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1: Fashion is a statement, not a style.

Fashion does not need to be worn casually, nor outside the

runway. Fashion is fit for all sizes, for all people of all ages. Fashion is an art of personal self- expression,
not an excuse to be pretty, popular and charismatic.

2: Exactly Fienn! According to a famous quote “Every day is a fashion show, and the world is your
runway!” But what makes our celebration of fashion different today is that we try to create an
emotional connection to indigenous design on different science ideas.

1: You are indeed correct Albert; it’s hitting not just one or two, but three birds with one stone. Now this
is what we call real beauty. Beauty with a purpose and that’s the real Fashion statement.

2: Without further ado, let us formally begin this celebration by asking our heavenly Father to bless and
guide us through an Invocation by Chairose Gasatan and please remain standing for the singing of the
Philippine National Anthem.

1: Coco Chanel, a famous fashion designer once said: Fashion is not something that exists in dresses
only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, Fashion has something to do with ideas, the way we live and
what is happening.

2: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a celebration of beauty

1: A celebration of self-expression and confidence

Both: A celebration of knowledge

2: This is

Both: Science Month 2018 Eco- Fashion Show!

1: With a theme:

2: Science for the People:

1:Innovation for Collective Prosperity

Both: (Adlib- Greetings) (Roll Call of Grade level and Orders)

2: Everyone is so excited to see our handsome and beautiful Theresians in their creative outfits inspired
by Science.

1: I can feel that too, but in order for us to fully understand what the contest is all about, let us welcome
Mr. Jessie Montezon to read to us the Contest Guidelines.

2: Thank you Mr. Montezon. Of course let us also get to know the people whom I believe will have a
hard time in judging and selecting the best models with the best works, Our respective panel of Judges.
May we call on Ms. Christelle Angelica C. Corpin, Secondary Division Chair to introduce our judges.

1: Thank you Ms. Corpin, and now, for the most awaited part, let us get to see how our lovely and
handsome models display their group’s creation.

2. Let us all welcome

Both: The Intermediate Division Eco- Fashion Show

1: With the theme: Astronomy

2: To start with, let’s give it up for the grade 4 models!

2: Wow! Once again, a round of applause for our grade 4 models in their planet-inspired attires.

1: Moving on, let’s all welcome the Grade 5 models in their star- inspired attires.

1: Dazzling! A round of applause for our Grade 5 models.

2: On stage, let’s give it up for the Grade 6 models in their constellation- inspired attires.

2: Heavenly, ladies and gentlemen our Grade 6 models.

1: Once again on stage, our Intermediate division models in their astronomy themed attires.

2: Wow! We surely have witnessed the creativity and beauty of every models.

1: Thank you very much Intermediate division for giving us the ramp modelling feeling with those poses
and showcasing. Bravo!

2: The Intermediate Division is already done showcasing their creative works and beautiful models. I bet,
the Secondary division models have also prepared and are ready to display their creations. Let’s not wait
any longer!

Both: Ladies and Gentlemen, the Models for the Secondary Division Eco- Fashion Show!

1: Show your love for the Junior High School models with the theme: Natural Sciences

2: To start with, let’s welcome the Grade 7 students in their ecology- inspired outfits.

2: Eco-friendly! Once again the Grade 7 models.

1: Now, let’s cheer and be astonished by the Grade 8 models in the botany- inspired attires.

1: Amazing! Once again the Grade 8 models!

2: Let’s see what they’ve prepared for us, ladies and gentlemen the Grade 9 models in their Zoology
inspired attires.

2: Very captivating, ladies and gentlemen our Grade 9 models.

1: Last but not the least, the Grade 10 models in their Genetics-inspired attires.

1: Very complimentary as what we call it in Genetics. Once again our Grade 10 models.

2: Show your love for the models of the Junior High School Unit in their amazing creations.

1: Finally, Let’s all welcome the Senior High School Eco-Fashion Show models with the theme: Physical

2: Starting off with the Order of Esperer

1: The lovely models form the order of FOI

2: The models from the order of Douceur

1: Last but definitely not the least, the models from the order of Valeur

2: Stunning! Just the word that could describe our models from the Secondary Division. It seems like
everybody enjoyed cheering for their bets and for their representatives.

1: That’s true! And everybody did a great job.

2: So in behalf of the Science Teachers, I’d like to congratulate all the students for all of your collective
efforts in order to come up with such brilliant ideas.

1: Yes! All efforts paid off when we’ve seen our models happy and confident in showcasing their works.
Again Thank you very much and congratulations!

2: At this juncture, let us witness an intermission number for vbvwdfgqlidhhq

1: Thank you vshveerjkge, At this point we’d like to show our gratitude to our respective judges by
awarding them Certificates of Appreciation

2: Citation reads:…..

Announcement of Winners

1: Congratulations to all the winners and of course congratulations to all our models.

2: You have proven today the essence of confidence as a beginning of undertakings.

1: Yes!If there is one thing I got from what we had today it is to be confident, too many days are wasted
comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be something we aren’t. Everybody has their own
strengths and weaknesses and it is only when you accept everything you are and aren’t that you will
truly succeed.

2: That is indeed true, What I got from today’s activity is that more than promoting beauty, we should
also promote education or knowledge. Because there nothing more beautiful and confident than a
person who knows.

1: Thank you very much for staying with us

2: We hope you have enjoyed the show that is made for you.

1: Indeed, Science is for the people

2: And together let us strive and work hand in hand to attain collective prosperity.

1: This is Fienn Buranday!

2: And this is Albert Rosete

Both: Signing off

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