Read Twilight

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Finding the Series + Prologue

“Alice?” Bella groaned. “What are you doing?”

“I’m buying you a new book.” Alice said cheerfully, hitting the purchase button. “You can’t keep
reading those classics over and over! Come on, Bella. Please?” Alice begged, looking into Bella’s eyes
with a pleading expression. Then she blinked. “Thank you!” She squealed.

“Alice…” Edward murmured, stroking Bella’s hair.

“Shut up, Edward. Bella’s already said yes. Plus, they’re already purchased. So, there,” Alice said
firmly, skipping out of the room. “The books are called Twilight, by Stephanie Meyer. “ She called over
her shoulder.

“I’m sorry, Bella…” Edward said.

“Never again, Edward. Never again.” Bella growled.


“They’re here, they’re here!” Alice screeched, running into the living room with a brown
cardboard box. She tore it open with one swift, graceful movement, and a glass case with four books
emerged. “Let’s read it together!”

Just then, Alice lost all sense of what would happen next. “Jake!” She complained. Then she
turned around. “Em-bry! Quil!” She groaned.

“We heard there was book reading with the leeches. These two never read, so I thought It’d be
good for them.” Jake chuckled, sitting in a recliner.

“Well, Jasper and Emmet never read either, so it’ll be a nice change for them, too, dog.” Rosalie

“Rose, be nice.” Emmet chuckled.

“I think I can help with that.” Jasper sighed.

“Jazz!” Rosalie said just before a wave of calm washed over her.

“Oh, this should be interesting.” Carlisle chuckled, walking into the room with Esme.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you guys, this whole series seems to be about Edward, Bella, us, and the
wolves.” Alice chirped, inducing several gaping jaws.

“Okay…” Embry mumbled, sitting down on the floor.

“I’ll start.” Jake laughs, taking the book labeled Twilight. “Prologue.”
“OK, Wolf boy, get to the story.” Emmet says impatiently.

“Fine, fine. “ Jake says, making a show of becoming a librarian reading to a bunch of children.
“Here we go.”

“I’ve never given much thought to how I would die, though I’d had enough reason to in the
last few months.”

“Well, that does sound like when Edward first met Bella-hell, he was set on killing her for an
hour.” Emmet laughed. Edward snarled.

“Thanks.” He hissed, his grip tightening around Bella.

“Okay, let me read…” Jacob muttered, irritated.

“But even if I had, I would not have imagined it like this. I stared without breathing into the
dark eyes of the hunter, and he looked pleasantly back at me.” Jacob said in an eerie voice.

“I guess it’s in Bella’s point of view.” Esme murmured.

Bella looked absolutely horrified. “What? Oh, no….” She moaned in horror.

Edward, on the other hand, looked ecstatic. “I finally get to see inside your head. That’ll be a
nice change.” He chuckled.

“Uh-oh,” Bella muttered.

“Let me read.” Jacob complained.

“Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someone I loved. Noble, even.
That ought to count for something.” Jacob whispered, his eyes sweeping the room.

Edward sighed. “My Bella only worried about others, always so selfless…” He trailed off, burying
his face in her hair.

Jake cleared his throat. “I knew if I’d never gone to Forks, I wouldn’t be facing death now.”

Edward stiffened a little at that.

“Well, It’s true,” Jasper laughed.

Alice glared at him.

“Such a scary little monster.” He teased.

“Grr,” She muttered, sticking her tongue out at him.

Jacob sighed. “But, terrified as I was, I couldn’t bring myself to regret the decision.”
Edward smiled.

“When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, It’s not reasonable to
grieve when it comes to an end.”

“God, Bella, why must you make us feel bad with all the self-sacrifice and words of wisdom? It’s
not polite to show off.” Alice teased, a smile playing on her lips.

“People, let the poor guy read.” Embry and Quil said in unison.

“Fine, fine. Go ahead and read, pup.” Jasper chuckled.

“The hunter smiled in a friendly way as he sauntered forward to kill me.” Jacob said
dramatically, getting up and laughing darkly. “Mwahahaha!”

“Mature, Jake, Very mature,” Bella chided.

“I know, right?”

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