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Learning Intentions Success Criteria Key Vocabulary Resources

Students investigate - I can explain - Life cycle. Lesson 2:

their chosen animal the different - Organisms. - Pencils.
and sequence key stages of an - Living and non-living - Erasers.
stages in the animal’s life things. - Glue.
lifecycle of that cycle. - Life expectancy. - Images of various
animal. - I can - Stages of organisms.
investigate development. - A3 posters.
information - Metamorphosis. - Computers/IPads for
about an - Life expectancy. investigating.
animal’s life - Organism. - Library books.
cycle. - Investigation.
- Animal.
- Scanning key words.
Lesson 1 I do:
- Recap on previous lesson and introduce what will happen in the new lesson.

We do:
- (5 mins) Ask open-ended questions to get students engaged in the task. Questions
could include:
 What is something new you learnt last week in topic?
 What animal have you and your partner chosen for the project?
 What sort of information will you be putting on your PowerPoint slides (life
cycle, stages, life expectancy, habitat, diet)?
 What are stages of development?
 Who can remember what the term “metamorphosis” means?
 What is an organism?
- Discuss with students the different slides they will need in their PowerPoint (stages
of development, life expectancy, habitat, diet).

I do:
- Instruct students to quietly sit in pairs with their books borrowed from the library.
- Show students how to use their books to investigate their chosen animal’s life cycle
(contents page, headings and subheadings, index, glossary, etc.).
- Demonstrate this on the whiteboard for students to refer to throughout the lesson.
- Show students how to use ICT (laptops, IPads) to investigate their chosen animal’s
life cycle.

You do:
- Each group begins by investigating their chosen animal to find out important
information (life cycle of the animal including stages, life expectancy, habitat, diet,
- Students note the information they find on their slides template.

Once completed investigation:

I do:
- Once each pair has completed their research, instruct them to begin creating their
slideshow (ensure they have enough information gathered from their

You do:
- Each pair begins to create their PowerPoint for their chosen animal’s lifecycle.

- Students who finish the task early can add more information to their slides and add
more buttons, effects and aesthetics.
- Students who can’t find a book on their chosen animal can use ICT to conduct their


This science lesson was aimed at building students’ investigative skills through using books and
ICT resources to answer their questions raised in the last lesson. Overall, the majority of
students were engaged throughout the lesson and successfully investigated the answers to their
questions. However, there were a couple of pairs that struggled using books to investigate their
questions. Ultimately, the IPads were the most effective mode students used to conduct their
investigations. Although, it is still important students understand how to conduct investigations
using books (looking at the contents page, index and glossary and using scanning techniques
when looking at text).

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