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his parents and relatives as a child becomes his culture.

Cultural factors have a significant effect

on an individual's buying decision. Every individual has different set of habits, beliefs and personal

principles which he or she develops from his family status and background. What he sees from

his childhood becomes their culture. Cultural factors include a consumer's culture, subculture

and social class. These factors are part of our values and plays role in the decision processes.

Social factors include family, reference groups, aspirational groups and member groups,

their roles and status. In short, all these groups influences externally in our purchase decision

process either directly or indirectly.

Personal factors include such variables as age and life cycle, occupation, economic position,

lifestyle activities, interests, opinions, personality and self- concept. These factors generally

explain as to why our preferences change as our situation changes.

Psychological factors affecting purchase behaviour and decision that include motivation

based on perception, learning, beliefs and attitudes. Others also very often influence in our

purchase decision. The marketer needs to understand who people are involved in the buying

decision and who are others playing what roles so that marketing strategies can also be targeted

at these people.

Table-4.2 Consumers Influencing Factors

Source: Kotler et al, 1994

4.4 Study of Consumer Buying Behaviour:

Consumer behaviour is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the ways

they use to find, acquire, and consume of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy

needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society. It attempts to

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