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ob and Mary have been on holiday for a week. They've visited a lot of tropical beaches and they've ‘swum in the blue sea. Have they bought any sou- venirs yet? No, they haven't. We form the present perfect simple with the auxiliary verb have/has and the past participle. We form the past participle of regular verbs by adding -ed to the verb. eg. play - played ‘We form the past participle of Irregular verbs differently. 0.9. s00- seen (See list of irregular verbs on page 152.) ‘We form questions by putting have/ has before the sub- ject. 0g. Have they road tho book? We form negations by putting not between have/has and the past participle. eg, He has not/hasn’t repaired the TV yet 1 have ve He/She/t has 's ie YouMe/They have ve leon helsho/it you/we/they } finished Lang farm | Short form il | th | 1 have not —navent He/She/it has not hasn't Sinjsniacy YouWe/They have not haven't J left. ‘ect Simple Make sentences using the prompts below as in the oxample. 1 read / a newspaper / yesterday 1 haven't read a newspaper since yesterday... have / a break / this moming travel / abroad / last summer watch / TV / last night buy /a present / December write | a letter / Christmas eat / dinner / al a restaurant / last month j > WELS Shout usw ELS Se has. Nousen eS e.g. Has she called her parents? Yes, she Yes, we have. No, I/we haven't, Have you ...? Geaweenls ‘Yes, helshe/it has. No, he/she/it hasn't Yes, they have. Have they ..? No, they havent a ‘Sam hasn't seen John for a long time. He wants to know what John has done since they last met. In pairs, ask and answer questions using the prompte bolow ac in the example. $A: Have you found a new job? 8B: Yes, i have, — find / a new job? v ‘ya buy/abigger car? |v Ea move / house? x ss | got / married? x finish | your studies? . ot start / taking Karate lessons? o We use the present perfect simple: ‘® Tor actions which happened at an unstated time in the past. The exact time is not mentioned because it is not important. We put more emphasis on the action. Kim has bought a new ‘mobile phone. (Wiben di she buy i? We don't mention the ‘exact time because it is not important. What is important is the fact that she's got a ‘new mooie prone.) for actions which started in the past and are still continuing in the present. He nas been a car saiesman since 1990. (He started working as a car salesman in 1990 and he stil is a car salesman.) for actions which have recently finished and their results are visible in the present. They have done their shop- ping. (We can see that they hhave finished their shopping because they're leaving the supermarket and there are bags in their troley.) with today, this moming/aftemoon, etc. when these periods of time are not finished at the time of speaking. He has made ten pots this ‘moming. (I is stil morning 0 this poriod of time is not frished.) Present Perfec Time expressions used with the present perfect imple inoludo: for, since, already, just, always, recently, ever, how long, yet, lately, never, 50 far, today, this morning/afternoon/weekimonth/year, etc. Affirmative for e.g. | have known them for six years. since e.g. She has been ill since Monday. already ©.g.We have already eaten our lunch. Just e.g. / have Just posted the lerter. always o.g. She has always wanted to travel abroad. recently 6.9. He has recently published a book. ‘Questions ‘ever e.g. Have you ever met anybody famous? how long e.g. How long have you lived here? yet e.g. Has Paul left yet? lately 0.9. Have you seen any good films lately? Negations for c.g. | haven't talked to him for days. ‘since e.g. They haven't been abroad since 1990. yet e.g.She hasn't answered my letter yet. lately e.g. | haven't seen John lately. never e.9. hey have never worked abroad. ea FFL in since oF tor 1 for. tenyears 6 = Six months 2 wane 7 teh BD cesesne Bociock 8 we moved : wonors totum 5 ages 9 wo three minutes Qy ten cota with cotamn B Column A Column B 1 Jerry hasn't typed @ visited Japan? 2 She has always b talked to them. Showyores Lee helter yet ‘ Wevcshondy a lonlew archon S imma areaay tear been known them? 6 How long have you t wanted to be a singer. ‘ect Simple Fill in the gaps with recently, how fong, yet, always, ever, already, since or never. Howr long... has she been an air hostess? she left school. :; Jonathan has moved house .... : What's his new address? : Ican't phone you. | haven't got a phone ... ‘Well, I'll come to your house instead. 4 A; Has she finished her homework ae es. She's .. finished i 5 A: He eats a lot of vegetables, doesn't he? B: Yes. He's .. : - liked vegetables. 6 A: Have you been to China? B: No, | have . . been there, Helo, Mrs Kerns. Can | peak to Mary, ploaco? “[ she isn't here. | ‘She's gone to l Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the present perfect simple. ‘A: Have you ever given an interview? B: No, |...have never done... (neverido) that, ‘A: What time does the train leave? Bit (ustileave)! A; Is the new resiaurant good? (not/eat) there yet Shat | do the shonning now? BSH cmnmnecs lala, are you ready? No, | .. (not/dry) my hair yet. Would you like to have lunch with me? B: No, thanks. | (already/eat). «+ (already/do) it. They have gone to the cinema, (This means that they haven't come back yet. They are still at the cinoma.) @ She hes been to London. (This means that stie has visited London; site is not there now, She has come back) Fill in the gaps with haveihas been (to) or havethas gone (to). a 1 ‘Where are Tom and Lucy?’ They .. the theatre.’ 2 I don’t live in London. t... there once. 3. lam alone in the house. My parents ... on holiday. 4. ‘ig Philip at home? ‘No, he .. work. 5 My friend wants us to go on holiday to Madrid this ‘summer, but |. already . there. 6 Arita has just come home. She e the theatre 7 ‘Where are Julia and Dave?’ ‘They the sports centre with their fiends.” have gone to... ~ Only 8) e Eee Fill in the gaps with have/has been (to) or have/has gone (to). Hi, Roger! Where is everybody? The house is very quiet. Well, Mum 1) .. 26 gore to... the cinema with Mavis. How about your sister? She's having a shower right now because she 2). the gym. £3) ase the gym twice this week. It's really exhausting As for Dad, he 4) .. the library to get some books. So, how about going to that new café that’s just ‘opened near the park? OH, 18) wennonn svounos there, Itisn't that great Why don't we cal Stove and go to the basketball cour? (Okay, let's do that instead. Present Perfe Rast Simple versus Present Geitea’ Staple Presenupertccesimne ‘We use the past simple for: We use the present perfect simple for: * anaction which happened at a stated time inthe __* an action which happened at an unstated time in Ed Prior won his first Ed Prior has wona gold medal in 1982. lot of medals. (When? In 1992. The (When? We don't = time is mentioned.) row. The time is ‘not stated.) * an action which started and finished in the past. * an action which started in the past and is sti ' = continuing in the present. Annette had a cold for two days. Lucy has had @ cold (She hasn't got @ for three days. cold any more.) (She has stil gota cold) Put the verbs in brackets into the past @ in pairs; nak and answer question 1g the prompts below as in the @ mxcsenee @ see 4 As I went. (ge) to the new gym yesterday. St: Have you ever been ta the LIGAZ It's good, isn’tit? |............ (Go) there a few times. SB: Yes, | have. (youwrte) to Simon lately? SA: When did you go? (write) him a letter last week. SB: | went in 1996, How long (you/be) married? : Only for six months. | (get) mantied last December. es golthe USA (When) x it a AL s i (not/see) Sam for a long Yes, 1 Bem? ume. Br Really? | onesnusneunee (600) him yosterday at plant/a tree (Where) the swimming pool. SA. ssnnenns (YOultype) the report yet? B: Yes, 1 (nish) ithalf an hour ago. Wi? singiin a choir (wnen) 6 A: Mary wn w= (know) Steven for six years. } B: When . (they/meet)? ; : AS WHEN they. -nenn-oe- (D8) at university together. Q save/your money (Why) Th v-nnen (you/everiplay) rugby? a Geeiaue nese DIE) OHNE aa meetia poitician (Who) 8 A: James .~. (write) @ new book last year. B: I know. |. sm (fad) ome great ‘raveliby boat (When) reviews about it in the newspaper. ‘ect Simple Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect simple. a Dear Margaret, Thank you very much for your letter which | | 1) received. (receive) last week. | 2) . - (be) | really happy to hear from you afterall this time. ve got a lot of news to tell you about myself. 1 2 (get) a new job nine months ago. | work as a reporter for our local TV station now. 1 4) (have) many interesting experiences so Jar. When | first 5) (star) work, the manager 6) .. {ask) me to interview our old school headmaster. He 7). ase (D0) so surprised to see me with a microphone in my hand! Last month, a fire 8) (break out) ina big fuciory ix the area. 19) (be) the only reporter who 10) . (manage) to talk to the owner! That 11) . (make) me feel very proud. ‘As you can see, | enjoy my job very much. 112)... . (meet) a lot of important people and 113) (have) the opportunity to see lots of new places. | 14) .. (buy) a ew car Because my old one 15) (break down) a couple of weeks ago. have to go now because they 16) Gustlinform) me that | have to fly by helicopter to Hidde Thave to talk to people whose homes were damaged by the storm which 17) . ¢hid) the area last night. You see, ! don’t have a moment's rest! Keep in touch. Love, Rosie pea Put the verbs in brackets into the prosent perfect simple or the past simple. ‘A: Hello, Bly. 11) haven't seen (notisee) you for along time. B: Yes, 12) (be) very busy recently. Really? Tell me what you 3) since we last 4) .. (do) wow (S€) each other. B: Well, 15) (get) my dagree last manth and then | 6) -.nenrennnewe (MOVE) HOUSE. ‘A: When 7) sevntnninneenses (YOUNNOWE)? B: Last week, but | 8) .. a ee (notunpack) everything yet A:1 9) . . (phone) you on Tuesday ‘but there 10) «= (bo) no answer, B:1 11)... (be) busy at my new house then A: Never mind, | only 12) .- (want) 10 invite you to a party next week at my house, B: Great! Thank you. Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect simple or the past simple. 1 Mr and Mrs Patel ...Won... (Win) IWO tree tickets to Paris in a TV show last week. 2 First, Rahert (bush) his testh, then he .» (go) to bed. BG ce (youlever/see) ation?’ ‘Yes, | saw one when | .-« (QO) to Kenya in 1996," ai. (not/sae) my family fortwo years. 5 Where's John?’ ‘He (a) fishing for the day wit 6 My sister i violin since she was twelve. Pt film. Let's watch something else. 8 Last wook, Fred ladder and ... B) lsesesc song before Jennifer to get Harrison Fora's autograph is (not/ptay) the (alreadyisee) this . (fal) off a ~ (oreak) hs arm. “ (neverfhear) such a moving (always/want) Cs ‘Study these examples. The second sentence has a similar meaning to the first sentence. 11 He has never travelled by boat before. time It's the first time he has travelled by boat. 2 Sharon hasn't been to a party for two months. went The last time Sharon went to a party was two months ago. 3 I's @ long time since Mary visited Helen for Mary hae not vicitod Holon for along timo. Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word in bold. 11 Kate hasn't phoned her mother for a week Phoned The last time ...Kate phoned her mother was... a week ago. 2 They have never visited Vienna belore. time t's the Vienna, 3 it’s along time since | ate out. for | a . along time. 4 Roger hasnt played tennis for six weeks, played The last time tennis was six weeks ago. 5 t's years since Mr Smith went on holiday. has = Mr Smith a for years. 6 John hasn't been to his country house since Easter. went — The last time John ssansnenennneennnr was at Easter. 4, Correct the mistakes. We have bought a now sofa last month, Jim lives in Germany for three years. My father has went fishing, She is just moved house. We have eaten lunch at one o'clock. Sophie has do her homework ‘Ann and Tim have got married ten years ago. 1am at school since nine o'clock evomsens \ sion Box Put the vorbs in brackets into the correct tense. Dear Bert, 11) ...'m writing... (write) to tell you what a great time we 2) ....... (have) at the Sour Grapes concert last weekend. It’s a pity YOU 3) ern - (not/come). The concert 4) .. (take) place in the football stadium near the university. There 8) i (be) about 80,000 people there. While we 6) (wait) to get in, we 7) (see) the members of the group arrive in a big black limo. They 8) .. sessnsseeess (have) bodyguards with them. Anyway, we 9) . (find) our seats and 10) ... wait) coy for the concert to bes The Sour Grapes 11) . 5 .. (recently/record) an album which 12) (become) very successful. The concert 13) «.... - (last) for two and a half hours. 14). i 8 (end) you some photos that Alex 18) . cones (take) when we 16)... 4 (be) there. We 17) a. . thear) that the Sour Grapes 18) Give) a big concert in London next month. Perhaps you can see them there. Best Wishes, Roger Present Pertec Read the notes about Paul Vern who is a famous run- ner. Make sentences using the prompts given as in the example e.g. Paul Vern was born in Sussex. bo born /in Succox always want / be a runner start running / at the age of seven win / the school championship / when / be /15 years old join / the national team / four years ago win / Several medals / so far recently receive / the “Athlote of the Year" award get married / last month already take part / in two international championships eee Activity Imagine you want to write an article about Paul Vern for your School newspaper. Use your notes from the Oral Activity to write a short text. You can begin like this: Paul Vern is a famous runner who competes intemationaily, He was born in Sussex.

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