AMS Non-Disclosure Agreement v1

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Department of Labor

Non-Disclosure Agreement Procedure

In the course of administering the AMS O&M and Grants orders, you may be or have been given
access to or entrusted with confidential, privileged, or other sensitive data (collectively referred to herein
as “Confidential Information”). Confidential information includes all information gleamed from the
services under this order and activities that are not generally known by the public. Confidential
information includes but is not limited to software, licensed, databases (employee, contractor, financial,
etc.), documents, images, correspondence, network design and configuration, etc.

By signing this Non-Disclosure Agreement, I _____________________ agree to this Non-Disclosure

Agreement for the life of the order. As a condition to receiving access to the Confidential Information, I
agree to:

1. Hold all information in trust and strictest confidence during and after the date of its creation or
2. Use the information solely for the purpose of performing my duties
3. Not discuss with, disclose, release, reproduce or otherwise provide or make available
information, or any portion thereof, to any person or entity other than those necessary in the
execution of the contracted services and only after making them fully aware of and signing a
binding Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement;
4. Neither retain or incorporate any information into any medium other than may be required for
exclusive benefit;
5. Establish safeguards to protect the Confidential Information from unauthorized use or disclosure;

a. By signing this agreement, I agree to comply fully with and be bound by all the terms,
provisions and conditions herein contained. I also understand that if I discuss source
selection information, including proprietary information, with any unauthorized
individuals, I am subject to potential prosecution pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1905, 41 U.S.C.
2101-2107 (formerly known as the Procurement Integrity Act) and its implementing
regulations at 48 C.F.R. 3.104-3.




Name (Printed)

Name (Signature)

Carl V. Campbell
Senior Procurement Executive (SPE)
United States Department of Labor

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