A. Background of The Problem: Set of Interview Question: Speech Style Expectation, Content, and Underlying Pattern."

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A. Background of the Problem

The most important tools in communication are language and communicator. As in

holy Quran says about language in Ar-ruum 22, diversity exists in language and races. People

use language to share idea, information, and knowledge in their own style. Therefore, it

causes people has their own style of communication which in Ar-ruum 22 says so.

Style in a communication may be formal and informal depends on how a social

interaction proceeds according to Chaika (1982:29). From Chaika statement, we understand

that styles are the way how the people convey the message. Style helps people understand

what language is being said: seriously, ironically, humorously, dubiously, or in some other

way. If the style sometimes followed by a smile or laugh loudly by the speakers; it means the

message delivered is humorous and indicates informality that usually happens among close

friends. And it happens oppositely.

Akinson and Ajirotutu (in Gumperz, 1982:119) said:

―We then go on to compare the responses of two candidates to a similar

set of interview question: speech style expectation, content, and underlying

Speech style or can be called as a ―way‖ expresses something related to the language

that someone uses in communication towards others which can be in the form of oral and

written style of a language. According to Joos (1976:145), speech style means the form of

language that the speaker use which is influenced by the social factors. The speech style of a

person is different from his or her partner speech style because of status, sex, age, social

distance, and occupation. These differences play an important rule when someone talks to

certain person regarding the topic discussed. In a formal conference, for example; it is

impolite to use casual style, such as; slang because the conversation take place in the formal


The use of language is not for communication only, but also it is used for other

purposes (Chaika, 1982:30). Some people, moreover, use language to achieve and reach an

intention. Politicians use language to influence other‘s opinion to create an agreement or

support what they say and act or perhaps to control their power. A president, for instance,

uses language in speeches to persuade and convince people that he or she is qualified to be

the next president and what he or she asserts about some issues is true based on his or her


In the communication, we have the way to communicate with other people. It depend

on context, which whom we speech, and what is the function of our speech soon. As leech

(1981:10), style is the way in which language is used in given context, by given person, for

given purpose.

B. Identification of the Problem

Through speech style, people can differentiate to whom they speak based on situation,

function and norm of social context. This research focuses on the speech style used by the

host and the guest in Oprah‘s transcripts because speech style is important to use in

communication. The researcher is interested in the study of speech style used in ―Oprah

Winfrey‖ for number of reasons.

Firstly, the researcher interested in investigating talk show program because language

in talk show is produced in different styles reflecting social context. Social context can be

formal, casual, consultative, frozen, and intimate. In addition, language in talk show program

can make the listener easier to understand about the topic. Secondly, the language used in

―Oprah Winfrey‖ is unique. Thirdly, the episode about New O’ Magazine Cover Girl is Ellen

De Generes whose own The Ellen Show which is as famous as Oprah‘s. The host in both talk

show programs named are themselves, as in Oprah named Oprah Winfrey and in Ellen Show

named Ellen Degeneres. They two can adjust their style depend on topic and situation.

Therefore, it makes the situation alive, very friendly, and not awkward.

C. Limitation of the Problem

Even though speech style has been conducted by some researcher, the method and

object of each study is different. In the present study, the researcher discusses the language

style used by Oprah and Ellen in ther show, in this case Oprah as the host and Ellen becomes

the honorable guest.

D. Formulation of the Problem

This study focuses on the use of general types of speech style, namely: formal, casual,

consultative, frozen, and intimate. The researcher limits to this research to the language styles

which are used by the host (Oprah) and the guest Ellen Degeneres (Host of The Ellen Show).

However, the researcher does not analyze all of the Oprah‘s utterance and Ellen Degeneres

definately. The analyses of the researcher is not totally true or right because it just prediction

according the theory, maybe it will different purpose from the script researcher purpose.

E. Research Questions

Based on the background of study presented above, this study is undertaken to answer

the following questions:

1. What are speech styles used by the host and the guest in the Oprah Show?

2. What are the dominant speech styles used by the host and the guest in the Oprah


F. Purposes of the study

In line with the research questions stated above, the purposes of this study are:

1. To identify the speech styles used by the host and the guest in Oprah Show

2. To identify the dominant speech styles used by the host and the guest in Oprah


G. Significance of the Study

The researcher considers this study will give valuable knowledge and understanding

for readers about speech style used in ―Oprah Show‖. In this case, Oprah uses speech style in

order to make the show more interesting. Hence, this study will be useful to show the

example for other students who are interested in studying about speech style. This study gives

theoretical and practical contribution. Theoretically, this study contributes to give more

knowledge about speech style in daily conversation. Practically, it will be useful not only to

student of English department, but also to all reader of this study especially to people who

concern with language styles used by the host and guest in the Oprah Show.

H. Definitions of the Key Term

1. Speech style

Speech style is the form that the speaker used which is usually measured along a

formal, informal, humor, ironic and serious.

2. Formal style

Formal style is a style that is general used in formal situation, for example in

graduation ceremony which is typically used in speaking to medium or large group.

3. Informal Style

Informal style is permitting certain abbreviations and delectations that are not

permitted in formal speech, and is also rule governed.

4. Ironic Style

Irony is typically used to complain to or criticize intimates, who are usually hearers of

the remarks. Hearers' reactions to both sarcastic and directly stated remarks with

comparable content were explored, and remarks expressing trivial and serious

complaints, occurring in conversations between same-sex best friends, were


5. Humor Style

Humor is identical with laughter because it has the funny stimuli that can make people

laugh. The stimuli, here, not limited, but they have a broad range

6. Oprah Winfrey

The most popular and reach women presenter in America, doing interview with low

class until upper class


7. The Oprah Winfrey Show

Most popular talk show around the world, its channel TV 145 countries worldwide

and watched by an estimated 42 million viewers a week in the U.S. alone. In addition,

the host is Oprah Winfrey .She defining culture movement, music, art, fashion,

movies, celebrities, government etc.


8. Ellen

Ellen is a famous presenter in America who interviewed low class until upper class

people around the world. She also has a famous talk show around the world called

The Ellen Show.



A. Language Variety

A variety of language occurs in society when certain characteristics linked to social

behavior, tradition, culture, ethnicity and social status. According to some linguists,

language variety is a person with different style in different situation. Labov (1972:112)

stated that “there are no single-style speakers.” In further explanation, Wardaugh

(1972:5) said that language variety is the inexistence of a person speaks in the same way all

the time because they constantly exploit the nuances of language according to purpose.

Moreover, the existence of language variation can be distinguished based on different

external variables. The variation of language itself can be seen from the form of language,

vocabulary, grammar, and style.

B. Speech Style

Chaika (1982:29) stated that a style used to convey a social and artistic effect refers to

the selection of the linguistics forms. It can be a set of instructions because it is determined

listeners‘ interpretation. Moreover, style may also tell listeners how to take what is being

said; whether it is seriously, ironically, or humorously. Usually a style of an utterance will be

identified through his or her acts of saying whether through smile or laughs loudly to identify

the humorous in informal situation among close friends, for instance.

Thomas and Wareing (1999: 146) stated that people use several ways to communicate

with others. They usually put themselves in a current situation with a certain style. They do

not always talk in exactly the same way all the time or even use the same grammatical forms

because a style can be identified through tone of voice, choice of words and grammar in

different situation.

According to Joos (1976:145) the speech style means the form of language that the

speaker uses. Speech style determines the persons‘ status, sex, age, social distance, and

occupation. These differences have an important rule in deciding the kind of speech style that

a person uses while he or she communicates with others. For example; the higher the social

status of the partner in a communication, the more formal speech style he or she uses. A

speech style is also distinguished by the setting of where the conversation takes place. It is

impolite for a student talk informal to a dean on his room, but it is polite for a teacher to

speak casually when they met in a market.

Chaika (1982: 29) mentioned intonation and inflection are the conveyer to deliver the

messages. The style of language in a communication mainly focused on intended social

message rather than only get the message of communication. Actual words are used only on

the rare occasions that the offending party is too abuse to get "the message". It must be

emphasized that the social message conveyed by style is not coded directly into actual words

that mean what intended social message is. It means that using speech style must determine

the purpose of communication. One of them is abusing to get the message, because in a

society, there are so many persons who have different kind of characteristics. So, using style

was hoped without disturbing others either partially or personally.

The listeners have same interpretation toward the speakers‘ style, but the information

reveals to the hearer such as the speakers social or educational background, and regional

affiliation. The style markers of a particular social group or region may be deliberately used

for other purposes; it will make the listeners have some meaning of word such as emotional

definitions they can be attached from style of speaker. As Chaika (1982:31) said about words,

grammar, and pronunciation that is chosen both unconsciously and consciously give a great

deal of information.

In conclusion, speech style as the way people manipulates to other and control people

in interacting to others bring the messages that are conveyed in words and tone of voice. The

characteristics of speech style are: selection or choices of linguistics forms appear from a

person or group of people.

1. Speech Styles According to Chaika (1982: 29)

Chaika said styles tell how whether formally or informally interact to people.

Style may also tell listeners how to take what is being said: seriously, ironically,

humorously, or in some other ways.

a. Formal Style

Formal style usually is designed to inform. : its dominating characters.

Something that is necessarily ancillary in consultation, incidental in casual


b. Informal Style

Informal style is permitting certain abbreviations and delectations.

Usually broke the rules of grammar by omitting some auxiliaries. For

example, questions are often shortened with you subject and auxiliary deleted.

Running the Marathon? You running marathon?. Fromkin V, Blair. D and

Collin (2002: 420).

c. Seriously Style

Serious style is used to attempt to introduce a serious point in a less

serious conversation. Now, seriously, why did the chicken cross the road?

d. Ironic Style

Irony is typically used to complain to or criticize intimates, who are

usually hearers of the remarks. Hearers reactions to both sarcastic and directly

stated remarks with comparable content were explored, and remarks

expressing trivial and serious complaints, occurring in conversations between

same-sex best friends, were compared. Overall, the results show that sarcasm

can serve a face-saving function, making the speaker appear less rude and

unfair, particularly when expressing a trivial criticism; humor contributes little

to this face-saving (Jorgensen J., 1996: 613-634)

e. Humor Style

Humor is identical with laughter because it has the funny stimuli that

can make people laugh. The stimuli, here, not limited, but they have a broad

range. It means that people laugh not only at verbal jokes and written

document but also at caricatures, silent films, political cartoons, talking films

and even at some happening, such as a monkey dancing or a person tripping

falling down from stairs. People laugh at those funny things mentioned above

or other kinds of stimuli because they have already had the knowledge from

their family, groups, and culture that those stimuli are worth laughing. But we

do not just laugh. We laugh something. Humor not just a feeling inside of us;

it is not like a pain. It is not like happy pain. Humor is something we thing

about that make us laugh. It must involve thought. If there is not though, there

is not humor. Nothing is in itself funny. If there were no people in the world,

nothing would be funny. We make things serious. We have found ourselves

out. As example, in this short text joke: ―what are tarts made of?‖ ‗Pepper

mostly‘, said the cook. ―The tarts sound good don‘t they‖- ‗if one is a sneeze‘

(Carroll 1960:106).

2. Speech Styles According to Martin Joss (1976: 154)

According to Joos, speech style means the form of language that a speaker

user and it is characterized by the degree of formality, such as frozen style, formal

style, consultative style, casual style, and intimate style. Style may be called higher or

lower in referring to the meaning of communication. The speaker may use higher or

both lower style at the same time.

a. Frozen Style

Frozen style is style, which is intended to be remembered and used in a

very formal setting. Such as in palace, church ritual. Speech for state

ceremony, and some other occasions, this style involves very large group of

people whose members are unknown n to one another. However, this style is

not only addressed to strangers at that time but also to posterity as well.

Nevertheless, the readers or the hearers are not permitted giving question to

the speaker. Therefore, background information of conversation may be given

hut. It is not required. Frozen style is the highest rank in Joos‘s classification.

This is usually used in long sentence with good grammatical and vocabulary.

Frozen style is more elaborated than any other styles. Based on the

characteristics above, frozen style requires high skills and is almost used

exclusively by specialist, professional orators, lawyers and preachers. For

example: "It should be glad to the informed of the correct time‖(Joss 1976:15)

b. Formal Style

Formal style is a style that is designed to inform: its dominating

characters. Something that is necessarily ancillary in consultation, incidental

in casual discourse. Absent in intimacy Joos, (1976:156). According to Joos

formal style is generally used in a formal situation, where there is the least

amount of shared background knowledge and where communication is one

way communication with little or no feedback from the audiences, for example

in graduation ceremony which belong to medium or large groups. However, it

may be used in speaking to a single hearer, for example between strangers.

Formal style is design to inform in complex sentences and needs background

information because the speaker needs preparation in using this style. The

leading code label of this style is the word "May", e.g. "May I present Mr.

Jimmy? The example of this style is "I should like to know the time

please"(Joos, 1976: 154).

c. Consultative Style

According to Martin Joos (1976: 154), consultative style is a style that

shows our norm for coming, to terms with strangers who speak our language

but whose personal stock of information may be different. Consultative style is

a style that is used in semi-formal communication situation. This style is a

type, which is required from all speakers. Moreover, consultative style is the

usual style in small groups, chance acquaintances, and strangers. Example:

―that is right‖, ―Oh! I see‖, ―Yeach‖, Yes, I know or well.

d. Casual Style

Casual style is style, which is used between friends and non formal

situation, such as; when the students have a chat outside class room. The form

of sentence in this style is usually shot. The vocabulary in this style is most

influenced by dialect. There is absence of background information and the

listeners are assumed to understand what the speakers say in this style. There

are two devices of casual style. First, ellipsis (omission) that usually shows

the differences between casual grammar and consultative grammar for

example: “Thank you” (Consultative grammar) and “Thanks” (Casual


The unstressed word can be omitted particularly at the beginning of

the sentence. As the result, the sentence structure of casual style becomes

incomplete. Second device of casual style is slang which is a prime indication

of in group relationship. Slang is non-standard word which is known and

used by certain groups like teenager groups, for example, in formal language,

young female called “girl”, while in the slang language it is said as chick.

e. Intimate Style

Intimate style is an intimate utterance pointedly avoids giving, the

addressed information outside of the speaker‘s skin. Joss (1976: 155).

Therefore, intimate style is completely private language used within family

and wry closed friends. Normally, the intimate style is used in pair. There are

two systematic features of intimate style, first is extraction. The speaker

extracts a minimum pattern from sonic conceivable casual sentence (Joos,

1970:I5). Example the utterance "eng‖; there is no dictionary meaning but

serves as, it is an empty word. a code label for intimate style. Intimate style

needs no slang and no background information. The message cannot be

recreated because there is no message to recreate. Means, the thought is

communicated and the addressee extracts the full meaning from it. The second

feature of intimate style is jargon. Jargon is technical vocabulary associated

with special activity or group.

C. Functions of Speech Style

As Chaika (1982:31) said about words, grammar, and pronunciation that is chosen

both unconsciously and consciously give a great deal of information. This information

reveals to the hearer such things as the speakers social as educational background, and

regional affiliation. The style markers of a particular social group or region may be

deliberately used for other purposes. It means that using speech style must determine the

purpose of communication. One of them is using to get the message, because in a society,

there are so many persons who have different kinds of characteristic. Using style was hoped

without distributing others either partially or personally.

Moreover, rules for using a language may be just as important as feelings about the

language itself.

Trudgill (1974; 14) stated that:

“The two aspects of language behaviors are very important from a social

point of view: First, the function of language in establishing social

relationships; and second, the role-played by language in conveying

information about the speaker.”

From this statement, it is clear that both these aspects of linguistics behavior are

reflections of the fact that there is a close inter-relationship between language and society.

Therefore, it can be employed to reflect and symbolize some kind of identity: regional, social,

ethnic, or religious. However, Trudgill (1974:24) stated that pronunciation and their attitudes

toward it becomes the favorable concern of speakers. It means, that the language styles can

be a very important factor in group identification, group solidarity and the signaling of

differences, and when a group is under attack from outside, signals of difference may become

more important and are exaggerated.

Furthermore, Chaika (1982: 36- 37) said that using style carried a long with a greeting

and conversational message is more efficient than having to encode that information at the

ousted or continually during conversation. So, the function of speech style is often used to tell

hearer how to take the messages given by words: seriously, humorously, as sarcasm, as the

something the speakers are happy or sad about, or in some other ways.

D. Contexts of Language Use

There are some factors that influence speech style. First is addressee, the better

addressor and the addressee know each other, the more informal speech style they used. On

the opposite, if the addressor and the addressee do not know each other well, the more

formal the speech style they used.

―Language used is designed by some relevant factors suited to the context, and they
can be grouped as follow:
1. The participant: Who is speaking and who are speaking to?
2. The setting and social context of the interaction: Where they are
3. The topic: What is being talk about?
4. The function: Why are they speaking?”
Holmes (1992:12)

As social creature, human needs to communicate with another. Language is an

effective tool to express all product of human mind. Human being use language in the

social of interaction, such as in office, company, campus, market, and any other places.

In the process of communication, language is used differently to express the social context

in which the people are communicating. That is way different context can immerge the

formality or informality of a context.

E. Techniques of Speech Style Used by Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres

This information reveals to the hearer such thing the speaker is a social or educational

background and regional affiliation. As Chaika (1982:31) said about words, grammar, and

pronunciation that is chosen both unconsciously and consciously give a great deal of

information. Furthermore, Oprah Winfrey stated that communication techniques are the ways

or arts to bet messages which communicator. While Ellen DeGeneres applied the style of

humorous mostly on her show and it is impact to the communication between two speakers

from different styles. Hence, it turns up some effects to communicant. From statement above,

we can infer that the communication is to hold role of sending the message or instruction to

other people or group. The communicant is given the same meaning with symbols they use

since this technique of communication is to show more attractive, educate and enjoyable.

F. Previous Study

In this part, the writer present similar study by Galuh Fudayanto (2007). ―A Study of

Speech Style Used by the Host in ―Empat Mata‖ Talk Show Program on Trans 7‖ This

study uses Joos‘s theory and some supporting theory such as Nababan (1993) and

Gleason (1965). In this study, galuh used descriptive qualitative. He took two differences

episodes of the talk show as the data source to represent the speech style. He recorded the

host‘s utterances to be transcribed. Then he identified the utterances by the host based on

the classification of speech style whether frozen, formal, consultative, casual, and intimate


The second study is from Hosen (2010) who researched about the language style

used by the host in Oprah Show. Hosen focused on the language style used by Oprah

Winfrey in Oprah Show towards its audience, which in the research, the audience was

President Barrack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama. In this study he found that the host

and the guest mostly used formal and informal style although sometime used colloquial

style, but it rarely exists. However, Hosen focused on Chaika‘s speech style theory while

Galuh focused on Martin Joss‘s theory.

After reading those previous studies, the writer concludes that there are two speech

style that can be analyzed from the same point; that is speech style in talk show. Two

different talk shows, which hosted by Tukul Arwana and Oprah Winfrey, analyzed by

different researched through different point of view of linguist but in the same topic that is

speech style. Therefore, a writer got an idea from both researchers to analyze two hosts from

different talk shows meet in one talk show when having a conversation on that show.

Furthermore, this study discusses the speech styles used by Oprah Winfrey as the host and

Ellen Degeneres as the guest in Oprah Show which both are coming from the same

background as a host in famous talk show, that are Oprah Winfrey from Oprah Show and

Ellen Degeneres from The Ellen Show.

G. Theoretical Framework

An Analysis of Speech Style of Oprah Winfrey and Ellen De Generes in Oprah Winfrey
Show Special “O Magazine Cover”

Language Variety

Speech Style

According to Chaika: According to Martin Joss:

a. Formal Style a. Frozen Style
b. Informal Style b. Formal Style
c. Seriously Style c. Consultative Style
d. Ironic Style d. Casual Style
e. Humor Style e. Intimate Style

Speech style used by Speech style used by

Ellen DeGeneres Oprah Winfrey

It says that Oprah uses informal or casual style more often to adjust Ellen style that is

mostly put everything in a funny way. Even, ironic style is balance with humor, because she

always put ironic story as a funny story. Though, she still tells the intimate question of Oprah

with her intimate style. In the chart, formal and informal style according to Chaika is same as

formal and style by Martin Joss, therefore researcher put the same amount on the table. Then,

frozen style and consultative style are not found in their conversation because the frozen style

is only for king and its servants or from master to its slave; while consultative style is only for




A. Research Design

This study is conducted by using qualitative approach since it deals with the data in

the form of the dialog between the hosts and guest. This study is classified into a descriptive

qualitative since the data are in the form of utterances through its transcript which are

analyzed descriptively based on transcripts in the Oprah Winfrey Show. Descriptive

qualitative method is appropriate design in conducting this study, because it aimed at

describing speech style constructed in Oprah and her guest, Ellen DeGeneres. This method is

flexible to answer the statement of the problems offered in the first chapter. Besides, the data

are interpreted and displayed descriptively and systematically based on the supporting theory.

B. Data and Source of Data

The source of the data in this study is Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres. They

both are the most famous host in the world, especially in United Stated. The host, in this case,

is Oprah Winfrey from Oprah Show and the guest is Ellen DeGeneres from Ellen Show. The

show is broadcasted all over the world. In this occasion, the researcher took the source of the

show from YouTube Channel: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhCsPxJApik) to help

researcher in choosing the best episode programs easier; then its transcription from O

Magazine Website: (http://www.oprah.com/omagazine/Oprah-Interviews-Ellen-DeGeneres-

Ellens-O-Magazine-Cover) to help researcher in analyzing the talk show easier.

C. Instrument of Data Collection

This research took the researcher as the key instrument of this study because the

researcher as the point of people who want to finds the research problems itself. The

researcher observes and takes an active participant in this research by finding the accurate

data. Besides, the researcher also uses observation to be more systematic, effective, and

easier. Nasution in (Mas‘udah, 2008: 22) said that in conducting qualitative research, there is

no choice except human being as the main instrument. And as Moleong, (1991:9) said that

the in qualitative research, the researcher is the instrument of the research. It is because the

qualitative research is the problems that are not clear yet.

D. Techniques of Collecting Data

The researcher collects the data by assessing the official website of Oprah Winfrey

show. The data of this research are collected trough the process as follow: First, the

researcher watches and collected the Oprah Winfrey Show from accessing the internet.

Beside, the researcher reads the article related to this study to get a complete study and

understand of both the Oprah Winfrey Show and language style. Second, the researcher

selects the Oprah Winfrey Show and then chooses the best show according to the researcher.

Then, the researcher looked for transcripts to be more easy and correct. Then analysis the

language styles in the Oprah Winfrey Show. Finally, the researcher classifies the data based

on Chaika and Martin Joss‘ theory of speech style.

E. Techniques of Analyzing Data

After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed them. In this study, the researcher

does some procedures to get a data analysis. Firstly, the researcher identified all utterances of

the dialogue that has found into each speech style based on Chaika‘s theory of speech style

(1982:29) and Martin Joss (1976:154). After that, the researcher identify through percentage

how the way speech style used by the host and guests in the Oprah Winfrey Show. The last

step is making conclusion based on the analysis.



A. Data Description

The data used in this study are taken from the Oprah Winfrey show. Not all scripts are

analyzed style but it takes only the dialogues or the conservations involving the speech style.


The Exclusive O Interview

“When Ellen arrived at the photo shoot for our cover, I didn't have to ask her
how she was doing: it showed on her face. She radiated the kind of peace and
satisfaction that comes only when you're living at your highest potential.
That's why, a few days after our photo session, I give Ellen a call—to talk
about the balance she's obviously achieved in her life, and to get the story
behind the glimmer in her eye.” — Oprah [1]

Oprah starts the show by foreshadowing the audience about her interview with Ellen

to help the audience understand the talk show‘s plot. This style is called as formal style [1]

which according to Chaika a formal style is a way of informing something because it aimed

to inform the communicant as well as in Martin Joss.

Ellen DeGeneres [ After checking her caller ID ]: Harpo Inc.

Oprah: [ Laughs ] I love it. You awake? [2]

The style that Oprah uses in the conversation above is an informal style because she

omitted the auxiliary are which is in casual style [2] it common issue.

Ellen: I am. I just woke up. I had a horrible night. The weirdest thing
happened. We had some huge pop in the wall at 2:30 in the morning, and
then it sounded like our whole house was going to explode. I don't know if a
speaker blew or what—it was just this crazy loud vibration that went on
forever, and I lay in bed thinking that the house was going to catch fire
because there'd been an electrical short. So I went down to the basement—I

haven't been down to the basement since we moved in two years ago—and
lying next to all the audiovisual equipment is an audiobook called Being in
Balance. [3]
Oprah: Oh my goodness. Isn't that just how the world works? [4]

Oprah‘s utterance in the conversation shows that Oprah is already comfortable with

Ellen because Ellen started to explain her stories with a stranger voice in her basement. This

utterance makes the other communicant feels important. By the statement ―Oh my goodness”

Oprah showed her serious style. Therefore, their utterance used by Ellen is humor [3] but

Oprah replied with seriously style [4].

Ellen: There's always a reason things happen. [5]

Oprah: You're exactly like I am. I know that everything happens for a reason,
so I look at everything like, "Okay, what does that mean, and "What am I
supposed to be getting from that?" [6]
Ellen: Right.

However, not long after the funny conversation about Ellen‘s explanations, Ellen

started to explain the conclusion of his story which causes the atmosphere of the speech

style becomes a serious style [5]. However, according to Martin Joss, their utterances are

intimate style [6] because they start to explain their opinion about life and use some secret

words like ―what does that mean” and "What am I supposed to be getting from that?" That

word becomes the secret word in the communication because they do not have the

explanation or the modifier for the word ―that‖. The utterance becomes intimate, because

only the two speakers understand the word that refers to.

Oprah: You know, you can make yourself nuts doing that, though. But it's
also the way to live, I think. How long have you been living this way? [7]
Ellen: Well, I think I've always been a searcher. But right before I decided to
come out, I went on a spiritual retreat called "Changing the Inner Dialogue
of Your Subconscious Mind." I'd never been to anything like it before, and all
my friends were taking bets on how long I'd last with no TV, no radio, no
phone. But for me that was the beginning of paying attention to all the little
things. [8]

The utterance is the intimate style [7] and seriously style [8] because Ellen tells her

background to Oprah. She still uses some secret article like ―it‖ that is still unknown.

Oprah: Would you say that coming out was the seminal moment in your
Ellen: Oh yeah, because it stripped everything away. The whole world was
talking about me. You know, if you're going to be honest with yourself, you
have to admit that you go into show business wanting people to talk about
you and wanting everyone to know who you are. But that also means there
are going to be a whole bunch of people who don't like you. No
matter who you are. I'm sure there's somebody out there who doesn't like
Betty White because she's short and has white hair. [10]

Ellen stated her utterance through seriously style [10] when Oprah asked about her

life. However, Oprah‘s utterance is an irony style [9] because she said a seminal moment in

life, while it is actually is a huge moment in Ellen‘s life.

Oprah: Refresh my memory: At what point did you make the decision to come
out? You were three years into your sitcom?[11]
Ellen: I was four years in, because the fifth year is when they canceled me. I
think I've told you about a dream I had. I was struggling with the idea of
coming out—what it would do to my career and to me—and in this dream, I
was holding a tiny finch in the palm of my hand. I could feel how much I
loved this bird and that it was safe in my hand, and I was reaching in to put it
back in its cage—one of these thin, bamboo, beautiful, multitiered cages—and
as I was putting the bird back in, I realized that the cage was against a
window and the bird could fly out. The bird realized it at the same time I did,
and I became the bird. And the bird looked at me and wanted to fly out, but I
looked at the bird and said, "But you're safe in here in a beautiful cage. Don't
leave." And the bird just looked at me and flew out the window. [12]
Oprah: Wow. [13]
Ellen: So I was like, "Okay, I know what that means." Until then I'd had no
idea I was in a cage. I was in this beautiful setting, and I was making money
and had everyone taking care of me. [14]

This conversation uses irony style [12,14] according to Martin Joss because she

explains something that is resemble to her stories but it is a bird, however Ellen is not an

animal. Therefore, the utterance uses irony style as the main speech style in this

conversation. The sentence "But you're safe in here in a beautiful cage. Don't leave." And

the bird just looked at me and flew out the window.” is clearly an irony style because it

shocked Oprah. It gives a strong effect to Oprah‘s understanding about Ellen for this long

before she knew the fact. Also, Oprah uses an casual style [11,13] because she omitted

some auxiliary like Refresh my memory.

Oprah: So once that veil lifted, did everything change? [15]

Ellen: Well, there were lots of different veils and lots of different layers—but
just to say the words was so huge for me. You know, people say, "Why do you
have to tell everybody, who cares, and why do you have to announce it?" It's
because it's your truth and the truth shall set you free. [16]
Oprah: To be able to say it out loud to the world. [17]
Ellen: But then it turned into everybody telling me to shut up. I was on your
show and I was on the cover of Time, and there was article after article, and
then articles reporting on articles, and it became this storm. I was getting
attacked for talking about it so much, and I was like, " I am not talking about
it, you are." And then everybody was hating me and "Oh, shut up already,"
and that's when the show went down in flames. I actually think the show got
better after I came out. The season that no one watched— [18]
Oprah: …turned out to be the best season. I remember. But it's so important
to say that out loud so people can also see for themselves how the things that
broke you open actually allowed you to be set free. [19]

So, after the explanation of Ellen story, Oprah sees that Ellen had been in a rough day

of her life. Especially when she said ―The season that no one watched” which means she also

uses seriously style [19]. Her identity of being gay woman is so terrific so neither could

nobody believe the fact nor Ellen with his life. She cannot live for people‘s expectation; she

lives for her identity as who she is. Therefore, this utterance is an intimate style [18] and

irony style [16, 17]. Another prove for an irony style is from the sentence ―it's your truth and

the truth shall set you free”, the world shall here means that there is something that opposite.

Perhaps, her truth prisoned her life, but the real truth is not.

Ellen: I think Diane Sawyer told me she read something that said the cracks
in your heart let the sun shine through. I just thought that was beautiful. And
it's all part of balance. I'm a comedian, and I definitely see the humor in a lot
of things. I am also sad a lot. I cry often and easily. I think you're supposed to
feel all kinds of things. You're supposed to laugh, you're supposed to cry,
you're not supposed to shove your feelings under the rug. I was raised in an
atmosphere of "everything's fine." But as I got older, I was like, "Well no,
everything's not fine. There is stuff that's sad." I am a really sensitive person.
I think I am too sensitive sometimes, especially in this business. [20]
Oprah: But you do laugh more than you cry, don't you? [21]
Ellen: Oh, sure. I'm not like a depressed person. But I am saddened by how
people treat one another and how we are so shut off from one another and

how we judge one another, when the truth is, we are all one connected thing.
We are all from the same exact molecules. [22]

The utterances here are casual style [20, 21] and ironic style [22] as in ―But you do

laugh more than you cry, don't you?” because Oprah shows her curiosity of something that

is strange to her. Ellen is a famous comedian; she makes people laugh, but she is not

laughing. Therefore, Oprah tried to ensure the fact through casual style. This is usually

happened to a close friend.

Oprah: Okay. So, when I saw you at the photo shoot for the cover, what I was
most struck by was the light in your eyes. [23]
Ellen: Well, of course there was a light—I was with you! [24]

This is a humorous style [24] because Ellen changes the atmosphere of a serious

question to a silly answer by saying “I was with you!” Oprah‘s utterance actually was not

for a humorous style, instead of seriously style [23] but Ellen succeeded to make a simple

joke that could change the atmosphere. But, it also can be an irony style, [24] because Ellen

is showing how glad she was being able to talk and took some photo shoots with Oprah for

her magazine by saying the words which is actually a wasted question. It is like Ellen has

been telling Oprah that there is nobody who will not glad if they had such a huge chance like

hers. So, stop asking the wasted question since you are a famous and senior host in the

world. So it is like "Oh please, have something to say!".

Oprah: [ Laughs ] No, there really was a twinkle in your eye that comes only
from a sense of well-being. I'm telling you, I recognize it when I see it. What's
that all about for you? [25]
Ellen: You told me you wanted to talk about this, so I was thinking about it.
And I asked my massage person: What is it about me that you think is
balanced? [26]

Oprah keeps on her question of serious style [25] by asking ―No, there really was a

twinkle in your eye that comes only from a sense of well-being.” It means that Oprah is

curious about the answer. While Ellen used a humorous style [26] by asking back the

question towards Oprah.

Oprah: [ Laughs ] That's like when Gayle was invited to speak about self-
esteem and she calls me and says, "How do I feel about self-esteem?" So your
massage person said… [27]
Ellen: She said I constantly challenge myself. She has known me for 11 years,
and she said when something goes wrong, instead of running away from it, I
look at it and go, "What's my part in it, what's my responsibility?" [28]

Then, seems Oprah is succeeded in delivering her intention for an answer, but Ellen

is still making Oprah‘s curiosity increase by questioning her back about self-esteem. This

utterance is called a casual style [27], but it also becomes intimate style [28] because Oprah

keeps asking about the personal question towards Ellen. Both host and guest seems have an

interesting trick to keep the conversation alive. No wonder if Ellen DeGeneres and Oprah

are the most famous host in the world especially United States.

Oprah: And are you able to challenge other people to accept their
responsibility? [29]
Ellen: Oh yeah, and that was such a huge thing for me, because I was raised
to be quiet about things like that—you know, just keep your mouth closed. Not
in a strict way—my parents were very passive. My father would never
confront anybody about anything and is just kind and gentle. And my mother
is really funny and sarcastic. But in my family, nothing was ever confronted.
Yet now it's easy for me to tell other people what they're doing and how it
makes me feel. [30]
Oprah: You don't have the need to please. [31]
Ellen: Well, sure, I want people to like me—but not at my expense. I just
learned that there are too many people who are going to have an opinion
about me whether I am kind to them or not. I can't control what they're
feeling. I am not a yeller and I don't have a temper, but I do want people to
do their best. And if someone is a friend and I see that they're doing stuff that
is not helping them grow, I will make it a point to talk to them about it. [32]
Oprah: Nongrowth seems to be a real deal breaker for you. [33]
Ellen: I think you need to be around people who stimulate you. [34]

This conversation mostly uses an intimate style [29, 31, 33] and seriously style [30,

32] because they started to get more personal by asking about family, love life and

challenges in life. The sentence from Oprah definitely shows how Ellen‘s life according to

her opinion was by restating her conclusion ―Nongrowth seems to be a real deal breaker for


Oprah: I should have said, when you're home and not shooting covers with
me. Speaking of which, how did you come up with this whole get-on-the-
cover-of- O idea, anyway? [35]
Ellen: It got started because I was in a CoverGirl ad that was on the inside
cover of your magazine. I held it up on my show and said, "I'm on the cover
of O ! I'm on the inside cover, but I'm on the cover!" And that rolled into,
"Well, if I'm that close, I might as well be on the cover cover!" and I started
the campaign. And I guess you felt so guilty about putting Michelle Obama on
the cover that you decided you had to put me on the cover, too. [36]

The utterance uses by Ellen is still a humorous style [35], because she told to the

audience in her show that she is in the cover magazine that is inside the cover of a magazine,

which means that she is at the back of the cover magazine. This is also humorous but irony

style [36] because a host as famous as Ellen only put in the back of the magazine after the

first lady, Michele Obama. And the another irony style that shows from her statement was

―And I guess you felt so guilty about putting Michelle Obama on the cover that you decided

you had to put me on the cover, too.” Because actually Oprah has no regret at all by putting

her picture at the back cover magazine after Michele Obama, it is herself that is pitied

because she only put on that place which means that she is more famous than Michele

Obama. Ellen makes an irony becomes a humor all the time which makes the talk show

enjoyable and fun.

Oprah: No, this is what happened. We had already planned the cover with
Michelle. And then you started your campaign, and I was like, "Well, is she
really serious?" So we waited a couple of weeks, and I decided you were. [37]
Ellen: I was not serious, though, because I didn't think it was going to
happen! No one had ever been on the cover with you, so I really thought it
was just a joke. But then once the Michelle Obama cover came along, that's
when I really started going after it. And I was shocked and thrilled when you
actually went for it. [38]

Ellen tells Oprah about her joke for cover magazine before Oprah took it

seriously. The utterance of Ellen is casual style [37,38] because it is a usual style to

maintain the conversation.

Oprah: It was fun. Tell me, are you having as much fun as you appear to be
having? [39]

Ellen: It's a lot of work to put a brand-new monologue and a brand-new
show on the air and find comedy every single day. It's challenging and it's the
hardest thing I have ever done, but it's the best-suited thing for me. The more
relaxed I get and the more confident I feel, the more I get to play and be
myself and say whatever I feel like saying and not worry about whether I'm
being a good interviewer. Although sometimes, I admit, you're talking to
people and you're like, "Oh please, have something to say!" But in general
I'm just more and more confident that if I'm myself, people are going to enjoy
it more. [40]
Oprah: You get paid for being yourself. [41]
Ellen: It's amazing. It's crazy. [42]
Oprah: That's what happens when you tell the truth. You open that door for
that bird to fly out. [43]
Ellen: It's so weird because I love you so much, and to come to this place and
do a photo shoot with you—I'm not surprised I had a brightness in my eyes.
Oprah: Well, I'm happy to be able to call you my friend. But I know you have
to get back to work, so either I'm going to have you up to my house for
dinner, or you guys are going to have me down to yours. [45]
Ellen: You have an open invitation.[46]
Oprah: Thanks! [47]

The utterances are mostly casual [39, 41, 42, 43] and humorous style [40, 44, 45,

46, 47] because Oprah and Ellen seems has been a close friend after the interview because

they are inviting dinner to each other and they are laughing each other. The humorous style

found in the dialogue was in sentence ―It's so weird because I love you so much” from Ellen,

because she is a gay woman and she said that she loves Oprah, so people might think

something weird, that is why Ellen said that it is weird that she loves Oprah so much.

B. Findings

Speech Style

Chaika Martin Joss


Infor Fro Consult

Formal Seriously Ironic Humor Formal Casual Intimate
mal zen ative

Oprah 35,47, 21, 27, 6,7,29,
1 4,23,25 9,17,24 0 1 0
45 37, 39, 31, 33
41, 43
2,1% 6,4% 8,5% 6,4% 0 2,1% 0 19,1% 10,6%

5,8,10, 12,14,1 3,26,44,
Ellen 16,18,2
0 19, 20, 6, 22, 46, 0 0 0 38,40,42
30, 32 36 40
0 14,9% 10,6% 10,6% 0 0 0 6,4% 8,5%

The result of analysis is based on the research finding which identify the dominant

speech style used by Oprah Winfrey as the host and Ellen DeGeneres as the guest in the

Oprah Show.

The table shows how often both speakers use the style. It says that Oprah uses

informal style more often to adjust Ellen style that is mostly put everything in a funny way.

Even, ironic style is balance with humor, because she always put ironic story as a funny

story. Though, she still tells the intimate question of Oprah with her intimate style. In the

chart, formal and informal style according to Chaika is same as formal and style by Martin

Joss, therefore researcher put the same amount on the table. Then, frozen style and

consultative style are not found in their conversation because the frozen style is only for king

and its servants or from master to its slave; while consultative style is only for stranger.

C. Discussion

The results of this research show that speech styles are used in the script in the Oprah

Winfrey show used almost all the classification of speech style from both linguist – Chaika

and Martin Joss. Those are formal speech style, informal speech style and humor, ironic and

serious style from Chaika, and only formal, casual and intimate that is found in Martin Joss

classification. The dialogue between the host and the guest of Oprah Winfrey was mostly

informal speech style. Informal speech style is usually used in the sentences which are short

and simple sentence. There are only a few dependent clauses, which are short and simple,

too. Sentence fragments are used. All the finite verbs are in the active voice. All the words

are familiar. No abstract words, no difficult phrases, Contractions are generally used. In

addition, there are no rhetorical devices like metaphors. The conversational sentences used

by the host and the guest of the Oprah Winfrey show‘s scripts are mostly standard language,

simple sentence, finite verbs are in the active voice the words are familiar every day.

Informal style is often used in the conversations between close people that accrue in

the informal or casual condition. Generally they used this style to make a friendly and

relaxed situation; it is usually used in ordinary conversation. Formal style is NOT found in

Ellen DeGeneres as a guest because she is humorous and always pleased. She can put ironic

statement in to a joke so that people will not think it is an ironic.



A. Conclusion

From the analysis of Oprah Show‘s script, the researcher found that the dominant

style used by Oprah Winfrey as the host and Ellen DeGenered as the guest are informal,

formal, humor and ironic style. Nevertheless, frozen style and consultative style are not found

in their conversation because the frozen style is only for king and its servants or from master

to its slave; while consultative style is only for stranger.

Informal style is often used in the conversations between close people that accrue in

the informal or casual condition. Oprah uses informal style more often to adjust Ellen style

that is mostly put everything in a funny way. Even, ironic style is balance with humor,

because she always put ironic story as a funny story. Generally they used this style to make

a friendly and relaxed situation; it is usually used in ordinary conversation. Formal style is

NOT found in Ellen DeGeneres as a guest because she is humorous and generous as her

name DeGeneres (the generous). She can put ironic statement in to a joke so that people will

not think it is an ironic.

B. Suggestion

The result of this research does not cover all kinds of speech style. In other word, it is

still far from the complete one. Nevertheless, by this research, at least reader may know the

Speech Style of Oprah Winfrey and Ellen De Generes in Oprah Winfrey Show. Criticizes and

suggestions are welcome to develop a better research. To the next researchers, analyzing the

types or functions of speech style or the use of speech style in daily life are available to be



Chaika, Elaine. 1982 Language the Social Mirror. Mascusset: Newbury House Publish.inc

Gleason.H.A. Jr.1961 Linguistic and English Grammer. New York. Holt

Londar, Herbert. 1966. Language and Culture. USA: Oxpord University Press, inc.

Renkema, jan. 1993. Discourse Studies. An Introductory Textbook. Amsterdam : john

Benjamin publishing company.

Trudgil, Peter. 1974. Sociolinguistics: An Introduction. New York. Penguin Books.

Yule, G and Broun, G 1989. Discourse Analysis. New York. Publish by the Press Syndicate

of the University of Cambridge.

Wardaugh, Ronald. 1986. An Introduction to Sociolinguistic. Basil Blackwell.Ltd.

Wareing, S and Thomas L. 1999. Language, Society and Power. London and New

York: Rouledge.





Oprah Talks to Ellen DeGeneres

The Exclusive O Interview

Photo: George Burns




She's known for her sharp wit and easygoing attitude (and, of course, the sneakers and funky

dance moves). But behind the comedy is a woman who's had to muster her courage to get

where she is today. Ellen DeGeneres tells Oprah about her balanced life, her loving wife, and

how she intends to take her new job as anAmerican Idol judge very seriously.

Last January, when I first heard that Ellen DeGeneres wanted to be an O cover girl, I was

sure it was a joke. She started with an announcement to the four million viewers of The Ellen

DeGeneres Show: "Goodbye to the resolution to read," she quipped, "and hello to the

resolution to be on the front cover of O in '09!" Then the crusade intensified. In March she

launched an "O, Yes I Can!" campaign, and, in between unsuccessful attempts to reach me at

the Harpo studios, she unveiled a series of mock O covers, including one on which she and I

are riding a tandem bicycle through the countryside. The campaign was so funny, I actually

hesitated to make the call that finally ended it. But last May, during Ellen's 1,000th show, I

surprised her by Skyping into the broadcast and inviting her to share this month's cover with


Of course, as far as covers go, this one is nothing compared with the one she did in April

1997, when she appeared on the front of Time magazine next to the headline "Yep, I'm Gay."

In those days, Ellen—a Louisiana native who broke into stand-up comedy in the early '80s by

performing at small clubs in New Orleans—was the star of her own sitcom, ABC's Ellen. As

the show gained popularity and critical acclaim, Ellen, now 51, chose to reveal the secret

she'd been carrying for years. What followed was a media circus leading up to the most-

watched episode of her series: an estimated 42 million people tuned in to see Ellen's character

also come out of the closet. But just as quickly, the crowds went away. The show's ratings

started to crash, and a year later it was canceled.

In September 2003, Ellen came back to television as host of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, now

in its seventh season. When she's not delighting viewers with her quick wit and spontaneous

dance moves, she's squeezing in one of her side gigs—like, say, hosting the Academy

Awards (which she did in 2007) or taking a spot on the judges' panel on American

Idol (which she'll do in 2010). Away from the limelight, Ellen shares her life with the actress

Portia de Rossi. The two began dating in 2004, and four years later, in a private ceremony at

their home, they married. Despite the passage of California's Proposition 8 (which made

same-sex marriage illegal in the state), the couple's union is still valid because it occurred

before the November 4, 2008, vote.

When Ellen arrived at the photo shoot for our cover , I didn't have to ask her how she was

doing: it showed on her face. She radiated the kind of peace and satisfaction that comes only

when you're living at your highest potential.

That's why, a few days after our photo session, I give Ellen a call—to talk about the balance

she's obviously achieved in her life, and to get the story behind the glimmer in her eye. —



Ellen DeGeneres [ After checking her caller ID ]: Harpo Inc.

Oprah: [ Laughs ] I love it. Are you awake?

Ellen: I am. I just woke up. I had a horrible night. The weirdest thing happened. We had

some huge pop in the wall at 2:30 in the morning, and then it sounded like our whole house

was going to explode. I don't know if a speaker blew or what—it was just this crazy loud

vibration that went on forever, and I lay in bed thinking that the house was going to catch fire

because there'd been an electrical short. So I went down to the basement—I haven't been

down to the basement since we moved in two years ago—and lying next to all the audiovisual

equipment is an audiobook called Being in Balance.

Oprah: Oh my goodness. Isn't that just how the world works?

Ellen: There's always a reason things happen.

Oprah: You're exactly like I am. I know that everything happens for a reason, so I look at

everything like, "Okay, what does that mean, and "What am I supposed to be getting

from that ?"

Ellen: Right.

Oprah: You know, you can make yourself nuts doing that, though. But it's also the way to

live, I think. How long have you been living this way?

Ellen: Well, I think I've always been a searcher. But right before I decided to come out, I

went on a spiritual retreat called "Changing the Inner Dialogue of Your Subconscious Mind."

I'd never been to anything like it before, and all my friends were taking bets on how long I'd

last with no TV, no radio, no phone. But for me that was the beginning of paying attention to

all the little things.

Oprah: Would you say that coming out was the seminal moment in your life?

Ellen: Oh yeah, because it stripped everything away. The whole world was talking about me.

You know, if you're going to be honest with yourself, you have to admit that you go into

show business wanting people to talk about you and wanting everyone to know who you are.

But that also means there are going to be a whole bunch of people who don't like you. No

matter who you are. I'm sure there's somebody out there who doesn't like Betty White

because she's short and has white hair.

Oprah: Refresh my memory: At what point did you make the decision to come out? You

were three years into your sitcom?

Ellen: I was four years in, because the fifth year is when they canceled me. I think I've told

you about a dream I had. I was struggling with the idea of coming out—what it would do to

my career and to me—and in this dream, I was holding a tiny finch in the palm of my hand. I

could feel how much I loved this bird and that it was safe in my hand, and I was reaching in

to put it back in its cage—one of these thin, bamboo, beautiful, multitiered cages—and as I

was putting the bird back in, I realized that the cage was against a window and the bird could

fly out. The bird realized it at the same time I did, and I became the bird. And the bird looked

at me and wanted to fly out, but I looked at the bird and said, "But you're safe in here in a

beautiful cage. Don't leave." And the bird just looked at me and flew out the window.

Oprah: Wow.

Ellen: So I was like, "Okay, I know what that means." Until then I'd had no idea I was in a

cage. I was in this beautiful setting, and I was making money and had everyone taking care of


Oprah: So once that veil lifted, did everything change?

Ellen: Well, there were lots of different veils and lots of different layers—but just to say the

words was so huge for me. You know, people say, "Why do you have to tell everybody, who

cares, and why do you have to announce it?" It's because it's your truth and the truth shall set

you free.

Oprah: To be able to say it out loud to the world.

Ellen: But then it turned into everybody telling me to shut up. I was on your show and I was

on the cover of Time, and there was article after article, and then articles reporting on articles,

and it became this storm. I was getting attacked for talking about it so much, and I was like,

" I am not talking about it, you are." And then everybody was hating me and "Oh, shut up

already," and that's when the show went down in flames. I actually think the show got better

after I came out. The season that no one watched—

Oprah: …turned out to be the best season. I remember. But it's so important to say that out

loud so people can also see for themselves how the things that broke you open actually

allowed you to be set free.

Ellen: I think Diane Sawyer told me she read something that said the cracks in your heart let

the sun shine through. I just thought that was beautiful. And it's all part of balance. I'm a

comedian, and I definitely see the humor in a lot of things. I am also sad a lot. I cry often and

easily. I think you're supposed to feel all kinds of things. You're supposed to laugh, you're

supposed to cry, you're not supposed to shove your feelings under the rug. I was raised in an

atmosphere of "everything's fine." But as I got older, I was like, "Well no, everything's not

fine. There is stuff that's sad." I am a really sensitive person. I think I am too sensitive

sometimes, especially in this business.

Oprah: But you do laugh more than you cry, don't you?

Ellen: Oh, sure. I'm not like a depressed person. But I am saddened by how people treat one

another and how we are so shut off from one another and how we judge one another, when

the truth is, we are all one connected thing. We are all from the same exact molecules.

Oprah: Is that why you became vegan?

Ellen: I became vegan because I saw footage of what really goes on in the slaughterhouses

and on the dairy farms. As Linda McCartney used to say, if they had glass walls, no one

would eat meat. And let me tell you, I loved eating meat. I loved lamb, I loved chicken, I

loved my cheeseburgers.…

Oprah: Did you notice a difference when you became vegan?

Ellen: Well I felt better about myself, and I felt healthier living in a cruelty-free way. I

haven't been sick since, I am not as tired, and I've lost weight. And I am lucky: I have a chef,

so it's easy for me. For a lot of people, it's harder.

Oprah: Trying to do it so you stay balanced—back to that word, balance —is work. You've

got to know what you're doing to get all your nutrition.

Ellen: Right.

Oprah: Okay. So, when I saw you at the photo shoot for the cover, what I was most struck

by was the light in your eyes.

Ellen: Well, of course there was a light—I was with you!

Oprah: [ Laughs ] No, there really was a twinkle in your eye that comes only from a sense of

well-being. I'm telling you, I recognize it when I see it. What's that all about for you?

Ellen: You told me you wanted to talk about this, so I was thinking about it. And I asked my

massage person: What is it about me that you think is balanced?

Oprah: [ Laughs ] That's like when Gayle was invited to speak about self-esteem and she

calls me and says, "How do I feel about self-esteem?" So your massage person said…

Ellen: She said I constantly challenge myself. She has known me for 11 years, and she said

when something goes wrong, instead of running away from it, I look at it and go, "What's my

part in it, what's my responsibility?"

Oprah: And are you able to challenge other people to accept their responsibility?

Ellen: Oh yeah, and that was such a huge thing for me, because I was raised to be quiet about

things like that—you know, just keep your mouth closed. Not in a strict way—my parents

were very passive. My father would never confront anybody about anything and is just kind

and gentle. And my mother is really funny and sarcastic. But in my family, nothing was ever

confronted. Yet now it's easy for me to tell other people what they're doing and how it makes

me feel.

Oprah: You don't have the need to please.

Ellen: Well, sure, I want people to like me—but not at my expense. I just learned that there

are too many people who are going to have an opinion about me whether I am kind to them

or not. I can't control what they're feeling. I am not a yeller and I don't have a temper, but I do

want people to do their best. And if someone is a friend and I see that they're doing stuff that

is not helping them grow, I will make it a point to talk to them about it.

Oprah: Nongrowth seems to be a real deal breaker for you.

Ellen: I think you need to be around people who stimulate you.

Oprah: What was really delightful and heartwarming was to see you in the presence of

Portia and vice versa. When she first walked into the shoot, your face lit up. Tell me about

this relationship and how it has enlightened your life.

Ellen: Well, we're perfect for each other. She is so beautiful and so smart and so funny, and

with her, I have that sense of "I'm done now." I'm settled. I know that part of my life is taken

care of. I've got love. I've got someone who will be with me till the day I die.

Oprah: Is that why you wanted to be married?

Ellen: Getting married was more important to her, really. She says all the time how lucky we

are that we had each other in that short window of time when it was legal to marry, because a

lot of people hadn't found their person, and then suddenly that right was taken away. I'm

tearing up thinking about it—we got to getmarried, and have a wedding. I grew up thinking

I'd never get to do that.

Oprah: What do you refer to each other as—"my partner"?

Ellen: No, it's "my wife." She says "my wife" and I say "my wife."

Oprah: So there you are on your farm with your wife and your horses and your dogs. So

balanced. But are you going to be able to maintain this balance, this time for yourself, with

the American Idol schedule?

Ellen: Well, look at you! I don't have a radio show or a magazine. For a couple of months, I'll

just fly out and do those audition things.

Oprah: That's what I can't wait to see—you, on the road for those auditions.

Ellen: I'll start live on the air in February. But I'm going to look at the tapes to see if they

missed people who I would have put through.

Oprah: Fantastic. You're not afraid of confronting!

Ellen: That's right. And I'll be careful about hurting people's feelings. I know what it's like to

stand up there and perform.

Oprah: Did the Idol people come to you, or did you approach them?

Ellen: They came to me, and it was a total surprise. I like to try new things because I get

bored so easily. And I like the show, so I thought it was a great idea.

Oprah: Okay. So when you're at home, you're not dancing, are you?

Ellen: I'll dance if there's music on. I like dancing.

Oprah: I should have said, when you're home and not shooting covers with me. Speaking of

which, how did you come up with this whole get-on-the-cover-of- O idea, anyway?

Ellen: It got started because I was in a CoverGirl ad that was on the inside cover of your

magazine. I held it up on my show and said, "I'm on the cover of O ! I'm on the inside cover,

but I'm on the cover!" And that rolled into, "Well, if I'm that close, I might as well be on

the cover cover!" and I started the campaign. And I guess you felt so guilty about putting

Michelle Obama on the cover that you decided you had to put me on the cover, too.

Oprah: No, this is what happened. We had already planned the cover with Michelle. And

then you started your campaign, and I was like, "Well, is she really serious?" So we waited a

couple of weeks, and I decided you were.

Ellen: I was not serious, though, because I didn't think it was going to happen! No one had

ever been on the cover with you, so I really thought it was just a joke. But then once the

Michelle Obama cover came along, that's when I really started going after it. And I was

shocked and thrilled when you actually went for it.

Oprah: It was fun. Tell me, are you having as much fun as you appear to be having?

Ellen: It's a lot of work to put a brand-new monologue and a brand-new show on the air and

find comedy every single day. It's challenging and it's the hardest thing I have ever done, but

it's the best-suited thing for me. The more relaxed I get and the more confident I feel, the

more I get to play and be myself and say whatever I feel like saying and not worry about

whether I'm being a good interviewer. Although sometimes, I admit, you're talking to people

and you're like, "Oh please, have something to say!" But in general I'm just more and more

confident that if I'm myself, people are going to enjoy it more.

Oprah: You get paid for being yourself.

Ellen: It's amazing. It's crazy.

Oprah: That's what happens when you tell the truth. You open that door for that bird to fly


Ellen: It's so weird because I love you so much, and to come to this place and do a photo

shoot with you—I'm not surprised I had a brightness in my eyes.

Oprah: Well, I'm happy to be able to call you my friend. But I know you have to get back to

work, so either I'm going to have you up to my house for dinner, or you guys are going to

have me down to yours.

Ellen: You have an open invitation.

Oprah: Thanks!


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