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Solved Comprehension Passages Pdf Part 1 –

Reading Comprehension 1 suffering on the other, of which, Roberspierre

Among those who call themselves socialists, and St. Just, were hitherto the typical
two kinds of persons may be distinguished. instances, scarcely came up to. Nevertheless,
They are, in the first place, those who plan for a this scheme has great elements of popularity
new order of society, in which private and which the more cautious and reasonable form
individual competition are to be superseded of socialism has not; because what it
and other motives to action substituted, are on professes to do, it promises to do quickly and
the scale of a village community of township, holds out hope to the enthusiasts of seeing the
and would be applied to an entire country by the whole of their aspirations realised in their own
multiplication of such self-acting units; of this time and at a blow.
character are the systems of Owen, of Fourier,
and the more thoughtful and philosophic Question 1.Who among of the following is not
socialists generally. The other class, which is a socialist?
more a product of the continent than of Great
Britain and may be called the revolutionary
socialists, has people who propose to
themselves a much bolder stroke. Their
scheme is the management of the whole C.Owen
productive resources of the country by one D.All are socialists.
central authority, the general government. And
with this view some of them avow as their Question 2.Which of the following, according
purpose that the working classes, or somebody to the author, is true?
on their behalf, should take possession of all
the property of the country, and administer it for A.The second form of socialism has more
the general benefit. difficulties that the first
Whatever may be the difficulties of the first of B.The second form of socialism has the same
these two forms of socialism, the second may difficulties as the first
evidently involve the same difficulties and C.The second form of socialism has less difficulties
many more. The former, too has the great
than the first
advantage that it can be brought into operation
D.The author has not compared the difficulties of
progressively, and can prove its capabilities by
trial. It can be tried first on a select population the two
and extended to the rest as their education
and cultivation permit. It need not, and the Question 3.According to the author, the
natural order of things would not, become an difference between the two kinds of socialists
engine of subversion until it has shown itself is that
capable of being also a mean of
reconstruction. It is not so with the other: the consists of thinkers and the others are
aim of that is to substitute the new rule for the active people
old at a single stroke, and to exchange the B.the first have a definite philosophy and the
amount of good realized under the present second don’t have any definite philosophy
system, and its large possibilities for a plunge C.the first believe in gradual change while the
without any preparation into the most extreme others believe in revolutionary change
form of the problem of carrying on the whole
D.the first are the products of Britain, while the
round of the operations of social life without
other are products of Russia
the motive power which has always hitherto
worked the social machinery. It must be
acknowledged that those who would play this Question 4.Which of the following were
game on the strength of their own private characteristics of St. Just and Robespierre?
opinion, unconfirmed as yet by any
experimental verification-who would forcibly A.Unconcern for other’s suffering
deprive all who have now a comfortable B.Full confidence in their own wisdom
physical existence of their only present means C.Both 1 and 2
of preserving it, and would brave the frightful D.Neither 1 nor 2
bloodshed and misery that would ensue if the
attempt was resisted-must have a serene Question 5.Which of the following according
confidence in their own wisdom on one hand
to the author, may not be the result of not
and the recklessness of other peoples’

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Solved Comprehension Passages Pdf Part 1 –

verifying the desirability of socialism 3. C

experimentally first? 4. C
5. C
A.Bloodshed 6. B
7. A
B.Deprivation of current comfortable existence 8. A

Reading Comprehension 2
C.Corruption in high places
Directions (1-10): Read the following
D.Misery caused by resisting the change passage carefully and answer the
questions given below it. Certain words
Question 6.According to the philosophy of have been printed in bold to help you
revolutionary socialism, locate them while answering some of the
A.the government takes over the villages first,
and then gradually the whole country. Financial Inclusion (FI) is an emerging priority
for bank s that have nowhere else to go to
achieve business growth. The viability of FI
B.the government takes over all productive
business is under question, because while
resources of the country at one stroke.
bank s and their delivery partners continue to
mak e investments, they haven't seen
C.the government declares a police state and commensurate returns. In mark ets lik e India,
rules by decree. most programmes are focused on customer
on-boarding, an expensive process which
D.there is no government as such: the people people often find difficult to afford, involving
rule themselves by the socialist doctrine. issuance of smart cards to the customers.
However, large-scale customer acquisition
Question 7.The word 'avow' in the context of hasn't translated into large-scale business,
the passage means with many accounts lying dormant and
therefore yielding no return on the bank 's
A.proclaim investment. For the same reason, Business
Correspondent Agents, who constitute the
primary channel for financial inclusion, are
unable to pursue their activity as a full-time
job. One major reason for this state of events
C.confirm is that the customer on-boarding process is
often delayed after the submission of
D.deny documents (required to validate the details of
the concerned applicant) by the applicant and
might tak e as long as two week s. By this time
the initial enthusiasm of applicants fades
away. Moreover, the delivery partners don't
Question 8.It may be inferred from the
have the k nowledge and sk ill to propose
passage that the author's sympathies are for
anything other than the most basic financial
products to the customer and hence do not
A.neither side. serve their bank s"' goal of expanding the
offering in unbank ed mark ets.
B.the side of the socialist doctrine.

C.the second type of socialism. Contrary to popular perception, the inclusion

segment is not a singular impoverished,
D.the first type of socialism. undifferentiated mass and it is important to
navigate its diversity to identify the right target
(Answer) Reading Comprehension 1 : customers for various programmes. Rural
1. D mark ets do have their share of rich people who
2. A do not use bank ing services simply because
they are inconvenient to access or have low

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Solved Comprehension Passages Pdf Part 1 –

perceived value. At the same time, urban and skills explain anything beyond basic
mark ets, despite a high branch density, have financial products to the customers.
multitude of low wage earners outside the (C) They do not have the skills to operate
financial net. Moreover, the branch timings of advanced technological aids that are a
bank s rarely coincide with the off-work hours prerequisite to tap the unbanked-market.
of the labour class.
1) Only (B)
Creating affordability is crucial in tapping the 2) Only (C)
unbank ed mark et. No doubt pricing is a tool, 3)All (A), (B) & (C)
but bank s also need to be innovative in right- 4) Only (A)
sizing their proposition to convince customers 5) Both (B) and (C)
that they can derive big value even from small
amounts. One way of doing this is to show the 3. According to the passage, for which of
target audience that a bank account is actually the following reasons is the viability of
a lifestyle enabler, a convenient and safe financial inclusion under question?
means to send money to family or mak e a (1) Banks always prefer the cheapest package
variety of purchases. Once bank s succeed in (to cut cost) while making a choice of
hook ing customers with this value proposition technology to be used.
they must sustain their interest by introducing (2) The Business Correspondent Agents are
a simple and intuitive user application, highly demotivated to pursue their activity as a
ubiquitous access over mobile and other touch full-time job.
points, and adopting a bank ing mechanism (3) The investments made by banks and their
which is not only secure but also reassuring to delivery partners are not yielding equal
the customer. Technology is the most amounts of returns.
important element of financial inclusion (4) Banks do not have adequate number of
strategy and an enabler of all others. The delivery partners required to tap the unbanked
choice of technology is therefore a crucial market.
decision, which could mak e or mar the (5) Banks do not have adequate manpower to
agenda. Of the various section criteria, cost is explore the diversity of the unbanked market
perhaps the most important. This certainly and thereby identify the right target customers
does not mean buying the cheapest pack age, for various programs.
but rather choosing that solution which by
scaling transactions to huge volumes reduces 4. In the passage, the author has specified
per unit operating cost. An optimal mix of which of the following characteristics of
these strategies would no doubt offer an the customer on-boarding process?
innovative means of expansion in the (1) It involves collection of documents from the
unbank ed mark et. applicants in order to validate their details.
(2) It involves issuance of smart cards to the
1. Which of the following facts is true as customers.
per the passage? (3) It suffers from latency as it takes a long
(1) People from rural areas have high time after submission of documents by the
perceived value of banking services. customer
(2) Cost is not a valid criterion for technological (4) It is an expensive process which people
pack selection for financial-inclusion initiatives. find difficult to afford.
(3) The inclusion segment is a singular (5) All of the given characteristics have been
impoverished_ undifferentiated mass. specified
(4) The branch timings of banks generally do
not coincide with the off-work hours of the 5. What did the author try to highlight in the
labour class in urban markets passage?
(5) All the given statements are true (A) The ailing condition of financial inclusion
business at present
2. According to the passage, for which of (B) Strategies that may help banks expand in
the following reasons do the delivery the unbanked market
partners fail to serve their bank-‘s goal to (C) Role of government in modifying the
expand in the unbanked markets? existing financial-inclusion policies
(A) They do not have adequate client base to (1) Both A & B
sell they financial products. 2) All A, B, & C
(B) They do not have adequate knowledge (3) only C

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(4)Only A 2. 1
(5) Only B 3. 3
4. 5
6. According to the passage, which of the 5. 1
following ways may help banks sustain the 6. 5
interest of their customers after hooking 7. 4
them? 8. 3
(A) Adoption of a banking mechanism which is 9. 5
not only secure but reassuring to the 10. 3
(B) Increasing the number of delivery partners
in rural market Reading Comprehension 3
(C) Introduction of a simple and intuitive user
(1) Only (A) Today, emerging markets account for more
(2) Only (C) than half of world GDP on the basis of
(3) Only (B) purchasing
(4) All (A), (B) and (C)
5) Both (A) and (C)
power, according to the International Monetary
Fund (IMF). In the 1990s, it was about a third.
For Qs(7-8): Choose the word which is In the late 1990s, 30% of countries in the
MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the word
developing world managed to increase their
printed in bold as used in the passage.
output per person faster than America did, thus
achieving what is calIed “catch-up growth”. That
7. Multitude
catching up was somewhat lackadaisical: the
1) Impoverished
gap closed at just 1.5% a year. Some ofthis was
2) Handful due to slower growth in America; most was not.
3) Acknowledged
The most impressive growth was in four ofthe
4) Plenty
biggest emerging economies: Brazil, Russia,
5) Solitude India and China (BRICs). These economies
have grown in different ways and for different
8. Ubiquitous
reasons. The remarkable growth of emerging
(1) Quintessential markets in general and BRICs in particular
(2) Popular
transformed the global economy in many ways,
(3) Omnipresent some wrenching.
(4) Simplified
(5) Abnormal
Commodity prices particularly soared and the
For Qs (9-10): Choose the word which is cost of manufacture and labour sank. A growing
MOST OPPOSITE in meaning to the word and vastly more accessible pool of labour in
printed in bold as used in the passage. emerging economies played a part in both
wage stagnation and rising income inequality in
9. Dormant rich ones. Global poverty rates tumbled. Gaping
1) Emaciated economic imbalances fuelled an era of financial
2) Pertinent vulnerability and laid the groundwork for global
3) Cornered crisis. The shift towards the emerging
4) Rejected economies will continue. But its most
5) Active tumultuous phase seems to have more or less
reached its end. Growth rates have dropped.
10. Delayed The nature of their growth is in the process of
1) Perturbed changing, too and its new mode will have fewer
2) Popularised direct effects on the rest of the world. The
3) Expedited likelihood of growth in other emerging
4) Stabilised economies having an effect in the near future
5) Represse comparable to that of BRICs in the recent past
is low. The emerging giants will grow larger, and
Answer) Reading Comprehension 2 : their ranks will swell but their tread will no longer
shake the Earth as once it did.
1. 4

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Solved Comprehension Passages Pdf Part 1 –

After the 1990s there followed ‘convergenc e Q1. According to the passage, which of the
with a vengeance’. China’s pivot towards following is a reason for the author’s
liberalisationand global markets came at a prediction regarding N11 countries?
propitious time in terms of politics, business and
technology. Rich economies were feeling (1) N11 countries are poorer, have less
relaxed about globalisation and current account resources than BRIC countries and do not have
deficits. America, booming and confident, was much
not troubled by the growth of Chinese industry
or by off-shoring jobs to India. And the scope to grow.
technology etc necessary to assemble and
maintain complex supply chains were coming
into their own, allowing firms to spread their (2) The size of these countries is too great to
operations between countries and across fuel a high rate of growth as expected by BRICs
oceans. The tumbling costs of shipping and countries.
communication sparked globalisation’s “second
unbundling” (the first was the simple ability to (3) The world economy is so large that the
provide consumers in one place with goods magnitude of growth from these countries will
from another). As longer supply chains have to be huge to equal the growth of BRICs.
infiltrated and connected places with large and
fast-growing working-age populations , (4) These economies are agricultural and have
enormous quantities of cheap new not opened up their economies yet so their
labourbecame accessible. Advanc ed scope of growth is greater than that of BRlCs.
economies added about 160m non-farm jobs
between 1980 and 2010. In 2007 China’s (5) Other than those given as options
economy expanded by an eye-popping 14.2%.
India managed 10.1 % growth, Russia 8.5%
Q2. What is the author’s view of
and Brazil 6.1 %. The IMF now reckons there
globalisation’s “second unbundling”?
will be slowdown in growth. China will grow by
just 7.8% in 2013, India by 5.6% and Russia
and Brazil by 2.5%. (1) It-proved beneficial since it created a large
number of jobs and tremendous growth in
crossborder trade.
Other countries have impressive growt h
potential. The “Next 11” (N11) includes
Bangladesh, (2) It disturbed the fragile balance of power
among BRIC nations and caused internal strife.
Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria and Turkey. But
there are various reasons to think that this N11 (3) It caused untold damage to America’s
economy since it restricted the spread of
cannot have an impact on the same scale as
that of the BRICs. The first is that these
economies are smaller. The N11 has a farms off-shore.
population of just over 1.3 billion -less than half
that of the BRICs. The second is that the Nil is (4) It proved most beneficial for the agricultural
richer now than the BRICs were back in the day. sector, creating huge employment
The third reason that the performance of the opportunities.
BRICs cannot be repeated is the very success
of that performance. The world economy is (5) Citizens in advanced countries became
much larger than it used to be – twice as big in much better off than those in emerging
real terms as it was in 1992, according to IMF economies.
figures. But whether or not the world can build
on a remarkable era of growth will depend in
Q3. Choose the word which is most nearly
large part on whether the new giants tread a the SAME in meaning as the word
path towards greater global co-operation – or TUMBLING given in bold as used in the
stumble, fall and, in times of tumult and in the passage.
worst case, fight.
(1) jumbling

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(2) confusing Earth as it once did” convey in the context

of the passage?
(3) reducing
(1) While many countries will try and achieve
(4) dilapidated the same rate of growth as BRICs they will not

(5) hurrying succeed.

Q4. What do the comparative statistics of (2) The growth of BRIC countries has changed
2007 and 2013 for BRICs countrie s the world’s economy in ways that any further
published by, the IMF as cited in the
passage indicate? growth will not have such a disruptive effect on
the world economy.
(1) BRIC economies will contribute less to
global growth. (3) Developing countries have strengthened
their fiscal systems in such a way that they will
(2) As the population of these countries grows, not be shaken to such a great extent again
its growth rate is filling.
(4) Poverty may increase as the gap between
(3) The financial practices followed by these the rich and the poor increase but it will never
countries will continue to pay rich dividends. reach the same leves as prior to the crisis.

(4) These countries are creating global financial (5) Citizens in advanced countries became
imbalances to the detriment of smaller much better off than those in emerging
developing economies like Africa.
Q7. Which of the following best describe s
‘catch-up growth’?
(5) IMF forecasts of growth rate for these
countries have not been fulfilled.
(1) Emerging economies tried but failed to catch
up with America, which always grew at a
Q5. What effect did rising economies of
BRICs have on the global economy?
higher growth rate.
(1) It helped stabilise the global economy and
insulate it from the fallout of the global fmancial (2) The size of emerging economies and their
crisis. purchasing power has caught up with and now

(2) Labour became more highly skilled and exceeds the rich countries together.
wages were alarmingly increased, reducing the
offshoring of jobs to developing countries. (3) The growth of the American economy
determines the growth of emerging economies.
(3) Though worldwide poverty rates tumbled,
the gap between the rich and the poor in (4) From the later half of 1990s onwards
richeconomies increased. emerging economies outdid America in terms of
output per person.
(4) The cost of living and level of inflation in
these countries were mantained at low levels. (5) None of the given statements describes
‘catch up growth.’
(5) All the given options are effects of the rise in
BRIC economies. Q8. Which of the following can be said about
‘convergence with a vengeance?
Q6. What does the phrase “Their ranks will
swell but their tread will no longer shake the

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Solved Comprehension Passages Pdf Part 1 –

(A) After the 1990s advanced economies like (1) Only (A) and (B)
America were open to the idea of free trade and
globalisation. (2) Only (A)

(B) There were huge technology advanc es (3) Only(C)

which were conducive to allowing businesses to
(4) All (A), (B) and (C)
spread their area of operations.
(5) Only (B) and (C)
(C) Rich economies felt threatened by the
competition from China.
Answer Reading Comprehension 3
1. 1
(1) Only (A) 2. 1
3. 3
(2) Only (B) 4. 1
5. 3
(3) Only(C) 6. 2
7. 4
(4) Only (A) and (B) 8. 4
9. 4
10. 1
(5) Only (B) and (C)
Reading Comprehension 4
Q9. Choose the word which is OPPOSITE in
meaning to the word EXPANDED given in The government has no business to be in the
bold as used in the passage. business of owning airports, running hotels,
making bread — and owning banks. When the
(1) widened government stepped into these sectors in the
first flush of Independence, it was with a view to
(2) pressured creating basic capacities. With the passage of
time, it became clear that overwhelming
government presence was doing no good to
(3) delayed
anyone. Today, the benefits of the government
stepping back in sectors like telecom and
(4) shrunk aviation are evident. Till as recently as the early
90s, a landline was a status symbol because it
(5) frightened was accessible to just 2 per cent of the
population. Today, the mobile phone is a
Q10. What is the author’s main objective in ubiquitous feature of rural and urban India.
writing the passage? Indian Airlines and Air-India had reduced air
travel to a privilege; with competition, rates
(A) To urge emerging economies to deal with have fallen to a third of levels that obtained a
growth, which can be disruptive, maturely and decade ago, despite little change in input costs.
The time is ripe for the government to ease itself
out of banking as well.
without conflict

(B) To point out that while the period of growt h The recent strike by State Bank of India
of BRICs was disruptive this disruption has employees will result in higher pension outgo in
the entire banking sector. This will further
almost come to a close. consolidate the organised labour aristocracy
and its tendency to act as a law unto itself. Bank
(C) To criticise advanced economies for their nationalisation was seen as a necessity in
handling of growth and promoting competition 1969, in order to direct credit to Green
and conflict in certain regions Revolution areas. Today, that system has
outlived its utility, as agriculture is a
transformed occupation with new risks and

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opportunities. Green Revolution is in the grip of 3) Landline phone is considered a status

diminishing returns, and prosperous farmers of symbol.
yesteryears are fast moving out of agriculture. 4) Gramin Banking has failed in India.
Small farmers all over the country are in 5) None of these
distress, as rural banks lend to moneylenders
instead of dealing directly with them. New forms 4. What message does the author want to
of production based on contract farming do not convey to the government through this
really need the sarkari banking network. Privat e passage?
players have made lending more competitive 1) Govt should compete with private players in
and customer-friendly. A small-scale telecom, aviation, banking etc.
entrepreneur need not suffer for lack of working 2) Govt should withdraw from telecom,
capital, nor does he have to bow and scrape aviations banking etc.
before a bank manager. Credit is readily 3) Govt should allow private players in all the
available to business, in varying packages to areas of business.
suit different needs. It is not hard to visualise a 4) Govt should provide credit to the farmers on
replication of this situation in rural areas. With a simpler terms.
number of players in rural credit, entrepreneurs 5) None of these
who come forward with proposals for food
processing and cold storage would benefit. Directions (Q. 5-7): Choose the word which
Farmers seeking to add value to their produc e is the same in meaning as the word given in
will encounter fewer hindrances in a bold as used in the passage.
competitive situation. A spirit of enterprise in
rural banking can transform rural India. Gramin 5. OVERWHELMING
banking, or microcredit, has worked wonders in 1) large
Bangladesh. Given the chance, it could do the 2) majority
same here. 3) feasible
4) vigilant
1. That the mobile phone is a ubiquitous 5) viable
feature of rural and urban India today show s
1) people have no interest in landline phone 1) convincing
these days. 2) deliberate
2) telephone is easily available everywhere 3) targeted
now. 4) approachable
3) technology can invade all the barriers. 5) distributed
4) telephone has become affordable for all now.
5) mobile phone has taken the place of landline 7. UBIQUITOUS
phone everywhere. 1) unique
2) modern
2. Which of the following seems to be false 3) omnipresent
in the context of the passage? 4) enormous
1) Agriculture sector has witnessed much 5) stylish
change over the years.
2) Green Revolution has lost its charm with the Directions (Q. 8-10): Choose the word which
farmers. is the opposite in meaning of the word given
3) The government is facing competition in in bold as used in the passage.
telecom, aviation, banking etc.
4) Agriculture is no more a lucrative area for the 8. RIPE
wealthy farmers now. 1) lengthy
5) None of these 2) inappropriate
3) rare
3. Which of the following is ‘true’ in the 4) hard
context of the passage? 5) umpteen
1) Getting loans from private banks is easier
than the nationalised banks. 9. CONSOLIDATE
2) Credit through banks is readily available for 1) deviate
even small farmers these days. 2) strike
3) drag

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Solved Comprehension Passages Pdf Part 1 –

4) weaken applied ethics or professional ethics that examines

5) instigate ethical principles and moral or ethical problems
that arise in a business environment. It applies to
all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to
1) deliberately
2) strictly the conduct of individuals and entire
3) strangely organizations. Business ethics has both normative
4) supposedly and descriptive dimensions. As a corporate
5) None of the above practice and a career specialization, the field is
primarily normative. Academics attempting to
Answer Reading Comprehension 4 understand business behaviour employ descriptive
1. 3
methods. The range and quantity of business
2. 5
3. 1 ethical issues reflects the interaction of profit-
4. 3 maximizing behaviour with non-economic
5. 1 concerns. Ethical behaviour and corporate social
6. 4 responsibility can bring significant benefits to a
7. 3 business. For example, they may: attract
8. 2 customers to the firm’s products, thereby boosting
9. 4
sales and profits. It makes employees want to stay
10. 5
with the business, reduce labour turnover and
therefore increase productivity. It attracts more
Reading Comprehension 5
employees wanting to work for the business,
Ethics concern an individual’s moral judgements reduce recruitment costs and enable the company
about right and wrong. Decisions taken within an to get the most talented employees and also
organization may be made by individuals or attract investors and keep the company’s share
groups, but whoever makes them will be price high, thereby protecting the business from
influenced by the culture of the company. The takeover.
decision to behave ethically is a moral one;
employees must decide what they think is the
right course of action. This may involve rejecting While unethical behaviour or a lack of corporate
the route that would lead to the biggest short- social responsibility, by comparison, may damage a
term profit. Ethical issues include the rights and firm’s reputation and make it less appealing to
duties between a company and its employees, stakeholders. Unethical behaviour can also result
suppliers, customers and neighbours, in bad publicity, resulting in a bad name that will
its fiduciary responsibility to its shareholders. always be associated with the company even if
Issues concerning relations between different they attempt to utilize a more ethical code of
companies include hostile take-over and conduct. If a company has unethical behaviour and
industrial espionage. Related issues include is charged by the courts, they can wind up paying
governance; corporate; political contributions; fines, court fees and may even receive some jail
legal issues such as the ethical debate over time, many companies eventually go bankrupt and
introducing a crime of corporate manslaughter; close their doors due to the high cost of unethical
and the marketing of corporations’ ethics policies. behaviours. Unethical behaviour also decreases
productivity of a company. If you are working in a
company with bad ethical behaviours, it is difficult
Business ethics reflects the philosophy of business, for the employees to trust each other, or their
one of whose aims is to determine the supervisors. When people work in an environment
fundamental purposes of a company. If a where they do not trust anyone, they are not
company’s purpose is to maximize shareholder going to do their best work, if they continue to
returns, then sacrificing profits to other concerns is work there at all. Unethical behaviour can cause
a violation of its fiduciary responsibility. Business employees to lose the faith in the company and
ethics is also known as corporate ethics, a form of become more likely to call in sick more often or

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Solved Comprehension Passages Pdf Part 1 –

not even show up at all. Once a company is known Direction : Choose the word which is most
for having unethical behaviours, the effects can be nearly the SAME in meaning as the word
permanent. All of the years spent building a good printed in bold as used in the passage.
reputation can be quickly torn down with only one
unethical incident, destroying the company’s 1) Employee
reputation possibly forever. 2) Depositary
3) Guardian
4) Collector
1. What is meant by Manslaughter ?
5) Store keeper
1) A kind of heinous crime
2) It's all about foul play.
3) Legally killing of one human being by
1) Spying
another. 2) Information
4) Killing without malicious forethought
3) Reforms
5) None of these
4) Norms
5) Requirement
2. What is/are the dimensions of Busine ss
ethics ?
1) Corporate ethics 1) Restored
2) Applied ethics or professional ethics
2) Solvent
3) Normative and descriptive
3) Bulldoze
4) 1) and 2) 4) End
5) None of these
5) Demolish
3. What can be the worst impact of unethical Direction : Choose the word which is most
behaviour in corporate world ?
OPPOSITE in meaning of the word printed in
1) It can reduce the loyalty of customer towards
bold as used in the passage.
the product.
2) It will reduce productivity.
3) It may damage firm's reputation and make it
1) Start
less appealing to stake holders. 2) Neglect
4) A company can be charged by the counts
3) Conclude
and order to close down it with a fine or jail or
4) Unsettled
both. Thus, company becomes insolvent. 5) Normalized
5) Both 1 and 3
4. Once a company is known for having 1) Successful
unethical behaviours, the effect can be - 2) Saved
1) Permanent
3) Rich
2) Negligible 4) Solvent
3) Determined 5) Complete
4) Partial
5) None of these
Answers Reading Comprehension 5:
5. Which of the following is definitely true in
the context of the passage ? 1. 4
1) Profit maximization directly proportional to 2. 3
ethical behaviour. 3. 4
2) People having ethical behaviour always in 4. 1
loss at their working place. 5. 1
3) Corporate culture does not understand 6. 2
business behaviour. 7. 1
4) Both 2 and 3 8. 5
5) None of these 9. 1
10. 4

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