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27th March 2020 (Chaitra, Shukla, Tritiya)

Review of 26th March 2020

1. Did you read some book? Yes/No

2. Did you look for any of the online course websites? Yes/No
3. Did you listen to a TED talk? Yes/No
4. Did you ponder over the Morning Mantra? Yes/No
5. Did you and your family members participate in the activities given
yesterday? Yes/No

If you have answered ‘Yes’ to at least three of the questions, then you are creating yourself, which is
very important. You will realize this from the quote given below:

Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

- George Bernard Shaw
Here are the Top Ten Visionaries who changed the world. Find out how they created
Steve Jobs
Jack Ma
Bill Gates
Elon Musk
Mark Zuckerberg
Oprah Winfrey
Richard Branson
Tony Robbins
Warren Buffet
Arnold Schwarzenegger
We invite all our team members to tell us how they are making a
fruitful utilization of time while at home.

If you are reading OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED with your

family members, just take a selfie (with your family members +
Opportunities Unlimited page and send to us.

TAKE TIME – Responses

In the Spouses Corner, we had asked spouses to add two sentences of their own. Here are
their responses.

Urmila Patil (spouse of Mr. SD Patil)

Take time to do what makes our soul happy, because that is ultimate satisfaction
Take time to be kind, because that is humane

Krishna Raval (spouse of Mr. Vikram Raval)

Take time to learn because it makes you relevant.
Take time to teach because it gives continuity to life.

Swati Lahoti (spouse of Mr. Ravi Lahoti)

Take time to do yoga, because it brings internal peace and focus
Take time to explore new recipes, because new taste of flavours immunizes your body.

Diptimayee Maharana (spouse of Mr. Himanshu Maharana)

Take time to help, because it is the source of happiness
Take time for your family: because Time is the most valuable thing and spending time with family gives
greatest pleasure

Achal Joshi (spouse of Ms. Heena Joshi)

Take time to cook, because it is a source of energy
Take time to smile, because it makes life more beautiful

Shipra Kabra (spouse of Mr. Girdhar Kabra)

Take time to pray, because it is source of hope.
Take time for friends and family, because your personality is combination of both

Deepika Singh (spouse of Mr. Saurabh Dayal)

Take time to eat, because it will improve your digestion system
Take time for workout, because it will enhance your immunity.

Spouse of Ms. Diviya Israni

Take time to work with your spouse because it gives immense satisfaction
Take time for your better half, because she deserves to grow and be a better person

Thank you all for responding to TAKE TIME.

Spouses Corner

Children Learn What They Live With

If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn
If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate
If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight
If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient
If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy
If a child lives with encouragement, he learns confidence
If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty
If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself
If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice
If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, he learns to find love in the world

We invite you to share your experiences. If you have a story to tell, please share. Every story
shared, gets a prize.

Children’s Corner
In this quiz, you have to insert a word that completes the first word and
begins the second. The first one is solved to serve as an example.

i) PRACT ( _____ ) BERG

The word to be inserted is ICE. It completes the first word PRACTICE; and begins the second word

Now complete the rest.

i) INDIVI (______) ISM vii) UR (______) AL
ii) BAL (______) DER viii) DEC (______) AGE
iii) CONTR (______) ING ix) WEAT (______) MIT
iv) DEC (______) AGE x) SP (______) NA
v) PYRA (______) GET xi) S (______) GET
vi) APR (______) ION xii) DE (______) ROY

All responses should reach by 5.00 pm to facilitate review and recognition process
As a child, we have learnt ABC as A for Apple, B for Ball, C for Cat. Today, we will
relearn and rewrite every alphabet. Word that you choose for every alphabet should
be the most empowering one, to reflect your personality traits and ambitions.
Let’s do it.


Results of Housie – Five Alphabets

The selection of five alphabets out of 26 is quite complex, which was to be avoided. The five
alphabets were A, E, I, O, U.
Team members who stated these five alphabets are Mr. Kuntal Jani, Mr. Hemanshu Patel, Mr.
Bikash Mandal, Ms. Heena Joshi.
Congratulations! You get a prize.

The responses for 24 GAME are phenomenal. We will be declaring the winners of this game

An initiative of RR Global and Hema Foundation

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