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3JM ROLL BOOK 2019 Term 2 Week 8

NAME Example of Quote

Lucas Adams Create an iMovie
Noah Anastacio Create an iMovie
Mary Bulian Painting It is the best thing I have ever painted
Francesca Caminiti Drawing/
labelling shapes
Dion Disibio Drawing These Pokemon characters are
Lara Franklin Painting When I put the pages together, the
picture is the same on both sides
Rhoda Ghebrengegus Drawing symmetrical
objects from around
the classroom
Libby Haggerty Created an iMovie Examples of symmetry are..
Examples of asymmetry are..
Kristina Hlawnching Drawing/
labelling shapes
Cierra Hourigan Symmetrical café All our food is symmetrical
Jaiden Hu Create an iMovie
Joseph Italiano Lego I wanted to make a car that was the
same on both sides
Mia Jarmakani Painting Symmetrical paintings are called
butterfly paintings
Mason Kor
Tcross Laisun Drawing/ A stands for assymetrucal and S
labelling shapes stands for symmetrical
Keren Len Ir Painting
Kiziah Len Ir Painting
Krystian McLeod Create an iMovie
Eva Papadimitroulis Symmetrical café You can only buy food that looks

I: Illness F: Family H: Holiday S: Social L: Late MD: Medical/Dental O: Other

3JM ROLL BOOK 2019 Term 2 Week 8
Rafael Rivera Drawing symmetrical
Pokemon characters
Akemjot Sandhu WeaveSilk An online game that lets you make
symmetrical pictures
Annaliese Scragg Assisted with iMovie
with Libby
Ashvarn Singh Sidhu WeaveSilk I have created a symmetrical picture
by just moving my mouse
Nathaniel Williams Lego It is the same on each side

I: Illness F: Family H: Holiday S: Social L: Late MD: Medical/Dental O: Other

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