Comparative SUperlative

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DREDARATE Parn et SABER = .2._-Para adetives de una silaba que terminan en “e”: i | 3. Para adjetivos de una silaba que terminan en conso- afiade: *-r" afiade: *-st” Adjective: Nice nicer nicest ‘ante + vocal + consonante: aftade: consonante + | et hottest uando el adjetvo termina en consonante + vocal + consonante (cuando hay una vocal entre 2 consonan- tes), doblamos la ikima consonante 4, Para adjetivos de dos silabas que terminan en “y”: sustituye “y” por: “ier” | sustituye “y" por: “iest” Adjective: Pretty prettier prettiest 5. Para adijetivos de dos o més silabas: afiade: “the most’/“the afiade: “more’/“less” Agunos ejemplos: good bad worse far further better best worst furthest least” ‘Adjective: Populated feara ovulate the most populated Adjective: Developed Tees dbvbpod the least developed Hay un grupo datos on inglés que son especiales porque a! comparativo no sigue is reolas anteriores. Estos on adjetivos iregulares. i | | | Es importante tener en cuenta que los aijtivos describen cualidades de sustantivos. Alguras de estas cualidades se categorizan en diversos grados segdn el nivel de intensi- ad. Utlizamos el grado comparativo para contrastar les Cvalidades o atributos de dos cosas, 6 Commanaros DE re ; Para formar las comparaciones de superioridad, el adjetivo, {que esti en la forma comparativa, es seguido por “than’. EJemplos: © China is bigger than Thaltand. China es mas grande que Tailandia. Brazil is nicer than Italy. Brasil es mas agradable que lalla. COMPARATIVOS DE INFERIORIDAD En las comparaciones de interioridad podemos usar las Cconjunclones “not” or “less...than” de la siguien- ‘te manera: Ejerpos: * France is not as hot as Haiti. Francia no es tan caliente como Haiti © Spain is ess cold than England. Espaita es menos frio que Inglaterra. abe dastacar que en ambos casos, el adjetivo est en el ‘grado positiv (sin ninguna terminacién). ‘COMPARATIVOS DE IGUALDAD En las comparaciones de igualdad,utiizamos la conjun- cin “as...a8” con el adjtivo en el grado post (sin nin- guna terminacin). Ejemplos: Para formar el presente continuo se utiliza el verbo auxiliar “to be" y el verbo+ ing. * South Korea is as modem as Japan. cece, | aa pla * Singapore is as safe as Sweden. Singapur os tan seguro como Suecia. I am ‘exercising, ‘Note: Podemos mocificar un comparativo con un cuantifi- aa cador (much, alot, a teva bit, slightly etc). playing, Ejemplos: he, she, it is exercising, running * Jamaica is a bit hotter than Trinidad. playing, Jamaica es un poco mas caliente que Trinidad. you (singular & e resi : ees exercising, * Antarctica is much colder than Germany. running J Antartida &s mucho més trio que Aleman, Se coloca “the” delante del adjetivo en la forma superlati- va. Utlizamos dos formas: El grado superiativo denota la calidad en el grado més alto. | 1. Affirmative sentences (rases afirmativas) ‘Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to be) + verbo-+ing. i the most + adjetivo (in (the) + category). |i the + adjetivo en forma supertatva (in (the) + category) F | + Lam playing football/soccer. 8 The | i USA Is the most powertul country in the Estoy pando tito! Los Estados Unidos es el pais mas poderoso de! ‘mundo. | Elemplos: + He is exercising. El.esté haciendo ejercicios. * China is the mast populated country. China es et pais més poblado, + They are runnning. Mexican food is the spiciest. La comida mexicana es la més picante. | | | Bllos estén coriendo. | 2. Wegative sentences (rases negatives) ‘Nota: Sie adjetivo es posesivo, no se coloca “the” delante = " Gelato. Adem, no seusa "We" alcompaaragocon | Sle + verbo aur (to be) + aur negative (not) simismo, | bs * Colombia's most developed city is Bogota. | Ejemplos: La ciudad més desarrollada de Colombia es Bogoté. a * India is coldest in January. | + Fam not playing tenis La India es més fria en enero. | ‘No estoy jugando tenis. THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS * Helis not (He isn't training. Elno esta entrenando. El presente continuo se utliza para hablar de algo que esta pasando en el momento en el que hablamos. Veamos el uso Gel tiempo verbal en este sertido. | i | 3. Interrogative sentences (frases interrogativas) | Yes/no questions | Verto auxiliar (to be) + sujeto + verbo+ing? ' Editc Structures: Correlative conjunctions include: Subordinate Clause + , + Main Clause. both... and not only... but also | ot. but either... OF Main Clause © SibordinaielCiausel)) © Meher... nor ee | as...06 @ CORRELATIVE CONJUNGTIONS | -**f, for example, anoun folows neither, then a noun will | | also follow nor. ***Wvhon you connect two subjects with a correlative | Corretative conjunctions are quite easy to use. They conjunction, the second one must agree with the verb that | ‘connect two equal grammatical items (lke two subjects’ follows. nouns or two antecedents (= a word or phrase that a | ***When you connect two antecedents with a corelatve ‘prongun refers back to). conjunction, the second one must agree with the pronoun that follows. © LINKING / CONJUNCTIVE ADVERBS AND TRANSITION WORDS ‘These words are used to connect two independent clauses or sentences. They can be used at the beginning or middle of a sentence, with appropriate punctuation. We can categorize linking adverbs and transition words into different groups based on their function. Some of them belong to more than one class of conjunctions. Here's a comprehensive ist. : |Adaltonaly [Otherwise |As a result Simitay ‘Anyway | Attiough Indeed ; in addition _|Rather _|As aconsequence | likewise In the event | However In fact ; Moreover Consequenty —_|Inthe same way |Otherwise |NRVETERSS! | ofcourse ( | Besides Therefore ‘On the other hand | Certainly \ ; \As well/ Also Because In contrast to 00 [Hence (This Instead ) — >) | SMART has 1 syllable: smart oe COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES | Stressed sylable in smart smatt omemmeenmmecen | Howto pronounce smart: smanrt Okay! Since you have refreshed your memory as itrelates | FUNNY has 2 syllables: fun — ny to the use(s) of sentence connectors, It's now go over Stressed sylablein funny: funny COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES. These are the main How to pronounce funny: fun — ee Points to consider: » Weusscorpactreste stow estes een | BEAUTFUL as 3syltios; beau — ta gona, How o pronounce beaut: ——-byoo == fll © Superlatives are used to compare more than two ee yoo — a fa nouns. + To form comparaives and superatves, you need to SPONTANEOUS has4 sylables: spon —ta—ne-ous first identify the number of syllables in a given adjective. | Stressed syllable in spontaneous: spon ~ fa—ne — ous Agylabe isa single unit of speech, ether whole word | How to pronounce spontaneous: ‘or one ofthe parts into which a word can be separated, usually containing a vowel. For example: ey :}-13 | The rules to form comparatives and superlatives: i | ___ Form of Adjective Comparative Form ‘Supertative ] || Adjectives with only ONE syllable: Add er Add ‘est | | en tinder ‘ rindest : _| Arties it OE yale in Fone ane at Cuter Cutest ‘Adjectives with One syllable ending ina_| Double the consonant and Double the consonant vowel + consonant: add er and add est: Hat Hotter Hottest Ajectves of only ONE syllable with more ae a Add ‘or’ Ada ‘est’ thar oe vel er consoa tte poe er ‘Adjectives with TWO syllables ending | Change (to 7, then ada "Change ‘to 1, then ny’ ‘er ad est silly cas Silliest ‘Adjectives with TWO or MORE syllable not | Place ‘more'ess"in front | Place ‘the mst'/the least’ in font ofthe ending in ofthe adjective: axljectve: Interesting More interesting The most ineresting Iregular Adjectives aod Botter The best Bad Worse The worst Far Farther/Further The farthest/The furthest Lite Less The least Many/Mtuch More The most Remember that: Coastal (Costero) | Bustling (Lleno de Suburban (Suburbana) | __movirtiento) Urban (Urbano) Noisy (Ruidoso) Rural (Rural) Lively (Animado) Easiem (Oriental) | Crowded (Lleno) Wester (Occidental) | Touristic Turistico) Northern (Del norte) | Cosmopottan Southern (Del sur) | (Cosmopolita) ‘Boring (Aburrido) Interesting (interesante) (+ weuse te corelative conuncton ‘as + adjective + as" or equal comparisons. + for comparatives of suptioity, the adjective in comparative form is folowed by the word than. |e Forcomparatves of inferiorty, we use the conjunctions ‘not as + adjective + as" or ‘less + adjective + than enery/Landscape Beautiful (Hermoso) Hot (Caluraso) Breathtaking Rainy (Livioso) (npresionante) Cool (Fresco) Spectacular Cold (Frio) (spectacular) ‘Temperate (Templado) Mountainous Tropical (Topical) (Montanoso) Humid (Himedo) | ily (Con muchas colinas) Naural Natural) Picturesque. intoresco) Magnificent agntico) Ancient (Antiguo, histrico) Modern (Moderna) Industral (industrial) Developed (Desarrollado) Reliable (lable) Robust Robusto) ‘Technological (Tecnoiogico) Effective (Efectvo)

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