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ting iy be ad) ban at fro FI Fs es ashore Lounges arr esbet ry iN = yen tne suport feu tomstll. TW Hower lid lle Sta" DITHUY onougat te After the seat back bulknead ts in place, add the romainine bulk sin the atl fuselage. Soe of these are dimensianed, and the rest ure ply eve al lpa the fuselage sides to fort Lhe desfred teardrop shane. Note that the fin spar ef bu) Re head receives a plyeaod face cither pefore or atter tnsta) lobim, narlane: WRU cvillitrscee Vivid geet beat waht jog: i te 00 Is trate re An Wwikitbeasle save it Cony eta L \ fi The centarsection san now le glued perianentiy to the whis jaint carefully, it is inpartant, When bowlisa the w tile dussnts on the spar, be to alsa bonl thea to the adjacent nos cenierseciion. After the centersection is in-olace, add tie fibera) Be sure ihal the weave axis 35 that wrap around 1 top of tne spar suppor’ mieumers. + anti-neel parallel 1 Hake y Support qmenbers: 20 ribs asf) “uerysanb uy Sy afelasny ay faund oSoyy 30 HO! Epon com Aue Bey oy suns Buby suoquas ayy yao AjozRAnao0 03 « =1WS1e438 ay) aaa Lyonuysuaa ayy ui dazs TEey ayy SL 5 suotanaada s1u3 03 paysiuien aq qsita da pasanoa aq [Lem Yate ayy sy “Danqanaas aya buyserd vaojoq wiapdnog se apisut [Leap fuana 3Dy ‘Slaued afelesny somo, pue sadn ayy ppy ~suayqnon sa szassnf Guruteums due pur *sq40¢ UAKEMd O2 SuaysAM AJR! BSN SACM(2 OF BueD BULYP “SHIUDS eULYTEN ad FL{oq [LEMS pli SeL6> |PTEM YIU NPL ALE BUY 0] SUN! ASAUY BLL “VOITEAgLA [PuJOU busi BAO OF OULBuA ale) 40} WueOd ATEN “spe MALLE kaya eWq Os (pauinbas <1 domd (ang e@ ay} woy iro) cund pony pw *seauy Wola LUBE *a[170442 243 IND APL TAMBLLULe ayy UM pal Leys, Sf auybue ey 4nd nos SE GPOS yaEM aL Huy TEOVsqh| Catena HL YBNOAUT 3b gue 4ansnein al) $0 2qN2 eB Jo pus ayy vadawys 07 Sy SALOU ayy Ouoy Oy FEM AJosIML “Sines y "pangilad $4 L[/-Ip aUy 4oIje aLoy ayy JanD yOeq ,,[Pal,, puE UuTIAMIS ys TUM vaeana DUT AgULs s2(04 22 dcq FLaIeMbaps you plim L| Lip YSENy UaWWOS TAM cpae WuNOW BUA Uy ,Sda4SPR poe, saqauiPLp ave, ay} aqedddos YO! Saqny wasnes wr fdeo99 0} pauom aq'1Snd suadcoys |eay] —“WOLAZ[Os. Wa) EiCLs OJ Sustkdoys OqM Tsay Addr BUSS DUBIZ4UP aul, 0] PRIMOwW=YDOYs WAM] GL Sy YOLYm ,PUROgP B ty pasunoh! puey St Gurhu BUL *SLHMLS Auan pue gnbuun S| dng ou Uo pASM Gunoll oMAGlla ELL auLiia Jepnoiqund & 49 feL[euwai hs ally Inone Silo/zsaNh Bacy AOE JL Bucsaauybug quBLL4 wdods [[2D 0] aIeZLSAU 2.uOP ING “WoLIeLPETAUY PUNAMY ayy OF SELL uj 82 4hb Sq [LIM saWifuA aS yo UoLIP([SISUL *yaUFUAAJsEd poo} Ao, aaMat AyNND pe appaoad pM Uli SOULAUR $0 AIVEPUNGE Ue AJy a4dIa FBULG Lam spys JY WL] OUT Ye queplusued étz purging B yaiM UNO) Waag SPU dng Os AMA yOIOJO ayy ~YHPOUALY Wis TeVIISNT ANWL “SNF GNW HIS wor “suotauedoud [23 i092 04 A[QUBLES MOOI LP BE ue HOLIS [oAtUIT ai JO SOL SUA POUBAG? UH] Sey ASLLOSHy ayy aay aaepH ayetadnalde ayr 22 , fazed, auieo, UpyS Jo SLugky Jo Jate( eaqwa we Bucn|& q spew oq eM assuL “aLaGNy ANT FusIOeqUOr Of ASO SOLID o]GRI BYT BJOUNAUE SUPLS OBE LAS) aI BoOLH Aumssagan aq Kou sds ajeu>-Lauy ~wOlae|peasuL 4d4Je m9LS4s ay] 4b TUARMSACPE ALLEL jScqIT Mole L{HA YDLUM aL YONGWINA DUO YpA| dun 2 peLeALAHe) aq PLNOYS | LET Yar uae NOK ATepOE Ssajiien Mes Fugawoo [pe ogi oF pas Sy anes QQiel cat TRnoz] Ay) IYI TAM STG 4 [nrimna avaeaapa apgn vy amis raz ypysuseis qemu 440 Iuery ayy 07 pany! ase sdaagnp ayphuoyd apm aby pee [are | pom 4azep1geas [eWOr|soN Ava yo JedS quBsa ale 4O daz] Ins Jaddn oyy Yo wus | euoyT asyueD Ald” “y1dy209 pus abopasny q2eqo|2anz a0 dor -G uu yza saa: 4 finish as spraying. Regardless-of which met sroyide adequase wetting of tne Faoric on the pmitis dei varnish through the weave, Like any Finish, varmish wil] ran TT appity The entire atrfrane should be treated |ike a cocoun with respert un Pi tion, A couple Of eens coacs of warnish tf she forward fuselage a cockpit wilT add tmpaasuradly to durabtlity. Remonber thet gacs] in on contact and adequate oLteption must te given to fuet-proafing areas contacted by gas. When in doubt, mut on an extra coal, The clnth hinges of ne contro? surfaces caw be made-one et tun Way, the hinges are added attor tne control surtace and stahiTize eavered. The first hinge Gype is Ty erve modol Airatane fashion wide are placed allernaialy as slow. Adj pi shut V1 edgns should be winked, Cara quel. be Wikow th keep frou glut Far around the hinge Por linge: saeration could facil t MOTE! HiMBE FABRIC. [5 SAME AS AT COVER (SHEATH LINE). CEMENT ALL STEIFS TO CONTROL SURE FUEST: PINK Atl EBGES. —— BACK OF SBR — COMER RUEFACE ap Teaks! Gay y IABP Meter th rel surfae The sectnd hinge wethad req Bicces of faoric are joined by Sewn seat The Seams should oe slratyh brings are joindd they can he cemented in then io bhe stabilizor st to the cu HESCELEANFOUS Ol There's un old saying in howe oUi1éing cireles bhal, “noe fou gel tot where your airplane looks like an airplane, yau're halfway dome,” Tm wirceatt wit] comptex systems and Tots of add-ons, this is almost |iberaily truc, Sinen Lie Shy Pup has almost no syslans, the saymg cousi't Fuviy apply, Yo cloaming wy Liesn Tose ands will take tine Several of the itoms that Tal? into the "wiseelTaneous” aneymny are opLiOM The cowling and streantining of gers suul as the lev! aml Fis intersection are definitely nal necessary for flight. Ginse ablentior items wil], however, yield noticeable amprovements in performance an Since fairings are not structural, soe latitude in their tabricat in In general, what looks smaotn to the eye will work wel} Lo stivad)ine the « Many people way wish to include cove type of winkdsbintd an Lneir Bip will present no problen as Tong ac the windshield transi Lions inka the surat hwy airtrame smoothly. Pay particular attention to the apper edge of tne windshield which way [ie along the leading skin of the centersectsan. A drastic hap av ti location can disturb the ai nisiderabiy, and in pxagyerated case Gy Cluse control problems due to "dirty" or turbulent airflow aver the mapa Ineate the burpctie control wherever iL fetls gone unting of Lite enn hrdl {a lever-tyne lantwener contro? was used on the protolyse) cam he vecayiltshet by Gluing prywood dnuiviers on the inner and euler surfaces of tan fuselage + idis gana and then boTbing the theoLTe bracket to Llese dowblers Lhfoush the fuselage The ignition on/off switch can be mounted in any cow It f feature up-for-on avin down-For-gF 0 actuation. This allows thy gine easily hy pushing sown on the toaale switch. Install a substantial seatbelt (yond units are available fiw siveral' supply houses or auto parts sinres) wbilizing the absach holes in thr sy /tea obrips Sesiile the seal. Seat bell abtach bolts should run clear Untouah the fuse |adie woad washers (AV 9f5°S) fa pravent crushin The vaetal wlite on che ta7] skid is 4 ballasking dewfee lor lw Th should be the 1ast thing instalind after tha rewainder of the nirer checked far proper balance. Thicker metal can be usee to correcl a na dition. Make a spare as long as you're at tt si sae Tt can be sod a went if the First lime wears ce “HULLoRBsuN AUP QuakaG! pHe spud pi uy VLA LLUM Seo Bf} HME Hida fy Se AopoMLf uN BYA BLOY B AARAL [LIM OYTO SEGUE "ky GUL JAPLOS AVLUNIELD ,BT/e 7 JA pin Du} UTM JLages ala ubinavua GUL pau Ay speay ALLSED 9% Atul vc1Lbie tile aN Bujinoeq wloas UOLZesuapuOD PUL oN-PLaT] SAMUS Lal JUAAM (LLM Supa) DEINE 03 AURILJ20 347 J SuDJ3u00 PALAAG. ay MULE OL feq WA | POPPE BG PANOYS SALON quan “poIa[dwos aap Uoyansg jc (aang 4 [Hts AD LM oy OF HON Tye, J LOAM Tpewoaae SLipow BiLwones UL aouaLaacia snoLAgad YIUA-aMuAGY cInjoSn AudA ad) Lim SL adog Ss) 847 Sw yaNS yentiew pooh & Zkom shaqey MG WOLD ELLIE! [elvitlh diy ye < “ “We MBA 2 je POU HILy, paoUTINa APIA uy jyo Med [Lh A aoua)jed pngsucy “bial? YSnd pur SndiMuP-vaag tod avon "WOLF 04 Ape am Rian 942 OF Loy dal) EYE JO ALES URAR, |g TLEH smrTE Asal yma Ly “5D QAM SULW O] YOU SL;ASTL OT Hua) PL \oeyzy cwoyT ynoug LH Aly Zuo AWe[dALe A--kyAaNaAs UO Play AVP SAMLIERY oY T pans some yng fasoy ANLY WOM [LLM SMBs PRRaW Gaays an sdous Movs poyiy ~A To “sip pup dngus ptdex ayeqcqioty 91 ALIS88 paAgviad ag fm fala TRYL_OS apeHr ay pLhn asoy, “4884s 2Esepd so WRWIVIA|E UL teas aaeHl ag UED sbuL Ares daw Ancor Twat ity myanay SLi apse Op 5] SLYL “PUNE pe TWO WE AUREL D2 aE] eWIS si gbuP BPLIB S,tind alll . Aulgpue, 32.41} ane oye ay Apead aie nok FPUA [AL MOA [aun opRILG LO IP ALY “Nok JouIOq ay Jo) 4 yuan OS SAIN MAL tus Meme OB (yim Bul [aaj EL “1ol4d (ququOD SLWs-ROUI}y peuars sUAAUOD BD} AMOMYAE OLAIL1 E faas Kygeqosd ((4M PUR aLqUBG AuBA Bq plies SUIT Ma} AML AML “ALAUeSegiuBES Bul neay BULSUOYD aMBITIN SE (OA quease BYR Fry] Os sloppTe 39 Indup uasaend. = Ad pause iduossy Se GuLt (ou *pURY 4aU99 Uys UD *|[ou 09 Aalapuer Yom NOWAAM ASJNuY JO ABUEy © DanBAI {LIM 4Pq AOppMA AYD Lh AdMigaud ojduod May L104 PUP MPL YI9e $(O12H03 JappN4 eyI peu] JaqhyuDy) ‘sudns MUe AUl yee DuGLAG 8a PospUM [EADAAS 44 Ino qYbio41s TANLg “obyEYD PRALEAP ayy YS; {dWor3e Oy pupuou Tnduy toaquea 46 undue ayy Aluo Bui sn Uo ag RaquanuOD puP ALdaaes quilt 4,Ulo¢ “plinod ayy 440 $L0821 fly a essdie ayy jo, pus saMod Ling Xidde Pugoayey Tul inoe ug syns Tinaai3-L ind & 3duaza0 nox plnoys [aAD] Mo| Ie BULLY pAAdzsPL aA noe satye [UR “51 RLpaau day tay ote , Aauapuea Gu loqoy fue juRnadd a jausepe PIADUURLL OH AMY ASAE ano filles {L,nom “Quecd shay zy 33 327 LIT pial oq pynoys yALIS ayy Fano] [4 a) GubJna “bulpue| pur wsmed Bus ~anprdk Uw ple’ “Oey 40-Joo} e ALYO J 40 GUI) IL “Buertas somad S147 YU suML [BlaKas EHH “Als A(asrg qsnl [LM ByELdALP aya BsOU Guyazes ayy pus na [rgun sourgq as 4ovad BuLSeb43U2 26 sund BuLyeM FOL;aed “Edoy (RABL-Mo| RUNS Alz oy AAW O42 nak (uaa qnoge 3uiya oa BuLAsy UPYY wolyjeu AiOmasuIaSus Sanduy Jouzdas Saude O42 HEU OA) SOEFSPAe;OUUEYT BUL(PUEY PUNOME UILM JO Letey FlAWaayx o4P ned aug o4tD SH2 JO ane doud aya daay “say4i9 Guiye, ay “WOE LAL Sanpodd pie 9429 @ FOMO 92 pasn Bq UPS puEY snOA "BULUAM; JiDLa sod “Apis 02 SpLs Woy Bur igqom sngug am AULL ANPU|DeUL Ue Who {UByRa7s youu UES nod L\qUM Spaeds Snopien ym wey ~GULUINg US pk 4 PASN AG ue> sEq) “¥O19S puny pu daNOL Jo uous a43 YEW A sPa dn awoOS LLM qLed ayy ~saznuy mo) FISKE UL at de [ep U2 06 [li MOk “rma4Mpier aigBsaArs JO SAyeey SnOWy\M Len pur ayAM|y AU2A 5) LeATUOD qeuola9ang “pUnGAD Dug WO Swany BuLatisedd pur pajg aya AuLiey 4 ing qutee “HUNOWE aU UD Wau LeA2; sundsq OB gongi9au A,UOR jg *Aiauaqiaspeuy uaddeu Jou (iim Stuy “punoaf au] j2PIUG2 44iM aC] [adhd Aly TH YOLY OS [kP2 ANT BSERL OI SEMESSON St TL 4eUy Se uOL|MMIadd pus ay) *bULIL wea yo Buss UayM 4DOL) CUE WL Loy! 4 ybrOsya puna ay UM peas SheN|y ~rasou Sq) MO dia fLEM ZyBs2N/2 Bu ple WWE jem uno aipuey oO} naul gap you 51 puzOm Coy buy “apdya3 ayy ja Ino 40 UL Gurquy [9 wey pap JoO[y BUT Ua AUTLE 1494 supa Us dae sugtSnegoad Mad % SDUNOAB Sud Uo {yBI(=)yeq Ajuley Sb dnd A4S aay oDuLs, ‘douvy Guryyzou--7yOL| 4 915eq 54 3dLtul SHWE VE USt|delosse 07 quem NO Lig “WATeL wo, GupUneu; pliMessoua pup platy Iadijs Sy aaes “yaraidde pus engl) (> Joy uavA to AeuaLd pe ‘wasy aTeUedD OL aoKaMs WAL Pooh YIM Suniaipuos TEAM Bur UW AluO paraapugs aq p]NOYs Say] 350) “At AML MOR Baagaq Mex oO} SUoLiesuss ayy ULeioxa pun ano aue[daLl aif) [ad 09 SUF? AG Lf AEM ROK AO) 9YBLLL 3399 aq) oy ew pOoUR Jade ao adams Ta) Oy pAead BOF 9G 9 ,uoe ‘nApuBiMODeA AjUbEy SL yeus44M Ie ML AMA AUBL (4 suney [eankas 40 GFMNU LIE DUE *A]D.U9a puridut ¥ GU) Fédado weYY TaMaLEIP | [JA Sl 4s satuhoaua Iwas A [14 NOK eULOPM BULALg-IsaLshA Oya A[qpcoad SL dd AYS ay. WOROYG AAs “oMT Luana WB4[4 stay saad OU BAOU MOA JY dhy ayy ALY OD civoaZe "ON Og “3UW Gp *ySu1 SSULyoem Hau 40 NELLY) 947 SulusDAGh sayMJ [PULpAe> oy] od AyZILIGS eueU # MOF popLAGil—daudlundva Guipuewas Kiva wo ||| Ong h¥5 4nd HU [Mia eal a aL dd 345 SAGE OTA dice you've voted to 8 Stop after your First Flight. cli aie sid waver Ue monent. Yau deserve 3t Conduct all iniktal Flying under calm conditions wits gusts ing factors, You'll soon be able ta make the Pup go anywhere you ibe TS op Tre tightly windler condi Lions wfTt becane secor! nature. Hen bush he wea Ultralighés are simply not meant for those blustery days Tene seve Becowe at, home én your Pup you'll develop a feel for the Tiwi laztais OF the nchine and yoursel?. ATways abide by Ubose |imitetions and don't fee! 2 Reed 10 prove anyiriny Lavanpone. NEVER attempt aerobatics of any kine 1m he Sh Pup. Enjoy your P flying ef fun nani take-qaed care af Ph. Tt wil] give yan willy y Olte(dape aya ae cna ao% poe 178 doa os unqicuedy oupau wanriseond song wipepubaamad veeaeyaad 3 Hi) ua Rua queteasileaane aya 370} Wier UE oka wosasd fg pa. fy7sRa aq apo diy Oy auLuseu pus qoped yo LAMBUOL aUNsUA || pm Ay ENOL uose2S Jo ay) Gillanp q4edowe Tua B49Is pue a_qimssesip *sBze23L7 Aue [p30] 45 "S440J19 nok fo Lye Kos Sap KL rsPS wLNOI WOIs HOS so PUL auBAuy Spisano FLuaucwiad pal aq 49u ppnoys qe sdeuys uMapears Yim papytoud St dnl ayy 6n0G9 UAAF ~GULBewap A404 aij Kies MOUS pe “UPd tpULM "Ay uETuOdN) Banke 3hh wpa} UE 2haqes WQOy BpeMBap [LMA iYALjUNS OF aunsodxe pabugjosy “SHaLeC pypiay HE AD} wBOUGTS apiszne muNzS pou [yim Aq BLcedg LN aayTO Aue dye, “dng Lys edt WOLSuD; ado) Rurueeguspm Uo suo: TepUBWNIO IL % deur] SMgNliNG MO) [O) Te AUBLL youd Guar aA lai MMU Zanp|. aNOk uo aay ayy se MOLSUAT ayy >3aI) sAEMLY “Mle OL ayey S11 *7,UeT MOA AT “EaedosLw ayy 149 AdRgahS ayy J22p 0} BupAIs auok AUK YbnoWy se AGLI 942 07 pee peLjUm suns F A[dd> og sp sOHMly 35 syL TEUG [qu jlaAauil yay | [4A an32q PpnO [LLds w BawuM Pave Bya TL AlaPPupaumy dry podem ag pLrioys sp[tls Kuy “weos ayy oy abranp snevig Aik) [ANJA UAYM BANGINADS We WO Lary bu) Lis pLoay “BUL4 35Nf got 2y2 Op LLiM asPaah AMltPag yo apeult P DY JO GULL {PA BLOAP Of A\suNnbA) pasoAsbas A 40 AIUBLA pl 26 daauep ays 10 pow y cwayqoul ou se Sly ~ 8g ASnli Anuy ‘Sb Latay aypsage|e 49 adéz Aue oandzes 10u op Epaayy aya BoULE "ADUBUPECHE DUE ODURWOJJAG ADUPYUR || LM QUE [dare suliua aa 4m Huyysem nepojaad e yey2 DuEA ALIM NOx *43P4 UT “MagER DUE Geos Gupsn 4 jeapaLind mma pie 33np praddas aq MLNS [EP BY] "WO Jol 16 URLNes Buy a2!22e ALLEMRUIA V3eI41e [IM WL Le SLUT ‘ASSeW BuLeG sapisag “1¥ey [wiuOe|.soy ay] wo pur fuOL Je {aD ayr Jo voOLzadd JOMO| BU LO aBpe Sutpeal du uo “eave stdyzoo cyy we Aj LazH MW SLy1 “Uopreasde pabuyloud danse [LO sm ULL) WILfl Maem puseod aNoTAq 4 UNO FOND SLOPPEADUL Sy ay ‘aie Aauy PUM GULog Seuloue aybads-pm] SUSeqUTE 2 *yaaauo)| Bupa) pud aueD STE ok dna 4g snd 7 (4Aq aAPY HOF ADK A[qelapisues nef axes p[no3 voLane> 4o spaom wa purassopur of paLJLLeNb ALIUU MAL |q) LL LIN SEYEOLS UNF JONWHSLN LEN MATERIALS AND |AROWARE Construction materials and hardware for the Sky Pup are easily abtainec locally, or from a reputable aircraft iupply mouse. Below is a list oF iaterials, needa, which is exhaustive in most regards, anti purposely open-ended in others Soma nf the locally available materials, especially wrod and foam which wey he purchased at the Tumheryard, are Jeft undefined so you "may Use your discra: tion in selectiny she best sizes to suit your gurposes, Sinne the plans have alow ad a choice af wood types far many pares tueq. “softwood” and “hardenod" ca |ouks}, it roula he confusing W try and sell you exactly what size and tynp gt board te Took for buying ood. Instead, select wond on the hasis oF quality ina size which wil? be cut inte required sdock with as little waste as possible. (30e thy discussion on wood SeTscbion im GEVERAL CONSTAUGT ION NOTFS). You wil! tind th many of the seal] proces in the airframe can oe made from wood left aver Pro cut- ting the larger iemlinrs Ttems. which are nol available Jacatly are indicated by“ ¥ '. fective: Jun 1, 1903, Wicks Aircraft Supply is the exclusive distrigutor fur Sky Pup materials i cify thak you ere SuiTdiny a Sky Pup wher ortiering frail the, Wicks can be contactea gb tie fol Ineing: Wicks Aircraft Supply Shoe (61D }ostyaaT 810 Pine St, Wightand, IL 62249 PLYWOOD: * 244! sheot Bim (1/32"), 20°, 3-ply. birch cr mah 8 Beg © Liban CU/TENF, 90", S-plyy Dee axa) dan (1/8"), 90". depty, " 2 oa (WSTE: When oFdering plywaad, Spéeity craiv Wiveetion paral ye) le Tongth ay each sheet, } roi 4! 4B! sheet 3/4" Dow Nite Styrofoam (2¥/eu, Lj az" eB! shoe 2m ‘ 32" 4B" shat 1 1/2 " Dus Styrctaain Foam far wing spar : BOLTS. NUTS, AND HASHERS; + Bolts ANS ca ANS-6- 2 ei ANI-iL & ea ANB-1IA izea de L? 2 ee ANS Bea AN 1A Zea AND=17A\ ea ANS-22A Zea fN3-244 a ea 2 ga ANTAG/N ea va a4 Bs Wy uy uy ube ta pa Ba pa (ALN 40 4925) eo b Ww va rd a ma re a a 2 ve pe. vO be ea. za ee, cy Ey oor op al at U myDeIL LAROA]] Judy Fs[AAUM a15491 soqny pub S341} GzL-e f le az Shoo} Lq-buS4l $86[H Jo aL (oumyd fheN AL Tt (quazeatnbe Ja) on fy poay puonareL *uoLLeD (quajpaunba Jo) sxoda ypo-w se2seupuog “2py vend San isa Qaaus RU LUN |e EL-yEOZ IML OPO of XG v= 28AUs WL 9SeT” gm, mavante eared wen Sha" Ya" at aHNT LPTs NETH LIFM WHO” K “O'O OTe qn (ars ore (UL) ELEM Osa? x "to ag Qh LouAY OTT ph/T SY “UO ABE paaais ssasd-ooty ai fl G[-R7 Guwsng E=TEENy LQ FAUT Su TeEENY Asse a.aanquans: s@-oEtWy (Ou9u0> [ARIS SSBIMLETS Mo DOELUEALEF Led WAT/T = SSUVTUTLUW OWY TUNTOUSH WALSAS. TOWINDD TOLE =U MY B-O26 Irv O14 -D96IN v=OLbK CO b-OFE NY ATE DBENY. E706 OOF Nit o-aTeMY rey rie Umar noGNy ‘Soe 5 b we-Sue v wos cbeeile v7 Pane thy Seat belt assy ON/OFF tangle switch ThroleTs conbrol assy § rubber test tube stoppers Conéave-type inspection covers (for 3 4/?" hale) 1 1/2" LD. 1/4-20 thread, Usbolts Tuc) line 2! wide webbiag strap Fiberglass clath FABRIC COVETN _ANO FINISHING: 46" width sheath lining High gloss polyurathaie varnish Latex cantact cement (Elmer's or equivalent) OPTIOWAL TTCHS: Tubing for wing attach bearing blonks Cowling and fairing, inatert Ins trurien ta tian Seat padding Wheel covers Windshield materia] Ramaset catalyst 45x21, and Ramasot fines 45Ks a4 I ea 1 ex 1 ga ag yi 3 yal a

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