Social Media Creative Briefe PDF

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Social Media

Creative Brief
Levand | August 2020

Levand is a small dealership for cosmetic and selfcare products by different brands mostly
from eropean countries such as Italy, Germany, UK and Korea.
They started recently and their name and logo designed by gladsheim so they trusts us
fully and we had a good experience of working with them.
Main poins that the business stands for is Beauty and Natural.
Social Media Creative Brief

Their main value is to try to benefit all people with their products in a way.
They want to have something for everyone (price wise, quality wise, application wise)
Client belives social media is their only way to sell and growth but they have a barrier in
this way that is not very ideal sponsoring budget.


Main Objective of this project is to increase sales by 40-50%.

The other one is to increase followers by 10000.


We have a long term plan to work with client upto 1 year.

At first step we have only a 3 months contract to reach these targets.
(started on august 22nd - will ended by November 30)
We will make 2 weeks calendar in 6 days:
Ideation and planning: 1 day
Content curation: 1 day
Design: 3 days
Approval and changes: 1 day


Our main target is to reach mass market.

It means we are doing business to customer direct communication.
Gender: Female
Income: Average
Age: 20-35
Lifestyle: Normal and casual
Location: Sulemani, Hewler
These kind of poeple are very open to get information and tips.
They like videos and some subjects like telling them how to distinct between fake and
original products.

Client has Instagram and facebook page that we will work on them.
Our main focus is on instagram.
We will do 14 posts a month that 5 of them must be motion / video.
The best times of posting is weekends and 10pm - 2am.


Our main focus will be on promoting and selling products.

Client wants us to tell people that their prices are lower than other ones and they sell
products as retail and wholesale.
Client have the experience to get more engagement rate by posting informative posts.
We must not talk about prices in any way.
Client want to collaborate in making informative posts.


They have tons of competitors but most of them are not very good in competition.
Client belives they are different from others by three factors: Natural prducts, Exclusive
products, Original products.
All competitors are same.
Two pages that they like their style aof activities in instagram are: Leboristica, Huda Beauty
Clients wants us try to be different from others as much as possible.


Our all actions must result in direct messages, calls and finally sells.
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These are the main indicators of our success in this project in client’s view.
Client asked for monthly reach and follower reports.
At the end we will provide client with three month full report.

Tone of Voice

Female, Professional, Rational, Fun, Sport, Mediochre

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