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w © ip¥R§ ,dN̈M© z`x©w§l¦ ic¦Fc d

p§ zÄ W
d l̈A§ k̈l§
t kalah p’
nai Shabbat
’ ha dodi likra n’ kabla
L m y so ul toward the Queen
Go ,
of Shabbat let us receive!
The face
§ dg̈n§ U¦ A§ m©B ,Dl̈r§ A© zx«¤
¤hr£ mFlẄa§ i`F
¦ A«
dN̈k© i`F
¦ A« ,dN̈k© i`F
¦ A« ,dN̈ªbq§ mr© i¥pEn`
Bo-ee v’
shalom ateret ba’
la Gam b’ simcha uv’ tzohola Toch emoonay am segulah
Come crowned by God, come bring us peace * With joy and with celebration
Come amid the faithful, treasured people
Bo-ee chalah, bo-ee challah!
Come Shabbat bride, come Shabbat bride!

8 Yamin us’mol tifrotzi ivF ¦ x« t§ Y¦ l`ŸnUE ¦ Burst out to the right and the left
§ oinï
The shackles of the week are finally left behind -- nothing is in the way of joy!

7 Yasis alayich Elohayich kimsos chatan al kalah

dN̈M© lr© oz̈g̈ UFUn§ M¦ ,K¦id̈
« Ÿl`
¡ K¦il«© r̈ UiUï
God rejoices in you, as a groom rejoices in his bride
When you arrive fully in Shabbat you are beloved by God and all around you

6 Lo tayvoshi v’lo teekalmi in¦ l§ M̈z¦ `Ÿle§ iWF

¦ a« z¥ `Ÿl
Don’t be abashed, don’t be ashamed * Nothing that troubled you this week can limit or reduce you

5 Hit’or’ri hit’or’ri ki va orech koomi ori!

ixF¦ `« inE
¦ w« KxF`
¥ `ä iM¦ ,ix¦xFr
§ z§ d¦ ix¦xFr
§ z§ d¦
Wake up, awaken, my soul! For your light has come, stand up and shine!

4 Hit’naari me-afar koomi, livshi bigay tifartech ami!

iO¦ r© KY¥ x§`© t§ z¦ ic§¥bA¦ iW¦ a§ l¦ ,inE
¦ w« xẗr̈n¥ ix¦r©
£pz§ d¦
Wake up, get up from the dust, put on your clothing of glory, My people!
Shabbat cleanses us, if we let ourselves be noticed in our beauty and glory

3 Mikdash...Koomi tz’i mitoch ha-hafecha, rav lach shevet b’emek habacha

`k̈Äd© wn¤ r«¥ A§ za«
¤W ¤ Kl̈ ax© ,dk̈t£
¥ dd© KFYn¦ i`¦ v§ inE
¦ w«
Get up, go out from the ruins -- enough of your sitting in the valley of tears

2 Likrat Shabbat l’chu v’nelcha, ki hi mekor habracha

dk̈x¨A§ d© xFwn§ `id¦ iM¦ ,dk̈l¥
§ pe§ Ekl§ zÄW
© z`x©w§ l¦
Toward Shabbat go, and let us all go! For she is the source of all blessing

1 Shamor v’zachor b’dibbur echad cg̈ ¤̀ xEAc¦ A§ xFkf̈e§ xFnẄ

Keep Shabbat and remember Shabbat, God said all at once
Resting and celebrating; stopping and rejoicing -- time to stop and be, and to climb toward vistas
Psalm 92
According to one midrash, this is the first song ever written. It was composed by Adam and Eve on the
occasion of their first Shabbat in the Garden of Eden, after they had made their first mistake and stayed up all
night talking with each other about it. And also about good and evil, their own human natures, and God. Read
the poem anew with that background. (Translation based on Siddur Kol Haneshama)

A song of the day of Shabbat:

A good thing to thank Adonai
To sing to Your name, Elevated One

To tell about Your generosity in the morning, Your faithfulness every night

On ten-stringed instrument and on flute, with melodies composed for the harp

For You elate me, Adonai, with Your deeds

I’ll sing about the works of Your hands

How great are the things You have made, Adonai

Your thoughts are exceedingly deep

A foolish person won’t know; a shallow one won’t understand it

As the wicked are growing fast like grass, and evildoers are sprouting everyone
They are destroyed for all time

But You are lifted high, forever

Look, your enemies, Adonai -- look, your enemies are vanishing
All evildoers are scattering

But my horn You raise like a triumphant ox

I am annointed with fresh oil

My eyes gaze in victory against my enemies

on all who rise to harm me
my ears are hearing it too

The righteous flourish like palm trees

They grow tall like a cedar in Lebanon
Planted in the house of Adonai
They bear fruit in the courts of our God
Even in old age they bear fruit
They’ll be ever fresh and fragrant
To tell that Adonai is just
My Rock, Who has no flaw

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