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Tanut Vongsoontorn

MSCY 511/611 Listening assignment #1

1. When the two voices sing together, what intervals occur most frequently between
the two voices

- The perfect fifth

2. How does the music from 0.09 - 0.36 seem to be related to the music from 0.00 -
0.09 ?

- The music from 0.09 - 0.36 seem to be relate in begin used to the main
melodic line of the music from 0.00 - 0.09 and extend the melodic line by
using the melisma technique

3. In the parts with two voices, please describe the melodic shape of each voice. In

what ways are the melodic shapes of the two voices similar to each other? In what
ways are their melodic shapes different from another one ?

- In this piece the first part 2 voices sing “Al - le” the melodic shape move on
the contrary motion but the next syllable is “lu” the melodic shape move on
the similar motion and almost the end of bars the lower voice hold the
single note at “D” the composer used the oblique motion the upper voice
move down to voice crossing of the lower voice and finally move up to
unison on note “G” at the last note of the bars

In the second part composer used the oblique motion and the contrary
motion and some place used the voice crossing sometimes

4. What are some musical characteristic you hear in this piece of organum that sound
unusual or unfamiliar when compare with music by later Western composers such
as Bach, Mozart, or Beethoven ?

- The characteristic that I hear in this piece of organum that sound unusual or
unfamiliar is this is Organum always the heterophony and only counterpoint
is normally consonance in the intervals 3,4,5,8 and Unison is different so
much when compare with music by the later western composer because
the later composer use the texture of music in homophony or polyphony
They have many texture in music more than herterophony or counterpoint
and in the harmony the later composer are usually use the chord
progression and extended harmony or chord

5. Although this music was written almost 1,000 years ago, what characteristics of
the music do you think still sound familiar or modern, however ?

- The Characteristics of music that I think still familiar is it sound of the

church music and when I in Secondary school I study in christian school
when I have the concert tour my teacher give an order to me that I have to
go to church in evening Missa before concert and some christian church
still used the organum in Missa

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