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NAME: Charene Julianne V.



DATE: 09/10/2020

*IDEAS IN THE ARTICLE I AGREE WITH (More could be added)

Reason: I agree because I can really see today that robot

can help to make our life easier but it does not mean that
their creativity is same wit us since humans are the one
Idea 1:Robots may help us get who created them. The ideas are coming from humans.
to where we want to be faster, By that, Humans are still more creative than robots.
but they can’t be as creative as
humans (yet). Reason: I also agree that in the future, there is a
possibility that robots can be as creative as us because
humans could upgrade techonologies and turn the robot
to be creative like us.

Reason:Because it is obvious that techology has a big

impact in our lives. If we are just going to compare our
standard of living before and now, we could see how
Idea 2:These developments different technologies transformed our everyday lives.
will transform the way we live, Reason: Because today, technolgy has already improve
and the way we work. our way of living, what more in the coming years
knowing that it would be more easy to create more robots
or technologies since we already have these kinds of

Reason: Because if we do not improve our skills we

Idea 3:Change won’t wait for will be left behind by other countries as they are
us: business leaders, educators already upgrading their goods and resources. In
and governments all need to be addition, people nowadys are more patronized by
proactive in up-skilling and technologies.
retraining people so everyone Reason: Because if our business leaders, educators and
can benefit from the Fourth governments practice the needed skills in Fourth
Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution, it would help to develop our

Idea 1:Whereas negotiation Reason: Because negotiation will still be needed in

and flexibility are high on the the future since there are limitations that technologies
list of skills for 2015, in 2020 cannot do and negotiation is one of those.
they will begin to drop from
the top 10 as machines, using Reason: It would be more effetive if people are the
masses of data, begin to make one who will do the talking, negotiating with other
our decisions for us people and especilly in making decisions.

Reason: Because board of directors are responsible

Idea 2:A survey done by the for maintining the company by operating it and
World Economic Forum’s making good decisions. By that, technology could
Global Agenda Council on the only help in evaluating data but could not make an
Future of Software and effective decisions.
Society shows people expect
artificial intelligence machines Reason: It would be effective for the company if it
to be part of a company’s would be handled only by the Board of Directors
board of directors by 2026 since it has a big responsibilities and I do not think
that technology can handle that.

Reason: Active listening should not be disappear

because a good communication is a must in our
Idea 3:active listening, everyday lives. Those different technologies will not
considered a core skill today, be helpful in developing our country if there is no
will disappear completely good negotiation and in order to have a good
from the top 10. negotiation, active listening should be applied.
Reason: Because communication will always be
needed in our lives no matter what happens.
NAME: Charene Julianne V. Grimaldo
DATE: 09/10/20



How I acquired it:

How I acquired it: Whenever someone Being curious with
is disussing or talking something, I give things made me an
all my attention to the speaker which educated individual as i
helps me to gain knowledge and learn do not stop until i learn
a lot of things that can help me those things. This
to become aware eagerness of mine to
with everything. learn helps me

discover something
Skill 1: Skill
Deliberate 2:Curiosity

How I acquired it: I am open How I acquired it: I tend to

with opinions of other people step out of my comfort zone
towards me. Insted of being offended
Skill 3: Open Skill 4: Open
and try new things that can
by those negative comments, I turn it as
my inspiration to learn and do moreforgood for help me to discover not only
about things, but also, about
thing. And as for those positive opinions improvements myself. This would help me to
about me, they are the reson why i keep
criticism . become a better individual.


SKILL 1: Confidence
What I will do to have it: Trust and love
SKILL 2: Public speaking
What I will do to have it: Build my self-

SKILL 3: Communicating
What I will do to have it: Interacting with
other people.

SKILL 4: Creativity
What I will do to have it: Improve my
imagination by not stopping to learn.

NAME: Charene Julianne V. Grimaldo


DATE: 09/10/2020

4. Write an essay based on the following questions: Do the article of Alex Gray and the article
of Vikram Mansharamani contradict each other? How does "Future is not a specific skill" affect
your answers to the two activity sheets?

The article written by Alex Gray stated different skills and compared it to each other.
They conduct a survey and compared the top 10 skills in 2015 to 2020. It focused on identifying
what would be the effective skills to be adapt in the coming years as our world has changing and
developing. It focuses on preparing ourselves as the world has changing because of developing
technologies. “By 2020, the Fourth Industrial Revolution will have brought us advanced robotics
and autonomous transport, artificial intelligence and machine learning, advanced materials,
biotechnology and genomics” (Gray, 2016). This article of Alex Gray educating us what skills
we need to practice in order to benefit from the fourth Industrial Revolutions. As he stated
“Change won’t wait for us: business leaders, educators and governments all need to be proactive
in up-skilling and retraining people so everyone can benefit from the Fourth Industrial
Revolution.” (Gray, 2016). On the other hand, the article of Vikram Mansharamani focuses on
reminding us not to focus or be expertise on just one field. As he stated “The one certainty about
the future is that it will be uncertain. The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence and
technological innovation have commoditized information. The skill of generating dots is losing
value. The key skill of the future is, well, not quite a skill; it’s an approach, a philosophy, and
way of thinking — and it’s critical you adopt it as soon as you’re able.” (Mansharamani, 2016),
he informed us that we should not only focus on improving our skills based on our field but also
to improve different things that will enable us to handle different situations and to be ready for
the possible changes. With this, the article of Alex Gray and Vikram Mansharamani are both
preparing us for the possible changes that might happen in our world but with different ways on
how we will deal with those changes.
“Future is not a specific skill” made me realized a lot of things as it focuses on giving us
insights on what would be the effective way to adjust with changes and that is to become a
flexible by learning different things and not just on skills we need. As an accountancy student, I
am more focused on how will I improve my skills in the field of accounting but then, I realized
that I should be more focused on how will I improve myself as a whole individual. By that, I
would be able to learn different things and discover new things that would help me to handle
different situations. With this, I should be prepared with different opportunities that may come to
me someday. Applying this attitude would help me become successful in life.

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