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<22509>: <MAN>: <Management>: <Safety Management>: <LO5-Preapare the specifications of the

firefighting equipment required for the given type of fire.>: <Assessments>: <Summative>

<Atul Waghulde>

Assessment Type: Summative: End of CO: in LMS

Summative: Q 1 Summative: Q 2 Summative: Q 3 Summative: Q 4 Summative: Q 5

1) The responsibility 2) I can prevent 3) Fire extinguishers 4) Which of the 5)The acronym for
of fire prevention electrical fire by have a short use following colours putting out a fire
belongs to period of about using a fire
allows you to extinguisher is PASS.
identify a foam What does PASS
fire extinguisher? stand for:

Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application Understanding Application

a) Manager a) Non turning on lights a) 8-15 sec a) Blue a) Pull, Aim,

Squeeze, Spread

b) Supervisor b) Never plugging b) 1-2 min b) Red b) Pull, Accuracy,

anything into a outlet Squeeze, Spread

C) Everyone c) Both a and b above c) 2-3 hours c) Yellow c) Pin, Aim,

Squeeze, Sweep

d) Fire department d) Not overloading d)4-5 days d) Cream d) Pull, Aim,

electrical circuit Squeeze, Sweep

Ans: <c > Ans: < d > Ans: < a > Ans:< d > Ans: <d >
Summative: Q 6 Summative: Q 7 Summative: Q 8 Summative: Q 9 Summative: Q 10

6) Which of the 7) In the event of a 8) What type of (9) What class of (10) Who has the
following types of fire, everyone is permit is needed in fire was a authority to pull the
materials is responsible for: order to carry out fire alarm after
responsible for work that could
Combustible discovering a fire on
fuelling a Class A potentially result in a Metal.? the worksite?
fire? fire breaking out on
the work site?

Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application Understanding Application

(a) Oils that you (a) Informing the (a)A fire permit (a)Class A fire (a) Only the manager
typically cook with supervisor of what is can activate the fire
happening. alarm

(b) Flammable (b) Pulling the fire (b) A hot permit (b)Class D fire (b) Anyone who has
liquids alarm if they see a seen a fire can
fire. activate the fire

(c) Electrical (c) Making sure (c) A work permit (c) Class F fire (c) Only the health
Equipment everyone gets to the and safety rep can
fire assembly point activate the fire alarm

(d) Wood, plastic, (d) None of the above (d) No permit is (d)Class B fire (d) Only the owner
paper, and other needed can activate the fire
kinds of solid alarm.

Ans: < d > Ans: < b > Ans: < b > Ans: <b > Ans: < b >

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