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Legalization of Marijuana: for better or for worst?

The term medical marijuana refers to using the whole, unprocessed

marijuana plant or its basic extracts to treat symptoms of illness and other
conditions. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not recognized
or approved the marijuana plant as medicine. Because the marijuana plant
contains chemicals that may help treat a range of illnesses and symptoms,
many people argue that it should be legal for medical purposes. In fact, a
growing number of states have legalized marijuana for medical use. It is
scientifically proven that the chemicals of marijuana can be used as
medications. But is this reasonable enough to approve that marijuana should
be legalize? How about the other effects if people will use marijuana? How
about the negative aspects of using marijuana, are we able to forget about it
just because of its good benefits?
Marijuana plants was not approved by FDA- medicine. The FDA requires
carefully conducted studies (clinical trials) in hundreds to thousands of
human subjects to determine the benefits and risks of a possible medication.
There were also lock of evidence for therapeutic benefit of marijuana. Data
appraising the effectiveness of marijuana in conditions such as HIV/AIDS,
epilepsy, and chemotherapy-associated vomiting is limited and often only
anecdotal. A growing myth among the public is that marijuana is not an
addictive substance. Data clearly show that about 10% of those who use
cannabis found on marijuana become addicted, this number is higher among
the adolescents.
There is some evidence that compounds naturally found in marijuana
have therapeutic benefit for symptoms of diseases such as HIV/AIDS,
multiple sclerosis, and cancer. Marijuana for recreational use will have many
adverse health effects. The drug is addictive, with mounting evidence for the
existence of a withdrawal syndrome. Furthermore, it has been shown to
have adverse effects on mental health, intelligence including irreversible
declines in cognition, and the respiratory system. Yes, marijuana could help
us people for medication but marijuana could also kill us for much bigger
negative health effects. Marijuana should not be legalize.

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