the souls of the feeble.

All three aimed at their partners of misfortune and without hesitation, released
lethal attacks.

But before their moves hit home, the three infernal team leaders vanished and
reappeared above them!
"Truly, one can never count on the Celestial Church. Despicable mongrels."

Miraz sneered, and from a 1.75 meters tall golden man, turned into a nine-meters
tall giant!

Neither Vozir nor Jaenera wasted time in idle words and cleaved at the backstabbers.


Instantaneously, the makeshift alliance collapsed. And the two sides were back into
frantic battle.

Led by their Guardian, the bronze army made use of the opportunity to

"Fellow Disciples, use your war puppets to block the bronze army's advance.

When we're done with these mongrels, we shall come to your aid."

All leaders ordered to their respective teams then resumed fighting!

The scene quickly turned hectic, with dozens of Holy Rank war puppets shouldering
the bronze army's assault while the Celestial and Infernal team leaders fought tooth
and nails!

And while both camps seemed evenly matched, the Infernal Cult's side seemed to be
gaining a slight upper-hand.

But at that time…

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

…a loud clapping sound echoed, and alongside it, a new group appeared. At the helm,
a man that looked no older than eighteen clapped with a derisive smile plastered on
his face.

"Truly, when men court death, heaven should help them. In such a wretched
situation, you even find the time to bare weapons at one another. Impressed, I'm
Konrad sarcastically said.
Konrad's group's sudden appearance took the warring sides aback. While the
disciples didn't have the luxury to shift attention, the leaders stopped their
confrontation to turn toward the newcomers.

And seeing a human youth, their eyes contorted into a frown. At first glance, he bore
little similarities to the Barbarian Continent's humans. The outlandish purple eyes
and skin tone giving him the appearance of a Holy Continent slave.

Albeit an unreasonably good-looking one.

Even Miraz failed to recognize him. After all, the last time he glanced on him, Konrad
was nothing more than a baby. But for some reason, Konrad's face bothered him.

Still, all recognized him as a secular world "ant." But with their priests guarding the
entrance, how did he manage to barge in?

All eyes shifted toward Miraz.

"Is this overreaching man somehow related to your house?"

Jaenera asked him in a mental message. While Konrad's figure was eighty percent
similar to Talroth's, the last twenty came from Gulistan, their cult warchief. And
when Jaenera's words echoed within his mind, Miraz frowned.

Now he realized why Konrad's looks bothered him so. Clearly, his face bore faint
similarities to his aunt's!

"Could it be…”

And thinking of the possibility, Miraz's eyes widened in fright!

"No relationship whatsoever."

Miraz categorically replied and shifted his attention back onto the three spirits.

Although he didn't know what plans they had in store for him, with his aunt and
grandfather having ordered Konrad's identity kept secret, he didn't dare reveal it.
But despite the negative answer, Jaenera thought otherwise.

Eighteen years ago, the Serkar depleted their entire merit quota for a summoning
ritual after which Gulistan's cultivation base skyrocketed, pursuing that of her father,
and becoming the Infernal Cult's third strongest.

At the same time, many Serkar elders saw their cultivation base increase. And
overnight, the Serkar that ranked last among the three ruling houses now pursued
the Torul!

The most dreadful thing in all this was that while Gulistan and the Serkar elders'
gains were obvious, no one knew what Berken gained!

Yet, although they seemed to have obtained massive boons, Jaenera's father, the
Infernal Cult leader firmly believed their real advantages lied elsewhere.

But even he couldn't figure it out.

Now, an eighteen years old looking man bearing a slight resemblance to Gulistan
appeared. How could this be a coincidence?

"Secular world clown, I don't know from what podunk you hail from, but the matters
of our two forces are not what you can meddle in.

Having reached such a stage, you can be considered a talent. However, if you think
that gives you the ability to berate your superiors, you're sorely mistaken."

The sun spirit, Volker declared and threw a casual palm strike. Dazzling sunlight
erupted and morphed into a ten meters wide sunlight palm that flew toward Konrad.

His smile broadened.

But before the palm could reach him, Jasmine stepped forward.

Purple Lightning burst from her form, and she met the sunlight palm with a casual
strike of her own.

In a flash, the sunlight palm dissolved while Jasmine still stood firm and undisturbed.

"With this level of skills, how are you qualified to target our husband?"

Jasmine jeered while her mocking eyes nailed Volker.

And instantly, all were startled. Volker more than the rest. Better than anyone, he
knew that while this was but a casual palm strike, it was enough to turn anyone
beneath the Holy Rank to ashes!

Where did that girl come from?

"Well said, I'm afraid none of them are fit to lick his boots, to say nothing of trading

Iliana's scornful voice echoed.

Only now did the six truly pay attention to the nine breathtaking fairies standing by
Konrad's side. Each endowed with startling beauty that could launch ten-thousand

Although they didn't believe them all on the same level, if they were only half as
strong, they were a force to be reckoned with!

In tandem, the nine demonesses stepped forward, forming a perfect line before their
man. Their auras erupted, and though they went from fourth-step Semi-Saint to
early-stage Rising Saint, the dreadful intensity made the six disciples unable to look
down on them.

Inwardly, Miraz despaired! As a dual cultivator, seeing nine breathtaking fairies

appear out of nowhere, of course, he wanted to pluck them! But alas, they belonged
to his aunt's son, the only cousin he didn't dare vie with!

Worse, to maintain the sham, he had no choice but to battle them!

"What a pity! What a shame! What a loss!"

But while Miraz experienced the inner struggles of a lifetime, the others' thoughts
wildly differed.

"When did the secular world produce such experts? Impossible. After all these years
of neglecting the secular world, could a secret force have emerged from the

Many wondered. Meanwhile, though nine peerless beauties blocked his sight,
Marian's eyes couldn't leave Konrad.

"How… alluring."

He whispered while a strange glint flashed within his eyes. And while they didn't
dread the newcomers, the six also didn't dare look down on them.

"My beloved consorts, I must cultivate. Make sure no one disturbs me. Oh, and, don't
kill the team leaders. As for the rest… hack as you like."

Konrad ordered, then stepped forward.

With that step, he vanished, reappearing in the air behind the six leaders to stand
above the clashing disciples and bronze army.

The six shivered! Better than anyone, they understood that only the space attribute
allowed teleportation. Everything else was speed!

However, they couldn't track Konrad's moves at all!

To their trained eyes, his casual steps were no different from teleportation!

With that one move, they realized they didn't play in the same league at all!

Jaenera's suspicions deepened, and a strange thought flashed within her mind.

"Could he be… her son? No, if he were, why stand opposite to Miraz? Opposite to us?"

But she wasn't given time to ponder the issue.

Konrad summoned his broadsword, letting his Semi-Holy force erupt alongside the
sword force.
Driven by his Embryonic Dao, the two energies merged into an organic whole while
Konrad's eyes locked on the bronze army's formation.

Thanks to his Origin Sight, he could see the formation's hidden flaws, and target its
most vulnerable spots.

Driving his sword in a frontal thrust, Konrad released a dazzling sword-shaped beam
that pierced the formation's weakest spot and obliterated it in a single blow.

His sword then drew a dazzling arc that illuminated the bronze army and half the
disciples below.


The leaders all thought in tandem and tried to rush toward their teams' aid but…


…it was far too late. Alongside the fifteen-hundred-man strong bronze army, the
dozens of elite disciples turned into a plethora of masterfully carved pieces that flew
in all directions… without an ounce of blood.

The Guardian was no exception, and besides the spellcasters that stood several steps
behind, all elite disciples perished!

Unfazed, Konrad took another step forward and landed above the black mar.

The leaders' eyes trembled and went bloodshot with veins beating on their temples.
Each came with about thirty elite disciples. A total of ninety for each camp.

Now, ninety elite disciples of the two factions had perished in a single move, leaving
only mini pieces to bury.

Volker and Jaenera, in particular, were struck hard. As the youngest children of the
Celestial Church and Infernal Cult leaders, never had they experienced such a slight!

Following Volker's roar, a fifteen meters tall sun appeared above his head, firing a
blinding sun beam at Konrad. But long before it could reach him, Jasmine appeared
in its trajectory.

She punched out, releasing a purple lightning ray that collided with the sun beam in
a resounding boom.

"I said it before, you're not qualified to trade blows with him."

Jasmine stated, her words filling Volker's chest with profound shame. His eyes blazed
with glaring wrath!

But as Jasmine folded her arms beneath her chest, and rose petals appeared out of
thin air to swirl around her form, for an incomprehensible reason, seeing the
desolate air within her enthralling eyes, Volker couldn't bear raging at her.

As if such a deed was an unforgiving sin within heaven and earth.

The emotions burst from his chest, and the more he stared at her, the less rage he
felt. Instead, only the desire to enlace and hold her tight against his chest remained!

Snapping out of his torpor, Volker flew backward, retreating at hurried pace!

His eyes widened in fright!

"Damnable temptress, what nefarious bewitching art did you cultivate?

Who the hell are you?!"

Alongside the other team leaders and many of the elite disciples, as soon as he
reached the first floor's end, Volker refined a large quantity of pills and elixirs to not
just break through to the Holy Rank, but directly reach the Profound Saint Rank!
With his foundation and bloodline, before him, even the average secular world early-
stage True Origin Saint could only retreat. In what world was a fourth-step Semi-
Saint lass filling him with dread?

If he didn't know better, he would have mistaken her for an Infernal Realm

Jasmine ignored him, stretching out her arm to summon a holy whip. Although
having inherited Konrad's blood, her lineage weapon was a hammer, when given the
choice, she'd always resort to the whip.

And with the cracking of her whip, the battle officially began!

In the meantime, the other team leaders weren't faring much better.

Iliana blocked Erik, the small moon spirit's path, while Astarte challenged Marian.

From afar, she'd seen the strange glint within Marian's eyes as he stared at Konrad.
Though she couldn't be sure of the intent, the "possibility" by itself required
immediate action!

"What are your intentions toward my master?"

Astarte directly asked, not beating around the bush.

Hearing this, an amused Marian's lips curled into a smile.

"It's the first time I see a non dream spirit with such otherworldly looks. Of course,
I'm wondering… how he tastes in b-…”

But before Marian could finish his words, Astarte vanished and reappeared before
him, her battle-will erupting in a ferocious punch!


Marian's chest caved in, and he flew backward with a large blood spurt! But without
giving him time to readjust, Astarte pursued!

The remaining ninety celestial and infernal disciples were recoiling in fright, left
alone to witness the horrid scene of Konrad refining the ninety deceased souls
before plunging into the black mar.

Faidra, Aliki, and Daphne surrounded them from three sides, preventing escape
while they channeled vast magical powers in devastating spells.

Longsword in hand, Zamira stood before Jaenera, her indifferent, auburn eyes coldly
holding Jaenera's blood hues.

Beside her, Freya faced Vozir while Lena handled Miraz.

It should be mentioned that no one on the scene felt more aggrieved than Miraz.
More than anyone, he wanted to retreat, but without an arduous battle, he didn't
dare take that road.

Although it looked like Konrad's team currently had the upper hand, once the team
leaders used their most potent abilities or war puppets, Miraz didn't doubt that their
upper hand would collapse at breakneck speed.

Were it not for that, he would have openly switched sides!

"What a hateful situation…”

But as Miraz floundered, Diyana's voice echoed within his mind.

"Do not hesitate. Switch side and join forces with them. That's the only way to lead
what remains of your team to survival!"

Meanwhile, Konrad sank deeper in the black mar, dropping until he hit the bottom.

With his eyes shut close, he sat crossed-legged with his hands resting on his knees
and began refining.

The black mar's overbearing toxins dived past his pores to refine his Stolas Physique
and empower it at breakneck speed.
And with the vast infernal forces concealed within, the Divine Primal Physique aside,
his other physiques obtained massive benefits. The Stolas Physique first broke
through, reaching the Mastered Holy Stage. Then, the Anzu Physique broke through
to the same level before stabilizing.

While it didn't reach the Mastered Stage, the Supreme Overlord Physique was also
substantially enhanced by the infernal forces.

Furthermore, unbeknown to him, Konrad's purple ram statuette, the item Talroth
left him through Gulistan, now glittered in purple light. But from that purple light,
two thumb-sized crystals, one white, the other black, appeared and hovered around

Simultaneously, deep within his royal palace, Talroth, who sat crossed-legged to
recuperate from the injuries inflicted onto him by Hell's Will, suddenly stood up!

His eyes shining with incomparable delight!

"The seal… the seal is broken. Now, the only question is whether he can refine them
or not.

If he can, the road opens! The others failed, only he remains!

Son, my aspiration, my lifelong dream and ambition, all rely on you! You must
succeed! Only by crossing this step can the road open!"

Talroth roared while his eyes shone with crazed hopes and expectations!

While battle still raged above the mar, Konrad's Stolas Physique completed the
absorption of the toxins and reached the Awakened Divine Rank.

But Konrad couldn't feel pleased.

Because in that very instant, his life faced critical dangers!

The black crystal pierced through his chest and dived into his heart, while the white
one lodged itself within his abdomen!

The white crystal remained inactive. However, the black one began siphoning his
blood, draining him of life while overloading his veins with foreign energies!

Infernal forces? No!

Celestial forces? No!!

The essence of this energy was something Konrad had never witnessed in his life,
something that violated all the laws in the multiverse and opened the door to the

At that time, within Konrad's mind, the system's voice echoed.

"Congratulations, host on unlocking this once in a lifetime opportunity. Within the

three realms, such crystals are few and far between, located in places that would put
even a Primogen's life at risk.

If you can successfully complete the integration, your future is… simply limitless.
Moreover, the babies will be mighty!

Please allow me to give you some motivation!

Side Quest Initialization…

Quest: Complete the Controlling Crystal's integration and open the door to
becoming… an Artificial Nephilim.

Reward: Titan Lineage Crystal!"

The impromptu side quest and the system's comedic tone brought Konrad no relief.
As the black crystal siphoned his blood and the very essence of his demonic lineage,
Konrad's skin paled, and his eyes widened with blood filling and leaving the sclera at
a rapid pace.

Shivering, he channeled all the infernal forces remaining in the black mar and some
of the more overbearing energies lying in the purple ram amulet to stop the lineage


But as the demonic energies' pressure suppressed the crystal, cracks appeared on its
surface, clearly telling Konrad that if he interrupted the process, the crystal would
collapse, bringing alongside it the loss of this once in a lifetime opportunity.

That was only the first issue. More importantly, if the crystal collapsed within his
heart, the consequences were hard to fathom! Even if he didn't die, he'd surely
experience lasting damages!

For the first time in a very long time, Konrad's face violently distorted, contorting in
a horrible grimace.


The system and that damnable father had joined hands to play this joke on him!

How could it not know that exposing the statuette to a vast source of infernal forces
would automatically trigger the crystals' release? With its perfect eyesight, how
could it not know of the crystals?

It knew, of course it did, and purposefully omitted the information to leave him no
choice but to dive into this situation!

"Son of a…”

But Konrad couldn't finish his words, the veins on his temple beating harder and life
leaving him at breakneck speed. The integration was failing, his blood and essence
seemingly unable to satisfy the crystal's greed.

"Traitorous scum… I… will never forget this."

Konrad inwardly pledged before letting the entirety of his demonic powers erupt!
Purple filled his sclera while his skin turned red and two imposing pairs of horns
sprang from his forehead. A pair of flesh wings sprouted from his back, and
alongside it, Konrad's demonic energies reached a new level.

Tapping in his deepest reserves, he stimulated his bloodline to the limit, using his
essence to contain the crystal and mend the cracks that formed beforehand. The
cracks vanished, and the crystal began using the massive blood and essence it robed
to entirely meld with Konrad's heart, all while harmonizing the foreign force with his

The excruciatingly painful process dilated his pupils and made him quiver like an
average mortal undergoing a violent seizure.


Konrad roared and forcefully stood up. Draining the last bits of infernal forces within
the mar, he used it to supplement his own bloodline and essence, allowing his inner
body to sustain the integration.

Meanwhile, the mar went from black to transparent, the toxins and infernal forces
within cleared, making the scattered treasures simple to spot.

At the same time, the soaring demonic energies sprouting from the deepest recesses
of the mar erupted in a purple brazier, alarming the clashing forces above.

Initially, Jasmine's whip effortlessly terrorized Volker. But as the fight went on, and
he released his strongest innate skills, the situation reversed, and he slowly regained
the advantage.

The same scenario repeated on all battlefields. Only the ninety disciples failed to
turn any waves, some killed, and the rest suppressed by the combination between
Daphne, Faidra, and Aliki.

"Weren't you being arrogant? Did you really think your evil art could corrupt a spirit
of my caliber? Nonsensical!"

Volker sneered while his body bathed in blinding sunlight. In that instant, sitting
crossed-legged, with his arms folded, in the middle of his daunting sun, he looked
like a celestial being descended straight from Heavens to punish immorality.

Jasmine remained impassible, her Origin Sight drawing Volker's pattern.

"I already know that you've been using Origin Sight to obtain my pattern. But so
what if you do? Do you think I've never met anyone with Origin Sight? Allow me to
be blunt, before supreme strength, grasping the pattern matters not!"

Volker raised his hand, gathering his solar force for a fatal strike. But at that time, the
infernal forces within the mar vanished, and from black, it returned to a clear,
transparent hue.

At the same time, a new source of infernal forces seemed to burst from the bottom of
the mar, shooting toward the sky in an intimidating brazier of purple flames.

Alarmed, all turned toward the purple brazier, and Jasmine's eyes shone with fright.

"Konrad? Wait… his lifeforce is weakening. How could it be?

Something went wrong… horribly wrong."

Jasmine inwardly thought while shifting her attention from Volker. The same thought
echoed in the minds of all the others.

"Turning your back to your enemy? Courting death!"

Volker stretched out his hands, causing his solar force to erupt in a massive
explosion aimed toward Jasmine!
But at that time, in a twister of purple light and flames, vast demonic energies burst
from her form. And within her right hand, a spiked, jet-black hammer appeared!

With a one-hundred-eighty-degree turn, Jasmine swung her Man-Breaker at the

incoming solar explosion, dispersing its force in a single blow.

"Plans changed. I no longer have time to play with you."

Volker's eyes widened in fright, and he aimed a wobbling index at Jasmine's anxious

"Y-you… are a demon noble… of Talroth's lineage?

How could it be? How could it be?! What is the mean-"

But before he could finish, Man-Breaker's suppression force erupted and crashed
onto him, locking him from all sides. Jasmine vanished, reappeared before him, and
brought her demonic war hammer down in a ferocious smash!


Volker's left arm was directly lopped off, and he plummeted toward the ground!


His mournful howl echoed within the air, speaking tales of his grief. But he wasn't
the only one, both his partners and the infernal team leaders suffered similar fates!

Erik, the moon spirit, was sent cratering by Iliana's Man-Breaker!

Marian collapsed on a tree, severely battered by Astarte's Infernal Armaments whose

might eclipsed that of all the fiends he met!

Jaenera's blood sword failed to contend with Zamira's demonic war hammer, and she
too dropped from the sky!

Freya's lineage weapon, a pair of metallic claws, hacked Vozir's face, torso, and
abdomen. His flesh and blood rained on the ground as he too collapsed!

Only Miraz who, unwilling to risk Diyana's advice, chose escape and was currently
getting chased by Lena, avoided the miserable fate!

The severely wounded team leaders no longer hesitated, using their last bits of force
to summon their Fate Destroying War Puppets! Although they didn't comprehend
why those women suddenly showcased pure demonic powers and lineage weapons,
they didn't lose sight of their priorities.

For now, all questions were set aside. Preserving their lives was more important!

But shockingly, the nine demonesses no longer paid them any heed and shot toward
the mar. Alas, before they could dive into it, they rebounded on an invisible wall
raised by the massive infernal force!

All recoiled, staggering before stabilizing themselves in the air.


Driven by anxiety, many were about to assume their true forms. But at that time,
Zamira's voice echoed.

"Let's not act rashly. It is Konrad's infernal force that blocks our path. If he can raise
such a screen, he should still be fine. Don't lose faith and observe changes."

Zamira cautioned.

"Indeed, our new powers stem from him. What he cannot solve, how can we solve?
Right now, we only need to suppress the enemy and await his good news."

Lena added before turning back toward the team leaders. Following their seniors'
advice, the girls calmed their anxiety and shifted their attention back on the team

Each summoned a talisman that rippled with a peculiar energy. Feeling the power
within those talismans, the team leaders' despaired.

"Mid-Grade Holy Nullification talismans. As expected of higher realm experts. How

could they lack such tools? End… this is the end for us."

Jaenera sighed and in defeat, lowered her weapon. While her family worshipped
Ashara and descended from his blood fiends, their lineage was far removed from the
original fiends and couldn't compare to them. Therefore, even in the Infernal Realm,
they possessed low status.

For higher realm demons and first-generation fiends, killing the like of them was no
big deal. And since they didn't reveal their status until now, they clearly didn't give a
damn about the infernal cult's faithful service.

Kowtowing and begging for mercy on account of faith would most likely serve no

Meanwhile, the integration reached its final stages. At this step, it was too late to
retreat. And the slightest mistake would result in Konrad imploding.

Still, he didn't lose his composure, the purple brazier retracting and vanishing in his
pores to assist his internal effort.

With surgical precision, he supplemented his body's internal systems, mending veins
and organs at breakneck speed to prevent inner collapse. The integration then
reached its end, with the black crystal merging with Konrad's heart to become one!

At that time, a ray burst from the black crystal to connect it to the white one.

"Congratulations, host, on completing this side quest. In the future, even Primogens
shall shiver before your bloodline.

Reward time!"

The system's voice resounded within Konrad's mind. Afterward, an obsidian crystal
appeared before him and directly flew into his forehead.

The black crystal within his heart fired another ray toward the obsidian crystal,
connecting itself to it. Inestimable power erupted from the obsidian crystal to fill
Konrad's flesh, veins, bones, and blood. And with the black crystal serving as a
conductor, the Titan blood contained within the obsidian crystal perfectly merged
with Konrad's Phantasm Lord blood.

Thus, becoming a brand-new lineage.

A bright red dot appeared in the middle of Konrad's forehead, and his eyes opened.
Dazzling light erupted from them, and as Konrad stood up, though his cultivation
hadn't increased in the slightest, the intensity of his aura reached dreadful heights!

Perfectly wielding two bloodlines and combining them into a new whole, he'd
officially turned into a Nephilim! And while his strength had already experienced
startling growth, he knew it far from the limit.

Titans were the last level of humanity. The highest human lineage within the three
realms. Their innate strength unimaginable, and all doomed to reach godhood.

As far as bloodline level went, titans surpassed phantasm lords. Only when Konrad
upgraded his demonic blood to the next level would he truly reach the peak.

Meanwhile, the white crystal still needed to be filled with a lineage. A Deva lineage
this time.

When human, demon, and deva blood of the highest caliber stood in harmony within
him, Konrad would not just be the first Artificial Nephilim. He would be the first
triple lineage nephilim within the multiverse. The father of an unparalleled race.

Still, he felt no delight. The bitter taste of having been made a fool spreading within
his mind! If instead of crystals, explosives hid within the ram statuette, he wouldn't
know how he perished!

Trusting that what his eyes couldn't see through, the system would warn him of, he
didn't pay the ram statuette more attention, merely awaiting the Holy Rank to refine
it and unlock a new physique.

Never did he expect that from the start, its true secrets were concealed from him.

"Explain… yourself."

Konrad's voice echoed within the system, which upon feeling his discontent
hurriedly replied:

"Misunderstanding! This is a misunderstanding!"

"You and I are bound by a common destiny. Your success is my success. If I spotted a
threat, of course, I would warn you!

Alas, my current eyesight is limited to the Divine Rank while Talroth is a Legendary
God, standing at the pinnacle of godhood. Among the higher realms' deities, the
Overlord and the Warden aside, who can suppress him?

What he wants to conceal, how can I spot? To say nothing of me, even the one that
placed me in your soul and sent you into reincarnation isn't any stronger than him.

I'm not omnipotent!

I swear to the heavens above and the earth below that as the host, my loyalty goes to
you, and you only! If anyone dares come between us, though I don't have hands, I will
slap them left and right!

Please don't doubt me!"

The system's "honorable pledge" echoed within Konrad's mind, and though its last
words caused black lines to form on his forehead, he was forced to admit the truths
that lied in them.

Since his rebirth, the system had been there to ease his path. Calling it the building
blocks of his exponentially rapid rise was no exaggeration. Without it, at best, he
could have activated the Flame Mark and alongside it his half-demon blood, then
headed into house Serkar to cultivate according to Gulistan's arrangements.

At worst, perhaps his remains would now be filling some gutters. Deep down, he
knew that even if he possessed no mighty lineage and connections, to begin with, as
long as he possessed the system, there was nothing he couldn't accomplish. Thus,
unbeknown to him, creating a dependence on a foreign entity whose motives were
still unknown.
With his suspicious personality, why did he so easily accept Talroth's gift? Because
he believed even if fraud lied within, the system would see through it and warn him
of the dangers.

Overreliance. This was overreliance. Worse, as his bloodline level increased, so did
his conceit. The belief that nothing could block his path and that he was born to rule
all, echoed from his blood, engraining itself in his marrow.

Now, instead of reflecting on his mistakes and mending his flaws, he shifted blame
and sought an explanation from one that owed him nothing. Astray. He'd truly went

"Ultimately, you can only have faith in yourself. Depending on others will only lead you
to a tragic end. But it's fine. It's all fine."

Konrad didn't believe more than twenty percent of the system's story. Although its
skills seemed limited to the Divine Rank, what it could do, no God could manage.

No need to mention anything else, the mere ownership of all demon, deva and
human bloodlines within the Three Realms was a heaven-defying ability that would
fill deities with envy.

With such extraordinary skills and resources, how could its existence be limited to
the Divine Rank? Without a shred of doubt, the system possessed extraordinary
origins. Perhaps even stemming from a force beyond the Warden and the Overlord.

At the same time, its recent behavior triggered many hypothesis and suspicions
within Konrad's mind. In short, too many questions surrounded it, with the answers
nowhere to find.

And while it seemed governed by precise rules, having a willful, uncontrollable

entity lodged within his soul no longer seemed to be such a good idea.

Therefore, Konrad resolved to remove it. A daunting but perfectly doable task that
required two things: Skills and Guts.

"In fact, I should have planned for this a long time ago. While I don't wish to resort to
such extreme means, we can't afford to take chances. We only need that one tool…

As for that father, what is it that he wants? World God, Nephilim, what plan could
possibly require such ingredients? When even his peers wouldn't dare play the
Nephilim breeding game, he actually exerted such resources to open the door for me?

Though he planned my birth, there is no love relationship between us. Is he planning to

build a new receptacle for his soul to bring his cultivation to another level?

No, far-fetched. If that were the plan, he would certainly not leave me in a Mortal
World. He'd keep me where he could control my growth from A to Z…”

The more Konrad analyzed the situation, the less he could comprehend Talroth's
motives. But then, a sudden thought flashed in his mind, and his eyes widened in

"Or could it be…? No, impossible. If he knows how, why not do it himself?"

Dismissing the thought, Konrad stretched out his hands, pulling all the treasures and
inheritances within the pool toward him, and unlocking them at breakneck speed.
Unfortunately, he couldn't find the tool he sought.

"Maybe on the next floor. In any case, now my priority should be to solidify my Dao and
increase my cultivation at the fastest pace. The faster, the better."

Without further delay, he raised his eyes toward the surface.

"Why are you not saying anything? Still mad? Ah, come on, don't be such a party
pooper. In this dull Mortal World, without me, how could you have fun? I'm your best

You partner of fortune and misfortune. The only one that can reward your failures
with death! What is there not to love? From time to time, a little prank is necessary
to solidify relationships. In the future, you'll thank me for this."

Black lines formed on Konrad's forehead, and he used the depths of his self-control
to prevent a rage outburst.

"So… you knew."

"Yeah, I lied! Of course, I knew. I'm omnipotent, unparalleled within the Three
Realms, born supreme! There is nothing I do not know!

The system's impish laughter boomed within Konrad's mind. Pulling in a deep
breath, he restrained his ire, the resolve to remove this mischievous imp increasing
at a cheetah's speed.

But then, he recalled his meeting with Gulistan, and after comparing the system's
reaction to previous events, another thought flashed within Konrad's mind.

His lips curled into a devilish smile and saying nothing further, he turned into a beam
of light to shoot toward the surface.

Meanwhile, within the Holy Flame City, the wind of change blew.

Adalwin stood above the Holy Flame Church's headquarters. And though alone, his
pressure oppressed the entirety of the priests lying within. Even the head exarch
Gerhard, with his peak-stage Crossed Tribulation Saint cultivation, shivered beneath
Adalwin's aura.

Droplets of sweat filled his forehead, and without hesitation, he shot toward Amalia's
cultivation chambers!


Unable to pay decorum any heed, Gerhard barged in. The dowager, Amalia, sat
crossed legged in her chambers with massive fate force swirling around her form.
Having recently broken through to the Crossed Tribulation Saint Rank, her status
within the church had reached a new level.

But as soon as Gerhard barged in, her closed eyes opened and locked onto him.

"The situation is terrible. Adalwin is here to subjugate us all. Only you can reason
with him. Can I count on your support?"

He directly asked, not beating around the bush.

Amalia replied with a simple nod and stood up. The two vanished, then reappeared
above the church, hovering in the sky before Adalwin.

"Grand preceptor, the imperial family, and the church have always been on good
terms, while for millennia, I've given you the respect due to a senior.

Why is it that today you stand before our gate with such a threatening stance?"

Gerhard asked, his tone filled with righteous indignation.

Adalwin didn't reply, but the pressure around Gerhard increased, and he could now
feel his bones crackle under its oppression.

His face distorted into an ugly grimace.

"Intolerable! Do you think that just because yo-"

Gerhard began, but before he could finish his words, a slender arm pierced his back,
pushing his heart out of his chest, and holding it within a translucent palm.


Blood gushed from Gerhard's chest, mouth, and back. And he turned his trembling
face toward the owner of the backstabbing hand.

His eyes fell on Amalia who emotionlessly held his gaze.

"Why… why? For all those years… I've… haven't I treated you the best? Even if you
can't give me your heart… on account of millennia of friendship… how could you?"

He stammered with blood trickling down his chin while his eyes widened in

"Nonsensical. Do you think I don't know you're the one that helped Olrich murder
my husband? On the one hand, out of fear of his talent, on the other hand, out of
misguided jealousy.

When you gave that bastard son the tribulation poison, why didn't you think of our
years of friendship?
Having murdered my beloved, killing you in one move… is already showing you

Amalia spat, pulled Gerhard's heart from his chest, and crushed it within her hand.

Thinking of the past, Gerhard's lips curled into a bitter smile, and tears dropped
from his dying eyes.

"Regret… in the past I should have…”

But before he could finish his words, the last spark of life left him, and his corpse
tumbled from the sky.

Thus, after almost two-thousand years of reign, the Holy Flame Church's head exarch
perished before his cathedral!

The aftermath was simple, the priests, bishops, archbishops, and exarchs all
submitted to Adalwin's leadership, electing Amalia as their new head exarch.

Within the Holy Flame Empire, the von Jurgen now officially controlled both the
nobility and the clergy.

Or so they thought.
Konrad's avatar in the Holy Flame Empire sat crossed-legged within Nils' mother,
Anke's chambers while the conquered mother lied beside him with his spunk
trickling down her lips and thighs.

Currently, he was holding a mental conversation with Iliana's father, Wolfgang.

"Boss, although the goal nears completion, we're now facing serious problems."

Wolfgang declared with an unconstrained sense of urgency.

"What's the situation?"

"After taking control of the black market, our underground deals have been going
smoothly. With the recipes you set at my disposal we've quickly refined more potent
drugs. Now, Drops of Heavens of the Transcendent Rank freely circulate within the

Faced with the shocking cultivation benefits and miraculous properties, even with
the news of their addictive effect spreading, the low and mid-level nobility didn't
hesitate. The addicts' quantity increased at breakneck speed, with many nobles
willing to ruin generations of accumulated wealth to obtain the pills.

Afterward, we introduced the orchids that constrained the addictive effect and
ensnared the reticent. Now, it's not an exaggeration to say that from commoners to
mid-level nobility, all are under your control."

Wolfgang began, pulling an approving nod from Konrad.

"I naturally know of all this. Meanwhile, Krann and Margo have successfully tamed
the high nobility, and with their support, we've expanded the operation to the
various towns and cities.

Now, from commoners to high nobility, the Holy Flame Empire is in my hand."
"Indeed. But from the start of his regency, Adalwin has been investigating our
operations. Now that he has taken control of the Holy Flame Church, he's free to
focus on uprooting our cartels. Although the die is cast and he can no longer change
the current situation, with his strength, once he retraces those events to me, house
Kracht is done for."

Wolfgang's worries echoed within Konrad's mind.

"Your concerns are not unfounded. While our pawns' loyalty is absolute, Adalwin
and his goons can forcefully browse through their memories and trace the events
back to you.

Fortunately, I can rewire their memories at any time. We will sacrifice a few of them
to prepare a scapegoat for Adalwin to destroy. You don't have to worry about that."

From his study, Wolfgang heaved a sigh of relief.

"However, there is one thing I'm worried about. Your clash with the imperial family
and the resentment between Kracht and von Jurgen is common knowledge. Although
you've abandoned politics to become a merchant, Adalwin is likely to remove all
hidden dangers.

This… is the real problem. While your cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds,
you're still a Semi-Saint. Once he starts his cleanup, there is nothing you can do to
stop him. As my servant, I can save you, but I cannot save the rest."

Konrad explained, and his words caused Wolfgang's placated worries to resurface.

"Worry not. The Kracht are my people. My people, no one can harm. First, abandon
the city and alongside your family, return to your fief. The avatars in the Profound
Sea Dynasty and other nations will coordinate with us to collapse the Holy Flame
Empire's economy and buy us time.

For the remainder of the month, you'll be the least of his problems. When the main
body returns, Adalwin will feed his ancestors' graves."

"Thank you, boss, for your protection!"

Wolfgang replied with a deep bow. And though Konrad couldn't see it, the
gratefulness within his words spoke myriads. Their exchange ended, and Konrad
returned to the imperial harem takeover task. The last requirement for completing
the current main quest.

Meanwhile, the true Konrad emerged from the mar, soaring into the sky before
stabilizing himself and lowering his eyes on the scene below. The girls had wholly
subdued the team leaders whose cultivations were sealed while they knelt on the
grassy ground. As for the seventy-five surviving disciples, they endured a similar

Miraz, who'd been forcefully brought back by Diyana also stood within the lot. His
wronged expression telling tales of his inner grief. As soon as Konrad emerged from
the mar, all eyes locked on him, but the emotions greatly varied.

On his women's face, relief shone, while on the others, dread and anxiety
intertwined. Only Vozir and Jaenera remained stoic. The first because fear didn't
exist within his heart, the second because there was nothing to be afraid of.

Since they were captured and not killed, the demons clearly had use for them. If only
for some time, their lives could be preserved.

In a slow descent, Konrad dropped from the sky, landing before the gathering.

"You're ba-"

Jasmine began, but failed to finish her words because as soon as Konrad landed
before them, all felt a horrifying pressure drop on their shoulders and force them
onto the ground!

In a resounding thud, the ladies all dropped on their knees, unable to keep their
backs straight.

Their eyes widened in disbelief. To say nothing of them, even Konrad was startled.

As the body's owner, he didn't realize that following the titan bloodline acquisition,
his aura had experienced drastic changes, and an overbearing force now rippled

That force indiscriminately suppressed and oppressed those who stood too close to
him, and gave him the air of an insurmountable colossus whose mere presence
produced awe and deference.

Without delay, Konrad used his Transformation Skill to contain the effects and return
his aura to the usual human one.

The pressure thus vanished, allowing the ladies to return to their feet.

In tandem, they stood up, but their eyes now shone with stupor.

"Master, in the end, what happened to you at the bottom of the mar? We were all
riddled with worry. But now, it seems like you're several times more powerful than

Astarte inquired, speaking the words that echoed in the others' minds. As a first-
generation fiend bred by Konrad, her bond to him was even stronger than that of the

Meanwhile, Diyana kept her mouth shut, not daring to step in.

"Oh, you could say that I got cucked and blessed at the same time."

Konrad straightforwardly replied before lowering his eyes on the kneeling team

"You what?"

Wide, blinking eyes stared at him with glaring incomprehension. However, Konrad
ignored them to sweep the vanquished team leaders with his purple gaze.

At first, no one remarked the bright red dot in the middle of his forehead. But when
Jaenera's eyes rose to his, she immediately spotted the mark which caused fright to
shine within her blood hues.

"You… aren't you a demon noble? Why do you bear the mark of titans?"

Although they'd never seen one in their lives, with the knowledge their ancestors
brought from the higher realms and their status within their factions, most of the
team leaders knew about titans.
Only Marian who'd always lazed on homework and loathed history, couldn't
recognize it.

And following Jaenera's words, their eyes locked on the mark which combined with
the pressure they felt a moment ago, made the leaders realize a genuine titan stood
before them.

But how could it be? Too many questions swirled within their minds, with no answer
making sense.

Perplexed, Konrad summoned a mirror to observe his current looks.

"I see."

Again, he used his Transformation Skill, this time to conceal the mark, then returned
his attention onto the frightened leaders.

According to history, the titan lineage was one of the most dreaded within the higher
realms. Though they were very few of them, their innate talent, strength, and
resilience defied reason.

Although unlike the high-level demons and devas, they weren't born with cultivation
bases, a three years old titan could effortlessly bend trees.

Better, it was said that without a significantly higher cultivation level, no one could
kill a Titan God. Were it not for their pathetically few numbers, the human race's
status within the higher realms would undoubtedly be more glorious.

"What I am matters not. What matters is that from now on, you all become my

Konrad waved his hands, causing irresistible telekinetic energies to force open the
leaders and surviving disciples' mouths. Phantasm orchids then appeared and flew
down their throats.


Unable to resist, all swallowed the orchids. Konrad cared little about the surviving
disciples. Although they were considered elite disciples, their status within the
Celestial Church and Infernal Cult was a far cry from their leaders'. Volker, Erik, and
Marian were respectively the youngest children of the Celestial Church Leader, the
great elder, and the second elder.

Jaenera was the only daughter of the Infernal Cult Leader while Vozir was the second
elder's grandson, and Miraz the great elder, Berken Serkar's most favored grandson.

Even among the factions' core members, they ranked high. There was nothing those
disciples could do or find out that they couldn't. Were it not for the made-up story he
prepared, they would have followed their peers to the grave.
Crouching before Jaenera, Konrad lifted her chin while holding her gaze within his.

"Alas, a man of high aspirations doesn't delay important matters for a moment of
pleasure. Were I not in a hurry, I would have surely invited you to -dinner.-"

Although she didn't grasp the meaning of "dinner" within Konrad's words, the tone
backed with the mischievous look in his eyes made his lecherous intent relatively

"Surely, it would be my honor to sit at your excellency's table and taste your -dishes.-
A shame that I do not have the honor."

She replied with a blank, impassive face that gave no insight into her inner thoughts.
Although they'd ingested the orchids, Konrad had yet to rewire them. Therefore,
scant defiance remained.

His lips curled into a smile.

"I suppose you think whatever demonic ability I used on you cannot escape your
factions' detection test. Therefore, as soon as you return, your elders can free you of
my control.

I advise you to think again. Seek within your memory pool an answer to what I fed

Hearing this, Jaenera's eyes widened while fear shone in the eyes of all the others.
Only Vozir remained impassible.

"Phantasm… a phantasm orchid?"

"Bingo. Merges with your flesh, blood, and soul. Seamless and untraceable tool of
enslavement. Therefore, if you expect your trivial setups to be able to detect the
change… you're bound to be disappointed. Well… unless you're hiding Gods in your
dungeons. Are you?"

Konrad replied while holding his hands on either side of his waist.

Rage and indignation flashed within Jaenera's eyes before she tapped in her self-
control abilities to suppress them.

"Are you a phantasm lord, or a lust embodiment? What is a demon of your caliber
doing in a mortal world? Who summoned you?!"

"Phantasm lord and soon to be lust embodiment. As for the rest… that's… a spoiler.
Can't answer that.

"You're clever. I like. In the future, we will definitely have much to discuss."

The teasing tone within Konrad's words only served to aggravate Jaenera. His eyes
then shifted toward Miraz, who floundered on his knees.

"Yo, cousin, why the gloom? Not happy to see me?"

Having browsed through the captives' memories, Konrad now knew all their statuses
in detail. The realization that Miraz was another one of his cousins broadening his

Hearing this, the shivering Miraz almost dropped onto the ground.

"Konrad, why are you making things difficult for me? At the end of the day, your
mother is my aunt. Though you're not surnamed Serkar, half your blood comes from
us. If only for aunt and grandfather's face, can't you show some consideration?"

The aggrieved Miraz sobbed. Since things had reached this point, concealing the
truth served no purpose. Now, the others finally understood the reason behind
Miraz's peculiar attitude following Konrad's appearance.

"Correction, half my blood used to come from you. That half as long since been
turned into pure demonic blood. But don't worry, though petty, I'm a person that
deeply cares for kinship. How could I mistreat a cousin?"

Konrad's words caused his harem ladies to sneer and shake their heads in
disapproval. Truly, he constantly redefined the meaning of shamelessness.
Recalling Eysan's gruesome fate, Diyana sighed.

"In any case, it's time for you all to go."

Konrad waved his hands, activating the orchids' powers to rewire the team leaders
and disciples into faithful servants.

They then found the exit circles and left the tower.

"As the gourmet of lechers, I'm surprised you let such prime goods go without

Iliana commented.

"The setting is not tantalizing enough. Taking her beneath her father's nose will be
more… rewarding. Oh and, I heard her mother is known as one of the Infernal Cult's
top three beauties.

Ahhh… moms and their daughters."

Konrad sighed and turned heels, his words causing black lines to form on the ladies'

But as he turned toward the circle leading to the next floor, seriousness returned to
his gaze.

"Let's go."

Then, following Konrad's lead, the team departed for the next floor, landing in a
submarine world that prevented normal breathing.

This time, all dangers were forcefully obliterated by Konrad at breakneck speed. The
team effortlessly cleaved through the submarine world, snatching all inheritances
and treasures before moving on to the next.

On the fifth floor, an icy maze whose temperature could freeze the average high-level
Semi-Saint to death in mere seconds awaited. Supplementing Konrad's force ward
with their owns and using Origin Sight to see through the maze's tricks, the team
crossed it without much delay, crushed the jade guards and Guardian, snatched all
treasures and inheritances, then moved on to the sixth floor.
But this time, awed by what they felt, they were forced to stop.

On the sixth floor, dozens of gargantuan tornados littered the area. But no
destructive power lied in them. Only startling fluctuations of time force rippled,
alerting the bystanders of the drastic time acceleration within those tornados.

Even without them, standing on the sixth floor alone, time was already flowing twice
faster than before.

As for the tornados, the time within them was tenfold faster! This added to the
tower's own thirty-six-fold rate meant that 360 days in a tornado would be equal to
one in the outside world!

"A treasure trove. This… is a real treasure trove. Each of you pick a time tornado to
occupy. I will seclude myself for three years to practice formations and cultivate my
Infernal Soul Devouring Art to the third level.

You girls should stay for the remainder of our stay. I will fetch you when it's time to

Konrad ordered, and though unwilling to part, they understood his intentions and
didn't cause problems.

Each picked a tornado and dived within to begin a new session of secluded

Having obtained the complete set of Formation Codes on previous floors, Konrad
planned to use the opportunity to learn and polish his skills in that department.

And while he didn't forget to pursue his sublimations, his focus remained on
Formations and the Infernal Soul Devouring Art's third layer.

The reason was simple. Better than anyone, he knew his current sublimation speed
abysmally short. Without perfecting his Dao heart, even with three years, his
progress would not be extraordinary.

On the contrary, as long as he amassed a large quantity of holy force, after enduring
the seventh floor's Tribulation Valley, his cultivation would improve by leaps and
bounds and could directly rise to the summit of the Semi-Holy Rank.
Therefore, he split his time between the comprehension of the formation arts, of the
Infernal Soul Devouring Art's third layer, and on refining a massive quantity of holy
crystals to enhance his Holy Force.

Thus, three years passed.

Emerging from the Time Tornado, Konrad dropped onto the ground. Dense, pitch-
black fog swirled around him alongside his Semi-Holy Force that had broken through
to a new level.

Following this seclusion, his Infernal Soul Devouring Art had finally reached the
third layer; thus, making his soul power one thousand times more potent and

In the formation arts, he'd reached the mid-grade Profound Formation Master Rank,
and approached the high-grade. Even with formations alone, slaughtering Crossed
Tribulation Saints required little efforts.

Only his cultivation experienced little growth, having merely reached the second step
of the Semi-Holy Rank in the martial and spiritual paths. However, the holy force he
accumulated was more than enough to reach the peak and condense a Pure Self.

Meanwhile, the girls' cultivation carried on. Leaving them to it, Konrad collected all
the floor had to offer, then using the teleportation circle, rose to the seventh floor.

A desolate wasteland of scalding heat and hellfire awaited. The setting and
brimstone swirling within the air reminisced Konrad of the place where he faced the
Overlord's challenges.

However, the presence of spiritual energy within the air and other non-negligible
differences immediately refuted that possibility.

Konrad's eyes rose to the sky and locked onto seventeen flying coffins which drifted
without aim, yet, never butted into one another. Around those coffins, legions of gold
guards stood. Each with strength equivalent to a True Origin Saint.

Following a brief observation, Konrad estimated that three-hundred gold guards

protected each coffin. The total adding up to fifty-one-hundred True Origin Saint
level experts.
If such a force were unleashed in the outside world and empowered by a formation,
the secular world faced destruction.

"Each of those coffins contains a miniature world where a deceased Infernal Cult
Leader lies buried.

Sixteen Divine Transformation Stage experts' corpses and their inheritances. As for
the last one, it would be Marduk, the Infernal Cult Founder's resting place.

Peak-stage Divine Ascension, Infernal Star, the Overlord's most favored descendant.
Though he wasn't a god, his strength surpassed that of the average Minor Gods. His
inheritance is surely inestimable. Moreover, he will allow me to test that hypothesis.

Which one is it?"

Konrad wondered while his gaze swept the coffins and guards above. According to
reason, the Guardian should stand before Marduk's coffin. However, it was nowhere
to be found, making it impossible for Konrad to use him to identify the coffin he

Even his Origin Sight couldn't see through them.

"That being the case, we can only go one coffin at a time."

Konrad resolved, and waved his hands. Three-hundred holy crystals appeared out of
thin air, and guided by his soul power, formed a white-lightning array connected by
intricate web lines.

The white-lightning array expended, covering a three-hundred meters radius, with

Konrad as its epicenter.

This was a mid-grade Profound Extermination Formation. Beneath the Star

Connecting Saint Rank, anything that stepped into its perimeter would be obliterated
in an instant. Having already engraved the runes on the holy crystals beforehand,
Konrad didn't need to repeat the task.

With that array surrounding him, he stepped into the air, shooting toward a
randomly picked coffin.

Their defense mechanism activated, the gold guards surrounding it immediately shot
toward the invader. But as soon as they stepped into the array, all turned into ashes.

Undisturbed, Konrad landed before the coffin, pushing open the lid to dive into its
inner world.

There, the unblemished corpse of an elderly man hovered, held in suspension by

dozens of lengthy glass conductors that siphoned its seemingly endless blood into a
fountain below.

The fountain opened to four roads where abundant blood flowed. But even death
couldn't restrain the suffocating killing intent that swirled around that man's form.

With his Origin Sight, Konrad identified the man as a slaughter fiend. And indeed,
this was the third Infernal Cult leader, known as The Butcher. It was said that from
the moment he started cultivation, he killed people like cutting down hemp.

And following his ascension as cult leader, the Holy War he led saw the deaths of tens
of billions. Almost erasing all sentient lives from the Ancient Crystal World and
genociding many races.

Without a shred of doubt, it was the most brutal in history. The world took
innumerable years to recover.

As long as their hearts remained within their chests, Divine Transformation level
experts' corpses could endure an eternity without rotting, and produce limitless

But as soon as the heart was removed, or destroyed, decomposition would kick in.
And in one-thousand years, they would turn into dust.

Still, doing so while they breathed was easier said than done. Unless they majored in
the spiritual path, destroying their souls was a much simpler task.

Konrad landed above the third Infernal Cult Leader's corpse. Throughout history,
anyone who reached this level would attempt to collect the blood in the fountain and

No one would dare covet the corpse itself.

Konrad waved his hand, summoning a Divine Longsword obtained from the previous
floors. Although with his current cultivation he couldn't use its powers, its sharpness
was all he required.

But before he could aim it at the corpse's chest, eldritch voices echoed within his


A dozen of pitch-black souls emerged from the fountain below to surround Konrad
from all sides!

Their height easily reached thirty meters, with their monstrous, distorted shapes
reminiscing of nightmarish creatures.

The souls possessed no limb, nose, or mouth, only fist-sized blood-red eyes shining
with the need to corrupt and destroy!

"Infernal souls."

Konrad realized while sweeping them with his gaze.


"Grave robber!"

"Profane defiler!"

"Spawn of evil!"

"How dare you trespass in our lord's resting place?"

"Sinful! Your sins are unforgivable, and you must perish!"

The booming, malevolent voices echoed within Konrad's mind, and all infernal souls
shot toward him.

"Interesting. So, this is how my dear adoptive father fell? Fortunately, the trials
endured by the seniors unlock level roads for their juniors."

Konrad stated, and massive pitch-black fog erupted from his form while his sclera
turned black.

With the Infernal Soul Devouring Art activated, he opened his maw, releasing a
dreadful suction force that siphoned the infernal souls into his mouth!

"This… how can this be? This is an exclusive art of the western king's house! Besides
our deceased seniors of the Infernal Cult's first generation, no one in this world
should be able to wield it! How could you possib-…”

But the infernal souls couldn't finish their words, unable to resist the art, they fell
into Konrad's throat and were refined in his stomach. Thus, fueling his soul power
while their knowledge was added to his.

"Mhm… delightful!"

Konrad relished in the meal, then undisturbed, carved out the third Infernal Cult
Leader's heart before plundering his grave of all the blood it held. He then decrypted
the messages of the inheritance steles and pocketed them all… alongside the corpse.

"Hey, system buddy, how long do you think it will take before we find the Infernal
Founder's corpse?"

Konrad jovially asked, but this time, no answer came from the system.

"Don't wanna talk? It's fine. When we do stand before it, I really want to see… how
long you can stay silent. Meanwhile, my avatar is about to complete the quest.

Get ready to distribute the rewards."

And while humming a jovial tune, Konrad burst out of the coffin to rush toward the

Meanwhile, the avatar in the Holy Flame City's imperial palace played with the last of
Olrich's consorts.
Restlessness. Deep, relentless restlessness welled up within the system's soul as
Konrad sacked the Infernal Cult Leaders' graves while humming his merry tune.

The third leader, the fifth, the fourth, the seventh, the ninth, and the sixth. One after
another surrendered their corpses, blood, organs, and legacies for him to harvest.

Eleven coffins remained, and it went without saying that finding the Infernal Cult
Founder's was only a matter of time. Landing on another coffin, Konrad pushed open
its lid and dived in. This time, it was the second leader's resting place that awaited.

The second leader was the only surviving demon of the First Holy War, the exiled son
of a vampire lord, or pisaca as they were called in Hell. It's said that he was a distant
descendant of Ashara, the pisaca progenitor, and eastern king of hell.

As his retainers, the Torul blood fiends followed him to the Ancient Crystal World.

His death marked the end of the pureblooded demons' presence on the Ancient
Crystal World.

Following the integration of dozens of infernal souls, Konrad's understanding of the

two factions' history had reached an expert level. This, alongside his Origin Sight,
allowed him to effortlessly figure out the identity of his grave robbing victims.

Of course, it mattered not.

"What cultivation level would my demonic beasts reach if I let them feast on his
corpse… I wonder. Surely, they would at least all reach the Restoration Beast Rank. A
compelling thought…”

Konrad mumbled, his words causing the system's restlessness to reach new heights.
Following this grave's plundering, Konrad shot to the next one. With his
Extermination Lightning Dome turning all the guards to ashes, he again dived in. And
this time, landed before the corpse of a strikingly handsome young man that seemed
to be in his early twenties.

With back-length, jet-black hairs that shone with the luster of youth and his pearl
white skin that remained unblemished throughout hundreds of thousands of years,
one could easily mistake him for a slumbering expert.

However, slumbering, he did not. To the deceased, he belonged. And feeling the
tyrannical air swirling around his fallen form, even without his Origin Sight, Konrad
recognized him as Marduk, the Infernal Cult's Founder!

His lips curled into a smile. A devious one that heralded mischief.

Although Olrich had taken many infernal souls away, those were only the one
protecting Marduk's blood fountain below. The souls guarding his corpse still

And as soon as Konrad approached, a battalion of one-hundred infernal souls burst

from the shadows to shoot toward him. Again, to no avail! As Konrad swallowed
them all and refined them within his belly, only their roars of indignation echoed.

Undisturbed, he landed before Marduk's corpse, eying it from head to toe like a
peerless treasure.

"The hegemon of an era. Today, he could have probably ranked among the Infernal
Realm's mightiest gods. A pity…”

Konrad sighed and summoned the Divine Sword. But at that time…

"What are you trying to do?!"

…the system's voice boomed within his mind. Ignoring it, he aimed his sword at
Marduk's chest.

"Obviously, I'm about to carve out his heart for personal use, then hack his body into
pieces for my beasts to feast on. I've been thinking… if they could gorge on the flesh
and blood of Marduk himself… what level could they reach?"

Konrad asked in a perfectly innocent tone.

"Nonsense! Your mother wants his unharmed corpse. You can take the blood, but you
can't harm the body! Or do you think you can exchange her God-Heart with a sack of

The system roared, and undisturbed, Konrad shrugged.

"True, on top of my Divine Stolas Physique, I need a God's heart as ritual anchor to
take control of the plague when it starts. However, I've been thinking… my cheap
father wasn't likely to give more than a Minor God's heart.

Meanwhile, Marduk was mightier than most Minor Gods. Instead of trading his
corpse, why not just use his heart, and put what remains to good use?"

Hearing this, the system's soul trembled.

"Muddled! While it's true that most Minor Gods couldn't compare to him, a God's
heart is a God's heart. A Sage's heart is a Sage's heart. You can't just trade one for

Again, Konrad stood unfazed.

"I'm willing to take the chance. At worst, I can't fully control the plague, and a few
billion die. Big deal. As long I can reduce and minimize the loss, that's also fine."

"You dare?!"

"Best bud, having been by my side for so long, you should know, that there is nothing
I don't dare do."

Konrad replied, then brandished his sword and drove it toward Marduk's chest!

"Stop! Konrad, don't you dare!!!"

The system howled within Konrad's mind.

The sword stopped an inch away from Marduk's chest.

"Or what?"

At that time, the Holy Flame Empire avatar subdued the last consort, thus
completing the main quest.

The system's soul cursed, but couldn't resist its duty.

"Main quest, level 6 completed.

Promotion to Harem Lord Rank.

Two Extra Physique Slots.

Bloodline Upgrade from phantasm lord to lust embodiment.

New System Functions.

Ability Rewards: Valkyrie Mark<>Valkyrie Surge."

Instantaneously, Konrad could feel the demonic part of his lineage rise to the next
level, making him go from phantasm lord to lust embodiment.

With the upgrade came another substantial strength leap. The titan and lust
embodiment lineages perfectly overlapped to let Konrad's strength skyrocket.
Meanwhile, he now had access to new abilities.

His smile broadened.

"See? You don't give me things out of the goodness of your heart. You do it because
you have to. You reward me for completed tasks or allow me to exchange points for
new tools, all because you have to.

Bluntly said, you're a manager with little freedom. You can lie, but you can't refuse
me what I earn.

You owe me nothing.

But in what world do I owe you anything?

That being the case, why should I take your feelings into consideration before
making a decision?"

Konrad leisurely asked while poking Marduk's chest.

"What do you want me to do?"

The system asked, defeated.

"Now, we're talking. Set aside the lies and reveal your true identity."
While Konrad's sword hanged above Marduk's torso, the hologram of a thirteen
years old girl with mid-long golden curls appeared beside him. Dressed in a simple
white robe, that girl looked like a perfectly carved doll that would undoubtedly grow
into a riveting beauty.

But right now, rancor and indignation twisted her otherwise flawless face.

"Oh? So, you're really just a brat?"

Konrad rhetorically asked while rubbing his beardless chin with his free hand.

"Since when did you know?"

The system's soul asked, her wronged look unchanged.

"I didn't, actually. I had several hypotheses which all revolved around your little
family. As a matter of fact, only when your outrage began did I veto the possibility of
you being the Infernal Founder.

After all, though I do not know him, such a tyrannical man would not lose his
demeanor for his corpse. Perhaps he would for his woman's and children's, but
certainly not for himself."

Konrad replied while pulling the sword away from Marduk's torso. Holding it within
his right hand, he turned toward the system's soul, stopping a foot away from it.

With his height now reaching 1.9 meters, before this 1.58 meters tall lass, Konrad
stood like a giant.

"Greetings, brat. Shouldn't you properly introduce yourself?"

"My name is Selene, one of the nephilim twins, Marduk is my father, and you are an
intolerable bully!"
Selene spat, her words broadening Konrad's smile.

"Manners, manners. Didn't your parent teach you that you should be po-… ok, low
blow, even for me."

Those words turned Selene's frown into a severe glower. Ignoring it, Konrad

"If you want me to spare your father's corpse the fate of turning into meat for my
hounds, you must cooperate.

First, I'm curious as to how and why you found yourself in the system. Second, where
or who does it truly hail from?"

Konrad inquired, and hearing this Selene's glower made way for resentment and

"You already know my parents' story. Following my grandfather, the Great Primal
Ancestor's sacrifice, they were exiled on this world to spread the faith. Meanwhile,
the Celestial and Infernal Realms each kept one of the twins.

My brother fell into the Overlord's house's hands while I fell into the Warden's. For
thirteen years, they conducted horrible experiments on us, trying to figure out the
origin of nephilims' ability to overlap bloodlines into a brand-new, several times
mightier whole.

But to no avail…”

Selene began, her words reminding Konrad of the fate that awaited him on Earth.

"Though for those Gods, thirteen years were no different than one day, they realized
that they pursued a fool's errand, and could never uncover the secret. Therefore,
they killed us.

Initially, they planned to destroy us in body and soul… as it was customary for
nephilims. However, our souls were saved by a foreign entity, the True System

He told us that he'd also saved our grandfather, the Great Primal Ancestor, and sent
him into reincarnation. However, he needed one of us to become his system's soul
and follow grandfather on his new cultivation road."

Hearing this, Konrad's eyes contorted into a frown.

"Only a nephilims' soul can power the system?"


Selene replied, then carried on.

"My brother volunteered. And became the system's nucleus, following grandfather
on his new cultivation path till he finally completed all the quests and became the
Happiness God."

Konrad's eyes widened in disbelief.

"As soon as the last quest was completed, my brother's soul left the system, fully
mature and instantaneously obtained a new body with a God-level cultivation base
and earthshaking foundation. This is the soul's reward, should the host complete all
the quests.

Alongside grandfather, my brother was summoned to that entity's side. However,

though grandfather had completed all the quests, the entity claimed he'd failed.

He pulled the system from grandfather's soul and asked him to find someone else to
succeed him. Now, it was my turn to become the system's soul. However, I didn't have
my brother's luck."

Selene bitterly sighed.

"For countless years, many were chosen. But all ultimately failed, dying before
completing the quests, to say nothing of the hidden goal. Either they offended people
they couldn't afford to, or the harem they built garnered unparalleled envy and thus,
their demise.

In any case, for one reason or another, they all perished. I drifted among hosts until it
finally became your turn."

Those were not surprising news. With the harem beside him, unless he kept them
hidden for a lifetime, Konrad didn't doubt that even if he didn't seek trouble, trouble
would find him.

"Although that entity is in no hurry, for my bother and I, it is another story. We want
revenge! We must have revenge! While my brother's current cultivation is
earthshaking, the enemies are dreadful.

I must lead a worthy host to success at the fastest pace possible, obtain my mature
soul and body, then join him to obtain our revenge! I feared you were getting
negligent. That is why I played that prank on you."

Selene admitted, and Konrad nodded in approval.

"I can understand your intent. But you must also understand that this is not a game.
A misstep and I either died or suffered unfathomable damage. Afterward, who would
take care of my women?

You dare make such a gamble because you can go from a host to another. But I do not
have the luxury of gambling with myself. Therefore, if I cannot trust you, I'd rather
get rid of you.

Using a Soul Fragmentation Cauldron to split and reconstruct my soul is, I believe, a
good way to achieve that. I would suffer some damage, yes, but nothing that can't be
healed with my current resources.

The system would become useless, yes, but with my current foundation, I don't really
have that much use for it. Better than anyone, you should understand that once I
claim the deva linage, with or without you, my path is set.

So why take the chance?"

Konrad straightforwardly replied, his tone showcasing his seriousness. Selene's eyes
widened in stupor.

"You are a mighty boon, the foundation of my success, I'd rather keep you, but if need
be, I won't think twice before destroying you. Taking a page out of Cao Cao's book, -
Do not employ those you mistrust.-

So, can I trust you? Yes, or no."

Feeling the gravity of Konrad's words, Selene bowed.

"I've said it before, you and I are bound by a common destiny. Your success is my
success. From now on, I swear to not withhold anything from you, and faithfully
serve you until you complete all the quests."

Selene pledged, and again, Konrad nodded.

"I can live with that. Now tell me, who is that entity? And who are the enemies you

Straightening her back, Selene returned her now limpid gaze toward Konrad.

"That entity is extraordinary. No one can remember its face. Even my grandfather
claims that as soon as he takes his eyes away, he no longer remembers it. He never
told us more than we need to know. Therefore, I don't know anything about him.

However, two things are clear. First, besides seeking someone able to complete the
hidden quest goal, he doesn't interfere much with the Three Realms. Second, his
strength is… immeasurable.

He can defy the laws of the multiverse and bring even destroyed souls back to life!"

Again, Konrad was startled.

"As for my enemies, they are many. But chief among them is your eldest brother,
Talroth's eldest son:

Malkam, Talroth's eldest. It wasn't the first time Konrad heard of him. According to
the Flame Mark, he was more than one million years old and stood at the pinnacle of
the Infernal Realm. This alone was enough to show the profundity of his current
cultivation. And apparently, he loathed half-breeds.

Meanwhile, according to Lena, following the twins' birth, Marduk went mad and
attempted to murder Malkam… but miserably failed. Clearly, the Infernal Founder
had always remained a lucid man. Why then did he choose to go all-out against the
head of the Infernal Stars?

It didn't take a genius to figure out that Malkam must have played some horrible joke
on him.

"Your feud is your matter. However, I'm curious. I heard Malkam's status in the
Infernal Realm is both incomparably honored and sensitive. Why is that?"

Konrad asked, curiosity shining within his eyes. The inquiry pulling a new sigh from
Selene's lips.

"As the eldest son of Talroth, Malkam is, of course, highly honored. But were it only
for that, he wouldn't be the most controversial demon prince.

Malkam is unique, the only true pureblooded demon after the Primogens."

Konrad's eyes contorted into a frown.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Heaven's will produced the first devas while Hell's will produced the first demons.

Thus, the Primogens were born. However, during the first round of creation, all races
only had one Primogen. How then did the next generation of demons and devas
For the split of a second, Konrad pondered the question, then answered:

"Contracts and Blessings."

"Right! At that time, besides the Primogens, only humanity existed. And as you now
know, humans have the unique privilege of being able to turn into anything.

The Demon Primogens contracted their chosen humans while the Deva Primogens
blessed those they deemed worthy. Thus, creating the second generation of demons
and devas.

Therefore, all demons and devas in the multiverse, those so-called purebloods, all
descend from humanity."

Enlightened, Konrad's eyes widened in a stupor.

"All… except Malkam. At random intervals ranging between millions and billions of
years, Heaven and Hell's will spawned a second Primogen of the opposite gender for
each original Demon and Deva race.

The Overlord and the Warden were the only exceptions.

However, how could those established Primogens accept the competition of the
newborns? How could they accept those new entities whose mere existence
questioned their supremacy over their race?

As soon as they spotted a new Primogen, they would destroy him/her. This went on
until three million years ago when the lust demons got their second Primogen, the
last of them all, Talroth.

At that time, Asmodeus reigned as the Southern Queen of Hell. Though her rule had
endured billions of years, having long since reached the limit of her cultivation, she
didn't underestimate the threat of a new Primogen and initially planned to destroy

But when she laid eyes on him, she couldn't bear to, and instead took him as her
consort. It didn't take long before Talroth became the apple of her eye. All other
consorts were set aside, and her attention devoted to him.

Almost two million years later, Malkam was born. But at the same time, Talroth's
cultivation surpassed Asmodeus', and without hesitation, he overthrew her. At that
time, Asmodeus realized that the majority of her "loyal" vassals had already turned

Though it mattered not. With or without them, Talroth could effortlessly suppress all
within the Southern Domain.

He enslaved Asmodeus and became the new ruler. Now, you understand why
Malkam's status is so sensitive. Because he was born of two Primogens, although his
bloodline looks like a lust embodiment's, its might is almost equal to that of

The best way to see this is that usually, lust embodiments are born at the Divine Seed
Rank. But Malkam was born a God.

At the same time, he's the eldest prince of two dynasties. Calling his status
"sensitive" is the euphemism of the millennium."

Selene explained.

"Interesting. It seems that the Infernal Realm will have no shortages of

entertainment. A part of me can't help but wish to quickly take over this world, then
head into the higher realms to contend with the true chosen ones."

Konrad declared.

"That is natural. Incubi are born under the shroud of lust but beneath the star of
domination. They crave it more than anything else. It is rooted in their blood as their
life's purpose and highest aspiration.

The higher the bloodline, the more pronounced the traits. A never-ending curse,
really. For that reason, only with contracts, enslavement or mightier strength can you
keep them in check."

Nodding, Konrad shifted his attention back on Marduk's corpse.

"What do you plan to do with him?"

Selene asked, but Konrad remained silent.

"Your mother may be a slut, but she's a crafty one. With the boons she's received
from Talroth and her current cultivation, my father's corpse can't give her many

Even if it could, the massive quantity of merits she would gain from sending it back
to the Overlord easily offsets those gains.

Therefore, without a shred of doubt, she will offer it, intact, to the Merit Stele."

Selene began, then dropped on her knees.

"Give the devil his due, though the Overlord is one hell of a son of a bitch, he
genuinely cared for my father, and will offer him due funerals. I know you're far too
malevolent to let a treasure escape your grasp, but at the same time, you want
Gulistan's God-Heart. Not just for the plague, but for all its other wonderous uses.

God-Hearts possess God-Force while Sage Hearts only possess Divine Power. In the
same way, a God's heart is an infinite source of God-blood. The foundation of God-
level baptisms.

The benefits for your faction building are unfathomable. You will also have the
bodies of all other cult leaders and the pisaca demon.

We can't have the best of both worlds. Why not retreat to advance? Take the Blood
Origin. Give up the carcass. That way, you can keep the most valuable possession, and
trade a virtually useless body for the God-Heart."

The Blood Origin was the lineage's source located in the cultivator's heart. Without
it, the blood production would stop.

Still, Konrad didn't reply. Undisturbed, Selene carried on.

"And if you fear them using it to build a peak-stage Divine Ascension puppet, there is
no need to. First, as you know, of the three puppet types, only Soul Puppets can exist
without crystals.

War and Flesh Puppets both require an adequate quantity of crystals to function.
Even if they could successfully refine the corpse into a Flesh Puppet, the Infernal and
Celestial churches combined don't have enough divine crystals to power a peak-
stage Divine Ascension Puppet.
They could pawn their ancestors' underpants that it wouldn't change the result.

As for Soul Puppets, haha, where could they ever find a peak-stage Divine Ascension
soul? Therefore, in this transaction, you're still the big winner. The mobsters
triumph, angels weep, and devils cry.

All is good in the best of worlds."

With his eyes focused on Marduk's corpse, Konrad blinked in disbelief.

"You… make a compelling case. "

"That is natural. I graduated top of my class in advertising and business

administration. Though, I was the only student and didn't have teachers."

Selene proclaimed in a solemn tone while keeping her left palm on her chest.

*Cough* *Cough*

Black lines formed on Konrad's forehead while he attempted to restrain his cough…
in vain.

"With your one million years of existence and various hosts, surely, you must have
memorized some formidable arts.

I will keep your mother's corpse and refine her Blood Origin as my third Deva
lineage. Your father can return unblemished… minus his Blood Origin if you can offer
sufficient compensation."

"No problem. In any case, I don't believe you've broken through the realm of
necrophilia, she should be fine."

Konrad almost spurted blood.


Greetings dear readers,

I really wanted to push this as far as possible (at least till the end of the HC arc), but
things being what they are, I must be reasonable with myself.

Though I try to remain light-hearted, life is not going well for me. I got evicted last
week, college is starting in two weeks and I'm sleeping on my cousin's couch.

Parents are not only unsupportive but also bring their own lot of pressure and
issues, my brain is frying and my health failing.

Though I'm impassioned by writing and would love nothing more than to keep
churning out chapters, my mind is just not there, and my body not following as it
used to.

Thus, I'm taking a break, a very long one to put my life in order and restore my

Will be back when I feel I can go for another 5 months. 3 to 4 weeks, hopefully.
Maybe earlier if God wills it.

With love, Devil_Paragon.

"Hum, Hum. Having obtained extensive knowledge and countless arts from the
infernal souls, you will have to try hard to impress me."

Konrad stated, following a relatively loud throat clearing.

"I will give you three. Each, with four layers.

First, Seer's Vision. Only Origin Sight wielders can cultivate this ability. On top of
Origin Sight's own skills, it allows you to see through all mirages, and grasp the
memories, past and all possible futures of your target.

Everything they are and all they can do becomes evident to your eyes.

You can also use their past against them through lethal illusions and even trap their
soul in a potential, fatal future to destroy them should they fail to overcome it. At the
pinnacle, you can alter reality.

Of course, there are limitations. Your targets' cultivation base and your own soul
power determine how far you can see and how much control you can have. The
stronger they are, the harder the task.

Moreover, having Origin Sight is one thing, mastering this ability, another.
Disposition matters a lot. Only those with a heart as calm and steady as a mountain
can master this ability."

Konrad was startled. Although his incubus lineage granted him the ability to cast
deadly illusions and nightmares, this ability was on a completely different level.
Calling it the perfect complement to his Infernal Soul Devouring Art was no

Satisfied by Konrad's reaction, the complacent Selene carried on.

"Second, the Absolute War Sense. More suitable for battle madmen and madwomen,
it allows its user to separate body and consciousness to fight solely on instinct. Said
instinct is empowered by several folds. Ten times for the first layer, one-hundred
times for the second one, one-thousand times for the third, and ten-thousand for the

Speed and strength skyrocket at the same pace.

Moreover, it allows the user to control a multitude of artifacts at the same time. The
same ten, one-hundred, one-thousand, ten-thousand pace."

Konrad's eyes widened in disbelief. Usually, because it required splitting

consciousness, without a formidable spiritual sense, one couldn't control more than
one artifact at the same time.

The higher the artifact's rank, the more daunting the task.

This art was simply heaven-defying!

"Possessing a battle-will greatly lessens the burden of learning this art. However, it is
not a requirement. Needless to say, Absolute War Sense and Seer's Vision contradict
one another. I have never heard of anyone able to cultivate the two."

Selene explained, to avoid Konrad getting strange ideas.

However, he merely nodded, then motioned for her to carry on.

"Last but not least, the Blossoming Death Art. Just like the Infernal Soul Devouring
Art, it allows its user to refine souls. However, you use those souls to condense Death
Flowers. Each Death Flower Represents an additional soul.

As long as all Death Flowers are not destroyed, you cannot die, and will always be
reborn. With each layer, two flowers can be condensed. A maximum of eight.

You can also cultivate Death Essence. Death Essence drastically enhances your
resilience, regeneration abilities and allows you to turn corpses into Death Puppets.
The mightier the corpse, the more Death Essence is required. Better yet, because
they function with Death Essence, Death Puppets do not fear nullification talismans.

Death Essence can also feed souls to improve their grades and open the road to true
necromancy. If you can cultivate it to the pinnacle, you can also open a gate to the
reincarnation cycle to wrest or swallow souls. Meanwhile, with a massive quantity of
death essence fueling your body, even if you got beheaded, you could still rebuild
your body.

At the pinnacle, even if only one piece of you remains, you will not die.

Are those three arts enough for you to spare my father a bit of dignity?"

The complacent Selene asked while puffing out her flat chest and rubbing her little

Those three arts were high-ranking Ancient Secrets and had been carefully selected
by her to lay down the foundation of her rise once she led a host to success.

Any one of them was enough to become a hegemon and make countless deities

"Adequate, adequate."

Konrad replied while nodding in approval. The "adequate" assessment pulled a scoff
from Selene's lips.


"Is it so hard to say -there are no words to express my astonishment?- Truly,

incomparably shameless."

Ignoring the false display of outrage, Konrad motioned for Selene to deliver the

"How do I know you will keep your end of the bargain?"

"You can only believe in my trustworthiness."

Those words failed to placate Selene who only grew more vigilant. However, with the
initiative being in Konrad's hands, she could only abide.

Three sets of mnemonics flew from her soul to dive into Konrad's. The three arts
then clearly appeared within his mind.
Each carried greater difficulty than the Infernal Soul Devouring Art and would take a
substantial amount of time to master. However, Konrad didn't doubt that Marduk's
body wasn't worth those three arts.

After receiving the mnemonics, he aimed his Divine Sword at Marduk's chest and
punctured it.

Selene frowned and clenched her fists but ultimately said nothing. Once the sword
reached Marduk's heart, Konrad retracted it but kept it aimed at the small gap.

Demonic energies erupted from the sword tip, diving through the gap to infiltrate the
heart and lock on the Blood Origin within.

A thumb-sized black blood drop flew from Marduk's chest to hover before Konrad.
Sealing it in a grey prism, Konrad mended the wound with a wave of his hand, then
shifted his attention onto Selene.

Now devoid of its Blood Origin, Marduk's corpses' blood production immediately

"What do you plan to do with it?"

She asked after heaving a sigh of relief.

"A new blood sea, of course."

Konrad replied before turning toward the blood fountain below.

In a flash, all the blood in the fountain and roads below was pocketed. He then
turned his attention onto the various inheritance steles.

Unlocking them took longer than with the previous graves. But after one day of hard
work, all fell into Konrad's hands.

Alas, while many Divine Rank artifacts were present, Konrad couldn't see any God-

Still, with his current net worth, be it in terms of crystals, pills, herbs, wondrous
fruits, or artifacts, he dared claim himself wealthier than either the Celestial Church
or the Infernal Cult.
Without a shred of doubt, he was now the Ancient Crystal World's wealthiest

Full of emotion, he knelt toward Marduk's corpse.

"Thank you, great founders, for working so hard to ensure I could destroy your
successors at the fastest pace possible! I swear not to disappoint your expectations
and try my hardest to exterminate those two forces for the sake of the Ancient
Crystal World!

Once only my Profane Prince Cult remains, you shall be posthumously honored as
the most meritorious officials!"

A sobbing Konrad vowed and thrice kowtowed toward Marduk's corpse, then with a
wave of his hand, brought him into his space treasure.


Unable to shoulder this outrageous sight, Selene shook her head and vanished from
Konrad's side.

"The system will need one month to finalize the upgrades. I won't be available during
that time."

With that said, she disconnected herself from Konrad and fell into a system-induced

Konrad nodded, and while humming a jovial tune, left Marduk's coffin to go plunder
the rest.

With his Extermination Formation having exhausted the holy crystals, he prepared a
new batch and reactivated the formation to rob the graves undisturbed.

After another one-and-a-half day of plundering, Konrad emerged from the last coffin
and shot toward the valley in the distance.

Considering it was the only one within the seventh floor, surely, it was there that his
tribulations awaited.
Splitting two red mountains and allowing the passage of a glittering, emerald river,
in a world of magic and wonders, the Tribulation Valley wouldn't have seemed that
peculiar, were it not for the oppressive fate power lying within.

Even while hovering above the mountains, Konrad could feel that oppressive force
surround him from all side, and establishing an unauthorized connection to his
depraved soul.

His eyes lowered onto the emerald river below and recalling the old man's words, he
began a slow descent on the emerald river. The lower he went, the more he felt his
body laced by otherworldly fate powers, and the river calling for a nirvana of the

Though he'd yet to step inside, his heart shook, and his soul trembled. The belief that
should he step in, he would undoubtedly not return the same, caused a wave of
hesitation to flash within his mind.

But as soon as it came, it left. To perfect his embryonic dao, and accelerate his
growth, to build the foundation of his ascension, there was no trial he was unwilling
to face.

Without hesitation, Konrad dived in, sinking into the river till he reached the center.
There, as if standing in perfect equilibrium, his body no longer sank and, in a
heartbeat, his consciousness faded.

With the invisible force guiding him, Konrad laid on his back with his arms
outstretched, and his mind drifting to new worlds.

With his memories of the real world cast aside, after drifting for an inestimable
amount of time, Konrad awoke as a twelve years old peasant boy.
In this new world, magic and cultivation didn't exist. Men were divided into four
classes; which, from highest to lowest were:

Gentry, peasants, craftsmen, and merchants. With slaves standing below the ranks
and the imperial family above them all.

But while peasants ranked second, they usually were the poorest of the four classes,
owning their status solely to their contributions to the state.

In this life, though Konrad possessed the same body, without otherworldly
bloodlines, cultivation or the support of an affluent family, he'd lost much of his
entrancing looks.

Still, he stood in a league of his own, and none doubted that he would grow into a
ladies' man.

Moreover, this world's Konrad was mischievous but gentle. Devoid of the innate
ruthlessness of his previous self. He knew family love, kindness, and gentleness. And
while life was difficult, he never complained.

A good boy, really.

But on this fated day, as he helped his mother in cleaning and arranging the house,
his world collapsed!

The sound of a relentless horde thundered within the small village, echoing with a
large dust cloud that followed the dozens of horses and their riders. Even from the
room, Konrad could feel it all.

"Mom… w-what's going on?"

The nervous boy asked while raising his eyes toward his mother's. There, fright
clearly shone!

Without hesitation, his mother hid him in a crate, urging him to say nothing and do
nothing. Then exited the house. The booming laughter of the bandit horde soon
merged with the screams of the men and women that fell under their blades.

Within his box, Konrad trembled, clenching on his arms, not daring to step out.
Alas, this was no fairy tale, and the boy wouldn't escape danger. The bandits soon
dived in to sack the room, leaving no box untouched. The crate was forced open, and
the boy pulled out by a tall, gruff and unshaved bandit.

"Tss, tss, tss, tss… you didn't really think you could escape this way, right? Stupid

The bandit sneered, then tossed the immobile Konrad out of his little house. He
landed in a scene of carnage, his eyes locking on his beheaded father whose head
was being kicked between two bandits.

Around them, the corpses of dozens of men and elderly littered the ground. No man
above the age of seventeen was spared. As for the women, they had an arguably
better fate.

Those aged thirty or below were allowed to keep their lives while the bandits played
with the corpses of their brothers, sons, fathers, and husbands.

Screams and misery filled the air, and Konrad's eyes went bloodshot!


He howled! But to no avail. Reality didn't change. And if anything, the bandits only
seemed kindled by his pain. No amount of tears could change this harsh reality. In
that instant, Konrad wondered why such injustice occurred. Where were the gods his
people prayed daily?

Where were the officials that eagerly collected taxes, but now failed to protect those
they were sworn to?

No answer came. But the stabbing pain within his chest and the trickling of his tears
confirmed that this was no dream.

Once the bandits were satisfied, they tossed women and children into cages,
dragging them into the world of slave trading.

Because of his looks that stood out no matter where he went, Konrad ended up sold
to a brothel, as a young male prostitute. First, it was training. All resistance was
beaten out of him, while he learned the basics of how to flatter and please those
"upscale" women that would soon pay to enjoy him.
Thinking of his mother that lied somewhere in that cruel world, he bore everything,
learned what he needed to, and bowed when he needed to. Soon, it was time to
serve. Women of all kinds appeared, and regardless of what he thought of them,
Konrad served them all.

Learning from mistakes when they were committed and building skills while biding
his time. Quickly, it became evident that he possessed outstanding talent in the
bedchamber arts.

And having been exposed to all facets of humanity's ugliness. He never again showed
a genuine smile.

Two years later, his skills reached their acme. And he got the opportunity to serve a
breathtaking merchant woman in her late twenties. A cold and ruthless woman, she
inherited her father's wealth after murdering her brothers and the father himself.

She now ran the family business with an iron fist and put down any that dared resist
her. Though endowed with bewitching looks, the glaring malice within her eyes
made her difficult to approach.

Konrad understood her type at a glance. She wasn't just here to satisfy carnal
desires. She wanted to reassert her dominance over the hierarchically higher gender
through the use of wealth.

Inwardly, he sneered, but seeing an opportunity, he served her to the full extent of
his abilities. Bringing her more pleasure than all the money in the world could

On the morrow, she was back. The following day, she still appeared. And so on until it
became a regular thing she couldn't live without. Thus, using a year's worth of
revenue, she bought Konrad's slave contract.

The move didn't please her husband, who served as a figurehead to maintain her
hold over the business. Of course, he didn't dare resist.

For the next three years, Konrad worked on ingratiating himself with the merchant
woman, going from pet to drug, and from drug to master.

By her side, he learned how to manage the business and slowly took control of it.
"Your husband is getting increasingly bolder and stands in our happiness' way."

Konrad whispered, and for him, the merchant woman killed her husband.

"Were it not for my slave status, you and I could now be legally and happily married."

Konrad lamented, one year after the husband's death, so she released him of his
slave contract and prepared a grand wedding. Failing to realize he'd been poisoning
her all along.

Three months following the wedding, she collapsed. And seeing his cold, impassive
look, understood the betrayal. Her eyes contorted in anguish and warm tears flowed
as she drew her last breath.

Konrad seized control of all she held. Using her business to create a criminal ring.
For three years, he expended his wealth and deployed spies to track his enemies and
retrace his mother's whereabouts.

Alas, fate still made him a fool. The bandits had long since been slaughtered, and his
mother now lied under a pile of dirt. Lost and empty, Konrad sought a new purpose.

"Power is the only truth. Right and wrong matters not. Men are beast and beast
submit to might! Only he who stands above all can live in true freedom and soar
without restraints.

I must become the mightiest.

I must rule supreme!"

He pledged. And again, in this new life, Konrad pursued supremacy.

For that road, he passed the imperial examination and became an official. Then,
using bribes, his criminal ring, and countless underhanded methods, climbed the
political ladder.

At the tender age of twenty-five, he became the minister of finance, a rank one court
official. Immense wealth and vast political power were his. But this was far from

It was then that he met her, the woman who would eternally change his life:
The eldest princess.

Haughty and unbridled. Intelligent and loyal to those she cared for, merciless toward
enemies. Aware of her own splendor and not shy of revealing it.

She appeared like the representation of all of Konrad's heart desires:

Perfection incarnate.

They were like a match made in heaven and soon came to rely on one another. With
her support, Konrad climbed what remained, first becoming the Imperial Chancellor,
then seizing court power in its entirety.

And if at first, he only wished to make use of her, he quickly came to realize that
she'd turned into an integral part of him.

Alas, this wasn't a world where one could have it all. The emperor soon realized his
weakness and tried to use her against him.

But before he could, the eldest princess killed herself to frame the emperor, giving
Konrad a righteous cause to rebel. With his vast wealth, connections, and the army's
support, he overthrew the monarch, becoming the country's new ruler.

But again, he felt empty. That unparalleled seat failing to fill the void that now
devoured his heart. Worse, the belief he'd betrayed himself also crushed his

Soon, he wallowed in degeneration and killed himself in alcohol.

Again, he was reincarnated. In another world, another circumstance, a different

setting, but all ultimately led to the pursuit of supremacy. The eldest princess
reappeared under various identities, always becoming the last stepping stone to
Konrad's ascension. In one way or another, he obtained the world but lost all he
cherished in the process.

This continued throughout thirty-six reincarnations. And with each, Konrad's Dao
Heart crackled. At the thirty-sixth, supremacy felt like a sham, and his Dao Heart
bordered destruction.
During the thirty-sixth incarnation, as Konrad climbed the ladder of society, the
belief that one couldn't have it all slowly ingrained itself within his mind. That the
cost of standing above all was, perhaps, too much to bear, and not worth the result.
His beliefs wavered, and he instinctively started retreating.

But as he backpedaled, an invisible force blocked his retreat. That force contained
his unwillingness to be at the mercy of anything besides his self. That force, the root
of his ambition, transcended everything else, and shoved him back on the road.

He couldn't retreat and dared not advance. There, he stood, trapped in the
maelstrom of his self, without an answer to his path and the perpetual reincarnation
circle he knew nothing of.

Then it occurred to him, that perhaps, there was no need to seek an answer. That
instead of floundering, he should just advance without looking back. And if mistakes
occurred, build on them to grow further.

Again, as he reached the top of society, he met the eldest princess under a new
identity. But as they fell for one another, and past lives repeated under new
circumstances, Konrad realized she wasn't the problem.

He was.

Somewhere along the road, he'd forgotten why he set on the path and lost himself.

No, more accurate was that in all his incarnations, his reasons were flawed, and his
methods laughable.

To reach the summit on the sacrifice of those he called "beloved" was never the path
he pursued, never the road he set out on. That summit was by no means supremacy.

It was failure under the guise of success.

The acme of mediocrity.

What point was there in owning all if no one remained to share it with?

None whatsoever.

Supremacy was nothing more than a shield allowing him to indulge his willfulness
throughout eternity. Not a binding that required him to sacrifice what he treasured.

Such supremacy, he didn't want.

This time, Konrad didn't allow the sacrifice. He'd rather perish alongside the eldest
princess than use her corpse as his stepping stone. First, they feigned separation,
then, sowing dissent, split their enemies, and turned them against one another until
they finally destroyed themselves and opened the road for Konrad's ascension.

Vast dominion and endless riches were all his. He ruled for fifty years and had
twenty-three sons. But like all the rest, Konrad's mortality soon knocked on the door.

In his waning years, as he lied bedridden from a debilitating stroke, with the support
of high-ranking officials, his seventh son forged a regency edit and had all his
brothers put under house arrest.

He then falsified Konrad's will, murdered him, and usurped the throne. All his
brothers were killed, alongside their mothers.

The thirty-sixth incarnation collapsed, and Konrad appeared in a world of hungry

ghosts, each representing a soul he'd directly or indirectly harmed across all his
incarnations. They gnawed his flesh and blood for one thousand years, urging him to
relent and repent, but he never did.

Again, the world collapsed, and this time, Konrad appeared on top of a foreign
world's highest mountain. From there, all could be seen.

A bald, middle-aged man dressed in the saffron robe of Buddhists sat beside him,
holding prayer beads within his right hand, and forming a mudra with the left.

Without hesitation, Konrad sat at the man's right, ignoring him to enjoy the view
"Why such an ardent pursuit of supremacy?

Why not accept that one will always stand above you?"

The Buddhist monk asked.

"Why do I crave supremacy? Why can I not settle for a world where one shall stand
above me? Honestly, I believe there are seven reasons.

First, greed. I delight in owning, in controlling the lives and deaths of those that
surround me. I am greedy. Greedy for authority, power, wealth, glory, splendor, and

Second, lust. I crave the touch, conquest, and ownership of all beauties in this world.

Third, envy. I must seize and own what others possess, just because it is theirs.

Fourth, wrath. I must brutally obliterate all challenges to my will.

Fifth, sloth. I am lazy to care about how others view me, as long as they grovel. And
rather have my pawns trample all dissidence while I enjoy all the sweet fruits of

Sixth, gluttony. Gluttonous because there is never enough; therefore, I seek it all.

And seventh, pride. Proud, because I am I. And relish in being the incarnation of
sinful greatness.

A man like me, heaven cannot tolerate, hell will not welcome. I only have one road,
above it all! In success, I shall laugh at the multiverse's summit. In failure, my
laughter will still echo, for I know I have lived a more splendid life than any before
and after me.

I dare do what none other dares.

And covet… the unthinkable."

Konrad replied without shifting his eyes from the world below.

"What about regrets, what about fears? What about the consequences of failure?"
"Missed opportunities are more dreadful than failure.

Regrets? Fears? Those who step on this road should know what awaits upon defeat.

I do not fear defeat. I fear not having dared.

If I remain true to myself, if all decisions I make remain true to my heart, then no
matter how vile, willful and corrupted it might be, and regardless of the result, I shall
know no regrets."

The Buddhist monk nodded.

"Amitabha! Though I do not agree with your vile path, your heart is calm, your aim
clear, and your understanding of your self, complete.

If your heart is a stone, then your Dao is this mountain. Unwavering and unshakable.
Your position on the sin spectrum is also comprehended.

You are fully Sublimated."

The Buddhist monk's mild voice echoed within Konrad's mind.

"I'm curious, why is a bhikkhu serving as my Sublimation guide?"

Konrad asked in a mild but candid tone.

"Amitabha! The dharma is the law, the dao is the road. The two overlap in an organic
whole. To guide the seekers is my duty, if one day you abandon this road to seek the
Grand Liberation, perhaps we shall meet again."

The world collapsed, and Konrad reappeared within the emerald river.

His cultivation skyrocketed, going from the second step straight to the ninth step of
the Semi-Holy Rank.

And as his eyes opened, he was already half-step into the Rising Saint Rank.

Leaping out of the Tribulation Valley, Konrad sat crossed legged within the air to
refine his Pure Self and officially break through the Rising Saint Rank.
Meanwhile, within the Holy Flame Empire, the von Jurgens faced an existential crisis.
Within one of the imperial palace's secret chambers, Adalwin, Amalia and a third
man stood before a floating mirror within which an old paragon spirit in white
cassock sat crossed-legged.

"Old friend, was the situation not dire, I would not have contacted you. If you don't
help me, I'm afraid my entire lineage faces destruction."

Adalwin began. While Olrich's current whereabout was unknown, it wasn't his
existence that caused Adalwin fright. Instead, it was the steadily recovering Yvonne
that prevented him from sleeping at night.

It was very likely that by the time the ceasefire period ran out, she would have fully
recovered. By then, what cultivation would she reach? In the past, she was already a
peak-stage True Origin Saint. After experiencing more than three-hundred years of
tribulation poison, with her unrivaled talent, Adalwin didn't doubt Yvonne would
directly reach the Crossed Tribulation Saint Rank.

If things progressed that way, to say nothing of him. Among the Celestial Church's
protectors, there were probably not many able to put her down.

"I only request a nine-star Holy Artifact. If you can lend me one, I can dispose of that
rebel then obliterate the remaining of my house's enemies."

Adalwin politely said.

Though in the past the two were similarly gifted peers, one remained in the Celestial
Church while the other returned to the secular world. After those millennia, an
abysmal gap grew.

His friend now stood at the peak of the Holy Road, a peak-stage Star Fusing Saint,
while he'd just stepped into Star Connection.

This… was the insurmountable gap of resources.

"Not just a nine-star Holy Artifact. I can even lend you a Divine Artifact."

The Celestial Protector declared with his eyes shut close. Adalwin, Amalia, and the
third man couldn't believe their ears.

"How could this be? I'm afraid that even for you, a Divine Artifact is…”

Adalwin began. But before he could finish his words, the protector cut:

“…out of reach."

His eyes then opened and locked on Adalwin with the same silver hues as other
paragon spirits.

"Since you know that, you should also understand that there's someone pulling
strings behind me. Therefore, allow me to be blunt.

You can deal with your house's renegade afterward. But in the shortest delay, Yvonne
Voight must be killed. And her death, cannot be traced back to the Celestial Church."

The protector's words caused Adalwin's face to contort into a frown, and recalling
some events of several centuries ago, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"He's… out of seclusion?"

And as those words left his lips, Adalwin prayed all the Cardinal Lords that he was

Realizing that otherwise, an unparalleled disaster approached the Holy Flame


"Indeed, he's out. After more than four-hundred years of seclusion, our prime
disciple, lord Erhardt Wirth, is back. His cultivation has reached the peak of the Star
Fusing Saint Rank, and his low-grade Divine Physique is mastered."

Hearing this, Adalwin despaired.

"It's been almost four hundred years. After all this time, he has… still not forgotten
about her?"
In the past, following the Tower of Rebirth's events, Yvonne came across Erhardt
Wirth who toured the secular world for leisure. With just a glance, she bewitched
him, and he tried his hardest to gain her favor.

To no avail.

She then gave him the opportunity to fight her at the same level. If he could win, she
would give him a chance. But if he couldn't even take one hundred moves, then in
this life, he should stop pestering her.

Overjoyed, Erhardt leaped on the opportunity but was defeated in less than one-
hundred moves. The event startled the continent, and with his face sweeping the
floor, he returned to the Celestial Church.

The Celestial Church Leader thought of the event as an excellent way to sharpen his
son's Dao Heart. However, his mother deemed otherwise. But afterward, Yvonne
became Olrich's princess consort, and thinking that time would mend the wounds,
she no longer pursued the matter.

Alas, the first thing Erhard asked upon his emergence from secluded cultivation
was… Yvonne's current situation.

In other circumstances, the Celestial Church's first lady wouldn't mind. However, her
son pursued the Free and Unfettered Dao. If he couldn't sever them through personal
enlightenment, emotions would drag him down.

Although he'd long since left the Semi-Holy Rank, the Dao was the partner of a
lifetime and the foundation of the Divine Seed.

Were it not for that flaw, Erhardt would now be a Sage.

Therefore, she resolved to rid him of this fetter, and have Yvonne murdered by the
Holy Flame Empire's experts.

Understanding the ploy, Adalwin clenched his fists in frustration.

Sandwiched. They were sandwiched. Yvonne had to die. But if she did, they could not
live. If she didn't, they'd still perish.

There was absolutely no way out.

"I know what you're thinking. How could I force you into a dead end? Her ladyship
promised that as long as you act fast and leave no trace, your house will be safe."

"Loads of horseshit."

Is what Adalwin wanted to say but restrained himself. With the situation being what
it was, he could only turn into a bandit and conduct a night raid.

Never did he expect that he would one day turn into a common thug. And with the
economic crisis that now swept the Holy Flame Empire, even Adalwin was forced to
consider that, perhaps, even the gods wished to end his dynasty.

Compared to those, the so-called "Profane Prince Cult" was not worth mentioning.

"Just make sure that not even a fly escape. If no one can testify to your involvement,
what is there to fear?

Moreover, if the task goes smoothly, her ladyship promised to personally take three
of your juniors as honorary disciples."

Meanwhile, in the Barbarian Continent, Eysan's father, the Quasi-Sage Bayiz Serkar
knelt before his younger sister, Gulistan's true body.

"Else Metze and Yvonne Voight. You can take those two. But hurry, our spies report
that Erhardt is out of seclusion. The clock is ticking, ticking, ticking."

Gulistan's voice echoed.

"A milk drinking junior. If he stands in my way, he can surrender his life!

Thank you, sister, for giving me justice! I will immediately start the preparations!"

Bayiz exclaimed, then vanished from Gulistan's sight.

"What stunt are you trying to pull?"

A mild but authoritative voice echoed within the room. Yet, no figure appeared.
"I just want him to know that in this world, he can only rely on me. And of those two
girls, one is too outstanding, the other too crafty, we can't let them occupy his mind
now, can we?"

A short silence passed, after which the authoritative voice resumed.

"Gulistan, I know you're unwilling to be a servant for a lifetime, but never forget that
the house is first. If you jeopardize its future and force me to make a choice, I will not
choose you."

At the same time, one of Olrich's Pure Selves knelt within the Infernal Cult Third
Elder's house. More precisely, before the third elder's first son.

"Very well. I will personally dispatch troops to assist you in retaking your throne.
Afterward, you will officially join the Infernal Cult and surrender the Infernal Soul
Devouring Art."

Hearing this, Olrich's lips curled into a smile.

"Thank you, sir, for your assistance!"

Meanwhile, Konrad sat crossed legged above the Tribulation Valley with nine pairs of
white light wings spreading from his back. A ring of the same color stood above his
head, and a lotus bloomed within.

As the lotus fully blossomed, it vanished, reappeared by Konrad's side, and turned
into an exact replica of him.

This was his first Pure Self. And since he majored in both the martial and spiritual
paths, it could use both spells and arms.

Thus, he'd officially completed the first step of cultivation, and become a Saint!

Now, the next step was to seize the inheritances on the eighth floor and the Celestial
Founder's Blood Origin.

"You've been out for more than two years. In the outside world, not many days
remain before the plague officially begins."

Selene's voice echoed within his head.

"Unfortunately, even the tower can't cheat the system. Your exp growth is not that
startling. Want to check your current stats?"

"No need. It should now be approaching twenty-seven billion. I'd rather you tell me
about the new functions."

Konrad replied while standing up. Activating his Origin Sight, he located the
teleportation circle leading to the next floor and with a step, vanished, to reappear
before it.

There, the Obsidian Guardian stood. Konrad now understood why Marduk's coffin
wasn't protected by the Guardian. Still, he failed to grasp the reasoning. The
Guardian usually protected the core inheritance, not the exit. That's why one could
cross a floor without defeating its Guardian.

But it seemed that from now on, it would no longer be the case.

Of course, it mattered not. The seventh floor's Guardian was but a peak-stage Fate
Wrestling Saint.

In front of the current Konrad, not even qualified to call himself an ant. Before he
could bare his weapon, Konrad punched out, sending vibration waves that minced
the Obsidian Guardian into metallic powder.

Undisturbed, he stepped on the teleportation circle and shot toward the next floor.

"You have three new major functions. One, Physique Grinding. You can grind one of
your physiques into exp, free up a slot, and exchange it for a new one… or something
else if you so wish.

Two, Refinery Cauldron. You can toss artifacts and their scraps into a unique furnace
to breed new, mightier artifacts. Usable outside the system.

Three, Soul Gourd. You can use it to store souls and improve their grade with exp.
You can also directly absorb, and trap weakened souls, should they find themselves
separated from their bodies.

Usable outside the system.

Main Quest, level 7:

Description: Congratulations, Harem Lord!

You now stand at the peak of your native empire, control the harem, the economy,
and a substantial part of the army. Truly, below one and above the rest.

It is now time to take the final step.

Level 7 objectives:

Part 1: 250 beauties of the Transcendent Rank

Part 2: Control all aspects of the Holy Flame Empire!

Part 3: Overthrow the von Jurgen dynasty and become the new sovereign!

Note: Religion counts as an aspect. The host must expel all extra religions from the
empire and become its sole faith. A God-Sovereign, so to speak.

Main Rewards: Harem King Rank, Harem Gate, World Gate.

Timeframe: Ten years."

Konrad's lips curled into a smile. Bluntly said, the quest was asking him to emerge
from the shadows and open the hostilities with the Celestial Church. Though the
timeframe of ten years seemed ample, this remained a daunting task.

Nevertheless, he would not shirk from it.

Stepping on the teleportation circle, he vanished and reappeared within the eighth
floor where the remains of the Celestial Church leaders lied.

This time, a world of clouds awaited. Clouds above, clouds below, clouds as far as the
eyes could see.

In the sky, seventeen pearl white coffins flew in the same pattern as before, but this
time, guarded by hundreds of Fate Wrestling Saints.

Again, Konrad prepared an Extermination Formation, and shot toward the coffins,
plundering all they contained before moving on to the next. Instead of Infernal Souls,
dreadful illusions and nightmares protected the corpses.

Fortunately, with his incubus lineage, Origin Sight, and formidable soul power,
Konrad could effortlessly see through them.

Corpses and inheritances were harvested until he reached the last of them all, the
Celestial Founder's.

And as he stood before her, Konrad was forced to admit that even death couldn't dull
her otherworldly grace, beauty, and elegance.

Without delay, he cut open her chest and extracted the Blood Origin which flew
toward the white crystal concealed within his abdomen.
The Blood Origin merged with the crystal which absorbed it all and united the new
deva lineage with Konrad's demon and human ones. He sat crossed legged to
complete the refinement.

As the daughter of the Great Primal Ancestor, Isylia the Celestial Church Founder
belonged to the Ravmalakh.

Ranking amongst the mightiest deva of the Celestial Realm, all Ravmalakh were
endowed with incomparable soul power and fortitude.

Better, they possessed an intricate connection to the sun and stars. The current Sun
God, Surya, was a Ravmalakh, and creator of the Sun Spirits. The lust embodiment
bloodline had a perfect balance between the martial and the spiritual.

The titan bloodline was incomparably overbearing in the martial, but frail in the

Therefore, to restore the balance, Konrad needed his deva lineage to be the polar
opposite of the titan one. And grant him incomparable soul powers.

Hence, he chose the Ravmalakh. Moreover, he also counted on obtaining one of

Isylia's physiques. Thus, hitting two birds with one stone.

The three lineages harmonized, and in that moment, the Transformation Skill
stopped functioning.

Konrad's hairs turned pure gold, his red titan mark returned in the middle of his
forehead, but instead of a circular shape, it now turned into a red prism.

His eyes remained purple, but within, miniature gold stars glittered. And it seemed
that with but a glance, he could obliterate the sun and moon.

The bloodlines' harmonization ended, and Konrad stood up. In that instant, the
Ancient Crystal World shivered. But it wasn't the only one. All worlds in the Mortal
Realm were shaken by violent tremors.

In the Celestial Realm, the sky darkened, and thunderstorms rained!

In the Infernal Realm, gigantic hurricanes rose, as if the Higher Realms mourned the
apparition of a nightmarish creature whose existence put them in jeopardy.
Now, as a twister of gold, purple and white haze swirled around him, Konrad didn't
doubt, that all across the Ancient Crystal World, beneath the Divine Rank, he didn't
have rivals!

However, while the bloodlines had now fully harmonized, Konrad couldn't help but
feel that his transformation was only ninety-nine percent complete. His three
bloodlines seemed to be generating a new force which once perfected would truly
turn him into a new race with innate abilities of its own.

"Congratulations, host on becoming the first triple lineage nephilim in the history of
the Three Realms! But while on the surface the bloodline harmonization is complete,
it still needs to generate one last ingredient. Afterward, your transformation will
truly end."
Across the Infernal and Celestial Realms, legions of deities rose and cast their eyes
toward the turbulent sky.

"Natural disasters do not occur within the higher realms. That is… unless a nephilim
is born."

Said one Deva God while gazing at the thunderstorm descending from the sky.

"After one million years, did another pair of impudent youngsters commit the
Forbidden Act? No… this is… different."

While the birth of nephilims always caused celestial phenomenon, they hardly, if
ever, brought severe harm. Serving more as a warning for the gods to locate the
source of trouble.

But this time, the higher realms were facing a calamity that, if left unchecked, could
possibly harvest the lives of countless sages. To say nothing of saints. On the
contrary, it was the Mortal Realm that experienced mild shock.

Clearly, Heaven and Hell's Wills found the event harder to tolerate than the Mortal
Realm's Will.

But as they cast their God-Senses throughout the Celestial and Infernal Realms,
Devas and Demon Gods failed to locate the source of trouble.

"Could it be… the Mortal Realm? No. Impossible."

Many thought, but immediately dismissed the assumption. It would already be a

miracle to find pureblooded demons or devas within the Mortal Realm, to say
nothing of a nephilim.

"Forget it. First, suppress the calamity."

Led by the Cardinal Lords and other leading Deva Gods, the Celestial Realm's deities
promptly united their strength to suppress the thunderstorm.

In the Infernal Realm, the Demon Gods did the same.

Only Talroth found the event particularly pleasing to the eyes.

"Boy, you surely don't waste time. The first step is complete. The rest is up to you."

True nephilims were bred from the union of demons and devas. Therefore, when he
first integrated the titan lineage, the Realm Wills didn't recognize Konrad as such.

However, when the Ravmalakh blood was added to the mix, it became another story.
An alarming event that for some unknown reason caused the Higher Realm Wills
excessive anxiety.

Meanwhile, within house Voight's main palace, Else, and Verena sat by a table.

"When do you think they will attack?"

Verena asked while sipping the wine glass within her hand.

"I heard a false crystal epidemic is flooding the country. Unless some unexpected
event occurs, Adalwin should first deal with that. Then deal with Olrich, before
finally dealing with us.

That should give us plenty of time. At least enough for Yvonne to complete her

Else replied. Hearing the "false crystal epidemic," Verena's lips curled into a smile.
Naturally, she was well aware of the origin of those events. Crystals were the Ancient
Crystal World's currency.

The secular world dealt in blue, red, purple, and holy crystals while the two great
religious factions dealt in holy and divine crystals.

Regardless of rank crystals either held or could contain a certain quantity of energy.
Therefore, they were not only a currency but cultivation resources. Now, real crystals
were vanishing from the market at breakneck speed and getting replaced by false
crystals without any spirituality.

Worse, those false crystals were being used to purchase vast quantities of herbs,
pills, and other capital resources by either independent or foreign merchant
organizations that then shipped them out of the country.

When he realized this, Adalwin went wild with rage and began a crackdown on the
false crystals. Alas, his inquiries led him into endless cycles, and he was forced to
admit that within the current Holy Flame Empire, memories were no longer

If this larceny was allowed to carry on, the country's economic and cultivation
foundations were both in jeopardy. Therefore, neither Verena nor Else doubted
Yvonne would have plenty of time.

Sadly, they couldn't foresee the Celestial Church's involvement.

As they spoke, Adalwin received the promised Divine Artifact, and began gathering
an elite paragon spirit corps for a direct offensive on house Voight!

At that time, Konrad's unrestrained plundering carried on. And all Celestial Church
Leaders' remains, and inheritances pocketed within his space treasures. Without
delay, he headed toward the teleportation circle leading to the ninth floor and
crushed the peak-stage Fate Destroying Saint Guardian in one blow before carrying

But as he stepped into the ninth floor, before he could even assess the surroundings,
a booming voice rang within his mind.

"How queer, demon, deva, and human lineages stand in harmony within you.

I didn't expect a new breed of nephilim to appear within this world. Interesting.

Hm? Is that… the blood of Talroth? Yes. What is your relationship to Malkam?"

The tyrannical and overbearing voice thundered within Konrad's mind and assailed
his soul.
But with his current mental fortitude, it couldn't startle him.

His eyes swept the perimeter. The so-called ninth floor was nothing more than an
empty room whose walls were decorated by an incomplete mural painting. At first
glance, that painting seemed to be telling a story.

However, Konrad didn't have time to appraise it yet. In the middle of the frontal wall
stood a silver gate that divided the incomplete painting into two halves. And from
that gate, a figure emerged.

It was a ten meters tall White Guardian whose pressure rivaled that of peak-stage
Crossed Tribulation Saints. If things stopped there, Konrad wouldn't have paid it
much attention. However, on the one hand, he could feel the vast spiritual
consciousness within its eyes; on the other hand, it seemed in total harmony with
the atmosphere.

Almost as if it were a part of the Tower.

Suddenly, the White Guardian's shape changed, and though it remained metallic, it
now bore an exact resemblance to Marduk, the Infernal Founder.

At the same time, its cultivation rose to the Star Connecting Saint Rank.

Konrad had long since concluded that for some reason, the Tower was trying its
hardest to prevent the contenders' rise.

But this time, it was simply absurd. No matter how gifted, on the Ancient Crystal
World's standards, unless they cultivated within the Tower for centuries, no one
could possibly cross this stage.

Meanwhile, the Tower automatically ejected foreign residents after thirty years. To
say nothing of centuries.

This was not a trial, but a glaring murder attempt. Still, Konrad was unperturbed.

"No relationship, really."

He directly replied. But his words couldn't satisfy the Guardian who on the contrary
now seemed offended.
"Lies! Deceit! The blood of Talroth really cannot breed any good thing.

In usual days, you should face a peak-stage Fate Destroying Saint-level expert on this
floor. But since these are unusual days, we upgrade to peak-stage Crossed
Tribulation Saint.

And for being related to Malkam, we add another full rank. Moreover, unlike the
others, you're not allowed to escape.

I hope you won't be too disheartened."

Hearing this, Konrad arched his eyebrows.

"Is this even legal?"

"In the Tower's laws, there are provisions for unique cases and additional rules for
those related to Malkam. I'm afraid this is perfectly legal. Even if it weren't, I'd bend
the rules for you."

The Guardian declared and summoned a white spear. And this time, even Selene was
struck speechless. This was pure, unadulterated shamelessness.

"Clearly, this Guardian's personality mirrors your father's. I didn't expect him to be
this shameless. The ancient sages were right, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."


For once, Selene didn't have anything to retort.

With his hands crossed beneath his back, Konrad stepped forward. Vast star force
that stood leagues above Adalwin's or Hubert's swirled around the Guardian as it
adopted its battle stance and aimed its spear at Konrad.

"Although you have the looks, demeanor, and personality, you don't have the

Konrad commented following a brief assessment, without stopping his walk.

A flame-red star beam shot from the Guardian's spear to barrel into Konrad. He
didn't avoid it, and the star beam collided with an invisible barrier that dissolved its

The bright red prism mark on Konrad's forehead glittered in white light, and
instantaneously, the Guardian felt the weight of ten thousand mountains crushing it
from above.


Unable to shoulder the pressure, it dropped on its knees. Even the spear in its hand
now seemed to weight millions of kilograms and tumbled onto the ground.

"Well… shit."

The Guardian cursed while using every last bit of starlight to battle the alarming
gravitational force pinning it on the ground. Recalling Konrad's previous words, it
didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Because of its connection to the Tower, it could clearly see Konrad's cultivation was
merely at the Rising Saint Rank. However, within him, a plethora of incomparably
formidable forces swirled.

First, his bloodline whose might defied rationality. Second, four faint sources of
Divine Power, and one pure source of high-grade Holy Force!

That boy possessed Four Awakened Divine Physiques of unknown ranks and one
high-grade, Mastered Holy Physique!

Clearly, he was the one that came with illegal strength! What was he complaining

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

Crackling sounds echoed from the Guardian's metallic body as Konrad bypassed it.


Compressed by the gravitational force, it exploded in metallic dust. Afterward, in a

slow grating sound, the silver door opened.

Undisturbed Konrad ignored the now open door to turn his attention on the mural
painting. From his Origin Sight, he could feel the painting's extraordinariness.
Though he couldn't tell exactly what made it peculiar, immense, foreign energies
clearly brewed within.

And as he perused the painting, the sequence of a man's life came to view. That man
was faceless and dressed a plain white scholar robe. The mural began with his first
cultivation steps, which seemed guided by a Daoist expert.

The next part was his completion of his Dao, his tragic death, rebirth, and rebellion
against a gargantuan reptilian enemy. The painting stopped at the lower half of the
reptilian foe, making Konrad unable to grasp its real appearance.

Moreover, he could feel that even the previous images lacked many core elements.

"Try dropping your blood onto it. Perhaps you can trigger a reaction."


Selene advised, and Konrad cut open his right index before placing it onto the mural

His blood merged with the painting, which now glittered in dazzling light. The
murals vanished, leaving the walls in light ray before morphing into a forty
centimeters wide painting that dropped into Konrad's hands.

"An incomplete God-Artifact."

Selene stated. And indeed, within the painting, Konrad could feel a force that far
transcended divine power or anything he'd ever felt before.

"A pity that it is only half."

He replied, then headed into the room behind the open door. There, an ordinary-
looking manual hovered within a dark-green orb.

But as soon as Konrad stopped before it, Selene jubilant voice echoed within his

"This… this… this!"

AAAAAAH! Jackpot! Huge, unparalleled jackpot! Quick, quick, take it!"

Selene urged, her tone startling Konrad who'd never expected her to lose her mind
over a manual.

Perplexed, Konrad extended his hand toward the orb which immediately dispersed,
allowing him to seize the manual.

Lead by curiosity, he opened the first page.

"Seven emotions, six desires. Sever them all, embody your core aspiration and grasp
the supreme art within heaven and earth!

Henceforth, you shall have no rival!"


This was Konrad's first thought upon reading those words. Afterward, mnemonics

"What is this manual?"

He asked Selene, who could barely contain her excitement.

"I can't even begin to understand how such a thing found its way here but… it seems
to be a copy of the Supreme One Sutra. First of the Ancient Secrets and strongest
cultivation method within the Three Realms!

Although I've never seen the original, those first lines belong to the Supreme One
Sutra! Legend has it that this cultivation method predates the Three Realms and
doesn't have a creator.

Wars were waged on the mere suspicion of its location, and many false manuals
spread within the higher realms. Therefore, it's hard to tell whether it's the real deal
or another fraud."

Selene explained.

"According to the legends, regardless of your dao foundation or previous method,

with enough talent, you can cultivate it!

However, there are two conditions.

First, you must pursue the Supreme Dao.

Second, you must pay the price of severing emotions and desires to become the
embodiment of your ambitions.

"As long as you can fulfill those conditions, all across the multiverse, you shall be
unrivaled! According to the ancients, there was once an expert that uncovered an
incomplete version and mastered forty percent of the manual.

With that alone, he almost conquered the Three Realms! The Overlord and the
Warden had to join hands to eliminate him!"

Selene exclaimed with soaring exuberance. Although the price was dire, for the sake
of invincible might, who wouldn't be willing to pay it? What were emotions and
desires before unparalleled strength? Even her grandfather, the Happiness God
validated the hearsay.

Although he'd been reincarnated, he didn't lose his previous life's memory. And as an
ancient creature that ranked among the oldest Devas, how could he be mistaken?
If she could one day cultivate this method to the pinnacle, then, to say nothing of
Malkam, even the Overlord wouldn't be her match! Of course, the premise was that
this was the real deal.

In her excitement, she didn't even consider the manual's origin!


Hearing Selene's words, Konrad arched his eyebrows and tossed the manual into the
air before aiming his right hand toward it.

Bright golden flames erupted from his index and shot toward the manual.

"Y-you… are you crazy? What the hell are you doing?!

We need to verify the mnemonics' authenticity! Stop this at once!"

Selene roared, but Konrad's golden flames didn't stop.

"A cultivation method that enslaves the practitioner with their own ambitions. I am

However, with neither emotions nor desires, what is the point of unparalleled

When the ambition is fulfilled, what then? Spend an eternity as an empty, hollow

No thanks. This method, I do not want."

Konrad declared and burned the manual to ashes.

Seeing the opportunity of ten-thousand lifetimes vanish before her eyes, Selene
wanted to cry, but as the system's soul, she had no tears to shed.

"Must have been false… must have been false."

She told herself in a vain attempt at self-consolation. And as the manual burned to
ashes, the scenery changed, and the ninth floor turned into an icy cave where seven
towering ice blocks stood.

Meanwhile, in a distant location, two men stood within a heavenly world where
myriads of clouds served as the ground. On the left was a middle-aged man while on
the right stood a figure whose appearance remained cloaked by an impenetrable

The "burnt" Supreme One Sutra reappeared before that figure, completely

With a wave of his hand, the manual vanished.

"I lost the bet."

Said the mysterious figure while crossing his arms beneath his back.

"Haha! What did I tell you?

Since his "unique ability" awoke, I've been tailing this boy. Although he's
incomparably greedy, with his disposition, there's no way he'd accept becoming the
slave of his own aspirations."

The middle-aged man chortled while puffing out his chest.

"Good for him, even more for me. Nowadays, decent candidates are hard to find.
Perhaps, for once, you did a good job."

The mysterious figure replied, causing the middle-aged man to blush in shame.
Seven ice blocks faced Konrad. Each stood at more than one hundred meters, and
within them, barely discernible figures hung. And while the ice prevented any
detailed analysis of those figures, it didn't take a genius to figure out that whoever
was sealed on the ninth floor possessed extraordinary origins.

But before Selene could see through it, another figure appeared above the blocks.
Again, it was a replica of Marduk. But this time, one of flesh of blood, or so it seemed.

The new Marduk sat crossed-legged on top of the middle block with his eyes locked
on Konrad, and an early-stage Rising Saint cultivation base emanating from his form.

"To have managed to reach this step in spite of all the obstacles put in your road, I
must say that I'm impressed. However, this is as far as you can go. No one, especially
not Talroth's blood, is allowed to release the things sealed on this floor.

Return from whence you came."

Marduk ordered while keeping his arms folded beneath his chest.

With his Origin Sight, Konrad could see that while this Marduk was nothing but a
construct from the Tower, it mirrored the real one and possessed his full Dao

Ignoring him, Konrad canted his head to the left, with his eyes never leaving the
silhouette within the middle block.

"What are your observations?"

He asked Selene who'd remained silent since the manual's loss.

"These ice blocks are about one million years old and have been keeping those
people trapped ever since. Six are dead. The middle one still lives… albeit in a
comatose state.
As for their identity… considering levels and bloodlines, this is not hard to guess."

Hearing this, Konrad arched his eyebrows.

"They are most likely Malkam's retainers. Or rather, used to be. Every single one of
them was an early-stage Minor God. The surrounding six were lust fiends, also
known as satyrs. As for the one in the middle, he's a Pureblooded Incubus God.

According to hearsay, while my father failed to harm Malkam, in the attempt, he took
down several of his retainers. Never did I expect that he carried the corpses into this

However, the ice is weakening. For the dead ones, it matters not. But for the Incubus
God, this is a disaster. As long as he remains trapped within the Tower, I suppose he
cannot raise any storm.

But if he manages to step into the outside, the consequences are hard to fathom."

Selene wasn't being an alarmist. Although without the World God's permission,
regardless of the means or tricks used, foreign deities couldn't reside in a Mortal
World for long, they could in a breath of time cause massive damages.

"Of course, if you could become the Tower's owner, you could easily suppress and
trap his soul."

That Marduk could only seal and not kill this Incubus God clearly showed that he
stood a step above the rest. Surely, his body was another treasure trove.

"If you get them, will you still let Gulistan offer my father's corpse to the merit stele?"

Selene asked, fearing Konrad would no longer care for the original arrangement.

"I should give it for two reasons:

A) If they cannot make up for their merit loss, when the Holy War begins, the
Infernal Cult will not be the Celestial Church's match. A situation where the two
forces are evenly matched and mutually destroy one another is the one that benefits
us most.

B) Keeping the corpse is simple. But if I manage to manipulate the plague without
Gulistan's God-Heart, I'm basically telling her that, at the very least, I have another.

It is difficult to estimate what she would do with that knowledge.

After all, if I can get a God-Heart, what else can I obtain? Risking the outcome to cling
on Marduk's corpse is not worth it.

However, I'm currently considering a method to keep the undesirable out of the Holy
Continent. If the Tower can help me achieve it, I might reconsider my options. But
don't worry, since we completed an exchange, I shall not desecrate his body."

Konrad replied, and at that time, Marduk's voice echoed.

"Still not leaving?"

The three simple words carried overwhelming pressure capable of shredding the
average Saint's eardrums. Naturally, on Konrad, they had no impact.

"What if I insist on staying?"

He coolly asked, the words causing Marduk's calm eyes to blaze with battle intent.

"Then, you must defeat me. If you succeed, not only can you claim the ice prisons,
you can also become the new Tower Master. And considering that the Tower of
Rebirth is, in itself, a God-Artifact, this is probably an excellent bargain.


Marduk vanished and reappeared before Konrad.

“…while my cultivation mirrors yours, my foundation stands at the top of the Three
Realms. At the same level, not many are my matches.

I also bear the Tower's strength and won't mind using it against you. If you don't feel
confident, you might as well step back."

He advised.

Since Konrad reached the Tower's final step, even if Talroth's blood flowed within his
veins, according to the Tower's rules, the Marduk Construct couldn't refuse him the
opportunity to leave should he so wish.

Hearing this, Konrad was puzzled.

"You didn't get the memo?"

He asked in a frank tone that concealed no mockery. But to the construct's ears, it
seemed like a glaring attempt to undermine its strength.

Clearly, this construct didn't have access to the previous Guardian's intel. And while
it claimed being able to control the Tower's strength, its eyesight was limited.

Another battle puppet, really.

"Oh well, never mind."

As far as Konrad was concerned, there was no excitement to be had in this clash. If
anything, fighting at the same level was unfair to this Marduk construct. It would be
great if it could shoulder one hundred moves.

Without further ado, the Marduk construct stretched out its hand.

"Awaken, and enforce my will:

Infernal Dominion!"

Dreadful demonic power erupted from its form while a massive, jet-black staff
appeared within its hands.

Thus, the battle began.

Meanwhile, Yvonne sat crossed legged in her cultivation abode, with dark mist,
golden light, and a formless force swirling around her form. Her father, Hubert, stood
before her while holding his chin between his right thumb and index.

"Good, very good. You've now returned to the peak of the True Origin Saint Rank.
And thanks to the more than three centuries of tribulation poison, you can directly
leap through three ranks.
Add to that your three Divine Physiques and the changes in your bloodline, your
battle power will reach a brand-new height.

Henceforth, I am not your match."

Hubert cheerfully appraised. Though the past events filled him with disappointment,
Yvonne remained his pride and joy. The achievement of a lifetime.

The stronger she was, the more delight he felt. Still, there were things he couldn't

"Though, I still don't get how you obtained this third Divine Physique and why your
bloodline experienced such startling changes. Is this also a boon from that hidden

Though Krann served as a middleman, he quickly dismissed Hubert's assumption

that he was the one behind the Kracht and Yvonne's growth. Only stating that the
true master would soon show himself.

At the same time, Yvonne, Else, and Verena all kept Konrad's deeds secret.

"Time is almost up. When he returns, all will become clear…”

Yvonne began while opening her eyes. And at that time, vast pressures coming from
the distant sky dropped onto the Ancestral Voight Palace and alarmed all its

“…in the meantime, it is time to fight."

Dozens of silver light beams descended from the sky to surround the Ancestral
Voight Palace. A total of one-hundred Saint-level experts appeared. Thirty of which
stood at the Fate Wrestling Saint Rank or above.

Leading them was Adalwin whose body bathed in blue star force. Behind him, three
leading paragon spirits stood.

The dowager, and now head exarch Amalia.

Olrich's uncle, and one of the secluded von Jurgen elders, Adalbert.

And lastly, a handsome paragon spirit man that seemed to be in his mid-thirties.
Amalia's little brother and Verena's father, Sovereign Prince Thorwald Kvass. He
brought alongside him the elite of house Kvass above the Holy Rank; clearly
intending to support his sister and the von Jurgens against all foes.

His daughter included.

No one found this surprising. After all, all knew that the only thing able to trump
Thorwald's love for benefit was his affection for his elder sister.

Before the spirit battalion landed, Adalwin cast a formless force field and mirage that
suppressed all noise in the vicinity and prevented those beneath the Holy Rank from
spying on what was about to occur.

Still, restlessness lingered within his heart. But having come so far, there was no road
to retreat. Only in success could they possibly find the light of salvation.

"Treacherous, barbaric Voight Serpents! In ancient times, out of the goodness of his
heart, our ancestor allowed you to preserve this last bloodline and hold onto this
vast territory.

However, you failed to live up to his goodwill and disrespected imperial authority at
every turn. Ungrateful worms such as yourselves shouldn't exist within heaven and

Today, on behalf of the spirit race, and for the Holy Flame Empire's prosperity, I have
no choice but to exterminate you all! Whoever stands with you on this day, cannot
escape slaughter!"

Adalwin roared and magnified by holy force, his voice thundered within the entire
Ancestral Voight Palace.

"Yvonne, feel free to start your breakthrough. I will use the Ancestral Defense
Formation to buy you time."

Hubert declared while his holy sense locked on the invaders. And as it swept them,
though it seemed they came fully prepared, puzzlement flashed within Hubert's

At that time, in a twister of white and grey light, Else and Verena appeared.

On Verena's face, complex emotions intertwined. After all, with her entire house
standing against them all, awkwardness was inevitable.

As for Else, gravity shone within her eyes.

"Your highness, it seems you've already grasped the crux of the matter. While on the
outside, the paragon spirits seem to outnumber and overpower us, in truth, we hold
the upper hand.

Once we combine house Voight's defensive formation, my Incomplete Divine Artifact,

and both your and Yvonne's strength, they cannot raise any storm. On the contrary,
they risk losing skilled manpower in vain.

But since they dare come, they must be fully prepared. My guess is that Adalwin
managed to borrow some mighty artifact from his old Celestial Church friends.

An artifact that gives him full confidence in handling us."

Else calmly stated, and indeed, those were the thoughts swirling within Hubert's
"Still, we have two advantages:

1) They are not sure of Yvonne's current recovery stage and can only make guesses
based on the one-month deadline.

2) The first thing Adalwin did was to seal noise and images. On usual days, he would
have made the events known throughout the Holy Continent. If only to warn and
intimidate the secular world with a show of force.

Why would he bother preventing the news from leaking? Clearly, he wants to avoid
revealing his house's involvement in the matter. As for why, right now, it doesn't

The critical point is that since he wants to hide this battle, we must forcefully expose
it. A quick probe will reveal how desperately he wishes to conceal our clash. The
more he wants to, the more strength he will divert to maintain the shroud.

This will allow us to mitigate their secret weapon's impact and level the playing field.
With that in mind, the fight's setup should be straightforward."

Verena pursued after dispelling her inner struggles. And again, Hubert was forced to
agree. While their cultivation couldn't compare to his, those two women were both
endowed with brilliant minds that effortlessly eclipsed their riveting looks.

What man wouldn't dream of holding onto such consorts? Olrich actually arduously
worked to antagonize them. Impressive, really.

"Only I can divert Adalwin's strength. I will stand in the formation's vanguard and
target the shroud. Thus, forcing him to protect it. Meanwhile, the Voight elders will
occupy the formation's eye and tackle the remaining Saints."

Hubert replied, causing both Else and Verena to nod in approval.

"I will lend you my Fractured Divine Mirror. Though it's naturally attuned to time
attribute owners, with your cultivation level, you should be able to put it to good use.

In prevention of such a situation, I've already contacted my father. He and the Metze
elders are currently concealed as ordinary citizens within the Voight domain and will
strike from the shadows when the time is ripe.
That is all the help I can provide.

In this fight, quality matters more than quantity. Though the enemies are many, we
have the geographical advantage and can easily tip the scales. By the time Yvonne
completes her breakthroughs, destruction is their only outcome."

After revealing her preparations, Else waved her hand, causing her fractured mirror
to appear and fly toward Hubert. And hearing her words, his lips curled into a smile.

He took one last glance toward Yvonne who'd already closed her eyes to begin her
breakthrough, then returned his attention on the invading troops above his roof.

"Well then, it's time to settle the old grudges. All elders at the Fate Wrestling Saint or
above with me!"

In a twister of dark haze, Hubert vanished to reappear above his palace. Nine Voight
elders appeared beside him. The weakest was at the peak of the Fate Wrestling Saint
while the strongest were late-stage Fate Destroying Saints.

Alongside Hubert, they waved their hands, activating the Ancestral Defense
Formation. Dark fog billowed from all visible corners of the Voight palace and soared
into the air to enshroud the warring factions.

"Adalwin, Adalwin, did you go senile in old age. As I recall, your greedy dog of an
ancestor didn't have the ability to eliminate us within our ancestral territory. That is
why he was forced to make concessions.


Horseshit. Do not flaunt any needless principle of righteousness before me. It only
reduces my already low opinion of you!"

Hubert sneered while morphing into a three-hundred meters tall pitch-black winged

Around him, black star force swirled.

"Since time immemorial, the cultivation world has only known two truths:

Desire and might."

Meanwhile, Krann exchanged mental messages with Konrad's Holy Flame Avatar.

"Master, the von Jurgen made their move and have descended onto house Voight.
This time, I'm afraid an all-out clash is inevitable."

Krann's worried voice echoed within Konrad's mind.

Although they' did everything to stall Adalwin and keep him busy within the Holy
Flame City, as the one-month deadline neared, he still chose to dispatch his forces.

"Sieging is always more challenging than open ground warfare. Even if a Divine
Artifact lied in his hands, Adalwin is merely leading his troops to their destruction.
With Verena plus Else as the brain and Hubert plus Yvonne as the brawn, while the
fight's early stages should present some casualties, there is nothing to fear.

That is, of course, unless some new variables show up.

We might as well use the opportunity to finish the takeover. Clean up the remnant
forces within the church, the imperial family, and house Kvass at lightning speed.
Then bring this to the battlefield to turn the tide at the opportune moment."

Konrad replied before condensing a jade-green arrow which he then tossed toward

Following the nephilim transformation and bloodline upgrade, both Krann and the
avatars obtained massive benefits. Calling Krann a demon familiar was no longer
accurate. And while his cultivation still stood at the peak of the Rising Saint Rank, his
battle power pursued Crossed Tribulation Saints.

Therefore, for him, this task required no effort.

"As you command!"

Receiving the order, Krann vanished and silently dived into the church's
headquarters. But at that time, a new voice echoed within Konrad's mind. It was
Volker Wirth, the Celestial Church leader's youngest son.

"Master, I have relatively important news. After coming out of seclusion, my elder
brother, the prime disciple Erhardt is currently clashing with our parents for the
right to dive into the Holy Flame Empire and take a certain Yvonne Voight as his wife.

If he gets his way, he will soon depart."

And as soon as Volker's words ended, another voice rang. This time, it was Miraz

"Master, word is that our uncle Bayiz Serkar is on his way to the Holy Flame Empire
to claim new, incomparably outstanding consorts. I haven't heard their names.

However, according to my father, one is the Holy Flame Empire's current number one
beauty and talent while the other used to be the Ancient Crystal World's number one

Surely, you must be acquainted with them."

As soon as those words resounded within his mind, bone-chilling killing intent
erupted from Konrad's form.

"Oh? Is that so? Good. Very… very… good."

Back within the Tower of Rebirth, the now bloodied and grievously wounded
Marduk construct knelt before Konrad, barely holding onto its staff. Due to its
profound weakness, it trembled to lift its alarmed eyes toward Konrad's face.

Jade light swirled around Konrad while the pressure of four Divine Physiques and
one high-grade Holy Physique erupted from his form.

His eyes were now pure gold while his hairs shone in a lustrous jade-green and the
red prism mark on his forehead glittered.

"Y-you… w-what kind of monstrosity are you? Even a nephilim can't possibly be
this… dreadful!"

The Marduk construct exclaimed, indignation clearly rippling within its eyes.

A disastrous defeat. This was a complete and disastrous defeat! At the same
cultivation level, while wielding the real Marduk's lineage weapon, physiques and
Dao foundation, in less than thirty moves, it was abused till it no longer had the
strength to fight back.

Even tapping in the Tower's strength couldn't alter this result!


This was simply absurd!

Even Selene with her extensive experience, was absolutely horrified. Although she
hypothesized the union of the three bloodlines would endow Konrad with
incomparable abilities, this result was still leagues above her expectations.

After all, Konrad was the first triple lineage nephilims in the history of the Three
Realms. There wasn't enough data to accurately estimate his strength growth.
"Apologies, but urgent business requires my attention. Business that will need the
full assistance of the Tower. Therefore, you are in the way, and should perish as soon
as possible."

Konrad coolly replied before aiming his right palm toward the Marduk construct's

"Innate Skill: Extinction."

As soon as the word left Konrad's lips, jade-green light erupted from his palm to
brighten the icy room.

The light swept the Marduk construct's body, and before it could say anything else, it
crumbled in light particles, vanishing from existence.

"You… could have destroyed him in one move."

A bewildered Selene realized.

"Indeed. But I wanted to try out some of my new skills beforehand. A pity, but at
least the bloodline harmonization is now truly complete. I suppose we should now
baptize my new lineage."

Konrad replied, and as soon as the Marduk construct vanished, violent tremors
shook the Tower of Rebirth.

From the ninth all the way down to the first, none escaped.

"Congratulations on defeating the last obstacle. As per the founders' will, you can
bind the Tower of Rebirth to your soul and become its new master.

This… is the final reward."

A voice rang within Konrad's mind, the same as the one that assessed his team's faith
upon entrance.

"Are you the Tower's spiritual consciousness?"

He inquired. Unlike lower-ranked tools, complete God-Artifacts possessed their own

spiritual consciousness and could either accept or reject a master.
This also allowed them to exert a significant portion of the artifact's strength, even
without the owner's help.

Of course, there were ways to force obedience, such as locking or enslaving said

"I am indeed. And I suppose that from now on, I will have to call you master."

The Tower of Rebirth replied while a black and white sphere appeared beneath the
ceiling and dropped before Konrad.

Without hesitation, green strands flew from Konrad's forehead to merge with the
black and white sphere. Dazzling light erupted from its core, and instantaneously, all
things and rules within the Tower became Konrad's to do with as he saw fit.

The sphere then vanished in light particles.

"What do you plan to do regarding the awakening deity?"

"Put him to good use."

Konrad calmly answered the Tower's inquiry. Then stepped closer toward the central
ice block.

Within his right hand, he summoned an ordinary-looking grey bottle, his Soul Gourd,
then aimed his left hand toward the Incubus God.

Channeling the Tower's strength, a black and white ray erupted from his fingertip
and dived into the ice block.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

Starting with its center, fissures appeared all around the ice block which then
shattered in dozens of ice crystals, revealing the body of a breathtakingly handsome
middle-aged man with mid-long jet-black hairs and a porcelain white skin.

As if sealed by his comatose state, no cultivation rippled from the man's form. But as
soon as the ice collapsed, his eyelids trembled, the simple movement releasing an
earthshaking force able to split mountains and rivers.
If they so wished, Minor Gods could obliterate mortal planets with a wave of their
hands. Although this one couldn't use one-hundred-thousandth of his real powers,
the blink of an eyelid was more than enough to lay waste on the Holy Continent.

But warded by the Tower, Konrad suffered no damage. And while the Incubus God
awoke from his one-million-years long slumber, Konrad waved his left hand.

A massive hexagram appeared above the Incubus God, releasing a deluge of black
and white lightning that hammered his sluggish body from above.

Chains of the same color then descended and bypassed his flesh to dive into his back,
limbs, and skull.

At that time, his eyes opened, revealing striking purple hues twisted by fury.

With his consciousness returned, the Incubus God didn't even need to shift his gaze
to know that only Konrad stood within the room.

His eyes locked upon him. But feeling that undisguised Rising Saint cultivation, scorn
settled within. As a Demon God, even under the worse circumstances imaginable, he
couldn't find the will to show a Rising Saint respect.

Such a deed was far beyond his abilities.

At the same time, he didn't believe Konrad to be the one behind his current
predicament and immediately took him as one of Marduk's servant boys.

"Marduk lad, although your fall from grace is certain, with your lineage, do you really
need to play such petty mind games? Show yourself!"

The Incubus God exclaimed, completely ignoring Konrad whose eyes shone with an
amused glint. Marduk was born at the Divine Seed Rank and reached the peak of
Divine Ascension in less than one-hundred years. Therefore, during the events one-
million years ago, on the Infernal Realm's standards, he was just a boy.

Meanwhile, that God had no notion of the lost time. His memories stopping at the
instant Marduk defeated and sealed him.

Konrad whispered while taking another step toward the pinned God.

"Marduk is long gone. This place is now ruled by me. And you're about to give me
your body and soul."

Konrad explained with an amiable smile.

The Soul Gourd flew from his hands to hover before the restrained God. He then
joined his hands, causing the black and white chains to start extracting the God's

"Wait… your face… eye and hair color aside, why do you look so similar to his…”

The now startled God began. But before he could finish his words or register the
gravity of Konrad's intel, the chains started their work, extracting his soul in a
torturously slow process.

As the soul left his body, his pupils lost color, and his body went limp.

Extracted by the chains, a purple soul version of the God now hovered above its
body. Fright shone within his eyes.

“…the energy signature is incomprehensible. But the figure speaks myriads. You are
his majesty's son.

Long before his ascension as southern king, my house pledged allegiance to lord
Talroth. In my youth, I served within his majesty's legions and am now one of prince
Malkam's retainers. There is neither hatred nor enmity between us. Better, we
belong to the same camp.

Why? Why must you harm me?"

The confused God asked with rising indignation.

"Because you are a stepping stone. And a remarkably useful one at that. Worry not. I
don't destroy without purpose… usually. Your fall is… meaningful."

Konrad straightforwardly replied, then lowered his right index. The Soul Gourd
opened, with its cap flying toward Konrad's hand.
Irresistible suction force burst from the Gourd to trap the God's soul and swallow it


He roared and thrashed against his fate, but with the Tower's chains biding him and
his current feeble state, he could change nothing.

His soul fell into the Gourd, and Konrad sealed it with the cap.

He then shattered the other ice blocks and collected the seven God's corpses.

"First step complete.

Step Two: Army Building."

Konrad stated in a casual tone, then turned heels to reappear within the sixth floor
where his harem members trained.
Within the sixth floor, the dozens of time tornados still awaited. Every single one of
Konrad's nine ladies sat crossed-legged within the eye of a tornado to cultivate,
refine holy crystals and master new abilities.

Armed with a portion of the inheritances previously harvested, they carried on

undisturbed. And with the tornados' time increase, spent nearly thirty years in
secluded cultivation.

Across those decades, their cultivation skyrocketed, reaching the peak of the True
Origin Saint Rank. Meanwhile, they mastered various new skills. Daphne specialized
in alchemy and artifact refinement. Zamira, Faidra, and Aliki in formations. Lena,
Jasmine, and Iliana lmastered unique attributes and developed various soul
enslavement abilities.

Only Freya and Astarte focused solely on improving their battle power at the fastest
pace possible.

With the Tower now being under his absolute control, Konrad could effortlessly see
the current state of their secluded cultivation.

His lips curled into a satisfied smile. Their growth, a delight to his eyes.

But when he saw Diyana's progress, Konrad was mildly surprised. Although her
cultivation was initially one of the highest within the group, and the closest to
sainthood, without Konrad's support, her resources were limited to what she carried
from house Serkar.

She also didn't possess a demonic or deva bloodline. Therefore, logically speaking,
her growth couldn't have compared to the others.

Being Gulistan's disciple, she undoubtedly possessed abundant resources. However,

if those were enough to grow at such a rapid pace, she wouldn't be the first.
Probing deeper, Konrad realized that scant God-blood now flowed within her veins.

"No wonders. She probably received some God-blood from Gulistan before stepping
into the Tower and used those decades to refine it, then consolidate her cultivation.

Mother, mother, you surely treat your disciple well."

Refinement speed was a part of cultivation talent. However, without outside help, the
higher the grade, the longer it took for the same cultivator to refine a product.

Amusement flashed within Konrad's eyes before he returned his focus on them all.

"Ladies, it is time to return."

He whispered through a mental message that simultaneously echoed in the ears of

all the women.

In tandem, their eyes opened, and they vanished to reappear before him. At first,
various degrees of delight shone on their faces. However, when they saw the
astonishing changes he underwent, their eyes widened in disbelief.

The shimmering prism mark was odd enough. But the lustrous jade-green hairs and
golden eyes took the transformation to another level. Meanwhile, Konrad's skin went
from porcelain white to translucent, and within his eyes, a foreign star-like force

While peering into them, the ladies had the misconception that within those eyes
lied the power to control the sun and moon!

The current Konrad could no longer be linked to humanity. Only the terms "Celestial
Being" could possibly describe him.

"What the hell happened to you?"

Jasmine asked with unconcealed worries. If too much was as bad as not enough, then
Konrad's transformation definitely belonged to the "too much" category. Unable to
grasp its cost and implications, she could not restrain her worries.

Meanwhile, Diyana staggered and fell back. Konrad's current energy signature was a
mystery. A mystery that seemingly merged several well-known lineages that should
not coexist.

Although she couldn't comprehend its nature, she'd been following him for long
enough to realize the changes. First, he was a demon. Then, a mix between demon
and titan. Now, a new force was added to the mix, turning him into a brand-new

And with his current "Celestial Being" like appearance, she was willing to bet her
finger on a deva lineage.

Demon, deva, human.

A more dreadful existence than the average nephilim. In the eyes of the Three
Realms, an unprecedented abomination.

"Good things. Good things. I forced you all out because on the one hand, we need to
start preparing for our departure, and on the other hand, I want to impart new arts
onto you.

But as for whether or not you can master them and how far you can go, that will
depend solely on you."

Konrad explained and divided them into two groups.

On Zamira, Faidra, Aliki, Lena, and Daphne, he imparted Seer's Vision's mnemonics.

To Jasmine, Iliana, Freya, and Astarte, he granted the Absolute War Sense's

As the texts settled within their minds, they realized the shocking difficulty of those

Still, none shirked from the challenge.

His eyes then shifted toward Diyana.

"What is your choice?"

He directly asked. And instantly, she realized this was the last juncture. The time
spent within the group allowed her to realize that be it for pleasure, resources, or
opportunity, Konrad was the man to follow.

Through his unfathomable means, he managed to turn those nine secular world
women into earthshaking talents that eclipsed the best off the Celestial Church and
Infernal Cult.

To say nothing of the rest. This point alone was enough to showcase his
immeasurable abilities. Moreover, if before his strength was already monstrous, then
now, Diyana didn't doubt that it'd reached a new height.

His cultivation may only stand at the Rising Saint Rank, but perhaps not many of the
inheritors would be qualified to trade blows with him.

In the near future, the Ancient Crystal World would be his. She no longer had any
doubt about that.

However, more than a master, Gulistan was her mother figure. The one that raised
her from before the cradle and granted her innumerable chances to now reach her
current height.

Diyana genuinely loved and respected her. Alas, her thoughts were a mystery. And
her real standpoint toward Konrad hard to comprehend. Did she just want to control
him, or did she wish to fatten then devour him?

She didn't know.

No one, not even her father, lord Berken did.

One was her master and mother figure. The other, a peerless youth controlling
unfathomable resources and who with a glance, assailed her with a mixture of lust
and dread.

Forced to pick between the two, Diyana floundered.

However, she then recalled that while profoundly cruel, Konrad's care for his women
was genuine. Protecting, empowering, and spoiling them was his delight.

But for Gulistan, all individuals were tools.

Expendable tools meant to serve her ambitions and heighten the overall glory of the

She was no exception. Therefore, between the two, she chose Konrad and dropped
on her knees.

"Master, please accept my vow of allegiance! Henceforth, my body, life, and soul all
belong to you!"

She pledged, and hearing this, Konrad's lips curled into a smile.

With his current abilities, even without a contract, there was nothing Diyana could
hide from him. Her mind was an open book for him to browse through. And indeed,
bearing witness to her little internal struggle mildly entertained him.

Jade-green pentagrams appeared at his back while a unique lineage force erupted,
bringing alongside it a shroud of jade fog that enveloped the two of them.

Konrad extended his hand toward Diyana and lifted up her chin.

Again, she was startled. One second, he stood several steps away, the next, he was
lifting her chin. The gap between them was once again made evident.

But as she raised her eyes toward those gripping golden hues of his, her fears made
way for a massive eruption of desire, and her cheeks flushed red.

"Then my dear, let us welcome you to my household."

Lifted by a transcendental force, Diyana stood up, allowing Konrad to pull her by the
waist while her lips leaned toward his. Trapped by his grasp, and entranced by his
gaze, she could muster no resistance and gladly surrendered.

Taking her lips into his, Konrad locked her into an ardent kiss while using his
ownership of the Tower to change the time fluctuation around them. Just like within
the floor's tornados, time around them now flowed ten times faster.

Diyana's hands slipped beneath Konrad's collar to caress his bare chest without a
care of the others in the vicinity. If the green fog prevented them from peeking at the
scene, the wet meshing of the duo's tongues followed by Diyana's muffled moans
painted a vivid enough picture.

While still holding her waist within his left arm, Konrad slipped his right hand into
Diyana's silk dress, worming his way toward her flower bud that moistened at
breakneck speed.


When his middle finger reached and brushed her clit, carnal jolts of electricity swept
Diyana's body, and she quivered on Konrad's chest while releasing a deep moan
within his gripping mouth.

Their lips parted with Konrad now trailing his tongue across Diyana's neck, planting
hickeys as he went, and stopping at the intersection between the neck and shoulder.

Meanwhile, beneath Diyana's silk dress, Konrad's fingers teased her clit, played her
labia, and rained blissful torment on her flower bud. By the time he fully inserted the
first finger, her abundant juices were flowing past the fabric to drop on the ground,
filling her with a mixture of delight and shame.

But as the fingering began, shame vanished from her mind. With his teeth, Konrad
lowered the straps of Diyana's dress, revealing her bountiful breasts whose erect
nipples begged for attention. And attention he gave. Pulling the left one into his
mouth to lick and tug on.

At the same time, he gradually accelerated his fingering's pace, going increasingly
faster while building his partner's arousal.

"Ahh… ahh… ahhh!"

Diyana's moans grew brasher and more frantic, resounding within the air, and
teasing the ears of the nearby harem ladies who could barely restrain themselves.
While her pleasure and arousal soared, a mild floral scent rose from her pores to
assail Konrad's senses.

That floral scent bore some similarity to his orchid scent, albeit more glaring and
depraved. It only appeared in response to Konrad's touch, unbeknown to Diyana's

This was a manifestation of her Decadent Physique. A physique that now urged
Konrad to let go of the oral games, to plunder its host.

His lips curled into a smile. The Decadent Physique was a rare commodity usually
found on succubi and some maenads. It would seldom appear on a human lady.
Because of its nature, the owner herself might never become aware of it until she
engaged in her first sexual act and turned her partner into an insatiable beast that
forever lusted for her cunt.

Even weaker demons would find themselves ensnared by its powers and locked into
a vicious cycle where the Decadent Physique owner would quickly become their sole
desire. From the start, Konrad doubted Diyana's knowledge of that physique.

However, after silently browsing through her memories, it became evident that
Gulistan never revealed it.

As the floral scent came into contact with Konrad, it dispersed, unable to infect his
body and senses.

Meanwhile, Diyana's eyes glazed with lust, and her hands clenched on Konrad's arm
while his fingers explored her.

"Master… master… master… ohh… master!!!"

She groaned and climaxed on Konrad's hands.

Pulling his lips from her nipples, Konrad retracted his fingers, letting the dazed
Diyana's limp body drop onto the ground. She landed on her knees, her seductive lips
facing Konrad's belt while he sampled her juices.

"How… tasty. The flavor is unique. I like."

Konrad appraised while lowering his eyes on the still dazed beauty. Driven by
animalistic instinct, she raised her lithe hands toward his belt and unbuckled it.
Thus, setting aside his robe to reveal his imposing member that instantly rose to

The golden-light coated meat-rod towered above Diyana's face, brushing her nose,
overpowering her with its soul-consuming scent, and ordering her to swallow.
Which she did.

Diyana's heart-shaped lips warped around Konrad's rod, pulling his length down her
throat with no regard for her well-being. The ground beneath her became a sloppy
mess while her hands clung on either side of Konrad's waist.

Gulistan's training kicked into gear, and she glided all the way to the tip, kissing it,
then flicking her tongue on the underside and trailing the rod before pushing it back
on her throat for a self-face-fucking session.

*Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp*

The wet and sloppy blowjob elicited a sigh of approval from Konrad's contented lips.

"Ahh… not bad. Mother surely trained you well. I… like."

Kindled by the words, Diyana quickened her pace, making increasingly rapid up and
down moves on Konrad's rod, deepthroating him as she went. His warm member
tensed within her throat, releasing droplets of precum that trickled down her

Sensing the rod about to release its spunk, Diyana took it all the way to the hilt,
unwittingly kissing Konrad's pubis in the process. Then it came.

Konrad groaned, and released his spunk down Diyana's throat. The abundant release
was too much for the new consort's gorge, and she failed to take it all in, letting some
drip from the corner of her lips.

Flicking her tongue over her lips, she pulled the dripping spunk back in, relishing in
its honey-like taste which, unbeknown to her, already tampered with her mind.

Konrad wasn't startled to see that from white-purple, his spunk now looked white-

Pulling Diyana off his rod, he placed his hands on her shoulders, gently pushing her
down the ground before brutishly tearing off the lower part of her silk dress.

The sensation of being covered by a man both gentleman and beast pulled a mini-
orgasm from the lust-filled woman. Not needing him to say anything, Diyana spread
her legs, revealing the dripping entrance to her field.

Konrad aligned his shaft with the entrance, broke the hymen, and in one thrust,
dived in.

Golden and Jade-green light erupted from his rod to fill Diyana's body. Setting it
ablaze and readying it for an animalistic rut.

Meanwhile, as her snatch gripped Konrad's shaft, her Decadent Physique again
kicked into gear, releasing pink mist onto the rod, and pulling it deeper within
Diyana's fold. His sensitivity increased.


She groaned and feeling the Decadent Physique heightening his own pleasure,
Konrad's smile broadened. But undisturbed, he plowed this new field with barbaric

"Aaahh… ahh… aaahhhh!"

Diyana's unrestrained moans thundered. Their increase in volume opposing her

dwindling consciousness.

The faster Konrad's rod went within her, the more debilitating the pleasure she felt,
and the tighter her snatch clenched on him. It was like a voracious vacuum, forever
sucking him in, not allowing him to come out until every bit of spunk within his shaft
was emptied in her snatch.

*Pah* *Pah* *Pah*

The sound of balls slapping butt cheeks echoed, and Diyana's wildly spread legs
trembled alongside them with her body swept by unending waves of orgasms.

"Can't… anh… can't take any more… oh my lord… fill… please fill me!!!

Mark me! Imprint me! Give me your seed!"

She roared through instances of ragged breathing while lust draped her mind, and
Konrad's meat-rod filled every corner of her snatch.

With a last hip move, Konrad drove himself to the hilt and released a copious spunk

The profane nutritious force filled Diyana's body, making her go from the mid-stage
of the True Origin Saint Rank to the peak. But because she still needed to cross
tribulations, she couldn't go further and stopped Half-Step into the Fate Wrestling
Saint Rank.

With his rod still lodged within her, Konrad flipped her on her side, carrying on with
the dual cultivation hammering for three blissful hours.

But due to the Tower's natural time increase and the unique time acceleration within
the green fog, in the outside world, only thirty-seconds passed.
The melody of flesh hitting flesh dispersed alongside the green fog to reveal a
standing, naked Konrad around which green light swirled.

At the same time, pink mist hailing from Diyana's Decadent Physique still wrapped
his now flaccid rod. Diyana lied on the ground, eyes rolled back, with the lustrous,
jade-white cum oozing from her mouth, cunt, and rear.

Konrad waved his hand, causing the pink mist to dive past his pores and invade his
body. Refining the decadent energy contained within, and following the intense
session, he could feel his cultivation making great strides toward the mid-stage of
the Rising Saint Rank.

However, his now staggering energy requirement prevented him from reaching the
next level. Still, with the resources accumulated within the Tower, the delay wouldn't
be that significant.


Both Jasmine and Iliana snorted before the scandalous scene.

"Odd. Is it vinegar I smell? Be careful of making your stomach churn."

Daphne jested while turning toward them. Meanwhile, Faidra and Aliki summoned
new clothes which they helped Konrad into.

"I am jealous. Mightily jealous. What are you going to do about it?"

Jasmine directly replied, and Iliana nodded before supporting the uprising.

"After almost three decades of secluded cultivation, we are greeted by him diddling
the new broad beneath our noses. Isn't this a glaring provocation attempt?

You should be supporting us! What side are you on?"

Seeing a "harem right movement" playing before him, Konrad stifled a laugh and
beckoned, and lifted by irresistible telekinetic force, the two landed in his arms.

"It's fine. Jealousy always suited you girls best."

He whispered while kissing their cheeks, then aimed his index at Diyana. Jade-green
light erupted from his fingertip to dive into her body, reinvigorating it at breakneck
speed. Consciousness and clarity returned within her eyes, and she rose to her

Between her breasts, Konrad's new Mark of Servitude lied. A mark which for some
incomprehensible reason took the shape of a nine-headed jade serpent. But neither
the mark nor her nakedness caused her discomfort.

Instead, it was the realization of her hidden, sexual abilities that filled her with

Ten pairs of eyes locked upon her, each with various emotions.

"Now that you've received the mark of servitude, you're officially a servant of my
house. Congratulations. Henceforth, what you come from, who you come from,
ceases to matter.

However, there is no free meal in this world. Since you received my reward, it is time
to work.

You will go back to my dear -mother- and report a mild success. Then, return to the
Barbarian Continent alongside her true body, and coordinate with Miraz to help me
lay a foundation within house Serkar."

Konrad ordered.

And after snapping out of her thoughts, Diyana nodded in approval.

"As you command."

"Good. In the future, I will bestow more boons upon you. Meanwhile, it's time for you
all to receive another gift."

Konrad waved his hands, causing ten glittering, red sigils to appear and fly toward
the ladies' foreheads. The sigils imprinted themselves between their brows then
vanished within.

Red light swirled around every single one of them, and though they couldn't feel any
cultivation improvement, their senses, strength, speed, and resilience were all
experiencing vast improvements.

By the time the red light dispersed, their bodies were endowed with a brand-new

The Valkyrie physique. And simultaneously, the ability "Valkyrie Surge" appeared
within their minds.

"I've sealed you all as my Valkyries. The physique's basic boons aside, once you
activate Valkyrie Surge, your strength will overlap with that of every single Valkyrie
in the vicinity. Thus, making your battle power skyrocket."

Konrad explained, causing the ladies' eyes to widen in disbelief. Again, Diyana was
startled. Since when did physiques become cabbage that could be granted at will?
Only one out of ten-thousand cultivators would be born with a physique. And to say
nothing of upgrading the natal physique. The higher the grade, the more difficult it
was to reach the Mastered Stage.

Physiques required tremendous resources to train and cultivate to the summit.

Things such as life fruits that usually were in short supply.

Moreover, the number of physiques one could possess was usually limited by
bloodline. Golden-Blood humans could have two physiques. And on the Ancient
Crystal World, that was already the limit.

For incubi, purebloods could have three. Dream-Weavers could have four. Phantasm
Lords could have five, Lust Embodiments, six, and Primogens Seven.

Of course, even Primogens wouldn't be born with seven physiques and had to
cultivate the majority through various means.

But feeling the new physique settling within her, Diyana realized that for Konrad's
people, those rules seemed quite flexible.

Again, Konrad waved his hands, causing the hundreds of harem members within his
space mansion to appear on the sixth floor. Now that he controlled the Tower, all
restrictions had of course been lifted.

They each received a Valkyrie Mark; thus, becoming Konrad's Valkyries.

"Now, we officially move on to phase two. Don't be startled."

Konrad warned, then joined his palms in a simple clap.


With a booming, grating sound, black and white light burst from above and filled the
Tower, transforming everything, starting with the first floor, all the way to the ninth.

The floors morphed and merged to go from nine to four, each with unique designs.

"The first floor is the Legion Domain. Reserved for the army.

The second floor is the Earthly Paradise. Reserved for the concubines.

The third floor is the Heavenly Paradise. Reserved for the consorts.

The fourth floor is the Concealed Paradise. Reserved for me, my primary wife, and
chief consorts.

Each will have various resources set at their disposal. But of course, the higher the
floor, the better the resources. If you work hard and stand out from the lot, you can
naturally rise to higher floors."

Konrad explained.

"Meanwhile, because they will compose the vanguard of our faction's striking power,
the Legion Domain will have some unique arrangements."

Hearing this, the harem ladies all bowed in compliance.

"As you command, husband!"

Konrad nodded, then began another round of transformations and reorganization.

All the nightmares within the Tower vanished, leaving behind a paradise-like setting
on every single one of the remaining floors.

The bulk of the harem took their place in the second and third floors to carry on with
their cultivation while Konrad finished organizing the first.

Demonic Beasts followed the Restoration Path. And therefore, didn't need to
comprehend anything. As long as the right resources were put to use, they wouldn't
meet any bottleneck.

On the first floor, the corpse of the second Infernal Cult Leader, the Divine Ascension
Pisaca Demon, was put to use.

Konrad turned his heart into the center of a massive formation that filled the first
floor with massive rivers of high-level Sage blood.

Towering blood trees were erected, and from their branches, blood fruits grew.

Several blood springs and fountains with various degrees of purity appeared. With
the purest blood lying in the floor's center.

Konrad then summoned his eight-thousand demonic beasts. The weakest of which
had now reached the Monstrous Beast Rank while the strongest stood at the
Accursed Beast Rank.

Meaning that all, at least, possessed spiritual consciousness.

"Hail, master!

May your profane reign stretch across eternity!"

In tandem, the Accursed Beasts proclaimed while the rest released various cries of
approval, all following Krann's teachings.

Konrad who didn't expect such a greeting was mildly startled and arched his

"Not bad. I like."

He approved, then with a finger snap, caused the heart-less body of the Pisaca
demon to appear within the air.
"Today, master wishes to reward you all with a massive feast of demonic flesh and
blood wine."

Konrad declared, and as if echoing his words, black and white rays descended from
the floor's sky and dived into the pisaca demon's body. As the rays spread within, the
corpse expanded and reached three-hundred meters before splitting into eight-
thousand pieces and dropping on top of the vast, central blood river.

At first, the eight thousand demonic beast's eyes widened in disbelief. But quickly
afterward, greed and voracious hunger shone within. However, without Konrad's
green light, they didn't dare move forward.

"Go. It is all yours. Feast, and rise to serve your lord!"

"As you command!"

The Accursed Beasts exclaimed, speaking the words the Monstrous Beasts could not.
Then, in tandem, all flew into the blood river. Although Konrad wished to directly let
them refine God-Blood, he knew that despite all his setup, the only result would be

God-blood was God-blood. Without at least a Saint-level cultivation, attempting to

refine such a thing would only end in self-destruction. The God-Force would
obliterate them all. Therefore, he chose to first sacrifice the pisaca demon's body
while keeping his heart as a blood supply.

As a Divine Ascension expert, his sacrifice would, at the very least allow them all to
reach the Restoration Beast Rank. With the Tower's assistance and a personal
refining formation, Konrad eased his beasts' refining process.

At the same time, he used the Tower to accelerate the time within the blood river,
making it go ten times faster than the Tower's usual rate, and therefore, three-
hundred-sixty times faster than outside.

Following two weeks of consumption, the demonic beasts completed their

refinement, digesting their assigned parts and a lavish quantity of blood.

Vast demonic energies filled the air as the beast's cultivation levels skyrocketed, and
their bodies underwent drastic changes. Eight-thousand gargantuan beasts circled
the Legion Domain's sky.

Five thousand reached the sixth level of the Restoration Beast Rank, comparable to
Crossed Tribulation Saints!

Two thousand reached the seventh level, comparable to Star Connecting Saints!

Eight hundred reached the eighth level, comparable to Star Manifesting Saints!
The remaining eighty-seven officially stepped into the ninth level of the Restoration
Beast Rank, officially comparable to Star Fusing Saints!

A formidable lineup! This was a formidable lineup that pursued the two religious
factions' striking power beneath the Divine Rank!

After all, according to Konrad's intel, the Celestial Church and Infernal Cult each
possessed around eight-thousand Crossed Tribulation Saints, five-hundred Star
Connecting Saints, three-hundred Star Manifesting Saints and about one-hundred
Star Fusing Saints.

Of course, they also possessed tens of thousands of lower-ranked Saints.

The Restoration Beasts' gleeful cries echoed within the air, and they all plunged back
into the river. As they did, their forms shrunk, and by the time they dived into it, their
silhouette mirrored humans'.

Eight thousand human-looking creatures then emerged. Males and females were
both present. The males handsome and imposing while the mesmerizing females
overflowed with demonic charms.

Thanks to their partial restoration, their bloodline now approached the fiend level.
By the time it truly reached it, they would become Infernal Knights.

A force able to trample all within the Ancient Crystal World.

All in due time.

The newly ascended Restoration Beasts stood naked within the blood river, its red
liquid flowing on and drenching their bodies. None felt any bashfulness, and all
bowed toward Konrad.

"Thank you, master, for your grace! To fulfill your grand aspirations, we will never
hesitate to go through fire and storms!"

They pledged, and since the males occupied a crushing majority, their husky voices
covered the delightful sounds of their female counterparts.

Konrad's lips curled into a satisfied smile.

"You have not disappointed my expectations. Good. From now on, in the Profane
Prince's Army, you shall be the first legion."

Konrad, who sat crossed-legged above the blood river, replied. In those last two
weeks, he didn't stay idle, spending his efforts on cultivating the Blossoming Death
Art's first layer.

After two weeks, he finally comprehended its mysteries and stood at the first layer's
threshold. But without death essence, couldn't complete the breakthrough.

Still hovering above the blood river, Konrad stood up.

"Now that you've all ascended to the later stages of the Restoration Beast Rank, it is
time to move on the third part of my plan.

Give the Celestial Church and Infernal Cult the lesson of a lifetime while freeing the
Holy Continent, my Holy Continent, from their presence."

Konrad's words caused shock and confusion within the eyes of the newly ascended
creatures. However, since this was the master's will, they wouldn't disobey it.

In any case, the master was as cruel as he was crafty. Surely, a foolproof plan was
already in motion.

Meanwhile, above the Ancestral Voight Palace, a ferocious battle raged. It had been
barely over one hour since the spirits' arrival. And since then, the two sides had
gradually settled into a stalemate.

Initially, when Adalwin revealed his Divine Artifact, he didn't doubt victory was
theirs. However, from the get-go, carrying Else's incomplete Divine Mirror, Hubert
targeted the shroud, almost obliterating it, and forcing Adalwin to restore it.

This battle wasn't something that could ever be recorded in history books.
Therefore, for the sake of his house's preservation, Adalwin could only try his
hardest to conceal it. The two Star Connecting Saints clashed within the sky, blue and
black star force colliding in dazzling beams.

And with Adalwin now tasked with protecting the shroud, the Voight elders within
the formation's eyes faced the paragon spirits with confidence. Towering pillars of
darkness repelled the von Jurgen and Kvass' relentless assaults while the Voight
elders sat crossed legged in the formation's eye.

Although they struggled to maintain the stalemate, they could still go on for days.

Meanwhile, the violent battle between Adalwin and Hubert showed no sign of ending
anytime soon.


Adalwin cursed. In his nine-thousand years of existence, rarely had he experienced

such a frustrating moment. Was it not for the Celestial Church Prime Disciple's
pressure, how could they fall into such a stalemate?

Not only him, but Amalia, Thorwald and Adalbert, the leading paragon spirits, all
thought the same.

But at that time, a sky-blue ray shot from the distance, coordinating with Hubert to
break through the shroud, and reveal the scene for all to see.

Adalwin and the other paragon spirits' eyes widened in disbelief.

"Who… who dared?"

Adalwin roared and turned toward the source of this backstabbing.

A handsome middle-aged man dressed in black fur appeared within the sky, boasting
an early stage Crossed Tribulation Saint cultivation, and bringing alongside him
several Fate Destroying Saint elders.

All with the same jet-black hairs and slit, sky-blue eyes.

The leading middle-aged man canted his head to the left, and as his gaze swept the
gathered paragon spirits, scorn shone within his eyes.

"Wilfried… Metze. Vile traitor, are you trying to rebel?!"

Adalwin snapped.
However, his words failed to provoke any guilt from the Metze patriarch.

"Rebel? What logic is this?

When you allowed the Holy Flame Church to persecute my house, murder my son,
harm my daughter, and kill my wife, didn't you think that I would rebel?

When your damnable emperor, hiding under a friendly countenance, attempted to

slay my child, didn't you think that I would rebel?

Or is it that old age hit you so hard that your brain now works in reverse?

You cannot betray those that never were your allies.

You cannot betray enemies.

And my hatred demands a sea of spirit blood!"

Wilfried spat, then summoned a silver clock rippling with massive holy force.
Adalwin was startled to see that it was a nine-star Holy Artifact.

Meanwhile, the Metze elders all summoned high-grade holy artifacts of their own,
albeit less potent than Wilfried's.

Adalwin couldn't believe his eyes.

"What a horrible turn… how could this be? I… have underestimated the Metze?"

He realized while Wilfried's clock shot toward Adalbert and the paragon spirits that
surrounded him. Meanwhile, from the shadows, Krann flung the arrow he'd received
from Konrad, hurling toward Amalia.

It turned into a jade beam and lodged itself in her chest, the sudden blow alarming
all the gathered souls.

Wilfried's clock slammed into Adalbert, releasing an explosion of Holy Force that
barreled into the nearby spirit elders. Those beneath the Tribulation Stage directly
turned into blood rain while the others flew backward with various degrees of

Although he managed to shoulder the blow, Adalbert found himself severely

wounded, with his internal organs damaged by the impact.

Meanwhile, an astounding event occurred. A worried Thorwald flew toward Amalia

to check her condition.

"Amalia, what is…”


But before he could finish his words, she hurled her sword at his abdomen, gashing it
with a ferocious slash. Thorwald's blood gushed forth, and he couldn't believe his

However, even if he didn't want to, reality didn't allow him to doubt.


With a frontal palm strike, Amalia struck his face, sending him cratering, his fate
unknown. Meanwhile, where the jade arrow struck her, no wound remained. All who
witnessed this scene couldn't believe their eyes.

"Amalia has been compromised."

Adalwin realized in profound dismay. Now the situation had taken a turn for the
worse. Although he still wielded a complete Divine Artifact and didn't fear Hubert,
the Voight possessed the support of their defensive formation while the Metze
supported them from the side.

Meanwhile, a hidden expert which Adalwin inferred to be the one that negotiated the
peace treaty with him, attacked from the shadow, with blows able to turn experts
such as Amalia into traitors.

In a heartbeat, the situation was reversed. The spirit troops' morale plummeted, and
as Amalia now aimed her sword toward the wounded Adalbert, many considered

With things having reached this point, and the shroud now dispersed, there was no
need to feel any reservation.

Adalwin brandished his Divine Artifact and smashed it onto Hubert at full force.


He flew backward with a massive blood spurt. Still, Else's mirror absorbed most of
the impact. Without delay, Adalwin pursued. Only by eliminating Hubert at lightning
speed could he reverse the current situation.

Alas, Hubert was fully prepared. Returning within the formation, and surrounded by
the pillars of darkness, he met Adalwin blow for blow, but none were able to take the

Simultaneously, Amalia coordinated with Wilfried to take down the spirit forces
within which confusion now reigned.

Seeing his kin falling like flies, Adalwin felt his heart pricked by a plethora of daggers
and his eyes went bloodshot!

"You… have forced my hand… and can only blame yourself!"

He roared! Massive blue star force erupted alongside his artifact's divine power
while he burned his lifeforce to fuel a supreme strike!

With his lifeforce empowering the blow, even the Ancestral Voight formation faced
Hubert was startled. Adalwin only had several centuries left to live. For one like him,
burning lifeforce was a taboo.

He was hurrying his meeting with Yama!

But at that time, a mild, but piercing voice echoed from within the Ancestral Voight

"Biting off more than you can chew. House Voight is not a place where you can run

Massive dark serpents shot from the Ancestral Voight Palace to slam into Adalwin,
averting his blow, and sending him flying backward.

Darkness clouded the sky, and from it, nightmarish creatures of pure darkness
descended upon the scene, targeting the von Jurgen and Kvass troops.

"No… NO… NOOOO!"


The frightened experts roared as the darkness constructs sandwiched them from all

In a twister of black fog, Yvonne appeared within the air, the occult energy of her
Extreme Dark Physique swirling around her form.

She clenched her fist, and the darkness constructs turned into black flames, that
devoured all their targets.

Thus, in one move, the paragon spirt troops were defeated.

By the time Adalwin stabilized himself, the ghastly sound of his howling troops was
the only thing that remained. Among them, was Adalbert.

Amalia turned coat. Adalbert perished, Thorwald lied unconscious in a pool of his
own blood.

And Yvonne now stood with a Crossed Tribulation Saint cultivation base; her
pressure effortlessly crushing his.
Over. It was completely over.

"Adalwin, Adalwin, did you miss me so much that you needed to bring your motley
crew to my doorsteps?

Or is it that you think that just because you achieved Star Connection, the world is
your oyster?"

As Yvonne's snide resounded within his ears, Adalwin felt as if his cheeks were being
slapped left and right by fierce, invisible hands. Vanquished, he was vanquished. But
when he recalled Yvonne's upcoming fate, he couldn't help but smile.

"The winner is the king, the defeated, the thief. That is an ancestral truth. Today, I
lose. However, tomorrow, you might not be alive."

Adalwin stated in a calm tone that didn't match the current situation. Yvonne waved
her hands, suppressing Adalwin with the combined might of her cultivation and
physiques, before ending the remaining spirits' struggle.

Now, Amalia aside, among the initial paragon spirit troops, only Adalwin remained

"What do you mean by that?"

Yvonne asked. She knew Adalwin wasn't the type to spout rubbish at death's gate.
That much was beneath his dignity. Some truth should lie in his words.

"Why do you think I wanted to keep our clash secret? In this world, who could
possibly command such a reaction on my end… for you?"

Adalwin's words echoed within Yvonne's mind with the image of a dashing, golden-
haired youth.

Her eyes widened in disbelief.

“…to this day?"

And before Adalwin could answer, bright golden rays spread within the sky,
dispersing the darkness, as if to announce the arrival of a heavenly messenger.
Feeling the intensity of these golden rays, Yvonne's face contorted into a frown.

But no amount of frowning could change the reality. From within the now golden
sky, the figure of a tall, golden-haired young man appeared. With the dashing air of
an unbridled youth, he looked handsome and seemed like the dream of many ladies.

However, when Yvonne's eyes laid on him, annoyance was the only thing she felt.
With a palm strike at his energy center, she sealed Adalwin's cultivation, then tossed
him on the side.

All, without shifting her gaze from the newly arrived figure. He stared at her with a
gentle smile, his eyes locking on hers, and hers only with an intensity that would
make many flounder.

"Yvonne, long time no see." Erhardt greeted, the simple words unable to hide the
profound yearning within his tone.
The appearance of Erhardt forced silence back on the scene. None dared make a
move, and all eyes rose toward him. Meanwhile, within his golden hues, only Yvonne
existed. All the rest mattered not, as if only the two of them remained in the world.

Seeing this, Hubert sighed. As one of the ancients that witnessed the events of almost
four centuries ago, he, of course, recalled Erhardt infatuation. However, like all the
rest, he believed those centuries of secluded cultivation would have erased those
"misguided feelings."

For indeed, as far as the Celestial Church's high level was concerned, those were
misguided feelings. Yvonne's father was a Restoration Beast descendant, a false fiend
in Infernal Realm terminology, while her mother was a genuine fiend, the daughter
of the Infernal Cult's fifth elder.

With such a background, even if she joined the Celestial Church and were given key
training, those high-ranking spirits would never allow their bloodlines to mix with

Meanwhile, Erhardt was the most gifted sun spirit of his generation, as a matter of
fact, the most outstanding spirit in the last tens of thousands of years.

He wasn't any older than Olrich, but his cultivation was already at the summit of the
Holy Road, only one step away from the Divine Rank. At the same time, his low-grade
Divine Physique had reached the Mastered Rank. Thus, giving him a battle-power
that didn't lose out to the average Divine Seed elder.

His descendants were the future of the Wirth sun spirits. How could they allow his
bloodline to get tainted by a demonic lineage? Especially when they were preparing
their return to the Celestial Realm.

Therefore, no one doubted that his elders' pressure would quickly crush Erhardt's
insistence. Alas, they'd miscalculated.
His infatuation didn't diminish. It only grew stronger.

"A man that can't take a hint."

Yvonne's eyes didn't conceal her annoyance. Men like Erhardt were the reason why
she invented the "if you can defeat me at the same level" challenge. But while the
others couldn't bear the humiliation of defeat, it seemed it did nothing to reduce his

Erhardt waved his right hand, and Amalia aside, all the surviving spirit troops that
stood against the Voight turned into balls of golden flames before vanishing from
existence. They didn't even have the time to scream.

Adalwin was no exception. And as the flames shrouded his body, his last thoughts
went to his house which, regardless of today's outcome, now faced the calamity of an

"Father, brother, I am useless. Our hundred-thousand years of inheritance… collapse

under my watch."

Adalwin sighed, then perished in the golden flames.

Else and Verena witnessed this scene from within the Voight palace, and as the
golden flames shrouded her father, warm tears filled Verena's eyes. She stepped
forward, but before she could make a move, was stopped by Else.

And by the time she turned to shove her away, her father, Thorwald was gone.


But no amount of denial could change the fact that the Kvass Sovereign Prince had
vanished from this world.

Undisturbed, Erhardt vanished, to reappear before Yvonne, standing only several

feet away from her.
"Not glad to see me?"

He asked with a smirk.

"Can't say I ever was."

She straightforwardly replied. The words failed to offend Erhardt whose smile only

"It's fine. In the future, we will have plenty of time to fix that."

Erhardt declared. As if such a future was inevitable.

"I heard, you were being held captive by the contemporary von Jurgen emperor, and
that your cultivation had been reduced to the Semi-Holy Rank. But I didn't believe it.

How could such a waste possibly hold my love? Fortunately, it was merely hearsay.
Otherwise, I would have had to extinguish his entire house."

In the past, her relatives aside, Olrich was the only man able to get close to Yvonne
and receive her smiles. This had always been a thorn in Erhardt's side and were it
not for his face as prime disciple of the Celestial Church, he would have surely
butchered him.

But now, things such as face no longer mattered to him. He only wanted one thing,
the woman standing before him.

"You and I had a deal. You failed and should give up all hope. Or is it that you plan to
go back on your words today?"

Yvonne calmly inquired, ignoring Erhardt's remarks.

Seeing how eagerly she wished to get rid of him, Erhardt suppressed a pained sigh.
However, he didn't lose his composure.

"I'm here for that deal. I want a second chance. Same cultivation level, one against
one. If I win, follow me back to the Celestial Church as my disciple, and give me one-
thousand years to win your heart.

What do you say about that?"

Yvonne included, all arched their eyebrows in consternation.

"I know what you're thinking. You were not even willing to become my father's
disciple. Why would you become mine? However, such a status is necessary for you
to remain within our headquarters without issues.

I won't dare teach you anything… if you don't want me to."

Erhardt pursued, his tone full of hope and expectations. Better than anyone, he knew
Yvonne never shied from an opportunity to test the depth of her skills and feared
none at the same level.

However, the times had changed. With his Mastered Divine Physique, even if he
reduced his cultivation to zero, he would still possess the battle-power of a Sage. In
such conditions, could he still not suppress her? Although she possessed more than
one Divine Physique, those were all in the Awakened Stage.

She could only summon a fraction of their powers. The higher the grade, the lower
the portion she could bring forth. Therefore, in a same level clash, he was full of


"Request denied."

Yvonne responded, her tone leisurely, but uncompromising.

Erhardt was startled. To say nothing of him, even Hubert, her father, couldn't believe
his ears. Since when did his battle-maniac of a daughter reject an opportunity to
prove her superiority, and humble a conceited man?

"Why? Don't tell me you dread my progress."

"I naturally don't. However, I'm now happily married… sort of. Even if I didn't fear
you, agreeing to such a clash would be an insult to my man. Therefore, I won't do it."

The words reverberated within Erhardt's mind, while his eyes widened in a stupor.
Then, they went bloodshot, and as he clenched his trembling fists, his face contorted
into an ugly look.
"What… did you just say?

A Joke.

Please tell me that… this… is a joke."

"How could I joke with my man's name before outsiders?"

The straightforward and indifferent tone employed by Yvonne effortlessly convinced

Erhardt of the truth of her words. His mind spun, his teeth sank into his lower lips,
while his face was twisted by rage, rancor, and jealousy.

"Who? Who is it?! Tell me now!"

He roared, and empowered by his holy force, his cry hammered the eardrums of the
gathered experts.

Those beneath the Crossed Tribulation Saint Rank saw blood trickling down their
ears, and their minds shaken by violent tremors.

Still, Yvonne remained undisturbed. Stretching out her hand, she summoned Hell's
Reach, her lineage weapon, and aimed it at Erhardt.

"I'm afraid I won't."

Such words did nothing to ease his ire, which only grew more pronounced. He raised
his hand, and dazzling sunrays shone within.

However, before he could strike, he pulled in a deep sigh and lowered it.

"It's fine… it's fine. As long as you let go of that inferior creature, I can forget
anything. Just come with me and be my love. If I have you, what else can I ask for?

Yvonne, I don't care about anything else. I don't even care about the Celestial Church.
I only want you. For you, I can forsake everything.

So, stop being this stubborn… and come with me."

Erhardt said through clenched teeth, the words draining him of vitality.
Alas, they failed to trigger anything within Yvonne who merely shook her head.

"Erhardt, you are an outstanding cultivator. On the Ancient Crystal World's

standards, you stand at the summit. Were you born in the higher realms, it is likely
that you could have become a God.

However, as a man, you've always been lacking and fail to excite me."

Yvonne casually said while adopting her battle-stance and aiming her spear at
Erhardt's chest.

"Allow me to give you this bit of wisdom. If a woman wants you, you don't have to do
anything. If a woman doesn't want you, anything you do is useless.

And I do not want you. So please…”

As Yvonne's words echoed, dark sand and flames erupted from her form, alongside
the might of her physiques, causing the pressure emanating from her to skyrocket.

“…get the hell out of my face!"

The words struck Erhardt hard, and he staggered, failing to regain his composure.

"But I insist on having you, if you won't listen to reason, then I can only use force and
rob you from this land!"

Erhardt's peak-stage Star Fusing Saint cultivation erupted at full-force alongside the
might of his Mastered Divine Physique.

Bright golden flames and sunrays burst from his form, brightening everything across
dozens of miles with blinding radiance.

Erhardt vanished, reappeared before Yvonne, and punched out!

Coated by bright golden flames, his fist tore through the air, causing space to ripple
and threaten to crack!

The phenomenon clearly showcasing that his strength stood at the Divine-level, for
in the mortal realm, only Divine Rank experts could fracture space without the space
Meanwhile, he activated his Origin Sight, ready to map the pattern of Yvonne's
moves, and force a quick conclusion!

With a sweep of Hell's Reach, Yvonne slammed the punch away. However, the
infernal spear's blade couldn't put a dent on Erhardt's fist.

With just this exchange, it was clear that this battle was not likely to take a favorable

"Use the defensive formation to support Yvonne!"

Hubert ordered, and alongside the Voight elders, came to Yvonne's aid.

"Secular world ants, mind your business!"

Erhardt exclaimed and joined his hands. A bright golden sun appeared above his
head and fired a pure sunbeam at the center of the Voight Formation.


With one move, the formation collapsed, and Hubert included, the Voight elders all
flew backward, with various degrees of injury!

"He's even stronger than I thought."

Yvonne realized while Erhardt's golden sun dazzled the atmosphere. His windblown
hairs erratically flew at his back, while rage still twisted his otherwise flawless face.

Erhardt turned into a golden beam and flew toward Yvonne.


Overlord's Might!"

Activating her Supreme Overlord's Physique abilities, Yvonne met Erhardt without

But as her spear reached him, he whirled on the side, avoiding it before throwing a
blazing palm at her chest. Flipping Hell's Reach around, Yvonne blocked the blow
with the lower end of her spear, and used the impact to retreat, then again charged
with a flurry of spear strikes.

However, with his Origin Sight, Erhardt saw them all coming. His Origin Sight was so
powerful that even changing patterns couldn't fool it, and she failed to graze his

Meanwhile, his Mastered Divine Physique countered Yvonne's suppression force,

allowing him to freely move.

Thus, they exchanged a hundred blows.

"Realm of Eternal Darkness!"

Dark fog erupted from Yvonne's body to cloud everything across several miles and
suppress all of Erhardt's senses.

Even his Origin Sight found itself hampered. If only for a little. Meanwhile, a wave of
negativity welled up within his chest, enfeebling him and warping his mind.

"Solar Flare!"

Erhardt stretched out his hands, causing the miniature sun above his head to
explode alongside his Mastered Physique.

The two released an earthshaking explosion of solar force that obliterated the
darkness and restored the light.

Yvonne flew backward with a blood spurt.

"Terrible. This is… terrible."

Verena and Else commented from within the Voight palace. The battle was beyond
their league. If even Yvonne wasn't Erhardt's match, no one could change today's

And if she was, so what? In victory or defeat, they couldn't triumph.

Because this time, the enemy was the invincible Celestial Church! Now, only Gulistan
could save them. But would she?

By the time Yvonne stabilized herself, Erhardt was again upon her, in an instant
firing hundreds of blazing palm strikes that fractured space.


Waving Hell's Reach, she managed to deflect most of them, but the weight behind the
blows forced her to recoil again, and again until finally one broke past her guard and
sent her tumbling onto the ground!


In an eruption of dust, Yvonne crashed.

Meanwhile, Erhardt still stood within the air, his white robe unblemished, and his
fury lessened.

"Yvonne, you hurt me. But it's fine because I do not doubt that in the future, only I
shall exist within your mind."

Erhardt pledged while Yvonne rose from the ground.

"The Solar Cremation Physique truly lives up to its reputation. A pity that unlike the
Celestial Church Founder, yours is just of the low-grade."

Hearing Yvonne's comment, Erhardt was undisturbed.

"So what if it's of the low-grade? In the mortal world, who can bring a high-grade
Divine Physique to the Mastered Stage? No one.

When we defeat the Infernal Cult and rise to the higher realms, I will naturally find
ways to improve it. And you better believe that you will be there to see it."

Erhardt pledged.

But at that time, a booming laugh echoed.

"Hehehe! Boy, you surely are arrogant. What makes you believe that your Celestial
Church will be the final victor?

A husky voice reverberated within the ears of the gathered experts.

Dazzling golden beams came from the distance and stopped above the Voight

Eight figures appeared within the sky, leading them was an olive-skinned, middle-
aged man with short black hairs, a well-trimmed beard, and an appearance that
reminisced Eysan Serkar's.

He was his father, Bayiz.

Seeing him, Erhardt's face contorted into a frown.

"Bayiz Serkar, with the Holy War having yet to start, what is the meaning of your
presence in our territory?

Are you perhaps… tired of living?"

Erhardt spat, adopting a hostile stance and not giving the Serkar intruder any face.
The words caused Bayiz's lips to curl into a radiant smile.

"If I were, who would end me? You? Preposterous. Allow me to be blunt, this
generation of spirits is in every way inferior to our Infernal Cult's youths. Were it for
this Holy War being the last, your future would be worrying.

You should be grateful for your elders' protection, and keep hiding beneath their
skirts, instead of tooting your horn before your betters."

Bayiz replied, his words causing the Serkar experts by his side to burst into laughter.

"As a five-thousand years old Quasi-Sage, you're not qualified to speak such words
before me."

"True, your talent trumps mine. But so what? I'm stronger. If you do not live to
surpass me, it matters not.

In the meantime, while you're brooding over a woman and compromising your Dao,
our prime disciple has already broken through the Divine Rank. You are not his
match. To say nothing of him, whether you can meet house Serkar's first inheritor as
an equal, is still a matter of debate.

Therefore, looking down on you is right and proper. What is wrong with that?"

Bayiz leisurely retorted to Erhardt's undermining attempt.

And indeed, his words struck Erhardt hard. The Infernal Cult's prime disciple was his
rival of a lifetime, but since his fall for Yvonne, he'd started surpassing him.

Now, after nearly four centuries, he stood at the pinnacle of the Holy Road, but failed
to take the next step while his rival had already broken through, and officially
became a Sage.

Though it was but one step, a tremendous gap now stood between the two of them. If
that wasn't enough, the first Serkar inheritor was also showing signs of breaking

In the contest of the younger generation, the Celestial Church was left behind.

But knowing was one thing, admitting, another. Moreover, Bayiz's confidence in his
superiority was something he couldn't digest.

Erhardt waved his right hand, a move that triggered the arrival of several light
beams. Six figures now stood by his side, each boasting a cultivation above the Star
Manifesting Saint Rank.

"If you stand down now, and return from whence you came, I can forgive this slight,
and fight you on another occasion. However, if you persist in seeking your
destruction, do not blame me for being heartless."

Erhardt declared, confident in his ability to suppress Bayiz. Although he ranked

among the mightiest Infernal Cult Protectors and was a Quasi-Sage, Erhardt didn't
dread him.

"Alas, I'm here to collect beauties, one of which being the woman you seem to covet.
That being the case, how can I retreat?"

Bayiz's proclamation was the last straw, and Erhardt's eyes went bloodshot.


Bayiz waved his hand, causing the Metze patriarch and elders to lose control of their
bodies, and become at his mercy.

“…Else Metze, show yourself! Otherwise, I'm afraid your relatives will soon dive into
the underworld."
The words spread across the entire Voight Domain, and naturally didn't escape Else's

In a blue haze, she vanished, and reappeared before in the sky, above the palace.
Standing several feet away from Bayiz.

"Is this Gulistan's will?"

Although Else didn't know of the events between Konrad and Eysan, she knew
Bayiz's status within house Serkar. A man like him didn't lack exotic beauties and
certainly didn't need to cross the Barbarian Continent just to snatch two women.

There definitely was a bigger story behind this move.

And indeed…

"Gulistan? How could it be? I'm just here for revenge. My cruel nephew dared
murder my son. For my sister's sake, I can't kill him, but I definitely can and will take
his most cherished women.

You tell me, when your luscious lips wrap my shaft, how bad will Konrad feel?

Having broken my share of men, I can tell you that the highest form of male torture
is… cuckolding."

Bayiz chortled, with his arms folded beneath his chest. And through his words, Else
reconstructed the events. At the same time, she became more confident that Gulistan
was behind this. After all, her father, Berken, aside, none within house Serkar would
dare antagonize her for the sake of the deceased.

But what she failed to comprehend was… the why.

Meanwhile, though he couldn't fully understand their words, and the name Konrad
didn't match anyone he knew, Erhardt was able to realize that the man he owed his
loss to was related to the Serkar.

Worse, he indulged in polygamy! His face violently turned toward Yvonne.

"You reject me… because of a man you have to share?!"

He roared, his placated rage soaring back to the surface with more considerable

Facing his outrage, Yvonne shrugged.

"What can I say? He's just that good."


Erhardt almost spat blood, and star force erupted from his form alongside the full
might of his arsenal. Waving his hands, he raised a force-field seal, that prevented
escape from anyone in the vicinity.

"You should just stay put. When I'm done with Bayiz, I'm taking you away, and
cleansing you from this wretched place's depravity."

He pledged and shifted his attention back onto Bayiz who now also faced him.

The two faced one another with flaring energies. In cultivation Bayiz was above, in
bloodline levels, they were evenly matched. However, in physiques, Erhardt took the
crown. Or so he thought.

When the pressure of a Mastered, low-grade Divine Physique erupted from Bayiz's
form, Erhardt's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Since when?"

He asked in awe.


Foolish boy. This is the era of the Infernal Cult, the era of house Serkar!"

Bayiz proclaimed with a burst of wild, unrestrained laughter.

But at that time, squalls came from the distance to indiscriminately slam into the
warring parties.

Bayiz, Erhardt, Yvonne, Else, and all still standing experts' eyes rose to meet the
squalls' origin and were shocked to see a massive golden chariot driven by a three-
hundred meters tall crimson tiger boasting a startling cultivation base!

"A… level nine Restoration Beast?"

Bayiz and Erhardt said in tandem. Their eyes widening in disbelief. Although a level
nine Restoration Beast was not enough to deter them, because of demonic beasts'
cultivation requirements, such creatures were few and far between. Either residing
in the Infernal Cult or hiding in seclusion within the Barbarian Continent?

How did one suddenly appear in the Holy Continent?

And it was driving a chariot? With a level nine Restoration Beast's pride, who was
qualified to enjoy such a treatment?

All eyes rose to the chariot's seat where a teenaged looking man sat between two
pale-skinned beauties.

"Restoration Beasts. They're also high-level Restoration Beasts."

Bayiz realized upon closer examination.

His eyes then locked on the youth. And was startled to see a man whose looks
transcended all descriptions. With lustrous jade-green hairs, golden eyes, and
translucent skin, he appeared like the incarnation of empyrean perfection.

For an instant, both Bayiz and Erhardt were dazzled and failed to comprehend were
such a celestial being hailed from.

But then, Bayiz took a closer look and saw that within that face lied traits faintly
similar to his sister's. Doubt shone within his mind.

"To see men so desperately clash for the right to rob my women, I must say I don't
know if I should feel proud… or infuriated."

Konrad coolly said while sweeping Serkar and Wirth with his golden eyes.

Those words were the only confirmation Bayiz needed, and his face contorted into
an ugly grimace.

"Konrad, bastard nephew, it's you!"

"Asinine statement. Who else could it be? Your father?"

Konrad leisurely cut and stood up. Veins beat on Bayiz's temple as he restrained the
urge to slaughter this detestable nephew of his. But recalling what he had in store for
Konrad's women, a smile returned on his face.

"As rumors go, your arrogance truly knows no bounds. Good, very good. By the time
I'm done here, I really want to see how much of your conceit will…”

Bayiz began. Ignoring him, Konrad stepped forward, instantly arriving by Yvonne's
side. With his right hand, he grabbed her by the waist, then again vanished to appear
before Else. In the same fashion, he pulled her with his left hand and reappeared on
his golden chariot.

The pale-skinned beauties made way for Konrad to sit Yvonne at his right, and Else
at his left.


Indeed, this all happened before Bayiz could finish his words.

His eyes widened in disbelief. Although Konrad's speed wasn't so high that he
couldn't follow it, it completely defied his understanding of him! According to his
intel, Konrad had yet to break through the Semi-Holy Rank.

Even if his battle-power and talent defied all logic, with this timeframe, how far
could he go?

Even the Tower of Rebirth couldn't bring forth such drastic growth!

Meanwhile, Erhardt's eyes were twisted by indignation.

It was him.
He finally appeared.

The one that ruined his hopes and dashed his expectations! The source of all his

Erhardt couldn't bring himself to blame Yvonne. Therefore, he concentrated all his
blame and hatred on Konrad. The one that, in his eyes, robbed his love.

However, though rage twisted his reason, he still maintained some lucidity. Although
the enemy's cultivation was indiscernible, the speed he displayed showcased
dreadful strength.

Meanwhile, Bayiz called him "nephew" and hesitated to bare his fangs. Those were
reasons enough to tread carefully.

But then, Konrad held Yvonne tight against him, his cheek brushing hers while his
left hand enlaced Else's shoulders and caressed her hairs. Instantaneously, Erhardt
tossed all rationality into oblivion.

Now, only one thought blazed within his mind:


"Does it hurt?"

Konrad asked while staring at Yvonne's wounded chest and abdomen.

"I've seen worse."

She replied with a smile. And with a nod, Konrad injected his nephilim force into her
body, healing her in an instant. He then shifted his attention toward Else.

"You've done well, very well. I'm pleased. Later, I must give you abundant rewards."

"Oh? And how will you reward me? In a wet and sloppy fashion?"

Else playfully asked. Her words causing Konrad to arch his eyebrows.

"It seems Verena has been teaching you house Konrad's precepts of shamelessness.
Not bad."
Konrad approved. And seeing how royally they were ignored. Neither Bayiz nor
Erhardt could restrain themselves.

In particular, Erhardt, who knew nothing and feared little, could no longer endure
this show.

"Son of a whore, give me your life!"

Bright golden flames erupted from Erhardt's form and turning a solar beam, he flew
toward Konrad!

"Why do people assume I find that insulting?"

Konrad asked his ladies without turning his attention toward Erhardt.


But as the solar beam approached, Konrad met it with a kick, stopping Erhardt's
assault, and sending him flying backward with a blood spurt.

"Why the eagerness? Even if you didn't come to me, I'd still murder you. Daring to
rob my woman in such a… frank and upright manner. How can I not kill you?"

With those words, Konrad let go of Yvonne and Else, then stood up.

"As for you, -uncle,- since you don't cherish your life, death decided to open its gates
and welcome you in its fold.

I heard there was a party in hell, with Eysan's head serving as a punching ball. You
should go join them.

Innate Skill: Extinction."

Konrad stretched out his hand, causing dazzling jade-green light to erupt and
enshroud everything across several miles. Those he didn't target only felt dazzled,
but every man he deemed an enemy felt overwhelmed by a nightmarish force
erasing his life at breakneck speed.

Bayiz and Erhardt mustered the full might of their cultivation bases to resist the
blow, and only then did they manage to survive it. Still, their internal organs
bordered failure, and their very souls trembled!

But as for the protectors they came with…

All vanished into nothingness, not even leaving dust behind.

Instantaneously, the two were startled, and sweat filled their foreheads. To say
nothing of them, even Else, Yvonne, Verena, and Hubert couldn't believe their eyes.

Those were Star Manifestation Saints!

All turned into nothingness with a single move! What kind of horrible ability was

"You survived? Good. Otherwise, this would be a tad bit boring. Don't you think?"

Konrad chortled while Jade-green light burst from his body and swirled around his
form. With a step, he vanished, to reappear before the two with his arms folded
beneath his chest.

"Try your best, for you might not have another chance."

The dreadful pressure of four high-grade, Awakened Divine Physiques and one
Mastered Holy Physique erupted alongside the dreadful bloodline and Dao forces.

The combination of cultivation, bloodline, and physiques filling the two experts with

The bloodline energy, in particular, was something they couldn't comprehend,

something that didn't belong to the known categories, and whose might defied all

Bayiz and Erhardt exchanged one glance, and within that glance, came on an

"Kill him first, then discuss the rest!"

"Innate Skill: Golden Body!"

"True Spirit Form!"

Bayiz turned into a nine-meters tall golden giant, while Erhardt's hairs morphed into
bright golden flames, and dazzling sunrays filled his eyes. At the same time, massive
star force erupted from their bodies, and the pressure emanating from them rose to
new heights.

"Ascended Titan Form."

Undisturbed, Konrad stretched out his hands, but as he did, a shocking scene
occurred. From above and below, additional pairs of arms emerged from his sides,
painting a frightening picture that put the asuras to shame.

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine… all the way to fifty. Fifty pairs of arms,
one-hundreds arms in total, each with vast destructive power.

At the same time, two new heads appeared on Konrad, and seeing his hundred arms,
the duo of misfortune was inclined to think that three heads weren't his limit. He just
didn't need more.

Konrad's body expanded, turning into a fifteen-meters tall giant, that towered above
the two.

Thinking of how similar the ability he showcased was to the legendary titans'
gigantism, the two were startled.

"This… is going to hurt."

Faced with Konrad's new, monstrous form, both Bayiz and Erhardt were forced to
accept the gravity of the situation. Again, they exchanged a glance. A glance through
which they set aside all differences to tackle this horrific foe.

"Extreme Light!"

Activating his Divine Physique, Bayiz turned into a light beam and shot toward
Konrad. The Extreme Light Physique he possessed was the polar opposite of
Yvonne's Extreme Dark Physique. With it, he could move as fast as light itself and
wielded many wondrous abilities.

In an instant, Bayiz reappeared before Konrad and punched out. Massive star force
erupted, the air crackled, space was distorted, and with the extreme speed
empowering it, this simple punch could turn the average Star Fusing Saint into meat



…Konrad raised one of his left forearms and effortlessly blocked the blow. The
collision between his translucent arm and Bayiz's golden fist, releasing an explosion
of soundwaves that sent ripples throughout the air.

Below them, the ground crackled, with tremors spreading throughout the Voight
Domain. If this battle proceeded in such fashion, everything across several thousand
miles, the entirety of the Voight Domain, faced destruction.

The two pale-skinned beauties on Konrad's chariot waved their hands, releasing a
new force field that restrained the damages, and confined the shockwaves to several

"Master ordered us to ensure the damage would be kept to a minimum. Mistress

doesn't need to worry."

They said toward Yvonne, who was startled to see their cultivation standing at the
ninth level of the Restoration Beast Rank.

Clearly, Konrad's gains within the Tower had reached an unfathomable level.


A festival of blows began. Having cultivated the Hundred Flowers Scripture to the
pinnacle, and with the lust embodiment bloodline flowing within his veins, Konrad's
speed didn't lose out to Bayiz's.

In a flash, Bayiz rained thousands of punches which Konrad all blocked with fifty
hands while countering with blows of his own.

With each punch Konrad knocked off, Bayiz received two on either side of his jaw.
Jaw, throat, abdomen, sternum, Bayiz's golden body was abused by thousands of
relentless blows each carrying the force of mountains.

If at first, his golden body allowed him to endure, he quickly became unable to
shoulder the brutal hammering and turned into a punching ball.


Konrad slammed three elbows into Bayiz's face, one in his throat, and dozens on his
body, then sent him flying backward with a back kick.

His golden body fractured, and blood gushed from his throat.

"Don't get too confident!"

Erhardt roared, before stretching out his hands.

"Solar Flare!"

In a deafening explosion, golden flames and sunrays erupted, barreling into Konrad
who sneered at the move.

Not attempting to evade, Konrad stretched out his hands, and as the solar explosion
reached them, it stopped, then began shrinking until it was nothing more than a
thumb-sized golden flame ball.

Konrad clenched one of his fists around it, and it vanished from sight.

Erhardt was startled.

"Impossible! What kind of bloodline do you possess that solar force is that
insignificant before you?"

The startled Erhardt asked. Were it not for the jade-green hairs and light swirling
around Konrad, as well as the monstrous hundred-armed giant form he currently
wielded, Erhardt would have truly taken him for a ravmalakh. The masters of the

"Your founder's blood."

Konrad leisurely replied, then turned into a green light beam to barrel into Erhardt
with fifty elbow strikes!


Without a golden body to protect him, Erhardt directly flew toward the ground,
breaking through several walls of the Voight Palace before cratering.


The pain too strong for his brain to process, his world spun, while his eyes widened
in disbelief. And before he could regain his composure, Konrad was again upon him
with a descending ax-kick.


His heel sent Erhardt sinking deeper into the ground while the crater around him
widened under the shockwave.

"It is always I who rob others' women, when was it time for me to suffer the same

You… are ten thousand years too early."

Konrad stated while pulling Erhardt by the leg and tossing him toward a distant wall!

All the bones in his body crackled, threatening to rupture under the unprecedented

But before Konrad could shoot toward him, a voice boomed at his back, carrying
alongside it, a massive surge of magical power.

"Sixth Circle Spell: Chaos' Splendor!"

Bayiz joined his hands, condensing six magical circles from which a chaos ring
emerged. The Chaos Ring expended, then exploded in chaotic particles that again
merged to release a dreadful explosion of chaos forces. Although Konrad had seen
the same spell employed by Eysan, in Bayiz's hands, its might reached an
unprecedented height.

Konrad didn't turn, vanishing to reappear before the recovering Erhardt. Meanwhile,
his Pure Self appeared where he previously stood.

Joining its hundred hands, it raised six towering peach blossom trees around which
rose petals swirled. The trees and petals released a purple force field that collided
with and neutralized Bayiz's spell.

The Pure Self then shot toward Bayiz while the real Konrad pummeled Erhardt.


Konrad sent Erhardt spiraling in the sky with a knee blow in his sternum, while his
Pure Self pedaled Bayiz's face!

The two flew toward opposite locations and tumbled in an eruption of dust.

A crushing silence descended on the scene, and although they possessed utmost
confidence in Konrad's abilities, even Yvonne, Else, and Verena were scared witless.

"Abnormal. This is completely abnormal."

And indeed, as they analyzed the newly materialized Pure Self, all realized that
Konrad's cultivation was merely at the Rising Saint Rank!
"Did the laws of cultivation get reversed as I slept? How can this concentration of
earthshaking might possibly be a Rising Saint?"

A startled Hubert wondered in awe. And although Konrad's face reminisced him of
the fake eunuch he met within house Kracht, Hubert simply couldn't believe that the
two were the same.

Meanwhile, the severely battered duo rose from the rubble. Their clothes torn, with
blood dripping from all their orifices while hundreds of hematomas swelled on their

When they too realized their opponent's cultivation level, despair settled within
their hearts. Erhardt, in particular, couldn't accept this blow.

Although Yvonne's existence humbled him, he'd always considered himself a top
prodigy only shackled by the Mortal Realm's conditions.

But now, that Konrad appeared with a cultivation and strength that seemed to be
asking him:

"If you are a prodigy, what am I?"

"Divine Artifacts, strongest abilities! Force a quick conclusion!"

Bayiz exclaimed through a mental message that pulled Erhardt out of his torpor.

Bayiz waved his hand, summoning a bronze disk while Erhardt released a set of six
flying knives that merged in a single one.

Both weapons rippled with divine power. But again, Konrad remained unperturbed.

Meanwhile, within the Holy Flame City, a new wave of changes occurred. Led by the
third infernal elder's oldest son, ten Star Connecting Saint soul fiends descended on
the von Jurgen's imperial palace and forced the new emperor into abdication before
welcoming Olrich back on the throne.

Faced with the soul fiends' absolute might, none dared complain, and without
trouble, Olrich reassumed control of the imperial palace.

"A pity that Adalwin is not present. But it's fine, while he exhausts his strength
against the Voight, these gentlemen will remove his head."

Olrich inferred, confident that the situation was under control.

But then, the dreadful fluctuations of divine power soared into the sky, creating a
celestial phenomenon that allowed all above the Holy Rank to realize that a shocking
battle was currently occurring within the Voight Domain.

"Bayiz's chaos disk?"

The third infernal elder's son wondered while locking his holy sense on the distant
scene. And indeed, there he recognized Bayiz Serkar's presence.

"We must investigate this. All of you, with me!"

And before Olrich could say anything, the soul fiends all turned into light beams and
shot toward the battleground.

Olrich's eyes contorted into a frown.

"This can't be good. I must hurry and complete the formation, then refine the

Within her brothel, Gulistan's true body stood with Diyana by her side.

However, while Gulistan observed the concentration of divine power, her eyes
contorted into a frown.

"Could Erhardt Wirth corner Bayiz to this extent? Impossible."

Casting her divine sense on the scene, she witnessed the ongoing battle in all its
splendor, seeing a tranquil and unblemished Konrad facing two experts at the
summit of the Holy Road. Experts whose battle-power somewhat surpassed the
early-stage of the Divine Seed Rank.

Her eyes widened in disbelief.

"This… can't be good."

She then shifted her attention onto Diyana, who politely stood by her side.

"Can you explain… that?"

"I'm afraid I can't. Although he's started to accept me and claimed my body,
throughout this trip, he never allowed me to get a thorough understanding of his
secrets, and still maintains some vigilance.

For that reason, he also made me leave the Tower early.

Therefore, I don't know much about his growth, strength origin, and current battle-
power. I only know that his cultivation is at the Rising Saint Rank."

Diyana "faithfully" replied. Arching her eyebrows, Gulistan shifted her eyes back onto
the battleground.

"Well, and here I was hoping he'd learn to rely on me. What a horrible
miscalculation. Father won't be pleased. To save, yes or no."

Bayiz flung his disc into the air, and it expanded until it covered the Voight Sky. His
hands then moved in incantation gestures.

"Sixth Circle Spell: Chaos Nova!"

Again, six circles appeared, and from them, vast chaos force erupted to morph into a
gigantic chaos star that sapped the life of everything in its vicinity and enfeebled
Bayiz's targets.

Meanwhile, Erhardt didn't stay idle. The miniature sun above his head expended into
a hundred-meters wide sun.

"Sixth Circle Spell: Solar Fury!"

A dazzling, gigantic sunbeam erupted from the artificial sun and shot toward Konrad
while the chaos star released an even more dreadful strike still aimed at him.

Simultaneously, the two experts summoned their three Pure Selves which controlled
their divine artifacts in their stead and used their most potent physique abilities to
deliver a succession of lethal blows on Konrad.


An earthshaking explosion of golden light and darkness engulfed the area where
Konrad remained. The energy column pierced the sky, alarming all of the Holy
Continent's denizens, and visible from all across the Ancient Crystal World.

"HAHAHAHA! Dead, he's finally dead!"

Erhardt screamed for all to hear. And though he didn't showcase such glee, Bayiz was
inclined to agree. All their trump cards had been laid out. Even an early-stage Divine
Seed expert couldn't survive this strike.

Now, from the Infernal Cult's and Celestial Church's headquarters, dozens of pairs of
eyes observed this startling event occurring within the secular world.

But as they witnessed the final strike, not many doubted that Konrad's life had come
to an end.

Alas, all those who did were proven wrong, because from the dust and ashes, a one-
thousand meters tall, hundred-armed giant appeared.

That giant sat crossed-legged within the sky, two hands lying on his thighs while the
others remained outstretched.

A jade-green sphere surrounded that giant, standing firm even after this shocking

Erhardt despaired.

Bayiz was scared witless.

"Time to end this game.

Ancestral Glory: Nine Luminaries!"

Demons possessed lineage weapons. Devas, Ancestral Glories.

Konrad now summoned his mightiest deva ability.

The ravmalakh's Ancestral Glory transformed by his nephilim blood. A jade-green

sun, a glittering white moon, and seven other celestial bodies appeared within the
air and swirled around him.

The nine luminaries took a position within the atmosphere, forming an inviolable
domain of overflowing cosmic energies.

Within that domain, neither Erhardt nor Bayiz could use their star force.
Their strength plummeted, and they felt trapped in an interstellar realm from which
they could never escape.

Meanwhile, Konrad vanished, merging with the interstellar realm.


Bayiz cursed.

At that time, the soul fiends that helped Olrich back on his throne arrived, but when
they witnessed the Ancestral Glory, all turned heels and ran!

Alas, it was far too late!

"Since you decided to join the fun, there is no need to turn tail."

The gigantic Konrad declared from an unknown dimension, then joined all his
hundred-hands together.

"Nine Luminaries Strike!"

Multicolor beams erupted from the nine stellar bodies and merged in a multicolor
sphere which then expanded and exploded in an enthralling light festival.

The stellar explosion engulfed everything in Konrad's domain. The soul fiends
directly turned into ashes while the third infernal elder's son, Bayiz, and Erhardt
were turned into charred messes.

The three collapsed on the ground, unconscious, and unable to muster the tiniest bit
of cultivation.

Their artifacts tumbled, and their Pure Selves turned into dust.

With that blow, Konrad could have killed them all. However, he chose to preserve
those three's lives for the next part of his plan.
From the Voight Domain to the Celestial Church, from the Celestial Church to the
Infernal Cult, the breeze of silence blew. And if only for an instant, none dared make
a noise.

Although for the leaders of the two religious factions, the battle's level was by no
means startling, the implications were dreadful. Meanwhile, the weakest elders
didn't doubt they wouldn't have fared any better than Bayiz and Erhardt did.

Worse, because of timing and distance, they didn't have the opportunity to analyze
Konrad's Pure Self while his Transformation Skill made them unable to grasp his
cultivation level.

Therefore, a plethora of questions spread within the minds of protectors, elders, and

Who was that youth? What was his cultivation level? Where did he hail from?

"His last ability and final strike were oddly similar to the Ravmalakh's Ancestral
Glory. Though there are substantial differences, their lineage is definitely connected.
But at the same time, his current form bears a striking resemblance to titans'.

What is he? A new kind of hybrid?"

The Celestial Church Leader wondered, but quickly dismissed the idea. While a
hybridism between deva and humans wasn't impossible, if the two bloodlines were
of the same level, the result would be, at best, a cripple. At worst, a stillborn.

Ravmalakhs and titans were at the same level. A functional child of the two was
unlikely. Moreover, titans were reclusive individuals that never mixed with other
races. They took their race's purity even more seriously than many high-ranking
devas and demons.

How could such a breach occur?

"Can someone tell me when this creature appeared within our world?"

The Infernal Cult Leader asked his elder council. None had an answer to provide and
turned their eyes toward the third elder whose son was one of the victims.

The Kurul soul fiends ranked fourth among the infernal cult's houses. Their patriarch
always held high positions. The third elder was the contemporary Kurul patriarch, an
early-stage Divine Transformation expert. With his status and strength, to see his
eldest son charred in such a callous manner was absolutely unbearable. However, he
could only restrain himself.

First, his house was never supposed to be there. Hastily stepping into the Celestial
Church's territory could end up hastening the Holy War. At worst, this was a crime
that would bring house Kurul many sanctions.

Second, someone else had yet to show his stance.

And indeed, in a twister of golden light, an olive-skinned middle-aged man appeared

on the scene.

Seeing him, the Infernal Cult Leader's lips curled into a smile.

"Great elder, welcome. Can you explain the meaning of… this?"

The Infernal Cult Leader asked while aiming his finger at the image of Bayiz's
charred body.

The Infernal Cult's great elder, Berken Serkar cast a brief glance at the image, then
took his great elder seat.

"Bayiz acted on his own, and poached clan experts to indulge in personal vices. That
is his first crime.

Second, without the higher-up's approval, he dared stir trouble within the Celestial
Church's territory, disregarding his status as an infernal protector.

Third, and most important of all, he lost. With those three crimes, he deserves to be
damned, and I will not intervene in this matter. Cult leader, feel free to handle it as
you please."
Berken declared with a calm and indifferent tone, then closed his eyes. His words
startled the other elders who didn't expect such a cold stance.

The Infernal Cult Leader nodded in approval.

"Berken, I've always said that though human, you are a better blood fiend than many
of my kin. When we ascend to the Infernal Realm, you should let go of lord Talroth,
and embrace the thigh of lord Ashara."

The Infernal Cult leader coolly advised, his tone leaving no insight on his real

"Third elder, what about you?"

The inquiry took the third elder aback. Unlike Berken, he cared very much for his
son's life, and certainly wouldn't allow him to face mishap. Alas, although he ranked
among the mightiest experts of the Infernal Cult, compared to the likes of Berken
and the Cult Leader, his strength was negligible.

Without delay, he dropped on his knees and bowed with clasped hands.

"Cult leader, first, although my son and Bayiz Serkar are guilty and deserve to be
punished. It is the Infernal Cult that should administrate the punishment. Allowing
outsiders to sentence them in our stead is an insult to the Infernal Cult's dignity.

Second, that youth's background is doubtful. Perhaps he's a Celestial Realm deva
summoned by the Celestial Church to tackle us during the Holy War. Perhaps he's a
remnant of the Celestial Founder's bloodline we knew nothing of.

But if he were, why is he standing against the Celestial Church's prime disciple?

In one case or another, we must investigate him and grasp the full picture.
Otherwise, variables are bound to arise.

And regardless of his true cultivation, if the strength he displayed is the limit, we
only need to dispatch several elders to deal with him. I'm willing to personally lead
my clan's elders to probe his depth and remove a potential scourge!"

The third elder solemnly offered, and hearing his words, many elders were forced to
agree. At the very least, they should investigate this youth's background and remove
a potential hidden danger before it could blossom.

"Very well. As I recall, Gulistan should also have a presence in the Holy Continent.
Have her assist you.

Great elder, any objection?"

"None whatsoever. I will make the arrangements."

Berken directly replied to the Infernal Cult Leader's inquiry then vanished in a
golden haze.

Meanwhile, the Celestial Church's elder council was having a similar talk. Except that
this time, the moon spirits were trying to find fault on Erhardt and create trouble for
the leading sun spirits.

"Church leader, the prime disciple is rash and impetuous, his Dao Heart flawed, and
his cultivation not progressing at the necessary pace. Although he's your eldest son,
you can't keep indulging him in such a glaring manner. And even if you wish to,
before that, you should remove his position as prime disciple.

Other, worthier candidates have risen, and are willing to fight for the spot. Please
take the grand picture into account and don't hamper the next generation's
development because of personal feelings."

The Celestial Church's great elder declared in an uncompromising stance. For the
last three generations, the Wirth sun spirit had occupied the church leader seat,
preventing the Kornberg moon spirits from having a turn.

With Erhardt's widespread debacle, the Kornberg patriarch was determined to

snatch the prime disciple position for his son. In any case, he wasn't any worse than

"Your words are sensible. If he cannot free himself from fetters and perfect his Dao
Heart, the prime disciple position should be given to a worthier candidate.

We can discuss the new options after retrieving him."

The Church leader directly replied, startling his peers.

Hence, both the Celestial Church and the Infernal Cult dispatched elders toward the
Holy Continent. More precisely, toward the Voight Domain.

From the Ancient Crystal World's two highest mountain ranges, several dreadful
auras erupted and shot toward the Voight Domain, the pressure surrounding them
alarming the secular world.

Mortals or Saints, none could avoid shivering before such force. But Konrad whose
size had been reduced to the usual 1.9 meters, welcomed them with a smile.

"Part Four: Conning."

With a wave of his hands, Konrad lifted the three experts from the ground, holding
them in suspension around him.

"What are you trying to do? You can't possibly hope to blackmail them, right?"

Else inquired. Attempting to use those three captives to blackmail the entire Celestial
Church and Infernal Cult was a pipe dream. Moreover, if an expert of the Divine
Blood Rank or above appeared, before Konrad could make a move, the hostages
would be recovered, and his body split in two.

Therefore, she couldn't suppress her apprehension. On the contrary, Yvonne was
undisturbed and focused her attention on Verena who remained hidden within the
Voight Palace. Although due to his constant neglect, Verena's relationship with her
father was at best, strained, he still was her father.

To see him obliterated in such a manner was undoubtedly a harsh blow. A blow
that'd require some time and distraction to heal. With their relationship having
grown closer over the last month, Yvonne naturally wished to ease the process. Alas,
she didn't have the required skillset. Only Konrad could promptly handle the job.

As for the incoming Sages? Since Konrad dared act in such a flamboyant manner,
Yvonne didn't doubt that he had a dastardly plan in store. Hence, there was no need
for worries.

They could just sit and enjoy the show.

And indeed, Konrad was fully prepared.

"Just sit tight and enjoy the show. There is absolutely no need for worries."

He replied toward Else and summoned a thumb-sized black tower within his hand.

This was the miniature version of the Tower of Rebirth. With his current cultivation,
although he now owned the Tower, Konrad simply couldn't display its offensive

At least, he would need to reach the Divine Rank beforehand. But in the meantime,
the tower's spiritual consciousness could handle some tasks.

Seven light beams flew from the distance and landed before Konrad. Leading them
was Gulistan whose impassible face didn't reveal any emotions.

"It's her true body. A late-stage Divine Transformation cultivation base."

Selene's voice echoed within Konrad's mind. Unfazed, he raised his eyes toward her.

"Welcome, lady Gulistan."

Hearing the "lady Gulistan," Gulistan's face contorted into a small frown.

"Your growth speed has outpaced all my expectations. I acknowledge I made a

terrible move. However, you can't possibly think that with your current strength, you
can go against both the Celestial Church and the Infernal Cult, right?"

She began in a mental message. But Konrad remained silent.

"How about this? Surrender and follow me back to house Serkar. I can guarantee that
the matter will end as such and that no one will dare trouble you."

She offered, and as the words echoed within his ears, Konrad's smile broadened.

"Gulistan, you don't understand me at all. It's fine. In the future, I will make you
understand. But in the meantime…”

Seven other light beams appeared, this time, Celestial Church Sages. Seeing them, the
third infernal elder frowned.

"Warchief, what are we waiting for? We must act with haste, less those Celestial
Church worms snatch him."

And without waiting for Gulistan's reply, he carried on.

"Boy, I don't know where you hail from, and it doesn't matter. This is the Ancient
Crystal World. The people of the Infernal Cult can't be maltreated with impunity. If
you release them on your own accord and surrender yourself to our examinations,
we will not only spare you but give you key training.

What do you say?"

The third elder's voice thundered within the air. And hearing this, the Metze and
Voight clansmen in the vicinity were startled. Clearly, more than retrieving hostages,
it was Konrad's true origins that aroused the interest of the two factions.

And indeed…

"Don't listen to him. Come with us instead. We shall no longer pursue this matter and
give you the training only we can. After all, you clearly possess a connection to the
Ravmalakh while our founder was herself of Ravmalakh descent.

Only in the Celestial Church can you fully blossom."

The leading Celestial Church elder proclaimed.

Better than anyone, they knew Konrad didn't come from the higher realm. Or more
precisely, that he didn't come from the Celestial Realm. If he did, they would know.
Therefore, regardless of his origin, he was an Ancient Crystal World native.

That being the case, they had no scruples.

However, hearing the offers, Konrad burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha! Are you taking me for a three years old? If I follow either of you, at best, I
will go under a scalpel. At worst… whoops."

Konrad began without stopping his brash laughter. And instantaneously, tension

"Also, you are mistaken. If there is anyone in need of making concession, it is you, not
me. You see, I'm the mortal avatar of the Profane Prince, the One True God.

Your juniors have insulted his profane highness, and he demands their heads on a
pike. I merely enforce his will, and there is nothing I can do about that. In three days,
they will be publicly executed.
As the saying goes, don't blame the messenger."

Carried by his holy force, Konrad words spread through several thousands of miles.
His announcement making the gathered Sages no longer take him seriously.

"So he's nothing more than a lunatic?"

The leading Celestial Church elder thought in disappointment. Only Gulistan felt an
awful sense of foreboding.

"Moreover, due to your two factions incessant meddling with his chosen land, the
Profane Prince commands, that henceforth, no one above the Holy Rank, can step
into the Holy Continent."

Konrad pursued, then raised his hand. The thumb-sized tower expanded to reach a
full hundred-meter. And as soon as it appeared, all experts recognized it. Their eyes
widened in fright.

At the same time, Konrad dispelled his Transformation Skill to make his real
cultivation and the level of his physiques evident to all. But before the Tower, such a
revelation wasn't worth mentioning.

"T-the… tower? The Tower of Rebirth? How could this be?

An imitation, it must be an imitation!"

All agreed, but when they aimed their Divine Sense at the Tower's initial location,
they were startled to see that it was no longer there!

"What nonsense is this? How does a thing that size suddenly disappear?"

But while they wallowed in consternation, God-Force burst from the tower and
morphed into a light screen that spread throughout the Holy Continent!


Gulistan cursed, but to no avail.


All the Divine Rank experts caught in the light screen were slammed out of the Holy
Continent, shooting across the sky, to crater within the Barbarian Continent!

"The Lord be praised! The Profane Prince is merciful and doesn't wish to shed
precious Sage blood. Therefore, he gives you this warning and banishes you from the
Holy Continent.

In three days, your juniors will be executed before the public. But in the meantime,
they will be flayed one piece at a time, until only the meat beneath their skin

If you still don't know proper limitations, you can't blame his Profane Highness for
slaughtering your lot."

Konrad proclaimed with his hands joined in a prayer sign, and his bright smile

"Dear church and cult friends, please don't disappoint my expectations."

Hearing Konrad's announcement, Gulistan, who now lied in a pile of dirt, felt a new
wave of confusion.

"Something is wrong here. Why did he so easily reveal his real cultivation and
physique levels? Why such a gaudy execution? Why three days?"
The headquarter of the Celestial Church was a floating domain located above the
Holy Continent's highest mountain at more than fifty thousand meters of altitude.
Therefore, the Tower's light screen didn't reach it.

However, the legions of disciples and priests that occupied the mountain range were
now cut from the headquarters. Or more precisely, cut from the leadership of the
Divine Rank Experts.

At first, when the Tower's light screen ejected them all from the Holy Continent, the
Celestial and Infernal Elders believed Konrad's words exaggerated. But following a
brief analysis of the screen, they realized the seriousness of the situation.

"An Anti Divine Power ward. Without the caster's permission, anyone with divine
power cannot step inside. Hateful! Incomparably hateful!"

The leading church elder exclaimed while slapping his thigh. And though the
Celestial Church was the one suffering the harshest slap of face, the Infernal Cult
elders couldn't take pleasure in their nemesis' misfortune. They went in to rescue
captives and were exiled from the land in a single blow.

Now, Bayiz and the third elder's son's fates remained within that lunatic's hands.
What was there to gloat about?

Meanwhile, Konrad's words still echoed within their minds. The third elder, in
particular, could barely restrain himself.

"In three days, your juniors will be executed before the public. But in the meantime,
they will be flayed one piece at a time, until only the meat beneath their skin

Whether that so-called Mortal Avatar of the One True God was a madman, or not,
fact remained that he now held the initiative, and if left unchecked, was free to do as
he saw fit.
Reminiscing the sight of his son's charred body and imagining him getting flayed
before a public of mortal ants, the third elder could no longer contain his emotions.

"Boy, don't lose yourself in complacency! Although your screen prevents Divine Rank
experts from stepping into the Holy Continent, while maintaining it, you can't use the
tower for anything else!

Meanwhile, our two factions each possess more than one-hundred Star Fusing
Saints, three-hundred Star Manifesting Saints, and five-hundred Star Connecting

To say nothing of the dozens of Quasi-Sages, puppets, and legions of troops!

Meanwhile, we can command the Barbarian Continent's tens of millions of soldiers
to coordinate with us and lay waste on the Holy Continent!

With your cultivation alone, do you really think you can stop us all? If you know
what's right for you, turn the hostages into shields and sue for peace!"

The third cult elder roared and carried by his vast Divine Force, his words echoed
throughout the Ancient Crystal World.

And indeed, this time, they mirrored the thoughts of both the Celestial and Infernal
Leaders. If Konrad insisted on shaming them to this extent, they didn't mind
temporarily joining hands to put down his arrogance and exterminate anyone
remotely connected to him.

The Infernal Cult Leader would act for his faction's prestige.

The Celestial Church Leader for both his faction and his son's life.

Neither believed that Konrad was so muddled as to risk a hopeless battle for a brief
moment of elation. After all, with his Rising Saint cultivation now revealed, they
didn't doubt that even without their Sages, they could take care of him.

"Although his bloodline is formidable, a Rising Saint is a Rising Saint. The bulk of his
strength must come from his physiques. A high-grade, Mastered Holy Physique
already makes him as powerful as a Star Fusing Saint.

Add to that a few Divine Physiques plus a dreadful bloodline, and today's result isn't
hard to accept. However, with that alone, he cannot face our forces. Better than
anyone, he should understand that.

Moreover, with his cultivation, his control over the tower should be minimal. This is
probably as far as he can go. Perhaps he merely wished to threaten us into
surrendering some benefits."

The Celestial Church Leader assessed, his words reassuring his wife who stood at his

However, Konrad's next words against startled them all.


Sue for peace? Harebrained imbecile. Does a giant need to discuss peace with ants?
Does a God need to bargain with mortals?

How bold!

How conceited!"

Konrad jeered, his words clearly echoing within the ears of his interlocutors. Else,
Verena and even Yvonne were startled and failed to grasp why Konrad adopted such
a crass, provocative stance.

"I have shown you enough leniency. Since you don't cherish my kindness, I naturally
must enhance the punishment. The previous wasn't enough? No problem, I'm very

Your lads will experience hell on earth and crave death from the bottom of their
hearts. Only then, will I offer them due salvation. Your threats only serve to worsen
how I treat them before their inexorable demise.

As for your troops? Joke! I am God! What need I fear from insignificant mortals?"

Konrad roared with his arms outstretched. And seeing this, the experts of both
factions came to one conclusion.

"He's stark-raving-mad."

Unwilling to waste more of their breath, they turned into light beams and returned
to their respective headquarters, ready to join hands to prepare the most dreadful
assault in the history of the Ancient Crystal World!

Meanwhile, Gulistan, who stood before the light screen, finally understood the ploy.

"It's a trap. He wants them to dispatch troops. The more, the better, or so it seems.
But what card does he still possesses that he doesn't fear such an armada and
instead does everything possible to invite it?"

She wondered. Clearly, Konrad first laid out "his full arsenal" for all to see, then
goaded the two factions into collaborating with a false display of madness and

Not only her, but Verena, Yvonne, and Else all came to the same conclusion.

In a twister of golden light, Gulistan vanished and reappeared within house Serkar,
before her father, Berken, who now stood on top of a tower, with his hands crossed
beneath his back.

"What are your thoughts?"

Berken asked without turning toward Gulistan.

"The answer lies in what became of his demonic blood. I'm inclined to think he
turned into some kind of nephilim.

That boy is as cruel as he is crafty. Since he dares invite a combined assault, he must
have confidence in his ability to suppress it."

Gulistan replied.

"Now the question is… what do we do? If the cult leader wishes to dispatch troops,
we can't easily stay out of this. But if we do join the war effort… I'm afraid we're
sending our people into surefire destruction."

Hearing this, Berken sneered.

"And whose fault is that?"

Before such an inquiry, Gulistan could only give a helpless shrug.

"I blame the butterflies in the east…”

Meanwhile, Olrich was about to make a getaway. Following the Kurul soul fiend's
annihilation, and the exchange between that "Avatar of the Profane Prince" and the
two factions, he realized that he once again needed to evacuate the country.

No, this time, he should turn into a commoner and hide within the Barbarian
Continent. Joke, regardless of how the events ended, that lunatic clearly wasn't
someone he could confront!

For now, he could only retreat and bide his time.

Alas, as he rushed out of the imperial city, an invisible force locked him mid-flight,
preventing his escape.


"Adoptive father, we father and son didn't even have time to catch-up that you're
again making a getaway?

How… disheartening.

How… heartless."
Night still hanged within the sky when the voice reverberated within Olrich's mind.
And at first, though mild, this foreign voice's tone filled him with a profound sense of

But when his brain registered the words, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Adoptive father? Konrad?"

He wondered out loud, waves of consternation undulating within his eyes. And as if
to answer him, a massive golden chariot cleaved the dark sky to stop above him. If
the dreadful cultivation rippling from the crimson tiger was startling enough, when
Olrich's eyes locked on those occupying the seats, his face twisted into an ugly

Ignoring the two pale-skinned beauties, his eyes went between the remaining four.

Yvonne, Verena, Else and a jade-green haired man whose empyrean looks
immediately snatched attention.

With Yvonne resting on his right arm, Else on his left, and Verena on his lap, his
identity wasn't hard to guess.

"It's you. You finally deign to show yourself."

Olrich hissed through clenched teeth. With almost one thousand years of existence,
he'd experienced many events. However, without a shred of doubt, his greatest
shame stemmed from the teenaged-looking man sitting on this chariot, surrounded
by women that, by right, should belong to him.

As he witnessed this scene, his eyes went bloodshot, his nails dug through his palms,
and his heart wildly beat. Alas, suppressed mid-air, he could neither advance nor
"Finally? Adoptive father, having been by your side for so long, how could you
possibly use the word -finally?-"

Konrad asked in a tone that showcased profound heartbreak.

Confusion again flashed within Olrich's eyes, covering his soaring hatred.

"What do you mean by th-"

But then, ordered images swirled within his mind. First, Olrich recalled the imperial
eunuch that brought him news of Yvonne's odd behavior.

"Your majesty… for the past week, her grace has been acting in suspicious manners.
From morning to evening, she wards her entire courtyard through Semi-Holy Force,
preventing anyone from peeping while at night, she does the same to her

"Any variables potentially leading to this?"

“…this… coincides with the appearance of a new eunuch boy. Not long afterward, her
grace's strange behavior began. I haven't had time to investigate him yet but… I

Then, his mind jumped to the day Verena introduced Konrad to him.

"Who might this child be?"

"He's a human eunuch boy that entered the palace several months ago. I spotted him
by chance and recognized his talent. I've been training him ever since, hoping that I
could present him to your majesty as a new court eunuch when he broke through the
Grand Priest Rank."

Finally, he landed on the scene of Adelar's last words.

"Father, for the sake of supreme power, across centuries you have toyed with your
relatives and loved ones.

As a power-hungry monster, I can't blame you, but knowing that a son will
overthrow your rule and take your life, I die… without regrets!"
Upon assembling the three events, a horrifying thought emerged within Olrich's
mind, and his eyes widened with fright.

"Impossible… this… is impossible. You can't possibly b-"

But before he could finish his words, in a twister of jade light, Konrad's attire
changed, becoming the Imperial Duke Robe Olrich personally prepared for him.

Then, the matching crown and boots appeared on his head and around his feet.

His appearance then morphed into that of an effeminate eunuch teen. The
appearance Olrich associated with the name "Konrad."

Seeing all his fears realized, Olrich was struck speechless. His mouth curved into an
"O" shape, and he struggled to aim a wobbling index at Konrad.

"No… no… a trick. This… is a trick."

He tried to reassure himself. However…

"I'm afraid it isn't. Or should I tell you the mnemonics of the Infernal Soul Devouring
Art to convince you of this truth?"

…Konrad promptly brought him back to reality. And Olrich's eyes almost cracked.

"Traitor… traitor… despicable traitor!

We treated you so well, better than our trueborn children. Introduced you to the
Formation Path. Passed onto you our knowledge, our experience, our mightiest art!
How could you? You have no conscience!

Damn your father! Damn your mother! Damn all your ancestors! And damn you to

Olrich roared, and imagining how Konrad bedded his consorts under his nose, he felt
the green on his head grow glossier.

Hearing this, Konrad shook his head.

"Adoptive father, you can't say it like that. Were it not for you working so arduously
to bring us together, how could it be so simple for me to lay hands on them?

Think about it. Nils, Verena, Yvonne. Among them, who wasn't pushed away by your
treachery. As your son, I merely did my filial duty of mending the wounds you

Konrad replied, his tone mixing righteousness and lamentation.

Hearing Nils' name added to the list, Olrich's grief intensified.

"You can't be se…”

But before he could finish his words, Konrad's Holy Flame Avatar appeared and
stretched out his hand, causing Nils to emerge from his space bracelet.

As soon as she did, she turned toward Konrad, and seeing him surrounded by
women she should by right call "mothers," flabbergasted, Nils didn't know if she
should leap into his arms or hide in a corner.

Unwilling to let her flounder, Konrad waved his hand, and pulled by an irresistible
telekinetic force, she landed on his left thigh.

"Missed me?"

He whispered in her ears, causing her cheeks to redden in embarrassment.


Still, she replied with a feeble nod while fidgeting in her dress. The red of her cheeks
grew brighter.

The scene snatched speech abilities from Olrich's throat.

"See? And if I may add, none of your consorts were spared."

Veins beat on Olrich's temple.


Konrad earnestly repeated, then set his consorts aside to rise from the chariot and
fly toward Olrich.

"Therefore, I'm here to give you my thanks. Olrich von Jurgen, my beloved father, I
screwed your daughter, consorts, wife and soon, even your mother will be dancing
on my rod. Meanwhile, all your vassals and the entirety of your country have fallen
into my hands.

The world has never seen… a greater cuckold than you."

Konrad proclaimed, then bowed toward Olrich with clasped hands. On his right ring
finger, Olrich clearly saw the love token and Holy Artifact he'd granted Verena.


Unable to shoulder the blow, Olrich spurted blood and passed out. His body tumbled
onto the ground.
What was shame, what was loss? As Olrich's unconscious body tumbled onto the
ground, deep within the recesses of his mind, a voice wondered why those words
applied so well to him. It was almost as if on this night, he redefined them all.

"You lost."

The voice stated, then faded in the darkness of his mind, and in a resounding thud,
Olrich's body landed.

"Hey, adoptive father, why are you dozing off? The game is barely getting started."

Konrad chortled then waved his hand. Lifted by his irresistible telekinetic powers,
Olrich flew back into the air, hovering before Konrad.


And with a resounding slap, Konrad shoved consciousness back into his body.


"Me, me, me. What about me? Sorry, but today is not about me."

Konrad cut, and while keeping Olrich trapped within the air, flew back to his chariot.

"Nils, come here."

Konrad beckoned, and Nils obeyed, rising from her seat to stand by his side.

"Today is your day. Your opportunity to avenge all slights. One against one. Father
against daughter. Fight and defeat Olrich, his life will be yours to do with as you see

Konrad declared, then pressed his index on Nils' forehead. In a red light surge, the
Valkyrie Mark appeared and vanished within her forehead. Instantaneously, Nils felt
her body refined, strength, speed, and resilience all rising to brand-new heights.
Although her cultivation remained at the Transcendent Rank, she could effortlessly
rip a Rising Saint to shreds. At the same time, her Soul Worm was wiped out.

However, so what? Olrich was a peak-stage Fate Wrestling Saint with a battle-power
rivaling those two ranks above him. None on the scene doubted that she was not his

But then, the ability Valkyrie Surge appeared within her mind. Understanding
Konrad's ploy, Yvonne activated the Valkyrie Mark she'd received from Konrad on the
way here. And shockingly, her presence appeared within Nils' mind in the form of a
red flame.

Following her instincts, Nils activated the ability.

"Valkyrie Surge!"

Bright red flamed erupted from her body, channeling the might of Yvonne's
cultivation and adding it to hers. Now, although outwardly her cultivation remained
at the same level, it completely eclipsed Olrich's.

His eyes widened in disbelief.

What was this? A glaring attempt to devastate him through shame, that's what it was.

Veins beat on his temple, and though the situation looked grim, he could not restrain
a feral outburst.

"Can a man possibly be this wicked? Not content of robbing us of all we have, you
now want to add insult to injury by having us battle our youngest? Even if you plan
to slay us, does it need to be in such a callous manner?

Recalling all we did for you, don't you feel the least bit ashamed?!"

He roared, hoping to appeal to a sliver of Konrad's humanity. However…

"Nope. Not the tiniest bit."

Konrad leisurely replied while sitting between his beloved consorts.

"Adoptive father, do not misunderstand. I'm not a righteous person, and this is not
your due retribution. In fact, on the scale of immorality, I don't dare claim myself
much better than you."

Konrad stated while wrapping two arms around Yvonne and Else and patting the
silent Verena with a third.

"However, you made the mistake of harming my beloved. My people, no one can
harm, my women no one can touch. Whoever infringes on those rules must pay a
corresponding price.

And since you dared, suffering a tragic fate is only natural. I believe it doesn't get any
more tragic."

On the scene, Konrad and Nils aside, no one bothered to spare Olrich a glance.
Yvonne, Else, and Verena all acted as if he didn't exist.

The naked display of disinterest further harmed his crumbling dignity, and he
couldn't help but wonder when things went so wrong. This was supposed to be his
era. He was supposed to trample all and become supreme. Invincibility, authority, all
were meant to be his.

Why then was he finding himself in such an abysm? Konrad, that unfilial traitor of a
"son." It was him; it was all his fault!

But Olrich wasn't given time to throw blame because Nils stepped forward. The red
flames swirling around her form rose in size and intensity while deep resolve shone
within her eyes.

As the one standing before her, Olrich could feel her soaring desire to beat him into a
bloody pulp. As if the more she looked at him, the greater that need became.

"Nils, don't let yourself get confused by this predator, you can't possibly think of
harming your fa-"

Olrich began, but before he could finish his words, in a burst of red flames, Nils shot
toward him, and hurled her clenched fist straight at his jaw!

Before he could react, the hook smashed into the left side of his jaw, and he spiraled
into the air with a blood spurt!

"So, you remember that you're my father?"

She asked, her voice trembling with rage, and not waiting for an answer, turned into
a red beam to pursue Olrich's spiraling form.

By the time he recovered his stance, an uppercut awaited him. Again, he flew, this
time soaring in the sky.

"I thought you'd forgotten. I thought you no longer recalled that we are your family.

But since you didn't, there is no need to hold back."

Turning into four afterimages, she surrounded him from all sides and began a round
of brutal hammering.

In a flash, Olrich turned into a volleyball, with the "four Nils" smashing him toward
one another.

"T-too… fast."

Nils' explosive speed made him completely unable to evade while her strength left
him no way to fight back. Each blow broke through his guard like a knife through
butter, and in less than three seconds, he was utterly at her mercy.

If this situation carried on, he would soon turn into a broken rag doll.

"E… enough!"

Olrich roared and summoned his Divine Shield.


Nils' next punch crashed on the Divine Shield. Its divine power erupted, and she flew
backward, unable to leave a dent. With a somersault, she recovered her balance, and
undisturbed, flew back toward Olrich.

With the Divine Shield protecting him, all her offensives were neutralized. But at the
same time, his lifeforce dwindled at a rapid pace. With his cultivation level, using a
Divine Artifact was far too costly, and he would die long before Nils could exhaust

Hence, he could only force a quick conclusion and capture her to secure an escape!

"Nils, you can't blame us for being merciless. This… hurts us more than it hurts you!"

Olrich thought while burning a large portion of his lifeforce to trigger the shield's
offensive move.

The shield's light dimmed, and it sank toward the ground. Thinking that he could no
longer endure its consumption and not willing to give him a recovery chance, Nils
vanished and reappeared before Olrich. His lips curled into a smile.

And the shield vanished to reappear at her back.

"Got you…”

However, for the imperceptible split of a second, Olrich's move stopped.

Nils' right fist tore through his lower abdomen, releasing a dreadful force that
shattered his energy center and meridians while her left palm slammed the middle
of his forehead, and destroyed his spiritual sea.

Olrich's eyelids trembled, and as he felt the cultivation of a lifetime dispersing, his
shuddering eyes again locked on Konrad whose lips curved into a fiendish grin.

"Des… picable!"


Blood gushed from his mouth and lower abdomen. And as the last bit of his
cultivation vanished, Olrich recalled, that this conclusion was strikingly similar… to
his battle with Adelar.
Again, Olrich's consciousness faded, but before it could, despair filled his mind and
awoke him. The realization that his lifetime's cultivation had just collapsed devasted
him. All the ploys and schemes, the sacrifice of his most beloved child, the
refinement of one-thousand infant souls! All he endured, the prices he paid, were
rendered worthless in merely two blows.


All lost, never to return.


Olrich howled, his body and soul sinking in horrendous pain while warm tears
trickled down his eyes. This… was worse than death!

Bearing witness to his soaring despair, Nils was undisturbed.

"If only you could treasure us the way you treasure power, perhaps, it wouldn't have
come to this."

She whispered while pulling her fist from his guts. Now mortal, Olrich couldn't
endure such a terrible wound, and before he could drop onto the ground, Nils held
him by the collar and shoved a restorative pill down his throat.

"However, you can't die. I want you to live. To spend the rest of your miserable life a
helpless mortal without any means to change your fate.

Forced to accept the reality of your permanent inferiority. Henceforth, you can only
bow and scrape, submitting to the whim of the mighty. Moreover…”

Without warning, Nils kicked Olrich's crotch, shattering his balls, before shoving
another restorative pill down his throat.
Her hand muffled his squeals, not giving him the right to scream.

“…a man like you shouldn't have the right to sire children. It is unfair to all the
potentially good fathers deprived of the ability. Being a eunuch suits you best."

Nils spat with tears trickling from her eyes, and rancor lacing her voice.

Shattered dreams, destroyed cultivation, castration, the succession of blows was too
hard to bear. So hard that Olrich started believing that this was nothing more than a

"Hahaha… a nightmare, it must be a nightmare. Hahaha…”

Olrich burst into maddened laughter, expecting the scenery to return to the days
when he occupied his mighty throne, ruling the Holy Continent's number one

Alas, the staggering pain filling him testified to the reality of his circumstances.

Shaking his head, Konrad stood up and appeared before Olrich.

"Reality is sometimes hard to accept. And for those of us that pursue the summit,
your end, is indeed worse than death. From now on, you can serve as one of my
mortal court eunuchs. I'm curious to see… how many decades you can endure."

Konrad began while extending his hand toward Olrich's forehead.

A strand of silver light flew from it to hover within his left palm. Then, a blood light
orb emerged from Olrich's chest and stopped beside the silver light strand.

"No… no… I'm not willing!"

Olrich howled but to no avail. Konrad pressed his right index on Olrich's forehead
and rewired him. With the evolution of his abilities, rewiring the mortal Olrich was
simplicity incarnate.

Rebellion left Olrich's mind, and he surrendered to his fate.

Thus ended the last von Jurgen emperor. With his fall, after one-hundred-thousand
years of reign, the von Jurgen dynasty collapsed, and the Holy Flame Empire would
soon follow it into oblivion to make way for the new world order.

Konrad sealed the silver light strand in his soul gourd, and locked the blood orb in a
space treasure, then alongside his ladies, descended upon the imperial palace. They
met no resistance and were welcomed with open arms.

Led by Anke and the tenth von Jurgen elder, the imperial consorts and remaining
imperial kin knelt to welcome their new master.

"The von Jurgen dynasty has reached the end of its destiny. As the highest-ranked,
surviving member of this house, and with the consent of all imperial kin, I, Anke von
Jurgen, beseech you to take the throne, and offer you our allegiance."

Knowing that absolute surrender was their only path to survival, the von Jurgen
imperial kinsmen didn't dare hesitate and kowtowed before Konrad.

"The von Jurgen dynasty has reached the end of its destiny, and the country requires
a new regime. You, Lord, are mighty, and able to suppress all under the heavens!

Only you can bring back prosperity and restore the peace. Please accept the throne
and establish a new dynasty!"

They exclaimed in tandem, desperately hoping their lives would be spared.

Seeing this, Konrad nodded.

"Having been adopted into the imperial family, I cannot stand and watch the
inheritance of one-hundred-thousand years collapse in such a wanton manner.

Though the country changes surnames, you shall still have a place. Elmar von Jurgen
will be sealed as Grand Duke, and new house head to carry on the von Jurgen legacy.
And a new mansion will be built for you all."

He said toward the kowtowing imperial kinsmen. And as soon as his words echoed,
they felt free of the invisible weight crushing their shoulders.

Alive! They would escape this tribulation alive! At this juncture, they asked for
nothing more.

"Thank you, your majesty, for your grace! Your majesty is benevolent, treasures the
common people, and is incomparably brilliant. Your reign shall stretch across

They flattered. And unwilling to spend more time on them, Konrad dismissed them
all. Then, escorted by his consorts, he walked into the throne room and stopped
before its stairs.

His eyes locked upon the throne, and he recalled the first time he stood beside it.
Unlike that time, there weren't any rows of officials. Olrich no longer occupied it, and
none could dare show him contempt.

Now, it was his. And as soon as he sat upon it, the first step of his grand aspiration
would reach completion.

But as he stared at the throne with a faint smile, Else's voice echoed.

"When shall we hold the coronation ceremony?"

"No hurry. We first need to wait for the Celestial Church and Infernal Cult to dispatch
their troops. In three days, we shall publicly execute Erhardt, Bayiz, and the third
cult elder's son. At that time, I will meet their armies in battle and slaughter them all.

Afterward, we can hold the coronation ceremony."

Konrad explained.

"And what about the new dynasty and country's names? Or you can always let the
von Jurgen name survive through you. It's not like it would be improper."

Yvonne jested, and hearing this, Konrad's smile brightened.

"Not a bad idea. A pity that I don't have an official surname."

Konrad replied in kind.

In the Holy Continent, commoners and slaves didn't have a right to surnames.
Therefore, the original Konrad didn't bear one. Meanwhile, in his past life, he was an
orphan and bore a name assigned by the orphanage.

As for Serkar or the house of Talroth, he naturally didn't feel any sense of belonging
to them.

"And don't forget that you also have to choose a name for your new race. Your status
screen is currently cluttered by X's."

Selene's voice echoed.

"Gods don't need family names. I am a Primogen, the first of my blood. And will soon
become the faith.

Let's use the Higher Realms' naming conventions and make it… the house of Konrad.
And considering my current true form, there are not many viable race names. Let's
go with… World Devourer.

As for the country's name, that's simpler. Since jade is the new symbol of my blood,
let it be the Jade Dynasty. And I shall be… the Jade Emperor."

"You really know no shame."

Selene directly replied. Jade was a symbol of purity and perfection. How was Konrad
qualified to stand beside those words? If anything, he should be the Depraved
Afterward, they left the throne room and dived into various tasks. Else started
restructuring both the imperial palace and the church while Yvonne solidified her
cultivation breakthrough. In the meantime, Konrad sat within his new chambers
with Verena on his lap.

"Now that only the two of us remain, there is no need to restrain yourself. Mourning
is your right."

He whispered while stroking her silver hairs. Though in public, she always
maintained stately elegance, Verena was by no means aloof and deeply cared for
kinship. The loss of her father was no trivial blow. And Konrad could see that the
depth of her silence mirrored the profundity of her grief.

"Sovereign Prince Thorwald Kvass was a terrible father and an even worse husband.
In his life, he only loved one woman:

His elder sister, the dowager, Amalia. A pity that in her eyes, only the previous
emperor mattered. He could only suppress his feelings and live in frustration… until
that day when in a drunken stupor, he held onto her waist and professed his love."

While mortal brewed alcohol had no effect on cultivators above the True Rank, many
brands of cultivation beverages helpful in breakthroughs and enhancing cultivation
speed existed.

Therefore, drunkenness wasn't uncommon among affluent cultivators.

Konrad and Yvonne's drinking sessions were a perfect example of that.

"My mother and I stumbled on the scene, a scene that plagued the remainder of her
life. Although father treated her with respect and gave her due honor as his princess
consort, she could never forget that sight, and soon fell into depression.

A depression that ultimately took her life. A Saint dying of heartache, a joke, really."
Verena reminisced in an emotionless tone. Most well-informed individuals knew of
Thorwald's profound affection and absolute loyalty toward his sister. However, in
their eyes, it was nothing more than a little brother's devotion. Never did they expect
that it already stepped into that territory.

"But I couldn't resent him. If anything, I resented my mother for being so weak. To let
her affection for a man rule and ruin her life. For that reason, I resolved to never be
ruled by emotions. A cultivator's life is far too long to wallow in such a quagmire."

"But emotions make individuals. Without emotions, there is no existence. Only the
slow passing of identical days."

Konrad declared while still stroking Verena's hairs.

"Indeed. Afterward, the church's decree to marry me to Olrich came. And seeing in
there an opportunity to both consolidate his house's power and bring himself closer
toward his sister, my father didn't hesitate.

Again, I didn't resent him, because having enjoyed the glory, splendor, and wealth
due to a Kvass princess, I knew it was my duty to pay back what I owed through that
marriage. One cannot be too greedy.

At the same time, I believed it was a good opportunity to leave my father's sight.
Never did I expect that his demise would be so hard to digest."

As Verena's words ended, her eyes moistened.

"In the end, he raised you from the cradle, taught you cultivation across decades,
granted you the best resources at his disposal, and helped you lay down your
foundation. Though he may have done this as an investment for his house's
prosperity, he still did.

You say he was a terrible father, but I only see a man that couldn't have it all. And
therefore, set his priorities. Your grief is the proof that you're no ingrate, and that on
the road of cultivation, you didn't lose that little bit of humanity.

And sometimes, that little bit is the reason why we're worth loving. Could you stare
at his fall with an impassible look, without an ounce of pain or regret, I could value
you, but I couldn't treasure you."
Hearing this, Verena closed her eyes, and from them, two watery lines trickled onto
the ground. Her tears then flowed.

For a brief instant, Konrad considered using the Heart Mending Kiss to directly erase
all grief from Verena's heart. But as soon as the thought crossed his mind, it

After spending several hours in Verena's company, Konrad stood up and headed into
Else's chambers.

There, she sat on a tall throne-like red chair holding a red candy lollipop in her right
hand, while the left rested on the chair's arm.

"I didn't know you had such a hobby."

Konrad stated while Else brought the lollipop to her lips. The two's colors matched
perfectly, and while having a taste of the candy, Else shifted her eyes toward Konrad.

"It's a special brand with rare properties. Try it."

Afterward, she pulled the lollipop out of her mouth and tossed it toward Konrad.
Catching it between his right index and middle finger, Konrad brought it to his lips
and sampled it. The candy's taste meshed with Else's saliva to sneak into his throat.

As it did, he felt a mild relaxing sensation spread within his mind and body while his
cultivation experienced a nigh-imperceptible growth.

Clearly, this candy was an alchemical product able to soothe the being while
increasing cultivation. Perhaps it even influenced cultivation speed. However, due to
his Supreme Dao and Saint-level cultivation base, Konrad could barely feel any effect.

On others, the results might be different.


He appraised while stepping toward Else.

"My mother was a Profound Alchemy Master who enjoyed inventing and refining all
kinds of odd things. This was one of her creations."

Else explained while Konrad brought his face closer to hers and pulled out the
lollipop to press it against her lips. In silence, she took it in, and Konrad then pulled
her by the waist, snatching her seat, and having her rest on his lap instead.

Straddling him, she wrapped her left arm around his neck while her right hand still
held the candy. Their faces grew increasingly closer, but before their lips connected,
Else set the candy in-between, having them kiss the opposite sides instead.


Konrad commented.

"Coming from you, that's undoubtedly a praise."

She replied, before setting the candy aside and wrapping both arms around Konrad's
neck to pull him into a languid kissing session. Simultaneously, he ground his thigh
against her fold. Konrad was pleased to see that no underwear lied in his way, and
the Metze's juices freely dropped on his thigh.

Their arousal peaked, and the kissing session grew more heated. Else untied
Konrad's belt, worming her hand into his pants to free his cock before setting it
against her flower bud.


Without hesitation, she impaled herself on his rod, riding him hard and fast, and only
stopping to relish in the blissful sensation of her own orgasms while clenching on his

Soon, the unrestrained sound of her moans slammed against the walls and stretched
toward the outside. And feeling Konrad's face pressed against her chest, Else
slammed her butt even faster on his shaft, as if possessed by the desperate need to
keep him trapped on and within her.

"Ahhh… ahhh… ahhh!"

While she rammed herself on his meat-rod, Konrad removed her mini dress and
carried her onto the bed for two hours of sexual passion and dual cultivation.

Holding the now naked Else in his arms, Konrad rested his head against hers and
kissed her cheek.

Then, he stood up, walking toward his final destination for this long night.
Within her chambers, Yvonne sat crossed-legged, solidifying her drastic cultivation
boost with her eyes shut-close. But as soon as Konrad stepped in, her eyes opened
and locked onto him. Seeing him, her lips curled into a smile, and she stood up.

Then, without warning, she flew at him with a punch!


Undisturbed, Konrad blocked it with his left forearm, the smile he wore unchanged.

In a flash, she assailed him with hundreds of blows which he blocked without effort.

Yvonne then raised her knee, slamming it toward Konrad's abdomen, but he stopped
it within his right palm, then knocked off her fist to grab her by the waist, while
holding her thigh within his right hand.

"Astounding reflexes, astounding speed, astounding flesh. I didn't expect I'd fall so far

Yvonne appraised with a contented smile.

"What can I say? When even destiny is on your side, rapid progress is a must. From
now on, you'll have to work extra hard."

Konrad replied without letting go of her.

"Conceited. But it's fine. Who said destiny wasn't tamable? I won't let you get too full
of yourself."

Yvonne pledged while cupping Konrad's cheeks in her hands.

Without further delay, he lifted her in the air, letting her wrap her legs around his
waist while he took her lips, and their tongues intertwined in an ardent kiss.
As he brought her to bed, his hands trailed her back, and by the time they reached it,
he'd already lowered the straps to rain passion on her neck and chest.

They spent the rest of the night in relentless romping sessions, letting primal desires
drive them and make up for the lost time. In that night, words had no place. Only
endless moans, grunts and the sound of flesh meeting flesh in tantalizing mating,

Meanwhile, the two great factions were swept by tumultuous waves.

For the first time since the death of their founders, the first time in one-million years,
the Celestial Church and Infernal Cult leaders met for discussion.

The cult and church leaders occupied the primary seats while the elders stood a step
below. All were matched in ranks, and their faces full of gravity.

Even the cult leader, the blood fiend Draven Torul, couldn't hide the concerns shining
on his face.

The church leader, the sun spirit Anatol Wirth was no better. In fact, inwardly, he was
one-thousand times worse. With his maimed son trapped in the Holy Continent, a
continent Sages no longer had access to, how could he not be full of worries?

Moreover, although he tried to convince himself of otherwise, that lunatic of a

"Profane Prince's Mortal Avatar" didn't seem like the type to speak rubbish. Perhaps
he never planned to execute the captives, but since he dared say he would flay them
daily, he probably would.

There was no time to waste.

With the last Holy War nearing, Anatol didn't care about who held the prime disciple
position. However, never could he allow his flesh and blood to suffer mishap.

Saving Erhardt was his top priority. And for the sake of that cause, he didn't mind
forming a temporary truce with the Infernal Cult.

"Anatol, you and I are the enemies of a lifetime. I believe there are words we needn't
speak. The two of us know exactly why we're here."
Draven began while keeping his eyes locked on Anatol.


Anatol nodded in approval before carrying on.

"The situation has spiraled out of control. That man managed the impossible feat of
snatching the Tower for himself and is now its master. Thanks to that, he managed to
conjure an Anti-Divine-Power Ward which prevents us from stepping into the Holy

But in the process, he also revealed his depth. With that information now clear, we
have nothing to fear. I propose we first dispatch emissaries to discuss terms.

If he's willing to trade, we can leave it at that… for some time."

Anatol's words pulled an approving nod from the celestial elders.

However, the Infernal Cult's side didn't budge.

"What if he isn't?"

Draven immediately asked, the words causing a frown to flash on Anatol's face.

"Then… we can only use extreme measures. I advocate a joint assault of our
strongest forces beneath the Divine Rank. A host so startling that its mere sight will
force all the Holy Continent's denizens on their knees.

We each dispatch seventy-two hundred Crossed Tribulation Saints, four-hundred-

fifty Star Connecting Saints, two-hundred-seventy Star Manifesting Saints and ninety
Star Fusing Saints led by fifteen Quasi-Sages.

Add to that eighty-thousand Saints beneath Crossed Tribulation."

Hearing this, all within the room were petrified.

This was more than ninety percent of each faction's overall forces! Legions that
should only appear during the Holy War! Although he'd anticipated such a strong
reaction, even Draven was forced to admit that the words rang his eardrums.
On the Infernal Cult's side, only the third cult elder wholeheartedly agreed with this
stance and even found it pleasing to the ears.

"I know you think we're overdoing it, but the enemy can't be underestimated. As
we've seen, his Ancestral Glory is dreadful and can obliterate Quasi-Sages. In fact, the
average early-stage Divine Seed expert would find it difficult to survive.

Only by combining the strength of our armies in a battle-formation can we crush that
advantage and trample that man.

Afterward, he will turn into lamb on the chopping block."

Draven sighed but nodded.

"I agree…”

Draven began, but before he could finish his words, Berken's voice echoed.

"This fight is a joke. You may be inclined to lower your faces for the sake of impudent
juniors, but we Serkars are unwilling to do so. Our forces will not participate."

Berken's words brought a weighty silence on the scene, and all eyes turned toward
him and the Serkar elders.

"Great elder, this matter has already transcended the boundaries of -faces.- It's now a
question of faith and dignity. I hope you can forget your pride to avoid undermining
the war effort."

Draven declared in a mild but commanding tone.

"We can dispatch the Barbarian Continent's secular forces to support the war effort.
Sixty-million troops that will dive into the Holy Continent while the main forces
confront that youth.

In this way, you can split his attention and increase your odds of success. That's the
best I will offer."

All Barbarian Khans were in one way or another related to and controlled by house
Serkar. Therefore, the Barbarian Continent's secular world was, for all intent and
purposes, ruled by them.

Night made place for dawn, and Konrad stood up, leaving the comfort of Yvonne's
arms to dive into his next operation.

First, as promised, he ordered the three captives paraded naked in the streets then
slowly flayed across the next three days.

Meanwhile, he summoned one of his God-Hearts, and using it as anchor alongside

the powers of his Divine Stolas Physique, connected himself to the plague, and took
control of it.

The plague was two days from starting, and according to Gulistan, after seven days of
germination, demons aside, it would kill all non-believers beneath the Transcendent
Rank, within the Holy Continent.

However, instead of reversing it, Konrad changed its properties, then directly
triggered it!

On that day, in various corners of the Holy Continent, thousands of commoners and
cultivators alike would see dozens of pustules grow on their bodies. Carrying with
them crippling diseases and horrendous pain.

The people were startled, even more when they realized that simple contact with the
afflicted was enough to immediately contract the disease.

Chaos soared, and the plague thus began. Fulfilling the prophecy of the Profane
Prince's Envoys!
"You were warned but didn't believe. Given an opportunity, but you didn't cherish it.
Now His Highness' rage erupts and shall sweep the Holy Continent with a grand
purging tide!"

The Profane Prince's Envoys proclaimed throughout all the corners of the Holy
Continent. And soon, many of the local governments would support them in
spreading their words.

Of the five nations, it is in the Holy Flame Empire that they spread at the fastest pace.
The dukes, marquis and all other landed nobles supported them in their endeavors,
dispatching teams to assist them and luring the commoners into listening through all
means imaginable.

"Ten-thousand deaths on the first day, not more, not less. One-hundred-thousand on
the second. One million on the third. Ten million on the fourth. One-hundred-million
on the fifth. One billion on the sixth. Ten billion on the seventh!

This is how the righteous plague will harvest lives!

And if by the seventh day you still fail to repent and embrace the one true road, then
his highness shall wipe out all the fifty billion individuals of the Holy Continent!"

The envoys proclaimed.

"Make no mistake, our God is wrathful but loving. Blessings unending await the
enlightened that accept his embrace! If they choose him, even the afflicted shall be
freed of all woes!"

At first, such words were not taken seriously by the commoners. After all, one-
hundred-thousand years of established faith stood between them. However, as the
first day of the plague ended, and words spread that exactly ten thousand individuals
met their deaths, Konrad's cult received a substantial influx of followers.

Meanwhile, two envoys stood within the imperial palace's throne room. One from
the Celestial Church, the other from the Infernal Cult. Konrad sat on the throne, with
Krann at his right and Wolfgang at his left.

"Hum, hum. As you have seen upon arrival, the three felons are currently being
submitted to punishment."

Wolfgang began with his arms crossed beneath his back. Seeing that a trivial
seventh-step Semi-Saint was discussing with them as if they were equals, the two
envoys struggled to restrain their ire.

And when they recalled the scene of the captives being flayed in the city square for
all to see, they almost exploded.

However, with the situation being what it was, they could only restrain themselves.

"His highness is true to his words, in three days, they will be executed. Your presence
here holds no meaning."

Hearing this, the two's eyes violently distorted, and they were forced to take in a
deep breath to restrain themselves.

"Your profane highness, our two factions are willing to pay bail for the captives.
Please state your price. As long as it's within reason, we shall abide."

They declared and bowed toward Konrad. If at first, not many believed Konrad
would push the vice too far, when those two laid eyes upon Erhardt, Bayiz, and the
third cult elder's son, they no longer doubted that Konrad aimed for their lives.

To say nothing of three days. It would be a miracle if they could survive two!

Hearing this, Wolfgang shook his head.

"This is not merely a matter money can solve. Of those three, only the third cult
elder's son is redeemable through bail. The other two coveted his profane highness'
women! What a cardinal sin! In this world, who can tolerate them?"

As Wolfgang's voice echoed, Krann nodded in firm approval, thinking that he and this
father-in-law spoke the same language.

However, those words only intensified the suppressed ire of the two envoys.

"Everything has a price. It's just a matter of negotiation. Between men of reason,
there is no need for such an uncompromising stan-"

The Celestial Envoy began. But before he could finish his words, Wolfgang stretched
out his hand.

"Don't be mistaken. Here there are only two parties, God and the offenders. God
doesn't need to be reasonable toward offenders, it is by his goodwill that you are
given a chance to speak, do not misuse it."

Wolfgang cut, causing the two's nostrils to expand in loud inhalations.

"As you say. But…”

Again, they tried to put in a few words. Alas, Wolfgang didn't allow them.

"Moreover, it is God's dignity that is at stake. Can God's dignity have a price?
Preposterous. Please mind your words. Otherwise, this discussion comes to an end."

Once more, Krann gave a vigorous nod. The more he spoke, the more pleasing to the
eyes that father-in-law turned out to be! A pity that before today, they didn't have a
proper chance to interact!

Even Konrad was forced to admit that Wolfgang deserved more rewards.

The two envoys were ready to spout curses. How was this a discussion? From
beginning to end, Wolfgang was just cutting them mid-talk!

"However, our God is merciful, and there is room for maneuver. The three can be
returned if you fulfill several conditions."

Before the meeting, Konrad had already given Wolfgang a clear set of instructions,
and he was now about to follow them.

"Five-hundred million Holy Crystals.

Five-hundred-thousand Divine Crystals.

All women above the Holy Rank and below the Divine Blood Rank offered as

Hearing those three conditions, the two could no longer restrain themselves…

"You're going too far!"

…and roared in tandem.

"Five-hundred million Holy Crystals? Five-hundred-thousand Divine Crystals? Did

you first ask our coffers if we had this amount? What is this? Robbery of the

As for the third condition, you even have the gals to propose such a thing? Are you by
any chance asking our leaders and elders to send you their wives and daughters for
you to plow?

Is this a negotiation, or a humiliation?"

They asked in indignation.

But never in their wildest dreams did they expect Wolfgang's next words to be…

"Yes. That's exactly what we're asking. Don't be mistaken. It's their glory to have
their wives and daughters serve His Highness!"

The words struck the two speechless, and for an instant, they wondered if Wolfgang
hadn't gone mad.

If not for madness, how could such words possibly escape his lips? However, facing
the seriousness of his tone, they were forced to realize that this… was no joke!

"Those are our terms, the non-negotiable terms that will ensure your people's
survival. Do with them as you see fit. In the meantime, we shall continue the public

Wolfgang pursued.
"You're mad! Utterly mad! There is no way our leaders will ever agree to this
nonsense! Terms?

Joke! This is clearly a-"

The Infernal Envoy began. But before he could finish his words…

"Guards! Execute him."

…Krann ordered.

And instantaneously, two hulky men appeared. They were level eight Restoration
Beasts in human form and now served in the imperial guard.

The first one grabbed the Infernal Envoy by the back of his neck and skull, then
slammed his face into the ground, keeping him pinned while the second one raised
his war hammer for the execution blow.


The Infernal Envoy's muffled screams echoed.

The Celestial Envoy was baffled and turned a startled gaze toward Krann.

"What… do you mean by this? He's an envoy?!"

"Envoy or not, for spouting profanities before His Profane Highness, the sentence is…

The Restoration Beast Guards didn't need to hear more.

The executioner's hammer dropped and smashed the Infernal Envoy's head into
blood, brain, and bone debris. As a Crossed Tribulation Saint, he just couldn't resist.

The Celestial Envoy felt weak at the knee and dropped on his butt.

"Those are our terms. If you have any complaints, feel free to follow your fellow into
the grave!"

Wolfgang and Krann said in tandem, their words awakening the Celestial Envoy to
the reality of his situation. After a hurried bow, he shot out of the imperial palace,
rushing toward the council's meeting place!
"Not bad. Father-in-law, for such a presentation and your continual work till now,
you deserve abundant rewards."

Konrad declared after the Celestial Envoy's departure.

"Boss, this is merely my duty. But if you must reward, I naturally won't be

Wolfgang replied with a bright smile. Hearing this, Konrad nodded and extended his
hand toward Wolfgang.

Bright jade light erupted from his palm and dived into Wolfgang's chest.

"In the few months since we parted, your cultivation climbed four steps, reaching the
seventh-step of the Semi-Holy Knight Rank. Although on the Ancient Crystal World's
standards, such progress is astonishing, it is far from enough.

First, I will help you complete an atavism to elevate your bloodline to the demon

Konrad began, and as he spoke, a jade-colored shroud surrounded Wolfgang.

His nature serpent bloodline properties changed, and the impurities vanished as it
retraced the ancestral force hidden within his lineage. From a nature serpent,
Wolfgang climbed the bloodline hierarchy to become a pureblooded hydra.

Thus, although his cultivation didn't improve in the slightest, his battle power
soared, and with it, so did his talent.

Overjoyed, Wolfgang was about to drop on his knees when Konrad waved his hand,
causing nine drops of Divine Ascension Demon Blood to appear and fly toward him.

Without hesitation, he swallowed the blood drops and sat crossed-legged to stabilize
them within his body. Tremendous demonic and divine powers erupted from within
Wolfgang's body and spread throughout his veins.

But knowing the refinement of such blood would take some time, he didn't dive into
it, first suppressing it within his veins to avoid an impromptu breakthrough.

Afterward, Wolfgang dropped on his knees.

"Boss, thank you!"

Again, Konrad nodded, then motioned for Wolfgang to stand up.

"But from now on, I suppose I calling you boss is no longer appropriate."

Wolfgang jested.

"Indeed. However, our mobster team has come a long way. In private just call me

"Will do!"

After this exchange, Krann brought them back onto serious matter.

"Master, what is the next step?"

"There are only two possibilities. First, they attempt a rescue mission before
dispatching troops. Second, they don't, and directly surround us with their strongest

Konrad replied while resting his chin on his entwined fingers. Hearing this, Wolfgang

"How could they dare attack without first attempting a rescue mission? Doing so is
no different than disregarding the captives' lives."

Though the words were sensible, Konrad shook his head.

"It's a matter of success potential. A small rescue team of highly skilled Quasi-Sages
is their best option. However, it cannot escape my eyesight. They should know that
while we're displaying the captives in the city square, we're keeping them under
close watch and are baiting them into such a vain rescue attempt.

Saving and killing are two different things. To say nothing of the battle's results, I can
kill them three as soon as I sense the intruders' presence. Such a move is… unlikely."

Konrad explained.

"On the contrary. When the true battle begins, those three become my shields and
last bargaining chips. Therefore, a large-scale clash with the odds clearly stacked
against me is the best protection they can offer their people. For that reason, I'm
inclined to lean on the second option."

In a flash, Konrad's words clarified Wolfgang's doubts, and Krann's lips curled into a
fiendish smile.

"The fools don't understand who they're dealing with. The more come, the more die.
If master goes all-out, in the Mortal Realm, beneath the Divine Rank, all are ants!"

Krann proclaimed, and his words were no exaggeration. As Konrad's familiar, he

understood his current abilities better than anyone else. If his Ancestral Glory was a
formidable ability boasting various defensive and offensive perks, his lineage
weapon was an unparalleled destructive force that trumped his Ancestral Glory in

As for his true form… its mere appearance would fill the world with dread.
Meanwhile, the plague spread, bringing alongside it more desperate folks seeking
shelter in the only force able to bring salvation:

The Profane Prince's Cult.

In the Infernal Cult and Celestial Church's gathering place, listening to the Celestial
Envoy's report, both Draven and Anatol silently suppressed their rage. Never in their
wildest dreams did they expect that Konrad would truly go to such extents and give
no consideration for face.

Had he not vented enough spleen? Was he really willing to fight them to the end?

But while they could still maintain their composure, others failed to do the same.
"How dare he?! How dare he?!"

That Bullshit Profane Prince is bullying us intolerably!"

The third cult elder roared and slammed his palm on the table facing him. And on
this occasion, all agreed with him. That so-called Profane Prince had pushed the vice
too far and humiliated them beyond all reason.

He even dared request the delivery of all their women?

The gals! As the leaders of the world, when did they ever face such an insult?

If they didn't butcher him, how could they vent their hatred?

Now, even those not directly connected to the matter couldn't help but picture the
scene of Konrad being shredded into ten thousand pieces. Witnessing this scene,
Gulistan sighed.

The war was inevitable. And so was the result. Those old fogies were merely walking
into a glaring trap while thinking the situation entirely under control. However, for
house Serkar, this was an opportunity.

An opportunity both she and her father planned to seize. If Konrad's performance
was up to expectations, perhaps they could push their plans ahead of time, and make
the Serkar… the new rulers of the Infernal Cult.


"After experiencing some fortuitous encounters in the Tower, that country bumpkin
now thinks himself unparalleled under the heavens?

Good, very good. Let's remind him, and all those secular world ants, why for one-
million years, we have ruled this world!"

A Celestial Elder exclaimed. After the Tower's appearance, many conjectured that
Konrad's inexplicable nature came from a secret within the higher floors. A secret
left by the founders.

That being the case, capturing him to extract that bloodline became of vital
However, with the level of indignation and hatred they currently felt, if capturing
proved too challenging, killing was absolutely fine!

"To arms!

Our elite forces will meet on the battlefield and conduct a joint aerial assault on the
Holy Continent.

Meanwhile, the Barbarian Continent's sixty-million troops will swarm the land and
lay the Holy Continent to waste.

The cream of the crop beneath the Divine Rank backed by the strongest formation
and puppets. Let us see how this so-called -God's Avatar- faces this tribulation."

The Infernal Cult Leader, Draven Torul declared. His words pulling approving nods
from all those gathered.
The gathering of a Holy Army didn't require much time. In less than one hour, an
army of more than one-hundred thousand assembled in the sky, facing the Anti-
Divine-Power Screen that now separated Holy and Barbarian continents.

14000 Crossed Tribulation Saints, 900 Star Connecting Saints, 540 Star Manifesting
Saints and 180 Star Fusing Saints filled the sky.

30 Quasi-Sages led them while 160000 lower ranked Saints stood at their backs.

A never before seen armada whose aura awed the Ancient Crystal World.

Before such legions, all shivered. All, except Konrad and his faction members.

In fact, as the army formed, Konrad's lips curled into a bright smile and delight
clearly shone on his face.

Then, the earth quaked, littered by unending swarms of armored troops that
assembled to follow the Saint's clash. On this occasion, following house Serkar's
orders, the Barbarian Khans lowered their personal banners and dressed their
soldiers in the same black armor.

However, as the cultivation of those soldiers greatly varied, it should have taken a
tremendous amount of time for them to gather. But thanks to a skillful use of
thousands of teleportation circles, the sixty-million-man strong army assembled
before the screen, occupying the ground while the leading Saint bloated the sky.

"To the spiteful abomination named Konrad! Your vile deeds stretch from one corner
of the world to the other!

This is an official declaration of war! On this day, the Infernal Cult and Celestial
Church join hands to cleanse this world of your depraved self!

Surrender now, and we can spare your folks. Persist in damnation, and we shall
unleash a maelstrom of destruction… upon the Holy Continent!"

The leading Quasi-Sages roared for the entire world to hear, and trapped between
this clash of titans, the commoners wailed, not knowing where to seek shelter.

Konrad stood on his throne with Yvonne at his right and Else at his left.

"What an amusing declaration."

He appraised while standing from his throne.

"How many do you think can survive?"

Yvonne asked with a similar smile.

"None whatsoever."

Konrad replied.

"Not even the women?"

Else pursued, her words making Konrad chortle.

"This is not about lust. Swords and spears have no eyes, and since they choose to
stand against me, I cannot exhaust myself to spare them."

Said Konrad before stepping into the air. Vanishing from the throne room, he crossed
tens of thousands of miles to reappear in the sky before his foes. And though
hundreds of miles stood between them, with their cultivation levels, they could
effortlessly see one another.

"Vile deeds? You flatter me. However, you misunderstand. This is indeed a purge. A
purge of the filth that dares stand in my supreme way."

Konrad declared before stretching out his arms. His words causing the leading
Quasi-Sages to wonder if he'd gone mad from fright.

"Come at me if you dare. But know that once you barge into my realm, there is no
way out."
He warned, his smile undisturbed. The words caused the Saint legions to sneer.

"Activate the battle-formations and summon the puppets! On this day, we remind the
ants, why the sheep must obey the shepherd!"

The designed commander among the Quasi-Sages bellowed and alongside his peers,
waved his hands.

Hundreds of thousands of holy crystals appeared in the sky, forming elemental

pentagrams around the experts. First, the pentagrams linked them all in a battle-
formation, causing their individual and overall battle-power to skyrocket.

Then, they further empowered them with elemental force. Those beneath the
Crossed Tribulation Saints bathed in fire. Crossed Tribulation Saints in fire and
water. Star Connecting Saints in fire, water, and earth. Star Manifesting Saints also
had wind while the Star Fusing Saints and Quasi-Sages had a bonus of space force.

And if that wasn't enough, they summoned a battalion of Holy Puppets.

Empowered by the formation and backed by the puppets, the two factions' joint
armies began their assault!

"Strike! Whoever captures this son of a bitch alive will be rewarded by the leaders

The army commander proclaimed before giving the signal! Instantaneously, the
legions of almost 200000 reinforced Saints dived past the screen to surround

Meanwhile, the sixty-million barbarian troops below followed in their "footsteps,"

and crossed the screen to invade the Holy Flame Empire's northern border.

For indeed, it was at the Holy Flame Empire's northern border that this battle

Seeing Konrad called "Son of a bitch," Gulistan sighed.

"Why does it have to be an insult? He should bear the name with pride."
She monologued while keeping her eyes locked on the assault. As the troops crossed
the screen, Gulistan's lips curled into a smile.

"Come on, boy, show me what else you got."

As soon as the troops dived past the screen, Konrad turned heels and ran. The move
startling the assailing troops.

"After all this bragging, he just turns heels? No, it must be a trap."

The Quasi-Sage commander assessed. However, before he could submit the

hypothesis to his subordinates, Konrad changed his trajectory, and in a flash, made
dozens of circles around the invading army.

Hundreds of thousands of holy crystals remained in his wake, and by the time
Konrad returned to the front, all intertwined in an intricate formation.

"He's a formation master?"

They realized too late.

But, when Konrad joined his hands, and they felt the vast warding force erupting
from the crystals, they realized it was nothing more than a sealing formation.

"Do you think we need to escape before you?"

They snorted, then surrounded Konrad from all sides, paying no heed to the sealing

His smile remained unchanged.

In tandem, the leading Quasi-Sages stretched out their hands, each releasing a
dreadful elemental strike encompassing the power of the five elements. The
horrendous waves of elemental power shredded space as they rushed toward

Meanwhile, at the back, more than one-hundred-thousand Saints fired sixth circle
spells of various intensity upon Konrad.
Still, he didn't budge.

"Lambs don't know they should run before the wolf bares his fangs.

Awaken, and end all things beneath the heavens:


Konrad exclaimed and stretched out his right hand. Dazzling jade light erupted from
his form, morphing into a massive jade greatsword whose pommel landed within his

Wielding it, the intensity of Konrad's aura rose to shocking heights.

His sword drew a perfect arc, releasing an overbearing force that spread throughout
the atmosphere!

From the sky, thunderstorms dropped!

From the ground, thousands of enormous boulders rose!

And in-between, jade-colored flames erupted to meet the legion of Saints' assault!

Thus, the battle began!


The cataclysmic eruption collided with the myriad of spells and elemental strikes
released by the invading Saint army, releasing a dreadful explosion that sent violent
tremors throughout the Holy Continent's ground.

However, thanks to Konrad's sealing dome, the damage was kept to a minimum.
Meanwhile, the sealing dome also prevented the sixty-million earthly troops from
advancing, trapping them where they stood.

Now, they could only stare in awe at the shocking battle. With that first
confrontation, the world was again startled. And feeling the cataclysmic energy
rippling from that dreadful weapon, both Anatol and Draven were forced to admit
they'd underestimated their foe.

It seemed Konrad's methods were unending, and one ability hid beneath another.
Worse, although they couldn't feel demonic energies or recognize the weapon, they
were starting to get the impression that within Konrad's body hid the forces of
demons, devas, and humans!

These were terrible news! The higher realms' rules were clear. Nephilims held the
status of "kill on sight." As those tasked with spreading the faith in the Ancient
Crystal World, if it ever became known that they allowed the appearance and growth
of a nephilim, should they return to the higher realms, only adversity awaited them!

"He must die."

Anatol and Draven agreed in a mental exchange, and from where they stood, sent
multiple orders to the front.

The Quasi-Sage army leaders all received the same order:

"Kill him at all cost!"

The words reverberated within their minds, not leaving room for mistakes.

They all exchanged glances, and their determination soared!

Their hands flashed in incantation gestures, and the formation binding all the Saint
experts grew more potent. Worse, the overlapping of their strength approached
perfection, making their battle-power rise to new heights!

Now, their battle-power rivaled that of a peak-stage Divine Seed expert.

Nine-star Holy Artifacts were summoned en mass, shooting toward Konrad, and
releasing their strongest strikes while the puppets took the vanguard and charged
like blind berserkers!

But blind they were not, because, within the formation, thousands of Saints were
tasked with controlling and organizing them to surround Konrad in an ordered
fashion, using tactics to maximize battle efficiency.

Alas, such tricks simply couldn't deter him.

"Sword Calamity!"

Konrad held his sword vertically, the tip aiming at the ground far below while his
hairs and clothes fluttered within the sky. His eyes glittered in jade light, and
Catastrophe released tens of thousands of berserk green sword beams that
effortlessly tore through the assailing puppets.

They turned into metal scraps and tumbled onto the ground.

Then shockingly, in a light twister, Catastrophe morphed into a jade bow.

"Arrow Calamity!"

Konrad exclaimed and pulled the bowstring. A jade light arrow appeared, and
Konrad fired it toward the sky.

At first, the troops wondered why he made such a move, but when the arrow
reached the sky, it exploded, turning into hundreds of thousands of arrows that
mercilessly rained onto the religious Saint troops!
"Elemental Barriers!"

The Quasi-Sage commander bellowed, and instantaneously, the troops raised a

formidable shield encompassing the five elemental forces.


Like a thunderclap, the arrows barreled into the barrier, crackled it but failed to
break through. The space power within the barrier then absorbed the arrows to
redirect them toward Konrad.

At the same time, they released formidable spells on Konrad.

"Calamity Dispersion."

Konrad uttered, and the arrows vanished. Then he once again pulled the bowstrings,
firing a succession of Arrow Calamities upon his foes. Before his offensive, their
spells collapsed, and new cracks appeared on the barrier they raised.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

The cracks multiplied, and openings spread across the barrier. Konrad's lips curled
into a fiendish grin.

"Sound Calamity."

The bow turned into a jade flute which Konrad brought to his lips. With a blow, the
flute released a ringing sound that snuck through the barrier's cracks and echoed
within the ears of all the Holy Troops.


Their leaders roared in tandem, but it was far too late. The sound spread within the
troops' minds, thundering within their brains, their eyes distorted as violent jolts of
pain shredded them from the inside!


They howled in agony! Their ghastly screams alarming the world! Those beneath the
Star Taming Stage, the bulk of the forces, directly exploded in a feast of blood and

Even the formation couldn't save them!

More than 170000 Saints burst into a feast of blood and gore, the sight alarming the
Holy Continent whose denizens now witnessed the price of challenging the Profane
Prince's will!

"Life force Burning!"

The more than sixteen-hundred remaining Star Taming Stage experts burned their
life forces and increased the might of the elemental formation beyond the secure

Since they were the principal source of the formation's strength, the loss of the
170000 Saints didn't have a critical effect on their battle-power. However, substantial
backlash was inevitable. And now that they resorted to burning their life force, they
were directly gambling with their lives!

But they had no other recourse, because it was now clear, that Rising Saint or not,
this youth was an imminent threat to their existence. Any miscalculation would
result in their demise.

Therefore, they could only go all-out!

The elemental force soared, expanding to cover the entire area while the overall
battle-power of the united experts approached the Divine Blood and Spirit Ranks.

Divine Blood for the martial path.

Divine Spirit for the spiritual path.


The Sound Calamity collapsed, and they recoiled to reach the sealing dome that
prevented escape.

Now, the sixty-million barbarian troops immobilized below were going mad with
fright. What was this? The best of the two great factions beneath the Divine Rank,
united by top formations and backed by legions of puppets were being slammed left
and right by one Rising Saint?

Could this youth really be the avatar of a God?

Not only them, but even the experts standing opposite to Konrad were starting to
have such a thought. If not for a God's avatar, how could he display such
otherworldly might?

Not paying heed to their stupor, Konrad stretched out his hand, connecting to the
massive death essence released by the 170000 Saints' brutal deaths, and the souls
they left behind.

Using his insight in the Blossoming Death Art, he began refining the vast death
essence and plethora of souls lingering in the air. And as they filled him and
transformed his body, he mastered the first layer of the Blossoming Death Art. His
first death flower thus bloomed under the form of a black lotus.

But with the death energies swirling around him, his presence now mirrored an
incarnation of Yama!
With his body brimming with the influx of death essence, Konrad stepped forward.
Catastrophe again morphed, returning to the greatsword shape.

"What's wrong? After all those bold declarations, is this all you got? Come on, show
me your depth."

The derisive tone and smile with which Konrad said those words rekindled the
remaining experts' fury. Without hesitation, they burned their life force to the limit
they could endure, their hairs graying in the process, then shot toward Konrad.


A startling clash ensued. The more than sixteen-hundred experts acted as one man,
and with their battle-power reaching the Divine Blood and Spirit Ranks, their
abilities far transcended anything displayed beforehand.

Alas, no matter how hard they fought, they couldn't take the advantage, and the
battle gradually settled into a stalemate.

Konrad assumed his Ascended Titan Form, and each hand now wield a jade scimitar,
giving him the appearance of an invincible War God. However, that wasn't enough.
His opponents literally fought with their lives, betting their existence in every move.

The stalemate carried on across thousands of moves, without any side willing to
concede. But as the Celestial and Infernal experts seemed to have reached the limits
of their abilities, they resorted to a new desperate measure.

The legions of Holy Artifacts in their possession were summoned one after the other.
Each Pure Self and True Self wielding as many as they could endure. In tandem, they
hurled them all at Konrad, but before the artifacts could reach him their hands
flashed in incantation gestures, and inflated by both their manipulations and full-
might, the thousands of Holy Artifacts detonated!
The explosion releasing an unprecedented conflagration able to take the life of
anyone beneath the Divine Blood or Spirit Ranks!

In fact, even early-stage Divine Blood and Spirit experts could not survive.

This time, all believed Konrad doomed. And when the conflagration swallowed him,
a bright smile was plastered on all their lips.

"At last, the disaster is removed."

The Celestial and Infernal Leaders both thought upon witnessing this scene. No
matter how abnormal he was, even Konrad should have a limit. This strike wasn't
something he could survive.

After all, throughout this clash, the troops clearly managed to bring out the full might
of his abilities. With what else was he going to resist?

Now, they should clean all his supporters, recover their people, and devise a plan to
take control of the Tower…

…and then it clicked.

"Wait… why is the Tower's Screen not vanishing?"

They wondered. According to logic, when Konrad perished, the Tower's screen
should die with him. Why was it then that it remained standing?

"Could it be…”

The thought swirled within their minds, but even they couldn't believe it.

Impossible. It simply wasn't possible.

Meanwhile, Gulistan who observed this scene with her father couldn't help but smile.

And seeing her lips curl into such a bright smile, Berken arched his eyebrows.

"Are you not afraid for your life? If at his current level, he can overcome this hurdle,
in the near future, who can save you?"

He asked in a cold tone that betrayed no emotion.

"If he weren't this good, it would be no fun. Having spent a lifetime without worthy
peers, how can I not anticipate our future confrontations?"

She replied while keeping her eyes locked on the holy conflagration.

And as all wondered what remained of Konrad, the blue sky experienced startling
changes, its color turning into pure jade while myriads of stars appeared within.

But it was daytime.

Why were stars appearing? And in such shocking number at that!

But as all wondered what the source of this phenomenon was, from within the
conflagration, a creature emerged. Or rather, gargantuan heads emerged. The
gargantuan heads of a one-thousand meters tall jade serpent whose body now
bloated the sky!

One, two, three…

One after the other, the heads emerged from the cloud left by the explosion, and
when the last one rose, all could see that this gargantuan serpent possessed one-
thousand heads!

Right, one-thousand!

The serpent's golden eyes shone with dazzling light, while on his one-thousand
foreheads, three pairs of horns stood. And above each head, a jade sun and moon
hovered, surrounded by seven astral bodies.


The appearance of that nightmarish creature startled the world! And when its maws
opened, releasing a voice akin to Konrad's, all failed to believe it…
…because this creature… simply defied all cognition!

"What… is that?"

The Celestial and Infernal experts wondered in a stupor while recoiling at the mere
presence of this being.

"That, my friends, is God. Or you may call me, the first World Devourer."

Konrad's voice thundered and spread across the Ancient Crystal World.

"Having pushed me to reveal this form, you can be proud of yourselves. However, the
fight is over, and it is time for you to feed my voracious hunger!


Konrad's malefic laugh and frightening words reverberated within his foes' minds.

And this time, they finally accepted that they kicked an iron sheet, leaped into a
volcano, and thrown themselves into a hopeless situation.

Seeking salvation, they turned heels and tried running toward the sealing dome,
hoping to force their way out.


"Innate Skill: Devouring!"

…Konrad opened his maw, releasing an irresistible suction force that broke all his
opponents' energies and barriers to trap them under its yoke. At his mercy, the more
than sixteen-hundred surviving experts flew toward his one-thousand maws and
dived down his throat!

By the time they entered his body, all were shredded by a dreadful force and
flawlessly refined. At the same time, their deaths released massive death essence and
souls Konrad didn't let off!

All was devoured!

He then turned his eyes toward the sixty-million barbarian troops below.
"Sorrowful ants, living an existence controlled by your masters, and perishing for

Those words awoke those dazed soldiers to the reality of their situation, and
knowing they couldn't escape, all dropped on their knees!

"Your profane highness, mercy!

We beseech you to spare our lives! From now on, we shall faithfully serve you!"




Sixty-million voices exploded in grief and anguish! However, their words failed to
move Konrad.

"I have no use for you. When your deaths serve me more than your lives, why should
you live?"

Konrad replied, and again, opened his maw. The sixty-million troops were
immediately trapped by the Devouring Skill, and all flew toward Konrad's maws!

"Nooo! NOOOO! I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die! Please have mercy!"

"Mercy! Mercy! MEEEERCY!"

They roared, but to avail. All vanished within! Sixty-million lives thus turned into
death essence and souls for the voracious Konrad to feast on! His second death
flower bloomed. And was it not for him being stranded at the first layer, he could
have condensed several more!

Meanwhile, his resilience and regeneration abilities had reached an unprecedented

level. Even if he wished to perish, it would be a daunting task!

Anatol, Draven and all the leading members of the Infernal Cult and Celestial Church
trembled, shaken by violent tremors!

"More than ninety percent of our forces beneath the Divine Rank. Legions of
outstanding relatives… all fallen. Artifacts and puppets… lost.

Our foundation is… broken."

A dazed Anatol whispered, in slow motion while struggling to remain standing.

Meanwhile, when he realized how the Serkars washed their hands of this fight, and
only dispatched worthless troops, Draven felt himself duped and his eyes went
Erhardt, Bayiz and the third elder's son, the three violently maimed captives
appeared before Konrad, broken, and unable to speak.


The third cult elder and Anatol's wife roared in tandem and shot toward the Anti
Divine Power screen! This time, even Anatol could no longer restrain himself and
joined the fray.

The appearance of the three experts did nothing to deter Konrad. With the Anti-
Divine-Power screen standing between them, even if the Celestial Church's leader
was one of the two most powerful experts on the globe, he still couldn't alter today's

Seeing the three land before him, in his thousand-headed World Devourer form,
Konrad's maw formed the semblance of a smile, creating a grotesque sight that
intensified the dread of those observing the scene from afar.

As soon as they arrived, the third elder and Anatol's wife unleashed their strongest
strikes on the Anti-Divine-Power screen, fighting tooth and nails to obliterate it.
However, all of their attempts were futile. Anatol then joined the fray, condensing a
dazzling golden sun that fired a succession of blinding beams upon the screen.

In the world's knowledge, Draven, Anatol, Berken, and the Celestial Church's Great
Elder were the Ancient Crystal World's mightiest experts. They'd been stranded in
the late-stage of Divine Transformation for thousands of years, and failed to break
through to the peak not because of talent, but due to lacking resources.

However, of those four, the two leaders were ranked higher due to their ownership of
their respective factions' Supreme Artifact while Berken was believed stronger than
the church's great elder. Of course, without battles to determine the truth, this was
nothing but hearsay.

Anatol's sunbeams barreled into the screen but failed to leave a dent. Meanwhile,
Konrad flew toward the screen, bringing the maimed captives closer to their
relatives. And seeing Bayiz's state, Berken, who observed the scene from a distance,
didn't even bat an eyelid.

Mild disappointment flashed on his face, and he turned heels.

"There is nothing else to see. In the future, we will all meet within the Barbarian
Continent. In the meantime, I'd recommend you devise a way to make up for your
blunder. Otherwise…”

Berken didn't finish his words and vanished in a golden haze. Gulistan's smile
remained unchanged, and she observed the battle's conclusion with rapt attention.

Anatol unleashed strikes upon strikes on the screen, all to no avail. At a loss, he
summoned a white bow which overflowed with unfathomable divine power.

This was the most potent artifact of the Celestial Church, the Heavenly Star Bow.

Wielding this high-grade Divine Artifact, Anatol's already tyrannical pressure rose to
new heights.

But as he armed his bow, and fired a white light arrow which seemed endowed with
the power to obliterate the sun and moon, Konrad merely shook his head.


And indeed, the arrow slammed against the Anti-Divine-Power screen and vanished
like all the previous moves.

Anatol despaired. But what was the point of desperation? Since an offensive stance
was useless, he could only lower his pride and seek a compromise.

Returning his Heavenly Star Bow to his space treasure, he raised his defeated eyes
toward the towering Konrad's central heads.
"You won."

He admitted, in a calm tone that concealed the waves of emotions within his heart.

"How could I not? I warned you, but you didn't listen. Whoever came could only
perish. Having been forced to slaughter so many lives, my heart is full of grief.
Believe me, this hurts me more than it hurts you."

Konrad replied, and in his thousand-headed horned serpent form, his words echoed
like a perfectly matched choir. An evil choir that grated the ears of his foes. However,
Anatol kept his composure.

"From now on, the Holy Continent is yours. Half the world belongs to you, no one can
challenge that fact. However, better than me, you should know that the Holy
Continent is not just your domain, it is your prison. As long as you step outside, you
can only perish."

Anatol stated, attempting to suppress Konrad's confidence. And indeed, his words
were sensible. Although for the current Konrad death was no simple matter, in a real
confrontation, he couldn't resist the two factions' leaders. All agreed on this truth.

"But I'm only a Rising Saint. Although at the moment, cultivation isn't a critical part
of my strength, as it grows, its might multiplies. By the time I reach Star Connection,
in this world, who can challenge me? To say nothing of my improving Divine
Physiques. I only need to bring one to the Mastered Stage, and you can surrender
your lives. Meanwhile, my cultivation speed is far beyond what you can fathom. Your
point is… moot. "

Konrad retorted, undisturbed by Anatol's words. How many years would he need to
reach Star Connection? Ten? Fifteen? Although due to the strange energies within his
body, Anatol couldn't use his Origin Sight to access his true age, he didn't doubt that
Konrad was nothing more than a youth.

A Saint's lifespan was ten-thousand years. With Konrad's current appearance, he

definitely was less than one-thousand years old. And considering the discrepancy
between his horrifying battle-power and cultivation, Anatol hypothesized that his
breakthrough was recent. Perhaps, he wasn't even one-hundred years old.

Such a monster was doomed to rise at breakneck speed. Anatol didn't doubt that in
the near future, even he couldn't restrain him.
A sigh escaped his lips.

"You've made your points, and displayed your might. Killing them serves no purpose
besides indulging your pettiness. For my son, I'm willing to complete an exchange,
even an unreasonable one. As long as you drop the nonsense about concubines,
anything is discussable."

Anatol declared, his clear tone showing neither hesitation nor falsehood.

Konrad was startled. Never did he expect Anatol's love for his son to go to such an
extent. Among the leaders of great factions, this level of paternal love was, at best,

"The Heavenly Star Bow in your possession. Give it to me, and I can return your son
to you."

Konrad directly asked, and hearing this, the Celestial Elders all rushed toward the
scene, and regardless of race and clans, shook their heads in disapproval.

"Church leader, you absolutely cannot! The Heavenly Star Bow is the most powerful
weapon of our church. Your ancestor received it from the founder due to their
meritorious services! Although it belongs to house Wirth, calling it one of the
foundations of the Celestial Church is not an exaggeration!

Under no circumstances can it fall into the hands of outsiders!"

They roared in tandem, setting all their differences aside to convince Anatole of not
taking this suicidal road.

However, they'd underestimated his resolve.

"Like you said, it is my family's weapon, and I'm house Wirth's head. Profane Prince,
I'm willing. But how can I make sure you will keep your hand of the bargain?"

Again, Konrad was startled. Sun spirits indeed were incomparably passionate
individuals. This level of familial devotion was a rare sight in the cultivation world.

And at that time, the third infernal elder's voice echoed.

"As long as you can provide me enough insurance, I'm also willing to surrender my
house's number one artifact. Although it can't compare to the Heavenly Star Bow, it
still can't be underestimated."

Konrad's two-thousand eyes swept those loyal fathers with incredulity.

"Impressed, I'm impressed. Very well, I can return your children in exchange for
those items. We will sign a Mutual-Obligation contract."

Konrad replied, and in a twister of jade light, the contract was drafted. Both Anatole
and the third cult elder could read the demonic language. Therefore, they could see
its simple content.

In exchange for their mightiest artifacts, Konrad pledged to return their children
alive, without any further damage.

The contract flew toward them, and immediately, they signed it. Seeing this, a
strange glint flashed within Konrad's eyes.
Afterward, the two surrendered their artifacts.

"My word is my bond, you can retrieve your whelps."

Konrad declared, then wrapped both Erhardt and the third cult elder's son in a green
orb before sending them past the barrier to land before their respective parents.
Seeing their half-flayed states, said parents showed various reactions.

The third cult elder and Anatole's wife didn't conceal their profound ire, while
Anatole struggled to maintain his composure. But ultimately, he did. After all,
Erhardt was alive, and that's what mattered most. As long as the spark of life
remained, all physical wounds could be healed.

Without delay, he directed his divine power toward Erhardt's wounds, using a sixth
circle restorative spell to mend them at the fastest pace. In a flash, they were all
mended, and Erhardt returned to his regular appearance.

The third infernal cult elder did the same, and his son regained consciousness.


Erhardt whispered as his eyes awoke to Anatole's. At the same time, the third elder's
son was recovering his consciousness and speaking similar words.

However, Anatole was startled to see Erhardt's eyes going bloodshot, and his lips


Like balloons, Erhardt and the third elder's son's heads inflated before their parents'
eyes and exploded before either of them could react. Their bones, blood, and brain
debris splattered their relatives.
And thus, they perished.

Anatole couldn't believe his eyes, and his eyelids trembled. But as he shifted his eyes
toward his wife, and saw the same stupor within her hues, he was forced to admit
that this was the reality.

In a violent outburst, he spun toward Konrad!

"Dastardly son of a whore! We signed a contract! How could you?!"

Demonic contracts were binding agreements. One couldn't break them without

"I said I would return them alive and without further damage. I never said I would
free them of the poison I've been experimenting on them. That poison reacts to
healing force. If you heal them, their heads explode, if you don't… nothing happens."

Konrad leisurely replied, then returned to his human form.

"Therefore, I didn't harm them. You did. Celestial Church Leader, Third Infernal Elder,
it was a pleasure doing business with you."

Konrad chortled and turned heels, vanishing to return to his imperial palace. Thus,
leaving behind the still dazed experts. Of course, he didn't leave Bayiz behind.


Erhardt's mother howled, while holding on her son's shoulders, then passed out in

"Konrad, I swear not to rest until I feast on your corpse. Regardless of the cost, I…
will destroy you!"

Anatole pledged, then carried both his son's corpse and his wife to return to the
Celestial Church's headquarters.

Reappearing in the throne room, Konrad's eyes swept Yvonne and Else who looked
at him as if staring at a freak. For indeed, with his new bloodline and abilities, "freak"
was the only word they could think of when laying eyes on him.

But after this brief moment of stupor, they regained their composure.

"You've made thorny arch-nemeses. Now, it's very likely that the final Holy War will
not be between the Celestial Church and the Infernal Cult."

Else began, and hearing her words, Konrad smirked.

"You're right. It will be Celestial Church and Infernal Cult versus our Profane Prince
Cult. And after facing such a blow, they will not hesitate to use the Merit Steeles."

Konrad leisurely replied, but at that time, Yvonne raised an issue the other two had
almost not considered.

"Not necessarily. You've seen it yourself; the Infernal Cult's top-level troops didn't
include the Serkars. There was no violet or golden-blooded human among their

Meanwhile, within the Infernal Cult's headquarters, Berken "faced trial" before
Draven, the Infernal Cult's leader whose eyes revealed calm ire. The non-Serkar
elders all stood beside him.

"Admit it, you knew. You knew very well the depth of that boy and refused to
dispatch your house's experts because you knew they wouldn't survive. Now, the
Serkars are the only one to come out unscathed from this confrontation. What a
devious plan."

Draven appraised while keeping his chilling gaze locked on Berken. Hearing this, the
mourning third elder's eyes went bloodshot.

"Indeed, I knew. How could I not?"

Berken directly replied. His words triggering massive outrage within his peers.

The third elder could no longer restrain himself.

"Berken Serkar, because of your deep cultivation and irreproachable conduct, we've
always treated you with profound respect. However, at the critical moment when the
cult needed your insight, you chose to backstab it by withholding crucial

All… for the sake of shifting the power balance! Today, how many of us have lost
relatives? How much of the Infernal Cult's power has been squandered? As the
Infernal Cult's great elder, can you face your predecessors? How vile! How
despicable! If you don't give us an explanation, no one can save you!"

The third elder roared, his words arousing the suppressed ire of his peers. Still,
Berken remained undaunted.

"Explanation? Ok. The Infernal Cult is the Infernal Cult. House Serkar is house Serkar.
We are not one and the same. My house's benefits will always trump the Cult's."

Berken straightforwardly replied, his words startling his fellow elders who didn't
expect such candor. Only Draven maintained his cool.

"Hahaha! Berken, Berken, you finally show your true colors."

Draven chortled and summoned his mightiest artifact, a blood longsword while
releasing the full might of his cultivation. At this juncture, there was no need for
falsehood. If Berken didn't die, the Infernal Cult's future was worrying.

But even before Draven's full-strength, Berken's indifference remained.

"True colors? Nonsense. The human lineage is one of the most honorable within the
Three Realms. Was it not for the Higher Realm Wills' suppression, how could we be
reduced to this state? As a golden-blooded human, why need I stand beneath a trivial

Descendants of modified wastes and false lineages such as yours should prostrate
themselves before us. Not the other way around."

Berken declared, and golden light erupted from his body, revealing a cultivation level
that filled all the cult elders with fright.

"Divine Ascension… Divine Ascension… How… how could this be?"

Draven stammered, unable to believe his eyes.

"If only on the Ancient Crystal World, it's time for humanity… to regain its glory.
Henceforth, I Berken Serkar, claim the position of Infernal Cult Leader."

Berken proclaimed, then threw a casual palm strike.


Slammed by the pressure, Draven flew backward, encasing himself in the opposite
wall, his fate unknown.
Back into the imperial palace, Konrad now made his way to a secluded chamber
where a certain "prisoner" remained captive.

Within that chamber, the Dowager, Amalia sat on top of an oval bed, her dazed eyes
showing no emotions. Even Konrad's appearance didn't trigger much reaction from
her. She merely shifted her blank gaze toward him and bowed in greetings.

Just like a docile puppet. With a smirk, Konrad waved his hand, releasing a wave of
jade light that freed Amalia of his control. Instantaneously, confusion spread within
her eyes, and upon recalling the events following her arrival in the Voight domain,
indignation, stupor, and anguish replaced the previous confusion.

"It was you, you that turned me against my kin, and caused me to betray my house
and brother."

Amalia realized, but despite the distressing situation, her tone remained calm, and
her eyes peered into Konrad's golden hues.

"Indeed, it was I."

He casually replied and sat on the bed, seeing him take such a casual approach,
Amalia frowned. However, she didn't lose sight of the priorities.

"What do you want from me?"

She directly asked.

"I want you."

Konrad straightforwardly replied, his relaxed smile unchanged, and his golden eyes
still locked on Amalia's silver hues.

Her frown deepened.

"In this life or in another, I will only belong to one man. Alive, he's my husband. Dead,
I am his widow. Though your looks transcend anything I've witnessed in thousands
of years of existence, appearance alone cannot make my devotion waver."

Amalia declared. And indeed, although Konrad's empyrean appearance was an

enthralling sight, although she needed to use the full measure of her willpower to
not succumb to his golden eyes, such base emotions could never overwhelm her
affection for her deceased husband.

Theirs was an everlasting commitment. Konrad was impressed. On earth, it would be

rare to see a widow still devoted to her late husband after a decade. To say nothing of

However, Amalia's adoration for Olrich's father effortlessly endured the test of time.
Even death could not do them apart. Such commitment was indeed praiseworthy.


"You should know it by now. If I want you, you cannot resist. I only need to click my
fingers, and all your affection for the previous emperor will vanish. With another
click, I will become the center of your world.

That, or I can just release my pheromones, and shame you into offering yourself in
an eruption of lust. There are so many ways for me to take you, none are

Konrad began and hearing this, Amalia's eyelids trembled while she clenched her
fists in unwillingness.

"Nevertheless, I do not lack women. Peerless beauties, outstanding talents, I have it

all. What I want is… your brain."

Amalia's frown dispersed, and she arched her eyebrows.

"You are clever. Alas, you played for the wrong team. I can breed talent, beauty,
everything. Everything besides intellect. I cannot make a genius out of a brick. Which
is why I seek women like you."

Konrad explained.
"If you join me, I will make you the head of the new Research Department. I know
you made significant progress in anti demonic beast weapons for the Holy Flame
Church. With me, that program will be discontinued. Instead, on top of a few other
tasks, I want you to start studying the root of humanity's blood and its latent

With your understanding of genetics, you are currently the most suited person for
the task. I shall put all the needed resources at your disposal. That naturally includes
test subjects."

There was one thing Konrad never understood, the vast discrepancy between
golden-blooded humans and titans. Only one bloodline level stood between them,
and yet, titans were comparable to the highest deva and demon races such as the
ravmalakhs and lust embodiments.

However, in bloodline level, golden-blooded humans could not match a pureblooded

incubus. At best, they were one step above half-bloods. Such an abysmal gap made
no sense.

Therefore, Konrad hypothesized that even the lower-ranked human bloodlines

possessed vast latent powers. Latent powers that, for some reason, humans failed to
tap into. Unlocking this strength would surely unravel many mysteries and new

Of course, he didn't delude himself into thinking this a simple task. After all, if he
could think of this, others could.

As Konrad's words ended, Amalia closed her eyes, appraising the proposal. Research
had always been her favorite activity, and humanity a species shrouded in many
mysteries. Mysteries that kindled her interest. However, recalling the previous
events, she squinted.

"I can agree to these terms. However, you'd have to do one thing for me first."

Hearing this, Konrad's lips curled into a smile.

"Oh? And what would that be?"

"Simple. Kill Yvonne. She and I cannot coexist. To have one, you must forsake the
Although it stemmed from Olrich's intrigues, it was by Yvonne's hands that Amalia's
two other sons died. Having never forgotten this slight, there was simply no way for
her to work in the same team as Yvonne.

But she didn't expect that as soon as the words echoed, Konrad's smile brightened.

"Oh really? Good, very good."

Konrad chortled, and no longer restrained his pheromones. Thanks to his

transformation, his orchid scent had undergone drastic changes, with its might
increasing several folds.

As soon as that scent reached her nostrils, Amalia's eyes widened, her body
trembled, and her cheeks flushed red.

"Now this is what I call audacity. How bold. How impudent. Yvonne is my wife, first
among my women. When I'm not even calculating your involvement in her
tribulation poison, and your attack on her domain, you actually have the nerves to
request her head?

Impressive! Clearly, your late husband didn't teach you propriety. I will have to do it
in his stead."

Konrad stretched out his hand, causing jade-colored desire flames to rise from his
index and dive into Amalia's chest.

Instantaneously, all her resistance collapsed, and her eyes blazed with lust while her
cunt drenched her panties in sexual juice.

"Des… picable!"

She stammered and dropped on her front while rubbing her inner-thighs.

"Despicable is my middle name. I can assure you that you will enjoy this more than

Konrad leisurely replied before shifting Amalia's legs toward him.

"See how I spank the rebelliousness out of you."

Pulling her by the legs, Konrad laid Amalia on his lap, with her big, perky butt facing
him while her face remained pressed on the bed. A face that failed to contain the
heat spreading throughout her body at breakneck speed and threatening to
obliterate all her vows.

First, Konrad gave her ass cheeks a good squeeze, assessing the texture and elasticity
with a "knowledgeable expert's" seriousness.

"Top-grade goods. We are working with top-grade goods. Well-done."

Konrad appraised with a firm nod and feeling the hands of a man other than her late
husband groping her body, shame filled Amalia's eyes.

"How… dare you?"

She stammered with increasingly ragged breathing.

"The only thing I don't dare do is… nothing."

Konrad leisurely replied before copping another feel… just for safety measures, of
course. He then pulled off his hands, then joined them in a prayer sign. Jade flames
appeared and swirled around his hands. Flames whose mere scent could kindle
desire in the unprepared.

Konrad pressed his hands back on Amalia's rear, cupping one ass cheek within each
hand and massaging her butt through the fabric of her clothes; clothes her pussy
juices stained at a rapid pace.


When the flames of ecstasy snuck past her clothes and bum to infiltrate her body,
Amalia couldn't help but let out a small moan. Unwilling to let such a thing occur
again, she bit the bedsheets beneath her, hoping to silence her expressions of

But due to the ecstasy flames relaxing her body, when Konrad raised his hand,
arming it for the first smack, she couldn't even bring herself into clenching her


Konrad's left palm descended on Amalia's right butt cheek while the left one
remained cupped in his other hand. The spanking sound soared toward the ceiling,
spreading throughout the room while Amalia's supple butt jiggled upon impact.


Amalia squealed, unable to restrain herself while her eyes widened in disbelief. That
single spank brought alongside it a contradictory mixture of pain and delight. A
disgraceful mixture that filled her mind with eagerness for the second one. And this
was only the first. After the tenth or twentieth, how low would she fall?

"Look, everything is negotiable. You don't need to go so…”

Amalia began, but alas…

"Too late. I give you an inch you take a mile, a hand you want the whole arm. That
being the case, do not blame me for being merciless."

Konrad replied before lifting Amalia's dress to reveal her bare butt, then raising his
hand, again arming it for another strike.

"Wait, wait…”

But wait he did not. And this time, while his left palm smacked Amalia's right butt
cheek, the right "tended" to her left; thus, turning the Dowager's backside into a
beating drum.


At first, she vainly attempted to muffle her moans by keeping her teeth and hands
clenched on the bedsheets. But as the spanking carried on, and enrapturing pleasure
filled her body, and clouded her mind, she could no longer restrain herself and
moaned in delight.

"Ooohhh… ohhh… ohhh!"

Amalia squealed while the relentless smacking of her rear carried on.


Konrad spanked her harder and faster, the pace shooting up with Amalia's pleasure
and the tonality of her moans!

Delight shone on her dazed face, and her eyes glazed with lust while Konrad's
punishing hands brought her to the edge.


And with the last smack, she went over it.

"Ooh my god… I'm… cumming!"

Arching her back, Amalia squealed and orgasmed on Konrad's lap, her gushing juices
soaking her panties, thighs, and the bedsheet below.

Her face then dropped on the bed with her tongue lolling out. If there was such a
thing as "proper humiliation," she firmly believed that… this was the most
reasonable shame she would experience in her life!

But, of course, Konrad was only getting started.

"Ah, now I see the truth. From the start, this is what you were aiming for. And I
entertained you thinking I was punishing you. What a dastardly plan!"

Silly. I'm so silly!"

Konrad "realized" while slapping his forehead.

"Shame… less!"
Amalia sobbed. But then, a new pair of arms grew from Konrad's sides. First, he
coated his fingers with his demonic saliva, then renewed the flames of ecstasy, and
stretched the four hands toward Amalia.

In a deft move, he flipped her on her back and lowered her dress to reveal those
bountiful breasts she kept hidden beneath.

One hand aimed at her still dripping cunt, another at her puckered butthole, and the
last two fell on her breasts. The still dazed Amalia slightly shivered, fearing and
anticipating what was about to happen to her.

"Since I've been taken advantage of, I might as well go all out!"

Konrad declared before getting to work. His four hands assailed their targets, the
first two fingering Amalia's cunt and butthole while the last two fondled her breasts
and teased her nipples.

"Ahh… ahhh… ahhh!"

Attacked on too many fronts, it didn't take a minute before Amalia collapsed in
another orgasm.

And then another one. And again, another one. Soon, the pleasure completely
possessed her mind and threatened to drive her into madness.

"Ooohhh… you're killing me!"

"Stop… wait… ohhh!"

"Don't stop… don't stop!"

Amalia squealed while Konrad's fingers wantonly toured her body.

"I can't take anymore… mercy!"

Her moaning voice was so loud that soon, it spread throughout the entire imperial
palace, and all became aware that the stately Empress Dowager had fallen from her

"Will you behave?"

Konrad asked while pulling out his fingers. Amalia had now turned into a startling
mess, her juice forming a large puddle that drenched the whole bed while her body
trembled and droll dripped from either corner of her wide open mouth.

"If… you say A… I won't dare… say B."

Completely vanquished, she surrendered to her fate.

Satisfied, Konrad nodded in approval, and unbuckled his pants, revealing his hard,
throbbing rod that ached for its share of bliss.

Seeing the meat-rod appear and lower itself toward her snatch, Amalia's trembling

"Wait that's too…”

"Because you think that at this juncture, you can still be considered faithful to your
late husband? Delusional."

Konrad shook his head and aligned his profane shaft with Amalia's moist entrance.
In a tantalizingly slow motion, Konrad inserted it, making sure that Amalia would
forever remember this instant when a second man filled her body. And fill he did.

"Ohhh… so… full!"

She whimpered as Konrad's girth conquered her insides, and his cock settled within
her. Pleasure driven, she spread her legs to give him better access while he held her
waist to fully impale her on his rod, and ready her for the impending hammering.

Konrad glided his shaft back to the entrance, the move eliciting a new whimper from
Amalia, before again shoving himself to the hilt in one rapid thrust.

"Anhh… anhh!"

The pounding then began, with Konrad hammering his cock into Amalia's cave while
his hips danced against her waist to hit the spot that brought her the most pleasure.

Mid-hammering, he released his golden and jade lights, creating a sharp pleasure
increase that filled the already crumbling Dowager with debilitating pleasure.
And as Konrad plowed her field, the memory of her late husband vanished in the
back of her head.

Moans became animalistic grunts, and in that instant, Amalia probably couldn't
remember her name or recognize her reflection in a mirror.

*Pah* *Pah* *Pah*

Konrad's pace shot up, going in and out at a superhuman speed until his rod ached
for release, and he unleashed his spunk within Amalia's snatch.


She groaned in an orgasm of her own and lost her last bit of strength. Konrad then
flipped her on her front, still holding her by the waist to hammer her from behind
through several hours of barbaric mating.

Mating at the end of which, he induced Amalia into a contract whose nature she
didn't give a damn about.
Meanwhile, the world still ran. Following the disastrous defeat of the Infernal and
Celestial Saints, words of the Profane Prince's invincible might spread throughout
the Holy Continent. At the same time, tales of his monstrous appearance filled the
hearts of the billions of commoners with fright.

"Did you hear? Sixty-million troops, Two-hundred-thousand celestial beings, all

slaughtered to the last by a sneeze of the Profane Prince!"

"A sneeze? Aren't you exaggerating a little bit?"

"What do you know? The Profane Prince is the mortal avatar of the One True God.
His strength unmatched, his powers unparalleled. Ruling life and death! One of his
sneezes is more than enough to squash all!"

"Talking about life and death, I heard all the plague victims that wholeheartedly
surrendered to the Profane Prince's Cult were immediately freed of all afflictions.
Better, they received massive boons!

The cripples now walk, the deformed are back to normalcy, the maimed are restored
and the dead back to life! I didn't believe it at first, but when my sister offered herself
to the profane prince, her son, who died from the plague, rose from the grave!"

"God finally walks among us. Come, my friend, it's time we let go of the church's lies,
reject the false idols, and embrace the road of salvation! Otherwise, we will really die
in vain!"


Thus, the two friends completed their initiation ritual, pledging themselves to the
new faith, and surrendering their souls to the Profane Prince.

Mausoleums filled with Phantasm Orchids were erected to serve as the initiations'
places. There, priests oversaw the submission of the new devouts and indoctrinated
them with the True Scripture.

It was a text written by Konrad, containing a new creation myth and all the precepts
of his faith.

"The Profane Prince is the Self-Manifested God, The Uncreated. He existed before
time itself and formed the world in three steps.

With a sigh, he destroyed primal chaos and created the universe.

With another sigh, he created the worlds alongside their heavens and earths. This
world is nothing more than one among the tens of thousands that already worship
our Lord!

With a last sigh, he released the breath of existence, allowing the worlds to spin, and
the creatures to appear one after the other.

Thus, the world was made."

A priest donning the black and white cassock of the Profane Prince Cult told the

"Lust is no sin. It is the manifestation of your rooted need for survival. Without lust,
if men and women didn't crave one another, how could our species survive? The
church attempted to trick you into thinking yourselves sinful so that it could control

No more! Our God possesses ten principal faces and one thousand lesser faces.

The ten faces are Lust, Debauchery, Purity, Death, Life, Wrath, Justice, Willfulness,
Retribution, and Grit.

Each face can manifest itself in an avatar. All are one, one is all! Our God sees all and
is just in all handling. Serve him faithfully, and paradise awaits you on this world!"

The new devouts listened with rapt attention.

Legion of earth mages erected statues of Konrad throughout the Holy Continent, and
all churches were reformed into branches of the Profane Prince's Cult, with the
former priests recognizing their "wrongs" and becoming staunch supporters of the
new world order.

Leaving behind a cum-drunk Amalia, Konrad headed toward the throne room where
a council assembled.

There, Yvonne, Else, Verena, Wilfried, Hubert, Wolfgang, and Krann stood, awaiting
his arrival. In a twister of jade light, Konrad appeared before them and took position
on his new throne which he modified to suit his tastes.

"Ladies and gentlemen, apologies for the delay. I was… enlightening new recruits.
Now, now. Let's get down to business."

Konrad began, and hearing the "enlightening new recruits" parts, many shook their

"Now that the two factions' armies have been obliterated, and my goal met, it's time
we proceed with the official abolition of the five states and the coronation ceremony.

I have already contacted my avatars to have the various rulers bring their crowns
and imperial seals to officially abdicate their thrones. The Great Void Emperor, the
Profound Sea Emperor, the Prosperous Wind Emperor, and the Earth Alliance King
are on their way as we speak."

Konrad explained.

"However, they won't be the only one. I plan to erase the Sovereign Prince title and
the hereditary ownership of fiefs.

All land under the sky belongs to the emperor. Princely identification, to the imperial
family. Neither should be owned by non-imperial kin. Therefore, all Sovereign
Princes will have to officially renounce their rights."

Konrad declared, his words startling the gathered folks.

As the targeted audience, Wilfried and Hubert were particularly alarmed. Their
houses had been hereditary rulers of vast domains for more than one-hundred
thousand years.
Their fiefs were large enough to be vast kingdoms of their own, and their titles
passed down for generations. How could they simply surrender such dignity?

"Isn't this too… extreme? One man cannot rule all, what can you possibly achieve by
doing this?"

Hubert inquired. After all, house Voight was the most ancient of the Uradel houses.
As the previous rulers of this land, their history predated the Holy Flame Empire.
How could Hubert so readily surrender the land of his ancestors?

"From now on, governors will be assigned. And some of the larger domains
quartered into new provinces. We will switch from half to full bureaucratic system
with magistrates, grand administrators, prefects, and governors assigned based on

Cultivation plays no role in the ability to administrate. Therefore, to maximize the

growth of this land, I will look at talent before anything else. The nobility will switch
to an honorary status with rank determined by cultivation. The higher the rank, the
more privileges will be afforded.

The new top rank will be Archduke.

But all will be restrained to the capital. A capital we will expand. The construction of
talent assessing centers can now spread to the entire continent. From those new
talents, we shall breed a new army. The country will be divided into castes unable to
interfere with one another.

The gentry for official and administrative matters. The warriors for military matters,
the priesthood for the faith, and the merchants for commerce.

As the bulk of our continent's cultivation power, the nobility is encouraged to join
the warrior and priest castes. With your cultivation, you will naturally stand at the
summit of the warrior caste. But I must warn you that in my administration, to
receive key training, swallowing one of my orchids is a must."

Konrad replied. Of course, his words failed to satisfy Hubert who could only grit his
teeth in disappointment. And as their fathers sought support in their eyes, neither
Yvonne nor Else made comments.

They then discussed various other issues, and as the discussion reached its end,
Konrad added:

"The coronation ceremony will be followed by my grand wedding. On that occasion, I

will wed Yvonne as my Jade Empress, Else and Verena as my Jade Consorts, Jasmine,
Iliana, Nils and Daphne as my Divine Consorts.

All will take positions according to their ranks. However, my consorts will not live in
the Imperial Palace. They already have reserved spots in the Tower of Rebirth.

Afterward, you fathers-in-law will be sealed as Grand Pillars."

No one expected Konrad to simultaneously wed seven women after the coronation
ceremony. But, of course, none raised objections. After all, in the current Holy
Continent, Konrad was no different from God.

No, he was God.

And God's will was inviolable.

The council dispersed, and the preparative for the coronation ceremony and
wedding began.
Within the Celestial Church's headquarters, the thirty-six Celestial elders
surrounded Anatole, none wearing a smiling face. On this occasion, even his
kinsmen, the Wirth sun spirits didn't stand on his side.

"Anatol, as the leader of the Celestial Church, you failed to consider the big picture,
and surrendered the church's mightiest artifact to an outsider, all for the sake of
retrieving your son!

Good. You now have his corpse. Are you satisfied?"

The great elder "inquired" in a mocking tone. But the mourning Anatol paid him no
heed. His eyes peered into the distance, and only his back faced his peers. Taking his
silence as a sign of weakness, the great elder carried on.

"Under your leadership, we first lost our footing in the Holy Continent. Then, we lost
more than ninety percent of our forces beneath the Divine Rank. And finally, we lost
our strongest artifact.

Now look at the faith radars! Look at how close our daily merit gains are from zero!
Our passive boons from faith are shooting toward nothingness faster than the eye
can follow! This is the last Holy War, and before we can confront the Infernal Cult,
you've allowed a secular world youth to stomp us to this level!

Anatol are you not ashamed?! How can you answer to your peers and face your

The great elder roared, hoping to use the recent events to pressure Anatole into
abdication. And still, no elder came to his defense.

Inwardly, Anatol sighed. There were always people like this. Individuals who never
looked beyond immediate benefit and couldn't stop themselves from coveting swift
The great elder was one such a person.

"Isn't it the church leader seat you want? Ok. You can have it."

Anatol replied without turning heels. And hearing this, to say nothing of the other
elders, even the great elder couldn't believe his ears.

"Come again?"

He couldn't help but blurt out.

"I said if you want the church leader's seat, just take it. I have no interest in such
paltry dignity."

Anatol's words rang within the room, alarming his peers. But in a flash, fury replaced
their shock.

"The Celestial Church's leader is the representant of the Cardinal Lords within this
world, the guide of the faith! How dare you disparage that office?"

The great elder snapped. And soon, several high-ranking elders followed suit.

"Mourning is no justification for such disrespect. With those words alone, you're no
longer qualified to hold your seat!"

"How could you po-"

But before the last rebuking elder could finish his words, Anatol's cultivation
erupted, releasing a massive wave of divine power that sent all the elders flying
against nearby walls with large gushes of blood.


Although the great elder managed to avoid his fellows' fate, his organs spiraled out of
control, and he dropped on his knees…


…then spurted a large mouthful of blood. As he supported himself on his hands to

avoid collapsing, his eyes widened in disbelief.
"Peak… peak of Divine Transformation."

He realized in fright. He and Anatol had been stranded at the limit of the late-stage
for more than ten-thousand years, without any hope of breaking through to the peak.
The reason was simple. To reach the peak of Divine Transformation, there were
many conditions.

First, possessing at least twenty-seven Supreme Meridians and an Imperial Avatar.

Second, reaching the late stage in the martial and spiritual paths.

Third, turning a Mature Dao into a Grand Dao.

Fourth, transforming Supreme Meridians into God-Meridians and the Imperial

Avatar into a False God Incarnation.

When all these conditions were fulfilled, the cultivator could break through the peak
of Divine Transformation, and pursue Divine Ascension.

Alas, in the history of the Ancient Crystal World, no native ever managed to satisfy
them all. For this reason, after the first batch that came from the higher realms, none
could reach the peak of Divine Transformation and breakthrough Divine Ascension.

Never did the great elder expect that Anatol managed where all others failed!

"I've already said I would give you the seat. Why must you still pressure me?

Can a man not mourn his loss? Can a father not mourn his son? What law within
heaven and earth forbids me from having this moment of peace?

Must I kill you all before you understand proper limitations?"

Laced with an invisible force, Anatol's words hacked at his suppressed peers' bones
and organs, brutalizing them from within.

Even the great elder could not resist. Starting with the Divine Rank, each
breakthrough triggered a monstrous strength leap. A leap that only grew with higher

At Divine Transformation, each level was comparable to the gap between early
Divine Blood/Spirit and early Divine Transformation.

"What are wealth, glory and splendor before the hearth of our house? Before the
shared warmth of our beloved. I do not care for such trivial dignities, because they
are not worth caring for."

Anatol declared while turning toward the elders who know knelt on the ground,
trembling before his might.

"Church leader we…”

They began, but before they could finish their words, Anatol cut them dry.

"No. No church leader. Don't you want me to abdicate? Very well, I retire. You can
take my badge of office. However, I must warn you, the days ahead hold nothing good
for you."

Anatol's words awoke the great elder to the new reality of things. With this
breakthrough, even if he took the church leader's seat, if Anatol so wished, he would
still hold all powers.

That seat… he couldn't take.

"Please forgive our impudence, we were narrow-minded and failed to share your
burdens. Never again will such a breach occur!"

He pledged, renouncing his claim. And seeing this, Anatol sneered.

"As you wish. Surrender your houses' merit reserves. I plan to use both house and
church merit to begin a summoning ritual.

Using our years of accumulation, we will permanently summon several Celestial

Realm Divine Ascension Devas from mighty noble houses to lead us against our foes.
With their strength and backgrounds, they should have a way to dispose of the Anti-
Divine-Power Screen."

Anatol's order struck the kneeling elders like a bolt of lightning, and many of them
failed to accept those words.

"But… if we do that… we're forcing the Infernal Cult into doing the same! Please
remember the tales of the First Holy War!

Once a battle between forces of that level begins, how many of us can survive?!
Worse, to the Celestial Realm, we're nothing more than glorified ants. How will those
devas treat us when they descend? Please reconsider!"

The great elder exclaimed, unwilling to see the situation reach such a stage.

However, he'd underestimated both Anatol's determination and the depth of his

"To achieve great things, one must be willing to take risks. If you're not willing to
take this gamble, as great elder, you serve no purpose."

Meanwhile, within the Barbarian Continent's forbidden and most dreadful zone,
Gulistan and Berken stood before a gargantuan tree.
The Hidden Forest. If there were one place all across the Barbarian Continent
avoided like the plague, regardless of cultivation, it would be the Hidden Forest. It
bore that name because of a brume that clouded its entrance, an entrance not many
dared brave in the first place.

Across the Ancient Crystal World's history, beneath the Divine Rank, none managed
to make their way out of the Hidden Forest. And even above the Divine Rank, those
who did often failed to reconstruct the events they'd experienced there. Only a scant
few could go in and out unscathed.

Berken and Gulistan were naturally among those.

And now, they stood before the Ancient Crystal World's tallest tree, a one-hundred
kilometers tall tree whose branches stretched across several miles. And looking at
that tree, for once, Gulistan's face shone with gravity.




A succession of wailing sounds akin to that of toddlers echoed from that tree. And
hearing them, neither Gulistan nor Berken could keep a straight face.

"The World Tree wails."

Gulistan stated, the four words carrying incomparable gravity; gravity that put even
her shoulders under crushing pressure. This one-hundred-kilometers tall tree was
the Ancient Crystal World Tree. In mortal worlds, World Trees were the sources of
spiritual energy. Without one, cultivation was nigh impossible.

For that reason, worlds devoid of World Trees were referred to as "Barren Worlds."
The wailing sound of a World Tree was a disastrous omen. An omen heralding an era
even Berken dreaded. And indeed, as the wailing sound echoed, a faint shade of grey
began spreading across the previously green tree.

Seeing this, Berken's frown deepened, and he stretched his hand toward the World
Tree. However…


…a formidable force field rose to repel his hand, preventing it from getting any closer
to the World Tree. Undaunted, Berken released the full-might of his cultivation.
However, even his Divine Ascension cultivation base wasn't enough to break through
the barrier.

This meant that on the current Ancient Crystal World, depending on might alone, no
one could force his way in. Defeated, Berken pulled back his hand and lowered his
gaze toward the fruits at the base of the tree.

Those were Life Fruits. The most valuable nutrients for nurturing physiques to the
pinnacle. They grew at precise intervals, and before, the top experts of the two faiths
would compete to rob them for their own.

But now, no one had access to them. Meanwhile, Gulistan's eyes never left the grey
shade that slowly but surely stretched across the tree.

And at that time, a rumbling sound came from the earth below, soaring toward the
sky where the two Sages hovered. Their frowns further deepened.

"Let's return."

Berken ordered, and in a golden haze, vanished alongside Gulistan to return to house
Serkar. The two appeared in the Serkar Elders' meeting room, and as soon as they
did, all rose to greet them.

"Lord Berk…”

However, before the elders could finish their greetings, their patriarch's voice

"No need. The situation looks grim. I'm afraid the World Tree's withering… began."
Berken declared, the words startling the Serkar elders who despite their age and
experience failed to shoulder such a blow.

"The Withering… then that means… the Ancient Crystal World's spirituality…”

An elder began, and before he could finish his words…

"Is coming to an end."

…Gulistan cut. Her confirmation caused the elders' eyes to widen in disbelief.

"How could this be? The Ancient Crystal World's cultivation history is merely of one-
million years. What Mortal World ever suffered Withering after one-million years?
This is completely unheard of!"

Another elder exclaimed, his tone full of fright. And none could blame him. Although
the Withering didn't claim lives, it completely shattered a world's cultivation future.
Resources would stop growing, refining the energy between heaven and earth would
become impossible. Crystals would no longer produce any spiritual, holy, or divine
energy, and Life Fruits would stop sprouting.

The cultivation world would instantaneously be thrown into irreversible decline, the
end of which being… the end of cultivation.

How could they not be startled?

"Indeed, this situation is abnormal, and I suspect this disaster of being man-made."

Berken replied, causing more confusion within the hearts of his house's elders.

"As you all know, when the World Tree withers, its leaves turn into formidable
weapons possessing two invincible abilities effective on all targets beneath godhood.
At that juncture, whoever controls the access to them is undoubtedly the Ancient
Crystal World's Sovereign.

Gulistan and I have examined the scene, and a barrier now wards the World Tree. A
barrier even I cannot break through. Moreover, beneath the ground, a hidden force

If I am not wrong, that force should be… the Zenith Ants."

Berken hypothesized.

"Impossible. Those rogue demons have long since been exterminated by our founder.
How could they possibly remain within this world?"

Another elder opposed. But Berken shook his head.

"Nothing is set in stone. It's not impossible that a few survived and chose to bide
their time. In any case, regardless of the reason, the fact of the matter is that the
Withering began. Now, unless a World God rises to master the world, this planet's
cultivation realm is doomed.

We only have two choices, either support someone to become the Ancient Crystal
World God in the coming years or hasten the Holy War, make our faith supreme, then
rush toward the Infernal Realm."

Berken concluded.

"But for now, the Infernal Cult enters an emergency mode. We must start preparing
for the inevitable and put the little that remains of our Merit Reserves to good use."

Merit reserves were divided between house and cult merit. With house merit being
unique to the given houses, and cult merit serving as the overall reserve. The Serkars
lost all their merit reserves to Summon Talroth. A risky move that could have ended
with no reward besides death.

Afterward, they squandered a vast quantity of cult merit to unleash a plague Konrad
turned to his advantage and ended up gaining nothing from it.

Now, the cult's reserves were at disturbing levels. Although thanks to Talroth's
boons, their house was undoubtedly the Ancient Crystal World's number one, they
knew that if they didn't tread carefully, the future didn't look bright.

And while analyzing the current events, Gulistan deeply regretted her previous
move. If she received Marduk's body from Konrad and exchanged it to the Merit
Stele, the situation could never be this critical.

In the meantime, Konrad was standing before his Refinery Cauldron, about to melt
several materials and Divine Artifacts to form his new crown and seal.
A carefree Konrad stood before the Refinery Cauldron obtained from the system
with several high-grade Divine Materials floating around him. The Refinery Cauldron
was an exceedingly powerful tool that inarguably made Konrad the most skilled
alchemist across the Three Realms. Through it, he could either meld artifacts into
brand-new wholes or extract the ingredients that composed them. He also possessed
great control over the shape of the artifact that came out, able to use his mind to
control the result's appearance as long as it stood within reason.

Meanwhile, with the Tower having made him the wealthiest individual in the history
of the Ancient Crystal World, and the previous battle against Celestial Church and
Infernal Cult, beneath the God Rank, there was virtually no artifact he wasn't able to
refine. And for his "badges of office," he naturally wanted the best.

Therefore, he first brought forth the ingredients for his crown and seal. Then, using
his thoughts as guide, merged them all within the Refinery Cauldron. Afterward,
Konrad sacrificed several Divine Artifacts, turning them into fuel for his crown, then
released several drops of God-Blood into the mix.

He then joined his hands, causing the Refinery Cauldron to release a massive white
blaze from which a new golden crown encrusted with nine imperial jade beads
appeared within the air.

He did the same for his seal; thus, creating two Divine Artifacts of the highest caliber
in less than a minute. In fact, due to being blessed by God-Blood, those artifacts
didn't lose out to the Celestial Church's Heavenly Star Bow.

Of course, with his current cultivation, although his Holy Sense stood far beyond the
limits of his Rising Saint Rank, Konrad couldn't use more than a fraction of their
power without suffering severe backlash.

"If I could comprehend the first layer of the Absolute War Sense, even with my
current cultivation, I could make use of more than half their power. With the second
layer, simultaneously wielding the two of them would come at no cost. A pity…”
Konrad assessed. As Ancient Secrets, the Blossoming Death Art, the Absolute War
Sense, and Seer's Vision were by far his three mightiest arts. But for that very same
reason, each carried tremendous cultivation difficulty. With his unparalleled
cultivation talent, even Konrad took two weeks to comprehend the first layer of the
Blossoming Death Art. As for the second one, he estimated that two years of
secluded cultivation were the bare minimum.

At that rate, even with the Tower's assistance, simultaneously cultivating the three
would be a heaven-defying task, consuming more time than the world had to offer.
Meanwhile, Seer's Vision and the Absolute War Sense contradicted one another,
making cultivating the two nigh-impossible.

But with their fantastic abilities, Konrad was truly unwilling to give up on either one.

With a sigh, he set the Golden-Jade Crown and Imperial Jade seal aside.

There was no such thing as God-Rank Arts. Or more accurately, God-Rank arts and
methods were unique to each deity, bred from their Dao and comprehension of the
Laws. They couldn't be passed on to others.

Therefore, throughout the Three Realms, Divine Rank Arts were the typical limit.
Then came Ancient Secrets which didn't have creators and existed from the
beginning of times. There were twelve in total, with the Supreme Conqueror Sutra
being the mightiest of them all.

Not many Gods could create an art that rivaled even the weakest of Ancient Secrets.
Therefore, many deities battled to obtain their knowledge. Konrad had received this
information from all the Infernal Souls he refined.

And as he pondered how to conciliate those two arts, a knocking sound came from
the door.

"Come on in."

Konrad ordered and one of his pale-skinned, female legionaries stepped in, bringing
alongside her a neatly folded golden robe.

"Master, this is the imperial robe embroidered by lady Iliana."

She explained while unfolding the golden robe embroidered with a Ten-headed
Horned Serpent. Throughout the Ancient Crystal World, only in Konrad's palace
could one see a woman of such cultivation level handling such menial tasks.

"Oh? How thoughtful of her. You can cancel the weaving of the other one."

Konrad beckoned, causing the robe to leave the beauties' hands to fly toward him.
While holding it in suspension, he tossed thirty drops of God-Blood into the
cauldron, extracting its power before throwing the robe inside.

The red flame again blazed, and the robe soared, unblemished, and now glittering
with a formidable force. With that simple move, Konrad made this otherwise
ordinary robe more resilient than the average high-grade Divine Artifact.

And in the instant it landed into his hands, Konrad couldn't help but sigh.

"Being rich surely makes life easier. I'm rich. So rich that I don't know what to do
with my richness anymore. Has anyone seen such wealth?

Why isn't there a law against being too rich?

Throughout the Mortal Realm, can anyone compete with me? If I'd known being a
grave robber was this rewarding, I would have majored in that craft years ago!

A pity!"

Konrad lamented, his words causing the nearby beauty's eyes to widen in disbelief.
Never did she expect that her grand master also possessed such a… peculiar side.

Was this really the soon to be August Jade Emperor, the Profane Prince that held the
Holy Continent in awe?

"Spread my order, we will start charities across the Holy Continent, give shelter to
the orphans, and raise them into loyal servants of the faith."

Konrad ordered before sending the three items into the beauty's hands. Though
startled, she quickly nodded in approval.

"As you command, master!"

"Oh, and by the way. How did the execution go?"

Konrad inquired. Since the deadline arrived, he didn't spare Bayiz. Having him
executed in the middle of the city's square. However, the Serkar's death was of so
little consequence that Konrad didn't bother attending to the execution. Instead,
making it an attraction for his citizens.

"As you ordered, we first flayed Bayiz Serkar until only the meat beneath his skin
remained, then drowned him half an inch into death while preparing unique worms
that gnawed him from the inside.

He –danced- for a long time.

Afterward, he was hanged, drawn, and quartered."

The beast lady replied before pulling out a crystal ball she presented to Konrad.
Within, Bayiz's soul remained. As a Quasi-Sage with a half-complete Divine Seed,
even without his body, Bayiz's soul maintained spiritual consciousness and thrashed
within the crystal ball.

Konrad nodded in approval.

"Well-done. After the coronation, you and the other legionaries within the palace can
return to the Tower to carry on with your training. You must all reach the Infernal
Knight Rank at the fastest pace possible."

Konrad ordered while pulling the crystal ball into a space treasure.

The beast lady nodded, then excused herself, bringing alongside her the three
imperial items to carry on with the next part of the coronation.

Seriousness then returned to Konrad's eyes.

"It's time to claim my throne and complete the current quest."

With the end of another plague day and the fall of legions of unbelievers, the last
recalcitrant citizens, those that for one reason or another desperately clung onto the
Cardinal Lords' faith, all submitted to the Profane Prince's Cult. And on the next
morning, the word "Cult" was removed, and officially replaced by "Faith."

During that night Konrad's zealots stamped out any reminders of the Cardinal Lords,
destroying all their books, and crushing all statues and edifices reminiscing of the
previous faith. The Faith's hierarchy was also established, with Konrad occupying the
highest seat as the Profane Prince.

Beneath him were the matriarchs, the grand-priestesses, and the blessed. Only after
them did the male ranks begin. For indeed, within the Profane Prince Faith, because
those women had all been "favored" by Konrad, they all by default occupied higher
positions than men.

As long as a woman successfully offered herself to an Orchid Altar, and received the
Profane Prince's sexual favors, her cultivation would rise to the Holy Rank, and she
would automatically be promoted to Blessed.

And seeing some of their longtime friends suddenly turn into "Celestial Beings,"
regardless of marital status, many considered taking the cloth. Of course, not
everyone could receive such grace.

On the following morning, legions of men and women, the entirety of the clergy and
the nobility, assembled beneath the Grand Imperial Altar, a newly built edifice, to
await the beginning of Konrad's coronation.

On that day, within the sky, auspicious clouds assembled, as if to herald the
beginning of a new golden age. After waking him with a matinal blowjob, the two
pale-skinned Restoration Beast Beauties dressed Konrad in his imperial robe,
preparing him for the upcoming ceremony.

"Has everyone taken their spots?"

Konrad asked while stretching his neck.

"Yes, master. From the lowest lords to the highest emperors, all have taken their
spots on the steps."

The one tying Konrad's belt politely replied.

"Very well. Let the show begin."

Konrad declared and joined his hands beneath his large golden sleeves before
stepping out of his chambers to head toward the Grand Imperial Altar. A procession
of three hundred eunuchs followed in his tracks while keeping their backs slouched
in uncomfortable deference. Olrich was among them.

Following a one-hour long walk, they arrived at the site of the Grand Imperial Altar, a
massive pyramidal structure high of 9999 steps. Starting with the 9988th step, one
could see thousands of nobles standing with their backs straight. Each, holding an
insignia representing their function.

At the 9996th step, the Sovereign Princes stood, at the 9997th, the Earth Kingdom
Alliance's kings did, and at the 9998th step, the three emperors remained. Hubert
aside, none dared show the tiniest bit of dissatisfaction.

Wilfred Metze, Else's father, was a man who could endure. How patient he remained
under the church's persecution, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, was
testimony enough to his endurance skills.

But for Hubert, it was another story. Having enjoyed paramount status for millennia
and being himself the proud serpent lord of an ancient lineage, today's events were
not easy for him to swallow.

And recalling how several months ago, Konrad was nothing but a gifted ant in his
eyes, he couldn't help but sigh. As soon as Konrad's procession appeared, the legions
of observers that formed two ordered camps at the bottom of the Altar bowed in
silent greeting. Though they came from five different states, all could feel the weight
of the event, and under such a solemn atmosphere, none could afford the tiniest

With his clasped hands still hidden beneath his golden sleeves, Konrad stepped
forward, walking toward the stairs while releasing his jade light aura. Once he
reached the first step, he stopped, lifted his gaze toward the Altar's summit where a
gigantic mirror diffused the events to the Holy Continent and stepped forward.

The poised altar crossing began, and with each step, the pressure of Konrad's aura
increased. By the time he reached the 9988th step, the lords that occupied it had
dropped on their knees and presented their tokens.

"Aware of our inferiority, and unworthy of controlling the lives and deaths of the
Holy Continent's citizens, we surrender our ancestral rights and seal to the only one
able to shoulder this responsibility!"

They declared and dropped their tokens at Konrad's feet. He nodded, and swept the
tokens with his jade light, causing them to vanish into dust, then walked toward the
next step.

"Aware of our inferiority, and unworthy of controlling the lives and deaths of the
Holy Continent's citizens, we surrender our ancestral rights and seal to the only one
able to shoulder this responsibility!"

The barons repeated, and the same scene occurred. Then it was the viscounts, the
counts, the margraves, the dukes, and the grand dukes. All landed nobles from across
the Holy Continent surrendered their ancestral rights.

The Sovereign Princes' turn arrived. And regardless of his personal feelings,
alongside them all, Hubert dropped on his knees and proclaimed:

"Aware of our inferiority, and unworthy of controlling the lives and deaths of the
Holy Continent's citizens, we surrender our ancestral rights and seal to the only one
able to shoulder this responsibility!

The One True Prince!"

They added an extra line through which they abandoned their princely distinctions,
then released their tokens. And after a brief nod, Konrad destroyed them, before
moving one to the kings' step.

The same event repeated, and the various kings added their own line.

“…The One True King!"

Then released their tokens. Finally, Konrad reached the 9998th floor where the
emperors awaited.

The Great Void Emperor, the Prosperous Wind Emperor, the Profound Sea Emperor.
Of the three, the first two had been cucked, poisoned and abused by Konrad's avatars
through a masterful use of the harem.

And both were remarkably sorrowful cases. As the emperor of heartlessness, it

wasn't long before Great Void saw himself plotted against by all his consorts.
Meanwhile, the Prosperous Wing Emperor, the only monogamous ruler of the
secular world, was betrayed by his beloved wife and daughters.

As for the Profound Sea Emperor, being Konrad's servant, his case was simple. And
while he knelt alongside the other emperors, relief overflowed within his heart.

Finally, he was freed of that false throne. Free, at last!

The three repeated the same words as all the previous rulers, but added:

“…The One True Emperor!"

Their seals suffered the same fate of destruction before Konrad took his place on the
9999th step.

A jade light column descended from the sky, bringing alongside it the Golden-Jade
Crown and Imperial Jade Seal. In all other coronation ceremonies, the ascending
ruler would bow toward the heavens. However, Konrad didn't bow, because, on this
particular occasion, he was Heaven!

The crown dropped on his head while the seal stopped before his chest. Unclasping
his hand, Konrad grabbed the Imperial Jade Seal within his hands, then turned
toward the legions of vassals below.

Sweeping them with a glance, he raised the Imperial Jade Seal which overflowed
with divine might!

All those at the ground, noblemen and clergymen, dropped on their knees. And
throughout the Holy Continent, the commoners that witnessed this scene from the
gigantic mirror followed suit.
"All hail the Jade Emperor!

All hail your August Majesty!

Your Majesty's reign shall stretch across eternity!"

Tens of billions proclaimed in tandem!

And thus, Konrad took his seat as the first ruler of the Holy Continent. And in that
instant, not many doubted that in the coming years, that title would be upgraded… to
ruler of the Ancient Crystal World!

Hence began the August Jade Dynasty.

"Congratulation Profanely Shameless Emperor… I mean host, on completing the 7th

level of the main quest!"

Selene's voice echoed, and to prevent her from ruining his moment, Konrad made
the sound decision of ignoring her for the rest of the night.
The coronation ceremony came to an end, making way for the next event:

The Grand Imperial Wedding!

Although arguably not as solemn as Konrad's establishment of the new dynasty, the
Grand Imperial Wedding was an event of capital importance for the commoners who
couldn't help but anticipate the sight of the women chosen to stand beside their God-

The festivities would also bring its own round of relaxation.

"I heard the previous dynasty's empress, holy consort, noble imperial consort, and
princess were on the list."

"That is only rational, only his August Majesty is qualified to enjoy the country's top
beauties. The previous emperor was too greedy, attempting to hoard what didn't
belong to him."

"Indeed! His August Majesty is really an example for us all. I heard his official harem
already comprises hundreds of women. And he beds them all daily!"

"That's natural, our sovereign is God, omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. For
him, that kind of thing requires no effort! Word is that after the coronation
ceremony, he will recruit thousands of new women for his official harem.

If a relative of ours can get a spot, how wonderful would that be? At the very least,
we would be set up for life!"

"For that chance, I'd sell my wife!"

Back on the Altar, one after another, the abdicating nobles descended the stairs and
vanished within the crowd, leaving only Konrad to gaze at the world below. A new
procession made its way toward the Altar. Three-hundred palace maids backed by
eighty-four eunuchs carrying seven golden palanquins.

Divided by the ranks of the one they carried, the eunuchs didn't all stand on the
same line. The first twelve led the procession, then came twenty-four carrying two
palanquins, and finally, the remaining forty-eight.

In each of the palanquin sat a lady dressed in a bright red gown. Initially, the Holy
Continent used white as the color of marriage, but Konrad considered it unsuitable
for showcasing passion, and therefore switched to bright red.

The procession reached the base of the Altar, and the palanquins were lowered onto
the ground. From them, seven women emerged, each endowed with spellbinding
looks, that put the world in awe.

The first three, in particular, stood out. Matchless sex appeal, unparalleled beauty,
and incomparable elegance. They each defined one of those aspects. As for the next
four, they wildly differed. In two, the insouciance of youth lingered, making them lose
out in mature charm.

But simultaneously, that same insouciance enhanced their already enrapturing


In the remaining two, beguiling demonic charm overflowed. Anyone one of those
demonesses was more than enough to trigger a hundred Trojan Wars and launch
millions of ships.

Those seven beauties were naturally Yvonne, Else, Verena, Jasmine, Iliana, Nils, and
Daphne. In tandem, they took their spots beneath the Altar with Yvonne at the helm,
Verena and Else on the second row, Jasmine, Iliana, Daphne and Nils on the third.

In a twister of jade light, Konrad's imperial robe was replaced by a bright red gown
matching that of the ladies, and he stretched his hand toward them. Their climb then
began, a climb at the end of which they stopped before Konrad and knelt before him.

A golden crown encrusted with nine imperial jade beads appeared within Konrad's
hands. That crown was ninety-percent identical to his and forged in similar
With a smile, he lowered it onto Yvonne's head, sealing her as his empress. She then
stood up to stand at his right. Afterward, it was Else and Verena's turn. Instead of
crowns, they received golden-jade diadems, with eight imperial jade beads instead of

As for Jasmine, Iliana, Daphne, and Nils, their diadems were carved out of divine

Once each consort received her badge of office, a myriad of swans descended from
the sky to hover around the new imperial clan. A dazzling jade light road then
appeared, going from the top of the Altar all the way to… the nuptial chambers!

Jade Emperor and Empress stepped forward, followed by the six consorts to cross
the ethereal road, and walk into the nuptial palace. The swans then spread across the
Holy Continent, raining blessings on the citizens!

The old were rejuvenated, the maimed restored, and the ailing healed.

Again, the world was in awe!

Little did they know that those swans were Konrad's avatars.

The billions of citizens thrice kowtowed in thanks, then swarmed the various
banquet halls erected across the empire for this occasion to feast, drink, and orgy as
per the Profane Prince's grace!

"Phew what an exhausting procession! Does getting married have to be so tedious?

Daddy, for the sake of the future generations, you must reduce the stress this

Daphne exclaimed once they stepped into the nuptial palace. Her words causing her
peers to roll their eyes.

"Hum, hum. This is no longer acceptable. From now on, you can't call me -daddy-
anymore. In private, you either call me Konrad or husband. In public, you have to use

Konrad declared after clearing his throat. His words causing Daphne's eyes to widen
in disbelief.

"What? Why? How could you so heartlessly disown your daughter? I'm not willing!

*Sniff* *Sniff*

Daphne sobbed while rushing toward Konrad and grabbing his arm. Alas, his resolve
stood firm!

"We're now the imperial family. Some decorum is necessary. Otherwise, when one of
my high-ranking consorts is calling me -Daddy Konrad- before the masses, where
does that put my imperial dignity?

To say nothing of the fact that we're swindling the world into thinking I'm God."

Konrad replied, using reason to quell that Daphne-Habit. Hearing this, Daphne aside,
all nodded in approval.

"But, but…”

"No but. If one day you have a daughter, what is she going to call me? Daddy-
granddaddy? Half-daddy-half-granddaddy? The decision is final."

But when the word "daughter" echoed within her mind, Daphne's eyes shone with
dazzling light.

"Alright, but you must work extra hard to give me a daughter! To think that with all
the spunk you dump, we haven't already crossed that bridge… *sigh*… at this rate,
centuries will pass without little Daphnes!

Could you be impo…”

She immediately replied, causing black lines to form on Konrad's head.

"What do you know? That's called self-preservation! Self-preservation!

If with every three loads I sired a snotty brat, throughout the three realms, who
could save me?

By the way, I warn you all. Don't you dare give birth to sons! If anyone of you does, I
will skin the brat for baby fat and shove him back from whence he came!"

And hearing this "unique" exchange, the consorts all burst into laughter.

Afterward, the eight enjoyed a lively banquet full of divine-grade cultivation wine
that filled them with small breakthroughs and drunken stupor, then clumped into
the nuptial chambers.

"Konrad, for too long, *hic* you have run amok! You are just a teenaged boy. Who
here is not your senior by *hic* decades or centuries?!"

A drunk Yvonne proclaimed, pulling approving nods from her similarly intoxicated


"I'm not!"

The drunken Nils immediately replied.




And Drunk Yvonne sent her flying on the bed.

"In any case, today, *hic*, we must teach you a lesson!

Ladies, to arms!"

Their clothes soon dropped onto the ground.

(Warning: You are about to enter the house of horrors where all nightmares are
fulfilled. Step in at your own risk, but know you won't come out the same.)

Faced with the impending assault of seven otherworldly beauties, though

undisturbed, Konrad's drunken eyes shone with seriousness.

"Bring it on."

He declared with soaring battle-intent while unfastening his belt. But with the
challenge accepted, the ladies didn't even wait for him to finish.

"Jasmine, Iliana, Daphne, Nils. Your four whelps at the vanguard. First, unleash your
true forms, we three will cover the rear! Attack!"

Yvonne declared while aiming her index toward Konrad, motioning for the "four
whelps" to charge.

"As you command, general!"

The "four whelps" simultaneously replied, and released their suppressed energies.
Upon his return, Konrad contracted Nils, Verena and Else, then used the system to
improve their bloodlines. After "much deliberation," instead of making them
Brahmas (the devas of spiritual perfection and creators of paragon spirits), he used
the system to turn both Verena and Nils into Maras, the devas of dreams and

Their silver eyes now turned magenta, and the move was about to bite him in the

"True Demon Form!"

Jasmine and Iliana roared in tandem, releasing their demonic energies and assuming
their demonic forms. Their pupils and sclera turned purple, their porcelain white
skin morphed into blue, a pair of horns grew from their forehead, flesh wings
emerged from their backs, their nails grew into sharp claws, and a tail sprouted from
above their rears!

At the same time, Daphne used her half-demon form, turned into a half-serpent, half-
human demoness and glided toward Konrad in a lateral undulation.

Of the four, only Nils' true form remained human-looking. Her hairs glowed in white,
pink light erupted from her form and shrouded her body while temptation fog of the
same color spread throughout the atmosphere.

Not falling behind, Jasmine and Iliana unleashed both their orchid scents and desire
flames that assailed Konrad from all sides. By the time the flames and fog filled him,
Daphne had wrapped herself around his torso, using her emerald serpent tail to
undo his belt while her arms shredded his robe!

Iliana, Jasmine, and Nils then pounced toward him, and the battle thus began!


Konrad sneered while the demonesses and devis surrounded him from all sides. Not
backing off, he released his own orchid scent and desire flames which spread
throughout the room, effortlessly overpowering his consorts'.

Of course, with their current bloodlines, they didn't immediately turn into lust-
crazed fiends. Still, the desire to devour Konrad soared within their drunken minds,
and as they grabbed him front, back, left and right, it reached its acme. Meanwhile,
Verena, Yvonne and Else lied on the bed, observing the scene with rapt attention, and
ready to intervene should their sisters fail to handle the opponent.

With his consorts' bewitching abilities filling him, even without stimulation,
Konrad's rod rose to attention. His imposing length and girth poking through
Daphne's tail while Iliana and Jasmine's hands rubbed his perfect abs and muscular

With her echidna tail, Daphne stroked the lower end of Konrad's meat-rod while
Jasmine and Iliana glided their hands across the sides and teased the tip.

Even in their drunken state, they tended to his rod with a perfect balance of passion
and care, their moves showcasing the depth of their feelings. With her inhibition out
of the way, Nils joined the fray, grabbing Konrad's cheeks and pulling him into an
ardent french-kiss.

Her tongue sought his, moving and twisting as if it wished to tour every nook and
cranny of his mouth and devour all he had to offer. The silent spread of the desire
flames carried on, heightening the already profound lust that boiled within the

Daphne's hands sneaked on Konrad's nipples, pressing, tugging and teasing them
while her elongated tongue licked his neck and trailed his chest.

Jasmine and Iliana then dropped on their knees, sticking out their tongues to lick the
pulsing veins of Konrad's rod while cupping his balls within their hands. Daphne's
tail stroked him harder, gliding across half his length as the succubus duo kissed and
licked the other half.

Konrad then released his second rod, allowing both of the demonesses to enjoy a full

Without hesitation, they each took one between their full cherry lip and sucked the
cocks in. Konrad's rods glided past their tongues, poking at their throats. And as they
went deeper, Jasmine's lips met Daphne's tail while Iliana's butted against Nils' soft
hand. A hand that now refused to let her go further, tending to what lied beyond.

With unconstrained lust filling the air, and the tantalizing scene before them, Else,
Verena and Yvonne could no longer restrain themselves, and their hands now trailed
their slowly dripping cunts.

The nuptial bedchamber was now filled with a myriad of squishing sounds and
muffled moans, and though Konrad seemed passive, the situation remained under
his control.

A second head and two pairs of arms grew from Konrad's body. Seeing this, Daphne
snaked toward the second head, seizing its lips while Konrad's four hands stretched
toward his consorts and caressed them at various angles.

With one hand, he stroked Nils' clit and rubbed her labia. With another, he stuck his
fingers into Daphne's slit. The last two then descended on Jasmine and Iliana's
heads, patting and guiding them on his rods.
"Mhm… mhm… mhm!"

The serpent demoness and temptation devi moaned in his lips while their sisters
slurping sounds echoed from below.

In a flash, Konrad regained the initiative, and as his fingers wormed themselves
within their tight, gripping tunnels, Nils and Daphne arched their backs, bending
backward while his faces leaned forward, and pressed them into defeat.

Was it not for him holding them firm within his lips, their mouths would have
already sprung free. But he didn't allow it, assailing them on two front while Jasmine
and Iliana moved faster on his enlarged rod, taking it deeper into their throats
without an ounce of difficulty.

Their succubus throats vacuumed Konrad's rod with a pressure that would have
shamed the average lovemaking expert into a succession of uncontrollable orgasms.
But on Konrad, it was just right.

*Squelch* *Squelch* *Squelch*


Unable to resist Konrad's tongues and fingers any longer, Nils and Daphne climaxed
on his hands, and he chose that moment to release two jets of spunk down Jasmine
and Iliana's throats.

But the clash was only getting started. Without delay, Konrad grabbed the four by the
waist, holding each in suspension within one arm. Jasmine and Iliana soon found
their soaked cunts on his lips while Daphne and Nils were impaled on his rod.


They groaned in delight and gasped as his tongues danced within their cunts and his
rods impaled them.

The squelching sounds merged with the sweaty slamming of flesh against flesh, and
balls against butt cheeks.

Bent in various position, all four took turns on Konrad's rods and fell to a succession
of orgasms while his cum filled the entirety of their snatches.
They then collapsed on the ground, utterly defeated.

"Round one is… over."

Konrad announced with two arms folded beneath his chest while his extra two
stretched toward the mature trio that awaited on the bed.

Although they hadn't expected the four to fall at such a rapid pace, Yvonne, Else, and
Verena didn't lose courage, readying themselves for Konrad's assault by spreading
their legs.

"Well, your majesty, round two now welcomes you."

The trio retorted in tandem.

As he stepped toward them, Konrad's lips curled into a fiendish smile, and his body
bathed in desire flames while golden and jade light swirled around his rods.

Rods that still contained the mixed sexual juice and scent of his four previous
partners. Yvonne vanished, reappearing behind Konrad to wrap her legs around his
waist. Legs that soon turned into the scaly lower end of a serpent female. Meanwhile,
Else and Verena stretched inviting hands toward Konrad, motioning for him to plow
them with their eyes not shirking from the predatory glint his golden hues freely

Yvonne's mouth and teeth lowered on Konrad's right earlobe, licking and nibbling on
it as he crawled onto the bed, and reached his two jade consorts who each placed
one hand on his cheeks, and another on his chests.

Already, their ragged breathing echoed, forming a sultry melody that urged Konrad
to cloak them with his empyrean embrace, and take them hard.

With the previous round, serving as their appetizer, they needed no further
stimulation. Konrad kissed them both before bending into position. Verena lied
above Else, her hourglass figure contrasting with Else's perfectly proportioned body
while her big, perky butt faced Konrad's licentious gaze.

In that position, Verena's clit brushed Else's, electrifying them both in the process.

Konrad flicked his tongue across their slits, just for good measure, then aligned his
eager, pulsating meat-rods with their entrances, poking them a little. The simple
touch fired a wave of electricity through his jade consorts' bodies and elicited moans
from their divine lips.


With his rods pressed against his jade consorts' flower buds, the Jade Emperor
wantonly teased them, forcing moans of frustration from their chanting lips. But as
he enjoyed their dismay and possessed them with his scent, his empress used her
serpentine tail to apply pressure on his pelvis and slam him into them in a
resounding squelching sound!



Konrad's dived into Verena and Else's cunts forcing a groan from their throats. And
in that groan, pleasant surprise echoed.

And unwilling to let him control the pace, Yvonne took his lips into hers. Although
she wasn't a lust demon, as a hekeret, her half-demoness form was a natural lethal
weapon that could play most men into blissful death.

With her demonic saliva, she set Konrad's body ablaze while his rods butted against
his consorts' cervixes. With his golden and jade lights filling them, the entirety of
their sex caves became pleasure den.

Konrad gently tapped the back of Verena's head, lowering her face against Else's.

Debauched bliss clouded their minds, making them abandon all sense of propriety to
kiss one another. Konrad glided his rods to the entrance and, using slow motions that
allowed him to appreciate every part of his consorts' squeezing snatches, pushed
them in and out.

The slow pace only heightened their hunger, and they slammed their butts against
Konrad, meeting his slow thrusts with wild ramming.

His pace then shot up, and in a succession of rapid slapping sounds, the pounding

*Pah* *Pah* *Pah*

"Ohhh… ohhh… ohhh!"

*Squelch* *Squelch* *Squelch*

Slapping, squelching and throaty moaning sounds intertwined while Yvonne

devoured Konrad's lips and applied more pressure on his pelvis to drive him faster
into her harem sisters. And faster he went, his desires flames erupted at full-force,
and his cocks pistoned the consorts' insides while their snatches squeezed him
tighter with every move, as if eager to swallow his load.

But they didn't fall into passivity, meeting thrust for thrust, with blazing lustful

The room turned into a furnace where cauldrons burned against one another,
without a care for the outside world.

Konrad's speed transcended human limit, and while holding onto their rears, he
pounded them with reckless abandon, driving them into relentless orgasms that only
served to magnify the pleasure they all indulged in.

*Pah!* *Pah!* *Pah!* *Pah!*

Meanwhile, in the outside, the citizens were lost in drunken orgies, thoroughly
celebrating the Profane Prince's wedding night.

Konrad's burning rods tensed, demanding release, and he slammed them deep into
his partners, filling them to the brim with his spunk.

But even then, he didn't stop, rolling on his back to force Yvonne onto the bed, his
hands locking hers while he aligned himself with her serpentine tail's slits and
thrust both his rods inside!


With her eyes widening in disbelief, she released the loudest groan of the night, a
startling groan that barreled against the walls and would have alarmed the imperial
palace if the nuptial chambers' walls weren't soundproof.

Unfazed, Konrad locked her lips against his, muffling her moans and pounded his rod
into her snatch in a new round of hammering. At that time, with cum dripping from
their cunts, Verena and Else stood up to caress every corner of his available body
parts, and press him fasted into Yvonne by cupping and pushing his ass checks.

For two hours, the infernal mating carried on, giving the four younger consorts
enough time to rise from their sex-induced torpor, and surround Konrad from all
sides carry on with the impromptu orgy throughout the night.
After their umpteenth orgasm, Konrad believed one night wasn't enough and carried
them all into the Tower of Rebirth's highest floor, the Concealed Paradise, to expand
the night.

Seven hours became months of unending cultivation orgy, at the end of which the six
consorts lied exhausted on a massive bed. Within the Tower, time flew thirty-six
folds faster. But the bed was like the time tornados, making it go another ten folds

Therefore, they'd orgied for more than one-hundred days.

Even their devi and demoness bodies couldn't endure such mating, and in that
instant, they couldn't even move their legs. Because the bed automatically absorbed
and dispersed fluids, their sweaty naked bodies and the cum oozing from their
orifices were the only reminders of the grand orgy.

Meanwhile, Verena and Else saw their cultivations rise to half-step into the Fate
Wrestling Saint Rank. Initially, they should have stopped there until they gained their
first insights into fate. However, Else had already gleamed some insight and
therefore, could break through to the Fate Wrestling Rank… as soon as she

Gaining insight into fate and tribulations was no simple matter that without
resources, could take decades even for the gifted. Therefore, Konrad set aside False
Tribulation and Fate-Gazing Pills for them to refine.

On the contrary, because of his tribulation within the seventh floor, he wouldn't meet
any bottleneck until Star Connection. Alas, because of his Supreme Dao, his holy
force requirements were far beyond that of anyone else.

At the same time, his World Devourer bloodline further expanded the requirement.
Thus, making it so large that after more than three months of dual cultivation,
Konrad was only half-step into the Profound Saint Rank.

"No more… drinking. It really doesn't do me any good."

Yvonne pledged as she lied beside Konrad, and all others were forced to agree. All

"Nonsense. We've been drinking buddies for far too long to stop now. Let's go for
another round."

…Konrad, of course.

"Go away!"

Seeing that none of his consorts possessed the strength to entertain him further, a
dejected Konrad descended to the Tower's lower floors, to orgy with his consorts
and female legionaries across several weeks.

His cultivation then reached the early-stage of the Profound Saint Rank.

Following the nuptial orgies, Konrad returned to the outside world, donning his
imperial robe and crown to hold his first court session while his consorts remained
within the Tower to carry on with their cultivation.

"Greetings Your August Majesty!"

The officials knelt upon his entrance.

Konrad waved his hand, motioning for them to rise. But as they did, and he took his
place on the throne, enjoying the veneration of billions, little did he know, that in the
coming years, the Ancient Crystal World would be barreled by horrendous waves of

Turbulences that would spare none, the Profane Prince included.

With the beginning of the Profane Prince's reign, the world soon fell into a deathly

And how could it not? With the disastrous defeat they suffered, the Barbarian Khans
and chieftains all lost a tremendous amount of power, forcing them to restructure
their domains and reassign resources to the training of new forces.

Meanwhile, within the Celestial Church, Anatol gathered all the church's merit
reserves to prepare the grand summoning ritual that would allow him to bring
higher realm devas onto the mortal world.

At the same time, to make up for their merit loss, under Gulistan's lead, the Serkar
ruled Infernal Cult kidnapped five-hundred million of the most devout barbarian
citizens and offered them in sacrifice to the Eastern King of Hell, the Lord of Blood:

Then, they captured another five-hundred million, and this time offered them to the
Western King of Hell, the Lord of Souls: Urzul.

In exchange for those one billion lives, Ashara and Urzul bestowed upon them
several boons that allowed them to make up for their losses.

Although those one billion only represented about 1/50th of the Barbarian
Continent's overall population, all citizens were in fear, and the faith suffered a non-
negligible blow. In fact, due to that move, millions of commoners abandoned the
Barbarian Continent to flock the Holy Continent's border towns, seeking shelter in
the cradle of the Profane Prince.

They were all accepted. But soon, the Barbarian Khans intervened to stop that trend
in the swiftest way possible:

Those that abandoned their tribes, towns, and cities were considered renegades and
gruesomely executed by the royal clans' remaining Semi-Saint and Saint-level
experts. Soon, all large-scale moves stopped.

The Infernal Cult and Celestial Church then closed their doors to carry on with their
silent preparations.

Thus, the cloak of silence descended on all that lied beyond the Anti-Divine Screen.
But in the Holy Continent, it was another story. The plague was gone. The war, over.
Peace returned, and abundance was filling the land.

True to his words, Konrad restructured the Holy Continent in three hundred
provinces, each containing four or five prefectures. The prefectures were then
subdivided in ten to fifteen counties, and the counties in cities, or towns.

Konrad abolished taxes for three years, giving the commoners their much-needed
respite. All citizens were then urged to pick their chosen castes and tested to see
whether they fit the requirements or not.

As expected, the merchant and farmer castes obtained the largest influx of members.
Then came the craftsmen, the gentry, the warriors, and finally, the priesthood. The
ranks were also relatively the same. The only difference being that the merchants
ranked above the craftsmen.

Using his personal wealth that far outpaced the state treasury's, Konrad began a new
round of projects, including charities for orphans, the most promising of which
would receive secret training from the faith.

At least one talent assessing center, healing and alchemy house stood within each
towns and cities. On top of that, in the capital, hundreds of Cultivation Houses were
erected to train the gifted. Due to their critical position in the enhancement of the
state's cultivation power, alchemists, formation masters and refiners saw their status
increase by leaps and bounds.

Of course, all key positions were filled with individuals having consumed phantasm
orchids. With a hard limit of one-thousand orchid per day for his main body and
avatars, Konrad was soon faced with the challenge of enslaving the entire

To make up for that, and out of personal greed, he ordered a mass recruitment of
five-thousand outstanding beauties throughout the Holy Continent. Once the order
spread, beauties flocked the capital from all sides. Meanwhile, Konrad's servants
stretched across the Continent to discover beauties where they hid.

Marital status was wholly irrelevant, only their looks mattered. From those billions
of women, five thousand were picked to serve the August Jade Emperor as
concubines. And after bedding them all, Konrad obtained five-thousand new harem
avatars which worked alongside him to produce more orchids.

Soon, he didn't have much to do, and could delegate official matters to his avatars
and trusted subordinates while focusing on leisure, cultivation and dual cultivation
from within the Tower of Rebirth which he renamed as the Empyrean Tower.

Regardless of caste, background, and status, all citizens were required to pay their
respect to the Empyrean Tower three times a day.

In less than three years, the Jade Dynasty's administration reached an

unprecedented level of autonomy and could run itself without the true body's
involvement. Even the vast majority of avatars were free to return to their exp
grinding tasks.

Exp that across that decade rose to trillions. Trillions Konrad naturally put to great

The eighth level of the main quest was completed, bringing alongside it a new round
of rewards.

And thus, ten years passed. Now, the Jade Dynasty's state army numbered one-
hundred million in total, among which were two-hundred thousand Saints and eight-
hundred thousand Semi-Saints that comprised the Elite Forces.

Those below the Semi-Holy Rank had no place in the State's Elite Forces, and either
served in the army bases, the reserve, the border, or as patrol officers.

Naturally, this didn't account for the eight-thousand "man" strong legion that
occupied the Tower's first floor.

Following those ten years, even the weakest of the Restoration Beast had reached the
ninth level. More than five thousand level nine Restoration Beasts that could break
through to the next level at any time.
As for the last three thousand, all became Infernal Knights with battle-power equal
to Sages. However, the problems then began. Starting with the Infernal Knight Rank,
they were no longer demonic beasts but fiends. Each awoke an Infernal Armament

And with the Restoration complete, their cultivation system underwent drastic
changes, and they now needed to comprehend many mysteries to advance further. Of
course, with the God-Blood they'd been refining, their innate talent was outstanding,
and all still made rapid progress.

Infernal Knights were divided into four ranks each matching a Divine Rank. Knight
Guards, Knight Commanders, Knight Generals, Paramount Knights.

Of Konrad's three thousand Infernal Knights, Two-thousand became Knight Guards,

eight-hundred became Knight Commanders, two hundred turned into Knight
Generals, and four became Paramount Knights.

Among those last two-hundreds, fifty were already Quasi-Paramount Knights,

missing only a step to break through.

Of course, besides massive resources, this was also due to the Tower's time increase
and emphasis Konrad put on training them.

Now, throughout the Ancient Crystal World, Celestial Church or Infernal Cult, Konrad
feared neither. Once his legion was unleashed, they couldn't withstand the assault.
After all, the Celestial Church only possessed thirty-six Divine Rank elders. As for the
Infernal Cult, due to the Serkars, they had more. However, it was still less than fifty.

Even their combined forces would crumble in one charge.

The only variable now was the merit stele. And according to his Celestial Church
spies, Anatol was on the verge of completing his summoning ritual, and open
Heaven's Gate for the arrival of Divine Ascension Brahmas, Maras, and Ravmalakhs.
Hearing that news, Konrad's lips curled into a smile, and he waved his hand,
summoning Krann.


Krann knelt in greetings. Following these ten years, his cultivation had soared
alongside Konrad's, and his battle-power reached dreadful heights. Now, throughout
the Ancient Crystal World, Konrad's forces aside, those able to contend with him
could be counted were few and far between.

"The Celestial Church is eager to renew the hostilities with Higher Realm backups.
While the thought of battling those Devas is entertaining, we can't allow them to give
us more trouble than we need. Take three-hundred Knight Commanders, sixty
Knight Generals and ten Quasi-Paramount Knight to obliterate the Celestial Church.
Keep both men and women alive. I need their souls."

Konrad ordered from within the Jade Palace's imperial study. And immediately,
Krann clasped his hands and bowed in agreement before shooting toward the
Empyrean Tower to mobilize the troops.

Unlike most of his consorts, Konrad didn't spend more than sixty-eight years within
the Tower. The reason was simple. He met a bottleneck time alone couldn't solve.
Having reached the peak of the Crossed Tribulation Saint Rank, Konrad was ready to
break through Star Connection.

With his resources, a breakthrough shouldn't have been a problematic manner.

However, Star Connection was a sensitive stage with massive impact on cultivation
post godhood. If he didn't tread carefully, there was a specific God Rank, he would
not be able to surpass.

In Star Connection, cultivator connected themselves to a distant Star within the

Three Realms and drew power from it. In Star Manifestation they summoned a
portion of the star, and in Star Fusion, they permanently fused with said portion.
There were low, mid, and high-grade stars. Each, bestowing more power onto the

However, this was an erroneous path. The stars existed beyond the cultivator, either
naturally formed, or created by another God. In the former case, it was just a
cultivation issue. But in the later, dreadful hidden dangers lied. Whoever fused with a
part of a God's Star was, unbeknown to them, bound to that God.

Said God could deprive them of their star force at any time.

Meanwhile, if they chose a naturally formed star, on the one hand, they automatically
failed to comprehend a critical cultivation mystery, and on the other hand, they
couldn't connect to more than one star. Thus, crippling future achievements.

Of course, most people could never even glimpse at the concerned God Rank.
Therefore, the vast majority ignored that issue. But for Konrad who pursued
Supremacy, it was of vital importance.

The only way ahead was to create his own Illusory Stars, a feat requiring extreme
talent and Soul Power.

Having set aside the majority of his Holy and Divine Grade Soul Expansion pills for
his consorts, Konrad could only count on the Infernal Soul Devouring Art to snatch
more Soul Power.

After all, although he possessed more than enough soul power to condense illusory
stars, to achieve the unparalleled level he pursued, it was far from enough.

Still, they didn't disappoint him. Yvonne condensed thirty-six illusory stars, Else
thirty-two, and Verena twenty-eight. The rest varied between twenty and twenty-
eight. Even Malkam only had thirty-six stars upon birth. This result was more than

Talking about Malkam, Konrad somewhat envied him and those Primogens who
were all born deities with all the previous cultivation steps fulfilled by Hell or
Heaven's Will. The closer they were to their Realm Wills' origin, the more boons they
received at birth. Astounding, really.
With a step, he vanished, reappearing within the Tower's third floor where Zamira
currently sat crossed legged in meditation.

As soon as he appeared, her eyes opened and landed on him, and she stood to greet

"Your Majesty."

Zamira bowed in greetings. With Konrad being both her son-in-law and master, their
relationship had always been a pleasant but peculiar one. Of course, time and delight
made all those peculiarities irrelevant.

After more than three centuries of secluded cultivation, like most of the leading
consorts, Zamira now stood at the Star Fusing Saint Rank. But throughout this time,
neither she nor Konrad forgot the old commitment.

"How are you getting accustomed to your titan bloodline?"

Konrad inquired with a gentle smile. After some deliberation, he changed Zamira's
bloodline to titan for the sake of preserving her human origins. Though the cost
wasn't negligible, it was a gesture he found necessary.

"I must admit it suits me more than the demonic one."

She replied with a similar smile. Konrad nodded and stepped toward her.
Throughout those centuries of cultivation, Zamira's beauty and natural aura had only
been heightened. Although she didn't possess a temptation related lineage, her mere
presence was more than enough to captivate the average man.

"I'm here to give you good news. It will soon be time for us to step into the Barbarian
Continent and restore your tribe. But as you know, only the women remain, with
some of them possessing a few male descendants.

Although seizing land and territory is a simple matter, as far as true restoration is
concerned, I'm afraid that's a bit lacking."

Konrad explained while stretching his right hand toward her chin, and seizing it
between his thumb and index.

"That's a simple matter. We can just capture some young males with decent
bloodlines for the women to mate with. In any case, the Borxan tribe was always a

Zamira replied, her smile unchanged. Although she stood tall at 1.8 meters, Konrad
was more than ten centimeters taller with an imposing, muscular build that formed
a perfect contrast with her slender yet voluptuous form.

His left arm wrapped around her waist, brushing her perky butt as it went, and
pulling her closer toward him. She didn't evade, and her cantaloupe-sized breasts
collided with his broad chest, forcing her cleavage and the upper half of her breasts
out of her dress' collar.

"How naughty. Excellent mindset. Then it's decided."

Konrad whispered with his lips bordering Zamira's.

"Why so suddenly?"

"After touring the Holy Continent incognito with Jasmine, I'm wondering how the
Barbarian Continent is faring."

Hearing this, Zamira arched her eyebrows.


"No, I came to plow you. How fast we go will depend on how well you perform

He straightforwardly replied while lowering his palms on her supple butt cheeks and
coping a feel.

"Well, I can only try my hardest to ensure we depart in the shortest of times."

Zamira replied before taking Konrad's lips into hers.

Meanwhile, Krann gathered the legionaries and led them toward the Celestial
Church's floating headquarters.
"To the rancid turtles and celestial harlots, this is an official declaration of impending

As per His August Majesty's will, our forces have arrived… to clean your wretched

Krann roared with his arms crossed beneath his back.

The roar thundered within the entirety of the Celestial Church, hacking at the
eardrums of the non-Sages, and causing blood to trickle down their earlobes.

Alongside the thirty-six Celestial Elders, Anatol rose in shock and spread his divine
sense toward the outside. There, the most formidable gathering he'd ever witnessed
in tens of thousands of years of existence hovered.

"Infernal Knights… Infernal Knights. Three-hundred Knight Commanders, sixty

Knight Generals, ten Quasi-Paramount Knights. Tarnation… tarnation."

Anatol muttered in a stupor. Due to the Restoration path's unique characteristics,

Infernal Knights were usually stronger than their average counterparts at the same
level. Worse, those standing before him boasted auras that stood leagues above the
average Infernal Knight. As if they'd been bathing in rivers of God-Blood across

Faced with such a startling demonic fore, Anatol was forced to admit, that even if he
deployed the headquarters' full strength, the Celestial Church's victory odds were
shallow… to say the least.

Where did such mastodons suddenly come from?

"Activate the headquarters' defensive formations."

Anatol ordered, and immediately, the Celestial Protectors took position across the
various corners of the Celestial Church to trigger the defensive formations. At the
same time, Anatol took command of the central formation; then, with the elders by
his side, shot toward the invaders.

The Celestial Church's headquarters was a massive floating domain stretching across
tens of thousands of miles, with the several houses each occupying an area and
forming a circle around the central cathedral where all turned into church disciples.
Besides the formations, a perpetual barrier surrounded the domain, preventing a
direct assault.

But today, feeling the horrifying demonic energies assailing their headquarters, from
disciples to elders, none trusted in the safety of the barrier.

In dozens of light beams, Anatol and the Celestial Elders dropped before the
barrier's edge, their eyes locking on the hundreds of Infernal Knights that stood on
the outside. Although they'd already sensed the force beforehand, witnessing it at
such close proximity filled their hearts with a greater sense of gravity.

"When did such a force appear, and how did we offend them? Even the Hidden Forest
can't possibly conceal that many experts!

The great elder exclaimed, speaking the words that rang within his peers' mind and
filled their hearts with incomprehension.

"The timing is questionable. When we're at the critical juncture of completing the
summoning ritual, when Heaven's Gate is about to open and bring forth our backups,
they suddenly appear? No. I'm afraid we've been backstabbed.

One of our owns must have leaked the situation."

Anatol analyzed while his eyes locked on the man leading this dreadful battalion.

"As for where they hail from… look at their leader. Isn't that obvious?"

When the elders heard this, their eyes followed Anatol's and locked on the leading
man. It was a handsome and suave looking man in his late twenties with a finely
trimmed circle beard.

Though his appearance didn't echo with anyone they knew, seeing the short, slicked-
back jade hairs, the golden eyes and red prism mark on the man's forehead, the
elders were immediately reminded of the incarnation of their nightmares.

The Profane Prince and now August Jade Emperor, Konrad.

Their eyes widened in disbelief.

"He can't possibly be… one of his relatives… right?"

The great elder stammered, attempting to reassure himself. But Anatol shook his

"Peak-stage Crossed Tribulation Saint cultivation base, but the pressure and
intensity don't lose out to the average Divine Blood Rank expert. This is the Ancient
Crystal World. Besides the people of that anomaly, who could possibly showcase
such monstrous abilities.

Among those fiends, he's by far not the strongest. And yet, they stand behind him in
an orderly fashion, revealing his status as their leader. You tell me, where else can we
find such a peculiar sight?"

Anatol sighed, realizing his oversight. Across those ten years, he'd dispatched several
low-level disciples to sneak into the Jade Dynasty and check its development. And
though startled by its meteoric rise and the legions of Saints it bred, after ten years,
the known top experts were still at the Saint-level.

Therefore, for the Celestial Church's leaders, Konrad was the only threat. The sole
variable. Never did they expect that in the shadows, an even more dreadful force lied.
And now, Anatol didn't doubt that even before the war a decade ago, Konrad had
been training this force, only waiting to accumulate enough strength before
unleashing it on the world.

But even then, he wasn't deterred.

"In open warfare, we can only get slaughtered. But this is the Celestial Church's
headquarters. Sieging it, you are asking for destruction!"

Anatol roared back, and alongside the elders, stretched out his hands. Gold, blue,
grey and magenta light pillars rose from various corners of the Celestial Church to
pierce the sky.

The light pillars merged, and from the sky descended a white light armored giant,
tall of one-thousand meters.

Light strands rose from the middle of the elders and Anatol's forehead to connect
them to the armored giant. The giant raised his hands, in the right, a gigantic sword
appeared, and around the left, a white shield formed. At the same time, a bow and
quiver appeared on the giant's back.
Within that giant, Anatol and his elders were united in one mind, ready to meet the
invader with the full-might of the headquarters.

And the startling pressure they released, surpassed a Divine Ascension expert such
as Berken.

But before this force, Krann sneered.

"Remember, our Lord wants them alive!"

He proclaimed, and the hundreds of smiling Infernal Knights nodded in approval.

"Yes, legion commander!"

They replied in tandem, then stretched out their hands, summoning their various
infernal armaments. Their battle-power rose to a new level. At the same time, Krann
waved his hand, summoning a silver chakram from which dozens of silver light
chains emerged and connected to the battalion.

Silver flames burst from their forms, not only heightening their battle-power but
making it overlap in a mightier whole.

The chakram was a Sublime Formation Tool Konrad exchanged from the system. As
the name implied, it was embedded with a formation that could be triggered at will
as long as enough Divine Power was provided. And seeing their foes' already
dreadful strength rise to new heights, the elders despaired. Still, Anatol didn't

He only wanted one thing: Time. As long as they could hold out until the gate opened,
the Celestial Church would be the final winner.

And indeed, as the opposing forces readied to meet in battle, a loud grating sound
echoed from Heaven's Gate, announcing the beginning of its opening to the Celestial
Realm, and the impending arrival of the promised Devas.
Although the Merit Stele allowed them to summon who they could afford to, it was
both a lengthy and uncertain process.

Lengthy because the summoning wasn't automatic, its speed depending on the
number of sacrifices provided. Uncertain because the summoning was by itself the
reward. Nothing guaranteed that whoever was summoned would fulfill the
summoners' wishes. On the contrary, if summoned without warning, Higher Realm
Devas and Demons were very likely to obliterate the summoners.

For that reason, using a substantial amount of merit, Anatol first spent several years
to establish a dialogue with his chosen houses, and negotiate their support. Only
after receiving their agreement did he start the ritual.

But following the first confrontation, even he was starting to doubt their ability to
endure until the reinforcements' arrivals.

Led by Krann and the ten Quasi-Paramount Knights, as if bound by one mind, the
infernal battalion battered the giant from left to right, not leaving it any room for a
proper counterattack.


The collision between the two forces rent the atmosphere, forming dozens of space
cracks all around, and threatening to rip out a space vortex to swallow them all.

The Quasi-Paramount Knights released a succession of irresistible strikes on the

Celestial Giant, sending it flying backward, and causing Anatol and his elders to spurt
large mouthfuls of blood. At this rate, to say nothing of the forty-five minutes they
needed, they wouldn't even be able to endure five!

An abysmal gap stood between the two forces, and for the first time in tens of
thousands of years, Anatol didn't doubt that no road to victory lied ahead. And if
even he thought this way, there was no need to mention the elders.

He cursed while struggling to maintain balance. Since an offensive stance could yield
no result, Anatol led the Celestial Giant back into the barrier, using it as a nucleus to
power the defensive formation and enhance the barrier's resilience.

Seeing this, Krann shook his head.

"Quasi-Paramount Knights and Knight Generals, combine your laws in one strike.
Knight Commanders, support them with the full depth of your infernal energies!"

Krann ordered. The laws he mentioned were nothing more than seventh circle spells,
or divine laws as most usually referred to them. Be it fire, water, nature, light, or any
other, each attribute only had one seventh circle spell called: The Law.

It didn't exist on any parchment or grimoire but stemmed from the spellcaster's
understanding of the attribute. By comprehending at least ten percent of the
attribute's underlying principles, one could unleash its Law, and release it under any
chosen form.

Fire Laws, Lightning Laws, Darkness and Blood Laws rose into the sky alongside
dozens of magical circles. Guided by Krann's chakram and the Infernal Knight
cooperation, those incompatible laws overlapped in an organic whole, becoming a
transcendent force that threatened to obliterate all that stood in its way.

Witnessing this amalgam of laws empowered by large reserves of infernal forces, the
church elders were scared witless. And feeling their floundering hearts, Krann
decided to strike.

"Our Lord isn't asking for your lives. He merely requests your surrender. As long as
you abandon this foolish resistance, all will be spared!

But if you persist in seeking damnation, you can't blame us for your gruesome fate!"

Krann exclaimed, his words filled the elders with complicated thoughts. Among
them, the sun spirits were the most passionate and less practical. Paragon, dream
and moon spirits were, in general, clear-headed individuals that wouldn't court
destruction for a last show of splendor.

Faced with an opportunity to survive, why would they seek death? And as their
hesitation rose, the Celestial Giant weakened. Sensing this, Krann sneered while
Anatol despaired. Perhaps before the blow descended, those death-dreading wastes
would turn coat and waste all previous efforts.

"Everyone don't be confused b-…”

Anatol began, but before he could finish his words, the amalgam of laws turned into
a multicolor scythe that descended upon them all!

As it did, it tore a large space gash that would have certainly swallowed any non-Sage
that stood in the vicinity!

The barrier collapsed, and seeing death approach at such a rapid pace, the paragon,
dream and moon spirit elders all chose the road to survival and broke their
connection to the Celestial Giant! Thus, leaving the sun spirits alone to shoulder the

"We surrender, we surrender!"

They proclaimed at such a rapid pace that Krann wondered if their buttocks weren't
being roasted by a hidden fire!

"Traitorous scum!"

Anatol spat, but before he could make a move, the scythe struck the Celestial Giant,
splitting it into two halves that soon vanished in light particles.

With the giant's collapse, the Wirth elders all experienced massive backlash and flew
backward with blood erupting from all their orifices!

And seeing the pathetic display of this so-called supreme force, Krann sighed.

"How unsightly. To think that this motley crew even dares look down on the secular
world. Pathetic. Feeding master's soul is their only worth.

Begin the collection!"

Krann ordered. With the barrier broken and the opposition crushed, the infernal
battalion faced no resistance.
First, they sealed the cultivation bases of the surrendering elders and trapped them
in space treasures. And witnessing this, Anatol knew he only had one choice left.

"Wirth elders, with me! Burn your lifeforce and fly toward the Merit Stele!"

He ordered in a mental message. And by the time Krann's battalion trapped the
twenty-seven surrendering elders, Anatol and the remaining nine had already
appeared before the Merit Stele.

There, his wife, who oversaw the ritual, awaited. And as soon as their eyes met, they
didn't need a word to understand the choice and resolve in one another's eyes.

Anatol then turned toward his house's elders.

"Are you willing to degenerate into the dogs of that decadent beast?"

He directly asked.

"A gentleman can be killed but cannot be humiliated. Although we've fallen into this
world, our ancestors hailed from the Celestial Realm. With our illustrious ancestry,
how could we be willing to surrender to this barbaric creature?

We are not willing!"

They replied in a heartbeat, pulling an approving nod from Anatol.

"Then you know what to do."

Understanding the meaning of Anatol's words, together, the Wirth elders stood
before the towering Merit Stele and held one another's hand.

Anatol and his wife stood before them and did the same.

"Lord Surya, you heard my people's will! Through this stele, we offer you our lives
and souls, beseech you to complete the summoning, and not let your staunch
servants' sacrifice be in vain!"

Anatol proclaimed before turning toward his wife to exchange that one last loving
"My lady, it was my pleasure to be your husband. My only regret is that we shan't
have another life to be a couple again."

"Husband, even if our souls scatter, our ashes and dust shall be bound for eternity."

She replied with a radiant smile. And hearing this, Anatol felt all weights scattering
from his heart and shoulders.

Then, alongside his wife and the Wirth elders… he self-destructed!

Dazzling, golden light erupted from their bodies as they burst in an earthshaking

Left unchecked such an eruption of divine power should have wiped off everything
across hundreds of thousands of miles into nothingness. However, the merit stele
absorbed it all, preventing the tiniest bit of noise from spreading to the outside.

And feeling the presence of all those experts vanishing out of the blue, Krann's face
contorted into a frown.

"Not good…”

And indeed… Heaven's Gate slow opening stopped. And as if kicked by a hidden
force, the gate flew open, releasing a blinding light vortex that heralded the arrival of
the Celestial Realm's reinforcement!

Feeling the dreadful auras that spread from the gates, Krann didn't hesitate.


He ordered, and in tandem, the Knight Commanders that were collecting the
Celestial Church's remnant stopped dead in their tracks. The Quasi-Paramount
Knights that were shooting toward the Wirth elders also stopped and backpedaled!

And at their fastest pace, all rushed back toward the Anti Divine Screen! By the time
they vanished, a golden ray was spreading toward the spot they previously occupied.
And had they remained to shoulder it, the casualties would have been difficult to

"What a pity.
Oh well, at the very least, this might not be a total annoyance."

A voice echoed, bringing alongside it hundreds of figures that emerged from the gate
to officially step on the Ancient Crystal World!
Meanwhile, trouble's supple lips pushed onto the Jade Dynasty.

As soon as Krann left for the Celestial Church, from deep within the Barbarian
Continent's Hidden Forest, a commotion arose.




The World Tree's wailing sound intensified, and with it, so did the grey mist swirling
around its gargantuan form. From the ground, the continual rumbling sounds
heightened, bringing alongside them a plethora of cracks from which two grey
cocoons rose.

In an eruption of grey light, the cocoons broke, releasing two 1.5 meters tall young
men with gruff, stocky features. But though their ordinary faces, eyes and hair colors
gave no insight into their lineages, those tiny bodies of theirs rippled with
formidable destructive strength that made them impossible to ignore.

In silence, they stepped forward, vanishing to reappear before the Holy Continent's
Anti Divine Screen. They ignored it, instead locking their eyes on the Tower high in
heaven's vault.

"According to the elders, this Tower is the result of a merge between Marduk and
Isylia's God-Artifacts. Its rank is fairly high, and its mysteries profound. If we can, we
should bring it back."

The left one stated in a bland tone.

"Do not forget that our primary task is to probe the depth of this rising force.
Everything else is secondary."
The right one replied in a similarly bland tone. His companion merely nodded, and
the two then stepped forward, bypassing the Anti Divine Screen to land above the

Clearly, their cultivation was below the Divine Rank. As soon as they arrived, they
swept the imperial palace with their small black eyes, then directly punched out!

Each of those jabs released a formless pressure that barreled into the imperial
palace, threatening to obliterate it!


But before the formless force could collide with it, it met an invisible screen that
blocked its onslaught in a resounding force explosion that raised a vast array of dust.

Undisturbed, the two looked beyond the dust clouds to spot the source of this

The figure of a freckled, auburn-haired young maiden clad in a fancy silver armor
appeared above the imperial palace, her presence blocking any rogue assault.

Four pairs of wings stretched from the back of the silver armor and lightly flapped as
if animated by a will of their own. The maiden's cold, hazel eyes locked onto the two
dwarf men whose indifferent eyes slightly shimmered following her appearance.


The right dwarf appraised. Before emerging from beneath the World Tree, they'd
received orders to evaluate the current state of the Holy Continent and test the depth
of the new dynasty. However, as they came, they didn't expect much. After all, before
their clan's current strength, the Ancient Crystal World's experts were nothing more
than ants.

But in that one move, that freckled maiden revealed a shocking foundation and
battle power that didn't lose out to their house's top talents.

"Perhaps there is more to this place than meets the eyes. Zeas, alone or together?"

Asked the left dwarf.

"She's just at the early stage of the Star Fusing Saint Rank while the both of us are at
the peak. Of course, we must gang up on her."

Zeas replied, and in the instant the words left his lips, his impassible visage
contorted into a disturbingly crazed look that echoed his rising thirst for slaughter.

"Well-said, well-said! Girl, etch our names into your soul. Zeas and Violk of the house
of Slivaz!"

Violk declared, and alongside his partner, clenched his fist.


Though no supernatural display surrounded them, the already suffocating pressure

surrounding them rose to a new level while grumbling sound permeated the air.

And as her hazel gaze swept them, Astarte had the misconception that in those tiny
hands of their lied the strength to split mountains and rivers.

But of course, she was undeterred. What truly startled her was the information she
gained from her Origin Sight. An intel revealing a lineage she knew nothing of.

Zeas and Violk stepped forward, vanishing to reappear before Astarte at a speed that
eclipsed that of the average Divine Seed expert. Again, they threw simple punches.
But this time, their might increased several folds, and within those knuckles lied a
multitude of concealed force.

Space cracks formed around their fists as they slammed into Astarte.

And before that assault able to shred the average Divine Seed expert into pieces,
Astarte did only one thing:



In a resounding boom, the punches slammed onto Astarte's breastplate, but instead
of releasing a berserk wave of energy, instead of sending her flying backward or
tearing her to shred, any strength within the punches was absorbed by the silver
armor she wore.
"Since you had the courtesy of introducing yourselves, allow me to do the same.
Ranked fourth among the Profane Prince's five-thousand Valkyries. Astarte, of the
house of Konrad."

She declared while silver light erupted from her armor and released a massive
energy wave that sent the two flying backward.

Their eyes widened in disbelief.

"What kind of armor is this?"

Meanwhile, within the Empyrean Tower, Konrad lied on a floating cloud, with Zamira
slamming her perky butt on his rod while squealing in delight.

*Pah* *Pah* *Pah*

"Ahhh… ahhh… ahhhh!"

She moaned with her hands clenching his chest and her nails digging into his nigh-
indestructible flesh. At the same time, Konrad groped her breasts and tugged on her
erect nipples which seemed eager to feel his touch.

But as the squelching sounds formed by the mixture between Konrad's meat-rod and
Zamira's gripping snatch echoed, in a twister of light, a figure appeared.

It was a slender, pale-skinned, armored beauty with blood-red eyes. As soon as she
appeared, she dropped on her knees and bowed toward Konrad.

"Your August Majesty, two unknown individuals have appeared within the capital
and directly launched an assault on the imperial palace. Their cultivation is at the
peak of the Star Fusing Saint Rank, but they possess at least two Mastered, low-grade
Divine Physiques with formidable bloodlines and foundation.

Although Lady Astarte is currently engaging them, to avoid variables, I request the
permission to capture and interrogate those unruly peons."

The red-eyed beauty declared as if oblivious to the scene occurring beforehand.

Naturally, as a resident of the Empyrean Palace, she had been routinely exposed to
such scenes.

In fact, she'd been at the receiving end of Konrad's rod more than once.

"As one of my four Paramount Knights and a member of the Hidden Moon Pavilion,
your primary duties are to serve as the Jade Dynasty's concealed strength and stand
within your emperor's shadow.

Someone of your level shouldn't appear before the real enemies reveal themselves.
As for those two, with the four-winged Valkyrie Armor empowering her, I believe
they can't take more than twenty moves of my Astarte."

Konrad replied while holding onto Zamira's waist and slamming her faster on his
rod, which tensed with an impending orgasm.

The Valkyrie Armors weren't Konrad's creations, but rewards from the eighth level
of the main quest. They were ranked according to color and wing number, with six
grades in total. And while they were an infinite number of low-grade Valkyrie
Armors, those of the high-grade had limited quotas.

Quotas Konrad's ladies fought for in a same-level tournament he oversaw.

Unsurprisingly, Yvonne defeated all and claimed first place while Else snatched the
second spot, and Verena third. But when all expected Iliana, Jasmine, Freya, Zamira,
and Nils to contend for the following positions, Astarte defeated them all.

Thus, promoting herself to the fourth place. Unlike the others, Astarte spent a
substantial amount of time disguised as a commoner in the Barbarian Continent
with her cultivation sealed while she battled numbers of barbarian dangers.

Thanks to those thousands of intense, life and death battles, her battle-will had risen
to a sky-high level. Meanwhile, following Konrad's ascension as Nephilim and a
round of modifications, Astarte's bloodline had experienced startling changes.

From fiend, she turned into an unprecedented species that perfectly combined spirit,
fiend and human blood. Although the result wasn't anywhere near as dreadful as
Konrad's World Devourer bloodline, it still was a force to be reckoned with.

In fact, were it not because at the time, Verena's cultivation of Seer's Vision had
already reached the second layer, Astarte might have snatched the third place.

For those reasons, Konrad felt the battle without suspense and focused on plowing
Zamira above him.

The silver light swirling around Astarte coalesced into a long silver broadsword
which she grabbed in her left hand. In the right, white light flared, turning into a
marble white broadsword that landed in her right hand.

Holding those two massive weapons meant for two-handed wielding, Astarte
stepped forward, vanished, and appeared behind her assailants, driving her swords
through their backs in backward thrusts.

The move glided across their skin which seemed one thousand times stronger than
steel. In a flash, they swirled into the air, stabilizing themselves above. But as they
lowered their gaze back onto Astarte, they felt a tingling sensation where her swords

Following a brief examination, Zeas and Violk were shocked to see that thin lines
remained where Astarte's swords passed.

"How can this be? We're Zenith Ants. How can the casual sword stroke of a non-Sage
possibly wound us?"

"It seems more than one freak hides in this Jade Dynasty. With our strength alone, a
solid probe is impossible. We must alert the elders, and have them break the Anti
Divine Screen."

Zeas and Violk said in turn and prepared to escape. But before they could make
another move, they felt themselves suppressed within the air, unable to advance
further. Again, Astarte was between them, hurling her swords at their necks!

"Damnable! Do you really think we fear you?

Innate Skill: Zenith!"

The two roared in tandem, and instantaneously, the pressure emanating from their
bodies skyrocketed. Heaven and earth trembled, and Astarte's swords bounced
against invisible walls that propelled her backward.

By the time she stopped her descent, the two's appearances were undergoing drastic
changes, going from tiny humans to greenish creatures whose features contorted in
an abominable transformation.

Massive demonic energies erupted from their form, revealing the true nature of their
lineage. And though their sizes remained at 1.5 meters, they now turned into two
bipedal dark-green ants with scissor-like hands and a pair of antennae above their

"Hihihihi! Girl, to force us Zenith Ants to unleash our true forms is the glory of your
lifetime. You can die in peace."

Zeas and Violk declared, then flew at Astarte in green meteors. In tandem, they
slammed their scissor-like hands on either side of her neck, aiming to behead her in
one stroke.


The scissor hands crashed against Astarte's swords, and while deflecting the blows,
she let the full might of her cultivation, bloodline, and physiques erupt alongside her
Valkyrie Armor's strength.

Silver lightning burst from her form while white star force and swirled around her
form. The illusory image of twenty-eight stars appeared above her head, morphing
into a miniature starry sky of its own.

Astarte whirled on three-hundred-sixty degrees, white star force and silver lightning
fused with her swords as they hacked at Zeas' and Violk's sides.


A piercing, tearing sound echoed, and green blood erupted from their sides to
splatter Astarte. But before it could stain her, her silver lightning turned it into

Zeas and Violk tumbled onto the ground, and Astarte connected the pommels of her
swords, combining them into a double-edged weapon.

With a graceful spin, she turned toward them, looking at them with glaring

"Zenith Ants? Never heard of you. I only know that you trespassed in the Jade Capital
and attempted to damage my beloved master's Imperial Palace. Those are cardinal
sins for which you must answer with your lives."

Astarte declared, and as she spoke, her indifferent eyes shone with soaring killing

"Wrath of the Sun and Moon!"

Above Astarte's left shoulder, a dazzling white sun appeared, while above the right, a
moon of the same color hovered.
She whirled her double-edged weapon, causing the sun and moon to rise and dance
above her forehead, their spiraling motions releasing a massive shroud of heavenly
forces that erupted in a stellar strike combining the strength of the Sun and Moon!

The blinding beam descended on the two Zenith Ants, and neither doubted that
should they fail to resist it, destruction awaited!

Therefore, they chose to go all out!

"Awaken, and usher the eternal night!

Nihility Flail!"

Zeas and Violk roared, and in an eruption of demonic, dark-green light and soaring
boulders, two jet-black, 1.2 meters tall flails appeared and landed in their hands
which morphed to adjust to them. Those were their lineage weapons, the mark of
their illustrious ancestry, and the root of their true might!

And though it was broad daylight, as soon as those weapons appeared, the clear sky
vanished, forcefully replaced by an impromptu night.


The two slammed their flails onto the ground, releasing berserk demonic energies
that spread throughout the land, and caused gargantuan earth walls to rise before
Astarte's strike!


The two forces met in an earthshaking explosion that sent Zeas and Violk flying
backward while Astarte only recoiled from a few steps.

"Since we're going all-out, I might as well follow.

Storm of the Sun and Moon!

Valkyrie Judgement!"

Astarte bellowed while aiming the marble white edge of her weapon toward the two
Zenith Ants that barely regained their footing.
Her white sun and moon merged, then exploded in a thundering eruption of light
that sent dozens of icy and flaming beams toward the two. Without hesitation, they
hurled their lineage weapons at the incoming beams, resisting with all their might.

And as they exhausted their last bits of strength, an even more dreadful force
descended. Astarte's entire armor and weapon turned into pure silver lightning!

And from the tip of her weapon erupted a fifty-meters wide lightning beam that
descended onto the exhausted pair.

"What a miscalculation…”

Violk sighed before the lightning beam struck them both, charring them were they
stood and depriving them of consciousness long before they could feel the pain it
Crushed by Astarte's Valkyrie Judgement, the two Zenith Ants collapsed onto the
ground. Astarte made a grasping motion, pulling them toward her before shifting her
gaze onto the Empyrean Tower where Konrad currently resided.

"Master, I have captured the intruders and are bringing them to you."

She alerted through a mental message.


Konrad approved while finishing his session with Zamira. But before Astarte could
fly toward the Tower, Krann returned to the Jade Capital alongside his battalion.
Astarte's eyes locked onto his, and seeing the urgency shining within, she could feel
that his last trip didn't end in the wanted success.

"Lady Astarte."

Krann bowed, then, alongside his troops, vanished to reappear within the Empyrean
Tower where Konrad was currently indulging in a Carnal Wine Pool. The Carnal
Wine Pool was an invention of his, inspired by a famous Earth Tyrant.

Like the name implied, wine replaced water, high-grade cultivation wine that snuck
past the pores to refine the body and enhance energy reserves while the cultivator
rested inside. Twelve scantily clad concubines lied in the bath alongside him, tending
to his body while he relaxed in their arms.

"Your majesty, why hasn't your true body been visiting the second floor as often as
before? We can't dual cultivate as efficiently that way! Are you bored with us?"

"Your majesty, I've reached a bottleneck in my cultivation. Please help your servant

"Your majesty, my breasts feel sore…”

"Your majesty, I think my butt is losing firmness…”

"Your majesty…”

"Your majesty…”

"Your majesty…”

As the dozen of honied sounds invaded Konrad's ears, in a twister of jade light,
Krann appeared.

"Master, please forgive my incompetence!"

He exclaimed while dropping into a kowtow.

"Relate the events."

Konrad ordered in a calm tone while stroking the cheeks of his concubines. At that
time, Astarte appeared, bringing alongside her the two suppressed Zenith Ants.

"As you ordered, I led a battalion against the Celestial Church and crushed them at a
rapid pace. However, never did I expect that the Wirth would rather die than
compromise! Unlike the moon, dream and paragon spirit elders, led by Anatol, the
Wirth elders all chose to offer themselves in sacrifice to the merit stele and expedite
the opening of Heaven's Gate!"

Krann began while keeping his forehead plastered on the ground.

"Now, the Celestial Realm Devas have arrived. I counted more than three hundred.
None beneath the Divine Rank. And among their leaders, several auras standing at
the peak of Divine Ascension appeared.

Although I don't believe any Celestial Chosen was present, the leaders are definitely
not too far from that level and are definitely God-Children!"

Celestial Chosen were to the Celestial Realm what Infernal Stars were to the Infernal
Realm. The most outstanding youths beneath the age of one-thousand. Individuals
close to that level could indeed not be underestimated.

There usually wasn't too great a gap among the various Chosen and Stars. Malkam's
era was the only exception.

As for "God-Children," the name spoke for itself.

"Ravmalakh, Brahma, and Mara?"

Konrad inquired in the same level tone, and Krann immediately nodded.

"Yes, all of those devas are either from the Ravmalakh, Brahma and Mara lineages."

Hearing this, Konrad showed no reaction.

"Rise. This doesn't stem from your oversight. Even I didn't expect that house Wirth's
determination was this profound. That Anatol managed to bring all his elders with
him is, indeed, a surprise.

Rarely have we met such unyielding spirits. A pity that I couldn't personally see them

Konrad declared while standing up. And as he did, Astarte appeared to cover his
shoulders with a bathrobe.

Having received his pardon, Krann also stood up.

"Though, if they think such a gathering is enough to vanquish us, they're in for a
terrible surprise. Hidden Moon Pavilion, gather."

Konrad ordered, and instantaneously, one-hundred kneeling forms appeared before

him. The Quasi-Paramount Knights and some of the Knight Generals Krann had
brought with him stood between them. Except that this time, they all wore a black
crystal armor with four pairs of black wings sprouting from its back.

That armor was a special creation from Konrad, forged from the Refinery Cauldron
by mixing Formation Tools, divine crystals, offensive and defensive divine artifacts,
and a massive quantity of God-Blood. Currently, he only had one hundred such
armors which he used to form his secret guard out of his most outstanding knights.

Those one-hundred armors were comparable to Four-Winged Valkyrie Armors. They

were even slightly stronger.
"Your August Majesty, the Hidden Moon Pavilion stands ready to execute your

The four Paramount Knights leading the remaining armored knights declared with
clasped hands.

"The enemy will soon arrive. First, take control of the imperial palace's defensive
formations, and stand ready to activate them when we so need. Unless it is
absolutely necessary, I don't want to reveal your existence, yet."

"Yes, your majesty!"

The Hidden Moon Pavilion's experts exclaimed, before vanishing from sight to
execute Konrad's orders.

"Krann, release your captives. I will refine their souls and begin a large

"Yes, my liege!"

Krann obeyed and with a wave of his hand, summoned the twenty-seven Celestial
Elders who, at first, were startled to see themselves standing before such a licentious
pool. But when their eyes locked on Konrad's golden hues, fright shone within!

"G-greetings, your Profane Highness! We… have come to surrender. From this
moment on, our strength is yours to do with as you see fit!"

They stammered.

"Bad. You shouldn't look without my permission."

Konrad stated with a smirk. The scenery changed and the group reappeared in
another location of the Empyrean Tower.

The elders were startled.

"Though, you misunderstand. Your strength is by itself negligible. It is your souls that
hold my interest."

Konrad explained, then stretched out his right hand, activating the Infernal Soul

"Wait, he said, he said if we surrendered…”

They stuttered, alarmed by Konrad's words and the rising dark mist erupting from
his form.

"He lied. To this day, do you still not know that my people's words cannot be

Konrad inquired in an amused tone while his black mist stuck into the Celestial
Elders' forehead and pulled out their souls!

"Des… picable!"

"Konrad, die like a dog!"

"Vile creature! Heaven and earth won't spare you!"

They roared in indignation, but to no avail. The black mist laced their souls and
refined them where they stood, allowing Konrad to siphon every bit of their soul

The elders' bodies then fell limp on the ground.

"Mhm… delightful."

Konrad relished in the meal while rubbing his hand over his stomach.

His eyes then shifted toward Astarte and the unconscious captives floating beside
"Keep them for now. I must immediately start my breakthrough. Alert Else, Verena,
and Yvonne of the current situation and have them prepare."

Konrad instructed and hearing this, Astarte bowed and vanished in a white haze.

"As for you Krann, take command of the legion and stand ready to assist the
mistresses if need be. I believe more of those -Zenith Ants- will show themselves.
Their true depth is hard to fathom. No negligence is allowed."

Krann then took his leave, and only Konrad now remained.

"I didn't expect that Zenith Ants still remained within the Ancient Crystal World.
Where could the nest possibly be?"

Konrad wondered. Having obtained a tremendous amount of knowledge from either

the infernal souls or Selene, he knew very well what those creatures were. Those two
were nothing more than average soldiers with unremarkable bloodlines.

"I'm as surprised as you are. According to common knowledge, the Ancient Crystal
World's Zenith Ants were all killed by my father. But now it appears they found a
road to survival. In the demonic hierarchy, they used to rank very high. This bodes no
good for us."

Selene replied.

"Indeed. Maybe it's time we use the World Gate to ditch the Ancient Crystal World."

Konrad jested. From completing the seventh level of the main quest, he obtained two
items, the World and Harem Gates. With the World Gate, he could travel to any
mortal world without restrictions while the Harem Gate allowed him to open a door
to any harem ring wielder and either bring them to his side or reach theirs.

Jasmine, Iliana, Nils, Freya, and Daphne were currently sightseeing in distant mortal
worlds while laying down the foundation of their future invasions.

As for the eighth level, besides the Valkyrie Armors, he also obtained two startling

"Don't say it if you don't mean it."

Selene rolled her eyes.

"Touche. Oh well, my turn."

Konrad then sat crossed-legged in meditation, ready to start his breakthrough.

Meanwhile, within the Celestial Church, a crushing silence reigned. If the rapid series
of events should have swept the church with sorrow and dread, the appearance of
those higher reinforcements certainly was a much-needed respite.

Or so it was meant to be. But reality often betrayed expectations. As soon as they
appeared, the devas first gathered the legion of Celestial Church members in one
spot. Then, a bald, silver-eyed man sitting crossed-legged within the air floated
toward them. In the middle of his forehead, a vertical eye opened and swept the
gathered church members.


He stated and beckoned, causing Konrad's three spies to appear before him. Their
eyes widened in stupor, and seeing the three of them chosen out of this sea of
individuals, they knew their identities exposed.

But how?

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

A golden-haired man stepped forward, stopping beside the silver-eyed baldie.

"As efficient as ever. I sometimes envy you brahma's third eye."

He declared in a jovial tone before shifting his eyes toward the three spies.
"I know, I know. You're wondering why we could so effortlessly find your traitorous
lot out of this sea of people. It does not matter. You should instead be thinking of how
to save yourselves.

But you can't…”

The golden-haired man stated then waved his hand, causing the three to burn into

His eyes then swept the gathered church disciples, before him, and seeing most of
them tremble with glaring fright, he sighed and again waved his hand.

All the moon, dream and paragon spirits, legions of souls, were burned to ashes, not
even given the time to scream. Now, only the sun spirits remained.

Their eyes widened in a stupor. However, none of the devas standing by the golden-
haired man's side made a comment.

"The first three died because they were enslaved by the enemy and served as his

The rest died because their elders surrendered. Lord Surya, the Sun God, was moved
by your elders' resolve. Therefore, you shall be treated with courtesy and given the
opportunity to follow us back to Heaven once we cleanse this world."

The golden-haired man explained, causing the sun spirits stupor to vanish into
nothingness. Now, only joy remained!

"Thank you, lords, for the opportunity!"

They roared in tandem and kowtowed toward the devas, but before their foreheads
met the ground, the devas had already vanished.

Clearly, they had no interest in the remaining sun spirits' show of loyalty.

"According to our knowledge, the Tower of Rebirth was built from the combination
of Isylia and Marduk's strongest God-Artifacts. However, it seems to contain
principles the two of them shouldn't have been able to grasp.
Primarily, a connection to Nirvana and other kinds of unknown forces. Since it
originates from our house, we Ravmalakh naturally wish to study it. Does anyone of
you have an objection?"

The golden-haired deva asked the two figures standing beside him. As the leaders
and mightiest members of the expedition, only they could call the shots.

The silver-eyed baldie said nothing. However, the slender figure at his right
immediately disagreed.

"Following this reasoning, should we also give you the boy?"

She rhetorically asked. And the "boy" she mentioned was naturally Konrad.

"We are not that greedy. You can have the boy; we only want the Tower. Of course,
ownership is one thing, but in the future, you should do us the courtesy of involving
us in the experiments."

He replied toward the lady whose glowing white hairs eclipsed everything else
within the room.

When he contacted those houses, to avoid pitfalls, Anatol didn't reveal his
assumptions on Konrad's true nature, merely stating the truth for what it was. The
boy's bloodline was a mystery he couldn't comprehend but certainly connected to
the Ravmalakh.

At first, they didn't take it too seriously, thinking that the mortal ant was merely
exaggerating the situation to obtain their aid. But after browsing through some
memories, their attitude underwent a drastic change.

Konrad's true nature and the Tower were the two reason why those high-ranking
devas chose to accept the strenuous trip to a mortal world.

How could the Mara so readily give him up? But at that time, the silver-eyed baldie's
voice echoed.

"Handle the Tower as you wish. But if the boy's true lineage turns out to be of
nephilim kind, he must die, period. We Brahmas will not allow such an abomination
to exist within this world."
He cut, his tone calm but uncompromising.

Hearing this, the other two shook their heads.

"In any case, we can discuss handling and repartition after we capture him. Let's go."

The three deva leaders then turned into light beams and shot toward the Holy
Following Konrad's orders, Astarte left to alert her superiors of the current situation.

Yvonne, Else, and Verena sat crossed-legged within the Empyrean Tower's highest
floor, the Concealed Paradise. Initially, they all stood within their respective quarters.
But a series of mental messages made them all gather within Yvonne's chambers.
Upon stepping in, the still armored Astarte bowed in greetings.

"Your majesty, your graces, I believe master must have already given you a rough
briefing. In short, Celestial Realm Devas are on their way as we speak and are very
likely to belong to top-ranking houses. Moreover, a new demonic force has risen and
cast their eyes on us.

Though hard to identify, their bloodline can't be underestimated, and their leaders
will undoubtedly be mighty foes. Master asks you to take the reigns of the capital
while he completes his breakthroughs."

Astarte explained in a polite but urgent tone.

Dressed in a golden gown embroidered with a ten-headed horned serpent, Yvonne

nodded while Else and Verena's eyes shifted toward the unconscious Zeas and Violk
who still hovered around Astarte.

"Although we can't be certain of the involved houses, there is no doubt that the house
of Surya will be involved. With their relationship to the Celestial Founder and the sun
spirits, they will be the first to step in. As for others…”

Else began while stretching her hand toward the unconscious Zeas who then flew
toward her.

"Depending on the information revealed, the Brahmas might join the fray to -cleanse

Verena continued while waiting for Else to finish her investigation of Zeas' mind. And
following three seconds of keeping her hand pressed against Zeas' forehead, Else

"Sealed memories. We can't get much from them with the usual method. That being
the case…

…Seer's Vision!"

Her blue eyes shimmered while she peered into Zeas' past through her Seer's Vision.
No memory seal could block her sight, and in a flash, the entirety of Zeas' life
unfolded before her. Her eyes contorted into a frown.

Seeing this, Verena cast her Seer's Vision onto Violk, surrendering him to the same
examination. And she too couldn't help but see her face contort from what she saw.

"Those two were average soldiers within their ant colony and don't have access to
critical information. However, from what I've seen, the strength of the demons we
will face might trump that of those new devas."

Else said toward Yvonne who remained silent throughout their examination.

"They are Zenith Ants, labeled as the -world scourges- in the higher realms. They
descend from the Primogen Slivaz, and their lineage used to rank extremely high
within demonkind. Not only do they possess formidable innate strength, but their
reproductive abilities are inarguably the highest of the Infernal Realm. However, they
also possess one nasty habit that led them to antagonize all:


Just like incubi indulge in lust and crave domination, Zenith Ants yearn for
destruction and slaughter. They need no reason to descend on worlds and obliterate
all that lies within them. In the past, because they directed their destructive
tendencies at the Celestial Realm, the other Demon Gods chose to turn a blind eye.

However, following Asmodeus' fall and Talroth's ascension as Southern King of Hell,
Slivaz believed Southern Hell weakened, and allowed her descendants to wreak
havoc within Talroth's Domain."

Else explained.
"Naturally, he didn't take it well. Like many others, Slivaz initially believed that
Talroth must have used some kind of trickery to subjugate Asmodeus and didn't
think him to be her match. After all, she'd been cultivating for billions of years, and
while she didn't rank among the strongest Primogens, she wasn't too far from them.


“…she wasn't Talroth's match. He crushed her in battle, destroyed her body and soul,
extinguished all the Gods of her house, and enslaved the Zenith Ants. He then had
them sold in high-scale auctions throughout the Infernal Realm."

Verena pursued.

"Afterward, they were abused throughout eons, and no God ever rose from that
lineage. When the time came for Marduk to descend on the Ancient Crystal World,
only one Zenith Ant colony remained. All were dispatched to serve as his slaves.

However, not long after the descent, believing themselves freed of the Infernal
Realm's Gods oppression, they resumed their murdering habits and rebelled.

Marduk slaughtered them to the last… or so he thought. A scant few survived by

burrowing themselves in the roots of the World Tree and gave birth to a new colony.
Since then, they've been slowly draining the vitality of the World Tree to fuel their
growth and empower their physiques.

Their leader's current cultivation level is unfathomable. However, because of their

ploy against the World Tree, the real Ant Rulers only communicate through mental
messages and don't appear to their descendants. The elders are the strongest, visible

It was the Zenith Ants' constant siphoning of the World Tree's vitality that triggered
the withering. And though Konrad's faction knew nothing of that event beforehand,
they were now forced to confront it and the consequences it heralded.

At that time, Zamira appeared and bowed toward the trio.

"Nevertheless, the important thing is to device a way to keep the Anti Divine Power
Screen intact. Be it the devas or zenith ants, neither would come if they didn't have
confidence in their ability to shatter it. Perhaps they're relying on God-Artifacts,
perhaps they possess some peculiar means.
In one case or another, they possess the means to shatter our most critical defense.
Although we're no longer what we used to be, and our current force dreads none
throughout the mortal realm, our current information is insufficient, and I fear that
at best, we're heading toward a pyrrhic victory.

At worst, the consequences are hard to fathom."

Zamira appraised, and be it Astarte, Else, Verena or the silent Yvonne, all were forced
to agree. However, agreeing was one thing. Finding a way to resolve the problem,

"Although the shroud is our most absolute defense against non-deities, while
maintaining it, we can't use the Tower for anything else. That being the case, let's
remove it, and crush the next wave with absolute strength.

Let us tell the world that the Jade Dynasty fears none beneath the vast blue sky."

Yvonne declared, and instantaneously, her harem sisters understood the hidden
meaning behind her words.

"Yes, your majesty!"

Meanwhile, dozens of grey cocoons rose from beneath the World Tree, and from
them, several dwarf-like figures emerged.
In a grey, golden and magenta beam, the three deva leaders appeared before the Anti
Divine Screen. The golden-haired deva and the white-haired devi eyed it with mild
interest while the silver-eyed baldie remained indifferent.

"What an impressive screen. No wonders those lesser creatures were at their wits'

The golden-haired deva appraised with an amused grin, then stretched out his hand.
A golden chakram appeared within and glittered with overbearing God-Force.
Clearly, it was a God-Artifact.

With a grin, the golden-haired deva flung the chakram at the Anti Divine Screen, but
long before it could reach it, the screen vanished.


Surprised, the golden-haired deva beckoned, and the chakram flew back into his

"Did they get tired of playing turtles? Or does a welcoming party await us in there?"

He wondered with the same grin.

"We will naturally know when we get there. Though, it doesn't hurt to remain

The white-haired devi replied.

"You can't be serious. Threading carefully before mere mortals? Come on, what is
there to fear?"

The golden-haired deva chortled. Clearly, he wasn't putting the Jade Dynasty in his
"Aakash, your conceit will be your downfall."

The mara devi stated before locking her eyes on the Jade Capital. With a step, she
vanished and reappeared before it. The silver-eyed baldie had already left the two
behind and sat crossed-legged within the capital's sky.

"Tss, tss, tss. Those people really don't know how to relax. Though I expected no less
of that uptight baldie, I must say, coming from you Nehal, it's a bit disappointing. Oh

He shrugged, then vanished to reappear beside his peers.

Together, they swept the capital with their Divine Senses, attempting to locate the
mightiest forces. However, seeing the strongest standing at the Saint-level,
disappointment flashed within their eyes. However, when his Divine Sense swept the
imperial palace, and he felt repelled by an invisible force, a pleasant smile returned
on Aakash's face.

"Not bad."

His eyes then rose toward the Tower within the sky, and his smile broadened.

"Excellent. This trip really wasn't in vain."

Aakash declared while ogling the Tower with his golden eyes. He then waved his
hands, releasing a deluge of bright golden flames that descended onto the Jade
Capital. Even the tiniest strand of those flames could burn saints into ashes and
make mid-level sages wail in agony.

But never would those flames land on the capital, because long before they could, a
massive space vortex appeared in their path, and redirected them back onto their


Aakash nodded, then waved his hand, dispelling the golden flames. In a twister of
light, Else, Verena and Astarte appeared within the sky, facing the three devas with

Though their beauty was outstanding, as the scion of one of the mightiest houses of
the Celestial Realm, their beauty alone couldn't faze Aakash. However, the
indifference with which they daggered him, released a current of excitement through
his veins.

But this was only the first impression. Aakash and Nehal both possessed Origin Sight
while the silver-eyed baldie's third eye was an inarguably mightier innate ability.
Therefore, all three of them could accurately examine the nature of their foes' blood.

And what they saw startled them.

"How queer. Why are things only getting more interesting? A Bastet, a Mara, and an
inexplicable creature."

Aakash assessed, but this time, there was no amusement on his face. His eyes turned
toward Nehal, who stared at Verena with a deep frown. There was no previous
record of a Mara ever landing in the Ancient Crystal world. If there was, she'd know.
How then was one appearing before her?

And while he remained silent, surprise shone within the baldie's silver eyes.

"First, it's that potential nephilim. And now, we're faced with a pureblooded demon,
deva and a creature of unknown background. I'm afraid someone or something
within this Jade Dynasty found a way… to reproduce our lineages."

The silver-eyed baldie hypothesized, his words causing Aakash to burst into laughter.

"Yo, Dasra, you don't speak often. But when you do, only earth-shaking words leave
your lips. Reproduce our lineages? Are you telling me that deva and demon blood
have turned into cabbage -that something- can freely hand out?"

Aakash scoffed.

"Maybe not freely. Maybe not all of them, but at least, the ability exists."

Dasra seriously replied, his words deepening Nehal's frown.

"This joke is not funny. What else? Soon you'll be telling me that they can create
Primogens, and freely travel within the Three Realms. I didn't know you had such
Aakash shook his head and switched his attention back onto the three ladies.
Skepticism rippled on Nehal's face, but she ultimately voiced no opinion. Dasra said
nothing more.

Feeling their foes' stupor, Verena and Else's lips curled into grins.

"While cutting buffoons mid-talk is not in my habits, I must say this is neither the
place nor time to be expressing your stupor."

Else sniped with a derisive smile.

"Oh? And where would the place be? A nice dinner under the sunset? Perhaps you
wish to accompany me? Surely, a beauty of your caliber knows to seek an adequate
tree. If you purr well-enough, I can make you my new maid."

Aakash retorted, undisturbed by the insult. Hearing this, Else arched her eyebrows.

"People have died for less."

"But I am not -people.-"

Aakash burst into laughter and stepped forward.

"Clearly, you've been allowed to run amok for so long that you don't know the
immensity of heavens. Because if you think your measly Divine Seed cultivation is
enough to terrorize me, you're sorely mistaken."

Aakash sneered, and bright golden flames erupted from his form, discoloring the
atmosphere as if all were forced into a world of burning gold. And indeed, through
his Origin Sight, he could effortlessly see that Verena and Else's cultivations were
now at the early stage of the Divine Seed Rank.

"God-Son Aakash, ravmalakh lord, and grandson of the Sun God Surya!"

Extraordinary divine power erupted from Aakash's form, stretching throughout the
sky and crackling space as it spread.

"Peak-stage Divine Ascension."

Else and Verena whispered, the words ushering the realization that this would be no
simple fight. However, they remained undaunted and stretched out their hands.

In a twister of light, a golden armor replaced the dresses they previously wore. At
the back of those armors, five pairs of golden wings lightly flapped.

"Clearly, you don't understand the quagmire you've stepped into. Come, allow us to
show you the might of the house of Konrad."

Else declared with a captivating smirk, then stepped forward while Verena's eyes
locked on Nehal.
Without neither hesitation nor fancy style, Aakash vanished appeared at Else's side
and using his right hand as a knife, chopped at her neck. Else didn't evade, allowing
the blow to approach unimpeded. But as it reached her neck, a bright golden aura
erupted from her armor, stopping Aakash's hand an inch away from it.

His eyes widened in disbelief. Although this was but a casual strike, even in the
Celestial Realm, beneath Divine Ascension, not many could so leisurely receive it. But
he wasn't given time to ponder any further that Else was backhanding him across the

Bending his waist and spinning on the left, Aakash let the blow graze his cheek while
sending a golden flame coated kick straight into Else's breastplate.


Again, the golden armor and aura absorbed the blow, leaving no damage on Else's
body. But using the impact, Aakash propelled himself backward, vanishing to
reappear where he previously stood.

His face contorted into a frown.

"Oh? After all this talk, is this all a God-Son is capable of? How disappointing."

Else, snarked with bare ridicule. Hearing this, Aakash's frown deepened. However, he
was forced to admit he'd underestimated the opponent.


He underestimated that armor. Clearly, it was neither a Divine nor a God-Artifact, and
yet, it didn't lose out to the average God-Artifact. Worse, it clearly concealed
formidable offensive power. Never did he bear witness to such a strange cloak.

Nehal, who stood several steps away from him, stared at the same armor that
covered Verena's hourglass figure, and interest shone within her eyes. This was a
formidable tool. If they could seize it for themselves, their battle-power would soar.
Anyone would be interested.

Only Dasra, the silver-eyed baldie never spared the armor more than a glance. And
within, no desire rippled.

"No need to hold back. Fight at full-strength, capture those women, and snatch their
armors. Perhaps we've just discovered a just as valuable treasure as the Tower."

Nehal stated, then stretched out her hands, causing a vast shroud of magenta fog to
erupt from her body and spread throughout the atmosphere while her eyes
shimmered in the same color and her glowing white hairs fluttered at her back.

"Ancestral Glory: Citadel of Dreams!"

She exclaimed, and from within the magenta fog rose three gargantuan citadels from
which a soothing, enchanting melody rippled. It was as if the choir of a celestial host
descended from heaven's vault to enlighten the mortal world.

White and magenta clouds bloated the sky, and the area soon turned into a realm
controlled by Nehal's will.

"The fake can never match the true, the low, can not outpace the lofty. Even if your
bloodline mirrors mine, without the noble blood of our Primogen flowing within
your veins, you cannot showcase… our Ancestral Glory!"

Nehal scoffed, then vanished, becoming one with the ancestral glory. The Citadel's
gates opened, releasing a celestial army that shot toward Verena.

Her lips curled into a smile.

And she too stretched out her hands.

"Ancestral Glory: Citadel of Dreams!"

Verena exclaimed, and again, the same scene occurred. Magenta fog erupted from
her, conquering the atmosphere while three chanting citadels rose and opened their
doors to release vast celestial armies that clashed with Nehal's!
And as the two Ancestral Glories clashed, astonishment filled the three devas. And
indeed, this time, even the silent Dasra was no exception. Be it lineage weapons or
ancestral glories, they both were the properties of the Primogen and passed down
through their blood. Only demons and devas able to retrace their lineage to a
Primogen could wield lineage weapons and Ancestral Glories.

In the case of a contract or blessing, the recipient could receive a weaker version of
his master's lineage weapon or ancestral glory. However, unless born from one of the
primogen's descendants, their children would not inherit the lineage right.

For that reason, regardless of bloodline level, within the higher realms, the simple
fact of wielding a lineage weapon or ancestral glory was a proof of nobility.

Even if the absurd assumption that those mortals found a way to reproduce higher
realm bloodlines were true, how could they also summon the lineage rights?

"I never expected that we would come for two precise targets, and before laying
hands on them, have so many more appear. Good. Then let's not waste any more

Ancestral Glory: Nine Heavenly Stars!"

Aakash, roared, causing nine bright golden suns to appear in the sky and illuminate
the world! With their appearance, a part of the atmosphere was forcefully snatched
to become his domain, the realm where his will would become law.

He too vanished, becoming one with his domain. And as the pressure of Aakash's
domain was added to Nehal's Else and Verena found themselves suppressed.

"My turn."

Else began while raising her right hand.

"Awaken and release the sea of reincarnation:

Ankh of Myriad Eternity!"

In a massive eruption of demonic energies, a dark-yellow ankh appeared before Else,

hovering above her palm and releasing a boundless yellow sea that freed Else of
Aakash's suppression and threatened to collapse his absolute control of the area.
Meanwhile, Astarte's eyes had never left Dasra whose eyes remained closed
throughout the startling clash.

"You're not going to make a move?"

She asked, feeling that the nearby battle was nearing a crescendo.

"You are not my match, and I believe your lineage is not intolerable to Heaven's Will.
Therefore, there is no need to end your life. The same goes for them."

Dasra stated. And his words caused Astarte's eyes to widen in a stupor. When even
his peers were finding it so challenging to eliminate Else and Verena, he dared utter
such words? Where was his confidence hailing from?


At that time, empowered by the seemingly endless force of their Five-Winged

Valkyrie Armors, the combination between Else and Verena's attacks collided with
Aakash and Nehal's ancestral glories, releasing an earthshaking explosion of celestial
and infernal forces that would have laid the Holy Continent to waste where it not for
the protective formations activated to suppress the battle's effects.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

Both Nehal and Aakash were forced out of their ancestral glories and returned to the
Jade Capital's sky with frustration dressing their faces.

"How shameful. To think that I, a grandson of the Sun God, would one day struggle
against a foe by three ranks my inferior. If this matter were to spread, where would
my face go?"

Aakash sighed, and though she didn't speak the words, Nehal thought the same.

"Was it not for those damnable armors, how could they withstand our blows? Since
they wish to bully us with arms, there is no need to be courteous."

Nehal replied, and stretched out her hand, summoning a sea-blue shuttle which
rippled with endless God-Force. Seeing this, Aakash grinned and summoned his
Golden Chakram which also released vast God-Force.
But even though they now faced God-Artifacts, Verena and Else didn't lose their

They weren't here to win. They just didn't have to lose. And as far as not losing was
concerned, they overflowed with confidence.
With their God-Artifacts empowering them, the pressure emanating from Nehal and
Aakash soared to unprecedented level while their battle-power approached the Sub-
God limit, becoming infinitely close to deities.

Aakash flung his chakram into the sky, and it expended to reach three-hundred
meters of diameters with its metallic edge turning into bright golden flames.
Blinding light erupted from the chakram, and it was as if it'd turned into the
universe's most radiant sun, aiming to erase the sinful with its otherworldly

Before such a force, neither Verena nor Else could resist. But beside Aakash, Nihal
too released her sea shuttle which expanded into a three-hundred meters long flying
battleship around which a sea formed and swirled.

To say nothing of the two of them combined, Five-Winged Valkyrie Armor or not,
with their current strength, either Aakash or Nihal could effortlessly trample their
foes. This truth was evident to all, and yet, Verena and Else didn't budge.

Aakash and Nehal joined their hands, causing a gold and blue sea to burst from their
respective artifacts and soar toward the two Jade Consorts.

But as the irresistible destructive force descended, Verena and Else's lips curved into
amused grins.



"Seer's Vision!"

They exclaimed in tandem, and instantaneously, the world around Else, Verena,
Aakash, and Nehal turned gray, and the irresistible strikes about to drop vanished
into nothingness. The gray color disappeared, replaced by a clear atmosphere that
showed no trace of the previous strike. And were it not for the two God-Artifacts
hanging above Nehal and Aakash's head, the onlookers would have been forced to
believe that they never attempted a strike, to begin with.

"Queer, weren't we about to strike?"


They muttered in confusion and exchanged the same folding glances.

For the first time since his arrival, Dasra's eyes widened in a profound stupor.

"Altering the past. The fourth Ancient Secret: Seer's Vision."

He stated but still didn't come to his partner's aid. His eyes went beyond them,
locking on the Tower which made no noise since the beginning of the battle. But the
quieter it was, the more Dasra believed that it stood like the Sword of Damocles,
about to drop at any time.

Unaware that their past had been altered to modify the present, Aakash and Nehal
resumed their assault. And once again, Verena and Else used their Seer's Vision to
remodel the past. This time, however, they pushed the vice to another level, making
it so that Aakash and Nehal targeted one another instead!

By the time they realized what was going on, it was too late! The golden sun rays and
flaming sea barreled into the boundless sea as Aakash's golden chakram and Nehal's
sea-blue shuttle contended for supremacy.

"How… how could this be? Why did I…?"

They wondered, far too late.


A massive explosion thundered, and the two flew backward while spurting large
mouthfuls of blood. In the meantime, faint blood lines dropped from the corners of
Else and Verena's lips while they suppressed a blood spurt of their own.

Clearly, they didn't wish to reveal the extent of the backlash they suffered.
And as the two celestials flew in opposite directions, the Empyrean Tower kicked
into gear!

Black and white light swirled around its form, becoming two sky rending beams that
slammed into the recoiling pair!


Again, they flew backward, this time shooting toward Dasra. And before they could
bypass him, another black-white beam shot toward them!

But before it could hit home, the sitting Dasra crossed his forearms in a block,
receiving the move for all three of them.


Another wild explosion thundered, but as the smoke dispersed, Dasra's unblemished
form remained. Meanwhile, Aakash and Nehal had recovered their stances in the air,
wiping off the blood coating their lips.

"Could it be…”

Nehal began, and before she could finish her words…

"Yes, you fell prey to Seer's Vision."

…Dasra cut, then stood up. And hearing the confirmation, although doubt sparkled in
their minds, Aakash and Nehal were still scared witless.

Scared, because even within the higher realms, not everyone could lay hands on the
Ancient Secrets. Only the top descendants of the mightiest houses possessed the
honor. And even among them, most would need to wait for godhood before receiving

In this generation, the Celestial Chosen and Infernal Stars aside, what non-deity
could wield Ancient Secrets? Moreover, in the hierarchy of Ancient Secrets, Seer's
Vision was at the top.

This was completely absurd!

"Could it be that they represent a secret force jointly groomed by mighty demon and
deva gods? Otherwise, how could all those -coincidences- occur? This is completely

Aakash hypothesized, pulling an approving nod from Nehal. Dasra, however, made
no comment and stepped forward.

With every step, the pressure emanating from his form soared, and his muscles,
showcased by his sleeveless monk robe, rippled with irresistible force. Yet, his
presence didn't disturb the atmosphere, and it was almost as if he stood in harmony
with nature itself.

Verena and Else now realized that this monk-like baldie wasn't just a little bit
stronger than his peers. They didn't play in the same league at all.

And Krann who, from within the Tower observed this scene by Yvonne's side, made a
shocking appraisal.

"The Infernal Founder at his peak wasn't much stronger!"

Those were startling news. Marduk was the second Infernal Star of his time, the
number two talent of the Infernal Realm. Were it not for the abnormal Malkam's
existence, he would have definitely been the first.

Someone not much weaker would easily rank among the most gifted Celestial
Chosen. Yet, Dasra was no Celestial Chosen.

And as if anticipating the question swirling within his foes' mind, he declared:

"Brahmas do not pursue vain, worldly glory. Therefore, we abjure all titles and

As he spoke, he stopped before the two Jade Consorts, his pressure suppressing
them where they stood. Even their golden armors couldn't save them from his might.

"You are not my match. Retreat, and tell the one within the Tower to show himself."

Dasra ordered and threw a casual palm strike. That simple palm released a plethora
of vibrations that could at the very least, send Verena and Else crash on the ground
below. But before it could, black and white light erupted from the Tower, warding
them from the vibrations.

Dasra again threw a palm, and a new wave of vibrations shattered the black and
white light protection. Verena and Else recoiled, and as they did, the iron taste of
blood filled their mouths.

But before Dasra could make another move, in a twister of dark light, a mesmerizing
figure clad in jade armor, with six wings sprouting from her back, appeared to
receive the move and dispel its force.

Naturally, it was Yvonne.

"Easy baldie, your opponent has just arrived."

She declared while releasing the full-might of her pressure to resist Dasra's.

His eyes flashed with a subtle glint.

As soon as Yvonne landed on the scene, all eyes descended upon her. Feeling a
pressure that didn't lose out to theirs at full-strength, Nehal and Aakash frowned. Of
course, this was the merit of the Six-Winged Valkyrie Armor. Without it, depending
on her half-step Divine Blood cultivation alone, Yvonne would not be their match.

Alas, the conditional mattered not on the battlefield. The six pairs of jade wings at
Yvonne's back lightly flapped while her similarly colored armor released a dazzling
aura that coated the entirety of her riveting figure.

"Five High-Grade Divine Physiques, all nearing mastery. A top-level bloodline, a

perfect cultivation foundation, a mighty Dao and a dauntless heart. You… are a
worthy foe."

Dasra appraised through the use of his vertical, third eye. And seeing how easily he
saw through her, mild surprise flashed within Yvonne's eyes. But when recalling the
lineage she faced and Krann's appraisal of her opponent, all surprise vanished, and a
smile curved her luscious lips.

"Were we at the same cultivation level, I would not be your match. However, we're
not. I have no interest in clashing with your lot. I only have one target. Make him
show himself, and you don't need to suffer."

Dasra stated with a calm and indifferent tone. Naturally, his words failed to garner
Yvonne's approval, and instead, she stretched out her right hand.

In a twister of light, a long jade spear appeared within her right hand. Just like
Astarte's sword, this spear was nothing more than an extension of her Valkyrie

"You don't have an appointment. As an outsider, you need to follow the formal
process to see the emperor. First, request audience and await his graceful approval.
If you don't follow proper etiquette, I can't help you."
Yvonne shrugged while lifting the jade-colored spear toward Dasra.

Her words failed to disturb that immovable face of his.

"That being the case, I can only force him out through you all."

Dasra replied and stepped forward. The already enormous pressure emanating from
his form rose to another level while strands of silver light rose from his pore and
laced his figure. Without another word, he shot toward Yvonne… or rather, glided
toward her, leaving dozens of afterimages in his wake.

By the time he landed before her, his left palm was already flying toward her face.

Yvonne swept her jade spear toward the palm strike, but before it could reach it, the
palm vanished, becoming thousands of palms that assailed her from all sides.


Her jade-colored aura spread toward the palms, meeting their onslaught while she
used the impact to recoil and step out of Dasra's range. But before she could escape
him, he again was upon her, this time surrounding her with seventy-two afterimages
that all attacked in tandem, bloating the sky with the thousands of palm strikes.

Each palm brought with it the strength to obliterate a vast mountain range, and all of
them combined could collapse continents. Faced with such an overwhelming force,
Yvonne dared not hold back.

"Awaken and drown my enemies in inferno:

Hell's Reach!"

In a demonic explosion of hellfire and dark sand that repelled Dasra's assault, Hell's
Reach landed in Yvonne's left hand. Lineage weapon in the left and Valkyrie weapon
in the right, she spread her wings, and flew back toward Dasra, meeting his every
blow with her spear strokes!

In an instant, they exchanged thousands of moves, but throughout the clash, Dasra
never recoiled. Not even from one tiny step.

"Nature Law."
Dasra uttered, causing tremendous divine power to erupt in the manifestation of his
Nature Law. Hundreds of towering trees appeared in the sky and stretched toward
the ground while expanding their branches within the air.

The trees all surrounded Yvonne, releasing forest green light and tens of thousands
of leaves that barreled into her at lightning speed.

Waving Hell's Reach, Yvonne released a sea of hellfire that drowned the incoming
leaves and spread toward the trees. However, a protective halo coated them, and as
the two forces collided, a massive explosion erupted, forcing Yvonne to recoil from
seven steps.

Witnessing this exchange, Verena and Else's eyes contorted into a frown. Dasra's
strength had already surpassed all their expectations and forced them to consider
assisting Yvonne in contending with him.

And to say nothing of them, even Aakash and Nehal were startled. Aakash, in
particular, couldn't believe his eyes. Although his father had warned him of Dasra
being stronger than him, he'd not expected the gap to be this profound!

"I heard that three-hundred years ago, Dasra singlehandedly fought and repelled
three Minor Gods from the Infernal Realm. At first, I believed the tale nothing more
than a rumor. But now, I am starting to wonder if it weren't an understatement.

Among the current Celestial Chosen, how many can rival him? To say nothing of
defeating him."

Nehal sighed, although strength wasn't her primary pursuit, it undoubtedly was a
comfortable insurance. And to see one she thought her peer so far ahead of her, she
couldn't help but feel cheated.

In this case, how could they possibly discuss as equal? And when Dasra's hands
landed on Konrad, who could stop him from slaughtering him?

But as she pondered how to cope with the future events, Dasra joined his hands.

"Ancestral Glory: Realm of Eternal Peace."

The scenery changed, becoming an idyllic land of thirty-three floating islands on top
of which various creatures stood in harmony. The Jade Capital vanished from sight,
and in the eyes of the gathered folks, lush green prairies stood below, while they all
took turns on the floating islands, exploring the peaceful paradises while
surrendering to the desire of peace.

In that instant, the belief that war, battle, and bloodshed were inherently sinful filled
the minds of the gathered individuals. Yvonne was no exception, and as the belief
settled within her mind, she found herself slowly lowering her weapon, unable to
find a reason to bare it within such a perfect land.

But before she could completely surrender, her eyes shone with renewed vigor.

"Darkness Law!"

"Unending Hell!"

"Valkyrie Judgement!"

In succession, Yvonne used her three mightiest moves, darkness filled the sky,
engulfing everything across thousands of miles.

Storms of hellfire and dark sand rose, slamming against the idyllic land, and from the
tip of Yvonne's jade spear, a ball of jade lightning rose, expending until it reached
three-hundred meters, before turning into a blinding beam fired at a specific spot.

"Impressive willpower."

Dasra commented from within his Ancestral Glory.

"Heaven of the Thirty-Three!"

He exclaimed, and from the thirty-three islands, one rose to become the center of
them all, channeling their vast defensive and offensive power in a supreme strike
that collided with Yvonne's three moves!


In another thunderous boom, the scenery collapsed, returning to the Jade Capital's
sky. But though she'd successfully escaped Dasra's Ancestral Glory, Yvonne felt no
joy. From beginning to end, he didn't summon a single artifact. It was as if he always
controlled the battle's flow and could counter everything thrown at him.

Blood jetted from Yvonne's lips as her body processed its internal damage.
Meanwhile, Dasra stood within the sky as unblemished as ever.

"Give up while you still can."

Dasra advised with the same indifferent tone. But as she whipped the blood from her
lips, Yvonne's lips curled into a brand-new smile, and her eyes gleamed with rising

"I'm afraid we're only getting started.

Absolute War Sense!"

Yvonne raised her head and bellowed, activating her Ancient Secret, and causing her
battle-power to soar while an illusory version of her appeared before Dasra.
By the time the illusory Yvonne appeared before him, Dasra already clawed at her
neck. But as the move neared target…


…a violent kick hammered Dasra's left side, sending him spiraling in the air across
several backflips before stabilizing himself. Not giving him any time to rest, the
illusory Yvonne surrounded him with hundreds of punches, claws, spears, and kicks,
each carrying one-thousand time the might of the original body which now also
seemed to be in an illusory stage.


If at first Dasra barely managed to block the moves, soon, he was utterly
overwhelmed by the armada of blows that rained upon him from all sides and hurled
him higher in the sky. A frown contorted his silver eyes.

"Hateful… hateful… incomparably hateful!"

Aakash snapped, unable to endure this sight. And at his right, Nehal's mood wasn't
much better, because both of them could see the source of Yvonne's massive strength

"Third Ancient Secret: Absolute War Sense.

And at the very least, her cultivation has reached the third layer."

In the instant she activated her Ancient Secret, it could be said that Yvonne turned
into a War Sense with one-thousand times the strength, speed, and reaction time of
her original body. With such a staggering strength leap, even Dasra was pushed onto
the defensive.

Barreled by the flurry of blows, Dasra's guard finally collapsed, and Yvonne sent him
cratering below with an ax-kick.


Dasra's fall triggered a vast surge of dust that soared into the sky to cloud the vision
of the warring parties. But as the dust dispersed, Dasra rose from the ground,
without the tiniest scratch on his seemingly unbreakable body.

"This durability… is almost comparable to Konrad's."

Yvonne murmured while keeping her hessonite eyes locked on Dasra.

"To have cultivated the Absolute War Sense to the third layer with less than one
thousand years of cultivation, I must say that your comprehension skills rank among
the highest I've seen in my life.

Your potential is exceptionally high, in the future, you can surely become a mighty
goddess. Why persist in seeking damnation?"

Dasra calmly asked while stepping back into the sky. Clearly, Yvonne's demonic blood
mattered not to him. In fact, he would be glad to see her fulfill her potential.
However, Yvonne merely shook her head.

Dasra asked nothing more, and for the first time since his arrival, adopted an actual

With his weight on his right leg and his fists firmly clenched, Dasra again faced

"Will of The Great Warden:

Celestial Guardian!"

The silver light strands lacing Dasra's form expanded into a full-blown silver giant
nigh-identical to his true body. Dasra stood in the giant's lower abdomen, and the
onlooker could effortlessly see that the two were one.

"One of the most dreadful physiques of the Celestial Realm, the Great Warden
Yvonne realized. The Great Warden Physique was unique to The Warden's house.
And the Brahma… were The Warden's House.

Without budging from where he stood, Dasra punched out, releasing a horrible force
that opened a gigantic vortex in space before slamming into Yvonne's War Sense!


Struck by the invisible force, like a meteor, she shot across the sky, before cratering
in the distance. At that time, Verena and Else no longer hesitated. Although they
knew Yvonne wanted to use this opportunity to further tamper herself, if things
were allowed to carry on in this way, there would soon be nothing left to tamper!

"Valkyrie Surge!"

Like a perfectly synchronized choir, they activated their Valkyrie Surge, causing their
battle-power to overlap…

"Seer's Vision!"

…then cast their Seer's Vision onto Dasra.

"Good effort. Alas, I am a brahma… and your soul power is… far too low.

Eye of Illumination!"

The vertical, third eye on Dasra's forehead opened, releasing a dazzling silver light
that obliterated Else and Verena's Seer's Vision, forcing them to recoil with large
blood spurts.

But before he could make another move, Yvonne was shooting back toward him, but
this time, one-thousand Divine Artifacts surrounded her!

Since conventional fighting yielded no result, she used her Absolute War Sense to
simultaneously control one-thousand Divine Artifacts, ready to repel the enemy by
burning the state treasury!

Even for the current Jade Dynasty, the loss of one-thousand Divine Artifacts was a
significant blow. But at this juncture, she couldn't care about any of that.

Yvonne began, but before she could complete the one-thousand Divine Artifacts'
detonation, Dasra aimed his right fist at her.

"Celestial Blockade."

Twelve light pillars appeared around her, and instantaneously, she was locked where
she stood, unable to make another move. In that instant, the truth of her defeat
became evident.

"You fought well. Your sort is likely used to crushing enemies leagues above your
level. However, I have defeated Gods.

Throughout the Three Realms, in the past or present, I believe that the Primogens
and Malkam aside, regardless of the tricks used, no one can defeat me with an
inferior cultivation level."

Dasra professed, before aiming his fist for the final blow.

But at that time…



A cacophony of malevolent laughter reverberated within the sky, breaking Dasra's


Within the Empyrean Tower, Konrad sat crossed-legged, condensing his illusory
stars one after the other. One, two three… thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six.

In an instant, he condensed thirty-six, reaching the usual limit. But with his
unrivaled soul power, how could he stop there?

The thirty-seventh took shape, then a thirty-eighth, a thirty-ninth, and a fortieth!

Tapping in his reserves, Konrad made one last push, and successfully congealed the
forty-one star! There, he stopped, and officially broke through to Star Connection!
And at that time, the Ancient Crystal World's sky darkened, from the Barbarian
Continent all the way to the Holy Continent, no piece of heaven was spared.

Dark clouds billowed, crackling with lightning and the impending descent of legions
of thunderbolts!

The Overlord did not appear.

Neither did The Warden… for Konrad… no longer belonged to their jurisdiction!

On this occasion that he again broke cultivation convention, only the Realm Wills
could judge him!


The sky grumbled, and released dozens of pure blue lightning bolts that slammed
into the Empyrean Tower, bypassing its defenses to descend upon Konrad!

Undisturbed, he stood up and opened his mouth.

"Innate Skill: Devouring!"

Without a hitch, Konrad directly swallowed the heavenly tribulation, using it to

improve on perfection, and let his cultivation base soar!

As the blue thunderbolts vanished, white thunderbolts followed, only to be

swallowed within Konrad's gluttonous belly!

Black lightning then descended, and received the same fate!

The forty-one illusory stars went from intangible to tangible, becoming genuine stars
that rippled with endless stellar power as Konrad directly reached Star

He then stretched out his hands, connecting the forty-one stars to his body, and
merging with them all in one go!

Hence, reaching the peak of Star Fusion!

Endless jade-colored star force undulated around his form while his cultivation
stabilized at the peak of the Holy Road!

Feeling the terrible force rising from within the Tower, Dasra no longer hesitated,
and to avoid variables, resolved to first dispatch the Valkyries before him.

The silver light giant punched, its fist descending upon Yvonne, threatening to end


But before it could, a teenaged looking man with long, fluttering jade hairs, golden
eyes, and empyrean looks, appeared and blocked the silver light giant's fist within
his right palm.

This youth wore a golden-robe embroidered with a ten-headed horned serpent. That
robe, combined with the golden jade crown resting on his head, made his status

"Profane Prince."

Dasra murmured, and attempted to free his giant fist from Konrad's palm.

However… he couldn't!

"At your disservice."

Konrad leisurely replied.

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