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Please check the corresponding number that best describes the reason of your absences on the following statement.

5- Always
4- Very Often
3- Sometimes
2- Rarely
1- Never
FACTORS 5 4 3 2 1

A. Physical Factor

Our house is far from the school

It is unsafe to go to school

B. Health

I have a toothache.

My stomach hurts.

I have a headache

I'm down with fever/flu.

I have other diseases like diarrhea, etc.

C.Personal Attitude

I feel lazy.

My friends influence me to be absent from my classes.

I didn't wake up early.

I did not study/make my assignments the night before.

I got fond of playing computer games.

D. Teacher-Related Factors

My teacher scolded me.

I can't understand my teacher's lessons.

I don't like my teacher.

E. Classroom atmosphere

Our classroom is hot and uncomfortable.

It's noisy inside our classroom.

A classmate/classmates bully me.

F. Home-Related Factors
My parents ask me to be absent from class.

My parents quarreled.

My parents don't care about my studies.

I'm too pre-occupied with household chores.

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