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Module 1( lesson 1)

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

What I know?


1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. False
7. True
8. True
9. True
10. True

What’s more?

Structure Impact of Technology in Politics

Introduction Political candidates use technology in many ways. Different communication channels
provided by the Internet have the power to influence the growth of different
individuals in their respective spheres.

Body The internet enables politicians to use podcasting. The act of podcasting can make
anyone a journalist. Through podcasting, Politicians are able to portray a journalistic
stature, thereby ensuring that the information is considered credible. Self-
proclamation of Politicians through pundits is easily spread through messages. It is,
however, difficult for Politicians to guarantee the integrity of the information
Conclusion It is clear that gaining political publicity through the use of technology has become
easier, especially since the technology devises are so accessible and widespread.

What I can do?

Structure The Future Gender Equality

Introduction Monitoring diversity means recruiters can address discrepancies. For example,
equality qualified and sometimes more qualified women are not equally hired.
Women’s tenure is higher in the banks than men and fewer women are employed in
the digital industry.
Body Communication transparency, especially in equal pay and flexible working are
critical, early in 2013, we launched a new Flexible Working Policy. Some of the
barriers highlighted during the consultation period help avoid ill feeling from people
who may cover for their colleagues and for non-careers who sometimes feel their
needs are over-looked.
Conclusion Only by recruiters investing in equality and working in partnership with clients can
issues around gender be explored alongside a problem solving approached. True
gender equality can therefore start to be realized and recruiters are the key to the
Post Assessment

1. C
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. B
10. A

What I have learned?

I have learned that academic writing in not just writing what you want about a person or sharing your own
opinion and belief, but it is thorough and have careful thought. It should be balance and not one sided. Sharing your
ideas is not bad, but writing a meaningful piece is priceless.

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