Expectations From The Student Teaching Program: (Kiggindu & Navimuli, 2009)

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Finally, the time has come, I, the student teacher (Appendix 1), is now at the

final year of the Bachelor of Secondary Education program. The final year comes

with uneasy tasks and challenges; after all the uneasy tasks and challenges though,

lessons can be learned. I believe that when the battle is harder, the fruit of the hard

work will be so much worth it; this just means that now is the time for me to work

harder in order for me to achieve my goals. The last battle of my student life has

finally come – the practice teaching, which is one of the final requirements in this

program. Practice teaching is an integral component of teacher training which has

the purpose of providing the students with an opportunity to apply their pedagogical

knowledge and skills in practice (Kiggindu & Navimuli, 2009).

As when anyone is starting something new, nervousness is always present.

However, undertaking in such an experience is a major step towards my future

profession, which is teaching; so the student teaching experience makes my

persistence and motivation ever-present. I have a lot of expectations regarding this

student teaching program at Risen Christ Catholic School (RCCS), the cooperating

school (Appendix 2), even before I handed our Endorsement Letter (Appendix 3) to

the coordinator.

I am expecting to have an approachable cooperating teacher whom I could

build positive relationship and collaborate ideas with, which will greatly help in my

teaching. I am hoping that I could apply and practice all the learnings I had from my

beloved alma mater in establishing good classroom management. I was also

expecting to have students with diverse needs and interests and, at the same time, I

am hoping that with the help of my own teaching methodologies, I could meet their

common needs and interests. I hope that I could use varied teaching strategies that

will suit the intelligences of the learners, which will allow the learners to discover their

own learning and will reflect the relevance of it.


Above all, as a future facilitator of learning, I hope that I could display

professionalism in my stay at Risen Christ Catholic School (RCCS), the cooperating

school, maintaining teaching as the noblest profession.



Today, the 7th day of the first month of the year, classes in Risen Christ

Catholic School started today, so did the practice teaching program. After I handed

my student information sheet (Appendix 4), I was immediately assigned to handle

three different subjects of the students from grade 9-Jonas which are English,

Araling Panlipunan and Filipino. We were told that there will be a rotation that will

occur every two weeks. It will be very challenging for me because I will be

experiencing different adjustments for every two weeks of our teaching; this means

that we would be able to teach every year level. The good thing here is that I will be

able to meet different students with diverse characteristics; thus, observing and

experiencing different levels of students’ capacity.

A conflict surfaced because the assigned cooperating teacher to me handles

the Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH) subject, but I was assigned

to handle the subjects English, Filipino and Araling Panlipunan; my schedule did not

include the MAPEH subject. It seems unfair for the cooperating teacher since she’s

the one who would guide me in handling her advisory class. It was good that the

issue was settled immediately.

During the observation phase, I noticed that the cooperating teacher has the

authority inside the classroom, however, even if her classroom management was

good, it seemed like the she comes to class unprepared. She gives the activity to the

students without further checking their progress and/or the result of the activity.

Knowing that the teachers in the K to 12 program serve as the facilitators of learning,

the teacher must guide the progress of the learners and not leave their progress

hanging; the students should also know the relevance of what they are doing.

As per the students, as expected, noise is everywhere. As I looked at the

students, I remembered my high school years. Looking back, I was one of these

students: noisy, messy, and, sometimes, uncontrollable. Some students were active

and they really paid attention while listening, but there were some who did not. The

other students tend to be shy during recitation, which, I think, was because they were

not comfortable with the language and/or not comfortable with would-be their

answers. Right now is my payback time; this just means that I would be the one who

would conduct the classroom management properly and make the students love

learning. Above all, different strategies must be properly executed in the class to

know what strategy suits each student.

In terms of the learning environment, the classroom was well-ventilated and

was, literally, spacious. The learning environment seems really good for executing

different activities, however, it had no area or shelf for books and other materials.

This was why the books of the students were just scattered anywhere inside the

classroom. Nevertheless, the atmosphere of the classroom could help in promoting

the learning of the students through making the students’ learning comfortably.


Self-assessment is a metacognitive evaluation process wherein the practice

teachers reflect on their own learning. Pre-service teachers assess their personal

learning regarding the teaching profession – on how ready they are in facing the

battle of the actual context of the teaching-learning process. Through the aid of the

guide questions (Appendix 5), I came up with possible methodologies that would suit

the students that I would be handling.

The actual teaching is where I could apply all the principles and practices I

acquired and molded, respectively, during my years at my dear alma mater. It is the

time when I will be trained; when my skills and competencies will be strengthened.

The observation process took place on the first few days of our pre-service training.

Student diversity was evident inside the classroom; I noticed some active students

and some students who enjoy being alone. However, the common denominator of

the students is that they enjoyed engaging activities. Different teaching strategies

must be applied to meet the different needs and interests of the students.

Collaborative approach and value integration would be more effective to these kind of

students, especially in trying to proliferate different ideas. Metacognitive approach

would also be effective so that the learners could reflect on the progress of their own

learning. Performance-based, written, and/or oral assessments can also applicable in

having an effective and a good transition in the lessons. This will also give way for

me to know whether I would meet my intended learning outcomes every after the


A classroom consisting of 20-30 students has 20-30 different needs, interests,

personalities, and learning styles. However, it is impossible to establish 20 different

teaching styles just to meet the different needs of the students. The key is always to

find the common interests and needs within the diversity of the students. Proper

observation, followed by trial and error of the possible effective strategies, will surely

result in an active teaching and learning process.


Day 01: 07 January 2019

The starting gate has opened. A gate that will surely contain different

challenges, hardships, struggles, obstacles and hindrances. A gate that may lead the

way onto our most awaited black suit, as well as a piece of paper that has a

“congratulations” written on it. But this gate does not only contain negativities like

hardships, obstacles, struggles, and so on; it also contains different learnings that will

lead us to our success. Today was our first day of the practice teaching program at

Risen Christ Catholic School, located at Bulihan, Silang Cavite.

This day served as our observation day (Appendix 6); we observed the

learning environment, students, and cooperating teacher. I have observed the

learning environment as well as how effective it will be to the learning of the students.

I have also noticed the differences of the students inside the classroom. I have

observed who are the active ones and the shy ones. I also noticed how close they

were to each other and how they participated during classes. I have observed Ms.

Leovane E. Comia (Appendix 7), the cooperating teacher, on the way she executed

her strategies in the teaching-learning process.

There were lots of things that we needed to observe at the onset of the

practice teaching program so that we, student teachers, would be able to gather

useful information before starting the actual teaching process. Observation process

was a good start for me to avoid the so called “culture shock.” I was able to observe

different things from the learning environment, my cooperating teacher, my students,

as well as the possible strategies effective for the students. Through this process, I

will be able to ready myself in entering the real world of teaching and prepare myself

for the upcoming challenges and possibilities.


Day 02: 08 January 2019

One-night preparation for the first day of teaching was absolutely intimidating.

The feeling of nervousness was comparable to my experiences when I was preparing

for my demonstration teaching in my subjects for the past semesters. Since this day

was my first actual teaching day in the training field of Risen Christ Catholic School, it

was very important for me to be prepared so that I could have a good start in this

practice teaching program.

My students and I read and discussed a reading selection entitled “Rain, Rain

Go Away” by Isaac Asimov in the English subject; while the observation process was

on-going on both the Filipino and Araling Panlipunan subjects. Moreover, the

language focus of the day’s topic in English was about adjectives. I believe that you

will only know the capability of the student, once you saw them working on

something, so I let my students experience the reading chain. A reading chain is a

process of reading passages continuously. Along with the guide questions, this

helped me to observe the comprehension skills of the students through their

responses. Unfortunately, a 50-minute discussion for a selection was not enough to

elaborate everything included in the story. Nevertheless, I told them to re-read the

story and understand the story for tomorrow’s continuation of the discussion.

As an English teacher, comprehension plays a vital role in teaching a

particular selection because reading without comprehending is like eating without

digesting (Importance of Reading Comprehension, n.d.). The learners will never

know what the selection is all about when they just read and compromise the

intended message of what they are reading. Different learners, different capabilities;

capabilities to read and understand. I have now encountered students with different

thinking levels and it was comparable to what our instructors in Cavite State

University – Carmona Campus (CvSU – Carmona Campus) have said before. I have

learned before that the key is the students’ common denominator; the learners’

common interests. This was just the start.

Day 03: 09 January 2019

Wednesday is the spelling day in the English subject. I gave the words and

clarified the meanings. I provided other words having the same meanings as well. I

gave sample sentences using the words and I asked the learners create their own

sentences too, to know how much they understood each word.

Out of 20 students, sixteen attended the class, and, out of 16 students, only

two got a perfect score. My third day in this practice teaching did not go well. I did not

mispronounce any word included in the word list but the mistake was that I took the

words from the selection that we have discussed yesterday. It is not prohibited,

however; the students will not put an effort to read vocabulary from different sources.

According to our cooperating teacher in English, we must not get words to be

included in the spelling activity from the book; instead, we must find other resources.

She said that we still did a good job though. It may be a failed start but I know that I

do not have to take it as a failure, but as a lesson instead.

Mistakes are inevitable (Ursillo, 2009). It is something that we cannot bubble

wrap ourselves from but it does not mean that we must stop trying. I have learned

something new today, better things that I deserve to know to strive more. I have also

learned that some teaching strategies will not always suit the learners. Reassessing

one’s strategy is very important for a teacher so that the teacher could modify the

strategies into effective ones. It was a day full of new learnings because of making a

mistake. Mistakes are really powerful as they have the power to motivate and turning

you into something better than you are before. The learnings that I had today will

surely etch into my mind until the day that I call myself a licensed professional

teacher. One mistake is not enough reason for me to quit. I have learned and proven

to myself that I have tried with all my best and I had no regrets.

Day 04: 10 January 2019

Three different subjects for the day and to be honest it was quite a struggling

start for me as an adjusting practice teacher.

In the English subject, I prepared an activity called “I’m a Mess”, wherein the

learners rearranged the scrambled words into the proper series of adjectives since

our topic was all about the orders of adjective. I shared to them the use of a

mnemonic device for them to easily remember the orders of the adjectives. It was the

DOSASCOMQ, which stands for Determiner, Opinion, Size, Age, Shape, Color,

Material, Origin and Qualifier. The learners showed joy and excitement as they

participated in the activity and eagerness to win to have additional points for their

next quiz; a short quiz was given thereafter.

In the Araling Panlipunan subject, there was an assigned reporter for each

topic so what I did was I added some relevant information about the topic being

discussed. Furthermore, the reporter had to ask the rest of the students regarding the

lesson being discussed. In return, the rest also has the power to give comments on

the ways that the reporter presented his/her topic.

In the Filipino subject, discussion about the main characters and the first

chapter of Noli Me Tangere was done. It is really satisfying when you know that your

students learned and enjoyed the discussions. I also substituted one teacher in

Grade 6 which caused my voice to turn a little hoarse.

On this day, I noticed that inch by inch, I am moving closer to the “reality”.

Seeing teachers as a protean character who are flexible/versatile/adaptable/all-

around and able to do different things out of the box. It was good to do uncomfortable

things. There are some situations that do not agree with your plans. I have learned

that I have to sneak out from my box for the students. I have to try other things out of

my expertise and gain knowledge to improve myself in other contexts of

specialization. That is teaching, that is a work of heart and compassion.

Day 05: 11 January 2019

This Friday was an indication that I have survived the first week of my

practice teaching and an indication for upcoming rest days.

In English, Friday is the students’ essay writing day. A good opportunity to

look into their writing styles; their sentence structures and organization of ideas. It

was shocking that G9 Jonas students (Appendix 8) do not know the three main parts

of an essay yet, so I conducted a lecture before they moved onto the writing activity.

In Araling Panlipunan, the continuation of reporting was done.

In the grade 6-Stephen students (Appendix 9), I continued the topic that was

left hanging by their teacher. We recalled the lesson we had yesterday and I asked

them to create their own examples. After that, I gave them a writing activity related to

the lesson we discussed which was about symbolism.

In Filipino, we had an interactive discussion of the chapter 2 of Noli Me

Tangere. In this novel, it is very important to relate the significant lesson in every

chapter to real-life situations so that the students can have a sense of pride in being

a Filipino. I have observed the sense of patriotism from my students as they have

shared how proud they are of the Philippine heroes who fought for the Filipino


It was really a challenging week for me. Lot of realizations have popped up

these past few days. A successful week for me and it was, indeed, full of new

learnings. There could be some mistakes that I have made but, at least, I am trying to

make it right. Step by step, I can experience the reality that our instructors are saying

before. It is really hard to adjust with a new set of people and a new environment.

But, instead of thinking that it is a hard time for me, I better consider it as a good time

to develop my socialization skills that I could also apply in the near future. These

were good starts to face the new challenges of the following weeks.

Day 06: 14 January 2019

This is my 2nd week of teaching G9 Jonas and probably my last Monday of

teaching them three different subjects: English, Araling Panlipunan and Filipino. Next

week will be the start of our rotation, so I have tried my best and made sure that my

teaching was interactive and that their learning was meaningful.

In English, I asked my students to watch a 6-minute clip that was related to

our topic which about “social injustice”. They gave their own insights about the

different social injustices along with their reasons on why such injustices existed; for

power, fame, superiority and dominance. I also tasked them to make their own

slogan as their way of promoting peace and equality in the environment.

In Araling Panlipunan, the topic was about agriculture as one of the most

important sectors of the economy. The reporter, as well as the whole class, had an

interactive discussion since the topic is happening in real-life and plays a great

importance to the progress of the economy. Everyone had their stand on the current

issues in the current progress of the country. It was really a good sign that they were

learning and integrating the significance of the lesson in real-life.

All my learnings from the preceding semesters are now necessary to be

applied in the classroom. I have learned that, as a facilitator of learning, I must create

a learning environment which gives an opportunity for the ideas of every student. An

environment that is free from prejudices, where all ideas are accepted and guided. It

is necessary to reinforce and encourage the learners about sharing their ideas. I saw

how my students interacted and participated inside the class whenever they were

being guided. I have seen how willing they were in sharing their ideas to others when

they know that their answers would be accepted. It was very fulfilling to see that they

enjoy learning inside the classroom with me, as their teacher. Above all, it is my big

task to make them love learning through my way of teaching.

Day 07: 15 January 2019

This was probably my last Tuesday with my G9 Jonas students. It is very

heart-breaking to think that in the short span of time of having fun learning with my

first ever students, I will be leaving them soon.

In English, they started their presentation about their own interpretation of the

poem “The Man with the Hoe” by Edward Markham. The activity was a group activity

and each group was assigned to interpret a particular stanza in the poem. The first

three groups presented their work and all of them were really prepared for the

activity. They have different researches and other additional information. Aside from

that, I made sure to have deep analysis after each of their presentations.

In Araling Panlipunan, the continuation of reporting was done and I added

some other related information. I also gave examples applying the lessons to real-life

situations for them to visualize the topic.

In Filipino, the discussion for the third chapter of Noli Me Tangere took place,

but, before opening the next chapter to the students, I have conducted an activity

called “What Letter Am I?” The students guessed the letter that corresponds to each

number. Everyone enjoyed the activity since their skills in memorization and analysis

have been challenged.

I have learned that students retain learning when they enjoyed the process of

acquiring the said learning. It is very hard to maintain the attention of the learners,

knowing that they have different attention spans. There are learners who have short

and long spans of attention; there are also selective learners wherein, they only

select the things that they want to hear and disregard the others. I have learned that

it is necessary for them to be prepared before starting the discussion. It is why the

learners must be ready to learn before presenting what they have to learn. It is true

that it is a “teacher factor” when you, yourself, does not know how to engage your

students. I do believe that readiness plus motivation is equal to the active learning of

the students.

Day 08: 16 January 2019

This was my last Wednesday with my G9 Jonas students and probably a

bombarded Wednesday for my dear students. Since today is Wednesday, they

automatically had their spelling activity plus a long quiz in Araling Panlipunan.

In English, I have prepared 10 words for their spelling activity, with a twist; the

students must also write five vocabularies from our spelling activity last Wednesday

as well as its corresponding meanings for a total of 20 items. The words included in

the spelling activity were suitable for G9 students and I made sure that it was

checked by my cooperating teacher first. Out of the 17 students who attended the

class, only four students passed with a passing score (fifty percent of the total items).

In Araling Panlipunan, the students took their first long quiz for the 4th quarter.

The 20-item quiz was composed of identification, true or false, and free verse test

types, but before we started the quiz, I gave them a few minutes to review since they

have just taken a quiz in the English subject. I do not want my students to think that I

am an inconsiderate teacher. The good news was that many of them passed and it

was very good to know that they have learned.

As time goes by, it makes me realize that teaching really needs heart and

passion; I cannot stay in this field if I do not love teaching. Spending many sleepless

nights in making and preparing lesson plans, preparing different activities, modifying

strategies, and many more are part of this profession. It is not easy to survive in this

filed; you could lose your social life, even your time for yourself will be minimized.

Time management, determination, and motivation play a vital role in this field. I

always believed that action and prayer are the keys to success but faith in God and

in yourself unlocks my doubts to succeed. The scores of the students were low so I

need to make it up them. The problem may rest in my strategies, so I have modified

it. It was still a successful day though it was a tiring day for me.

Day 09: 17 January 2019

This was my last Thursday with my students, I bet. It is really hard leaving my

first ever students who had marked a very special place in my heart. I am very lucky

to handle G9 Jonas at the start of my practice teaching because they are composed

of students who may not be “perfect” but are eager to learn. They are also the

reasons why I fell in love with the teaching profession more. It was hard for me to let

go when we have just started learning together. However, the most important thing

we have shared was knowledge; I have taught them what I know and they have

taught me what I do not know yet.

In English, we continued the presentation of the poem and I asked my

students to make their own slogan promoting peace and fighting against social

injustices. The activity had the purpose of helping the students to express their

sympathy to the man in the poem.

In Araling Panlipunan, one reporter continued the presentation of the

assigned topic. The process of presenting was still interactive since the reporter

prepared some questions for the rest while the others were also given a chance to

ask questions to the reporter.

It was not an easy start for me but because of the motivation from the people

that surround me, I know that I have to and I can survive this journey. It seems like I

have to be at my best (all the time) to meet the expectations of those who believe in

my abilities. But, because of my students, everything seems to have changed from

being hard to being fun. It is, indeed, hard to teach when your students do not show

interest on the lesson, as well as if they do not show appreciation of your efforts in

teaching them. I have noticed that it is another teacher-factor when your students

cannot feel the fun of learning with you. I have learned that even if you are a teacher,

you really have to work on how you will let your students feel comfortable with you,

but with limitations as well.

Day 10: 18 January 2019

It was a heart-melting day.

It was a busy day for me because my cooperating teacher had an important

appointment. I was assigned to handle all her classes from grade 4 to grade 10. I

also taught Science in grade two pupils and, yes, it was an extremely tiring day. I

gave a long quiz in both English and Filipino to my grade 9 students and moved to

other grade level.

It was a long tiring day, but all the tiredness melted away because of my G9

students. One of my students asked if we could play the “outstanding game” before

we go home. Outstanding game is an activity in which the chosen “outstanding

person: from the class will go outside the classroom, while the remaining students

inside the classroom will choose another one of their classmates to be the source of

the movements that all the other students will follow. The outstanding one must

guess who the source of the action was or who made the first movement. I was

surprised when it was my turn to guess because they have presented their letters for

me. I was very thankful for the warm welcome of my grade 9 students. They were

composed of active and sweet students even if they have different personal

characteristics. I really appreciated the efforts of my students; it made me feel so

special. It was really a fun journey of teaching and learning with my G9 students and

I will surely miss those students.

In this field, I may not be as rich as businessmen could be, but I possibly have

the happiest heart. It was my first time to feel appreciated by some people. At first,

the students looked like they do not care about me at all but I was wrong. They made

me feel so special and made me love teaching more. I have realized from this day

that we, teachers, do not only make all professions possible; we can also change

lives with just the right mix of chalk and eraser. It made me become motivated to be a

better facilitator of learning.

Day 11: 21 January 2019

Another battle started today; I was supposed to face another bunch of diverse

learners. I was about to meet my new students from grade 8-Leviticus (Appendix 10)

but because of some unexpected things, the teacher of grade 3-St. John was not

around, so I was assigned to handle the said students (Appendix 11).

I taught all the subjects and prepared different activities and seat works. The

grade 3 pupils were far different from what I expected. I thought that they would be

difficult to handle since they are kids but, I was wrong. They were very kind, active,

sweet, and disciplined. It was an easy task for me to manage the class because they

already know what is right from what is wrong, as if they are old enough. They love to

participate in the activities that I have prepared. They love to share their ideas to the

class. I saw how they enjoyed our discussion all throughout the day. It was a very

fulfilling day and I would love to handle them again in some other time. It was really

an amazing day with the learners from St. John.

I just realized from this day that, in teaching, every day has a different story; it

will always depend on us on how we will take the learnings. Handling those little

Einstein in just a day really was an unforgettable experience for me. The teaching

experience with them was incredibly satisfying. Seeing their smiles while I was

teaching was so amazing. I felt like they enjoyed their day of learning with me. The

way they participated, the way they got amazed with their new learnings, and the way

they thanked me for teaching them were priceless.


I have learned so many things from today’s experience. The attention of

young leaners is so hard to catch and sustain. I have noticed the big difference of

energy that primary level learners have compared to secondary level learners. It was

just really a successful start of the week.

Day 12: 22 January 2019

Second day of the week; start with a smile!

This was my first day of meeting with my new students from grade 8-

Leviticus. They are composed of 21 students in a class and all of them have been

together since their elementary years. For our first meeting, the getting-to-know-

each-other phase was conducted and we continued the discussion of the topic that

was left behind by their previous facilitator of learning.

In English, I introduced them to world of literature, its different genres and

importance. The main objective of the day’s lesson was about haiku but when I

asked them what is literature and its importance, it seemed like they could not recall

anything. It would be hard to start discussing a particular literature if “literature” itself

is not clear to the students, so I discussed about each type of literature that they

have crossed out from a crossword puzzle that I have presented.

In Filipino, we discussed the second chapter of Florante at Laura. I have

discussed the difficult words in the said chapter and, after that, we read the selection.

We had an interactive discussion about what the chapter was about.

In Araling Panlipunan, I assigned the students with reports that will be

presented on Monday.

The students from grade 8-Leviticus are far different from my first batch of

students. They are very shy and hard to motivate during discussions. It was really

hard for me to engage them in the lesson, so I added humor to my teaching which I

think “clicked” with them. Engaging motivations are really necessary with this kind of

learners. They must be exposed in different activities that will showcase where they

are interested in; this is in line with the K-12 program, where teachers play as the

facilitator of learning and learners discover their own learning. In order to achieve

this, I, as the facilitator, must first start with knowing the students better – their

common needs and interests.

Day 13: 23 January 2019

It was such a busy day although I only taught one subject, which was English,

because we were tasked to take over the hall to be used for tomorrow’s third grading

recognition. We were also tasked to be the emcees for tomorrow’s program, so we

used the afternoon time to decorate and plan for everything.

In English, before I discussed to my students the history and characteristics of

haikus, I conducted a brain teaser which was the haiku riddle. All of them had fun as

the riddles I have prepared boggled their minds. After the discussion, I left them with

an activity, where they were asked to write three haikus; haiku for themselves, for the

country and for their special someone.

In Filipino and Araling Panlipunan, I left the students with an activity as per

the instructions of our cooperating teacher.

Today reminded me that in this field, I have to be flexible. There are lots of

things that I could encounter unexpectedly. If you are a teacher, you must be

creative, imaginative, and, most of all, ready; always ready to handle unexpected

things. Everything must be organized since it is our first time to handle and manage

such program in our cooperating school. Cooperation really meant a lot this day. It

has been proven that two heads are better than one and, indeed, it is true. The

collaboration of ideas from unique and creative individuals were a big help during the

process of “making” something. The contribution of everyone played a vital role in

completing our common goal. Teamwork always results in the best thing. In a short

span of time, we finished the decoration of the hall and we found it very satisfying.

The hall is now ready for tomorrow’s program and we are hoping for a successful

program. Hopefully, they would appreciate our very first collaborated masterpiece.

Day 14: 24 January 2019

Recognition day is a day that is a must to celebrate success, as well as the

culmination of hard work (Yuri, 2009). It is one of the most significant dates in every

student’s academic calendar as it is the time when the faculty, staff, students, and

parents gather together to witness and celebrate the academic achievement of the

excellent students.

Today was the 3rd Grading Recognition Day at Risen Christ Catholic School.

The happiness in every face of the faculty, staff, parents, and students were all

visible. The excellent students from different grade levels were recognized and

awarded. The parents of every student were very proud of the achievements of their

children. As one of the emcees (Appendix 12), I have seen how happy and proud the

parents were; their pride in the achievement of their children was evident through

their big smiles, hugs, and kisses. It was a great opportunity to recognize the hard

work of the students from all the struggles that they have been through. When I saw

the achievers, I remembered every time that I brought an achievement to my family;

they were so proud of me and it was always the best feeling. The students deserved

to be awarded and recognized because of the efforts they have invested in terms of

their cognitive growth.

All of the hardships yesterday were so worth it. Even if our efforts were not

acknowledged properly, we are so proud of our job. It felt really good since everyone

enjoyed in the venue; the happy feeling that was shared and celebrated there. Of

course, behind that wonderful venue was the full effort we exerted in a short span of

time. So, I must say that, it was really a job well done for us Team Risen Christ

Catholic School (Appendix 13).

Day 15: 25 January 2019

Welcome the “free” time!

The students from Risen Christ Catholic School went on a field trip, so we

took this opportunity to spend our time in writing journals, as well as in checking the

papers of our dear students. Field trip is a visit to a place that is made by the

students and teachers for purposes of first hand observation or to learn about

something (Definition of Field Trip, n.d.). After being so busy for the whole week,

there were some things that had been compromised, so it is time to work double.

I have marked all the papers of my students from grade 8-Leviticus and

encoded their scores on the student sheet. After that, I worked on my daily journal

and lesson plan. It is, indeed, a “free” time for us; a free time to work on other school-

related matters, not a free time to take rest. I also started to study the lessons for the

upcoming week since we did not discuss that much from this week. Looking back,

our instructors said that when you are a teacher, you work in and out of the school

premises. You teach the students for the whole day and you will check the students’

work at home.

The teaching profession is not really an easy field. I realized that it will stress

you out from so much workloads. But, looking on the brighter side of everything,

teaching always plays a vital role on the students’ development. The students have

varied needs and interests but they have their common goal, which is to have

meaningful learning that they can use and relate to life. When I was a student, I

looked for a teacher that could supply my mind and heart’s needs, but, now, I will try

to give my students the same teacher that I needed before. A teacher that cares

about the students’ holistic development and that would help them not to be afraid of

learning but to love it. A teacher does not only teach but also cares because caring

makes all the difference.

Day 16: 28 January 2019

This was my last Monday with my students from grade 8-Leviticus. Time flies

so fast; I did not even notice that it was already my last week of teaching the students

from Leviticus. However, the same with the positivity I established from my former

grade 9 students, I also gave my best in imparting the knowledge that the grade 8

students needed.

In English, we have conducted some simple recall regarding our past lesson,

which was literature; then, we conducted an activity to continue our topic (haiku). We

discussed more about haiku: the history of haiku, the rich of culture of Japan, and the

significant writers of haiku.

In Filipino, we discussed the second chapter of Florante at Laura and related

it to the societal issues in the country. Since the topic was about having hesitations

on the faith in God and the rotten government system before, the students had

various reactions to it.

In Araling Panlipunan, it was a good start of presentation because the

reporter made it as interactive as he could. He presented his topic with many

supporting details that he got from his researches; to add to the information provided

in the book.

Placing the students’ interest on the topic will greatly help in sustaining the

attention of the students; this thing happened today. The students had active

participation in the class. It was a heart-fulfilling day, knowing that I have successfully

engaged the class in my discussion and that they have learned something essential

from me. It was a good start of the week.

Day 17: 29 January 2019

Another day has passed; another day that was full of learning and fun

moments. This was my last Tuesday with my students from grade 8 and it was

another finished opportunity for sharing something meaningful to my learners.

In English, I have presented scrambled words as part of our priming activity,

then we discussed adjectives and the different types of adjectives, the use of

adjectives in a sentence, and the degrees of adjective. The lesson was just a recall

for the students, which was why it was very familiar to them. I presented a song to

them and they guessed the particular word through the description I have given.

In Filipino, we conducted a simple recall about the last chapter we discussed.

The next chapter was about the jealousy of Florante to Konde Adolfo for stealing his

one true love, Laura. Basing from the personality of the students in today’s

generation, it is not new for me to observe that the students are very active in this

kind of topic. The application I did was to ask them to write a poem to the ones who

hurt them or left them.

In Araling Panlipunan, the continuation of the topic presentation was held; it

was about the expeditions conducted by the Portuguese and Spaniards and how

they spread their colonies. It was also a good opportunity for us to have an engaging

talk about the great influences of the Spaniards to the Filipino people and the things

that we learned from them that we are still practicing nowadays.

It was another successful day though it was also a tiring day. It is really hard

to teach different subjects and the only reliever is when you know that your students

learned from you. It is very precious whenever your students smile because they

have learned something new or when something ambiguous has been cleared to


Day 18: 30 January 2019

This was the third day of my last week with the Leviticus students. Another

heart-crushing moment, knowing that you have established good connection with

your students but you are already leaving. Two weeks is too short and not enough to

execute what you ought to do but, again, I’m still looking on the positive side of every

single thing that happens.

In English, since it was Wednesday, it was their spelling day. But before I

stressed them out, I first gave an activity called “Pictionary”, where the students were

divided into two groups. Each group wrote ten movies and were guessed by their

opponents through the aid of their chosen representative who drew the clues. The

winning group got additional two points for the spelling activity.

In Filipino, I gave a long quiz to my students about all the lessons we have

discussed. The long quiz was subdivided into four parts: multiple choice, vocabulary,

fill-out-the-box, and free verse.

In Araling Panlipunan, we continued the discussion regarding the European

spread of colonies.

It is truly hard to let go, as always. I should never be too attached to my

students but I cannot deny that the students from Leviticus also marked a special

space in my heart. They may not be as active as G9 Jonas, but their eagerness to

learn boosted me to develop and integrate different teaching strategies that will suit

their way of learning. Above all, the most important thing here is that I met and got

along with them during the two weeks of our two way teaching-learning process.

Day 19: 31 January 2019

It was my “farewell day” to my students from grade 8-Leviticus. Even if today

is just Thursday, it was still my last day with the students because there are no

classes on Friday due to the celebration of Silang day. It was hurts to leave some

students who are already close to my heart, but I cannot do anything and I cannot

stay. I really have to let them go because it is part of the process. Another thing, I

only spent half of the day with my students because we had a General Assembly at

Cavite State University – Carmona, Campus. Meaning, I was able to meet them in

only one subject, which was English.

I gave them a long quiz before I let them go; the quiz was about all the topics

we have discussed. The long quiz was subdivided into four parts: identification,

vocabulary, playing with adjectives, and free verse.

I am very happy that I met those kinds of students who really challenged me

on how to catch and retain their attention. It was very heart touching when I heard all

of their feedbacks about my way of teaching. They said that they have learned a lot

from me and they were very thankful that I became one of their teachers. I have

learned so much from their diverse characteristics and interests which could be

helpful for my next set of learners. I may not be a great teacher for the grade 8-

Leviticus but I have assured myself that I became a good one. I tried my very best to

create different teaching strategies as well as various activities for this set of leaners.

Even for a very short span of time, our time together during the teaching-learning

process meant a lot to me. It was very successful for me to teach a challenging set of

students. It was a sweet and smooth farewell.

Day 20: 01 February 2019

Another free time!

Since Silang Day is celebrated today, we do not have any classes. Another

free time, not to rest, but to work on other matters. I worked on my daily journals and

scanned my upcoming lessons for my new students on Monday. A little rest will do

on these kind of days. Too many papers should be checked; grades to be encoded

and lessons to be studied.

I have been so productive today. I have finished my daily journals as well as

all the papers and recorded all the scores. I have also reviewed the lessons that I will

be teaching to my next set of students. Another adjustment to come but, anyway, I

have also started to plan something for my final demonstration teaching. I also

worked on the schedules for our final demonstration teaching, which was my task as

the school representative of Risen Christ Catholic School. It was just the first day of

February but the pressure is already present as I remember that our final

demonstration is coming up soon.


The whole free time I had today was well-used. I have done a lot of things

today which made me a bit relieved. Accomplishing the said essential things made

me realize that time is really gold. Every hour, minute, and second counts. A single

time can change every situation. It is really different now as compared to my previous

daily routine. Before, I can afford wasting some of my time for unnecessary or non-

sense things but, now, I am always running after “time”; I have to meet all the

deadlines and that makes all the difference now. I just learned how to manage time

properly; what to prioritize first before other matters. I have learned how to balance

some things based on its importance and/or value to me. It is truly good in the


Day 21: 04 February 2019

Another week, another set of student, another adjustment, and another

bundle of challenges.

This day was my first day with the students of grade 7-Genesis (Appendix

14). Basing from the feedbacks of my co-student teachers who have handled the

grade 7 students, grade 7 students were active students and loved participating in

activities (Appendix 15). They were described as active and little sweet students and

this day led the way for me observe their different interests and learning styles.

In English, our topic was about the most precious gift that our national heroes

gave to us: freedom. I prepared an alternative freedom wall wherein the students

wrote and expressed their feelings. From this activity, I saw how active they were

while writing anything freely on the wall. They have written their different thoughts

and the ideas they wanted to share in the freedom wall that I have prepared. After

that, we discussed the relevance of the activity to the freedom given by the brave


In Araling Panlipunan, we continued their topic presentation and, there, I have

observed the way and strategy that some students used in presenting their topic.

In Filipino, I asked them to sing the story of Ibong Adarna while using tune of

other songs suited to the number of syllables of the story.

The common denominator of students cannot be observed in just a day

because they have different learning styles and capabilities. Every time I handle new

students, I always make sure that I can gather helpful information for their learning. I

always realize how important knowing the differences of your learners is. As a

teacher, the students will not adjust on how we teach, instead, we must adjust on the

way our students learn.

Day 22: 05 February 2019

Rest day means rest from going to school but must still work on other school-

related matters. Kung Hei Fat Choi means Happy New Year or Happy Chinese New

Year; this day is another opportunity to finish all the requirements. Since it was

considered as a national holiday, there were no classes today.

I have started planning on my topic, visual aids, and activities for my final

demonstration teaching. I am planning to use conjunctions as my topic because my

students for the demonstration teaching are combined; 20 students from grade 9 and

10 students from grade 10. It is hard to use a certain literature for students with

different levels of thinking, which was why I have chosen a topic that is good (in

general). I also started to plan for different activities that will suit my topic and that

will be engaging. I want my final demonstration teaching to be exceptional since it is


my special day to show case what I have learned since day one. Aside from that, I

also studied the lessons I am going to discuss even if I am pressured because our

final demonstration teaching. I do not want to compromise my teaching; still want to

give my students the best learning experiences.

Even if I really wanted to take a long break from everything, I know I could

compromise other things from doing so. No matter how tired I am from everything, I

still have to hang on to my priorities and responsibilities. Great motivation is a big

help in this kind of situation. I know that it is not the thing they call as laziness; I just

don’t have any motivation to continue. Time flies so fast. There are only more or less

two weeks left for the preparation for my final demonstration teaching. Hoping for

more rest days to come!

Day 23: 06 February 2019

Here we go again.

After the planning that I did yesterday, I was now back to teaching my new

students from grade 7-Genesis. Today was not so busy because there were some

unexpected events that happened. Some personalities from a particular school

supplies shop came by and conducted a free art workshop to my class. This meant

that we had no classes in a certain subject and that was in absolute favor of me.

However, I still observed my students while they were doing the photo box. I only had

a class in our English subject; the rest of the time was used for their art workshop.

In English, since it was Wednesday, it was their spelling activity day. I have

prepared 10 items for their spelling. The result of the spelling activity was not that

good. I have chosen words that I knew would suit their level of understanding and I

even presented those words to my cooperating teacher and checked the words as

well as its pronunciation. I gave them the meaning of each words so that they could

further use the new vocabularies when they are going to write an essay or any

written outputs.

From this day, I have seen how creative the students are. They do have

different creativity and uniqueness. All of them showed interests on the activity that

they had. They were enjoying what they were doing from the art workshop. Based

from the said activity, another hint on what to prepare came to me; something that

will catch their attention and interest and that will actively engage them in the class.

Day 24: 07 February 2019

What a fun day it is!

I have prepared different activities for the three subjects to see how they

would react to each. Since I saw how that they have enjoyed the activities, I also tried

to inject activities in my lessons. It is a matter of whether it will click to them and/or if

they find it boring.

In English, I prepared colorful visual aids that will surely catch their attention.

The teaching material I have made was a set of buses as well as some stop points.

The lesson we had was about the literature of Aurelio Alvero, which is 1896 (Cry

Freedom). The students were tasked to sing “The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and

Round, all through the Town” and after the song, each bus has its terminal point.

Each stop light has something about unlocking of difficult words, about the author,

the literature itself, and, lastly, their learning.

In Araling Panlipunan, the presentors of the topic made an activity which

showed the struggles that the Filipino people experienced during the Spanish,

American, and Japanese invasion. The students have also shared their prior ideas

about the experiences of our country in the hands of the foreign invaders.

In Filipino, I have prepared an energizer called “haimas simas hai” wherein

those students that were eliminated from the game gave a recall of the previous

lesson. After that, we discussed the next topic about Ibong Adarna and related the

moral lesson to the experiences of the students.

It was a successful day for me and for my students. It was very satisfying

knowing that your students learned from you and that, at the same time, they have

enjoyed learning. All of my efforts were worth it. Knowing your students well is always

the key to establish effective teaching strategies.

Day 25: 08 February 2019

On the last day of my first week with my students from grade 7-Genesis; I

realized that since yesterday was full of fun learnings, it must be sustained up until

our last meeting. The smiles of the students’ face yesterday were so priceless and

satisfying. Last night, I prepared different energizers and activities that, for sure,

would be liked by the students and I was right.

In English, today was their essay day but, before that, I asked them to have

an energizer which I called as “pass the beat around the room”. All of the students

formed a big circle and when I pointed out a student who will start the beat, each

student would say each syllable of the phrase following the beat pass – the – beat –

a – round – the – room. The next student would then be tapped on his or her

shoulder and would continue the game. Those students who failed to follow the beat

and/or forgot the sequence of the words were eliminated.

In Araling Panlipunan, we had a group quiz bee with a twist. Each member of

the group could pick any symbol with corresponding immunity.

In Filipino, the students presented their skit on the good manners that Don

Juan from the story Ibong Adarna has. All of the groups presented their skits well.

Some excelled for being creative ones through their props and some excelled in

emphasizing the intended moral lesson of their skit.

It was a good end of the week. It was quite a hassle and was a bit hard, but

the most important thing is that I have learned and felt that I have become a good

facilitator of my students’ learning. It feels good leaving your students with

meaningful learnings. It felt good to leave them with smiles on their faces and in their

hearts while knowing how thankful they are for everything you have shared to them.

Day 26: 11 February 2019

It is the day between Sunday and Tuesday to start my last week with grade 7-


Another heart-breaking week, thinking that time really runs so fast, since I

was now in my final week with my most participative students, so far. Instead of

thinking that way, I thought that it was better to think of more interactive ways of

teaching to make my last week with them worth remembering.

In English, since we have discussed the poem of Aurelio Alvero, we moved

on to the language focus of the lesson which was about personification and

hyperbole (figures of speech). I asked them to make their own examples of

personification and hyperbole. As an assessment, I asked them to explore the


personification and hyperbole used in the poem 1896 (Cry Freedom) which we have

discussed last time.

In Araling Panlipunan, we conducted a group quiz bee that served as their

quiz. The quiz bee had a twist since I prepared mystery boxes. Each box may

contain heart, star, flower, and telephone could give different helpful use or immunity

for each group.

In Filipino, we continued the discussion of the next topic and had some

interactive exchange of ideas that were related to the moral lesson that has been


It is true that once your students love what they are doing, the teachers are

also motivated to think of something new that will make their students love learning

more. It is really good in the feeling that you always make your students enjoy your

way of teaching. It motivates me the most to create more engaging activities when

the students vividly show how they enjoy learning with me. It feels like their success

in learning is twice as yours who guide them while growing.

Day 27: 12 February 2019

Having a good start of the week is also a sign of a good flow of teaching

throughout the whole week. This day had teeming workloads for me and for my


In English, I skipped teaching the next lesson because I needed to discuss

important stuff to my students. I discovered that their final project, the book report

was equivalent to 50% of their final grade. That was why I discussed the content of a

book report so that they could have the idea of making it and that they could start

making it right away.


In Araling Panlipunan, the last reporters presented about the well-known

hermit kingdom, the country of Korea. Most of the students were active during the

discussion and seemed like they are knowledgeable about the country; a proof of

colonial mentality of the students which I gave some emphasis on during the


In Filipino, we interactively discussed the succeeding topic in Ibong Adarna.

The students were also active because the moral lesson was about betrayal and

jealousy. Most of them had the same experience as the main character in the story

which I used easily to relate the lesson of the story to their common real-life


Students nowadays are far different from the “before” generations. They are

technologically savvy, so they are considered as explorers; ebullient and expressive

(Monaco & Martin, 2007). The students are more interested to what is on “trend”. In

fact, they are sometimes more knowledgeable than the teacher when it comes to

trending things. I have realized today that, as a teacher, it is a good opportunity to

enhance each learning of the students based on what they know and on which they

are all interested in.

Day 28: 13 February 2019

Today was the day before hearts’ day. I asked for the permission of my

cooperating teacher, if I could conduct an activity during their English time that will

serve as my farewell activity for my lively grade 7 students.

I prepared an activity related to heart’s day. I gave four hearts to each

student; two red hearts, one blue heart, and one yellow heart. The students will give

the red hearts to the ones whom they wanted to thank, the blue heart to those they

want to apologize to, and, as for the yellow heart, I told them to just keep it. The

activity started and it showed how expressive the grade 7 students are. Some got

teary-eyed and some had smiles on their faces. They gave messages to one another

and it was really a genuine moment for the students. Afterwards, I posted an emoji

alphabet wherein I showed a colored paper containing my farewell message for

them. But, before that, they needed to decode what letter each emoji stands for; they

will then write the hidden message on the yellow heart they kept beforehand.

In Araling Panlipunan, I gave an assessment to the students that also served

as their review for their upcoming pre-final examination.

In Filipino, I asked them to choose one topic that we have discussed and told

them to make comic strips showing the plot of their chosen part of the story.

From the farewell activity I prepared for them, I reflected so much on things

that I have experienced before. The activity revealed how strong the relationship

bonds of the students are. Taking advantage of the upcoming day of hearts, the

activity I prepared gives way for them to thank and apologize to the people that

surrounds them. In the field of teaching, it is not just about acquiring or sharing new

learnings from and to your students, respectively, it is also about teaching them to

value the people they are with while growing one’s mind, heart, and soul.

Day 29: 14 February 2019

Happy heart’s day!

Half of this day was given as a free time for the students to prepare for

tomorrow’s post valentine celebration. The perks of being a teacher is that you can

feel as if you are the most loved person in the world through the efforts of the

students during these kinds of special days. As I woke up in the morning, I received a

lot of greetings (through the internet) from my students.


When I arrived in the school, plenty of students handed their cards,

chocolates, and flowers to me and that was one of the very heart-melting things I

have ever experienced.

Aside from those greetings and the stuff I received, grade 7-Genesis made

my valentine’s day extra special. They surprised me by giving me a medal, ribbon,

and a certificate of appreciation which made me teary-eyed. I felt mixed emotions:

very happy because they have appreciated the efforts I gave to them and very sad

because of the happy memories that they left in me. This was probably my last

bonding time with them because they will be having an event tomorrow. It was really

the truest proof that these students I have handled from grade 7–Genesis were little

active and sweet learners.

Remembering what our instructors have said before: prepare yourselves on

the month of February; you will feel as if you got the biggest number of lovers. Now, I

know what it truly means. It is not about the stuff or greetings that you receive from

others; it is the effort and thought that counts. It is the real meaning of true love.

Sometimes, it seems like your worth to others is invisible because they act as if they

have no care about what you are doing for them at all. Eventually, you will be

surprised on how deeply they appreciate every single effort you give to them.

Day 30: 15 February 2019

This day was a blast!

The Risen Christ Catholic School had an event that was divided into two

parts. In the morning, there were different booths that each year level has prepared

and in the evening, the Valentine’s Day ball was held. There was a color coding

which should be followed by the students as well as the teachers; each color has a

corresponding “love status” of the participants. There were four different booths

prepared by the students: the dating booth, messenger booth, amusement booth,

and the jail booth. Each year level showed their creativity in their booths. Even with

just a short amount of time for preparations, the students showed their teamwork and

creativity, which were evident in their booths (Appendix 16).

In the evening, there was a Valentine’s Day ball that was held in the school.

The happiness in the students’ faces were easily noticeable. The ball’s theme was

either retro or summer outfit. The beauty of all the students stood out during the

party. However, we, student teachers also prepared for the night. We also wore our

best retro outfit to showcase the other side of ourselves. We also prepared an

intermission number; we prepared a song and dance number for the students

(Appendix 17).

Based on what I remembered in the past lessons that one of our instructors

discussed, the teacher must serve as a good role model for every student; so we did.

It is the common misconception of others towards the teaching profession. Teachers

are also humans and they also commit mistakes. They could also express

themselves through different ways. They can still be a good role model for the

students in their own way, without compromising their own interests or preferences.

Day 31: 18 February 2019

Another week has come! Another rotation and, probably, another adjustment

to be made. This week is my turn to handle the students from Grade 6-Stephen.

However, this week was the semi-final examination week, so there will be no classes.

All the students who joined the field trip were exempted in the examination and those

who did not, would take their semi-final examination.

In the high school level, all of the students joined the field trip, in Grade 6-

Stephen, there were five students who did not join the said activity. Therefore, there

are five students who will take their pre-final examination in the said section.

Even if there were no classes today, we were required to go to school for

other school matters. I already scheduled this day for some preparations for our

upcoming final demonstration teaching, however, our cooperating teacher asked us

to start encoding the grades and performances of the students. We recorded the

quizzes, assignments, outputs, and recitations of the students.

On this day, I have reflected that even on holidays or rest days, teachers have

to work; teachers really have to manage their time properly because of the tons of

workload that they have. The job of a teacher is too much compared to the salary.

Being an educator is like being a hero. Teachers make sacrifices that no one could

ever notice. The authentic payback that they could only have is the bundle of

appreciation, not the salary that they get. The payback money they can get from their

job is enough for their everyday living but seeing their learners growing and learning

is the most expensive return they could ever have.

Day 32: 19 February 2019

Second day of the pre-final examination of the students; were still no classes

for today. We continued recording all the performances of the students and tried to

finish everything related to the partial grades of the students so that we can start

something related to the preparation for our final demonstration teaching. Since we

had a rotation, it was a bit hard for us to gather and combine all the scores of the

students. However, they say that two heads are better than one and we were more

than one, so, we did our very best to compile the students’ scores evenly.

The records of the students were not yet complete because of some reasons.

There were missing activities, quizzes, and other outputs; even the quiz notebooks of

the other students are missing. As a result, it was hard for us to complete all the

records of the students. There were also cases like students who do not attend

classes for weeks; they do not have any records so conflicts arise while recording

their partial grades. However, through the guidance of our cooperating teacher, we

have fixed those conflicts right away.

Is this the real dilemma of being a teacher? That is the question that is

continuously boggling my mind. All those records, conflicts, considerations, and

many more will really bring you into the reality of the world of teaching. After all the

teaching strategies you have established and lessons that you shared, the job of a

teacher does not stop there. Before, I thought that when you have recorded all the

grades and scores of the students, that was it. You’re done. But, from the

experiences I had yesterday and today, I could conclude that a teacher has a great

power that could change every single life of a student. These experiences I had are

good experiences and good practices to bear in mind for the next chapter of my life.

Day 33: 20 February 2019

This was the last day of the students’ pre-final examination and, hopefully,

their last day with no classes. Tomorrow is the return of the regular class schedule in

all levels. Since we were already done with the encoding of the grades, we have

started polishing our lesson plans for our final demonstration teaching. The pressure

is already here, knowing that we are the first batch of demonstration teachers for the

batch of A.Y. 2018-2019. Our performance will serve as the benchmark of all other

demonstration teachers. It is a matter of do or die, win or lose, so, we must give and

perform our best shot.

Our final demonstration teaching is scheduled on the 26 th day of February and

we must, at least, have finished our lesson plans by now so that we could still have

time for some revisions. As their chosen school representative, I have prepared

everything that is necessary for our final demonstration teaching. I listed the food and

the materials/utensils to be used, assigned a person-in-charge in some tasks, and

collected the contribution of each individual. I have also offered my help if ever they

needed it, so that my co-student teachers could feel that we have each other’s back

in this last battle.

The ruthless time never stops from challenging each individual in this world

and I am one of those individuals. The incomplete grades of the students, the

preparation we had for their final examination papers, the on-going preparation for

our final demonstration teachings and many more are the proofs that the end, and

our success, is nigh. Exerting great forbearance is the best way to handle this kind of

situation and turning back is the worst option for me. It may be one of the hardest

times I am dealing with but I do believe that, one day, all of my hard works will pay off

with the best interest.

Day 34: 21 February 2019

This day has been very useful for we were given some free time to, at least,

prepare for our final demonstration teaching. The free time given to us paved the way

to finalizing the number of students we were going to use, as well as the particular

classroom that we are going to choose. However, no matter how eager we were to

polish everything, conflicts always run by.

The teachers from Risen Christ Catholic School had some exchange of words

because of the conflict in schedule. Our final demonstration teaching was already

scheduled on Tuesday but, unfortunately, the school administrator told us that the

inter-school competition activity will occur on the same day. Our cooperating teacher

complained because the school already had the commitment to our final

demonstration teaching. The ideal number of students to be used in the actual

demonstration teaching is 30 students, and, sadly, there are students included in our

final list who will participate in the inter-school competition on the same day. There

were also teachers who questioned the early schedule of the final demonstration

teaching as well as the idea of combining students from different levels. Luckily, with

the help of some concerned people and with our Almighty God, we survived this day.

The sense of professionalism is the thing that I have not observed the most

from this day. The problem of being surrounded by narrow-minded people is that they

can only see the problems, not the solutions; narrow-minded in terms of the

knowledge in teaching profession as if they do not have an idea of the great

importance of the final demonstration teaching to us, student teachers. It is somehow

disappointing but, still, I have to be positive! Personal and professional development

could be the keys to change their way of thinking towards this noblest profession.

Day 35: 22 February 2019

Last day of the week. Time flies so fast and it is bringing so much pressure to

us as well. We only have three days of preparation for our final destination – final

demonstration, I mean. The nervousness and excitement collide and keep me

motivated to be more positive and hardworking. Since this will be our final judgment

for our entire acquired learnings about the teaching profession, I have to work all out

and double my patience for the upcoming challenges.

Today, our cooperating teacher gave way to us so that we could orient our

students for the upcoming final demonstration teaching. I gathered the students from

grade 9 -Jonas and grade 10-Joshua for an orientation that would help a lot in having

the best results. I explained to the students the scenarios during the actual

demonstration teaching. I have also shared the routines that we are going to do on

Tuesday. I have also discussed the topic that I will be using and the preparation they

must do before my final demonstration teaching. I asked for their full cooperation for

my demonstration teaching so that I could perform well. However, we refused to

conduct a dry run so that the flow of our teaching would look natural.

Motivation plays a significant role these kind of days. During the orientation, I

noticed how eager the students were to help us, student teachers, in making our final

demonstration work well. These kinds of motivations keep us going and striving to do

and perform our best. The pressure we had was lessened because of the promises

of these learners. It is very pleasing to the ears, every time the students say we can

do it. They say promises are meant to be broken but I do believe that, this time,

promises will be made and fulfilled.

Day 36: 25 February 2019

Today, Filipinos reminisced the People Power and it was declared by the

President as a holiday. Schools do not have classes, therefore, another opportunity


has come for us to prepare and polish everything. Tomorrow will be our judgment

day; mixed emotions are being felt by each of us: nervousness, excitement,

pressure, and many more.

We prepared the classroom to be used since we are going to use just one

classroom for our demonstration teaching. We asked for the help of other people to

prepare the utensils, equipment, food, and other things needed for our special day.

There were many people who assisted us while preparing – giving us words of

wisdom, motivating us through saying “we can do it”, and supporting us virtually and

personally. My co-student teachers and I supported each other’s back to make

everything fine. We polished our lesson plans and instructional materials at one place

to have each other’s suggestions and ideas. We motivated each other to stand still,

no matter how hard this time seems.

The work done by several associates with each doing a part but all

subordinating prominence to the efficiency of the whole is the thing we call as

teamwork. The idea of collaboration and cooperation is one of the best support

system that we had since the first day until our final demonstration teaching day.

Collaboration is way better than competition; you can learn different ideas and create

a good relationship through it. I will probably never overcome the pressure I am

feeling for the final demonstration teaching without the people I have right now. The

experiences I had from this day showed the significance of those people I had since

day one in my journey.

Day 37: 26 February 2019

This is it! No more turning back, instead, we must think of the better results

after this day. Today is the day wherein we will be evaluated about everything we

have learned about the teaching profession since the first day of the internship, and

on how we could apply it all to the actual teaching setting. The final demonstration

teaching is the execution of the all of the student teachers’ learnings. It is like a thesis

defense, where we are going to defend and prove all the learnings that we acquired,

in front of the panellists.

The topic I used was about conjunction so that the combined students are

both familiar with the topic. From the ice breaker I prepared, I was so thankful that I

have caught their attention right away since the students enjoyed the activity. I also

noticed the excitement of the students because of the varied tasks that I prepared.

During the interactive discussion, the students were also active in giving their own

examples. The most memorable part of my final demonstration teaching was when I

sang a conjunction song to the tune of Fireworks by Katy Perry and the students

sang along with me, with the accompaniment of a guitar. The feedback I received

from the evaluators are so worth it. Those sleepless nights were so worth it and, now,

I am finally done with my final demonstration teaching.

“Why prolong the agony?”

This was the question that Mr. Orig repetitively instilled to us whenever we are

feeling down, nervous and pressured. I am so glad that, finally, we are done with our

final demonstration teaching. It feels like we are way closer to our dreams. All the

pressure and nervousness faded away and gladness replaced those negativities in

my heart. Of course, all these things are impossible without the help, support, and

assistance of our family, friends, teachers, and, most of all, the unwavering love and

support of our God Almighty.

Day 38: 27 February 2019


Yesterday was a tiring day, but, even if our final demonstration teaching is

already done, our responsibility in our cooperating school is still on-going so…

welcome grade 6-Stephen!

Sadly, there were some things that have been compromised these past few

days and my students from grade 6-Stephen are one of those. I only have three days

left with my students from grade 6 and it is not enough time to know them more.

After the sleepless nights I had, it seemed like my body was not yet in

condition. My body wanted to have some more rest after all the sleep I have

sacrificed for my final demonstration teaching. Even if I really wanted to meet my

grade 6 students, the body pain and headache were stopping me. However, I forced

myself to meet my students in their Filipino subject and left them with an activity. I

asked them to bring a newspaper since their next topic is about newspaper and its

different sections. However, during their English subject, my cooperating teacher told

me to take a rest and that she will take over the students.

In Araling Panlipunan, my cooperating teacher told me that there was no need

to discuss because their final examination is near and I only need to prepare their

examination papers.

It was really not a good day. I was not able to meet my students formally.

However, health is wealth; I may be able to meet my grade 6 students but in my

condition, it will be unfair for them if I will teach; I was unprepared. I may have failed

to share learnings with the students this day but I will surely make it up to them. I will

prepare something memorable for them, even for the short span of time remaining for

us. There are some things that will be compromised, but it is not because you

intentionally compromised them; it is because you settled for more important things

that will benefit you the most.

Day 39: 28 February 2019


This day, I really had to make it up and double the effort for my grade 6-

Stephen. This was my second to the last meeting with them and so, I did my best to

impart my knowledge to them in a short span of time.

In Filipino, since I told them to bring a newspaper, I discussed to them the

different sections of a newspaper. I taught where the headline, local news,

international news, classified ads, editorial, obituary, entertainment, sports, and

lifestyle sections are located. I also asked about some current news in the country

and asked for their different reactions and opinions towards the news. The students

were very active, especially to the news about the “momo challenge or the blue

whale challenge” since the victims of these challenges were kids. They could relate

to this topic, but, as the facilitator of learning, value integration is very significant in

these serious kinds of discussion. Finally, I asked for their ideas on the importance of

newspapers nowadays.

In English, the students have written an essay about the different kinds of

friends and, after that, they presented their works in front of their classmates. The

topic about friendship was very relatable to the pupils, which was why they were very

proud while presenting their works about their friends. They also have shared about

the importance of friends in their lives.

Teaching approaches really differs in different levels of learners. Elementary

students are more active, so, as a teacher, I have realized that there is a need to put

extra effort in preparing engaging lessons to them. Unfortunately, my remaining time

with the students is not enough to prepare engaging activities for them, but it still felt

good being with them for, literally, just a short period of time.

Day 40: 01 March 2019

This was my last day with the students of Grade 6-Stephen. This week has

been so memorable for me. Though this week was full of challenges, hardships,

sacrifices, and happiness, it was a successful week for us that it even merits a

celebration. The consequence, though, is that I only had a short span of time of being

with the Grade 6-Stephen.

In Filipino, the pupils answered the exercises in their workbook that had

something to do with the topic we discussed yesterday. After that, I had a heart-to-

heart talk with them regarding all the events that happened this week, for them to

understand the reason why we only had a little time of teaching and learning


In English, my cooperating teacher also had a private moment with the grade

6 students so I was not able to handle them in our last subject.

There are so many things that happened this week. It was a relief for us to

finish our final demonstration teaching. Another week has successfully ended. A

week that is full of memorable moments and significant learnings. I have discovered

unexpected help from unexpected persons which opened my eyes to see who are

the ones who stayed by heart though distance made us apart. From the experiences

I had this week, I have realized so many things in life. The most important lesson I

have learned is that of having great forbearance. Life is not an easy journey. It has its

inconvenience that may lead you to give up, but, looking at a wider picture, these

kind of struggles will just serve as your armours and shields to be more ready in the

upcoming battles of life. No matter how strong you are, without the presence of

forbearance in your life, you can never survive the challenges of life (Life Challenges,


Day 41: 04 March 2019

Another week has come!

Finally, this will be our last rotation in handling students from different year

levels. I am going to spend my last rotation with the grade 10 students before I go

back to my first students from grade 9-Jonas. This was also my first day with the

students from grade 10-Joshua (Appendix 18). However, this week was the final

examination of the graduating students, so this will be a loaded and busy week for


In the English subject, the students worked on their research which is

equivalent to 50% of their final examination; this also includes their oral defense

(Appendix 19). The students were too busy and stressed out with their research. As

their facilitator of learning, I checked the progress of their study by group and gave

some help and suggestions to them.

In Filipino and Araling Panlipunan, since my cooperating teacher in both

subjects is the same, she suggested to just conduct a review of the past lessons they

have discussed. This would serve as their review and would give more chances for

the students to pass their final examination.

From this day, I have compared myself to the graduating students since I am

also a graduating student. The pressure and stress from all the paper works,

projects, and examinations; all of those requirements are the signs that you are in a

point that is already near your success. I understand their struggles and why they

almost want to give up from their dreams. However, quitting is not always the solution

for any kind of problem. I remember that someone told me that it quitting is used by

the cowards to escape from the problems that they are facing. Quitting is the worst

decision a person could ever make; it just means that you worked hard for nothing

without even considering why you even started fighting in the battles of life.

Day 42: 05 March 2019

This was a day before the final examination of the graduating students. All of

the students were too busy reviewing and finishing their requirements in different

subjects. As suggested by our cooperating teacher, we gave time for the students to

review or finish their requirements.

We used the class time in reviewing their lessons so that they will be ready for

tomorrow’s final examination, which is scheduled up until on Friday. The students

were too busy especially on their research; they are too rushed and pressured by the

time, knowing that they have their final examination tomorrow. I could not blame

them every time they ask for some free time because the free time they are asking

for would be used to work for their research. They were still working on the chapter

three of their research; it seemed like they were struggling. I have observed that they

do not have any idea on how to start their chapter three, so I imparted the experience

and knowledge that I have to the students. I also discussed the proper formatting

since I discovered that it was not discussed to them. I asked the students about when

it was given to them. The students told me that it was given to them last August,

2018 however, it was not clearly discussed to them. Instead, they said that their

teacher just gave a handout of the steps in making a research.

The students were struggling so much with their research. It is very alarming

that they could not focus on their examination because of this matter. It is very visible

that the students were very pressured by their study. The student must be well-

prepared before starting a particular thing new to them. The students are not yet

ready in conducting a full blown thesis, considering that they do not even know what

the purpose of a thesis is or what it is all about. It is one of the things I have learned

before, the importance of preparedness in doing something new.


Day 43: 06 March 2019

Today was the first day of the final examination of grade 10-Joshua. They

have taken three examinations today: Technology and Livelihood Education (T.L.E),

Filipino and Computer. Unlike before, when I was still studying at the campus, I was

the one who was sitting in the chair while answering the test papers; I was the one

who facilitated the examination today.

The students started their examination with the Filipino subject followed by

the T.L.E subject. However, their final examination in Computer is a hands-on

examination, so I only proctored them in two subjects. The examination was only half

of the day. From the observation I had, the examination was not that difficult for the

students. It seemed like the review they had from the previous days became so

helpful for their examination. After the examination, they continued their preparations

on their research. The students were really bombarded with all the final requirements

they needed to finish, to be part of the moving up ceremony; it includes their projects

from different subjects and, most especially, their research. They are very worried

ever they could make not it before the deadline and before their final oral defense.

While proctoring the students during their final examination, I have observed

different behaviours of the students. There were some students whom I caught

cheating, students who easily finished their examination, and students who found the

examination a little hard. I have seen myself in these students when I was the one

who was sitting in a chair full of vandalisms. A student who was sometimes tempted

to cheat; a student who needed to finish the examination as fast as I could because I

know that there were lots of paper works waiting for me. I was a student with full

determination to achieve my utmost goals, visibly seen from some of my hard works.

Day 44: 07 March 2019

This was the second day of the final examination of grade 10-Joshua. Three

subjects were scheduled for today: Christian Living, Mathematics and MAPEH.

However, due to an unexpected thing, they were unable to take their examination in

the Mathematics subject. Instead, they agreed that they will just take their

examination in Mathematics tomorrow.

Though the students agreed to take their final examination in Mathematics

tomorrow, they were quite nervous because they were also going to take their final

examination in Science tomorrow. But, since we all had no choice and we could not

do anything to change the situation, I told them to manage their time properly in

reviewing and finishing their other requirements. The students started their second

day of final examination in MAPEH and found it easy. They had a ten-minute break

before they took their last examination for this day. After the examination, I handled

students from grade 5 and grade 4; I reviewed them through the pointers that my

cooperating teacher gave to me.

Looking back on my previous semesters as a student, this kind of week was

labelled by the students as the “hell week”. A week that is full-blast; full of paper

works, struggles, sleepless nights, and conflicts. I remembered all the struggles I had

every end of the semester. Those times when I wanted to give up but I know that I

would try to survive until the end. No matter how many times I complained about the

tons of paper works, I could do nothing because it was part of the requirements.

Instead, what I always did in these kinds of days was to stay focused, determined,

motivated and put my plans in action.


Day 45: 08 March 2019

This day was the last day of the final examination of the graduating students

from grade 10-Joshua. It has been a relief for them when a good news came: they

would not be having their final examination in the Science subject, for some reason,

according to their teacher. This meant that they were just going to take two

examinations for today: Mathematics and Araling Panlipunan.

After their examination, along with all the other student teachers, our

cooperating teacher told us to help her in coaching the students for their final defense

on Monday. The nervousness was visible in the students’ behaviour. They were not

ready; even their papers were not done yet. However, they still started to present

their study. We observed their behaviour while they were presenting: their use of

language, gestures, and mannerisms. The students were very afraid, there are some

who said they wanted to give up instead, that they will just enroll in a summer class if

they ever fail the subject. Luckily, their research instructor allowed the students to

defend juts the first three chapters. However, the paper itself must be finished until

chapter five, before their moving up ceremony. The students were somehow relieved

from the good news they heard.

It was a day full of mixed emotions and learnings. The students were not

really ready for their thesis defense. It was really obvious that the students were not

that ready to create and finish a full blown thesis. Even I was alarmed when I asked

for the progress of their thesis and their answer was just a moment of silence.

Instead, I came to the point of thinking, that forcing them might discourage them to

continue their studies or would change their perspective towards learning, which is

not the purpose of the teaching profession.


Day 46: 11 March 2019

It was a new week; a new day, a new start. It was my second week together

with the students from grade 10-Joshua. It was such a busy day for all of us. Today

had been so memorable for my students from grade 10-Joshua, since it was also the

day when they defended their chosen studies. There were two panelists invited to

evaluate the different studies of the students. Both panelists were good old friends of

our cooperating teacher.

According to our cooperating teacher, this activity will serve as the students’

practice and stepping stone for the upcoming years. This will serve as their practice

in order to have the idea of the actual scenario of an oral presentation. This would

also help the students to avoid the thing we call as “culture shock”. As requested by

our cooperating teacher, I was assigned to take care of the food for the panelists. I

was also the one who computed the grades of the students after presenting their


Imposing such practices must be carefully planned. The main purpose of the

activity was to get the students to be ready and witness the real scenario of

conducting an oral defense. However, basing from what happened, the students only

witnessed how an oral presentation is executed but did not experience the real

scenario of this kind of activity. Instead, it seemed like I gathered more learnings and

experienced more than the students from the activity that they had. This kind of first

hand activity must be well-planned so that the target objective will be achieved.

Day 47: 12 March 2019

The advantage of our year level rotation has come. The perks of being

assigned to graduating students in the month of March is that you have the

opportunity to take some rest ahead of the others. Since I started to teach at the

grade 9 level and we had two weeks of rotation per year level, I shared my last two

weeks of rotation with grade 10 students. Considering that they are graduating

students, there are only few weeks left before their moving up ceremony. They were

very busy completing and clearing up their deficiencies from different subjects in

order to join the most memorable ceremony of their students’ life.

The only thing I did today was to compile all the final examinations of the

non-graduating students. Tomorrow, Wednesday, was the start of the final

examination of the students from grade 7 to grade 9. I reviewed the examinations in

the English, Filipino, and Science subjects. I checked for the number of items, the

instructions, and for some mistyped words. I was also commanded by our

cooperating teacher to compile all the records of the grade 10 students, since, they

were the priority to be done and settled before anyone else.

The thought of having some rest had been disregarded. It was just a

hypothesis, assuming that maybe I could even take a rest from all the works.

However, proper time balance plays an important role in these kinds of days. This

day has gone so fast. Luckily, all the final examination papers of the non-graduating

students are now ready for tomorrow’s schedule of final examination. It was also a

tiring day but, somehow it was a good practice for me as a future licensed educator.

I am still hoping that this week would end with grace, happiness, satisfaction, and

new learnings.

Day 48: 13 March 2019

Here it is! Today was the start of the final examinations of the non-graduating

students. Since our cooperating teacher from other subjects were so busy yesterday,

I was not able to give to them the copy of the exams to print out the examination

papers. I went to school early so that I could prepare the examination papers of the


I waited for almost an hour until the office opened. I talked to my cooperating

teacher regarding to the examination papers and agreed that the unexpected event

that happened yesterday was the reason for the delay of the papers. The system in

our cooperating school was not really in good condition and was not well-established.

I asked my cooperating teacher on how I would print out the examination papers in

Filipino since it was the first subject to be taken by the students. However, the reply

of my cooperating teacher was far from what I expected. I thought he will come with

me to the office so that he could talk with the registrar but he did nothing. He wanted

me to make alibis for the delay of the papers, disregarding the main reason. What I

did was, I worked on my own and bent my pride to be able to print out the

examination papers. I went to the office and asked for their permission to use the

desktop and printer. I heard bees buzzing inappropriately but, for the sake of the

students, I swallowed my pride, remained silent and continued. It was not really a

good start of the day but thinking about this all day would just take me away from the

positive thoughts.

No matter how well I planned things, obstacles always arise. It could be a

certain phenomenon, situation, and/or person; testing your capabilities. The pressure

and struggles I had this day made me become sturdy with all those upcoming storms

while walking into this kind of profession.

Day 49: 14 March 2019

It was the second day of the final examination of the non-graduating students.

My hopes were too high for everything’s to be fine today. When I arrived at our

cooperating school, I went to the office to check the examination papers. However,

the office was still closed and I could see no faculty members. I waited for almost an

hour before the office opened. I found my cooperating teacher in Araling Panlipunan

so I asked if there was a problem with the examination papers since I gave the copy

of the examination beforehand.

When my cooperating teacher was not yet around, the registrar gave the

examination papers for Araling Panlipunan to my co-student teacher, so that the flow

of the examination will be smooth after the first exams. As I checked the examination

papers in Araling Panlipunan, another conflict happened. The questions from the

Araling Panlipunan examination of grade 9 students were mixed or jumbled with the

examination paper to be taken by the grade 8 students. I ran to the office and fixed

the problem right away. After all the examinations, I went back recording the raw

scores of the students that I have handled.

Professional capability was the thing that I observed this day. It is sad to say

that the system running in our cooperating school is unreliable. It lacks a sense of

reliability and, the fact that, sometimes, you are being blamed because of that failure.

But, as student teacher, I still have to work with my best and stand still despite of the

struggles that I have encountered. I also noticed that my day starting yesterday

became so traumatic. I experienced so much from this day but, anyway, this

motivated me to become more effective and efficient in the field of teaching.

Day 50: 15 March 2019

Today was the last day of the final examination of the non-graduating

students. This was also their last regular class at Risen Christ Catholic School. This

day became so memorable. My students from grade 10-Joshua had their recollection

as a part of their activities as graduating students. This day was fully used in

compiling all the grades of the grade 7 to grade 10 students. However, this day was

quite different from the preceding days. Even though I faced my laptop almost all

throughout the day, something made this day extra special.

After all the examinations of the students, the heart-melting part of being a

student is the farewell portion. The sadness in the face of the students were clearly

seen. They took so many pictures together, as if it was their last day of ever being

together. Students from different year levels called us, student teachers, to have

some picture-taking and to capture these moments with them. There were also

students who gave us food and stayed for a while to “cherish” the moment. “Thank

you!”, “We will miss you”. “Don’t forget us”. “Good luck”. “Congratulations in

advance”. Those were the words repeatedly uttered by the students from Risen

Christ Catholic School. It is the heart-breaking part of this journey, the farewell.

I have reflected from this day that students will never remember you because

of the lessons that you taught them. They will remember you with how you taught,

treated, and respected them as students. There is a diversity in students’

personalities but they have the same thoughtful, sweet, and appreciative hearts. It

may be sad to think that I am nigh to the exit of this journey but I am still happy to

meet and teach those wonderful students. The end of this journey is coming very

soon, changes will also come, but I know for sure that good memories will keep all

things in touch.

Day 51: 18 March 2019

There are so many things that happened last week and, today, another week

with upcoming learnings has started. The moving up ceremony is coming soon and,

as expected, workloads followed through. Every second and minute count on this

particular kinds of situation.

After the final examination of the students, we immediately checked and

recorded all their papers for grading purposes. The grades of the graduating students

and non-graduating students were being rushed because their moving up ceremony

and recognition day are near. I compiled all the scores of the students from their

quizzes, activities, and other written works. There were some students who have

incomplete written works and this result pending to our works. I called my students

with deficiencies one by one and talked to them in regards to the status of their

grades. Some students complied; some did not.

In the education system, the students work for their grades and the teachers’

work is just to sum it all up. I remember it was always the line of some our previous

teachers, “you make your grades”. However, a big factor is being handled by the

teacher, which later produces misconception. I remember one instructor told us

before that a teacher is like a doctor that cures the minds full of curiosities and

queries of the students. A teacher gives so many considerations just to help the

students to be prepared for their future. Even if the teacher gives everything she

could for the learning of the students, at the end of the day, if the student has little

progress, the blame is always on the teacher. It is always the misconception in the

teaching profession, even in the behaviour of the students. Even if no matter how

tired I am, I still continue working, even at home, to the point that I compromise other

things. Those are the sacrifices that others often fail to see.

Day 52: 19 March 2019

The computation of the students’ grades continued this day. Since all of us,

student teachers, have handled the students from grade 6 to grade 10, it was easier

for us to compile all the quizzes, activities, and other performance-based outputs of

the learners. Another busy bee day for us student teachers, facing our laptops all day

while making considerations on the students’ grades.

While computing the grades of the students, I noticed that most of them got

low grades but they did not fail. I computed the grades using the portal of the

Department of Education (DepEd), given by our cooperating teacher which was why

it was easier for me to compute; it automatically shows the quarterly grades of the

students. My co-student teachers and I started computing the grades of the students

from grade 7 to grade 9 in English. I asked my cooperating for the result of the

grades and she told me to make other considerations in the performances of the

students: their recitation, behaviour, and attendance.

I repeatedly ask myself about why students get promoted to the next year

level, even if they do not fully acquire the skills and knowledge from that particular

level. However, as said by one of our cooperating teachers: it always depends upon

the teacher. She also said that this is why teaching is a profession that needs a

heart; teachers always give considerations to those students who may not be as

excellent as others but has the determination to learn. Teaching is really a work of

heart; it demands a good heart because teaching is not only about teaching lessons.

Day 53: 20 March 2019

The sign that says that my practice teaching journey is nearing its end is that

the graduating students have already started practicing their graduation song. The

students were so excited and active while practicing their performance. It was a sign

that I am also near to the exit way of the gate I have walked in.

The students from grade 10-Joshua and Grade 6-Stephen worked on their

surprise for their parents. Through the guidance of their adviser and our cooperating

teacher, the students have chosen their graduation song. The students from grade 6-

Stephen are going to sing the song “A Million Dreams” from The Greatest Showman

movie, while the students from grade 10-Joshua will sing the song “Hold onto

Memories”. They also planned to give roses to their parents as a tribute for their hard

works and efforts. They prepared a flash mob where they will dance after they sing

all of their songs. According to our cooperating teacher, this kind of highlight in a

moving up ceremony will be the first time in the history of Risen Christ Catholic


Observing the students made me realize that I will soon be practicing our final

graduation song if ever there will be one. Sudden mixed emotions started to run all

over my body. It is very fulfilling to see that, even once in the lives of these students, I

became a part of their growth and development. Time flies very fast, to the point that

I never noticed that I am near the end. It seemed like I only had an adventure full of

hardships and learnings with these students. I might be nearing the end of this

student-teaching program but the learnings and memories I had will forever be on my

mind and heart.

Day 54: 21 March 2019

This day was an exhausting day. There were some conflicts that occurred in

the grades of the students, additional workloads came and our cooperating teachers

badly needed to finish everything today, particularly the grades. Another thing which

became the highlight of this day was the complaint coming from an unexpected


I was already finished with the grades of the students that I have handled

from different year levels in English, Filipino and Araling Panlipunan subjects. Many

considerations have already been made and everything had already been polished.

However, additional workloads were given to me. One student from grade 8-Leviticus

complained to the office on why he got a failing grade in English. Honestly speaking,

this particular student has a low level of understanding compared to other students of

the same age. I was able to explain our side since we already gave considerations to

the grade of the students, and, unfortunately, the result was still a failing grade. The

student came from a non-accredited school that is why there were lots of conflicts

and problems with his records. He needed to review and take the acceleration exam

from the Department of Education. Aside from that, the student has poor thinking

capability; that is why he needed severe assistance in his studies.


“It depends upon the teacher”.

These words flashed back on my mind. Teachers gave considerations, but

not all the time and not to all students. In the case of the complainant, based from the

observation I had in his performances, the student really needs to learn the basics

first. The lessons he had taken are not suited to his level of thinking. Indeed, it is a

case that rests upon the teachers but there is a big difference in this case. If we are

going to let him be promoted, at the end of it all, he will be the one who will be


Day 55: 25 March 2017

New day to start the week; four more days before the Moving Up ceremony

and the Recognition day of the students of Risen Christ Catholic School. The

graduating students were busy practicing their graduation song (Appendix 20) while

we, student teachers, were busy with the documents and deportments of the


Our cooperating teacher told us that we have to start with the deportment of

the graduating students to be encoded in the program. I worked on the certificates of

the students, since it was the task assigned to me. I also helped other teachers in

encoding the grades of the students in different year levels. My co-student teachers

and I sorted the medals of the achievers (Appendix 21). It included the awards for

those students with honors and with special awards from different extra-curricular

activities. There were lots of conflicts that happened this day; misunderstandings,

misconceptions, misinterpretations. However, I sharpened my focus in order to finish

all of the tasks assigned to me, instead of being distracted by the conflicts among the

faculty members.

I have learned to ignore some things that could affect my focus. This past few

days, conflicts occurred more often. I always say to myself every time I go to school

that I should be a positive thinker, no matter what. As long as I am doing the right

thing, no one could stop my purpose. While staring at the gold medals, it made me

reflect on my student life since I was a consistent honor student. I was one of the

active students ever since my primary years. I always include myself in some extra-

curricular activities including sports and dancing. They say “your grades, number of

awards, and medals do not define your intelligence”, and that is absolutely the truth.

The most important thing is on how you apply all of the things that you learned in life.

Day 56: 26 March 2019

The early bird catches early tasks. Kidding aside, I arrived so early in the

school today and, as expected, I also started working on different documents that

were needed to be finished, early. I was hoping that the clash that happened

yesterday has been reconciled by now, for us to have a positive start of the day.

Since our cooperating teacher is going to resign from teaching at Risen Christ

Catholic School, she needed to finish and complete all the documents of the students

for the clearance. She asked my help in finishing the soft and hard copy of the form

137 (Appendix 22) and the form 138 of the students (Appendix 23). I rechecked all

the personal details, the grades, as well as the learner reference numbers in the

form. There were some students who had conflicts in their grades in the past

quarters and I stated this concern to my cooperating teacher for it to be solved right

away. I was also tasked to make an introductory speech (Appendix 24) for the guest

of honour for the moving up ceremony. It was quite rushed but I did it anyway.

I have learned a lot of things from today’s work overloads. It seemed like I

was already experiencing the “real world” that our instructors were repeatedly telling

us before. It was a tiring day but the experiences I brought home from this day was

such a relief. I already had an idea in the document-making process. I already had an

idea in making form 137, form 138, and other requirements. I know that these

learnings I have gathered from this day would be a great help when I am already

working as a licensed teacher. I never regretted from arriving so early at the school

today and being assigned to many tasks because I have learned new and useful


Day 57: 27 March 2019

Two days before the moving up ceremony and the recognition day of the

students, we had conducted a final reading of the grades, awards, and documents of

the students while the students were polishing everything for their performance

during their most awaited day. I could feel the emotions of the students. Some were

excited and some were sad, knowing that the days left for them being together is

already so short.

Our cooperating teacher really paid attention on the practice of the

graduating student; to polish everything. We helped our cooperating teacher in

polishing the performance of the students. The sadness was also visible in the eyes

of our cooperating teacher. This will be the last practice of the students within the

vicinity of their alma mater, Risen Christ Catholic School; the institution that nurtured

their skills and aptitude. This will be their last stay in the institution where some

unforgettable and remarkable memories have been made. They will be having their

general and final practice tomorrow at the venue of the moving up and recognition


High School holds the best four years in the students’ lives. All of the first stuff

in a student’s life usually happen during his/her high school years. It includes having

the first crush, first visit to the guidance office, first attempt of cutting classes, and

first encounter of the meanest but truest friends. The same as these experiences of

my students, I also had unforgettable high school days. The memories I had from my

high school years were so amazing. I met different people who became my friends

up until now. I also had a great adventure during those years; I have experienced

different learnings and it was one of my favorite adventures.

Day 58: 28 March 2019

Today was our last day with the students. Our cooperating teacher told us to

go directly to the venue of their moving up ceremony at Gallardo’s Party Place. The

place was a bit small for the event and was not applicable for such kind of event.

However, no matter how poor the ventilation inside the area was, the students

continuously practiced the run of the program.

The faculty members who were in charge for the moving up ceremony started

the practice of the program. We assisted the kindergarten pupils since they needed

more attention and guidance, as compared to the grade six and grade 10 students.

When the giving of the certificates started, our cooperating teacher called me to show

the process of accepting the certificate was; it felt quite good when I heard the

graduation march. I was also tasked to as the “giver” of the certificate to the

achievers. This day, I tallied my stay in the school to clear out my daily time record

(Appendix 25). One student also showed her appreciation to our efforts through

treating us with free lunch. It is really the heart-melting part of being a teacher – the

goodbyes from the students.

I may not be able to attend this most awaited ceremony of the students, but I

assured them that I am very proud of them and their achievements. Being part of the

growth of my dear students is my biggest achievement and award during my entire

practice teaching journey. It is really hard to leave those students who gave me

hundreds of headaches but gave me so many unforgettable memories as well. My

practice teaching journey would probably not be so memorable without them. I am

thankful when they said that they have learned a lot from me but I am more thankful

to all the things that they have taught me, beyond the lessons from books. It was

surely a mission accomplished!

Day 59: 29 March 2019

The reason why I was not able to attend the moving up ceremony and

recognition day of the students is that, I had to attend the Pre-Employment Seminar

(Appendix 26) at CvSU – Carmona Campus. This seminar is a requirement for us to

march while wearing our most awaited black suit.

The seminar was about how to be a “prepared” employee in the near future.

Months from now, we will be looking for jobs aligned to our course so it is necessary

for us to, at least, have knowledge from the experiences of others. The first speaker

of the seminar was Ms. Mary Rose H. Solina (Appendix 27) who shared her amazing

and inspiring journey in her career and in her life. I have learned that the first thing to

do before starting anything is to know yourself and know what your “why” is. I have

learned preparations that are needed when applying for a job. The second speaker

discussed the rights of the employees and who the organizations that they could ask

for help, if they ever need to. Anti-harassment was also discussed; the different kinds

of harassments were shown and explained, some of which we thought were normal

actions or behaviour.

Sooner or later, I will be working to earn money as well as to earn

experiences for my growth. These kind of seminars are so relevant, especially to us

graduating students who will later pursue different careers. There were so many

things to consider in getting a good job but the most important thing is the

determination to work and learn at the same. There may be different fears and

doubts when starting a particular career but knowing your purpose, the reason why

you are doing that certain thing, is the only thing that will matter in the end.

Day 60: 30 March 2019

The first ever Educ FEST was held at Cavite State University – Carmona

Campus. The said event has been planned and proposed last semester, but,

unfortunately, due to the conflict of time and schedule the event was postponed.

Finally, it was held successfully.

Educ FEST 2019 was subdivided into four different parts. The first part was

the conduct of small talk led by Ms. Jevvy Jean Necesito (Appendix 28) who shared

about the 21st century pedagogy that would matter a lot to us when teaching the

alpha generation. The second and third parts of the event were held at the same

time. There was a team building held at the 4 th floor of the campus which promoted

good teamwork and collaboration within the Bachelor of Secondary Education

students. Different competitions were also conducted wherein representatives from


different sections compete in Philippine Association for Teachers and Educators

(PAFTE) -aligned competitions. It included competitions in lesson plan making,

instructional materials-making, demonstration teaching, quiz bee, and declamation.

Lastly, the Mr. & Ms. EDUC 2019 highlighted the Educ FEST, in which,

representatives of different specializations showcased not just their wit but also their

stunning beauties.

This kind of event is such a good way of gathering all education students to at

least have a break from reviewing, facing highlighted handouts. It was a great time

for the Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSE) students to also enjoy (Appendix 29)

and loosen up a bit.


Classroom management is a term that teachers use to describe the process

of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly without disruptive behaviour from

students, which would compromise the delivery of instruction execution of teaching

routines (Classroom Management, n.d). It is sometimes caused by students, the

learning environment, and/or the teaching facilitators themselves. In line with that, a

teacher must have a wide variety of skills and techniques to impose an effective

classroom management that would benefit all.

In my journey as a pre-service teacher, there were some common classroom

problems that I have encountered. The first problem that I have encountered was the

uncontrollable noise made by the students. The good relationship among the

students is main cause of their noise. Another problem is that the learning

environment itself is good for conducting all the learning activities, but lacks the

essential equipment and areas that would greatly help the learning of the students. In

example, the classroom’s chalk was must first be soaked in the water so that the

chalk particles would stick to the chalkboard. The utilization of Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) in the classroom is somehow impossible since

there was only one projector available; there were also no cables or HDMIs suited to

my laptop, even to the laptops of my co-student teachers.

During classes, one of the most common problems of the students inside the

classroom is that they become overly dependent on the teacher. Many times, the

students automatically look to their teacher for correct answers, instead of trying

themselves (Davis, 2016). Another problem, especially during discussions in the

English subject, is the students’ persistent use of their first-language (Filipino); the

students do not have the confidence to converse using the English language.

Because of this, the students do not what to do during activities or seat works; this

happens often when the English language is used as the medium of instruction in the

discussion. Lastly, the most common problem that I have observed inside the

classroom while teaching different subjects was that the students easily got bored,

inattentive or unmotivated.

A good classroom management is one of the most important thing to be

imposed at the very beginning of the class. A good classroom management plays a

vital role in having a successful execution of teaching activities and strategies. It

would greatly help learners to know and practice proper daily routines, and teachers

to solve minor problems before becoming major ones. The goal of teaching is to

bring the world inside the classroom. As what I have learned from the domain two of

the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS), the learning

environment must help the learners build a good sense of socialization and

confidence; the atmosphere must help the learners develop holistically. However, the

facilitator of learning has the power to make this possible. Providing positive

encouragements, having well-established rules and regulations, preparing interesting

lessons, planning varied activities, creating good relationship with the students, being

a good role model to the learners, and possessing great passion will surely result to a

good ambience of learning. These are the most useful keys if teachers would like the

learners to understand the world beyond their classroom.


Final demonstration teaching is the most awaited part in the practice teaching

journey of student teachers. It is sometimes called as the “final verdict” of all the

learnings that a student teacher has acquired. All the knowledge and teaching

practices learned from their dear alma mater up until the learnings from their actual

teaching experiences will be evaluated through applying everything during the

student teacher’s final demonstration teaching. It is also the time when the student

teachers forget their social life because they spend almost all of their time in the

preparation for their demonstration teaching. It is also the time when student

teachers feel mixed emotions, probably both excitement and nervousness. The day

of the final demonstration teaching is very special to every student teacher; to the

point that they want it to be as perfect as they have planned and as extraordinary as

they can. There are three phases in the final demonstration teaching: the

preparations, the actual teaching demonstration, and the evaluation.

During the preparations, as one of the first batch of demonstration teachers,

the pressure that I was feeling was overwhelming. The feeling of being unsure about

the topic, undecided with the teaching plans, unable to focus, and being under

pressure were the things that made me become bewildered during the preparation

period. As the school representative, there were some other responsibilities that must

be done. I worked on the letter of requests for our final demonstration teaching.

Together with the school director and practice teacher coordinator, we talked about

the schedule and the students needed for each final demonstration teaching.

Everything was already prepared: the classroom, the food, the equipment

needed, and the students. However, conflicts are like weather: unpredictable. One

conflict came unexpectedly and, unfortunately, it happened few days before our final

demonstration teaching. A minimum of 30 students was the agreed ideal number of

learners during final demonstration teaching, however, the inter-school activity has

been plotted on the same day of our final demonstration teaching. The inter-school

activity is an event where student-athletes from different private schools gather up to

compete in various sports events. Some students included in the final list of our final

demonstration teaching were also included in the list of players. Luckily, we have

fixed the conflicts in the schedule right away. Aside from that, there were some

teachers who questioned the first schedule of our final demo teaching.

My co-student teachers and I have faced lots of struggles before the day of

our final demonstration. There were so many sleepless nights that occurred, just for

us to prepare for our final verdict. I wanted my final demonstration teaching to be as

successful and memorable as I could. I chose “Conjunctions” as my topic and I made

sure that my final lesson plan (Appendix 30) was well-prepared; I considered

differentiated activities (Appendix 31) that suited my topic. I also thought of the

teaching strategies as well as the teaching materials (Appendix 32) that I would use.

They say that the success of your associates is also your success, which was why

my co-student teachers and I had each other’s back; so that we could have a

successful benchmark of the final demonstration teaching.

The day of the final verdict has come; there is no more turning back. This is it,

the most awaited part of the student teaching program has already started. I was the

second demonstration teacher out of the hundred and plus student teachers of our

batch (A.Y. 2018-219). The weight of pressure was too heavy on us since we are the

first batch of demonstration teachers. Nevertheless, giving our best shot was the only

thing we could offer as a good start. I started my final demonstration teaching with

the routine activities: prayer, greetings, cleanliness and attendance. It was followed

by the recall, wherein I conducted an activity related to the students’ assumed past

lesson. After that, I conducted with an ice breaker or a motivation for the students to

be ready for our next lesson; the activity we had was “read the colors”. The students

enjoyed the activity since it was really mind-boggling.

After that, we started the differentiated activities; the students were divided

into four groups with different tasks. The first group, known as the” little detectives”,

helped Detective Conan, their friend, in solving a crime using the primary suspects.

The primary suspects were wearing name tags that served as clues; the clues being

the correlative conjunctions. This will lead them to the sole suspect of the crime. The

second group, known as the “little explorers”, had to find a hidden treasure using the

large map that was provided for them; but, before that, they have to first find the

missing words (which are the subordinating conjunctions) inside the classroom using

the provided clues. The missing words are the keys that will complete the map that

would lead to the location of the hidden treasure. The third group, known as the “little

volunteers”, was tasked to help children in need. I have prepared a diorama of an ice

cream store where the children in the diorama want to buy some ice cream but the

seller cannot understand the children because of the misused pair of connectives.

Their task was to correct the use of each correlative conjunction. Lastly, the fourth

group, known as “the little fixers”, was tasked to fix the jigsaw puzzle inside the

pocket of the standee of Doraemon; the jigsaw puzzle contains the summary of all

the activities done by the first three groups.

After each presentation, the analysis phase occurs (Appendix 33). An

interactive discussion took place during the elaboration of each type of conjunction.

After the students’ abstraction part of the lesson, I, as the facilitator of learning,

elaborated the importance and/or the significance of the lesson we discussed. This

was done when the highlight of my final demonstration occurred; I personally

composed a conjunction song to the tune of fireworks by Katy Perry. Together with

the students and the accompaniment of a guitar, I flashed the lyrics of the

conjunction song and we sang along together. It was very captivating and pleasing

for the students. We then moved on to the assessment phase followed by the

agreement part of the lesson.

After we conducted our final demonstration teaching, the post-conference

took place (Appendix 34). It was the time when the evaluators gave their comments

and congratulated each student teacher. I was very happy with the feedback that I

received. It was very pleasing to the ears, every time the panellists say things like

“superb”, “great”, “two thumbs up” and “I salute you”. It was really fulfilling that the

panellists commended our efforts from the very beginning and rated our

performances as “job well done”. According to them, there is no such perfect

teaching; there were still flaws: mannerisms and other minor common problems. The

weights on our backs were lifted and it was a huge relief for us – first batch of

demonstration teachers. I am really hoping for good results on the evaluation of my

final demonstration teaching (Appendix 35).

I have learned so much thing from this experience, starting from the

preparations for the final demonstration teaching up until it was done. It was really a

hard battle for me but, then again, the harder the battle, the sweeter the victory.

Challenges, struggles, and conflicts occurred, but some say that problem is the twin

brother of life; you cannot stop it from coming, instead, you have to practice dealing

with it (Life Challenges, n.d.). These life hurdles are the stepping stones towards our

target goal; I have learned to be strong enough to face all the upcoming challenges in

my life.

In the teaching profession, patience is really a virtue. The profession itself will

test your personality, socialization skills, emotional control, physical conditions, and

spiritual bonds. There are people and situations that will test your forbearance. The

experiences I had before, during, and after our final demonstration teaching taught

me to take little steps and be steady. It was one of the hardest challenges that I have

ever accomplished, yet it was one of the best experiences that I would never, ever


Another thing that I have realized from this experience is the essence of

motivation and teamwork. The success of my final demonstration teaching would not

be possible without the support of the people that I had come to for help. The

teamwork that I had with my co-student teachers also played a vital role for the

success of my final demonstration teaching. Collaboration is better than competition

since it collates diverse ideas and produces good camaraderie (What is Teamwork,


Most of all, I have learned that the best among the best of reinforcements can

only be found inside you; intrinsic motivation is the “best motivator”. Believe in

yourself, like the way you believe in God’s plan. Success is the product of these



The practice teaching program, which is taken by the students under the

Bachelor of Secondary Education program, is a good preparation for the pre-service

teachers to apply different teaching methods, teaching strategies, teaching principles

and teaching techniques through practical training in the actual field of teaching. It

gives opportunities to all student teachers to experience the actual teaching process

and build their own teaching strategies suited to specific kinds of learners. This will

also give way for the pre-service teachers to experience the common problems that

can be observed during the teaching-learning process as well as the possible

solutions to these problems.

Before entering this three-month journey, I had lots of doubts and hesitations.

I doubted my readiness to face and talk to new faces. I even sometimes come to the

point that I overthink if I could make it until the end of this internship. I talked to

different people and asked for some pieces of advice but even their uplifting words

did not lessen the nervousness that I had. Until the day has come and I had nothing

to do but to continue what I have started. There were lots of adjustments that I did

during the start of my practice teaching journey. Honestly, it was not an easy start.

I encountered different problems during my practice teaching program. It

includes the conflict with the cooperating teachers and even with the other faculty

members. I unexpectedly witnessed the poor professionalism within the institution,

where it came to the point that I have compared my behavior and abilities to the

attributes of the faculty members. It was very hard to move, knowing that disharmony

and clashes occur among the faculty members. The school had a principal but she

just occasionally visits the institution; there was no department head or even a

guidance counselor. Crab mentality was evident among the faculty members.

However, I am still thankful that there were still some teachers who guided us

throughout our journey. There were still some people who taught us to be good

teachers if we could not be great ones.

In contrast to those experiences that I encountered with the faculty members,

I have established a good teacher-student relation with all the students that I have

handled in different year levels. The noise of the students and the fear of sharing

ideas were the two common things which I could consider as the problems with the

students. But these things can be labeled as “teacher-factor” because it depends on

how the teacher solves the classroom problems in conducting good classroom

routines. One of the most amazing parts of this journey is the students; the students

that I have imparted knowledge and experiences with. The students that seemed to

be careless about their studies at first, but as what I have observed, they have their

dreams that motivate them to learn. The longer I stayed and observed different

students, the more vivid I saw how eager they were to be filled with meaningful

lessons. They were so noisy and, sometimes, uncontrollable but they made me feel

as if I were one of the greatest teachers because of their different ways of

appreciating all my efforts.

I have learned so many things from this journey that would surely be big helps

to my chosen profession and will provide my would-be students with the best learning

experiences they could ever have. Teaching three different subjects (English, Araling

Panlipunan and Filipino) made me realize the reality of the teaching profession.

There is a possibility that I would be assigned to teach different subjects instead of

my specialization when I apply for a teaching job. This experience practiced me to

have proper time management and to be ready for the “ping” of reality. I was once

labeled by my co-student teachers as the “substitute teacher of the year” because I

often become a substitute of different teachers from different grade levels, especially

in the elementary level. It may be a tiring task, especially when I was assigned with

the children from first grade but looking at the positive result of this, I realized that I

was able to experience teaching and handling diverse pupils.


Working on the grades, form 137, form 138, rankings, deportments, and other

documents of the students also made me realize how hard and ethical the teaching

profession is. Moreover, as the school representative, I also have established a

strong relationship with my co-student teachers. I always made sure that I was

always available whenever they needed my help in everything. The teamwork we

had was priceless and we became each other’s foundation of support for all the

struggles we have faced.

My practice teaching journey was like a roller coaster ride. There were lots of

ups and downs, which sometimes made me think of just giving up. Everything was

really hard at the first try but when a person becomes used to do it, it becomes

easier. Preparing lessons, teaching materials and activities for three different

subjects was really hard at first but compared to other teachers who have full loads, it

seems like I do not have the right to even get tired. The practice teaching program

made me love teaching more than I love it before. The best part of it is when the

students appreciate my efforts and dedication in imparting relevant lessons. I have

learned that students will not care about the lessons you are teaching unless they

know the reason why you are teaching it or why they should even care. It is not just

about how much you have mastered the lesson or how interactive your prepared

activities are; it is also because about why it is necessary for them to learn.

The process of this journey was hard but I had plenty of learning experiences.

Too many hurdles were placed in the path where I walked in but this journey taught

me to accept that life has its inconveniences and it is not perfect. It made me realize

that every situation will not always favor your expectations. Struggles,

disappointments, hardships, exhaustion, demotivation and stress seemed to be the

brothers of life. The practice teaching journey that I had does not only teach me the

best practices of the teaching-learning process; it also taught me how to be ready in

life. The struggles in preparing lessons, visual aids and activities are like facing the

struggles that we encounter in life; we are being pressured by the situation, being

rushed and being stressed out. That is why proper time management is important in

teaching because the same as in life, proper balance of choices over things give

chances to make the wanted changes.

My practice teaching journey was very memorable and is worth treasuring.

The experiences that my students and I had inside the classroom are like books that

are full of relevant and fun learnings. The experiences I had with the faculty members

were comparable to a menu which contains different dishes; some suited your taste,

some not. The experiences I had, along with my co-student teachers, within the

vicinity of Risen Christ Catholic School are similar to the building itself; it has its

bases which symbolize the sturdy support that we gave to each other all throughout

our journey.

This practice teaching journey is one of the best things that I have

experienced. This journey honed my personality, teaching capability, emotional

control, good socialization, and the spiritual bonds. It also taught me that quitting

should never be an option, if the reason holding you back is your doubts and

hesitations. I remember one reminder shared before our deployment: YOU are the

only thing you have in the actual teaching; but not in my case. I started this journey

with the best people who helped me to overcome all the challenges and tests. I never

felt alone, even until the end of my practice teaching journey.

Now, the end has officially arrived, but before this journey totally ends,

extending my appreciation for those who helped us is necessary. We gave the

certificate of appreciation to our cooperating teacher and to the school director

(Appendix 36). In return, they also gave us the certificate of completion (Appendix

37). Lastly, we gave the evaluation form of the student teachers’ performance

(Appendix 38) to our cooperating teachers. It was such an unforgettable experience,

experiences that will serve as my shield and armors to continue fighting and facing

the upcoming battles in the teaching profession and in life.



Kiggindu, E., & Nayimuli, S. (2009). Teaching practice: a make break phase for

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Ursillo, D. (2009). Is It Avoidance? Or Is It Something Else? Retrieved from


Definition of Field Trip. (n.d.)., Retrieved from https://www.merriam-


Yuri, N. (2009). Recognition-Day-is-the-Culmination-of-All-Hard-Work-And.

Retrieved from https://www.scribd.com/doc/24260926

Life Challenging Quotes. (n.d.)., Retrieved from https://www.goodreads.com/tag

Monaco, M., & Martin, M. (2007). The Millennial Student: A New Generation of

Learners. Athletic Training Education Journal, 2.42-46

Davis, J. (2016). Teaching ESL: 10 Common Problems in the Classroom. Retrieved

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Classroom Management. (n.d.)., Retrieved from https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/

What is Teamwork? (n.d.) Retrieved from https://www.quality-assurance-.com/html



Appendix 1

The Student Teacher: Rhea Trina A. Canizo

Appendix 2

The Cooperating School: Risen Christ Catholic School


Appendix 3

Endorsement Letter

Appendix 4

Student Information Sheet


Appendix 5

Guide Questions

Appendix 6

The Observation Phase

Appendix 7

The Cooperating Teacher, Ms. Leovane E. Comia, with the Student Teacher

Appendix 8

The Student Teacher with Grade 9-Jonas

Appendix 9

The Student Teacher with Grade 6-Stephen


Appendix 10

The Student Teacher with Grade 8-Leviticus

Appendix 11

The Student Teacher at Grade 3-St. John


Appendix 12

Third Grading Recognition

Appendix 13

Preparation of the Venue for the 3rd Grading Recognition


Appendix 14

The Student Teacher with Grade 7-Genesis

Appendix 15

Bonding with the Cooperating Teacher and Grade 7-Genesis


Appendix 16

Booth of Grade 8-Leviticus

Appendix 17

Student Teachers’ Intermission Number


Appendix 18

The Student Teacher with Grade 10-Joshua

Appendix 19

Grade 10-Joshua’s Oral Defense


Appendix 20

Moving up Ceremony Practice

Appendix 21

Deportments Preparation

Appendix 22

Sample Form 137


Appendix 23

Sample Form 138


Appendix 24

Introductory Speech for the Guest of Honor


Appendix 25

Daily Time Record


Appendix 26

Pre-Employment Seminar

Appendix 27

Student Teachers with the Guest Speaker, Ms. Mary Rose H. Solina

Appendix 28

Guest Speaker: Ms. Jevvy Jean Necesito

Appendix 29

Educ Fest 2019 Activities


Appendix 30

Lesson Plan for Final Demonstration Teaching


Appendix 31

Final Demonstration Teaching: Differentiated Activities

Appendix 32

Final Demonstration Teaching: Teaching Materials


Appendix 33

Final Demonstration Teaching: Analysis of the Lesson

Appendix 34

The Final Demonstration Teaching Panelists


Appendix 35

Evaluation Sheet for the Final Demonstration Teaching


Appendix 36

The School Director, Ms. Corazon Chavez, and the Cooperating Teacher, Ms.
Leovane Comia

Appendix 37

Student Teachers with the School Director and the Cooperating Teacher

Appendix 38

Student Teacher Rating Scale


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